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农村实现“文化乐民、文化富民”的思考 被引量:3
作者 谭泓 《中国农村小康科技》 2006年第12期3-4,8,共3页
实现“文化乐民、文化富民”需要大力发展农村文化事业、积极发展农村文化产业。在文化事业建设中要加强基础设施建设、构建公共文化服务体系,要发展先进文化、支持健康文化、改造落后文化、抵制腐朽文化,要积极开展农村群众性文化活动... 实现“文化乐民、文化富民”需要大力发展农村文化事业、积极发展农村文化产业。在文化事业建设中要加强基础设施建设、构建公共文化服务体系,要发展先进文化、支持健康文化、改造落后文化、抵制腐朽文化,要积极开展农村群众性文化活动、发展农村民办文化;在文化产业发展中要转变观念、树立农村文化产业意识,要着力发展农村特色文化,要鼓励民营文艺表演团体的发展。 展开更多
关键词 农村 文化乐民 文化富民
作者 姜兰叶 《张家口医学院学报》 1999年第1期76-76,共1页
1 临床资料 例1,女,30岁。主因受阴冷后全身瘙痒伴腹痛2天入院。 例2,女,14岁。主因食螃蟹后发现皮疹、呕吐、腹痛半天入院。 例3,男,35岁。主因饮啤酒后全身瘙痒,剧烈腹痛伴腹泻3小时急诊入院。
关键词 痒苦乐民 治疗 荨麻疹 腹痛
作者 徐硕 《白城师范学院学报》 2018年第11期15-17,24,共4页
"乐民"思想集中体现在孟子哲学中,主要分为"使民乐"和"民自乐"两部分内容。前者着眼于政治权力主体,后者聚焦于民众自身,二者相互贯通、共同构成孟子向往的"上下与天地同流"的乐民境界。从政... "乐民"思想集中体现在孟子哲学中,主要分为"使民乐"和"民自乐"两部分内容。前者着眼于政治权力主体,后者聚焦于民众自身,二者相互贯通、共同构成孟子向往的"上下与天地同流"的乐民境界。从政治哲学视域下研究孟子乐民思想有助于深化对孟子哲学体系的剖视,对当今民众追求自身心性之乐亦有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 政治哲学 孟子 乐民 道德的政治
作者 王立亚 《当代贵州》 2005年第21期36-36,共1页
关键词 乐民 群众 亲民 以人为本
作者 田鹏 《南方国土资源》 2012年第10期20-21,24,共3页
文章依据钻探、测井资料对富村—乐民勘查区的龙潭组中段的沉积体系和聚煤环境进行了分析,认为该勘查区内龙潭组中段为三角洲平原沉积体系中的三角洲平原亚相,可细分为3个微相,其中泥炭沼泽相在整个三角洲平原时期沉积时间相对较长,处... 文章依据钻探、测井资料对富村—乐民勘查区的龙潭组中段的沉积体系和聚煤环境进行了分析,认为该勘查区内龙潭组中段为三角洲平原沉积体系中的三角洲平原亚相,可细分为3个微相,其中泥炭沼泽相在整个三角洲平原时期沉积时间相对较长,处于温暖潮湿的还原环境,适合高等植物繁殖,为较佳的成煤环境。 展开更多
关键词 富村—乐民勘查区 龙潭组 沉积体系 聚煤环境
作者 罗祺 《南方国土资源》 2012年第8期32-34,共3页
关键词 富村—乐民勘查区 水文地质 含水层 隔水层 矿井水害
作者 鞠荣生 《现代医药卫生》 2005年第24期3448-3448,共1页
关键词 痒苦乐民 地塞米松 临床观察 配伍反应 过敏性疾病 过敏性皮肤病 合用治疗 皮肤瘙痒症 临床资料
作者 王凤英 《成才与就业》 2002年第11期12-13,共2页
进入90年代后期,本市劳动部门推出了政府经费补贴培训政策,经过几年来的实践与探索,这项工作得到了前所未有的发展,尤其对社会经济的快速增长,职工技能素质的全面提升,起到了积极的推动作用。今年下半年补贴项目已经出台,笔者走访了市... 进入90年代后期,本市劳动部门推出了政府经费补贴培训政策,经过几年来的实践与探索,这项工作得到了前所未有的发展,尤其对社会经济的快速增长,职工技能素质的全面提升,起到了积极的推动作用。今年下半年补贴项目已经出台,笔者走访了市职业培训指导中心培训指导科科长朱乐民先生,就2002年的下半年政府经费补贴项目指导目录,朱乐民先生谈了看法。 展开更多
关键词 指导科 乐民 工种 劳动
作者 杜宣新 《全国新书目》 1999年第9期43-43,共1页
关键词 乐民 法国 法兰西共和国 鲜玫瑰色 中国人 幽默感 作家 乐土
文化惠民 文化乐民
作者 张海霞 《内蒙古宣传思想文化工作》 2020年第8期35-35,共1页
受新冠肺炎疫情影响,青城沉闷了许久。而今,乘着草原文化节的东风,青城终于沸腾起来。8月8日,第十七届中国·内蒙古草原文化节在呼和浩特盛大开幕,巡游队伍载歌载舞,扮靓了盛夏的街巷。作为文化惠民的重要举措,草原文化节、乌兰牧... 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,青城沉闷了许久。而今,乘着草原文化节的东风,青城终于沸腾起来。8月8日,第十七届中国·内蒙古草原文化节在呼和浩特盛大开幕,巡游队伍载歌载舞,扮靓了盛夏的街巷。作为文化惠民的重要举措,草原文化节、乌兰牧骑展演等一系列活动丰富了自治区各族人民的精神文化生活,增添了群众的幸福感。 展开更多
关键词 文化节 文化惠民 精神文化生活 内蒙古草原 青城 幸福感 呼和浩特 文化乐民
多形皮损并存的二期梅毒1例 被引量:1
作者 瞿锐 赵红梅 田斌 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2006年第7期600-601,共2页
关键词 二期梅毒 皮损 并存 多形 复方康纳乐霜 临床资料 红斑鳞屑 痒苦乐民 止血环酸 维生素C
加强油田社区文化建设的实践与思考 被引量:3
作者 陈琳 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2014年第1期108-110,共3页
社区文化建设是构建和谐油田的重要组成部分,也是社区中心工会工作服务企业、服务群众的重要内容。近几年来江汉油田广华社区中心党委结合社区特点,实施了"三项工程":"育民工程"以创建文明家园,"暖民工程"... 社区文化建设是构建和谐油田的重要组成部分,也是社区中心工会工作服务企业、服务群众的重要内容。近几年来江汉油田广华社区中心党委结合社区特点,实施了"三项工程":"育民工程"以创建文明家园,"暖民工程"以创建温馨家园,"乐民工程"以创建文化家园。但面临油田社区文化建设的新挑战和新问题,要进一步提升油田和谐社区文化建设水平,就必须着力凝聚和谐社区文化建设合力;着力激发和谐社区文化建设活力;着力增强和谐社区文化建设实力;着力提升和谐社区文化建设魅力;着力优化和谐社区文化建设推力。 展开更多
关键词 油田社区文化建设 育民工程 暖民工程 乐民工程 和谐社区
刚柔异趣 殊途同归——《岳阳楼记》与《醉翁亭记》对读
作者 王艳峰 宋瑞卿 《唐山学院学报》 2010年第2期62-64,共3页
《岳阳楼记》与《醉翁亭记》主旨虽有些相同,但立意各别,一喻理,一抒情。写法上,一遥思运笔,显现的是虚拟之象;一即地落墨,浮动的乃天然之景。由于运思不同,加之遣词有异,故形成迥异的风貌,前者显现出阳刚之神采,而后者则飘动着阴柔之... 《岳阳楼记》与《醉翁亭记》主旨虽有些相同,但立意各别,一喻理,一抒情。写法上,一遥思运笔,显现的是虚拟之象;一即地落墨,浮动的乃天然之景。由于运思不同,加之遣词有异,故形成迥异的风貌,前者显现出阳刚之神采,而后者则飘动着阴柔之风姿。 展开更多
关键词 谪守 议论文 游记 乐民之乐
Reference and Application of Peking Opera Aria in National Vocal Music Singing
作者 Nan Jia 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期68-69,共2页
Peking Opera is one of ancient opera arts in China, known as the "national essence" , which has a very high artistic achievement. Because of its unique and systematic aria, phonology, performance and modeling, Pekin... Peking Opera is one of ancient opera arts in China, known as the "national essence" , which has a very high artistic achievement. Because of its unique and systematic aria, phonology, performance and modeling, Peking Opera is favored by people, which is an art that vocal music artists mutually research and learn. The Peking Opera aria has already formed a set of professional theories, which has practical significance to guide the national vocal music. It not only can inherit the Peking Opera but also can carry forward the national vocal music. This paper illustrates the reference and application of Peking Opera aria in national vocal music singing according to examples, which provides the reference advice for the development of national vocal music. 展开更多
关键词 Peking Opera aria national vocal music SINGING REFERENCE APPLICATION
The Concept of Variant-Invariant Match in Uzbek Folk Music
作者 Chinora Ergasheva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第9期1038-1041,共4页
The aim of this paper is to determine the meaning of "Nazira"--the Uzbek musical traditional practice and retrace its relation to the issue of pair of invariant-variant representation in folklore music. The match of... The aim of this paper is to determine the meaning of "Nazira"--the Uzbek musical traditional practice and retrace its relation to the issue of pair of invariant-variant representation in folklore music. The match of invariant-variant has been examined on the examples of such sample of Uzbek folk music as "Y or-YoF'. The findings of the research have been derived from special musical literature. 展开更多
关键词 nazira traditions INVARIANT canon OPTION FOLKLORE CREATIVITY usul
A Comparative Study of Chinese National Vocal Music and Bel Canto
作者 Guanhong LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期122-124,共3页
Both Chinese national vocal music and bel canto have a very long history of development, but have their own different characteristics. However, the two different ways are mutually influenced and connected along with t... Both Chinese national vocal music and bel canto have a very long history of development, but have their own different characteristics. However, the two different ways are mutually influenced and connected along with the social economic development and globalization. This requires the absorption of the excellent western singing styles on the basis of developing Chinese national vocal music, so as to promote a common development. In this paper, Chinese national vocal music and bel canto are studied and analyzed according to the historical origins, different characteristics, effects, etc. 展开更多
关键词 National Vocal Music Bel Canto Comparative Study
On the Inheritance and Development of Folk Music
作者 Kai GUO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期57-59,共3页
Folk music in the past was inherited through family tradition, apprenticeship, social folk life, etc., mainly by the way of oral teaching method. Since the founding of New China, the country in addition to investigate... Folk music in the past was inherited through family tradition, apprenticeship, social folk life, etc., mainly by the way of oral teaching method. Since the founding of New China, the country in addition to investigate and research the minority musicians, takes into consideration the special education and minority musical heritage and the establishment of different forms and characteristics of art institutions. In the inheritance and development of folk music, the advantages of school education cannot be ignored. We should pay attention to the inheritance and development of folk music in college music reform, so that music education has become a platform to promote the national music culture. 展开更多
Precious Deposits in Sea Salt Culture --Hai Zhou Five Main Tunes
作者 JunRong Ban 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第8期1193-1199,共7页
In traditional folk music research, when many questions can not be answered from the literature.Please go to the fields and go to the places where these folk music used to be or is being spread. In the fields, we can ... In traditional folk music research, when many questions can not be answered from the literature.Please go to the fields and go to the places where these folk music used to be or is being spread. In the fields, we can objectively record the traces of the artists 'activities with words, images, or videos. After careful analysis and consideration of the folk tunes while they performed in musician's mouth and hands, we will get unexpected results."Hai Zhou Five Main Tunes (HZFMT)"is a typical case. If you only look at the literature, it is only a local folk narrative tunes. It is not uncommon throughout the country. However, if we go deep into the field investigation, after comparison and analysis, we can see that some of the singles music is the art of Sanqu singing that did not disappear from the Ming and Qing dynasties. These tunes are not lost, but they are handed down from generation to generation in the art population. It is also an art treasure created by the salt merchant culture 展开更多
关键词 Salt merchant culture Hai Zhou Five Main Tunes(HZFMT) QUPAI Quyi music
The study on the beauty of Yulin Tea-picking
作者 Mei Pang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期35-37,共3页
Yulin was belong to "Hundred Yue" in ancient time, the Zhuang and Yao nationality was the indigenous people here. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the central plains people constantly migrating to the south not only... Yulin was belong to "Hundred Yue" in ancient time, the Zhuang and Yao nationality was the indigenous people here. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the central plains people constantly migrating to the south not only brought the advanced agricultural technology, but also a lot of Hafts customs and folk music, including the "picking flower lanterns", "tea-picking drama" and other folk music cultures which combined with the local pristine "tea plucking" folk songs, and then the "tea plucking" music culture began to have its own unique artistic features. These characteristics contributed to highlight the beauty of Yulin tea plucking opera. This article mainly discusses Yulin tea-picking Drama's rich aesthetic connotation through elaborating its music, lyrics, the theme, dancing, and clothing etc. 展开更多
关键词 Yulin Tea-picking Drama music LYRICS THEME DANCING clothing
Realism of Movie Arts and Ecology folk cultural heritage in Southern Shaanxi Province --Taking the real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" for example
作者 Jun Su 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期22-24,共3页
The real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" is the triangle love story among Xiao Yang, Feng Gang and Zhang Xuefeng. the three characters are the main line. folk songs in Nan Kang Ziyang of Shaanxi are the ... The real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" is the triangle love story among Xiao Yang, Feng Gang and Zhang Xuefeng. the three characters are the main line. folk songs in Nan Kang Ziyang of Shaanxi are the carrier, full of musical charm and cultural values. Folk songs, and love reveal the tragic loss and suffering in modern youth life-changing period, and reflect the gap between ideal and reality. Movie inspires people, developing and upholding heritage of folk music and cultural needs the whole community' s concern and support, a cavity blood alone and personal ideals are not enough, only rely on social groups and cultural media, can Southern folk ecological culture be in sustainable development, and fly out of the country to the world. 展开更多
关键词 "Lang singing folk songs in the door" artistic expression Southern folk songs cultural heritage
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