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论合同中的附随义务——以完整利益保护为中心的新阐释 被引量:2
作者 叶榅平 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第9期108-110,共3页
合同中的附随义务,乃是指给付义务之外,以“人的完整性”等完整利益的保护为目的之义务;人身等完整利益的保护既是附随义务的中心思想,也是附随义务与给付义务区别的最为重要的标准。现代合同中,附随义务的出现和增加,一方面使当事人意... 合同中的附随义务,乃是指给付义务之外,以“人的完整性”等完整利益的保护为目的之义务;人身等完整利益的保护既是附随义务的中心思想,也是附随义务与给付义务区别的最为重要的标准。现代合同中,附随义务的出现和增加,一方面使当事人意思自治的原则受到了限制,另一方面则体现了现代法制对于商业社会中人的完整性的日益重视。因而应当适当把握其内涵和外延。 展开更多
关键词 合同关系 附随义务 给付义务 从给付义务
试论合同法上的附随义务 被引量:2
作者 李集合 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2002年第11期53-55,共3页
关键词 附随义务 给付义务 给付义务 先合同义务 后合同义务 不真正合同义务
合同附随义务初探 被引量:1
作者 董万程 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2004年第1期113-115,共3页
合同义务原本是当事人约定的义务,但根据诚实信用原则又派生出通知、协助、保密、保护、注意等附随义务。附随义务也是合同义务的组成部分,在合同法律制度中具有重要意义。本文通过对各国立法、判例和学理与我国合同法规定的比较,阐述... 合同义务原本是当事人约定的义务,但根据诚实信用原则又派生出通知、协助、保密、保护、注意等附随义务。附随义务也是合同义务的组成部分,在合同法律制度中具有重要意义。本文通过对各国立法、判例和学理与我国合同法规定的比较,阐述合同附随义务的特点、内容、功能和法律责任。 展开更多
关键词 合同义务 诚实信用原则 附随义务 中国 《合同法》 当事人 给付义务 义务 债务人
作者 李佳 《承德职业学院学报》 2006年第4期65-67,共3页
关键词 附随义务 诚实信用原则 主义务
浅析合同法上的义务群 被引量:2
作者 王天国 《律师世界》 1999年第12期15-17,共3页
关键词 给付义务 后合同义务 附随义务 先合同义务 诚实信用原则 当事人 《合同法》 不真正义务 合同终止 合同关系
学好天课律例 认真履行主命
作者 卢明道 《中国穆斯林》 北大核心 2003年第6期67-69,共3页
随着全面建设小康社会战略的稳步推进,社会富裕人群不断扩增,人们对财富的占有欲和消费心态发生了很大变化。如何以合法手段获取财富,并使之趋于“洁净”,也是我们穆斯林必须面对的严峻课题。 一、树立正确的财富观 “财富”
关键词 财富观 伊斯兰教 天课制度 《古兰经》 义务
主从给付义务关系可以产生后履行抗辩权 被引量:4
作者 李虎 张新 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期128-131,共4页
在成立后履行抗辩权问题上,当事人之间的履行顺序以及先履行义务一方当事人是否构成未履行合同或者不适当履行合同较易判断,但对双方当事人间因同一双务合同而互负的债务必须具有对价或牵连关系,学界的评判标准不一。当先履行一方不履... 在成立后履行抗辩权问题上,当事人之间的履行顺序以及先履行义务一方当事人是否构成未履行合同或者不适当履行合同较易判断,但对双方当事人间因同一双务合同而互负的债务必须具有对价或牵连关系,学界的评判标准不一。当先履行一方不履行或不适当履行从给付义务,与合同相对方实现合同目的有密切关系时,应视为从给付义务与主给付义务具有牵连关系,合同相对方可以行使后履行抗辩权,拒绝履行相应的主给付义务。 展开更多
关键词 给付义务 从给付义务 后履行抗辩权 对价或牵连关系
同时履行抗辩之适用限制 被引量:4
作者 施建辉 《华东政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2007年第4期44-50,共7页
同时履行抗辩在《合同法》上虽已有规定,但在概念及构成要件上却语焉不详,这直接造成司法适用上的无序。从法理上言,主给付义务构成对待给付而有同时履行抗辩之适用,从给付义务得否主张应视其与合同目的是否密切。为此,司法实务应慎重... 同时履行抗辩在《合同法》上虽已有规定,但在概念及构成要件上却语焉不详,这直接造成司法适用上的无序。从法理上言,主给付义务构成对待给付而有同时履行抗辩之适用,从给付义务得否主张应视其与合同目的是否密切。为此,司法实务应慎重适用同时履行抗辩而不应扩大其适用范围。同时,应对《合同法》第66条之后段予以修正。 展开更多
关键词 同时履行抗辩 给付义务 从给付义务
论合同的必要条款 被引量:2
作者 邓辉 《财经法学》 2018年第2期111-125,共15页
合同必要条款涉及合同内容确定性与当事人合意,属于法律对合同成立的最低限度要求。《合同法》第14条"具体确定"的学理解释与《合同法司法解释(二)》对三要素的规定,形成了合同必要条款认定规则的双轨模式,而具体的司法实践... 合同必要条款涉及合同内容确定性与当事人合意,属于法律对合同成立的最低限度要求。《合同法》第14条"具体确定"的学理解释与《合同法司法解释(二)》对三要素的规定,形成了合同必要条款认定规则的双轨模式,而具体的司法实践则存在着分歧。合同必要条款的基本内容与决定因素包括当事人的意思、合同的主要给付义务和诚信原则。在判断当事人合意与否时,应当坚持意思表示的解释优先,同时采取相对弹性化的认定方式,兼顾合同的性质和目的,维护当事人的意思自由,促进交易的正常进行。 展开更多
关键词 必要条款 当事人合意 合同成立 给付义务
采矿权转让合同未经审批前的效力如何认定 被引量:1
作者 葛莹 《国土资源导刊》 2014年第12期83-84,共2页
关键词 采矿权 转让合同 变更登记 资源勘查 权证 未生效合同 给付义务 项目合作协议 义务 转让人
Evaluation of the Conservatism Level in Kuwait Stock Exchange By Using Basu Model
作者 Allam Mohammed Mousa Hamdan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第4期391-396,共6页
This study aims to evaluate the level of accounting conservatism when preparing financial statements by companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). In addition, the study examines the factors that affect the le... This study aims to evaluate the level of accounting conservatism when preparing financial statements by companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). In addition, the study examines the factors that affect the level of accounting conservatism in those companies with regard to company sizes, debt contracts, and the type of sector the company belongs to. To achieve these goals, the Basu (1997) model was used to measure conservatism level and the factors influencing it. The sample of the study comprises of 225 companies listed in KSE. Findings of the study showed that the KSE succeeded in forcing Kuwait companies to present a reasonable level of accounting conservatism. The study also found out that the financial statements of small companies were conservative, while those of the big ones were not. In addition, the debt contracts left an impact upon financial reports of accounting conservatism. Thus, companies with lower debts were more conservative than those of higher ones. Moreover, the financial statements of the financial sector in KSE were the most conservative. 展开更多
关键词 accounting conservatism company size debt contracts type of sector financial reporting Basu (1997) model
Rorty's Point of Departure from Mainstream Pragmatist Approach to Epistemology
作者 Raymond N. Osei Husein Inusah 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第11期845-850,共6页
Our main focus in this paper is to try to show Rorty's point of departure from mainstream pragmatist treatment of epistemology. In his pragmatic approach to epistemology, Rorty urges that a good pragmatist should aba... Our main focus in this paper is to try to show Rorty's point of departure from mainstream pragmatist treatment of epistemology. In his pragmatic approach to epistemology, Rorty urges that a good pragmatist should abandon epistemology as a foundational and rational discipline and instead opt for conversation, the view that knowledge is an expression of judgment of a historically conditioned social group) According to Rorty, the view that we should disentangle ourselves from rigid canons of epistemology is the quest of classical pragmatism traceable to the writings of William James and John Dewey. On this showing, Rorty argues that conversationalism is consistent with mainstream or original pragmatism. Contrary to Rorty's claim we try to show, in the following pages, that his pragmatic approach to epistemology is a deviation from mainstream pragmatism. We establish that mainstream or classical pragmatists do not repudiate epistemology. 展开更多
Questioning to Hesitation rather than Hesitating to Question: A Pragmatic Hermeneutic Perspective on Educational Inquiry
作者 Susan T. Gardner 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第5期353-359,共7页
Utilizing arguments imbedded in the pragmatist and hermeneutic traditions, the conclusion emerges that genuinely understanding opposing points of view requires a penetrating and sustained questioning process that find... Utilizing arguments imbedded in the pragmatist and hermeneutic traditions, the conclusion emerges that genuinely understanding opposing points of view requires a penetrating and sustained questioning process that finds relief only when the justificatory background material of the other nibbles at the certainty of one's own position. The implications of the edict that one ought to question to hesitation are then explored, namely, that (1) it suggests what kind of questioning is the right kind of qteestioning, (2) it suggests a redefinition of what counts as "respect for persons," and (3) it challenges the common assumption that the efficacy of communal inquiry is self-fulfilling and self-regulating, and suggests, by contrast, that facilitators ought to be far more prepared to engage in questioning to hesitation. 展开更多
关键词 understanding opposing viewpoints QUESTIONING educational enquiry certainty pragmatic hermeneutic principle
Filling Out Macbeth's Appraisal Form: A Deconstructive Re-reading of Shakespeare's Macbeth Through Management Studies
作者 Aparajita Hazra 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第6期394-404,共11页
Macbeth was wary when he heard the witches out. He deliberated. He dithered. And Lady Macbeth puckered his courage up to the hilt and egged him on to murder. Macbeth murdered. Then he balked. He hallucinated himself o... Macbeth was wary when he heard the witches out. He deliberated. He dithered. And Lady Macbeth puckered his courage up to the hilt and egged him on to murder. Macbeth murdered. Then he balked. He hallucinated himself out of his wits. Then he went on a rampage to save his own skin. He destroyed in fear of being destroyed. Yet all he ended up doing is losing his peace, his composure, his wife, and finally, his life. The whole of Operation Kingship, if the author may so call the whole business of eliminating Duncan out of the way of the royal throne, failed miserably. Macbeth, on the lookout for power found himself terribly, fearfully beaten, crestfallen, devastated. The million-dollar question then is -what is it that went so very wrong in the whole process? Critics are often heard to cry his ambition--his "overvaulting ambition" down as his incorrigible hamartia. But living in the 21st century, one gets to hear that ambition is not bad after all--the higher the "ambi-horse" vaults, the higher the chances of success is. In this dissertation, the author proposes to analyze Macbeth's case from the perspective of management studies. This paper, more than setting forth a literary statement of Macbeth's predicament, aims at what management Gurus would love to call a candid SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) and STEEPLED (social, technological, economic, educational, political, legal, environmental, and demographic factors) analysis of Macbeth's situation to find out where the shoe pinched, whether the whole project crashed because of inefficient leadership, or whether there was no leadership at all, whether organizational strategies were not properly formulated or whether the implementation capsized horribly, thereby making the whole business a rudderless wild goose chase. The discussion necessarily follows up with an insight into what Macbeth lacked as far as Maslow's Pyramid of Needs is concerned and what it could have been like, had it been rewritten with a corporate-friendly, management-savvy 21st century protagonist armed with well formulated action plans and stronger inter-personal skills, in the titular lead. 展开更多
关键词 Operation Kingship SWOT analysis STEEPLED analysis hamartia Maslow's pyramid of needs leadership
How Do Companies Achieve Their Marketing Goals With Social Networks?
作者 Marcello Sansone Andrea Moretta Tartaglione Roberto Bruni 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第11期970-980,共11页
This work examines the role of social network sites as a tool used by companies to achieve marketing goals. As known from the main business literature, the social network represents one of the most important instrumen... This work examines the role of social network sites as a tool used by companies to achieve marketing goals. As known from the main business literature, the social network represents one of the most important instrument to improve the company fame by strengthening the affection of customers to the brand. For this reason, some companies use these tools to build relations and contacts with customers all over the world. The population of social networks users is made, for the most parts, of youngsters (people belonging to the 13-30 years old cluster). In the last years, with the social web networking, social communication lost the exclusive social meaning and social network sites become strategic instruments for the construction of powerful relations that connect people with people and people with firms. This work is aimed at clarifying the genesis and the evolution of the relations between companies and potential customers, focusing on the tools used by the firm to achieve their marketing goals through social network sites (SNSs). First of all, the work proposes the recognition of some studies about the origin of web social network and their links with marketing strategies. Secondly, it considers marketing goals achieved from any companies through social networking with a particular focus on advertising through web social networking. 展开更多
关键词 Social network sites (SNSs) MARKETING youngers brand value relationship with customers
试析合同法上的附随义务 被引量:40
作者 道文 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第10期23-26,共4页
关键词 附随义务 给付义务 先合同义务 后合同义务 《合同法》 不真正合同义务 债权人 合同履行 诚信原则 诚实信用原则
作者 罗霄悍 谭炼 《人民司法》 2018年第5期61-62,共2页
关键词 附随义务 违约金 调整 瑕疵 诚实信用原则 给付义务 违约责任 公平原则
商品房买卖合同纠纷若干问题探析(下) 被引量:1
作者 王林辉 《仲裁研究》 2010年第2期64-69,共6页
三、商品房交付使用纠纷商品房作为不动产,《物权法》规定其公示方法是进行登记,未经登记不发生物权变动的法律后果。因此,开发商完整意义上的交付房屋的主给付义务包括:一是交付房屋给买受人占有和使用;二是将房屋所有权转移给买受人,... 三、商品房交付使用纠纷商品房作为不动产,《物权法》规定其公示方法是进行登记,未经登记不发生物权变动的法律后果。因此,开发商完整意义上的交付房屋的主给付义务包括:一是交付房屋给买受人占有和使用;二是将房屋所有权转移给买受人,即办理或协助办理房屋产权登记。 展开更多
关键词 买卖合同纠纷 给付义务 买受人 物权变动 房屋产权登记 违约责任 公示方法 合同无效 瑕疵担保责任
差额补足法律实务新探 被引量:1
作者 周天林 《晟典律师评论》 2020年第1期63-99,共37页
差额补足的法律形式多样,应用场景广泛,而随着越来越多的融资、投资、资管产品中嵌入"差额补足承诺",其渐成近期金融创新的活跃因子。然而,差额补足的法律性质并无统一界定,法律效力也有不确定性。因此,对在理论和实务界未达... 差额补足的法律形式多样,应用场景广泛,而随着越来越多的融资、投资、资管产品中嵌入"差额补足承诺",其渐成近期金融创新的活跃因子。然而,差额补足的法律性质并无统一界定,法律效力也有不确定性。因此,对在理论和实务界未达共识的本论题,从法律角度展开深入分析实有必要。 展开更多
关键词 主义务 交易合同 合伙企业法 合伙协议 债务承担 第三方机构 收益权 股权投资 债权类资产 非典型担保 有限合伙人 意思表示真实 法律实务
The Contemporary Construction of Chinese International Law Discourse 被引量:3
作者 Zeng Lingliang 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第4期78-91,共14页
The contemporary construction of Chinese international law discourse, on the one hand, ought to precisely, systematically and completely express and communicate fundamental principles, main regimes and substantial fea... The contemporary construction of Chinese international law discourse, on the one hand, ought to precisely, systematically and completely express and communicate fundamental principles, main regimes and substantial features of international law as well as core values, basic conceptions, key terms, mainstream theories or doctrines and representative views gradually established and developed in the study of international law; on the other hand, it should fully and in a timely way manifest China's creative contributions to international law and its discipline and discourse. The framework of contemporary Chinese international law discourse should take "building a harmonious world" as the guiding rationale; thoroughly cover the four basic dimensions of the international rule of law and Chinese foreign policy and its practice, namely domestic, multilateral, regional and bilateral; coincide with, follow and respect those rules, natural laws and tendencies such as fundamental rules governing international relations, globalization, multilateralism, regional integration and regionalism, the international community's obligations (or rights) and China's needs for peaceful development. It should orient its basic functions toward promoting the continuous development and wide application of contemporary international law as well as its teaching, study and dissemination, stimulating the progress of the rule of law in China, protecting Chinese interests, especially those core national interests, and strengthening China's international image and status as a responsible big country. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese international law discourse contemporary international law MULTILATERALISM REGIONALISM international community obligations
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