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临床酶学参考系统研究进展 被引量:9
作者 郑松柏 庄俊华 张秀明 《临床检验杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期309-311,共3页
关键词 临床酶学 参考系统
临床酶学测定标准化 被引量:4
作者 赵昕 郭健 《中国实验诊断学》 2007年第6期846-850,共5页
关键词 临床酶学 测定标准化 催化反应 检测结果 催化活性 活性浓度 反应条件 反应体系
作者 李文杰 《中国生化药物杂志》 CAS 1983年第1期61-70,共10页
近二十年来,酶与临床医学的关系愈来愈密切,这不仅是因为许多疾病可以利用酶作为工具来诊断,而且还因为不少酶类本身就可以作为一种药物来治疗疾病,这些酶称为治疗酶。有些治疗酶对某种疾病常有特效,的确是今后药物发展的一个方向。酶... 近二十年来,酶与临床医学的关系愈来愈密切,这不仅是因为许多疾病可以利用酶作为工具来诊断,而且还因为不少酶类本身就可以作为一种药物来治疗疾病,这些酶称为治疗酶。有些治疗酶对某种疾病常有特效,的确是今后药物发展的一个方向。酶在医学上的这两种应用近年来发展成为一门独立的学科——临床酶学。本文打算根据酶的分子生物物理学原理从几个方面来探讨酶与医学的关系。本文系作者在1982年11月1日至4日于南京召开的全国医学生物物理学术会议上所作综述报告的基础上加以修改补充而成。 展开更多
关键词 超氧化物歧化 分子生物物理 临床酶学 细胞色素 线粒体 粒线体 超氧离子 治疗 SOD
近5年临床酶学诊断方面的研究进展 被引量:2
作者 陈萍 丁智慧 《数理医药学杂志》 2011年第3期331-334,共4页
血清酶学在临床疾病诊断上有重要意义,尤其在肝脏疾病、急性胰腺炎、急性中毒、感染等疾病具有重要价值。与肝脏疾病诊断和治疗密切相关的酶学指标有:N-乙酰--βD氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)、α-岩藻糖苷酶(AFU)、亮氨酸氨基肽酶(LAP)、天门... 血清酶学在临床疾病诊断上有重要意义,尤其在肝脏疾病、急性胰腺炎、急性中毒、感染等疾病具有重要价值。与肝脏疾病诊断和治疗密切相关的酶学指标有:N-乙酰--βD氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)、α-岩藻糖苷酶(AFU)、亮氨酸氨基肽酶(LAP)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移同工酶(ASTm)、谷氨酸脱氢酶(GLDH)、腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)、血清天门冬氨酸转氨基酶(AST)、丙氨酸转氨基酶(ALT)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(GGT)、5′-核苷酸酶(5-′NT)及血清胆碱酯酶(CHE)等;与急性胰腺炎诊断和治疗密切相关的酶学指标有:脂肪酶(LPS)、淀粉酶(AMY)、尿淀粉酶(U-AMY)等;与中毒诊断和治疗密切相关主要为心肌酶;与儿童常见感染性疾病密切相关的酶学指标有:AST、CK、CK-MB、LDH、-αHBDH等。各种酶对每种疾病的敏感性和特异性均不相同,研究疾病时血清酶学变化对疾病的诊断和治疗具有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 临床酶学 诊断
作者 刘泽军 《中国检验医学与临床》 2000年第2期95-96,共2页
关键词 遗传性变异 非遗传性变异 临床酶学 分析方法 实验室检查
《健康和疾病中的酶(Enzymes in Health and Disease)》——第一届国际临床酶学会科学会议论文集简介
作者 沈士弼 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 1980年第1期65-65,共1页
1976年4月第七届国际临床酶学专题讨论会在威尼斯召开,会议决定成立国际临床酶学会。第一届国际临床酶学会科学会议于1977年9月19日至21日在伦敦举行,来自20多个国家的与会者约200人,讨论了有关酶的病理生理学、方法学及其标准化、细胞... 1976年4月第七届国际临床酶学专题讨论会在威尼斯召开,会议决定成立国际临床酶学会。第一届国际临床酶学会科学会议于1977年9月19日至21日在伦敦举行,来自20多个国家的与会者约200人,讨论了有关酶的病理生理学、方法学及其标准化、细胞酶类、临床解释以及酶的治疗学的新方向等问题。《健康和疾病中的酶》一书,就是这次会议的论文集,它由Goldberg与Wikinson主编,于1978年出版。全书共237页,分九个专题,共有42篇论文,内容比较丰富。 展开更多
关键词 临床酶学 Enzymes in Health and Disease 硷性磷酸 疾病 会议
临床酶学标准化的新途径 被引量:72
作者 张克坚 杨振华 《中华医学检验杂志》 CSCD 1999年第1期54-56,共3页
在临床上,测定血清或其他组织中一些酶的水平对很多疾病的诊断、预防及判定病情进展具有重要意义。酶的测定可利用生化学的方法测定酶的催化活性和将酶作为蛋白用免疫方法测定酶的质量。测定酶的催化活性是最为常用方法,它具有迅速、... 在临床上,测定血清或其他组织中一些酶的水平对很多疾病的诊断、预防及判定病情进展具有重要意义。酶的测定可利用生化学的方法测定酶的催化活性和将酶作为蛋白用免疫方法测定酶的质量。测定酶的催化活性是最为常用方法,它具有迅速、灵敏、成本低等特点,是目前临床上测... 展开更多
关键词 生物化检验 临床酶学 标准化
作者 朱倩华 胡桂云 吴英芙 《牡丹江医学院学报》 1993年第S1期69-70,共2页
尿激酶作用于血栓表面而且它对血栓内部的纤维蛋白有很强的亲和力,能迅速地渗入到血栓内部,促使纤维蛋白(原)水解,从而进一步加速血栓的溶解。在血栓发生短期内,其中含有丰富的水份,酶的活力强,易溶解,起到溶栓作用。试用短期大剂量静... 尿激酶作用于血栓表面而且它对血栓内部的纤维蛋白有很强的亲和力,能迅速地渗入到血栓内部,促使纤维蛋白(原)水解,从而进一步加速血栓的溶解。在血栓发生短期内,其中含有丰富的水份,酶的活力强,易溶解,起到溶栓作用。试用短期大剂量静脉输注尿激酶治疗急性心肌梗塞,抢救指症要求急性穿壁性心肌梗塞,(心电图及临床酶学证实)发病在6小时以内者。 展开更多
关键词 急性心肌梗塞 尿激 静脉输注 临床护理 血栓发生 溶栓作用 临床酶学 抢救效果 易溶 内者
丙氨酸转氨酶参考品的研制 被引量:2
作者 孟泽 史利宁 +1 位作者 李勇 黄宇峰 《中国生化药物杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第5期223-225,共3页
目的研制用于丙氨酸转氨酶 (ALT)测定的参考品。方法猪心作原料 ,经硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE SephadexA 5 0、CM SephadexC 5 0、SephadexG 15 0及抗天冬氨酸转氨酶 (AST)免疫亲和色谱提纯 ,用一定的基础液稀释后分装冻干。结果提纯品ALT比活为... 目的研制用于丙氨酸转氨酶 (ALT)测定的参考品。方法猪心作原料 ,经硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE SephadexA 5 0、CM SephadexC 5 0、SephadexG 15 0及抗天冬氨酸转氨酶 (AST)免疫亲和色谱提纯 ,用一定的基础液稀释后分装冻干。结果提纯品ALT比活为 173U/mg蛋白 ,得率 2 2 .8% ,温度加速变性试验测得预期年失活率 ,在 - 2 0℃、4℃分别为 0 .0 5 %、0 .12 %。结论此法提纯ALT得率高 ,仅含少量AST ,冻干品稳定 ,在不同方法间与人血清有互换性 。 展开更多
关键词 丙氨酸转氨 参考品 临床酶学
近交系小鼠和中国小型猪血清和组织乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的电泳分析比较 被引量:1
作者 程玉新 刘玲玲 郭玉兰 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 1990年第3期161-164,共4页
乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的测定,已广泛应用于心脏疾病、肝脏损伤及恶性肿瘤的诊断和发病机理的研究,成为经常测定的临床酶学指标。近年来,国内外许多学者对高等动物的LDH同工酶进行丁各种电泳方法分析和研究,取得了不少进展。为了探讨近... 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的测定,已广泛应用于心脏疾病、肝脏损伤及恶性肿瘤的诊断和发病机理的研究,成为经常测定的临床酶学指标。近年来,国内外许多学者对高等动物的LDH同工酶进行丁各种电泳方法分析和研究,取得了不少进展。为了探讨近交系小鼠的酶学指标。 展开更多
关键词 同工 近交系小鼠 电泳分析 猪血清 电泳方法 组织特异性 指标 乳酸脱氢 临床酶学 肝脏损伤
临床实验室的量值溯源和测量不确定度估计 被引量:7
作者 汪子伟 《现代实用医学》 2009年第8期797-798,共2页
2005年2月27日至3月3日,卫生部标委会临床榆验标准委员会在北京举行了全国酶学参考系统研讨会。国际酶学参考实验事主任Ceriotti系统地介绍了临床酶学参考系统的理论和实践及国际酶学参考实验室网络系统的运行情况。与会人员对参考系... 2005年2月27日至3月3日,卫生部标委会临床榆验标准委员会在北京举行了全国酶学参考系统研讨会。国际酶学参考实验事主任Ceriotti系统地介绍了临床酶学参考系统的理论和实践及国际酶学参考实验室网络系统的运行情况。与会人员对参考系统的理论基础及ISO的各项文件如ISO18153、ISO17511等有了比较清晰的认识,特别是在医院检验科和公司如何建立酶学参考实验室有了具休形象的了解,为在我国近期内建立国家级酶学参考实验室网络奠定了初步的基础。 展开更多
关键词 临床实验室 测量不确定度 量值溯源 临床酶学 参考系统 医院检验科 实验室网络 网络系统
作者 姬秀红 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2012年第11X期58-60,共3页
基础科学飞速发展,如分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学、遗传学、酶学、核医学、电子学及计算机科学等,不断向着临床医学交叉和渗透。病毒学进展让我们更清晰认识到病毒特点、病毒感染机体的过程、感染机理、感染引发结果及预后情况;... 基础科学飞速发展,如分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学、遗传学、酶学、核医学、电子学及计算机科学等,不断向着临床医学交叉和渗透。病毒学进展让我们更清晰认识到病毒特点、病毒感染机体的过程、感染机理、感染引发结果及预后情况;临床酶学从体内酶的组织器官分布、血清酶来源、血清酶谱病理变化机制入手,按类别、功能或针对病变器官的酶活性进行检查,反映组织、器官的病理变化。 展开更多
关键词 病毒感染 心肌 组织器官 临床酶学 病理变化 血清 分子生物 细胞生物
碱性磷酸酶同工酶研究的新进展 被引量:1
作者 吕吉宁 李立群 《国外医学(临床生物化学与检验学分册)》 1991年第4期160-162,155,共3页
碱性磷酸酶(E.C.是Suzuki等人于1907年首先发现的。1930年多伦多大学的Kay 首次检测了肝和骨组织疾病病人血清中的碱性磷酸酶(AP)。揭开了临床酶学的新领域。在此后的六十年中,AP 始终是临床酶学和分子生物学领域的重要研究对... 碱性磷酸酶(E.C.是Suzuki等人于1907年首先发现的。1930年多伦多大学的Kay 首次检测了肝和骨组织疾病病人血清中的碱性磷酸酶(AP)。揭开了临床酶学的新领域。在此后的六十年中,AP 始终是临床酶学和分子生物学领域的重要研究对象。到1960年人们已搞清AP 不是一个单一的酶,而是由许多同工酶构成的大家族。目前,人们根据其生物学性质的不同将AP分为:组织非特异性AP(TUAP),肠AP(IAP),精原细胞AP(GCAP),和胎盘AP(PLAP)四种类型。近几年AP 展开更多
关键词 碱性磷酸 同功 临床酶学
Relationship between matrix metalloproteinase-2 mRNA expression and clinicopathological and urokinase-type plasminogen activator system parameters and prognosis in human gastric cancer 被引量:12
作者 FengJi Yue-LiangChen En-YunJin Wei-LinWang Zi-LiYang You-MingLi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第21期3222-3226,共5页
AIM: To investigate the relationship between matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) mRNA expression and clinicopathologic and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) system parameter and prognosis in human gastric canc... AIM: To investigate the relationship between matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) mRNA expression and clinicopathologic and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) system parameter and prognosis in human gastric cancer. METHODS: Expression of MMP-2 mRNA, uPA, and uPA-R mRNA in tumor tissues and ≥5 cm adjacent normal tissues from 67 cases of gastric cancer was studied using RT-PCR and Northern blot respectively.Survival analyses were done using the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: The expression rates of MMP-2 mRNA,uPA and uPA-R mRNA in tumor tissues (31%,41%,and 51%, respectively) were significantly higher than those in ≥5 cm adjacent tissues (19%, 11%, and 9%; X2=4.59,43.58, and 53.24 respectively, P<0.05,0.0001,and 0.0001, respectively). Expression of MMP-2 mRNA was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis (metastasis: 61.9%, no metastasis: 39.1%, X2= 7.61, P<0.05),Lauren's classification of diffuse/mixed types:54.2%,intestinal type: 26.3%,X2 = 4.25, P<0.05, expression of uPA and uPA-R mRNA (uPA+: 55.1%, uPA-: 22.2% and uPA-R+: 54.9%, uPA-R-: 18.8%, X2=5.72 and 6.40 respectively, P<0.05).Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of MMP-2 mRNA expression did not show significant difference in all 67 cases, but revealed an association of the expression of MMP-2 mRNA, uPA, and uPA-R mRNA with worse prognosis (P= 0.0083, 0.0160, and 0.0094, respectively). CONCLUSION: MMP-2 may play an important role in the development of invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Matrix metalloproteinase-2 Urokinase-type plasminogen activator
Evaluation of serum catnepsin B and D in relation to diniGopatnological staging of colorectal cancer 被引量:7
作者 Elzbieta Skrzydlewska Mariola Sulkowska +2 位作者 Andrzej Wincewicz Mariusz Koda Stanislaw Sulkowski 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第27期4225-4229,共5页
AIM: Proteolytic degradation of the extracellular matrix facilitates cancer invasion and promotes metastasis. The study aims at evaluation of preoperative and postoperative serum cathepsins B and D levels in correlati... AIM: Proteolytic degradation of the extracellular matrix facilitates cancer invasion and promotes metastasis. The study aims at evaluation of preoperative and postoperative serum cathepsins B and D levels in correlation with selected anatomoclinical features of colorectal cancer.METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 63colorectal cancer patients before curative operation of the tumor 10 d later. Blood that was obtained from 20healthy volunteers, served as a control. The activity of cathepsin B was measured with Bz-DL-arginine-pNA as a substrate at pH 6.0, while cathepsin D activity was determined with urea-denatured hemoglobin (pH 4.0).RESULTS: The preoperative and postoperative activities of cathepsin B were significantly (P<0.00001) lower in serum of colorectal cancer patients than in control group.However, postoperative values of this protease were significantly increased in comparison with preoperative ones (P = 0.031). Activity of cathepsin D appeared to be significantly higher in colorectal cancer sera (P<0.00001)compared with controls. No statistically significant differences between preoperative and postoperative activity of cathepsin D were noted (P = 0.09). We revealed a strong linkage of cathepsins' levels with lymph node status and pT stage of colorectal cancer.CONCLUSION: Blood serum activities of cathepsin B and D depend on the time of sampling, tumor size and lymph node involvement. Significantly, increased activity of cathepsin D could indicate a malignant condition of the large intestine. In our work, the serum postoperative decrease of cathepsin B activity appears as an obvious concomitant of local lymph node metastasis-the wellknown clinicopathological feature of poor prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 Proteases Cathepsin D Cathepsin B COLORECTALCANCER
Measurement of serum paraoxonase-1 activity in the evaluation of liver function 被引量:3
作者 Jordi Camps Judit Marsillach Jorge Joven 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第16期1929-1933,共5页
Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is an esterase and lactonase synthesized by the liver and found in the circulation associated with high-density lipoproteins. The physiological function of PON1 seems to be to degrade specific oxi... Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is an esterase and lactonase synthesized by the liver and found in the circulation associated with high-density lipoproteins. The physiological function of PON1 seems to be to degrade specific oxidized cholesteryl esters and oxidized phospholipids in lipoproteins and cell membranes. PON1 is, therefore, an antioxidant enzyme. Alterations in circulating PON1 levels have been reported in a variety of diseases involving oxidative stress including chronic liver diseases. Measurement of serum PON1 activity has been proposed as a potential test for the evaluation of liver function. However, this measurement is still restricted to research and has not been extensively applied in routine clinical chemistry laboratories. The reason for this restriction is due to the problem that the substrate commonly used for PON1 measurement, paraoxon, is toxic and unstable. The recent development of new assays with non-toxic substrates makes this proposal closer to a practical development. The present editorial summarizes PON1 biochemistry and function, its involvement with chronic liver impairment, and some aspects related to the measurement of PON1 activity in circulation. 展开更多
关键词 LIPOPROTEINS Liver cirrhosis Liver function tests Oxidative stress PARAOXONASE-1
Expression of MEK1 in the colorectal cancer and its clinical implication
作者 Xue Bai Bo Yu +2 位作者 Hong Su Junfeng Du Qiang Yuan 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第3期142-145,共4页
Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between expression of MEK1 protein in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway and liver as well as lymph node metastasis in col... Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between expression of MEK1 protein in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway and liver as well as lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer patients.Methods:Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect the expression of MEK1 protein in primary cancer,normal colonic mucosa,lymph nodes and liver metastatic foci from 86 colorectal cancer patients.Life table analysis was employed to evaluate the association between MEK1 expression and patients' survival.Results:The positive rate of MEK1 expression in the primary cancer,normal colonic mucosa,metastatic lymph nodes and liver metastatic foci was 52.3%,32.6%,71.4% and 78.3%,respectively.The positive rate of MEK1 expression in the primary cancer,metastatic lymph nodes and liver metastatic foci was significantly higher than that in the normal colonic mucosa (P < 0.01).Furthermore,the positive rate of MEK1 expression in stage III and IV colorectal cancer patients was dramatically higher than that in stage I and II colorectal cancer patients (P < 0.01).The positive rate of MEK1 expression in patients with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma was significantly higher than patients with well or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (P < 0.01).The 3-year disease-free survival rate was 41.3% in MEK1 positive patients and 73.1% in MEK1 negative patients.The survival rate of MEK1 positive patients was significantly lower than that of MEK1 negative patients (P < 0.05).Conclusion:The increased expression of MEK1 was associated with lymph node metastasis and liver metastasis of colorectal cancer.Therefore,detection of MEK1 expression may have important significance in the evaluation of patients' prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 colorectal neoplasm MEK1 METASTASIS
Multiple biological functions and pharmacological effects of lycorine 被引量:14
作者 CAO ZhiFei YANG Ping ZHOU QuanSheng 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第10期1382-1391,共10页
Lycorine is the major active component from the amaryllidaceae family plant Lycoris radiate,a represent traditional Chinese medicinal herb,and is one of the typical alkaloids with pyrrolophenanthridine nucleus core.Ly... Lycorine is the major active component from the amaryllidaceae family plant Lycoris radiate,a represent traditional Chinese medicinal herb,and is one of the typical alkaloids with pyrrolophenanthridine nucleus core.Lycorine has drawn great interest in medicinal field due to its divergent chemical structures and multiple biological functions,as well as pharmacological effects on various diseases.Accumulated evidence shows that lycorine not only possesses strong pharmacological effects on many diseases,including anti-leukemia,anti-tumor,anti-angiogenesis,anti-virus,anti-bacteria,anti-inflammation,and anti-malaria,but also exerts many other biological functions,such as inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and topoisomerase,suppression of ascorbic acid biosynthesis,and control of circadian period length.Notably,lycorine exhibits its numerous pharmacological effects on various diseases with very low toxicity and mild side effects.The divergent chemical structures,multiple biological functions,and very low toxicity of lycorine imply that the agent is a potential drug candidate that warrants for further preclinical and clinic investigation. 展开更多
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