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西方主智主义教育原理述评 被引量:10
作者 张斌贤 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第3期44-50,共7页
主智主义是西方近代形成的、以赫尔巴特和赫尔巴特学派的教育理论为主要代表的教育思潮,其生成、演变贯穿于整个西方近代教育的发展过程。主智主义产生于科学主义和理性主义盛行的时代,它主张把知识的传授与理性的发展作为教育和教学... 主智主义是西方近代形成的、以赫尔巴特和赫尔巴特学派的教育理论为主要代表的教育思潮,其生成、演变贯穿于整个西方近代教育的发展过程。主智主义产生于科学主义和理性主义盛行的时代,它主张把知识的传授与理性的发展作为教育和教学过程的基础与目的,注重对有效传授知识的方法和途径的探讨,重视研究选择、编制知识内容的基本原则和具体方式。主智主义强调,由于知识与人的认识、道德、审美、信仰等的多方面联系,因而,知识的传授不仅是一种教学活动,而且也是一种教育、陶冶、训练,是实施道德教育、审美教育和宗教教育的基本途径。主智主义对西方近代教育的发展,产生了广泛和深远的影响。但由于其理论中的种种局限,到20世纪初,主智主义被当作传统教育的主要代表而遭到尖锐的抨击。 展开更多
关键词 西方 主智 教育原理
超越主智主义:从独白到对话 被引量:4
作者 李燕 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第4期134-138,共5页
在主知主义教育思想的影响下,教育者与受教育者之间表现为无视受教育者主体地位的独白式关系。要根除这种异化的交往关系带来的弊端,需用对话取代独白。对话即主体与主体之间以理解为基础的视野整合。这种新型关系的建立,有其深层的理... 在主知主义教育思想的影响下,教育者与受教育者之间表现为无视受教育者主体地位的独白式关系。要根除这种异化的交往关系带来的弊端,需用对话取代独白。对话即主体与主体之间以理解为基础的视野整合。这种新型关系的建立,有其深层的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 主智 独白 对话
作者 马秋丽 《中共济南市委党校学报》 2003年第3期108-111,共4页
根据对 2 0世纪初中国社会现状的观察与分析 ,张东荪借鉴西方层创进化论、精神分析学等观点对中国传统人生哲学进行了尝试性重建 ,提出了“主智的”、“化欲的”人生观 ,以引导人们过一种理性的生活 ,从而解决当时理智初醒带来的社会流... 根据对 2 0世纪初中国社会现状的观察与分析 ,张东荪借鉴西方层创进化论、精神分析学等观点对中国传统人生哲学进行了尝试性重建 ,提出了“主智的”、“化欲的”人生观 ,以引导人们过一种理性的生活 ,从而解决当时理智初醒带来的社会流弊及中国社会“推”“挽”失调的问题。他的主张为人们提供了处理理智与人欲关系问题的一种可能性方式。 展开更多
关键词 张东荪 主智 化欲 人生观
《教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期37-39,共3页
“主智”与“主情”是教育科学发展中两种具有代表性的教学思想。“主情”的教学论从一开始就是旗帜鲜明地作为“主智”教学论的对立面而存在,其间论战此起彼伏,使教育理论与实践不断地趋于和谐、完善。这一过程对于变革以传统的“主... “主智”与“主情”是教育科学发展中两种具有代表性的教学思想。“主情”的教学论从一开始就是旗帜鲜明地作为“主智”教学论的对立面而存在,其间论战此起彼伏,使教育理论与实践不断地趋于和谐、完善。这一过程对于变革以传统的“主智”为主导思想的我国教学理论与实践... 展开更多
关键词 主智”教学论 情”教学论 中国 教学论发展 教学思想 教学过程 经验借鉴
智能时代教育发展的主智主义倾向:特征、反思与校正 被引量:1
作者 张广君 黄洁 曾瑶 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期90-99,共10页
智能时代教育主智主义的发展倾向,具体表现在教育目标上过度注重人的智能素养,教育手段上以智能语言机器人、虚拟现实技术以及智能学习支持系统等技术完成以知识促认知的教育任务,教育主体上推崇人机主体的理性思维与决策能力。这种主... 智能时代教育主智主义的发展倾向,具体表现在教育目标上过度注重人的智能素养,教育手段上以智能语言机器人、虚拟现实技术以及智能学习支持系统等技术完成以知识促认知的教育任务,教育主体上推崇人机主体的理性思维与决策能力。这种主智化的教育窄化了教育的育人目标,扭曲了人的精神性;突出技术对学生认知的直接作用,强化了教育的外铄意味;一味强调教育主体的科学化,掩盖了教育的艺术属性;以危机为名,以排他性竞争为实,忽视了教育包容和共存的底色。欲对其进行合理校正,需要回归教育文化传统,以人与智能技术“和”的关系为教育行动的基调,教育目标从着重智能思维转向注重人的整体生成;教育主体从遵从教育的科学转向创造教育的艺术;教育技术从辅助知识塑造转向促进学习内发。 展开更多
关键词 能时代 主智 生成论教育哲学 中华教育文化
Text Difficulty,Working Memory Capacity and Mind Wandering During Chinese EFL Learners’Reading
作者 Xianli GAO Li LI 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期433-449,525,共18页
This experimental study investigated how text difficulty and different working memory capacity(WMC)affected Chinese EFL learners’reading comprehension and their tendency to engage in task-unrelated thoughts,that is,m... This experimental study investigated how text difficulty and different working memory capacity(WMC)affected Chinese EFL learners’reading comprehension and their tendency to engage in task-unrelated thoughts,that is,mind wandering(MW),in the course of reading.Sixty first-year university non-English majors participated in the study.A two-factor mixed experimental design of 2(text difficulty:difficult and simple)×2(WMC:high/large and low/small)was employed.Results revealed that 1)the main and interaction effects of WMC and text difficulty on voluntary MW were significant,whereas those on involuntary MW were not;2)while reading the easy texts,the involuntary MW of high-WMC individuals was less frequent than that of low-WMC ones,whereas while reading the difficult ones,the direct relationship between WMC and involuntary MW was not found;and that 3)high-WMC individuals had a lower overall rate of MW and better reading performance than low-WMC individuals did,but with increasing text difficulty,their rates of overall MW and voluntary MW were getting higher and higher,and the reading performance was getting lower and lower.These results lend support to WM theory and have pedagogical implications for the instruction of L2 reading. 展开更多
关键词 text difficulty working memory capacity reading mind wandering voluntary mind wandering involuntary mind wandering reading comprehension
拉伊与“实验教育学” 被引量:4
作者 瞿葆奎 《教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第6期48-51,共4页
威廉·奥古斯特·拉伊(Wilhelm August Lay,1862—1926)是“实验教育学”的主要代表人物之一。实验教育学运用自然科学的范式研究教育现象,在教育学的历史发展过程中,对教育理论和实践、对教育研究产生了一定的影响。拉伊在其... 威廉·奥古斯特·拉伊(Wilhelm August Lay,1862—1926)是“实验教育学”的主要代表人物之一。实验教育学运用自然科学的范式研究教育现象,在教育学的历史发展过程中,对教育理论和实践、对教育研究产生了一定的影响。拉伊在其中发挥了重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 实验教育 教育学 学校 旧教育 新教育 实验教学论 赫尔巴特学派 主智 价值学 儿童
张东荪“人生价值观”初探 被引量:2
作者 王敬华 《山东社会科学》 北大核心 2006年第4期85-87,共3页
张东荪人生价值观是以其“泛架构论”宇宙观和“层创进化论”为理论基础的。他提出了“主智的”、“创造的”、“化欲的”人生观,认为人生的本义就是“发挥理智,构成人格”,人生目的是超越“今此”,放大生活,人的主要使命是求知,人生价... 张东荪人生价值观是以其“泛架构论”宇宙观和“层创进化论”为理论基础的。他提出了“主智的”、“创造的”、“化欲的”人生观,认为人生的本义就是“发挥理智,构成人格”,人生目的是超越“今此”,放大生活,人的主要使命是求知,人生价值是在全宇宙的进化历程上而定的,“朽”与“不朽”是以是否有利于宇宙的进化为评价标准的。 展开更多
关键词 张东荪 人生观 主智 不朽 化欲
综合课基础理论辨析 被引量:1
作者 吕立杰 《现代中小学教育》 1999年第2期22-23,共2页
本世纪中叶,以“综合理科”、“社会科”为典型代表的综合课成为世界课程改革中倍受关注的热点,它是把彼此邻近的学科内容组成范围比较广阔的学科,成为具有相对综合性的新型课程。一、综合课的本质课程的历史源远流长,可以说和学校... 本世纪中叶,以“综合理科”、“社会科”为典型代表的综合课成为世界课程改革中倍受关注的热点,它是把彼此邻近的学科内容组成范围比较广阔的学科,成为具有相对综合性的新型课程。一、综合课的本质课程的历史源远流长,可以说和学校同时产生。由于时代及科学水平的限制... 展开更多
关键词 综合课 理论辨析 分科课程 学科课程 金刚石 主智 信息化与现代化 逻辑体系 知识结构多元化 关联式
Aggregation‑Value‑Based Active Sampling Method for Multi‑sensor Freeform Surface Measurement and Reconstruction
作者 CHEN Gengxiang LI Yingguang +1 位作者 MEHDI-SOUZANI Charyar LIU Xu 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 CSCD 2024年第6期700-709,共10页
Freeform surface measurement is a key basic technology for product quality control and reverse engineering in aerospace field.Surface measurement technology based on multi-sensor fusion such as laser scanner and conta... Freeform surface measurement is a key basic technology for product quality control and reverse engineering in aerospace field.Surface measurement technology based on multi-sensor fusion such as laser scanner and contact probe can combine the complementary characteristics of different sensors,and has been widely concerned in industry and academia.The number and distribution of measurement points will significantly affect the efficiency of multisensor fusion and the accuracy of surface reconstruction.An aggregation‑value‑based active sampling method for multisensor freeform surface measurement and reconstruction is proposed.Based on game theory iteration,probe measurement points are generated actively,and the importance of each measurement point on freeform surface to multi-sensor fusion is clearly defined as Shapley value of the measurement point.Thus,the problem of obtaining the optimal measurement point set is transformed into the problem of maximizing the aggregation value of the sample set.Simulation and real measurement results verify that the proposed method can significantly reduce the required probe sample size while ensuring the measurement accuracy of multi-sensor fusion. 展开更多
关键词 multi-sensor fusion multi-sensor measurement data sampling active learning Shapley value intelligent sampling
《庄子》对“理”的揭示及其所反映的哲学思维嬗变 被引量:1
作者 孔涛 《管子学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第2期58-60,98,共4页
本文通过析理《庄子》诸篇中"理"字的不同内涵,旨在论证老庄和庄子后学在道论、认识论和修养实践论三个层次上对"智"的不同态度,从而揭示出战国中晚期道家哲学的思维特点和思维嬗变。在道论上,庄子和老子都是可知论... 本文通过析理《庄子》诸篇中"理"字的不同内涵,旨在论证老庄和庄子后学在道论、认识论和修养实践论三个层次上对"智"的不同态度,从而揭示出战国中晚期道家哲学的思维特点和思维嬗变。在道论上,庄子和老子都是可知论者;在认识论上老子"容智",庄子"弃智";修养实践论上老庄都主张"弃智"。庄子部分后学在三个层次上都主张绝对"弃智",认为道是不可知的,比老庄更绝对化;部分后学在三个层次上都"容智",其中吸收儒家和黄老之学的一部分后学转变为"主智"派,庄学特征已淡化。庄子后学对"理"的关注,表现出战国中晚期理性高扬的时代风貌和道家哲学由神秘主义向理性主义演化的思维运动规律。 展开更多
关键词 老庄 庄子后学 主智
民初美育运动的“情感”与“理性”辩证:跨文化观点 被引量:3
作者 彭小妍 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第3期38-48,158,共12页
一九二○年的《美育》杂志出了七期,成为一九一七年蔡元培提倡的美育运动的机关刊物。美育运动是一九一○、二○年代新文化运动的一环,知识分子认为晚清以来强调西方科学教育,却并未解决中国的根本问题;唯有文化教育能改造个人,有健全... 一九二○年的《美育》杂志出了七期,成为一九一七年蔡元培提倡的美育运动的机关刊物。美育运动是一九一○、二○年代新文化运动的一环,知识分子认为晚清以来强调西方科学教育,却并未解决中国的根本问题;唯有文化教育能改造个人,有健全的个人才能组成健全的国家。蔡元培主张,学校的德育应以陶冶情感的美育来取代宗教。《美育》杂志的宗旨则是"用‘艺术教育’来建设一个‘新人生观’并且想救济一般烦闷的青年,改革主智的教育,还要希望用美来代替神祕主义的宗教。"《美育》杂志的创办人为一九一九年成立的中国美育协会成员,皆美术、音乐教师,任教学校包括上海专科师范学校及爱国女学。编辑包括吴梦非、周湘、欧阳予倩、丰子恺等,均对后来的艺术教育影响深远。本文一方面探讨中国美育运动与日本、德国美育运动的跨文化连结,一方面指出美育运动与梁启超、蔡元培主导的人生观派在理念上的合流。 展开更多
关键词 美育运动 主智的教育 跨文化 人生观
作者 陈仁文 陶宝祺 +1 位作者 陈勇 朱晓锦 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期39-44,共6页
Smart material and structure (SMS) is a challenging novel technique for the 21 century especially in fields of aviation and aerospace. Vibration and noise suppression smart structure is an important branch of SMS. T... Smart material and structure (SMS) is a challenging novel technique for the 21 century especially in fields of aviation and aerospace. Vibration and noise suppression smart structure is an important branch of SMS. There are several typical structures such as the cabin of an airplane, space station, the solar board of satellite and the rotor blade of a helicopter, of which the vibrations and radiation noises have bad influences on precise equipments and aiming systems. In order to suppress vibrations and noises of these structures, several algorithms are applied to the models which simulate the structures. Experiments are performed to suppress vibrations and noises by bonding sensors and actuators to the structures at the optimized locations and using computer based measurement and control systems. For the blade vibration control of a helicopter, a non contact method of signal transmission by magneto electric coupling is discussed. The experimental results demonstrate that the methods used for active control are effective. 展开更多
关键词 VIBRATION active control smart structure piezoceramic element noise suppression test and measurement system
作者 易单 《魅力中国》 2010年第6X期139-139,141,共2页
现当代的很多艺术家的创作在情感上力图达到儿童绘画时的情感,在形式上艺术家与儿童都能达到一种和谐与自然,正是这种心理,艺术家在创作中的儿童化心理状态的表现,结合现实生活的状态,道出了对现当艺术与现实生活的态度.艺术家和儿童绘... 现当代的很多艺术家的创作在情感上力图达到儿童绘画时的情感,在形式上艺术家与儿童都能达到一种和谐与自然,正是这种心理,艺术家在创作中的儿童化心理状态的表现,结合现实生活的状态,道出了对现当艺术与现实生活的态度.艺术家和儿童绘画时有相同相异之处,同在于都为了表达情感,最终的画面形式感较强,异在于儿童的绘画是纯直觉的宣泄,完全呈现的儿童自己认为的美的世界,而艺术家要通过一番调整,以及有目的的安排画面来达到情感的表达,也就是所谓的境界。 展开更多
关键词 二元对立 观—表现” 主智
作者 太玄 饶杰腾(编著) 《语文建设》 北大核心 2019年第2期1-1,共1页
旧时之教授,本于德国派之主智主义,惟注意于知识之方面,研究如何注入知识于儿童。故教授倾于教师中心主义,儿童之自发的活动,全被阻害,其自己活动,为教师所攘夺,教室遂化为教师之舞台。虽时有以开发主义而数数向儿童发问者,亦不过心意... 旧时之教授,本于德国派之主智主义,惟注意于知识之方面,研究如何注入知识于儿童。故教授倾于教师中心主义,儿童之自发的活动,全被阻害,其自己活动,为教师所攘夺,教室遂化为教师之舞台。虽时有以开发主义而数数向儿童发问者,亦不过心意活动之一部耳。 展开更多
关键词 教师中心 主智 儿童 知识 教室 发问
Clinical Intelligent Diagnosis Path Based on the Chief Complaint 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Xiao-Qing TONG Tian-Hao +1 位作者 ZENG Yi-Di ZHONG Lu 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2020年第1期44-49,共6页
Goals of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)include precision,accuracy,and recognition by clinical practice.Establishment of a diagnosis and treatment system that closely conforms to the principle-method-recipe-medicine... Goals of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)include precision,accuracy,and recognition by clinical practice.Establishment of a diagnosis and treatment system that closely conforms to the principle-method-recipe-medicines system and derivation of an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan should be considerations of TCM.Artificial intelligence research based on computer technology is one of the effective ways to solve this problem.In the research of intelligent diagnosis path,reflecting the characteristics of the overall view and dialectical treatment of TCM such as"Combination of four diagnostic methods""overall examination""combination of disease and syndrome"and"treatment individualized to patient,season and locality"are key for successful research of artificial intelligence in TCM diagnosis or recognition by clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Chief complaint Intelligent diagnosis TCM diagnosis Correlation analysis Combination of four diagnostic methods Symptom pair Symptom group
Sparsity-Assisted Intelligent Condition Monitoring Method for Aero-engine Main Shaft Bearing 被引量:4
作者 DING Baoqing WU Jingyao +3 位作者 SUN Chuang WANG Shibin CHEN Xuefeng LI Yinghong 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第4期508-516,共9页
Weak feature extraction is of great importance for condition monitoring and intelligent diagnosis of aeroengine.Aimed at achieving intelligent diagnosis of aero-engine main shaft bearing,an enhanced sparsity-assisted ... Weak feature extraction is of great importance for condition monitoring and intelligent diagnosis of aeroengine.Aimed at achieving intelligent diagnosis of aero-engine main shaft bearing,an enhanced sparsity-assisted intelligent condition monitoring method is proposed in this paper.Through analyzing the weakness of convex sparse model,i.e.the tradeoff between noise reduction and feature reconstruction,this paper proposes an enhanced-sparsity nonconvex regularized convex model based on Moreau envelope to achieve weak feature extraction.Accordingly,a sparsity-assisted deep convolutional variational autoencoders network is proposed,which achieves the intelligent identification of fault state through training denoised normal data.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through aero-engine bearing run-to-failure experiment.The comparison results show that the proposed method is good at abnormal pattern recognition,showing a good potential for weak fault intelligent diagnosis of aero-engine main shaft bearings. 展开更多
关键词 aero-engine main shaft bearing intelligent condition monitoring feature extraction sparse model variational autoencoders deep learning
Active Tracking with Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera 被引量:2
作者 梁冰 Hong Bingrong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第1期68-71,共4页
This paper intends to introduce the active vision system with autonomous robot competition in the background. It presents some characteristics of the human oculomotor system in active ma-chine vision svstem: smooth pu... This paper intends to introduce the active vision system with autonomous robot competition in the background. It presents some characteristics of the human oculomotor system in active ma-chine vision svstem: smooth pursuit and saccade. Besides, zoom tracking is used to continuous ad-justment of a camera's focal length to keep a constant sized image of an object moving along the camera's optical axis. Experiments indicate the technology to be efficient for tracking the bail in the robot competition. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous robot active vision PTZ camera control
George Orwell's Non-linear Narrative in The Road To Wigan Pier
作者 Bechir Chaabane 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第11期872-890,共19页
Orwell's text The Road to Wigan Pier, henceforth referred to as RWP, is problematic due to the ambiguity of its status as a literary genre. The text is subversive on many levels, namely on the level of form. In order... Orwell's text The Road to Wigan Pier, henceforth referred to as RWP, is problematic due to the ambiguity of its status as a literary genre. The text is subversive on many levels, namely on the level of form. In order to show some aspects of the author's challenge of the conventional norms and methods of literary writing, a comparison between the writer's original diary of the journey to the industrial North of England, the main site of the coal mines, and the present book could be of great import. This reveals the author's genuine intellectual ability to manipulate and rearrange the events and scenes of the story on the discourse level. The author's manipulation and rearrangement of the story (the journey), events and scenes, clearly reveals his potential literary creativity and imagination. Orwell has deployed many strategies to fulfil this purpose. Each strategy is actually a contribution to the author's overall argument and at the same time it constitutes a further aspect of subversion. The first aspect of subversion lies on the level of form itself. The form of the book is effectively very challenging. Contrary to the conventional view of the fictional novel, the study of Orwell's text based on Grrard Genette's model reveals his challenge of the basic novelistic parameters. The novelistic ingredients such as setting, characterisation, and plot development have been treated in a subverting way. Though not totally discarded, they have been manipulated for the purpose of the author's general argument, which is Socialism. For instance, characters in the novel are treated as types, that is, representatives of their class. Besides, the order of scenes and events has been rearranged for the purpose of foregrounding representative scenes like the description of the Brookers' lodging-house. The author's treatment of the material of the text is primarily based on his personal experience as an outside observer during his journey to the North. Therefore, the exploration of the novel from a structuralist perspective based on Genette's model does not merely aim at the pure application of some literary and critical approaches to Orwell's text. This may be misleading since the investigation may fall in superficiality and simplicity. But the strategy deployed is actually a further contribution to the author's general argument and a manifestation of the novel's status as a creative and subversive text. 展开更多
Multi-agent reinforcement learning with cooperation based on eligibility traces
作者 杨玉君 程君实 陈佳品 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第5期564-568,共5页
The application of reinforcement learning is widely used by multi-agent systems in recent years. An agent uses a multi-agent system to cooperate with other agents to accomplish the given task, and one agent′s behavio... The application of reinforcement learning is widely used by multi-agent systems in recent years. An agent uses a multi-agent system to cooperate with other agents to accomplish the given task, and one agent′s behavior usually affects the others′ behaviors. In traditional reinforcement learning, one agent takes the others location, so it is difficult to consider the others′ behavior, which decreases the learning efficiency. This paper proposes multi-agent reinforcement learning with cooperation based on eligibility traces, i.e. one agent estimates the other agent′s behavior with the other agent′s eligibility traces. The results of this simulation prove the validity of the proposed learning method. 展开更多
关键词 reinforcement learning MULTI-AGENT BEHAVIOR eligibility trace
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