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人为性与为人性:道德的本质属性 被引量:10
作者 周忠华 易小明 《唯实》 2008年第1期29-31,90,共4页
道德因人而生,为人而存在。整个人类伦理思想史表明,道德从来不是"自然存在物",而是一种"人为的"和"为人的"存在。失去"人为性"的道德是虚无,失去"为人性"的道德是外在于人的僵死的... 道德因人而生,为人而存在。整个人类伦理思想史表明,道德从来不是"自然存在物",而是一种"人为的"和"为人的"存在。失去"人为性"的道德是虚无,失去"为人性"的道德是外在于人的僵死的工具,且一旦极端化,就会成为束缚人发展的桎梏、枷锁!"人为性"与"为人性"的统一程度从根本上决定了道德意义的实现程度。 展开更多
关键词 道德 人为性 为人性
作者 张青 《大庆师范学院学报》 2012年第5期6-9,共4页
道德的产生和发展是为了人的生存和发展,"为人"性是道德的应有之义。从道德自身角度来讲,道德的为人性在本质上应利于人的自由而又全面发展,在历史维度上表现为为类性、为群体性、为个体性和人的三重属性和谐并存的四种表现样... 道德的产生和发展是为了人的生存和发展,"为人"性是道德的应有之义。从道德自身角度来讲,道德的为人性在本质上应利于人的自由而又全面发展,在历史维度上表现为为类性、为群体性、为个体性和人的三重属性和谐并存的四种表现样态,在群体基础上必须满足道德主体的多层次道德需要。具体来说,道德要能够满足人的三重属性的不同需求,而最终达到人的三重属性的和谐统一,这既是人性完善的要求,也是伦理道德追求的目标。 展开更多
关键词 道德 为人性 属性
论经济的为人性 被引量:1
作者 彭定光 陈新 钟立华 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期64-68,共5页
经济是人类所进行的获取和使用其物质生活资料的活动,具有为人性。这种为人性指的是经济是为了人及满足人的需要的,它主要表现在人与经济之间的一体性、人们在经济上的共享性及人享受幸福内容的多重性三个方面。只有如此理解,才会准确... 经济是人类所进行的获取和使用其物质生活资料的活动,具有为人性。这种为人性指的是经济是为了人及满足人的需要的,它主要表现在人与经济之间的一体性、人们在经济上的共享性及人享受幸福内容的多重性三个方面。只有如此理解,才会准确地理解经济,对经济进行准确定位,促进经济的合理健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 经济 为人性 一体性 共享性 幸福
谈货币的人性恶值 被引量:1
作者 禹芳琴 《商业时代》 北大核心 2010年第35期141-143,共3页
货币是人类驱利性的重要标志。人性的张扬历史地选择了货币,货币则以自身所具有的对矛盾的承荷和平衡的能力与品格及其张力,成为人性生成与张扬的载体。货币转化为资本后的逐利本性在某种程度上造成了伦理道德的颓废和堕落,在促进人性... 货币是人类驱利性的重要标志。人性的张扬历史地选择了货币,货币则以自身所具有的对矛盾的承荷和平衡的能力与品格及其张力,成为人性生成与张扬的载体。货币转化为资本后的逐利本性在某种程度上造成了伦理道德的颓废和堕落,在促进人性趋善的同时也造成人性异化趋恶,即产生权钱交易,滋生社会腐败;产生人性异化,塑造货币单面人;产生货币拜物教,腐蚀人的心灵等。所以要构建和谐社会,必须注重人的金钱观和价值观的教育和转变。 展开更多
关键词 货币拜物教 人性异化 构建和谐社会 人性的张扬 重要标志 权钱交易 伦理道德 为人性 金钱观 价值观 会腐败 单面人 资本 张力 颓废 塑造 生成 人类 平衡 品格
思想政治教育人文本性基本内涵的深度解读 被引量:12
作者 李岩 《求实》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期68-72,共5页
思想政治教育的人文本性是指思想政治教育作为人的存在方式,具有服务于人的生存和发展,以文化对人进行价值和意义引导,推动人建构丰富的精神世界的固有特性。核心在于其属人性、为人性及化人性。属人性表现为思想政治教育是人类创造且... 思想政治教育的人文本性是指思想政治教育作为人的存在方式,具有服务于人的生存和发展,以文化对人进行价值和意义引导,推动人建构丰富的精神世界的固有特性。核心在于其属人性、为人性及化人性。属人性表现为思想政治教育是人类创造且一直运用的教育形式,是人与人之间的活动,人是推动其发展的主体力量。为人性表现为思想政治教育以现实的人为逻辑起点,以未完成的人为价值前提,以生成的人为归宿。化人性体现为思想政治教育是文化过程,是人的创造与文化创造过程的统一,是对人的精神教化与提升。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治教育 人文本性 人性 为人性 人性
从“人为”到“为人”——论新形势下高师函授教育的价值转型 被引量:1
作者 李斌 《成人教育》 2013年第8期120-122,共3页
教育发展的历史经验证明,教育本质上是以人为核心的社会活动,以"人为"的方式向前发展,但终极目标必须是"为人"的。从这一认识出发,论述了我国高师函授教育发展历程中"人为性"与"为人性"的关系... 教育发展的历史经验证明,教育本质上是以人为核心的社会活动,以"人为"的方式向前发展,但终极目标必须是"为人"的。从这一认识出发,论述了我国高师函授教育发展历程中"人为性"与"为人性"的关系及其缘由,剖析了当下我国中小学幼儿园教师队伍的现实状况,提出高师函授教育要想健康、持续地发展,必须实现从"人为"到"为人"的价值转型,确立稳步发展学历教育、大力发展非学历教育的战略目标,并对其管理体制、课程设置、教学内容与教学模式等领域进行深化改革。 展开更多
关键词 高师函授教育 价值转型 人为性 为人性
人文关怀视野中的社会保障制度 被引量:1
作者 张登巧 李琼 《贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第4期95-98,共4页
社会保障制度作为市场经济两大支柱之一,在促进经济发展、保证社会稳定方面有着任何制度不可替代的作用。社会保障制度的建立以及路径选择,都必须坚持以“人”为本的价值原则,以保障人的生存权和发展权为基本任务,以促进人的全面发展为... 社会保障制度作为市场经济两大支柱之一,在促进经济发展、保证社会稳定方面有着任何制度不可替代的作用。社会保障制度的建立以及路径选择,都必须坚持以“人”为本的价值原则,以保障人的生存权和发展权为基本任务,以促进人的全面发展为最终目标。从社会保障制度产生、价值取向、实践层面上论述了社会保障的为“人”性,同时分析了社会保障制度的人道主义原则,并在此基础上,提出了以“人”为目的,完善我国社会保障制度的有关措施。 展开更多
关键词 制度 社会保障制度 为人性 人文关怀
作者 张定强 《当代教育与文化》 2013年第5期63-67,共5页
课程的基本属性是人为性与为人性。人为的课程显现的是课程建构的目标、实施、推进的基本路向,彰显着人为了人的发展而在课程方面所做出的努力:汲取文化精华,凝聚人类经验,囊括多方智慧,进行文化选择,提供学习指南;为人的课程显现的是... 课程的基本属性是人为性与为人性。人为的课程显现的是课程建构的目标、实施、推进的基本路向,彰显着人为了人的发展而在课程方面所做出的努力:汲取文化精华,凝聚人类经验,囊括多方智慧,进行文化选择,提供学习指南;为人的课程显现的是课程解构的目标、策略、手段的生命过程,彰显着人为了人的理解与认识水平提高而做出的努力:问题不断生成,智慧不断拓展,天性不断开拓,发展不断升华。无论是课程的人为性还是为人性皆是服务于人的共同体的,都是人在生活世界中的生命涌动的映照。 展开更多
关键词 课程 为人性 人为性 建构 解构
从古罗马角斗活动类型中论证其非体育 被引量:1
作者 姚晓丹 罗军委 《当代体育科技》 2015年第32期210-211,共2页
体育概念至今虽无人言之凿凿,针对部分学者将古罗马角斗活动归于体育,笔者不敢予以苟同。该文旨在从古罗马角斗活动的三大类型—人与人之间的搏斗、人与兽之间的厮杀、兽与兽之间的厮杀,基于体育的"属人性""为人性"... 体育概念至今虽无人言之凿凿,针对部分学者将古罗马角斗活动归于体育,笔者不敢予以苟同。该文旨在从古罗马角斗活动的三大类型—人与人之间的搏斗、人与兽之间的厮杀、兽与兽之间的厮杀,基于体育的"属人性""为人性"的基本属性,论证古罗马角斗活动与体育的归属关系。在查阅了大量关于古罗马角斗活动文献基础上,在对古罗马角斗活动深入剖析后认为:古罗马角斗类型与体育"属人性""为人性"属性所倡导的促进人的身心和谐发展背道而驰,进而推定古罗马角斗活动不属于体育。古罗马角斗活动实乃是古罗马统治阶级在娱己娱民中为巩固自身利益而进行的杀人杀兽活动。 展开更多
关键词 角斗活动 类型 人性 为人性 体育
Review of Soil Nutrients of Forest Nature Reserve 被引量:1
作者 刘晓梅 李小英 +1 位作者 袁勇 申佳艳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1412-1421,共10页
Based on a large number of relevant literatures, the effects of environmental factors and human factors on forest soil nutrients in nature reserve were summarized, as well as the soil quality assessment and correlatio... Based on a large number of relevant literatures, the effects of environmental factors and human factors on forest soil nutrients in nature reserve were summarized, as well as the soil quality assessment and correlation of soil. nutrients, to provide references for a deep research on forest nature reserve soil and its protection. The distribution of forest soil nutrients has significant spatial heterogeneity, and its final distribution pattern is the result of joint action of environmental factors, including topography, vegetation, soil type, seasonal change as well as soil microorganism, and human factors. In natural ecosystem, environmental factors are the main factors that determine the differences of soil nutrients. Effective human management can promote the accumulation of forest soil nutrients, but improper interference will cause a significant loss of soil nutrients. Accurate soil quality evaluation can objectively clarify the impact of different soil management practices on soil, contributing to the timely adjustment of management measures. The establishment of long-term soil monitoring stations in forest nature reserves is a good way to master the influencing factors and the mechanism of forest soil nutrients, and can ultimately provide theoretical guidance for a sustainable and healthy operation of forest nature reserve. 展开更多
关键词 Soil quality Environmental factor Human factor CORRELATION
作者 向宏恩 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第3期141-143,共3页
编辑工作要实现"以人为本"必需在二重维度上把握并落实:一是为人性,即作为文化传播的责任承担者,既要为信息受众提供与时俱进的精神食粮,也要为信息作者创造可持续发展空间;二是人为性,即本身作为文化性存在,既要合理处理各... 编辑工作要实现"以人为本"必需在二重维度上把握并落实:一是为人性,即作为文化传播的责任承担者,既要为信息受众提供与时俱进的精神食粮,也要为信息作者创造可持续发展空间;二是人为性,即本身作为文化性存在,既要合理处理各种信息,也要创造性地参与到人类文化精神缔构中去。 展开更多
关键词 以人为本 编辑工作 为人性 人为性
Diversity of Anthrosols in China 被引量:11
作者 GONGZITONG ZHANGGANLIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期193-204,共12页
Human activities make strong effects on soil formation. Anthropogenic soils are much more intensive and extensive in China for their history of agricultural production can be dated back to more than 7 000 years ago.Ow... Human activities make strong effects on soil formation. Anthropogenic soils are much more intensive and extensive in China for their history of agricultural production can be dated back to more than 7 000 years ago.Owing to different physical conditions and land uses, the aothropogenic soil-forming processes are various.Anthrosols are proposed, and the corresponding soil order is set up in Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CST). Mainly based on 6 Anthropogenic diagnostic horizons, which are anthraquic epipedon, hydragric horizon, irragric epipedon, cumulic epipedon, fimic epipedon and agric horizon, the Anthrosols Order is subdivided into 2 soil suborders and 4 soil groups. Meanwhile the classification of Anthrosols in CST has been basically accepted as the classification of Anthrosols in World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). 展开更多
关键词 Anthrosols cumulic process hydragric process irragric process
Formal safety assessment and application of the navigation simulators for preventing human error in ship operations 被引量:4
作者 FANG Quan-gen YANG Zai-li +1 位作者 HU Shen-ping WANG Jin 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2005年第3期5-12,共8页
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has encouraged its member countries to introduce Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for ship operations since the end of the last century. FSA can be used through certain form... The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has encouraged its member countries to introduce Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for ship operations since the end of the last century. FSA can be used through certain formal assessing steps to generate effective recommendations and cautions to control marine risks and improve the safety of ships. On the basis of the brief introduction of FSA, this paper describes the ideas of applying FSA to the prevention of human error in ship operations. It especially discusses the investigation and analysis of the information and data using navigation simulators and puts forward some suggestions for the introduction and development of the FSA research work for safer ship operations. 展开更多
关键词 FSA human error PREVENTION marine accidents operation of ship navigation simulators
Application of rational emotive behavior therapy in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy 被引量:5
作者 Yuxin Liu Xiaoyan Ni +2 位作者 Rong Wang Huini Liu Zifen Guo 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期147-154,I0002,I0003,共10页
Objective:This study aimed to explore the effects of our rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT)program on symptoms,anxiety,depression,and sleep state in patients with colorectal cancer(CRC)undergoing chemotherapy.Met... Objective:This study aimed to explore the effects of our rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT)program on symptoms,anxiety,depression,and sleep state in patients with colorectal cancer(CRC)undergoing chemotherapy.Methods:From October 2020 to May 2021,fifty-six patients with CRC in a hospital in the Hunan Province were randomly divided into an intervention group(n=28)and a control group(n=28).The patients in the intervention group completed a 6-week REBT program based on routine nursing care,including four courses:1)establish a relationship and formulate health files;2)group communications and study symptom management;3)continuously provide health knowledge and strengthen healthy behavior;and 4)review the treatment and summary.The control group maintained routine nursing care.The simplified Chinese version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale Short Form(MSASeSFeSC),the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS),and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI)scale were used to investigate and compare the intervention effects of the two groups at baseline(T1,before the intervention),four weeks(T2),and six weeks(T3)after the intervention.Results:The intervention group was significantly improved in symptoms,anxiety,depression,and sleep state,compared with the control group.At T2,MSASeSFeSC(24.43±4.26 vs.28.07±3.91),symptom distress(17.29±4.04 vs.19.39±3.59),symptom frequency(7.14±1.51 vs.8.68±1.42),HADS(13.68±3.38 vs.15.86±3.79),anxiety(3.89±1.85 vs.5.18±2.18),and depression(9.79±2.06 vs.10.68±2.23),showed that the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).At T3,MSASeSFeSC(23.89±3.54 vs.30.14±3.94),symptom distress(17.61±3.52 vs.21.32±3.57),symptom frequency(6.29±1.49 vs.8.82±1.47),HADS(11.82±2.57 vs.16.29±3.13),anxiety(3.21±1.64 vs.5.61±1.77),and depression(8.61±1.52 vs.10.68±1.81),showed that the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The sleep state of the intervention group was better than the control group at T3,with decreased score of PSQI[4.00(3.00,8.00)vs.9.00(7.00,12.50),Z=-3.706,P<0.001].Conclusion:The 6-week REBT program can effectively improve the symptom,anxiety,depression,and sleep state of patients with CRC undergoing chemotherapy,which could as a care plan for patients with CRC who are repeatedly admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 ANXIETY Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy Colorectal neoplasms DEPRESSION PATIENTS Rational emotive behavior therapy
Covariation between personalities and individual differences in coping with stress:Converging evidence and hypotheses 被引量:6
作者 Claudio CARERE Doretta CARAMASCHI Tim W. FAWCETT 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期728-740,共13页
In the past decade there has been a profusion of studies highlighting covariation between individual differences in stress physiology and behavioural profiles, here called personalities. Such individual differences in... In the past decade there has been a profusion of studies highlighting covariation between individual differences in stress physiology and behavioural profiles, here called personalities. Such individual differences in ways of coping with stress are relevant both in biomedicine, since different personalities may experience a different stress and disease vulnerability, and in behavioural ecology, since their adaptive value and evolutionary maintenance are the subject of debate. However, the precise way in which individual stress differences and personalities are linked is unclear. Here we provide an updated overview of this covariation across different species and taxa, consider its functional significance and present working hypotheses for how behavioural and physiological responses to stress might be causally linked, affecting life-history traits such as dispersal and life-span [Current Zoology 56 (6): 728-740, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Animal personality Coping style Agression Stress response CORTICOSTERONE GLUCOCORTICOIDS Natural selection Fitness evolution
The Concept of Human Reliability Assessment Tool CREAM and Its Suitability for Shipboard Operations Safety
作者 Capt. Sameh Kabary Rashed 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第6期348-355,共8页
Shipboard operations as a hazardous process require the human element to be aware of any operation risks. Since the concept of human error exposed to ample arguments, the introduction of human element concerns to prac... Shipboard operations as a hazardous process require the human element to be aware of any operation risks. Since the concept of human error exposed to ample arguments, the introduction of human element concerns to practices rather than other means is essential because the provenance of accidents is human error. HRA (human reliability assessment) is a theoretical framework to assess the human actions for predicting the potential human error probability of a certain given task or operation scenario. Furthermore, surveillance of the human performance is through the task by steps and sub-steps. The CREAM (cognitive reliability and error analysis method) tool is the second generation of HRA which emphasizes the features of the context and utilized as retrospective and prospective tool. The paper illustrates the basic and extended version of CREAM and its suitability for critical shipboard operations safety assessment. 展开更多
Research on the paperless test based on the computer elementary course
作者 XuechengWang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期36-38,共3页
Compared with the traditional examinations, the paperless examination of the computer elementary course can not only realize the assessment of the theoretical knowledge, but also can carry out the assessment of the ac... Compared with the traditional examinations, the paperless examination of the computer elementary course can not only realize the assessment of the theoretical knowledge, but also can carry out the assessment of the actual operations of some of the operational computer subjects, which can make it more comprehensive. Through the computer evaluation, we can make the results consistent, and get rid of the human interference as far as possible, and thus it can prevent the emergence of the human errors, to ensure fairness and justice of the tests. This issue is analyzed and discussed in the following. 展开更多
关键词 Computer foundation paperless examination RESEARCH
A Feminist Analysis of Mr. and Mrs. Dove by Katherine Mansfield
作者 LIU Xi, HUANG Xin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期842-846,共5页
Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), a New Zealand's celebrated short story writer, was famous for her exquisite portrayals of women and she made great contribution to the British short story as well. Greatly influence... Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), a New Zealand's celebrated short story writer, was famous for her exquisite portrayals of women and she made great contribution to the British short story as well. Greatly influenced by Anton Chekhov, her writing fmnly fixed on the small details of human behavior. She created her best works in the early 1920s, and her book, The Garden Party, arrived at the peak of great achievement. Set in England, her short story, Mr. and Mrs. Dove, described a story about the man's last day in England and a series of things that happened to his visit to his beloved woman's home which presented the relationships between his mom and him, and his beloved woman and him. This paper mainly explores the feminist thoughts of the female characters. The paper concludes that the awakening awareness of women in this story was obviously from the perspectives of striking against the patriarchal system and Mansfield was actually a feminist pioneer who promoted the development of feminism in the whole world. 展开更多
作者 黄泳 Win Moe Htut +2 位作者 李东江 唐安戊 李求实 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第3期13-18,共6页
Objective: To observe the effect of electro-scalp acupuncture on glucose metabolism of cerebral regions involving mental activity in healthy people. Methods: A total of 6 cases of volunteer healthy subjects (3 males a... Objective: To observe the effect of electro-scalp acupuncture on glucose metabolism of cerebral regions involving mental activity in healthy people. Methods: A total of 6 cases of volunteer healthy subjects (3 males and 3 females) ranging in age from 22 to 36 years were subjected to this study. Changes of cerebral glucose metabolism before and after electro-scalp acupuncture were observed by using positron emission tomography (PET) and semi-quantifying analysis method. Electro-scalp acupuncture stimulation (50 Hz, 2 mA) of Middle Line of Vertex (Ding zhongxian,顶中线,MS5), Middle Line of Forehead (Ezhongxian, 额中线,MS1) and bilateral Lateral Line 1 of Forehead (Epangyixian,额旁一线,MS2) was administered for 30 minutes. Then cerebral regions of interest (ROIs) were chosen and their average glucose metabolism levels (radioactivity of 18 fluorine deoxyglucose) were analyzed. Results: After administration of electro-scalp acupuncture, the glucose metabolism levels in bilateral frontal lobes and bilateral caudate nuclei, left cingulate gyrus and right cerebellum increased significantly in comparison with those of pre stimulation (P<0.05). Conclusion: Electro-scalp acupuncture of MSI, MS2 and MS5 can increase the glucose metabolism of certain cerebral regions involving mental activity in healthy subjects. 展开更多
关键词 Electro-scalp acupuncture Cerebral glucose metabolism Positron emission tomography
The Roots of Psychological Trauma and Post-TraumaticStress Reaction/Disorders and the Intervention
作者 Jing Zeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期100-102,共3页
Psychological trauma refers to the catastrophic or traumatic events harmful to individuals' inner world. Strong emotional and psychological reaction caused by traumatic factors will form psychological shadows, and th... Psychological trauma refers to the catastrophic or traumatic events harmful to individuals' inner world. Strong emotional and psychological reaction caused by traumatic factors will form psychological shadows, and the improper coping of these events will lead to a post-traumatic stress disorder. In this paper, the author makes an exploration on the roots of psychological trauma and of post-traumatic stress reaction or disorders, which were caused by natural traumatic event, such as floods, snowstorms, earthquakes and other man-made factors such as wars, accidents from a psychological point of view. Finally, some suggestions of intervention are provided for the relevant departments to make relevant rebuilding policies. 展开更多
关键词 Psychological Trauma Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction PTSD INTERVENTION
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