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临山地区总体城市设计管控方法实践探索——以广州市花都区总体城市设计为例 被引量:1
作者 郭盛裕 《城市住宅》 2019年第6期39-42,共4页
新一轮总体城市设计管控方法研究已开始,管控要素从中心城区扩展到整体区域,临山、临水等生态敏感区的管控方法成为研究重点。以广州市花都区总体城市设计为研究对象,从全域景观视角对风貌分区划定、管控要素体系建立、山体和山前地区... 新一轮总体城市设计管控方法研究已开始,管控要素从中心城区扩展到整体区域,临山、临水等生态敏感区的管控方法成为研究重点。以广州市花都区总体城市设计为研究对象,从全域景观视角对风貌分区划定、管控要素体系建立、山体和山前地区管控方法3方面进行技术方法探索研究。 展开更多
关键词 总体城市设计 城市设计管控 全域景观 临山地区
作者 苏依 王明惠 《城市建筑》 2023年第20期90-94,共5页
在国土空间规划逐渐步入正轨,城市更新上升为国家战略的背景下,存量土地的改造再开发往往面临经济性和合理性的矛盾,因此通过技术手段完善地块的开发强度管控,是当前控制性详细规划的核心内容。针对临山地区山体显现的要求,研究总结了... 在国土空间规划逐渐步入正轨,城市更新上升为国家战略的背景下,存量土地的改造再开发往往面临经济性和合理性的矛盾,因此通过技术手段完善地块的开发强度管控,是当前控制性详细规划的核心内容。针对临山地区山体显现的要求,研究总结了当前常用的三种高度形态控制方法,指出了单一方法的局限性。文章基于眺望原理,以山体可视为原则,结合GIS多视点叠加分析和多维度人视模拟修正,形成了一套基于人视角天际线控制的分析方法,为控规的指标确定提供了合理的依据。最后,文章以连云港市墟沟站片区为例进行实证研究,为其他同类型规划编制提供了一定的参考和思路。 展开更多
关键词 城市更新 临山地区 建筑高度 开发强度
东莞市临山地区地块包装规划初探 以樟木头镇西南片区控规D01-04-a地块为例
作者 张久芳 《中国建筑金属结构》 2022年第12期16-18,共3页
环山抱水是东莞市东南临深片区城镇格局的基调,城市建设开发出现分散式挖占山体的无序现象,本文从地块包装规划的层面探索地块在出让前的规划设计条件,通过提炼临山地区城市设计重点研究要素,应用ArcGIS空间分析模块、SketchUp等软件进... 环山抱水是东莞市东南临深片区城镇格局的基调,城市建设开发出现分散式挖占山体的无序现象,本文从地块包装规划的层面探索地块在出让前的规划设计条件,通过提炼临山地区城市设计重点研究要素,应用ArcGIS空间分析模块、SketchUp等软件进行多方案模拟分析,形成地块开发建设的底线控制图则,完善规划审批抓手。 展开更多
关键词 临山地区 地块包装规划 ARCGIS 地块开发控制图则
Landslide and Basin Self-organized Criticality in the Lushan Hot Spring Area
作者 Chien-Yuan CHEN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期463-471,共9页
Defining a basin under a critical state (or a self-organized criticality) that has the potential to initiate landslides, debris flows, and subsequent sediment disasters, is a key issue for disaster prevention. The L... Defining a basin under a critical state (or a self-organized criticality) that has the potential to initiate landslides, debris flows, and subsequent sediment disasters, is a key issue for disaster prevention. The Lushan Hot Spring area in Nantou County, Taiwan, suffered serious sediment disasters after typhoons Sinlaku and Jangmi in aoo8, and following Typhoon Morakot in 2009. The basin's internal slope instability after the typhoons brought rain was examined using the landslide frequency-area distribution. The critical state indices attributed to landslide frequency-area distribution are discussed and the marginally unstable characteristics of the study area indicated. The landslides were interpreted from Spot 5 images before and after disastrous events. The results of the analysis show that the power-law landslide frequency-area curves in the basin for different rainfall-induced events tend to coincide with a single line. The temporal trend of the rainfall- induced landslide frequency-area distribution shows 1If noise and scale invariance. A trend exists for landslide frequency-area distribution in log-log space for larger landslides controlled by the historical maximum accumulated rainfall brought by typhoons. The unstable state of the basin, including landslides, breached dams, and debris flows, are parts of the basin's self-organizing processes. The critical state of landslide frequency-area distribution could be estimated by a critical exponent of 1.0. The distribution could be used for future estimation of the potential landslide magnitude for disaster mitigation and to identify the current state of a basin for management. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Debris flow Power law Self-organized criticality
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