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临草2号的选育及高产栽培 被引量:3
作者 鲁晋秀 杨峰 +1 位作者 李峰 党建友 《山西农业科学》 2010年第11期40-42,共3页
临草2号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展饲草型小黑麦,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,而且能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和为害,生态效益... 临草2号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展饲草型小黑麦,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,而且能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和为害,生态效益明显。但由于其饲草产品和栽培技术研究起步较晚,研发不足,严重影响着它的推广和发展。重点介绍临草2号的选育、用途和高产栽培技术,为其迅速推广应用提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 临草2号 选育 栽培技术
临草(麦)一号选育及高产优质栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 鲁晋秀 杨峰 +3 位作者 张定一 党建友 闫翠萍 朱秀珍 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第7期1324-1325,共2页
临草(麦)一号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展临草(麦)一号,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,而且在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,并能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和危害,生... 临草(麦)一号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展临草(麦)一号,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,而且在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,并能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和危害,生态效益明显。但由于饲草产品和栽培技术研究的起步较晚,研发不足,严重影响其了推广和发展。鉴此,介绍临草(麦)一号的选育、用途和高产栽培技术,旨在为饲草产品的迅速推广提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 临草(麦)一号 选育 用途 栽培技术
临草(麦)一号生物学特性及利用 被引量:1
作者 杨峰 鲁晋秀 +3 位作者 张定一 党建友 闫翠萍 朱秀珍 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2004年第6期125-127,共3页
临草(麦)一号是一种强冬性牧草作物,2000~2003年在山西省隰县、安泽县、浮山等多点试验,并在临汾市乔李镇和贺家庄大面积示范种植中,表现出良好的适应性和较高的生物产量,其鲜草总量平均达60000~75000kg/hm2,全期粗蛋白平均可达19%~2... 临草(麦)一号是一种强冬性牧草作物,2000~2003年在山西省隰县、安泽县、浮山等多点试验,并在临汾市乔李镇和贺家庄大面积示范种植中,表现出良好的适应性和较高的生物产量,其鲜草总量平均达60000~75000kg/hm2,全期粗蛋白平均可达19%~27%.同时,介绍了临草(麦)一号的来源、生物学特性及优点,并结合山西的产业结构调整提出了发展饲草小麦的优势、可行性措施和对山西经济特别是农牧业发展的重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 小麦 临草一号品种 选育 生物学特性 栽培技术 利用
作者 杨峰 鲁晋秀 +2 位作者 党建友 闫翠萍 朱秀珍 《陕西农业科学》 2006年第2期3-4,10,共3页
临草(麦)一号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在扬花至灌浆中期收割、压扁,可晒制高质量优质干草,其茎秆营养价值高,饲草粗蛋白含量可达到10%,易消化吸收,家畜喜食。试验结果表明,推迟临草(麦)一号收割可显著提高饲草产草量,但晾晒时间应... 临草(麦)一号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在扬花至灌浆中期收割、压扁,可晒制高质量优质干草,其茎秆营养价值高,饲草粗蛋白含量可达到10%,易消化吸收,家畜喜食。试验结果表明,推迟临草(麦)一号收割可显著提高饲草产草量,但晾晒时间应适当缩短。以扬花期后10d收割、晒制3d较为适宜,水分含量适宜,干草产量最高,达到17 952.8 kg/hm2。 展开更多
关键词 临草(麦)一号 割期 晒期 影响
临草(麦)二号优质高产配套技术研究 被引量:1
作者 梁先红 杨峰 +4 位作者 薛红生 杨海青 贺志峰 鲁晋秀 宁东贤 《陕西农业科学》 2008年第5期42-46,67,共6页
关键词 临草(麦)二号 刈割 播期 播量 推广
张瑞图年表 被引量:1
《中国书画》 2005年第5期7-7,共1页
1570年明隆庆四年(庚午) 1岁春,生于福建泉州府晋江县城南门外之霞行乡,字无画,号长公、二水、果亭山人等,排行第三,父名张志侹,祖父名张乔梓。1596年万历二十四年(丙申) 27岁在晋江。正月,临草书《杜甫漠陂行诗》卷。1603年万历三十一... 1570年明隆庆四年(庚午) 1岁春,生于福建泉州府晋江县城南门外之霞行乡,字无画,号长公、二水、果亭山人等,排行第三,父名张志侹,祖父名张乔梓。1596年万历二十四年(丙申) 27岁在晋江。正月,临草书《杜甫漠陂行诗》卷。1603年万历三十一年(癸卯) 34岁八月,参加泉州府乡试,中举人。1607年万历三十五年(丁未) 38岁三月,在北京参加殿试,以"古之用人者,初不设君子小人之名,分别起于仲尼"之奇论获皇帝特擢,名列一甲第三名(探花),登进士。与第二名施凤来同授翰林院编修,为正七品史官。1610年万历三十八年(庚戌) 41岁告假还乡养病,居家两年。1612年万历四十年(壬子) 展开更多
关键词 泉州府 翰林院编修 晋江县 张瑞图 七品 临草 隆庆 君子小人 仲尼 后赤壁赋
作者 曲树程 《郭沫若学刊》 1987年第2期109-,共1页
湖北襄樊市隆中武侯祠陈列有郭沫若遗墨两件,一为对联,一为题词。对联是人们熟知的: 志见出师表,好为梁父吟。但那联上边款,却引起了游人的注意。边款字为:“一九六四年岁首题为襄阳隆中诸葛草庐”。大家记得前几年“对联热”的时候,许... 湖北襄樊市隆中武侯祠陈列有郭沫若遗墨两件,一为对联,一为题词。对联是人们熟知的: 志见出师表,好为梁父吟。但那联上边款,却引起了游人的注意。边款字为:“一九六四年岁首题为襄阳隆中诸葛草庐”。大家记得前几年“对联热”的时候,许多公开出版的对联集子和文章,介绍郭沫若这副对联时,都说是为成都武侯祠题写的。 展开更多
关键词 诸葛 湖北襄樊市 前几 九六 联集 四年 山东教育 临草 譬况 诗教
作者 华黎 《世界建筑》 2017年第3期60-64,共5页
将将甜品店坐落于繁华的北京三里屯,场地位于两座建筑的夹缝空间,占地仅有60m^2。在这样狭小的场地中还保留了两棵大树。设计的出发点是围绕着两棵树将建筑处理成不同高度的平台。客人可以在不同高度体验树木的变化,各平台之间也产生了... 将将甜品店坐落于繁华的北京三里屯,场地位于两座建筑的夹缝空间,占地仅有60m^2。在这样狭小的场地中还保留了两棵大树。设计的出发点是围绕着两棵树将建筑处理成不同高度的平台。客人可以在不同高度体验树木的变化,各平台之间也产生了视觉对话。这些盘旋而上的平台将客人从地面层的售卖区逐步引导到屋顶平台,在这里人们可以坐在树下,享受被绿色笼罩的特殊感受。空间穿梭在树权之间,室内外的界限被模糊了,使建筑消融在自然之中。 展开更多
关键词 地面层 北京三里屯 CONTINUITY 临草 OUTSIDE bringing dissolved 闹中取静 STATEMENT STREET
作者 崔学东 《视听界》 1988年第6期26-27,共2页
关键词 电视新闻 专题类 新闻专题 新闻方面 新闻类 综合新闻 影像文化 信息载体 第九艺术 临草
Advances in Pharmaceutical and Ecological Value of Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi
作者 王欢 胡静波 +6 位作者 黄海艳 徐文进 尚姣 张峡 马亚荣 巩江 倪士峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期1043-1047,共5页
Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi is a traditional medicinal herb for the treatment of lacquer dermatitis, and its medicinal and ecological value needs to be further developed. Based on broad literature search, this paper s... Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi is a traditional medicinal herb for the treatment of lacquer dermatitis, and its medicinal and ecological value needs to be further developed. Based on broad literature search, this paper summarized the identification, composition, pharmacology, clinical applications, ecological value, and cultivation technologies of S. japonica(Sw.) Ohwi, aiming at providing scientific information for further research and development of S. japonica(Sw.) Ohwi. 展开更多
关键词 Sagina japonica (Sw.) Ohwi Identification Composition PHARMACOLOGY Clinical applications Ecological value Cultivation technologies
Clinical experimental study of Arnebia root oil promoting histological change and up-regulating bFGF expression in the wound 被引量:1
作者 裴宪武 王坤正 +3 位作者 柏传毅 王强 姜志茹 高登峰 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2006年第1期55-59,共5页
Objective: To explore the molecular biological mechanism of Arnebia root oil promoting wound surface healing by observing histological change and bFGF expression in wound surface tissue as well as wound surface healin... Objective: To explore the molecular biological mechanism of Arnebia root oil promoting wound surface healing by observing histological change and bFGF expression in wound surface tissue as well as wound surface healing rate. Methods: Raw surface in patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. Experimental group was treated by Arnebia root oil and control group was treated by petrolatum gauze, then the tissular structure of raw surface was observed by histology, histochemistry. electron microscope and raw surface healing rates was compared either. bFGF expression in wound surface tissue was also evaluated by Western-blot. Results: Raw surface healing rate of experimental group and control group had obvious difference(P<0. 05). Raw surface of experimental group had more fibroblast, collagen and blood capillary. bFGF was expressed in both groups, and the level of bFGF expression in experimental group was higher than that in control group in every period. There were significant differences between 2 groups in gray-density value ( P<0. 05). Being as an internal control, no significant change was found for β-actin expression, although it occured in various phases. Conclusion: Arnebia root oil plays an important regulative role in the course of healing of wound and it can promote skin raw surface repair and accelerate wound surface healing, which are caused by enhancing bFGF in the wound tissue. 展开更多
关键词 arnebia root oil basic fibroblast growth factor raw surface histology WESTERN-BLOT
Liver function alterations after laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy for gastric cancer and its clinical significance 被引量:7
作者 Gui-Ae Jeong Gyu-Seok Cho +3 位作者 Eung-Jin Shin Moon-Soo Lee Hyung-Chul Kim Ok-Pyung Song 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期372-378,共7页
AIM: To evaluate the factors associated with liver function alterations after laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy (LAG) for gastric cancer. METHODS: We collected the data of gastrectomy patients with gastric cancer and d... AIM: To evaluate the factors associated with liver function alterations after laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy (LAG) for gastric cancer. METHODS: We collected the data of gastrectomy patients with gastric cancer and divided them into 2 groups: open gastrectomy (OG) and LAG. We also collected the data of patients with colon cancer to evaluate the effect of liver manipulations during surgery on liver function alterations. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase were measured on the preoperative day and postoperative day 1 (POD1), POD3, POD5, and POD7. RESULTS: No changes in liver function were observed after the operation in patients with colon cancer (n = 121). However, in gastric cancer patients (n = 215), AST and ALT levels increased until POD5 compared to those in colon cancer patients and these findings were observed both in the LAG and OG without a significant difference except at POD1. The mean hepatic enzyme levels at POD1 in the LAG group were significantly higher than those in the OG group (P = 0.047 for AST and P = 0.039 for ALT). The factors associated with elevated ALT on POD1 in patients with gastric cancer were body mass index (P < 0.001), operation time (P < 0.001), intraoperative hepatic injury (P = 0.048), and ligation of an aberrant left hepatic artery (P = 0.052) but not type of operation (OG vs LAG, P = 0.094). CONCLUSION: We conclude that the liver function alteration after LAG may have been caused by direct liver manipulation or aberrant hepatic artery ligation rather than the CO2 pneumoperitoneum. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Liver function PNEUMOPERITONEUM Laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy
Primary and secondary hyperoxaluria: Understanding the enigma 被引量:14
作者 Bhavna Bhasin Hatice Melda ürekli Mohamed G Atta 《World Journal of Nephrology》 2015年第2期235-244,共10页
Hyperoxaluria is characterized by an increased urinary excretion of oxalate. Primary and secondary hyperoxaluria are two distinct clinical expressions of hyperoxaluria. Primary hyperoxaluria is an inherited error of m... Hyperoxaluria is characterized by an increased urinary excretion of oxalate. Primary and secondary hyperoxaluria are two distinct clinical expressions of hyperoxaluria. Primary hyperoxaluria is an inherited error of metabolismdue to defective enzyme activity. In contrast, secondary hyperoxaluria is caused by increased dietary ingestion of oxalate, precursors of oxalate or alteration in intestinal microfora. The disease spectrum extends from recurrent kidney stones, nephrocalcinosis and urinary tract infections to chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease. When calcium oxalate burden exceeds the renal excretory ability, calcium oxalate starts to deposit in various organ systems in a process called systemic oxalosis. Increased urinary oxalate levels help to make the diagnosis while plasma oxalate levels are likely to be more accurate when patients develop chronic kidney disease. Defnitivediagnosis of primary hyperoxaluria is achieved by genetic studies and if genetic studies prove inconclusive, liver biopsy is undertaken to establish diagnosis. Diagnostic clues pointing towards secondary hyperoxaluria are a supportive dietary history and tests to detect increased intestinal absorption of oxalate. Conservative treatment for both types of hyperoxaluria includes vigorous hydration and crystallization inhibitors to decrease calcium oxalate precipitation. Pyridoxine is also found to be helpful in approximately 30% patients with primary hyperoxaluriatype 1. Liver-kidney and isolated kidney transplantation are the treatment of choice in primary hyperoxaluria type 1 and type 2 respectively. Data is scarce on role of transplantation in primary hyperoxaluria type 3 where there are no reports of end stage renal disease so far. There are ongoing investigations into newer modalities of diagnosis and treatment of hyperoxaluria. Clinical differentiation between primary and secondary hyperoxaluria and further between the types of primary hyperoxaluria is very important because of implications in treatment and diagnosis. Hyperoxaluriacontinues to be a challenging disease and a high index of clinical suspicion is often the first step on the path to accurate diagnosis and management. 展开更多
关键词 Primary hyperoxaluria TRANSPLANTATION Renal stones Secondary hyperoxaluria Renal failure
Ceftriaxone-induced toxic hepatitis 被引量:4
作者 Erdal Peker Eren Cagan Murat Dogan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2669-2671,共3页
Toxic hepatitis or drug-induced liver injury encompasses a spectrum of clinical disease ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to acute liver failure.The advantages of a long half-life,wide spectrum,high tissue p... Toxic hepatitis or drug-induced liver injury encompasses a spectrum of clinical disease ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to acute liver failure.The advantages of a long half-life,wide spectrum,high tissue penetration rate,and a good safety profile,make ceftriaxone,a third-generation cephalosporin,a frequent choice in the treatment of childhood infections.Previous studies have reported a few cases of high aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels,along with three cases of hepatitis caused by ceftriaxone.Here,we report a case of drug-induced toxic hepatitis in a patient who was treated with ceftriaxone for acute tonsillitis. 展开更多
Supercritical extraction to obtain vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash) extracts from roots cultivated hydroponically
作者 Camila G.Pereira Isabela P.Gualtieri +1 位作者 Nilson B.Maia M.Angela A.Meireles 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2008年第10期44-50,共7页
We determined the global yield and composition of extracts from vetiver roots cultivated hydroponically. We extracted roots of two varieties collected at different times after planting. The extracts were obtained by s... We determined the global yield and composition of extracts from vetiver roots cultivated hydroponically. We extracted roots of two varieties collected at different times after planting. The extracts were obtained by supercritical fluid extraction (SFE); we also estimated manufacturing costs. Constituents were quantified by gas-chromatography/time ionization detection (GC-FID). Results demonstrated the efficacy of a hydroponic system in producing vctiver with a high root extract content. The largest yield was obtained from roots collected on days 132 and 92 after planting from varieties National (1.41%) and Bourbon (1.28%), respectively. The major compounds present in the extract were khusimoi, isovalencenol, alpha-vetivone and beta-vetivone. To determine the economic viability of producing these extracts, manufacturing costs were estimated using a simplified methodology. The manufacturing costs were US$ 22.26/kg and US$ 24.26/kg for varieties national and Bourbon, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 manufacturing cost HYDROPONICS supercriticalfluid extraction Vetiveria zizanioides
Production and characterization of biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis CCTCC AB93108 被引量:1
作者 刘智峰 曾光明 +2 位作者 钟华 傅海燕 刘小兰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期516-521,共6页
The production and properties of the biosurfactant synthesized by Bacillus subtilis CCTCC AB93108 were studied. The maximum concentration of the surfactant is 1.64 g/L when the bacteria grow in a medium supplemented w... The production and properties of the biosurfactant synthesized by Bacillus subtilis CCTCC AB93108 were studied. The maximum concentration of the surfactant is 1.64 g/L when the bacteria grow in a medium supplemented with glucose as carbon sources. The isolated biosurfactant is a complex of protein and polysaccharide without lipids. It reduces the surface tension of distilled water to 45.9 mN/m, and its critical micelle concentration (CMC) is 2.96 g/L. It can stabilize emulsions of several aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, xylene, n-pentane, n-nonane, gasoline and diesel oil. It presents high emulsification activity and stability in a wide range of temperature (4-100 ℃) and a long period of duration. 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus subtilis BIOSURFACTANT SURFACTANT emulsification activity emulsion stability HYDROPHOBICITY
Therapy Response of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Advanced Liver Cancer: A Retrospective Observational Clinical Trial
作者 Guangmei Lv Liling Zhu +6 位作者 Haijun Wan Ping Li Jing Zhang Ruoqu Wei Chongfeng Niu ShengnaiZheng Yongling Gong 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第3期135-145,共11页
Aiming at starting the ball rolling and contributing humble effort to promote CTM (Chinese traditional medicine), we performed the present study to assess the therapy response of Chinese herbal decoction compared to... Aiming at starting the ball rolling and contributing humble effort to promote CTM (Chinese traditional medicine), we performed the present study to assess the therapy response of Chinese herbal decoction compared to conventional therapy on critical ill patients of advanced liver cancer. A total of 6 patients (1 female and 5 males) with histologically confirmed liver cancer were included in this retrospective observational clinical trial. We administered Chinese medicine (Gan Decoction, mixed with a variety of effective herbal components) to help them to recover from poor condition. In the meantime, conventional treatment of surgical resection and artery catheterization chemotherapy was applied in cases compared. In 3 cases of CTM combined treatment, the tumor marker level decreased. Residual intrahepatic metastatic sites reduced according to ultrasonography/CT imaging, and the patients felt free from the complaint of abdominal discomfort. The quality of life has been improved, we managed to have prolonged the PFS (Progression-Free-Survival) and TTP (Time-to-Progression) from the onset to date. While in 3 cases with conventional treatment only of surgical resection and artery catheterization chemotherapy, we were not able to decrease the level of tumor marker, metastatic lesions increased according to ultrasonography/CT imaging, and the patient's condition worsen more. We failed in having prolonged the PFS and TTP in the compared cases of conventional treatment only. The retrospective clinical study showed no OS (overall survival) benefit for liver cancer patients treated with Gan Decoction, while the QOL (quality of life) evaluation seemed to predict survival better. Chinese herbs might be an additional choice with its better benefits and tolerability in the treatment of primary liver cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Advanced liver cancer therapy response Chinese medicine.
作者 陈传席 《荣宝斋》 2006年第5期36-53,共18页
关键词 天才 画史 临草 性情中人 画家 美术家 浙江美术学院 方增先 地位
Comparative effects of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa stimulating Zhongwan(CV 12) on body temperature in healthy participants:a cross-over single-blind randomized study
作者 Ho-Yeon Go Ju Ah Lee +9 位作者 Sunyoung Park Sunju Park Jeong-Su Park Chunhoo Cheon Seong-Gyu Ko Kyung-Hwan Kong Chan-yong Jun Jong-hyeong Park Mi-Ran Shin Se-Hoon Lee 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期551-557,共7页
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy,safety,satisfaction,discomfort and patient preference of moxa cones of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa.METHODS:This comparative study of moxibustion treatment with Artemisia vul... OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy,safety,satisfaction,discomfort and patient preference of moxa cones of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa.METHODS:This comparative study of moxibustion treatment with Artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa cone stimulating Zhongwan(CV 12) is a cross-over single-blinded,randomized clinical trial.A total of 40 healthy subjects(24 males and 16females) participated in this study.Two subjects dropped out of the trial.Thirty-eight subjects were treated with Artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa cones for 30 min in a cross-over design.After treatment,the patients underwent a 30 minute waiting period,and then the temperatures at Tanzhong(CV 17),Zhongwan(CV 12) and Guanyuan(CV 4) were measured using digital infrared thermal imaging.RESULTS:After the use of Artemisia vulgaris moxa,the patients' body temperatures were slightly lowered at Tanzhong(CV 17),Zhongwan(CV 12)and Guanyuan(CV 4),but the changes were not statistically significant.After the use of charcoal moxa,the patients' body temperatures were somewhat increased at Zhongwan(CV 12) and Guanyuan(CV 4),but the changes were not statistically significant.After Artemisia vulgaris moxa use,the body temperature difference between Zhongwan(CV 12) and Guanyuan(CV 4)was significantly increased.After charcoal moxa use,the body temperature difference between Tanzhong(CV 17) and Zhongwan(CV 12) was significantly decreased in males and in the whole group.This change was caused by the difference in the moxibustion type and by gender differences.CONCLUSION:This pilot study found that moxibustion did not raise the body temperature,but temperature differences between acupoints were affected.Further large-scale randomized controlled trials are needed for the effect of moxibustion on body temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Point CV12(Zhongwan) Artemisia Body temperature Cross-over studies Single-blind method Randomized controlled trial
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