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作者 叶翔 《中国设备工程》 2021年第1期222-223,共2页
关键词 乌兹 水电站 机电 技术 措施
关于内外压力对油井管柱轴向力和稳定性影响问题的讨论 被引量:11
作者 韩志勇 《石油钻探技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期12-18,共7页
文献[1]对A.Lubinski和H.B.Woods等人建立的判别油井管柱稳定性的传统理论提出了不同看法,并认为传统理论的判别方法和公式是错误的。笔者认真学习和研究了文献[1],发现有些说法与历史事实不符,有些说法是对传统理论的误解,还发现文献[1... 文献[1]对A.Lubinski和H.B.Woods等人建立的判别油井管柱稳定性的传统理论提出了不同看法,并认为传统理论的判别方法和公式是错误的。笔者认真学习和研究了文献[1],发现有些说法与历史事实不符,有些说法是对传统理论的误解,还发现文献[1]给出的"真实模型"不够真实,而且理论推导过程中存在着一个明显的漏洞——在计算轴向力时没有计算下端面上的液压力。详细论述了传统理论的历史发展过程,从原理和应用两方面讲述了传统理论的正确性,并对文献[1]推导过程中的明显漏洞进行了分析。分析认为:文献[1]对"虚力"和乌兹模型的否定都是站不住脚的;对传统的油井管柱稳定性判别方法和判别公式的否定也是不正确的。文献[1]不承认"虚力"的存在,因而无法正确处理下端面上的液压力,这是其推导过程中出现偏差的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 油井 管柱 轴向应力 稳定性 乌兹模型 虚力
作者 杨勇 林子豪 肖进 《中国美容医学》 CAS 1994年第4期188-189,共2页
关键词 美容整形外科 医学审美 心理学问题 重睑术 整形手术 手术条件 心理异常 医疗纠纷 乌兹纳捷 个体感
作者 顾兆康 《中国医院管理》 1988年第1期38-39,共2页
随着生物心理社会医学模式的转变,建立良好的医患关系,在疾病的诊断和治疗过程中越来越占有重要的地位。在这方面,心理定势理论将给我们以启示。‘定势”这一概念是由德国心理学家缪勒和舒曼在1889年最早提出来的,后由苏联心理学家乌兹... 随着生物心理社会医学模式的转变,建立良好的医患关系,在疾病的诊断和治疗过程中越来越占有重要的地位。在这方面,心理定势理论将给我们以启示。‘定势”这一概念是由德国心理学家缪勒和舒曼在1889年最早提出来的,后由苏联心理学家乌兹纳捷加以改造。 展开更多
关键词 医患关系 心理定势 乌兹纳捷 苏联心理学 舒曼 缪勒 医学模式 就诊病人 医疗技术 医疗实践
作者 王大路 《社会科学辑刊》 1987年第6期111-114,共4页
艺术心理学是艺术论与心理学结合而生的一门边缘学科,是心理学在应用领域派生出的一个分支,这门学科的理论意义和实用价值不言自明。在国外,艺术心理学已发展成一个热闹的家族。在这个大家族内,各种学说,派别林立,师承关系较强,日益萌... 艺术心理学是艺术论与心理学结合而生的一门边缘学科,是心理学在应用领域派生出的一个分支,这门学科的理论意义和实用价值不言自明。在国外,艺术心理学已发展成一个热闹的家族。在这个大家族内,各种学说,派别林立,师承关系较强,日益萌生繁衍,其中不乏精彩之作,但更多的是各派的相互对峙,交相攻讦,彼消此长,各不相容。尽管这些著述并非都称之为艺术心理学,但有一点又都殊途同归——都以艺术论与心理学结合而生。这种现象表明:一门新的学科在其发展过程中,必然会在其对象、方法、观点等方面都存在各种分歧,进而产生不同的理论体系。这是一种正常、健康的现象。学派的对峙、理论的纷争。 展开更多
关键词 艺术心理学 认知心理学 艺术论 理论意义 心理依据 潜意识 心理要素 乌兹纳捷 弗洛伊德 心理动力
作者 唐爱菊 刘爱德 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1989年第1期72-74,共3页
定势也称心向,主要是指主体在过去经验的影响下,心理处于一种准备状态,从而对后继的知觉、思维等心理活动产生影响,使其具有一定的倾向性、专注性。苏联心理学家乌兹纳捷系统地阐述了定势的功能,定势产生的主客观条件,定势的运动规律以... 定势也称心向,主要是指主体在过去经验的影响下,心理处于一种准备状态,从而对后继的知觉、思维等心理活动产生影响,使其具有一定的倾向性、专注性。苏联心理学家乌兹纳捷系统地阐述了定势的功能,定势产生的主客观条件,定势的运动规律以及定势在人的整个心理活动中的地位等。他指出:“定势在人的生活中不是局部的而是普遍的现象。它在人的生活中起着基本的决定作用。”乌兹纳捷提出的定势理论在苏联受到高度重视,被广泛地应用于教育工作、宣传工作和思想政治教育之中。由此可见,定势对人的认识、行为和个性都有一定的影响。在宣传工作中,人们常常发现有这样一种情景,有些宣传对象对宣传者所宣传的观点,能较快地选择,较容易接受;而对另一些观点,则不但不能接受,甚至产生抵触情绪。怎样解释宣传工作中出现的这种现象呢?怎样提高宣传工作的宣传效果呢?人们试图用乌兹纳捷的定势理论加以说明。本文即想从这方面进行一点探索。 展开更多
关键词 定势 宣传者 论定 乌兹纳捷 定势理论 宣传工作 象对 定势心理 心理准备状态 社会的影响
作者 徐洪慈 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1988年第2期67-71,79,共6页
乌兹纳捷对定势这样定义:“定势是主体完整的变动状态,对某种积极性的准备状态,受两个因素——主动需要和相应的客观情景——制约的状态。”换句话说,就是在重复情景的条件下,人的需要总能得到满足,而由需要引起的行为得到巩固,这时便... 乌兹纳捷对定势这样定义:“定势是主体完整的变动状态,对某种积极性的准备状态,受两个因素——主动需要和相应的客观情景——制约的状态。”换句话说,就是在重复情景的条件下,人的需要总能得到满足,而由需要引起的行为得到巩固,这时便产生定势。 展开更多
关键词 定势 方针政策 乌兹纳捷 社会条件 人民群众 心理过程 社会心理 传统观念 决策者 情景
作者 王钢玲 《华东石油学院学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第3期55-57,共3页
青年时期是逆反心理的突出表现时期。这种心理现象的出现,有时会给我们的工作带来很大的阻力。对于逆反心理消极一面的预防和消除,许多专家早有论述。在这里我想探讨的是,这种心理现象并非全是坏事,只要我们能认真地分析它并有效地利用... 青年时期是逆反心理的突出表现时期。这种心理现象的出现,有时会给我们的工作带来很大的阻力。对于逆反心理消极一面的预防和消除,许多专家早有论述。在这里我想探讨的是,这种心理现象并非全是坏事,只要我们能认真地分析它并有效地利用其积极的一面,就有可能变阻力为动力,推动青年工作。 展开更多
关键词 逆反心理 心理定势 心理现象 青年工作 思想工作 社会教育环境 心理活动 乌兹纳捷 有效地利用 预防和消除
作者 龚维珍 《心理学探新》 1983年第4期66-70,共5页
一个有趣的,小小的心理学实验,竟能紧扣大学生们的心弦,大家都聚精会神地和我一起在做实验中提出的问题。当我们共同做完陆钦斯的定势实验之后,许多同学发现自己在解决前五个问题时很顺利,并自然地得出了“B-A-2C”的定势公式,而后三个... 一个有趣的,小小的心理学实验,竟能紧扣大学生们的心弦,大家都聚精会神地和我一起在做实验中提出的问题。当我们共同做完陆钦斯的定势实验之后,许多同学发现自己在解决前五个问题时很顺利,并自然地得出了“B-A-2C”的定势公式,而后三个题若仍按这个公式来做,不仅速度慢,而且问题也更复杂化了。大家都深深地叹了一口气说:“我们真是太笨了,为什么放在自己面前的捷径不走,而偏偏要绕道前行呢?!”啊!原来是思维定势对我们在思考后面问题时产生了消极的阻碍作用。 展开更多
关键词 定势论 乌兹纳捷 思维定势 解决问题 巴甫洛夫 大学生 实验方法 心理研究 五个问题 新问题
作者 周国清 《湖州师范学院学报》 1990年第4期111-115,共5页
主体的心理定势是文艺鉴赏得以完成的重要因素,是鉴赏活动能够实现的既定前提.研究文艺鉴赏离不开研究心理定势及其影响.一“定势”这个概念,最初由德国心理学家G·E·缨勒和F·舒曼在1889年提出,后经苏联心理学家乌兹纳捷... 主体的心理定势是文艺鉴赏得以完成的重要因素,是鉴赏活动能够实现的既定前提.研究文艺鉴赏离不开研究心理定势及其影响.一“定势”这个概念,最初由德国心理学家G·E·缨勒和F·舒曼在1889年提出,后经苏联心理学家乌兹纳捷加以改造、发展成一种理论.所谓定势,指建立在主体一定状态和模式基础上,由一系列心理活动的反复作用所形成的心理倾向性和准备状态;它对未来心理活动带有一定的专注性和趋势.在文艺鉴赏活动中,它是导向审美快感的重要条件. 展开更多
关键词 心理定势 准备状态 心理活动 乌兹纳捷 苏联心理学 审美快感 模式基础 舒曼 思维过程 情感活动
The variation of skinfold thickness of Mulam adults in China 被引量:16
作者 DING Bo ZHENG Lian-bin +3 位作者 LU Shun-hua LIANG Ming-kang JIANG Kui SU Qu-yun 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2007年第1期55-59,共5页
The skinfold thickness of six items (facial skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, biceps skinfold, triceps skinfold and calf skinfold) were measured in 465 Mulam adults (232 male and 233 female). Th... The skinfold thickness of six items (facial skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, biceps skinfold, triceps skinfold and calf skinfold) were measured in 465 Mulam adults (232 male and 233 female). The results were as follows: (1) The average skinfold thickness are higher in female at every age group. (2) As a whole, the skinfold thickness in the body of trunk is bigger than that in the limbs in both male and female. The curves of biceps skinfold thickness and calf skinfold thickness of male doesn't fluctuate with age. Body fat percentage of male was the lowest in the 30s group. In female, the skinfold thickness of trunk and triceps increase with age while calf skinfold decreases. Body fat percentage of female increases with age but then decreases after 50 years old. (3) The mean vales of Mulam skinfold thickness are relatively low compared with Daur, Uzbek and Han nationality. 展开更多
关键词 skinfold thickness body fat percentage Mulam
Characterization and processing of talc-magnesite from the Zinelbulak deposit 被引量:2
作者 HOJAMBERDIEV Mirabbos ARIFOV Pulat +1 位作者 TADJIEV Kamil XU Yunhua 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第3期415-420,433,共7页
The characteristics of talc-magnesite from the Zinelbulak deposit(Uzbekistan) were investigated via X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis,infrared spectroscopy and optical microscopy.The mineralogical compo... The characteristics of talc-magnesite from the Zinelbulak deposit(Uzbekistan) were investigated via X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis,infrared spectroscopy and optical microscopy.The mineralogical composition of the Zinelbulak talc-magnesite consists of 52 wt.%talc,43 wt.%carbonates and 5 wt.%of the iron-containing minerals magnetite,siderite and chlorite.Petrographic analysis confirmed the presence of carbonates in two forms:magnesite and breunnerite.Grindability tests revealed that talc and magnesite particles are completely separated after a grinding process carried out for 10~12 min.The distribution of the yield of talc and magnesite,as a function of the particle size,shows an irregular feature in that a comparatively coarser sample(>0.1 mm) is richer in magnesite and poor in talc while a comparatively finer sample(<0.1 mm) has a composition poorer in magnesite.The dressability of the Zinelbulak talc-magnesite was tested using conventional gravity concentration,flotation and electromagnetic separation.Gravity concentration was found to be the most economic initial process for the complete separation of magnesium carbonate and talc.Subsequent flotation and magnetic separation techniques could further increase the yield of high quality magnesite and talc.Refractory samples prepared by heating the separated magnesite at 1600℃for 2 h met the State Standards for refractory materials. 展开更多
关键词 talc-magnesite GRINDING froth flotation gravity concentration magnetic separation
From the History of Formation Uzbek Oral-Professional Music
作者 Elnora Mamadjanova 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第2期166-169,共4页
First features of formation of oral-professional genres in the territory of Uzbekistan were known from ancient time. Examples of preserving wall painting, small statues with musicians images evidence that professional... First features of formation of oral-professional genres in the territory of Uzbekistan were known from ancient time. Examples of preserving wall painting, small statues with musicians images evidence that professionalism was taken place in the early of 1 st millennium. Dastan, Katta Ashula, Makom are the main oral-professional genres of the Uzbeks. History facts are in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 ORAL PROFESSIONAL GENRE Dastan Katta Ashula Makom feature ustoz-shogird music instruments dombra kobuz Avesta Barbad Farabi Ibn-Sina
Duties of a Cinematographer in Creating a Film
作者 Ikboljon Melikuziev 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期824-827,共4页
The present article deals with the duties, role and methodical peculiarities of a cinematographer in creating a feature film. The development of creating artistic works in the high creative level and its process is co... The present article deals with the duties, role and methodical peculiarities of a cinematographer in creating a feature film. The development of creating artistic works in the high creative level and its process is comparatively analyzed within the progress of the Uzbek cinematography. 展开更多
关键词 cinematographer film director CRITIC image LIGHTNESS recurs production picture plastics RHYTHM composition EDITING scenario method
The Concept of Variant-Invariant Match in Uzbek Folk Music
作者 Chinora Ergasheva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第9期1038-1041,共4页
The aim of this paper is to determine the meaning of "Nazira"--the Uzbek musical traditional practice and retrace its relation to the issue of pair of invariant-variant representation in folklore music. The match of... The aim of this paper is to determine the meaning of "Nazira"--the Uzbek musical traditional practice and retrace its relation to the issue of pair of invariant-variant representation in folklore music. The match of invariant-variant has been examined on the examples of such sample of Uzbek folk music as "Y or-YoF'. The findings of the research have been derived from special musical literature. 展开更多
关键词 nazira traditions INVARIANT canon OPTION FOLKLORE CREATIVITY usul
Economic Evaluation of the Resource-Saving Technologies in Non-irrigated Lands
作者 Iroda Rustamova 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第4期211-219,共9页
Conservation agriculture (CA) is especially relevant for Uzbekistan's agriculture, particularly in non-irrigated lands where soil fertility has been steadily declining and the risk of crop failure has been growing.... Conservation agriculture (CA) is especially relevant for Uzbekistan's agriculture, particularly in non-irrigated lands where soil fertility has been steadily declining and the risk of crop failure has been growing. CA has three main characterizations given in scientific literature, which are the minimal soil disturbance, crop rotation and surface crop residue retention. Nowadays, the majority of farmers are not widely using CA in their agricultural practices in Uzbekistan. Maybe, this is due to different perception of the economic efficiency of CA. The objective of the research was to calculate economic efficiency of CA in non-irrigated lands and to show whether it is effective or not in agricultural production. To achieve this objective, literature review including a variety of secondary data is employed. Overall, the costs of labor and fuel consumption per ha at CA technology are less in comparison with conventional technology. Using CA practices gives a chance to increase labour productivity, to use resource effectively and to improve soil quality and crop diversification. 展开更多
关键词 Conservation agriculture PRODUCTIVITY economic efficiency COSTS PROFIT Uzbekistan.
The Tradition of the Joint Voice Singing in the Context of the Orient Culture (As an example of Margilan Singing School)
作者 Azizjon Zokirov 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期1020-1023,共4页
The article deals with musical heritage of some Orient cultures, joint singing as one of the main part of music art from ancient time to nowadays. The measure reflecting live process of national musical art is a perfo... The article deals with musical heritage of some Orient cultures, joint singing as one of the main part of music art from ancient time to nowadays. The measure reflecting live process of national musical art is a performing practice. Makom is the most example of Uzbek classical musical heritage. The art of singing plays considerable role in culture of Uzbek national music. On the basis of classical singing the following singing directions as "Folk singing" (yallachilik), "Classical singing" (mumtoz yallachilik), "Grand Song" (katta ashulachilik) and "Art of Makom" singing forms were formulated and developed. Greatest representatives of Margilan School of singing. 展开更多
关键词 Orient music Makom grand song joint voice singing Qavalli
Optimum Density of Standings and Schemes of Tomato Plants Placement in Uzbekistan
作者 Dusmuratova Saodat Ismailovna 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第2期111-115,共5页
This article reports the results of researches by definition of optimum schemes of accommodation and density standings of tomatoes in 2009-2011 in conditions of Tashkent area of Republic Uzbekistan. Experiences were s... This article reports the results of researches by definition of optimum schemes of accommodation and density standings of tomatoes in 2009-2011 in conditions of Tashkent area of Republic Uzbekistan. Experiences were spent with domestic sorts Uzbekistan and Shark Yulduzi. The following schemes of accommodation and plants of density standing were tested: 70×30 cm and 90×23 cm at density of standing of 47,619 plants/hectares; 70×35 cm and 90×27 cm, 40,816 plants/hectares; 70×40 cm and 90×31 cm, 35,774 plants/hectares. The area of one plant feeding was 0.21, 0.245 and 0.28 ms. Schemes of accommodation and the area of plant feeding within the limits of the tested parameters do not render essential effect upon speed of plant development. Some acceleration (for 1-2 days) introductions into flowering are noted only at increase in the area of plant feeding with 0.21 ms up to 0.28 m^2. It was established that granting to plants of the greater feeding area as due to increase in distance between plants in the lines, and increases in row width strengthens growth of an elevated vegetative part of plants, especially due to increase amount of lateral branches. The greatest general and commodity harvest and the largest fruits sort "Uzbekistan" forms at density of standing in 40,816 plants/hectares, at schemes 90×27 cm and 70×35 cm, and more compact sort "Shark Yulduzi" at density of standing of 47,619 plants/hectares and the scheme 90×23 cm. 展开更多
关键词 TOMATO the scheme of accommodation the area of feeding density of standing width of a ridge commodity crop average weight
Estimation of the Carbon Dioxide Formation in Heat-Power Complex of the Central Asia and Prospective of Development of Hydrogen Power Engineering
作者 Inom Normatov Naim Narzulloev +2 位作者 Parviz Normatov Abulqosim Muminov Georgy Petrov 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第2期61-67,共7页
In structure of manufacture of PFER (primary fuel and energy resources) in Central Asia region the leading place occupies now organic fuel. Thus about half of total amount of power resources it is necessary on the n... In structure of manufacture of PFER (primary fuel and energy resources) in Central Asia region the leading place occupies now organic fuel. Thus about half of total amount of power resources it is necessary on the natural gas which basic stocks are concentrated in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. More than 95% of all electric power in Tajikistan is developed by hydroelectric power stations. Use of hydrogen as energy carrier allows to consider and solve power problems in close connection with ecological. At a large factory electrolysis of water with capacity of 450 t/day and more expenses of the electric power on 1 m3 hydrogen can be finished by capacity up to 4.0-4.5 kWt.h. At such expense of the electric power in a number of power situations electrolysis of water, even in modem conditions can become a competitive method of obtaining of hydrogen. 展开更多
关键词 Central Asia region ELECTROLYSIS HYDROGEN hydropower station.
Finance Sector in Eurasian Economies During and After the Global Crisis in 2008
作者 Naci Yllmaz Bora Selcuk 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第9期714-720,共7页
As in the other countries around the world, banking systems in Eurasian economies, comprised of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, were adversely af... As in the other countries around the world, banking systems in Eurasian economies, comprised of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, were adversely affected by the 2008 global crisis. A common challenge across most economies is to revive private-sector credit growth. Compared with the high increases of 80 percent in the period immediately prior to the crisis, credit growth has slowed sharply and even turned negative in real terms in a number of economies. Governments in many countries have taken measures to address banking sector stress. The measures for restoring credit growth and thus a high economic growth will be discussed in a part of our work. In the short run, such measures include aiding banks to repair balance sheets and also providing liquidity. In the medium term, measures should promote de-dollarization and the development of local debt markets. 展开更多
关键词 global crisis Eurasian economies finance sector BANKING the Caucasus and Central Asia
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