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论地域文学在主盟文学影响下的生存模式 被引量:5
作者 袁志成 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 2008年第3期26-28,共3页
关键词 地域文学 主盟文学 生存模式
徽州文书中“主盟”的性质 被引量:2
作者 阿风 《明史研究》 1999年第1期69-82,共14页
徽州文书中,经常出现诸如'主盟母'、'主盟祖母'、'主盟父'、'主盟嫂'等称谓,考察其意。与'当事人'不同,与'中人'、'见人'、'保人'等也不同。'主盟'一词出现很... 徽州文书中,经常出现诸如'主盟母'、'主盟祖母'、'主盟父'、'主盟嫂'等称谓,考察其意。与'当事人'不同,与'中人'、'见人'、'保人'等也不同。'主盟'一词出现很早,原意为诸侯主持会盟之意。《左传·襄公九年》:'知武子谓献子曰: ‘我实不德,而要人以盟,岂礼也哉.非礼,何以主盟?’'后来又指倡导并主持某事,亦指做媒。 展开更多
关键词 保人 文书 主盟 主盟 徽州 性质 经常出现
作者 謝明文 《出土文献》 2016年第2期64-72,共9页
河南省文物考古研究院收藏的文物中,有一件出土於河南上蔡郭莊的青銅鼎(見圖1),上面有銘文三行(見圖2),共19字(含合文1)。《鼎盛中華》一書曾著錄此鼎的器形與銘文照片,該書認爲此鼎的時代爲戰國早期,並對其銘文内容作了初步討論:腹内... 河南省文物考古研究院收藏的文物中,有一件出土於河南上蔡郭莊的青銅鼎(見圖1),上面有銘文三行(見圖2),共19字(含合文1)。《鼎盛中華》一書曾著錄此鼎的器形與銘文照片,該書認爲此鼎的時代爲戰國早期,並對其銘文内容作了初步討論:腹内壁銘文三行:'唯王八月丁丑,競之宁自乍將□列□,服共盟祀。'銘文既稱'服共盟祀',鑄鼎專爲盟祀之用,其主人當是具有主盟之權利。 展开更多
关键词 中華 河南 器形 主盟 銘文 服共 文物
Kant: The Sweet Dream of Perpetual Peace
作者 Theodosios N. Pelegrinis 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期87-89,共3页
This essay is a survey upon Kant's Sweet Dream of Perpetual Peace. According to Kant, a permanent peace could be achieved under the condition of the creation of a Federation of States. This Federation of States will ... This essay is a survey upon Kant's Sweet Dream of Perpetual Peace. According to Kant, a permanent peace could be achieved under the condition of the creation of a Federation of States. This Federation of States will be rest upon three fundamental requirements--i.e., democracy, reason, universal hospitality. Kant's idea of global Federation of States should not be confused with existing nowadays Unions of States, such as European Union, which depend heavily upon a central authority and a complicated bureaucracy. 展开更多
关键词 perpetual peace Kant sweet dream global community REASON universal hospitality central authority globe of common ascent Federation of States global village globalization
关于春秋盟誓礼仪若干问题之研究 被引量:1
作者 吴柱 《中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期5-24,共20页
春秋盟礼中总是先"读书"而后"歃血"。盟书由司盟负责宣读,而司盟很可能是史官的一种。盟誓中同时存在"司盟读书"和"歃血者读书"两种现象。关于歃血的方式,传统的"以口饮血说"更符合... 春秋盟礼中总是先"读书"而后"歃血"。盟书由司盟负责宣读,而司盟很可能是史官的一种。盟誓中同时存在"司盟读书"和"歃血者读书"两种现象。关于歃血的方式,传统的"以口饮血说"更符合历史事实,"以血涂唇说"不可信据。盟主必然执牛耳,执牛耳者也必然是盟主。赞牛耳与执牛耳相互联系又相互区别,不可混淆。盟礼中由哪一方主盟和执牛耳,主要受到国力强弱、等级尊卑、政治形势、主客关系等四个因素的影响。只有综合考虑这四个因素,才能在"礼坏乐崩"的背景下,找到历史事件内在的秩序性和现实的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 读书 歃血 执牛耳 主盟
Affects of Marshall Plan on Turkish Economy
作者 Nurgun Koc Bedriye Koc 《Sociology Study》 2017年第2期83-121,共39页
Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two... Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two world wars was abandoned and it was intended to dominate world politics. Likewise, it can be considered as the smoking gun for power loss of continental Europe, including England, against the Soviet Union. When Turkey had to find its way into Western alliance in this new period divided into two poles and called as "Cold War", it intended to enter into economic acquis formed by Marshall Plan. Turkey, in the process to prevent the spread of communism against the Soviet Union that started mainly by Truman Doctrine, was of the first priority status by the USA just like Greece. It can be said that Turkish economy made an important progress to move into liberal system from its statist structure through Marshall Plan. Accession process to European Union integration mandated by the USA was started by Republican People's Party (CHP) and it was also continued in Democratic Party period with liberal program that took over the power as a result of elections in Turkey. Although Marshall Plan created economic added value in Turkey at the beginning, it could not create a sustainable welfare process as consultants coming from the USA had insisted on unilateral economic policies and Turkey was directed towards military spending due to being seen mainly as a buffer state against the Soviet Union and Middle East. It can be also said that arrangements arising from double standards in the application compared to European countries caused economic instabilities in the long run. 展开更多
关键词 Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan the United States of America TURKEY ECONOMY
The Formation of Russia-US-EU-China Multipolarity Relations under the Scenario of Ukraine Crisis in the Changing World
作者 Feng-Yung Hu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第11期729-738,共10页
This paper is to analyze the changing formation of international security and economic system in the context of geopolitical expansion under the scenario of the Ukraine crisis. The author attempts to destruct the diff... This paper is to analyze the changing formation of international security and economic system in the context of geopolitical expansion under the scenario of the Ukraine crisis. The author attempts to destruct the different interactions among Russia, EU, US, and China, founding that through the West economic sanctions the US are obstructing Russia's Eurasian policy and EU-Russian trade structures in many areas, especially in the energy sector. The US rebalancing policy might finish under the scenario of improved Russia-China relations because the US might improve their relations with China as well to implement their containment against Russia, whose geopolitical expansion toward Arctic Ocean, and with its developing the Russian Siberia, the Russian Far East Region as part of its global strategic deployment. Russia's global deployment is carried out through the integrated mechanism, such as, SCO, BRICS, and Eurasian Economic Union which will start to function in the January of 2015. China seems to be the biggest winner in this geopolitical struggle, because the new scenario of international events, such as Ukraine crisis and extremism of IS movement in Syria and Iraq have changed the target of NATO in the short-term period. The direction of intemational security is changing from the Cold War to anti-extremism-terrorism combat. Therefore, the new direction for Russia-US-EU-China reformulating their security relations will have the long-term influence on regional integration. Its seems to be that the information war and propaganda will be undergoing in the process of this geopolitical expansion gambling that can be seen in the new waves of the West economic sanctions against Russia and new threats from the international terrorism. In this paper, the author does not focus on the informational propaganda but tries to analyze the different characteristics of ambition and interactionamong Russia, EU, US, and China in the scenario of Ukraine crisis in the changing world. 展开更多
关键词 Ukraine crisis geopolitical expansion economic sanctions anti-extremis-terrorism Russia-Chinarelations MULTIPOLARITY
作者 郭翠丽 万红 《朱子学刊》 2012年第1期228-235,共8页
吕怀,江西上饶广丰人,甘泉学派湛若水的四大嫡传弟子之一。甘泉学派,明代心学派别,在明中叶,与阳明心学并盛于时。王畿指出,'时海内主盟道术,惟吾夫子(王阳明)与甘泉(湛若水)翁'3,意谓阳明学与甘泉学是当时影响最大的学说。相... 吕怀,江西上饶广丰人,甘泉学派湛若水的四大嫡传弟子之一。甘泉学派,明代心学派别,在明中叶,与阳明心学并盛于时。王畿指出,'时海内主盟道术,惟吾夫子(王阳明)与甘泉(湛若水)翁'3,意谓阳明学与甘泉学是当时影响最大的学说。相对于王阳明心学来说,对甘泉学派的研究一直没有得到应有的重视,对甘泉后学亦是着墨不多。 展开更多
关键词 学派 甘泉 广丰 影响 主盟 学是 概略
九渊之灵 惠泽荆门
作者 许怀林 《朱子学刊》 2004年第1期268-280,共13页
从象山到蒙泉陆九渊,字子静,生于1139年3月27日(绍兴九年二月乙亥),病殁于1193年1月20日(绍熙三年十二月癸丑日),享年54岁。一代英才,壮年谢世,让人叹息.当时,荆门军佥判洪伋率僚属祭奠,祭文云:'斯道庞洪,充塞两仪。孔孟既没,日以... 从象山到蒙泉陆九渊,字子静,生于1139年3月27日(绍兴九年二月乙亥),病殁于1193年1月20日(绍熙三年十二月癸丑日),享年54岁。一代英才,壮年谢世,让人叹息.当时,荆门军佥判洪伋率僚属祭奠,祭文云:'斯道庞洪,充塞两仪。孔孟既没,日以湮微。赖我先生,主盟正学。开悟(?)聩,惟时先觉。'②这位同僚,对陆九渊在儒学史上的地位,给予了崇高的评价。可能因场合气氛,说得过头了些,然基本意思,不会相差太远。 展开更多
关键词 字子 气氛 荆门 认识水平 场合 象山 主盟 先觉 正学
作者 李才栋 《朱子学刊》 2000年第1期126-130,共5页
最近上饶师院等单位举行'新鹅湖之会',或称'第三次鹅湖之会',这是非常可喜的事情。在欣喜之余我再修正、补充、归纳过去对鹅湖之会和鹅湖书院的一些看法,以供朋友们参考。恳请指正。淳熙二年(1175年),由吕祖谦发起的朱... 最近上饶师院等单位举行'新鹅湖之会',或称'第三次鹅湖之会',这是非常可喜的事情。在欣喜之余我再修正、补充、归纳过去对鹅湖之会和鹅湖书院的一些看法,以供朋友们参考。恳请指正。淳熙二年(1175年),由吕祖谦发起的朱、陆、吕鹅湖之会是一次临时的约会、集会,并不是由原先就有的一个学术团体一讲会,所定期举行的一次会讲。若是讲会作学术团体、组织,似应有明确的宗旨,有会规、会约、会期、会址,有主盟的会长,有固定的与会成员,甚至还有会田、会产等等。从现在的情况看,在朱陆鹅湖之会之前,集会之时。 展开更多
关键词 学术团体 上饶 集会 书院 主盟 鹅湖 会田
A Worrying Proposal
作者 Yao Ling 《Beijing Review》 2016年第50期37-37,共1页
EU’s attempts to strengthen trade protectionism rouse concern from China On November 8,theE uropean Commission submitted a proposal on new anti-dumping and countervailing methodologies to the European Parliament and ... EU’s attempts to strengthen trade protectionism rouse concern from China On November 8,theE uropean Commission submitted a proposal on new anti-dumping and countervailing methodologies to the European Parliament and the European Council.In the proposal, 展开更多
关键词 dumping submitted rouse replace proposal sector strengthen discrimination instead parties
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