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从“官场主体性”到“学场主体性”——教育家办学语境下大学校长主体性生成场域的转向 被引量:1
作者 王飞 王运来 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2012年第3期155-159,共5页
"教育家办学"的时代命题,意味着对大学校长主体性的省思与叩问,厘析命题基调的概念场,剖析大学校长主体性的"官场主体性"与"学场主体性",构建一个从"官场主体性"到"学场主体性"的大... "教育家办学"的时代命题,意味着对大学校长主体性的省思与叩问,厘析命题基调的概念场,剖析大学校长主体性的"官场主体性"与"学场主体性",构建一个从"官场主体性"到"学场主体性"的大学校长主体性生成场域转向的路径,消解其"官场主体性"对"学场主体性"的遮蔽,从而才能建构教育家型大学校长的主体形象,才能催生出一批真正的教育家与实现"教育家办学"的愿景。 展开更多
关键词 大学校长主体 主体 主体 教育家办学
作者 王黔京 《贵州商业高等专科学校学报》 2015年第1期53-57,共5页
开放型经济体系建设是近年来探讨较多的学术热点,已有的研究成果中,主要对开放型经济的发展战略、阶段、模式等都做了描述性的研究,但却没有形成系统的理论体系。基于"多元主体治理场域"的视角,本文对新时期开放型经济体系建... 开放型经济体系建设是近年来探讨较多的学术热点,已有的研究成果中,主要对开放型经济的发展战略、阶段、模式等都做了描述性的研究,但却没有形成系统的理论体系。基于"多元主体治理场域"的视角,本文对新时期开放型经济体系建设的内涵和要求进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 “多元主体治理域” 开放型经济体系建设 模式创新
论思想政治教育场的建构 被引量:8
作者 张浩 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期225-227,共3页
思想政治教育是一个由主体场、介体场和环体场共同构成的复合场。其中,主体场起决定作用,决定着介体场和环体场的形成、发展和演化,主导着整个思想政治教育活动的发展方向。思想政治教育目标的实现取决于主体场、介体场和环体场之间的... 思想政治教育是一个由主体场、介体场和环体场共同构成的复合场。其中,主体场起决定作用,决定着介体场和环体场的形成、发展和演化,主导着整个思想政治教育活动的发展方向。思想政治教育目标的实现取决于主体场、介体场和环体场之间的协同作用。因此,要提高思想政治教育的实效性,就必须增强教育主体的思想政治素质,增强教育主体间的契合度,选择适当的工具系统,优化思想政治教育环境。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治教育 主体场 介体 环体
场依存视角下的高职教育校企一体化合作办学研究 被引量:1
作者 焦彩丽 《现代教育科学(高教研究)》 2014年第1期117-121,共5页
由政府、高职院校和企业所组成的校企一体化源主体,与通过一体化过程涌现出的一元新主体,共同构成了场依存关系。源主体和新主体之间的相互作用,是校企一体化办学模式得以实现的人的因素。同时,实物条件、专业设置匹配企业发展、课程内... 由政府、高职院校和企业所组成的校企一体化源主体,与通过一体化过程涌现出的一元新主体,共同构成了场依存关系。源主体和新主体之间的相互作用,是校企一体化办学模式得以实现的人的因素。同时,实物条件、专业设置匹配企业发展、课程内容匹配职业技能标准、教学和实训匹配生产过程等诸多要素则是校企一体化合作办学模式得以实现的物质条件。 展开更多
关键词 校企一体化 主体 主体 主体场依存
作者 孙冠荣 郭峻宇 +1 位作者 姚沛卿 李元昊 《山东体育科技》 2024年第4期22-27,共6页
本研究从行为经济学视角出发,深入剖析了中国足球领域中主体与场域的互动模式,旨在识别和分析制约其发展的关键因素。研究认为,信息不对称、认知偏差以及社会与市场规范的矛盾是影响决策质量的主要障碍。通过系统性分析足球市场、政府... 本研究从行为经济学视角出发,深入剖析了中国足球领域中主体与场域的互动模式,旨在识别和分析制约其发展的关键因素。研究认为,信息不对称、认知偏差以及社会与市场规范的矛盾是影响决策质量的主要障碍。通过系统性分析足球市场、政府政策和公众参与,指出中国足球发展中存在的非理性行为和结构性问题,并提出针对性的政策建议,如,提高信息透明度、优化基础设施、调整风险管理策略以及加强社区和学校在足球文化培育中的作用,以期为中国足球的策略制定和市场发展提供了一定的理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 中国足球 主体域互动 行为经济学 政策启示
近年来考研热现象的成因分析及其引导策略--基于布迪厄场域和文化资本理论的视角 被引量:10
作者 吉祥佩 李宜江 《扬州大学学报(高教研究版)》 2021年第3期83-89,共7页
布迪厄的教育社会学理论认为,在社会场域内个体所处的位次取决于个体在教育场域内获取的文化资本数量。依据布迪厄场域和文化资本理论分析考研现状,高校扩招政策的持续推行、考研群体报考动机的功利化以及考研基地的应试化培训等是形成... 布迪厄的教育社会学理论认为,在社会场域内个体所处的位次取决于个体在教育场域内获取的文化资本数量。依据布迪厄场域和文化资本理论分析考研现状,高校扩招政策的持续推行、考研群体报考动机的功利化以及考研基地的应试化培训等是形成考研热现象的原因。因此,要推动硕士研究生教育走向优质化的发展道路,应充分联动考研场域内三个利益相关主体——国家、高校和考研群体,国家宏观调控招生制度和就业制度,高校全面提升硕士研究生培养质量,考研群体促进自我认同、进行理性选择。 展开更多
关键词 考研热 域利益主体 文化资本理论 考研引导
作者 宋晓杰 《常熟理工学院学报》 2009年第9期18-22,共5页
主体性吊诡历史性地隐匿了外在与内在双重性的建构意义,分别表现为异化与物化逻辑中主客二元性的构图、主体际的关系存在论、先验的结构境域性和自我与他者互文性图式中主体性的自反逻辑、归隐的实现方式。在这个意义上,主体性吊诡实际... 主体性吊诡历史性地隐匿了外在与内在双重性的建构意义,分别表现为异化与物化逻辑中主客二元性的构图、主体际的关系存在论、先验的结构境域性和自我与他者互文性图式中主体性的自反逻辑、归隐的实现方式。在这个意义上,主体性吊诡实际上已内在地置换为主体性场域的问题。 展开更多
关键词 主体 吊诡 主体
信息社会个人信息法律关系的构造 被引量:3
作者 孙莹 冉凌波 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第2期29-38,共10页
信息社会的本质是能够产生个人信息法律关系,信息流是解构个人信息法律关系的关键,也是个人信息法律关系产生的直接动力。个人信息法律关系的主流构造分别以信息自决、隐私和人格权益为基础,其中,国家利益成为个人信息法律关系构造中不... 信息社会的本质是能够产生个人信息法律关系,信息流是解构个人信息法律关系的关键,也是个人信息法律关系产生的直接动力。个人信息法律关系的主流构造分别以信息自决、隐私和人格权益为基础,其中,国家利益成为个人信息法律关系构造中不可忽视的力量。三种构造模式分别体现出个人与企业,个人与国家,个人、企业和国家三者之间的利益平衡。由于利益平衡体现出的幸存者偏差效应,个人信息法律关系的构造以主体场域信息自治为中心,具有合理性和现实性。 展开更多
关键词 信息社会 信息流 构造模式 幸存者偏差效应 主体场域信息自治
作者 阮世勤 《新疆职业大学学报》 2013年第4期31-34,共4页
《早春》在现代英国女作家佩内洛普·菲兹杰拉德的作品。小说以男主人为叙述视角,叙述了男主人公弗兰克·里德在妻子离家出走之后的故事。叙述以男性在父权社会主体性场域内的经验为主,揭示了女性出走之后,整个父权社会主体性... 《早春》在现代英国女作家佩内洛普·菲兹杰拉德的作品。小说以男主人为叙述视角,叙述了男主人公弗兰克·里德在妻子离家出走之后的故事。叙述以男性在父权社会主体性场域内的经验为主,揭示了女性出走之后,整个父权社会主体性场域内男性主体性能指经验的延续,而女性作为个体独立存在的经验在父权社会主体性场域内依然缺失。通过对两性的经验叙述差异,佩内洛普揭示了父权社会主体性场域的男性主体权力的构建机制,展示了父权社会主体性场域内的男性个体经验的稳定性与女性个体经验的浮动性。 展开更多
关键词 父权社会主体 男性 女性 主体 《早春》
作者 阮世勤 《琼州学院学报》 2012年第1期63-64,62,共3页
关键词 《玛西尔达》 主体 父权社会 女性个体经验言说
Primary Approach to Water(Natural Monopoly) Industry Remodeling 被引量:1
作者 XiaChengxiang 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第1期92-97,共6页
Natural monopoly,because of its spontaneous or natural characteristics, must have some mysterious causes of reasonableness.Thus,the regulations to its efficiency loss would have a different way compared to other monop... Natural monopoly,because of its spontaneous or natural characteristics, must have some mysterious causes of reasonableness.Thus,the regulations to its efficiency loss would have a different way compared to other monopolies. That the characteristics of natural monopoly,in the case of water industry, are that the infrastructure investments are very large,most of which are used to build the transportation system? The webs for transporting their products to their customers,and the products are identity goods or services.By examining the characteristics of natural monopoly,this paper proposed away to break upand remodel the industry of“natural monopoly”.The main clue of remodeling is that the governments,who represent the public and who have the power to control over public resources,should build and maintain a public web platform for the goods’ transportation uses, and break up the barrier ofthe entry so as to produce a market-oriented competitive structure.The running modeland the condition of remodeling are put forward and the cost-revenue analysis of the operation is briefly under consideration. 展开更多
关键词 water industry natural monopoly REMODELING MODEL
The "Minister of Production in the Collectivist State" as a Third Way of the Market: China Between Ethics and Growth
作者 Catia Eliana Gentilucci 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第3期292-308,共17页
This paper proposes a comparison between the Chinese social-economic system of today and the economic planning system theorized by Enrico Barone in 1908, which described in his famous paper "The minister of productio... This paper proposes a comparison between the Chinese social-economic system of today and the economic planning system theorized by Enrico Barone in 1908, which described in his famous paper "The minister of production in the collectivist state". The work stems from a critical reflection on the premises of the capitalist market system. From Adam Smith to J. M. Keynes (included), economists have identified in traditional capitalist models (search for maximum profit, economic efficiency, free competition system) the best economic system, universally implementable, feasible and infallible in democratic capitalist contexts. In the history of economic ideas have always been clear gap between the "capitalist system" and the "collectivist system". The choice of a government had to fall back on one or on the other system. The first considered "good", the second considered "bad" for economic growth. Times since September 11, 2001, however, seem to have debunked the myth of capitalism as the only model of democratic growth: Asia and China have given the world a lesson in humility. China has shown that although not being a democratic country could developed a robust and highly competitive economic model that has weakened the pillars of the western capitalism. China through Confucianism and Taoism has been able to establish the new global economic laws: low labour costs, low prices, mass production of low quality with a mixed mercantilist philosophy which is unknown to the Western world: the silent, smooth, radical trade expansion. As in a game of dominoes, China has been able to drop the capitalism safeties and America had to bow its head and agree to no longer be the only great power in the international scenario. But the peculiarity of this work is not only to define the root causes of China's success in the West; also reflects the fact that an Italian economist (Enrico Barone), in 1908, predicted analytically and developed a theoretical system very similar to that of China nowadays, between capitalism and collectivism (a third way of the market). The Asian culture has developed a market system that has proven to be accommodating to the needs of the capitalist market and to grasp the development opportunities that the same Western capitalism has offered. 展开更多
关键词 CAPITALISM China COLLECTIVISM confucian state individual Taoism economic growth
Shift of Driving Force for China's Industrial Growth during 1979-2012——A Trend toward Worsening Efficiency
作者 江飞涛 武鹏 李晓萍 《China Economist》 2014年第6期21-33,共13页
The driving force for China's industrial growth has shifted from the synergy of efficiency and factor input to the dominance of capital input alone.With the boundary of 2003,the contribution of capital to the grow... The driving force for China's industrial growth has shifted from the synergy of efficiency and factor input to the dominance of capital input alone.With the boundary of 2003,the contribution of capital to the growth of China's industrial economy increased from the annual average of 34.07%to 89.28%while the contribution of TFP dived from the annual average of 47.34%to-4.08%.Meanwhile,TFP growth rates dropped from the annual average of 4.6%to-0.05%and marginal capital output ratio went down from0.61 in 2002 to 0.28 in 2012.This indicates that the investment-driven pattern of China's industrial growth has been confronted with severe inefficiency.Further research suggests that the tendency of worsening industrial growth efficiency already became significant prior to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the eruption of the global financial crisis is not the fundamental reason for the worsening of efficiency and only exacerbated its tendency.The current government-led and investment-driven pattern of industrial growth is the root cause of such efficiency deterioration.Therefore,in order to achieve the transition towards innovation- and efficiency-driven growth pattern,the key is to make an appropriate distinction in the relationship between market and government,i.e.,the government must create a perfect institutional system where the market plays a decisive role and take proactive initiative to promote technology innovation and transfer on the basis of respecting market mechanism and the intent of market entities. 展开更多
关键词 industrial economy growth mechanism transformation of development pattern
Competitiveness of Travel Agencies in the European Tourism Market
作者 Iris Mihajlovic 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第4期278-286,共9页
The concept of competitiveness influenced by many factors is analyzed in terms of terminology distinctions. This is the reason of numerous definitions of this term included in the first part of the paper, which varies... The concept of competitiveness influenced by many factors is analyzed in terms of terminology distinctions. This is the reason of numerous definitions of this term included in the first part of the paper, which varies according to the aspect of the analysis, analyzed marketing unit, tourism product, geographical unit, region, destination, or entities that offer an acceptable integrated product a package by specific indicators for comparison of elements of competitiveness. The first part of the article theoretically emphasizes the distinction in defining the concept of competitiveness from various aspects of the analyzed market subjects (different features and facilities provided), and from those aspects of their specific business relationship in the market. Special contribution to the study of competitiveness is contained in the second part of the paper that analyzes the existing situation of intermediation in the European tourism market. This research is based on using the data of descriptive statistics and the secondary research which gives insights into the business of travel agencies, using the data such as number of employees, annual personnel costs, and the average annual cost per person employed in travel agencies in some European countries. The changes in the environment, and the competition initiate a need for an analysis of the internal environment, travel agencies' tasks, and their organizational structure. Also, the results conducted research on a sample of 500 travel agencies in 20 European countries indicate the dominance of quality service, price, and value for money as key factors of demand for achieving the competitiveness. It indicates new trends focused on needs for more specific--integrated tourist products that ensure the quality of service, value for money, and for the time that tourists invest in their obtaining. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic environment INTERMEDIARIES COMPETITION MARKET service quality PRICE
Prospect of Mid-long Term Oil & Gas System Reform in China
作者 Guo Jiaofeng 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第2期10-15,共6页
International oil keeps low-price running after crash, and China deepens reformm domestically. Using this opportunity, China lays the same emphasis on investment and trade, on onshore and offshore transportation, give... International oil keeps low-price running after crash, and China deepens reformm domestically. Using this opportunity, China lays the same emphasis on investment and trade, on onshore and offshore transportation, gives full play to the important role of market in resource distribution, speeds up oil and gas system reform to guarantee clean, e fficienL safe and steady energy supply and long-term demand for energy. We systematically and thoroughly established legal system for oil and gas domains, reformed management system for energy domain, re&treed regulatory domain, built modern market entity and multi-level market system, and improved oil and gas pricing mechanism, etc. 展开更多
关键词 oil and gas MARKETIZATION system reform strategy energy China
Study On The Sustainable Development Of The Endowment Insurance Fund In China
作者 LIU Hongxia 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期30-33,共4页
The sustainable development of the endowment insurance fund is the most basic fulcrum to the healthy development of the pension insurance system.The sustainable development of Chinese endowment insurance fund, we must... The sustainable development of the endowment insurance fund is the most basic fulcrum to the healthy development of the pension insurance system.The sustainable development of Chinese endowment insurance fund, we must adhere to the "wide coverage, basic, multi-level, The basic principle of sustainable ". In order to achieve the security of endowment insurance fund, sustainable development should be adopted .The countermeasures are: firstly, the implementation of sustainable legal raising mode; secondly, to determine the reasonable payment level, expanding .Large endowment insurance coverage;thirdly, to implement the State Administration by main market managementPrivate management and sustainable. 展开更多
关键词 the sustainable development the endowment insurance fund endowment insurance
The effects of land market development on economic growth: an empirical analysis based on Chinese panel data,1999-2005 被引量:1
作者 YANG Hong-mei 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第1期88-95,共8页
Optimized land resources allocation is important for economic growth because land is one of the basic elements for economic development. And urban land resources allocation has had an increasingly important influence ... Optimized land resources allocation is important for economic growth because land is one of the basic elements for economic development. And urban land resources allocation has had an increasingly important influence since the Chinese socialist market economy system was established. This paper estimates the production function of both the secondary and the tertiary industries of China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government through an analysis of the panel data of the total output value of the secondary and the tertiary industries, invested capital, invested labor jorces and the land market-jeatured management of the above-mentioned regions during the period of 1999-2005. and examines the positive influence of the above- mentioned factors on regional economic output, This study concludes that urban economic output is positively related with the level of urban land resources market-featured management, since the rate of economic growth of those regions approximates 14. 7% under the condition of urban land market running during the period of 1999-2005. 展开更多
关键词 Land market Economic growth Panel data Regional difference
Reference of retirement system in developed country from the Chinese pension system constitutes
作者 Hui Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期32-34,共3页
The Chinese government attaches great importance to the social security system, and makes it as an important pillar of socialist market economic system. Especially in the last decade, we seize the sustained, rapid and... The Chinese government attaches great importance to the social security system, and makes it as an important pillar of socialist market economic system. Especially in the last decade, we seize the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the favorable opportunity of the construction of social security system; we have made unremitting efforts and achieved important progress. After years of exploration and practice, we have a clear basic principles of the social security system and the overall objectives and major tasks, we also established social pooling and individual accounts of the basic old-age insurance, basic medical insurance system, covering pension, medical, unemployment, work injury and maternity insurance, the urban minimum living security system and the framework of the social security system basically forms. The coverage of social insurance continuously expands social security funds which are through nmltiple channels to raise the initial formation mechanism forms, the level of protection continuously improves, and management and service system also gradually improves. The social security system' s reform and development plays a very important role in ensuring the basic livelihood of the people, the state-owned enterprise reform, and the smooth progress of economic restructuring. 展开更多
关键词 retirement system social security system PENSION
Impact of Chinese social transformation on the reform of social st)orts management system
作者 Guangjie LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期48-50,共3页
China after the efforts of reform and opening up for 30 years, has established a relatively complete featuring system of sports administration, providing a system of protection for sports development in China. With th... China after the efforts of reform and opening up for 30 years, has established a relatively complete featuring system of sports administration, providing a system of protection for sports development in China. With the further improvement of the socialist market economy, the existing sports administrative functions are incompatible with the economic and social side of the market gradually. The current sports administrative functions can no longer adapt to the development and deeper reforms of sports system are imminent. Only by speeding up the reform of sports administration, can eliminate obstacles and promote rapid and healthy development of China's sports industry. In this paper, the object is the administrative functions of the sport in the social transformation period, through expert interviews, literature, and logical analysis, comparative study to discuss the problems of the administrative functions of sport in the social transformation period and propose appropriate countermeasures. Studies suggest that: sports administration departments should focus to implementing national policies, the development of the sports industry policy research and development planning, management and delivery of services. In accordance with the uniform principles of responsibility, rights and interests, to further clarify the responsibilities of all levels of sports administration, handling good working relationship between them. By Complete separation between rowing and steering, governance and administration, government and industry, to achieve "four transformations", and to break plan "all-round" type of government in the economic system, and establish "limited" government, effectively carry out the functions of guidance, policy regulation, market supervision, social management and public services. 展开更多
关键词 Social transformation social sports management system REFORM
Research on the Motives of the Qualification Problem of Assets Valuation Industry in China——Study Based on Questionnaire and Factor Analysis
作者 Zhanbiao Li Jun Bai 《International English Education Research》 2015年第11期14-20,共7页
The assets valuation industry in China is the product, which comes from the reform and open policy and the development of the socialist market economy. Under more than 20 years of development which begins to bud in th... The assets valuation industry in China is the product, which comes from the reform and open policy and the development of the socialist market economy. Under more than 20 years of development which begins to bud in the beginning of the nineteen nineties, the assets valuation industry has become the indispensable Intermediary trade of the socialist market economy system in China. With the scale of assets valuation agency enlarging and its rapidly growing business in recent years, however, some problems have been exposed gradually, which harm the social image of the industry of asset valuation seriously. So the social public and the relevant administrative departments pay close attention on the quality of the asset valuation. To know about what are the essential causes that affect the assets valuation industry managers' decision, this paper, through using some means which include literature research, interview and questionnaire investigation and utilizing the method of the factor analysis, relegates 24 questions which come from some answers of the respondents to three factors which are the practicing quality factor, the sting factor of an organization and the internal management factor of valuation organization. Furthermore, it will analyze the features of these factors which are divided into two factors that are internal motivation and external motivation, looking for the key cause of the assets valuation industry quality problem of China which purposes in order to promote the healthy development of valuation profession and much better standard the internal quality of valuation industry of China. 展开更多
关键词 Valuation Industry Quality Problem Factor Analysis
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