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作者 张屏 黄小冰 《艺术评鉴》 2021年第21期119-121,共3页
近年来我国越来越重视音乐教育和民族文化的发展,2020年全国教育会议教育部把美育纳入考核体系,党的十八大以来,习近平总书记也围绕传承和弘扬民族文化发表了一系列重要论述。在新时期的教育背景下,高职高专声乐教学要通过民族声乐作品... 近年来我国越来越重视音乐教育和民族文化的发展,2020年全国教育会议教育部把美育纳入考核体系,党的十八大以来,习近平总书记也围绕传承和弘扬民族文化发表了一系列重要论述。在新时期的教育背景下,高职高专声乐教学要通过民族声乐作品的“乐性”分析方法提升学生的演唱能力和对作品内涵更深层次的理解,让学生感受到民族文化艺术的魅力和中华民族最深沉的精神追求,从而激发他们学习的热情,推进职业院校民族文化的建设与创新性发展。 展开更多
关键词 传统文化 高职高专 乐性分析 声乐教学
诗情乐性:越剧审美因素分析 被引量:1
作者 刘琦 《时代人物》 2008年第11期119-119,共1页
江南温润的气候、独特的人文环境孕育而成的越剧,自然与江南特色相连——清新不落俗套,自然不失稳态,素雅不离情调,缠绵不参繁冗。词曲相得益彰,曲含曲之情语,词蕴词之意趣,从而在意境创造方面具有天然的优越性。其以景言情的诗质、委... 江南温润的气候、独特的人文环境孕育而成的越剧,自然与江南特色相连——清新不落俗套,自然不失稳态,素雅不离情调,缠绵不参繁冗。词曲相得益彰,曲含曲之情语,词蕴词之意趣,从而在意境创造方面具有天然的优越性。其以景言情的诗质、委婉清丽的乐性以及清丽柔美的服饰都成为创构优美意境不可或缺的主题元素。 展开更多
关键词 诗质 乐性 服饰 意境
作者 陈卫 《求知导刊》 2020年第41期11-12,共2页
少先队员政治启蒙和价值观的培养,关乎国家和社会的未来及发展方向。少先队员政治启蒙和价值观培养的乐性特征是传统的德教乐性特征和儿童文化的天然艺术性特征的融合,有助于实现主观化、行动化、和谐化和儿童化的政治性效率。文章作者... 少先队员政治启蒙和价值观的培养,关乎国家和社会的未来及发展方向。少先队员政治启蒙和价值观培养的乐性特征是传统的德教乐性特征和儿童文化的天然艺术性特征的融合,有助于实现主观化、行动化、和谐化和儿童化的政治性效率。文章作者指出,乐性建设应营造指导教师群体的缪斯性氛围;在其他途径的政治性活动协助下,建构相应的艺术系统和体系,通过儿童艺术途径解析政治启蒙和价值观的关键要素并实施艺术化的政治活动;尊重少年儿童的主体地位,注重阶梯贯通,强调循序渐进的过程育人。 展开更多
关键词 少先队员 政治启蒙和价值观 培养 乐性 建设
中国声乐作品之乐性分析实用守则 被引量:5
作者 龚荆忆 《中国音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期242-244,共3页
每一首声乐作品都由"显性因素"和"隐性因素"两部分组构成。"显性因素",是指声乐作品谱面呈现的"曲谱"和"歌词"两部分。"隐性因素"是指声乐作品外延所涵盖的"类别&qu... 每一首声乐作品都由"显性因素"和"隐性因素"两部分组构成。"显性因素",是指声乐作品谱面呈现的"曲谱"和"歌词"两部分。"隐性因素"是指声乐作品外延所涵盖的"类别"、"创作背景"、"地域"、‘"风格"等等,不同的作品其包含的内容不尽相同。文章将从这两部分着手,详细介绍中国声乐作品"乐性分析"之方法。 展开更多
关键词 中国声乐作品 乐性 分析 声乐艺术指导
作者 尹董亦男 《明日风尚》 2018年第8期139-139,共1页
本文以我的专业导师——中国音乐学院周强副教授的民族声乐教学为例,老师在声乐课堂中一直强调的声性和乐性,对我的演唱起到了非常大的帮助,通过我自身声乐学习的体验,把老师这两方面的理念转换整理成文字,希望对广大声乐学习者起到一... 本文以我的专业导师——中国音乐学院周强副教授的民族声乐教学为例,老师在声乐课堂中一直强调的声性和乐性,对我的演唱起到了非常大的帮助,通过我自身声乐学习的体验,把老师这两方面的理念转换整理成文字,希望对广大声乐学习者起到一定的帮助。 展开更多
关键词 浅民族声乐 演唱中 声性 乐性
作者 李科毅 《衡水学院学报》 2023年第6期123-128,共6页
《论语》“兴于诗”章的诠释颇有争议,古今学者常理解为教(学)之序、政之序,后转向乐教、立德、成人、情感、人格培养的理解。如此便仅关注了“兴于诗”的方法义,实际应当还有境界义,即情志与经典的统一,乃至天人合一的境界。方法上,诗... 《论语》“兴于诗”章的诠释颇有争议,古今学者常理解为教(学)之序、政之序,后转向乐教、立德、成人、情感、人格培养的理解。如此便仅关注了“兴于诗”的方法义,实际应当还有境界义,即情志与经典的统一,乃至天人合一的境界。方法上,诗礼乐本质上在兴发、培育人的乐感,再融通美善悦朝人外部方向的社会层面发展,最后又回到人的心性层面升华为贯穿人的一种乐性。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 “兴于诗” 乐感 乐性 天人合一
射频溅射制备Ni-SiO_2薄膜特性研究 被引量:1
作者 屈晓声 李德杰 +1 位作者 田宏 姚保纶 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期323-324,共2页
Ni-SiO2金属陶瓷薄膜是制作透明电阻层的材料,用射频磁控溅射反应制备对近紫外透明的Ni-SiO2薄膜,生成的样品均匀、致密.通过控制薄膜中的金属体积百分比可改变薄膜的电阻率及透光性满足实际工艺需求。X射线能谱分析... Ni-SiO2金属陶瓷薄膜是制作透明电阻层的材料,用射频磁控溅射反应制备对近紫外透明的Ni-SiO2薄膜,生成的样品均匀、致密.通过控制薄膜中的金属体积百分比可改变薄膜的电阻率及透光性满足实际工艺需求。X射线能谱分析可以估算出Ni在样品中的百分比,各种不同制备条件下的样品透射率有较大的差别。 展开更多
关键词 Ni-SiO2薄膜 金属体积百分比 射频溅射 乐性 金属陶瓷 场发射显示器
作者 胡湛 张健 龙腾 《宜春学院学报》 2010年第2期131-132,共2页
从人类诞生的那一天起,诗词与音乐之间就有着密不可分的联系。无论哪一种语言中,文学总是和音乐有着天然的血缘。尤其是在汉语这样一种音乐性极强的语言中,音乐对文学的影响就更加深刻。但是,音乐与语音一样,在中华文明的传承过程中有... 从人类诞生的那一天起,诗词与音乐之间就有着密不可分的联系。无论哪一种语言中,文学总是和音乐有着天然的血缘。尤其是在汉语这样一种音乐性极强的语言中,音乐对文学的影响就更加深刻。但是,音乐与语音一样,在中华文明的传承过程中有着失落的现象,而音乐和文学的关系就更加难以探究清楚。汉语诗词原本就是和音乐共生的艺术形式,它们身上体现出来的音乐性可以说是所有汉语文学形式中最为强烈的。 展开更多
关键词 诗词 乐性 古代曲谱
二维维纳滤波语音增强方法研究与实现 被引量:2
作者 邢永涛 付中华 张艳宁 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第19期137-138,141,共3页
充分考虑语音的短时相关性和叠接帧的存在,实现了一种二维形式维纳滤波。采用多帧组合成块的结构进行二维加窗滤波,然后辅以局部平滑的技术,可以有效抑制噪声,并防止乐性噪声出现。在二维维纳滤波方法与一维维纳滤波的对比实验中,采用TI... 充分考虑语音的短时相关性和叠接帧的存在,实现了一种二维形式维纳滤波。采用多帧组合成块的结构进行二维加窗滤波,然后辅以局部平滑的技术,可以有效抑制噪声,并防止乐性噪声出现。在二维维纳滤波方法与一维维纳滤波的对比实验中,采用TIMIT语音数据库,加上指定信噪比的白噪声,实验结果表明前者不但在后者基础上又显著提高了信噪比客观参数,而且MOS主观得分提升了13.8%。 展开更多
关键词 二维维纳滤波 语音增强 乐性噪声 平均主观得分
An Evaluation of STD/AIDS Health Education among Female Sex Workers in Entertainment Establishments in Jingjiang City
作者 杜亚平 钱卫娟 周章林 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第2期81-85,i002,共6页
Objective: To explore effective ways of conducting STD/AIDS health education among female commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments and to promote implementation of an 100% condom use programme. Methods: ... Objective: To explore effective ways of conducting STD/AIDS health education among female commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments and to promote implementation of an 100% condom use programme. Methods: In-depth interviews were carried out to collect qualitative information about demographic characteristics, STD/AIDS knowledge, attitude and risk behaviors of female sex workers. Female sex workers were selected by sampling and were given baseline survey and assessment after intervention. Based on the results of the interviews, a questionnaire was developed, and intervention measures were determined. These measures included face-to-face interviewing, counseling, and distribution of STD/AIDS information and condoms. Results: 196 and 182 female sex workers of the same population were interviewed separately before and after intervention. STDs/AIDS knowledge had significantly increased after one year's intervention (P <0.01). Knowledge increased in both the intervention group and the non-intervention group but the increase was more significant among sex workers who received the intervention. Risk behaviors remained at baseline levels in both groups. Conclusion: STD/AIDS health education among female sex workers in entertainment establishments was effective and may benefit society, but the strategies need to be adjusted to the female sex workers' lifestyles, particularly their high rates of mobility and high-risk behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 female sex workers in entertainment establishments STD/AIDS health education behavioral intervention
作者 戴洁霞 《景德镇学院学报》 2018年第5期74-80,共7页
本文从英国著名翻译理论家、文化翻译学派的代表人物苏珊·巴斯内特提出的诗歌"移植"理论出发,分析了诗歌的艺术加工素材,即美学因子;再以维梅尔的"目的论"为视角,探讨了汉诗英译时,在鱼和熊掌不可兼得之时的... 本文从英国著名翻译理论家、文化翻译学派的代表人物苏珊·巴斯内特提出的诗歌"移植"理论出发,分析了诗歌的艺术加工素材,即美学因子;再以维梅尔的"目的论"为视角,探讨了汉诗英译时,在鱼和熊掌不可兼得之时的处理方法,并提出了诗译作为冷媒介在传播上的补救措施。 展开更多
关键词 美学因子 移植 目的论 乐性
A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme with Better Key Size 被引量:5
作者 CHEN Zhigang WANG Jian +1 位作者 ZHANG ZengNian SONG Xinxia 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第9期82-92,共11页
Fully homomorphic encryption is faced with two problems now. One is candidate fully homomorphic encryption schemes are few. Another is that the efficiency of fully homomorphic encryption is a big question. In this pap... Fully homomorphic encryption is faced with two problems now. One is candidate fully homomorphic encryption schemes are few. Another is that the efficiency of fully homomorphic encryption is a big question. In this paper, we propose a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on LWE, which has better key size. Our main contributions are: (1) According to the binary-LWE recently, we choose secret key from binary set and modify the basic encryption scheme proposed in Linder and Peikert in 2010. We propose a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on the new basic encryption scheme. We analyze the correctness and give the proof of the security of our scheme. The public key, evaluation keys and tensored ciphertext have better size in our scheme. (2) Estimating parameters for fully homomorphic encryption scheme is an important work. We estimate the concert parameters for our scheme. We compare these parameters between our scheme and Bral2 scheme. Our scheme have public key and private key that smaller by a factor of about logq than in Bral2 scheme. Tensored ciphertext in our scheme is smaller by a factor of about log2q than in Bral2 scheme. Key switching matrix in our scheme is smaller by a factor of about log3q than in Bra12 scheme. 展开更多
关键词 fully homomorphic encryption public key encryption learning with error concert parameters
Discursive Constraints of Teasing:Constructing Professionality via Teasing in Chinese Entertainment Interviews 被引量:3
作者 Lili GONG Yongping Ran 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第1期64-82,127,共20页
Teasing can be approached as a linguistic resource for examining the interpersonal issues of im/politeness and face,or as a discursive strategy for displaying relationships or constructing social identities.However,st... Teasing can be approached as a linguistic resource for examining the interpersonal issues of im/politeness and face,or as a discursive strategy for displaying relationships or constructing social identities.However,studies have underestimated the discursive constraints of teasing in specific contexts.Meanwhile,a majority of teasing studies were based on Western cultures and did not pay sufficient attention to the variety of teasing across cultures.By collecting data from two Chinese entertainment interviews,where the interviewer employs teasing frequently for performing institutional roles,this study examined how teasing functions to assist the interviewer to complete communicative goals,and explored the discursive constraints of teasing in media context.Data analysis exemplified how teasing helped the interviewer to manage an interview event,obtain the guest’s disclosure and seek audience involvement,helping to construct the interviewer’s professionality.Implications for understanding the discursive features of teasing in the Chinese media context were addressed. 展开更多
关键词 TEASING discursive constraints professionality Chinese entertainment interviews
Empirical Research on Mobile Phone Reading Based on User Behavior Analysis
作者 Chen Mei Tian Shuge +1 位作者 Wang Mingyan Li Hongyan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期1-5,共5页
Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the foundation, according to the function of mobile phone reading, the hardware design characteristics, software design characteristics, perceived entertainment, per... Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the foundation, according to the function of mobile phone reading, the hardware design characteristics, software design characteristics, perceived entertainment, perceived risk and perceived price, adding them to the user behavior model, and modify the TAM model. By self-designed questionnaire, taking college students for social mobile phone reading using behavior survey, using SPSS19.0, AMOS21.0 to validate modified TAM model. The empirical results show that hardware design characteristics, software design characteristics, perceived ease of use have significant positive influence on user behavior, while perceived entertainment, perceived risk, have no significant influence on user behavior, behavior Intention has positive influence on user actual behavior. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile phone reading Technology acceptance model Behavior Intention Actual behavior
Analysis on the Characteristics of Singing Liao Songs with Male Voice in Pingguo of Guangxi
作者 Yu'na DANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期32-34,共3页
Liao songs are the cultural and artistic products brewed by the people of Zhuang ethnic minority for thousand years. In this paper, the style and characteristics of singing Zhuang ethnic minority's Liao songs with m... Liao songs are the cultural and artistic products brewed by the people of Zhuang ethnic minority for thousand years. In this paper, the style and characteristics of singing Zhuang ethnic minority's Liao songs with male's two-part voice in Guangxi are mainly introduced through an analysis of vocal music and the study on the performance forms, singing language characteristics, and vocal music and resonance is mainly included, and also the important significance of singing Zhuang ethnic minority's Liao songs with male's two-part voice is discussed. Also, it is compared with the modern Chinese folk singing styles. 展开更多
关键词 Liao Songs in Pingguo Male's Two-part Voice Singing Style HARMONY
The Study and Practice of Theory and Composition Among Women in Ghana
作者 Joshua Alfred Amuah 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第11期718-728,共11页
The performance and composition of traditional choral music were championed and dominated by women. Unfortunately, the involvement of women in the practice of art music, specifically theory and composition in Ghana ha... The performance and composition of traditional choral music were championed and dominated by women. Unfortunately, the involvement of women in the practice of art music, specifically theory and composition in Ghana has been observed to be absent or very minimal, the cause of which is problematic to identify. This paper examines why women have been passive in the performance and composition of this musical genre, and suggests avenues for improvement in the situation. Fifteen women across various musical genres: Traditional, Art and Popular were interviewed to ascertain this fact. The results will serve as an aid for an improvement of this unfortunate situation in Ghana. 展开更多
In Tempore Belli: Reflections on the Sense of the Universal in George Crumb's Music of the Vietnam War
作者 Victor J. Rodriguez Ang-Cheng Kris Ho 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期531-543,共13页
This paper proposes new ways to understand the sense of universality in music through a reflection and analysis of George Crumb's Black Angels (Images 1): Thirteen lmages from the Dark Land, one of the defining mu... This paper proposes new ways to understand the sense of universality in music through a reflection and analysis of George Crumb's Black Angels (Images 1): Thirteen lmages from the Dark Land, one of the defining musical expressions of the Vietnam War era. It centers on an analysis of the relationship of the body/self to an "ecology of war" produced through Crumb's music that renders these selves indistinct within this musical geography. The selves that inhabit Black Angels could be that of anybody in particular since Crumb seeks to invoke in his music the primeval experience of terror that inhabits in all of us as the inheritors of mankind's violence. This sense of the universal militates against the desirable qualities of popular music that rely on the production of autonomous and singular selves that make the distinction between enemy and friend possible and distinct. We focus on Crumb's use of archaisms, his construction of time in this piece, and the author's overall purpose to invoke a time of war rather than to reflect the conditions of war, in order to delineate the contours of the universal time and space producing the undifferentiated primeval self of war. We conclude that although Crumb's rejection of the national self deprives the piece of a salient place in the popular cannon of the war, it has left an intellectual legacy on the times of the Vietnam War that deserves to be preserved. 展开更多
关键词 CRUMB Black Angels Vietnam WAR UNIVERSAL experimental music
A Study on the Artistic Dimension of Modem Chinese Popular Music
作者 WANG Jing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1299-1306,共8页
Generally, criticism on popular music is of both political and artistic nature. This paper is intended to investigate modem Chinese popular music in the artistic dimension. On one hand, through analysis and differenti... Generally, criticism on popular music is of both political and artistic nature. This paper is intended to investigate modem Chinese popular music in the artistic dimension. On one hand, through analysis and differentiation in light of the two persistent (and biased) conceptions, it is necessary to acknowledge the inevitability of popular music as an art. On the other hand, this paper aims to analyze specifically the "voice" in popular music in hope of presenting its unique aesthetic characteristics. Above all, a more comprehensive view and more diverse approaches are needed in the study of popular music 展开更多
关键词 artistic quality aesthetic characteristics "voice"
Structure and anti structure --"the custom of amusing the parents-in-law" under the perspective of the liminality theory
作者 Abdou Harder 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期54-56,共3页
The custom of amusing the parents-in-law is one of the most important amusement contents of the civil marriage ceremony in the Chinese North Han, Hui, Dongxiang, Salar, Baoan and other several nationalities, and curre... The custom of amusing the parents-in-law is one of the most important amusement contents of the civil marriage ceremony in the Chinese North Han, Hui, Dongxiang, Salar, Baoan and other several nationalities, and currently it has fully been entertained in the minds of the people. Behind this "entertaining ceremony" of the festive colors hide the serious social expectations of our ancestors -- scrupulously abide by the filial piety and the sense of propriety, justice, honesty and honor. Through the dramatic performance methods in the wedding that "there is no degree of seniority for three days", "humiliate the parents-in-law" and "the father-in-law shoulders on back the danghter-in-law" and so on, they stress that these acts are the "sacrilege" that cannot be violated in the normal state of the society. The ways and means of "metaphor" in the ceremony of the ancestors are the means that many of the human groups adopt in the life etiquette and other "transition" etiquettes. In this regard, the anthropologist Victor Turner summarizes it as "liminality", and based on this theory, the author conducts an interpretive study of the metaphor behind the custom of amusing the parents-in-law. 展开更多
关键词 The custom of amusing the parents-in-law liminality theory social structure
Some Remarks Regarding Originality and Historical Transformations of Chopin's Mazurkas, as Based on the Mathematical Systematic Method of the Tonal Structure Analysis
作者 Miroslaw Majchrzak 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期34-45,共12页
Musical analysis enables us to study the various elements of a musical work, for example texture, m dynamics, or harmony (including tonality). Thanks to musical analysis we are able to trace the compos technique, or... Musical analysis enables us to study the various elements of a musical work, for example texture, m dynamics, or harmony (including tonality). Thanks to musical analysis we are able to trace the compos technique, or assess the artistic value of given work. In addition to traditional, descriptive methods of e it ody, onal music analysis, we can observe in 20th century the development of methods based on science (mathematics, otherwise statistics). Such methodologies allow us to obtain a strict understanding of the structure of musical pieces Applying mathematical methods for musical analysis seems very reasonable in relation to the output of Frederic Chopin, due to large originality of the elements of musical pieces of this composer. Present paper was written as a result of research related to the applying of numerical method of analysis for exploring the tonal structure of Chopin's works. The author's research method enables a strict analysis of the chord's domination that can be classified under given key (range)--taking into consideration the harmonic functions. By the method of analysis we can get charts that depict whole diatonic vertical music material of the given piece. The main objective of the present study is to describe observations on the high uniqueness in the tonal construction of selected Chopin's mazurkas, especially, when compared to the miniatures of other composers of the first half of the 19th century and previously analyzed Chopin's pieces: etudes, preludes, and songs. 展开更多
关键词 computational musicology music analysis Chopin's mazurkas TONALITY
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