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“工匠精神”点亮义乌文交会 被引量:1
作者 楼丽君 《文体用品与科技》 2016年第11期51-51,共1页
国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告中提到,鼓励企业开展个性化定制、柔性化生产,培育精益求精的工匠精神,增品种、提品质、创品牌。“工匠精神”首次出现在政府工作报告中,让人耳目一新。在多数人眼中工匠是一类机械重复的工作者,事实上... 国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告中提到,鼓励企业开展个性化定制、柔性化生产,培育精益求精的工匠精神,增品种、提品质、创品牌。“工匠精神”首次出现在政府工作报告中,让人耳目一新。在多数人眼中工匠是一类机械重复的工作者,事实上工匠有着更深远的意思。它代表着一个时代的气质,坚定、严谨以及精益求精。他们技术精湛、追求完美;精益求精,不粗制滥造。中国自古以来就不乏具有工匠精神之人。古代中国曾是世界上最大的原创之国、匠品出口国和匠人之国。 展开更多
关键词 乌文 机械重复 政府工作报告 个性化定制 木雕艺术 古代中国 柔性化生产 工艺美术大师 乐清黄杨木雕 温克尔曼
作者 楼丽君 《文体用品与科技》 2015年第3期48-49,共2页
2000多年前,从古都西安出发,中外商队伴着漫漫驼铃,带着的丝绸、瓷器,以古老中国文化魅力贯通了丝绸之路,以一路商贸开启东西方文化绵延不绝的交流、融合和发展历程。2000多年后,距离西安1500公里的义乌,是全球最大的小商品集散中心,以... 2000多年前,从古都西安出发,中外商队伴着漫漫驼铃,带着的丝绸、瓷器,以古老中国文化魅力贯通了丝绸之路,以一路商贸开启东西方文化绵延不绝的交流、融合和发展历程。2000多年后,距离西安1500公里的义乌,是全球最大的小商品集散中心,以经贸活跃的往来、文化的多元交流、包容开放的环境而被称为当代丝绸之路的新起点。 展开更多
关键词 文化经济 义乌模式 新丝路 乌文 集散中心 古都西安 集聚优势 产业转型升级 古老中国 产品交易会
作者 楼丽君 《文体用品与科技》 2016年第7期48-49,共2页
随着信息技术的突飞猛进和文化产业的蓬勃发展,人类社会正开始进入"文化+"的时代。"文化+"是指文化更加自觉、主动地向经济社会各领域的渗透,其核心是赋予事物活的文化内核、文化属性、文化精神、文化活力、文化形... 随着信息技术的突飞猛进和文化产业的蓬勃发展,人类社会正开始进入"文化+"的时代。"文化+"是指文化更加自觉、主动地向经济社会各领域的渗透,其核心是赋予事物活的文化内核、文化属性、文化精神、文化活力、文化形态和文化价值,为事物植入文化的DNA。"文化+消费",引导人们的消费方式的转变。 展开更多
关键词 文化经济 乌文 消费方式 产品交易会 人类社会 信息技术 经济繁荣发展 文化内核 传统手工艺 展区面积
走进义乌文交会:集聚精英 推波助澜
作者 娄丽君 《文体用品与科技》 2015年第7期47-47,共1页
第10届中国(义乌)文化产品交易会以"汇聚产业精英,展示产业成果,展现产业动向,引领产业潮流"为宗旨,致力于打造专业化、国际化的文化产业交流平台,助推文化产业转型升级;通过文化产品的交易,满足文化产业市场发展的需求推动中国文... 第10届中国(义乌)文化产品交易会以"汇聚产业精英,展示产业成果,展现产业动向,引领产业潮流"为宗旨,致力于打造专业化、国际化的文化产业交流平台,助推文化产业转型升级;通过文化产品的交易,满足文化产业市场发展的需求推动中国文化走出去。文博衍生品是博物馆以其收藏的历史文化资源为依托,开发的具有一定实用、欣赏和收藏价值的产品,既是宣传和推广博物馆文化的有效手段。 展开更多
关键词 产品交易会 产业转型升级 产业交流 乌文 产业市场 生品 台北故宫博物院 文博 全产业链 馆藏文物
作者 楠文 《文体用品与科技》 2015年第11期45-47,共3页
4月27日至30日,一年一度的中国(义乌)文化产品交易会(简称义乌文交会)在浙江义乌举办。据浙江省文化厅副厅长黄健全介绍,义乌文交会是全国文体行业专业的外贸主导型国家级展会,其前身是中国义乌文化产品交易博览会(简称义乌文博会... 4月27日至30日,一年一度的中国(义乌)文化产品交易会(简称义乌文交会)在浙江义乌举办。据浙江省文化厅副厅长黄健全介绍,义乌文交会是全国文体行业专业的外贸主导型国家级展会,其前身是中国义乌文化产品交易博览会(简称义乌文博会)。在文化部的支持和推动下,义乌文博会在全国众多文博会中率先转型升级,并从第9届起,正式更名为"中国(义乌)文化产品交易会"。 展开更多
关键词 乌文 产品交易会 浙江省文化厅 文博 浙江义乌 交易博览会 称义 镜头聚焦 中国义乌 副厅长
《中国油画》 2015年第2期74-74,共1页
两千多年前,从古都西安出发,中外商队伴着漫漫驼铃,带着丝绸、瓷器,以古老中国文化魅力贯通了丝绸之路,以一路商贸开启了东西方文化绵延不绝的交流、融合和发展历程。两千多年后,距离西安1 500公里的义乌,是全球最大的小商品集散中心,... 两千多年前,从古都西安出发,中外商队伴着漫漫驼铃,带着丝绸、瓷器,以古老中国文化魅力贯通了丝绸之路,以一路商贸开启了东西方文化绵延不绝的交流、融合和发展历程。两千多年后,距离西安1 500公里的义乌,是全球最大的小商品集散中心,以经贸活跃的往来、多元文化的交流、包容开放的环境而被称为当代丝绸之路的新起点。十年前,地处改革前沿的义乌集聚优势,以敢闯敢为之精神,创办中国义乌(国际)文化产业博览会,以一介展会构建交流文化、创造商机的广阔平台,探索文化经济发展新模式。 展开更多
关键词 文化经济 集聚优势 集散中心 交流文化 发展新模式 乌文 古都西安 敢闯 多元文化 产品交易会
义乌文交会 十年共筑文化梦,新丝路上再出发
作者 李艮 《世界博览》 2015年第7期56-57,共2页
2000多年前,从古都西安出发,中外商队伴着漫漫驼铃,带着丝绸、瓷器,以古老中国文化魅力贯通了丝绸之路,以一路商贸开启东西方文化绵延不绝的交流、融合和发展历程。2000多年后,距离西安1500公里的义乌,是全球最大的小商品集散中心,以经... 2000多年前,从古都西安出发,中外商队伴着漫漫驼铃,带着丝绸、瓷器,以古老中国文化魅力贯通了丝绸之路,以一路商贸开启东西方文化绵延不绝的交流、融合和发展历程。2000多年后,距离西安1500公里的义乌,是全球最大的小商品集散中心,以经贸活跃的往来、文化的多元交流、包容开放的环境而被称为当代丝绸之路的新起点。 展开更多
关键词 乌文 集散中心 古都西安 文化经济 古老中国 产品交易会 产业转型升级 新丝路 集聚优势 国家博物馆
作者 袁义文 《系统科学学报》 1993年第4期22-26,共5页
关键词 差异协同律 乌文 辩证论 《哲学研究》 王仲 哲学教科书 人类社会 现代科学 哲学意识 哲学探索
作者 雪峰 《国际人才交流》 1993年第8期1-1,共1页
巴基斯坦专家美娜士·拉赫曼,今年44岁,1990年7月到《中国画报》乌尔都文版工作。在工作中她兢兢业业,严肃认真,经她修改和润色的稿件,达到了很好的对外宣传效果。她以办好《中国画报》乌文版为己任,多次带病上班,有时在病榻上还坚... 巴基斯坦专家美娜士·拉赫曼,今年44岁,1990年7月到《中国画报》乌尔都文版工作。在工作中她兢兢业业,严肃认真,经她修改和润色的稿件,达到了很好的对外宣传效果。她以办好《中国画报》乌文版为己任,多次带病上班,有时在病榻上还坚持工作。为了提高中国同事的业务水平。 展开更多
关键词 拉赫曼 语言专家 中国画报 乌文 乌尔 对外宣传 业务水平 世界周刊 中国通讯 中东地区
Water Chemistry and Hydrometeorology in a Glacierized Catchment in the Polar Urals,Russia 被引量:2
作者 STACHNIK Lukasz WALACH Piotr +3 位作者 UZAROWICZ Lukasz YDE Jacob C. TOSHEVA Zornitza WRONSKA-WALACH Dominika 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1097-1111,共15页
This study aims to determine the relationships between local meteorological conditions,proglacial river discharge and biogeochemical processes operating in a periglacial basin located in the Polar Ural mountain range,... This study aims to determine the relationships between local meteorological conditions,proglacial river discharge and biogeochemical processes operating in a periglacial basin located in the Polar Ural mountain range, Russia. Fieldwork was conducted in the catchment of Obruchev Glacier(13 km2) during the summer peak flow period in 2008. River discharge was dominated by snowmelt and changed from 3300 l s-1 to less than 1000 l s-1. The mean daily air temperatures of stations situated in the mountain tundra and near Obruchev Glacier from July 11 th to August 1st 2008 were 14.4°C and 10.3°C, respectively. The glacial river had low total dissolved solids varying from 4.5 to 9 mg l-1 and coefficients of correlation between Na+ and Cl-, K+ and Cl-, as well as NH4+ and Cl- were 0.94, 0.90 and 0.84, respectively. Rainfall events affected the snowmelt initiation and provided an essential part of the discharge during the intense snowmelt period, which occurred from July 11 th to July 18 th 2008. Data showed that Na+ and K+ in the surface water derived from snowmelt rather than chemical weathering of silicates. Also, it was obtained that NO3- derived from the melting snowpack, whereas ammonification occurring under the snowpacks was the primary source for NH4+. 展开更多
关键词 Polar Urals River discharge Nitrate Chemical weathering Periglacial basin Glacier
Risk Assessment and Management of Hazardous Hydrological and Geological Processes in Ukraine
作者 H. Rudko I. Sumatokhina 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第2期232-240,共9页
Due to long and irrational land-utilization, Ukraine deals with one of the most strained ecological situations in Europe. This work is devoted to the study of land resources transformation that was caused by human act... Due to long and irrational land-utilization, Ukraine deals with one of the most strained ecological situations in Europe. This work is devoted to the study of land resources transformation that was caused by human activity. The subject of study is to assess and forecast physical land and soil degradation, associated with the technical intensification of hazardous exogenous processes. The research is based on the use of methods of ecologic-geomorphological analysis, mathematical-statistical modeling and forecasting. This project gives characteristics to the main anthropogenic factors of threats and risks to land and soil, which take place in the territory of Ukraine. The estimation was conducted relatively dangerous hydrological and geological processes that are key factors of physical degradation of resources. These processes include erosion, flooding, secondary waterlogging, landslides and other collapsed phenomena. Graphic models reflect specific factors and environmental consequences of the most dangerous exogenous processes. Predicted is the development of dangerous hydrological and geological processes, influenced by technogenic factors. Different scenarios of physical land degradation are developed by the example of a specific technonatural geosystem. A measurement system of the sustainable usage and management of soil condition in Ukraine is improved. 展开更多
关键词 Threats and risks to land and soil physical degradation of soil hydrogeological and geological processes risk assessment risk management.
George Orwell's Experiment With the Ironic Narrative Structure in Nineteen Eighty-Four
作者 Louai T. ABU Lebdeh Amaal A1 Masri 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期784-791,共8页
This study seeks to establish the major relevance of the ironic vision embodied in the narrative structure in George Orwell's early novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. After providing a comprehensive satisfying examination o... This study seeks to establish the major relevance of the ironic vision embodied in the narrative structure in George Orwell's early novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. After providing a comprehensive satisfying examination of the cultural phenomenon that goes by the name of "Modernism", the world in which the young George Orwell began his literary career; the study will present a critical analyses exploring Orwell's novel concerning the past-war ironic dystopian vision, with special reference to his experiment with the ironic narrative techniques and structure. 展开更多
关键词 MODERNISM ironic narrative Winston Smith romantic quest POLITICS doublethink Big Brother
From the Pictorial Symbols of the Theatre to the Virtual Symbolisation of the Real
作者 Theodore Grammatas 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第5期312-319,共8页
In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the di... In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the dimension of the utopian perception of a dreamlike or imaginary composition, subconscious creation, but also more complex versions such as computer mediated complete illusion, artificial intelligence, and control of the brain, intrusion, and influence exerted on the thought of the other using modern technology or any combination of all the above. It is thus understood that the issue at hand can be approached from a variety of viewpoints and aspects, such as the philosophical, psychological, psychoanalytical, technological, neurophysiologieal, sociological, literary and so on Our viewpoint is strictly limited to the theatrical dimension and our analysis will prosress based on data comprising the theatrical phenomenon, that is, the illusion, as opposed to virtual reality of modern technology. 展开更多
关键词 theatrical illusion digital drama cyber drama virtual reality
Between Tradition and Modernity: Wuzhen and China's Soft Power in the 21 st Century
作者 LIN Mao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第11期1457-1477,共21页
In recent years, Wuzhen, a Ming-Qing style water town located south of the Yangtze River, has quickly become one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. The success of Wuzhen was so influential that the te... In recent years, Wuzhen, a Ming-Qing style water town located south of the Yangtze River, has quickly become one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. The success of Wuzhen was so influential that the term "Wuzhen Model" quickly became a buzzword in Chinese economic and cultural discourses. Promoters of Wuzhen have claimed that it embodies both tradition and modernity, therefore representing the best of China. While Wuzhen was first reconstructed as a "living museum" of Chinese cultural tradition to attract tourists, it increasingly started to claim itself as a leading "smart town" for China's future development. Moreover, the so-called Wuzhen Model fits seamlessly into China's overall strategy of projecting its soft power both domestically and abroad. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Wuzhen was culturally constructed and how it helped to project China's soft power. It also examines how Wuzhen was perceived abroad, focusing primarily on major English-speaking countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, to understand its impact on China's soft power, 展开更多
关键词 Wuzhen Chinese soft power TOURISM modernity Chinese foreign policy
Utopian Theatre and Subjectivity Reconstruction Rethinking on the Artistic Spirit of Minjian Theatre
作者 YANG Zi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第11期1391-1400,共10页
Minjian has become an important concept in recent scholarly research. It is widely used by scholars to indicate specific social and cultural spaces existing beyond the control of state power, therefore, minjian social... Minjian has become an important concept in recent scholarly research. It is widely used by scholars to indicate specific social and cultural spaces existing beyond the control of state power, therefore, minjian social-cultural spaces are more often than not marginal and peripheral. In the field of performing arts, minjian theatre refers to performances produced by private theatre companies as opposed to state-run groups. These private companies or grass-root groups, without the interference of the government, produce artistic expressions that reflect current social reality to a certain extent. For a long time, the study of minjian theatre has been framed as forms of resistance against the ideology propagated by state-run theatres. Based on this paradigm, this paper, through the case analysis of Shanghai minjian theatre companies, attempts to illuminate the production mechanism and developmental process of minjian theatres. In so dong, this paper will explore the aesthetic and social-political values of minjian theatres. 展开更多
关键词 Minjian Theatre Theatrical Practice Utopian Theatre
《China Medical Abstracts(Internal Medicine)》 2004年第4期193-196,共4页
2004450 Expression of activated ERK and p38 ki-nase in HPV-infected keratinocytes. SU Ming (苏明). Dept Dermatol,1st Hosp Hangzhou, Hangzhou 310006. Chin J Dermatol 2004;37(10)
《数码先锋》 2006年第4期77-77,共1页
关键词 数码变焦 DV 感光元件 存储介质 光学变焦 数码摄像机 万经 乌文 书云 二工
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