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作者 任立婧 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2022年第11期290-293,共4页
分析在临床体格检查教改中开展"三维一体"结构化方案的实施价值。方法:以2021.1.1-2022.6.30期间实习生(下文简称“学生”)90名为例,将其在随机数表下1/1划分到2组,A组采取传统教学查体,B组采取"三维一体"结构化方... 分析在临床体格检查教改中开展"三维一体"结构化方案的实施价值。方法:以2021.1.1-2022.6.30期间实习生(下文简称“学生”)90名为例,将其在随机数表下1/1划分到2组,A组采取传统教学查体,B组采取"三维一体"结构化方案教学查体;比较两组成绩、教学效果、教学评价、学生满意度。结果:教学成绩(查体基础要求、查体时间要求、体格检查、生命体征及一般检查)比较,B组>A组,差异显著(P<0.05)。教学效果(学习兴趣、病例信息了解度、发现问题能力、查体效度与新颖性、临床思维、宣教指导、医患沟通、人文关怀、自我评价)比较,B组>A组,差异显著(P<0.05)。教学评价(喜欢这种教学形式、自学能力得到培养与提升、学习兴趣得到激发、操作能力得到提升、操作技能更易掌握、诊断思维得到锻炼、沟通能力得到提升、实训任务有所增加)比较,B组>A组,差异显著(P<0.05)。学生满意度(对教学方法的认可度、课堂参与度、学习积极性、专业知识理解程度、知识记忆牢固度、团队意识、整体满意度)比较,B组>A组,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:在临床体格检查教改中开展"三维一体"结构化方案可有效将学校教学延伸到临床,充分融合学校教学的基础性与临床教学的实践性,切实提升学生查体能力,缩短查体时间,使查体过程更流畅,为临床查体工作的开展奠定敦实基础。 展开更多
关键词 "三维一体"结构化方案 临床体格检查 教学查体 教改 实施效果 满意度
作者 Karlbom U. Graf W. +2 位作者 Nilsson S. Phlman L. 赵天智 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册)》 2005年第2期19-20,共2页
PURPOSE: This study was designed to compare routine clinical examination and d efecography in the diagnosis of rectal intussusception in constipated patients a nd study relationships between rectal intussusception and... PURPOSE: This study was designed to compare routine clinical examination and d efecography in the diagnosis of rectal intussusception in constipated patients a nd study relationships between rectal intussusception and symptoms. METHODS: A t otal of 127 consecutive patients with functional constipation were examined in t he left-lateral position with rectal palpation and rectoscopy according to a pr otocol. An overall clinical judgment was made if the patient had intussusception , unclear finding, or no intussusception. Defecography was performed without kno wledge of the results of the clinical evaluation. Symptomduration varied between 0.5 to 60 (median, 10) years. All patients fulfilled a bowel questionnaire and all had a full physiologic workup. RESULTS: A diagnosis by digital examination ( P = 0.002) and by rectoscopy (P = 0.002) as well as the overall judgment (P = 0. 0002) was clearly related to a longer intussusception as measured by defecograph y. Five of six intraanal intussusceptions were correctly assessed by clinical examinat ion,whereas the correlation to defecographywas poor in the group with short intu ssusceptions. Neither clinical nor defecographic diagnosis of rectal intussuscep tion were related to the main symptoms of constipation but both were associated with a tendency toward lower anal resting pressures (P = 0.04 and P = 0.06) and an obtuse anorectal angle (during evacuation, P = 0.01 and P = 0.01). CONCLUSION S: There is no clear relationship between rectal intussusception and constipatio n. However, intussusception is related to sphincter function and may be of clini cal relevance. A normal clinical examination will exclude most long intussuscept ions, whereas a positive finding needs further evaluation with defecography. 展开更多
关键词 直肠套叠 临床体格检查 排便造影 功能性便秘 便秘患者 肛门直肠 直肠镜检查 症状持续时间 临床判断 临床相关性
乳腺癌肿物大小的相关检查及早期乳腺癌的诊治 被引量:4
作者 史晓燕 王伏生 +1 位作者 侯志超 姜鸿南 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2016年第10期1446-1450,共5页
目前,随着乳腺癌诊治各方面的不断发展,在术前对乳腺癌病期进行准确而合理的评估,显得越发重要;准确评估原发肿物大小是乳腺癌诊治的基本要素之一[1,2]。肿物大小应用于乳腺癌的肿瘤区域淋巴结远处转移(TNM)分期,也是判定其预后及制... 目前,随着乳腺癌诊治各方面的不断发展,在术前对乳腺癌病期进行准确而合理的评估,显得越发重要;准确评估原发肿物大小是乳腺癌诊治的基本要素之一[1,2]。肿物大小应用于乳腺癌的肿瘤区域淋巴结远处转移(TNM)分期,也是判定其预后及制定治疗方案的主要指标之一。伴随着乳腺癌术前新辅助化疗的广泛开展,术后可能无法得到准确的病理分期,而主要参考临床TNM分期来制定治疗方案, 展开更多
关键词 乳腺癌肿瘤 临床体格检查 术前新辅助 发肿 淋巴结远处转移 钼靶摄片 保乳手术 超声弹性成像 乳腺自查 乳腺钼靶
作者 Giehl K.A. Ferguson D.J.P. +1 位作者 Dawber R.P.R. 马慧群 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第3期27-28,共2页
Background. Pili annulati is an inherited hair shaft abnormality with a wide range of clinical expression. Objective. We have examined closely three kindreds to reveal levels and character of expression of the phenoty... Background. Pili annulati is an inherited hair shaft abnormality with a wide range of clinical expression. Objective. We have examined closely three kindreds to reveal levels and character of expression of the phenotype and supplement cu rrent literature on the threshold for detection and aspects of hair shaft fragil ity. Patients and methods. Eleven cases of pili annulati from three families wer e included in a clinical and morphological study. All cases were assessed clinic ally and by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of hair shafts. In addi tion, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (four patients) and amino acid anal ysis (three patients) were undertaken on clinically overt cases. Results. Examination by light microscopy with a fluid mountant w as more sensitive than clinical examination, increasing the detection rate by 12 0% . Microscopic examination revealed that the characteristic periodic bands be come less frequent distally in the hair shaft. Microscopic features of weatherin g were found in two cases, adding pili annulati to the list of structural hair s haft dystrophies that may weaken hair and dispose to weathering. Amino acid anal ysis of the hair of three patients with pili annulati showed elevated lysine and decreased cystine content compared to 12 normal controls, consistent with the r educed threshold for weathering. Conclusion. Careful light microscopy with fluid -mounted hair is needed to detect subjects mildly affected by pili annulati. E xpression of the phenotype varieswidely between individuals, between hairs andwi thin hairs of the same individual,where ageing of the hair diminishes detectable features. 展开更多
关键词 环纹发 毛干 光学显微镜检查 临床体格检查 封固 电镜扫描 营养不良性 发现率 显性表达 透射电镜检查
作者 王懋莉 《祝你幸福》 2017年第12期64-64,共1页
作为女性,乳腺的健康不容忽视,定期的乳腺体检及诊断治疗可大大降低乳腺肿瘤的发生率。除临床体格检查外,多样化的现代影像学检查手段,如超声、乳腺钼靶、红外线、MRI、PET/CT等一些用于乳腺疾病的辅助检查更像是医生的左膀右臂,让医生... 作为女性,乳腺的健康不容忽视,定期的乳腺体检及诊断治疗可大大降低乳腺肿瘤的发生率。除临床体格检查外,多样化的现代影像学检查手段,如超声、乳腺钼靶、红外线、MRI、PET/CT等一些用于乳腺疾病的辅助检查更像是医生的左膀右臂,让医生可以做出更准确快速的诊断。但是这些检查手段在乳腺疾病诊断中各自有优势和局限,往往让女性朋友非常困惑。这些检查手段到底有什么不同呢? 展开更多
关键词 乳腺疾病 临床体格检查 乳腺检查 乳腺肿瘤 女性朋友 乳腺钼靶 乳腺导管原位癌 超声 红外线 现代影像学
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