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汉代乐府的音乐活动与歌诗 被引量:3
作者 刘旭青 李昌集 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2003年第2期48-52,共5页
汉代乐府的音乐活动 ,对汉代歌诗的创作起有重要作用。乐府的采风观谣 ,使民间歌诗得以保存 ;乐府的制乐活动吸纳了文人加入 ,促进了文人的辞赋创作 ;乐府对外域音乐的吸收和改制 ,丰富了华乐的音乐品类 ,其音乐和文辞的配合方式 ,奠定... 汉代乐府的音乐活动 ,对汉代歌诗的创作起有重要作用。乐府的采风观谣 ,使民间歌诗得以保存 ;乐府的制乐活动吸纳了文人加入 ,促进了文人的辞赋创作 ;乐府对外域音乐的吸收和改制 ,丰富了华乐的音乐品类 ,其音乐和文辞的配合方式 ,奠定了中国古代音乐文学“选诗以配乐”与“依调填词”两种基本方式。胡乐与汉文的配合方式 ,对反省“胡乐生词” 展开更多
关键词 汉代 乐活动 歌诗 采风观谣 乐活动 外域音
作者 李岳宣 《中国民族博览》 2022年第24期143-145,153,共4页
魏晋南北朝时期是我国历史上一个较为特殊的时期,它虽充满动荡与破碎,却造就了一批卓尔不群的文人名士,让我们可以领略到别具一格的“魏晋风骨”。此时期也是筝乐蓬勃发展的重要阶段,随着社会的不断变革与发展,门阀贵族逐渐崛起并占据... 魏晋南北朝时期是我国历史上一个较为特殊的时期,它虽充满动荡与破碎,却造就了一批卓尔不群的文人名士,让我们可以领略到别具一格的“魏晋风骨”。此时期也是筝乐蓬勃发展的重要阶段,随着社会的不断变革与发展,门阀贵族逐渐崛起并占据统治地位。贵族阶层的钟爱赋予筝乐以崭新的风貌,筝乐也为文人墨客带来了流水行云的创作灵感,有关筝的文学作品层出不穷,筝已成为文人阶层抒发情感的寄托。随着筝乐在贵族文人阶层的广泛传播,筝乐活动也十分受其欢迎,如宴会、文人聚集、贵族家乐表演、节日庆祝等均有筝乐的身影出现。可见筝在魏晋南北朝时期已真正融入贵族文人阶层,筝的音乐属性也踏入了由俗至雅的转变过程,成为上至帝王、下至百姓拥有广泛群众基础的华夏古乐器。 展开更多
关键词 贵族文人 乐活动 魏晋南北朝
作者 谢巧美 《学周刊(下旬)》 2016年第6期151-152,共2页
在节奏乐的演奏活动中,幼儿可以在倾听和分辨音乐的节奏中,选择合适的乐器来表现乐曲的音色、强弱、快慢的感受。根据《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》精神及儿童发展水平,我们从感受音乐入手,学会倾听,结合语言、动作、体态、声势、图谱、... 在节奏乐的演奏活动中,幼儿可以在倾听和分辨音乐的节奏中,选择合适的乐器来表现乐曲的音色、强弱、快慢的感受。根据《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》精神及儿童发展水平,我们从感受音乐入手,学会倾听,结合语言、动作、体态、声势、图谱、打击乐等激发幼儿对节奏的兴趣,在节奏乐活动中,可以让幼儿享受到节奏活动的快乐,感受节奏之美,发展幼儿运用节奏乐进行艺术表现的能力,发展幼儿感受音乐的能力,积累一定的音乐语汇,从而培养良好的节奏感。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿园 节奏乐活动
作者 易青秀 羊冬梅 《东西南北(教育)》 2017年第18期230-230,共1页
家庭是幼儿园重要的合作伙伴,应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,争取家长的理解支持和主动参与;并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力。所谓家园合作指幼儿园和家庭都把自己当作促进儿童发展的主体,双方积极主动地相互了解、相互配合、相互支... 家庭是幼儿园重要的合作伙伴,应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,争取家长的理解支持和主动参与;并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力。所谓家园合作指幼儿园和家庭都把自己当作促进儿童发展的主体,双方积极主动地相互了解、相互配合、相互支持,通过幼儿园与家庭的双向互动共同促进儿童的身心发展。为了家长的孩子,我们的宝贝,全方面得到发展,幼儿园挖掘所有的资源,不断探索新的教育方式,教育活动等。例如:我园提出“节奏训练”这一课题,在其开设过程中,家长的独特位置是幼儿园无法替代的。因此,家长工作是不可缺少的。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿园 开展节奏乐活动
作者 周菲 陈慧红 《社区》 2003年第20期30-30,共1页
上海市卢湾区是上海最早开展社区读书乐活动的区之一,该区将振兴中华读书活动落实到每一个家庭,使得社区读书乐活动蓬勃开展,并评出了首批社区“十佳特色读书乐家庭”。现在就让我们走近社区中的几户特色家庭,看看他们是怎样乐在家... 上海市卢湾区是上海最早开展社区读书乐活动的区之一,该区将振兴中华读书活动落实到每一个家庭,使得社区读书乐活动蓬勃开展,并评出了首批社区“十佳特色读书乐家庭”。现在就让我们走近社区中的几户特色家庭,看看他们是怎样乐在家中勤读书的。 展开更多
关键词 上海 卢湾区 社区活动 “读书乐活动 业余作者
作者 岳洋峰 《西南边疆民族研究》 CSSCI 2018年第4期123-128,共6页
西汉时期,逐渐兴盛起来的倡乐活动,为处理胡汉关系的'倡乐晏胡'策略提供了动力支持。随着汉民族综合势力的发展,'胡强汉弱'的局面被打破,'倡乐晏胡'策略由设置之初'坏其耳'的政治意图,转变为使胡人'... 西汉时期,逐渐兴盛起来的倡乐活动,为处理胡汉关系的'倡乐晏胡'策略提供了动力支持。随着汉民族综合势力的发展,'胡强汉弱'的局面被打破,'倡乐晏胡'策略由设置之初'坏其耳'的政治意图,转变为使胡人'娱耳目、乐心意'的娱乐活动之一。'倡乐晏胡'的策略所经历的漫长阶段,体现着胡汉民族之间的心理认知与接受程度。 展开更多
关键词 乐活动 晏胡 策略认知
作者 陆玲 《教师》 2021年第17期81-83,共3页
为了提高幼儿的综合素质,促进幼儿快乐成长,教师要精心设计教学活动,通过有效的活动来潜移默化地对幼儿进行熏陶,促进幼儿在实践中感受快乐。“娃娃乐”主题活动会丰富幼儿的生活经验,增加幼儿生活的趣味性,点燃幼儿内心的激情,促进幼... 为了提高幼儿的综合素质,促进幼儿快乐成长,教师要精心设计教学活动,通过有效的活动来潜移默化地对幼儿进行熏陶,促进幼儿在实践中感受快乐。“娃娃乐”主题活动会丰富幼儿的生活经验,增加幼儿生活的趣味性,点燃幼儿内心的激情,促进幼儿快乐地参与到活动中,主动思考,积极体验,在活动中获得知识,开阔视野。文章主要探究了“娃娃乐”主题活动的设计及实践,用丰富的活动激发幼儿的兴趣。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿 “娃娃”主题活动 设计 实践
驻留在青海历史长河中的舞乐印迹 被引量:2
作者 柳春诚 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 2007年第3期73-77,共5页
关键词 舞蹈纹彩陶盆 男性 女性 骨笛 西部高原 原始舞乐活动
云南筝乐耆宿张树德 被引量:1
作者 戴晓 《北方音乐》 2017年第5期118-119,126,共3页
古筝作为一种古老而又年轻的乐器在当下中国音乐乃至世界音乐的发展中变得越来越重要。张树德是云南艺术学院第一位古筝专业教师,也是现在云南省唯一一位古筝表演专业的硕士研究生导师。可以说,张树德是云南省筝乐届的一位耆宿。本文... 古筝作为一种古老而又年轻的乐器在当下中国音乐乃至世界音乐的发展中变得越来越重要。张树德是云南艺术学院第一位古筝专业教师,也是现在云南省唯一一位古筝表演专业的硕士研究生导师。可以说,张树德是云南省筝乐届的一位耆宿。本文以张树德的个人经历为主线,从筝乐教育家、筝乐活动家和筝乐艺术家(演奏、作曲)三个方面来探讨他为云南筝乐艺术的发展做出的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 张树德 云南筝 教育 乐活动 演奏 创作
润乐慧雅 和和美美——记萍乡市安源区城北小学和美教育特色办学之路
作者 廖英 叶柳 《小学教学研究》 2019年第3期19-21,共3页
江西省萍乡市安源区城北小学以"和美"作为学校的文化价值观。"和"是城北的性格——和衷共济、和而不同、和实生物。"美"是城北的精神——个性之美、和谐之美、统一之美。学校以"和润管理聚人心,和... 江西省萍乡市安源区城北小学以"和美"作为学校的文化价值观。"和"是城北的性格——和衷共济、和而不同、和实生物。"美"是城北的精神——个性之美、和谐之美、统一之美。学校以"和润管理聚人心,和乐活动强德育,和慧课堂提质量,和雅环境润心田"为办学特色,共同营造和谐于心、美丽于行的校园。 展开更多
关键词 润管理 乐活动 慧课堂 雅环境
作者 郑晓梅 《内蒙古电大学刊》 2003年第6期107-107,共1页
关键词 幼儿教育 外部因素 间接兴趣 稳定兴趣 人生态度 环境 乐活动 教学方法
学习乐活理念 兴办乐活产业——乐活学习会暨第五次乐活筹备会侧记
作者 陈曦 李嘉 《中国保健营养》 2008年第1期125-125,共1页
关键词 活产业 “2008年绿色奥运活系列活动 体育运动 休闲娱方式
Exercise is recreation not medicine
作者 Andy Smith 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期129-134,共6页
Purpose: This paper responds to the question, is exercise medicine? It does so using a qualitative case study that proposes that exercise is recreation. The study (1) describes and reflects upon an exercise is rec... Purpose: This paper responds to the question, is exercise medicine? It does so using a qualitative case study that proposes that exercise is recreation. The study (1) describes and reflects upon an exercise is recreation metaphor, (2) establishes the principles and processes used to develop a sport park within which exercise is recreation, and (3) presents a comparative analysis of the exercise is recreation approach with a UK quality framework for "exercise referrals". Methods: Four years of documentation were collated and placed into 14 categories: (1) university strategies, (2) plans of the site, (3) policy documents, (4) minutes of a steering group, (5) contemporary documents, (6) organisational charts, (7) responses to local government policies on sport, (8) consultation documents, (9) operational procedures, (10) facility specifications, (11) partnership agreements, (12) material relating to the university's work on events, (13) notes on the universities sport department, and (14) timetables. These data were analysed through a 4-stage process which used recreation as the analytical theme for a comparative analysis. Results: The characteristics of the exercise is recreation metaphor in this case are (1) a focus on the experience of the user, (2) the promotion of well-being, (3) the importance of community, (4) embracing inclusivity, (5) sport, (6) aesthetics, and (7) leisure time. The principles and processes used to develop the sport park were (1) custodianship, (2) partnerships, (3) values, (4) inter-professional working, (5) local heritage, (6) change, (7) the natural park environment, and (8) "riding the bike as you build it". The comparative analysis with a UK quality framework for "exercise referrals" clearly shows a difference from an exercise is recreation approach. Conclusion: Exercise is recreation and may enable individuals and communities to reach a state of well-being. ~ 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
From the 19th-Century Novel to the Portuguese Contemporary Film Adaptation
作者 Filomena A. Sobral 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第8期618-627,共10页
The literary adaptations of canonical novels for film provide a unique repository of both identity contents and socio-cultural observations which can be revisited through the filmic representations. These recreations ... The literary adaptations of canonical novels for film provide a unique repository of both identity contents and socio-cultural observations which can be revisited through the filmic representations. These recreations symbolize not only a privileged visual interpretation of a nation, but they also allow us to examine how a given society reflects itself through the fiction. In this sense, the objective of this paper is to reflect upon the Portuguese updated filmic adaptation of The Crime of Father Amaro (1880) by the canonical author Eta de Queiroz. On one hand, the author intends to rethink about the Portuguese identity portrayed by the film and, at the same time, the author manages to observe how the Portuguese society is revealed. On the other hand, the paper aims to analyze the particular process of the adaptation of The Crime of Father Amaro following a qualitative methodology 展开更多
关键词 CINEMA adaptation LITERATURE Eta de Queiroz classical novels
搞活教学形式提高学生素质 被引量:1
作者 苏豪 《中国科教创新导刊》 2007年第17期113-114,共2页
关键词 素质教育寓竞争法实践活动
Examining the relationship between sport and health among USA women:An analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
作者 Jennifer R.Pharr Nancy L.Loug 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第4期403-409,共7页
Background:Research has been conducted linking sports participation and health in childhood and adolescence;however,little is known about the contribution of sport to women's health.The purpose of this study was to ... Background:Research has been conducted linking sports participation and health in childhood and adolescence;however,little is known about the contribution of sport to women's health.The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport and women's health in the USA by analyzing data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System(BRFSS).Methods:This study was a secondary data analysis of the 2013 national BRFSS survey.Unlike the BRFSS core component from previous years,in2013,participants were questioned extensively about their physical activity behaviors.Seventy-six different activities were identifie by the participants.Two researchers categorized the 76 activities as sport,conditioning exercise,recreation,or household tasks based on previously identifie categories.Logistic regression was utilized to calculate odds ratios and adjusted odds ratios for chronic diseases based on physical activity category.Results:Women who participated in sport had better health outcomes with significant y lower odds for all chronic diseases except asthma and better general health than women who participated in conditioning exercise,household tasks,or recreation,and many of the significan differences remained after controlling for demographic characteristics.Conclusion:Sport participation was associated with more positive health outcomes among women in the USA compared with the other categories.As a means to improve health of women,the USA could focus on efforts to increase sport participation among women. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic diseases Conditioning exercise Leisure-time physical activity RECREATION Sport participation Women's health
Peering Into Culture of Ancient Bukhara
作者 Khudoev G. M. 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期630-633,共4页
Ancient Bukhara is the cultural and educational center of East which made huge contribution to a treasury of world art. Culture and art buildings were built in Bukhara and around its territory. Ancient Bukhara turned ... Ancient Bukhara is the cultural and educational center of East which made huge contribution to a treasury of world art. Culture and art buildings were built in Bukhara and around its territory. Ancient Bukhara turned out as one of the biggest centers of Middle East in the period (era) of outstanding Somoniy (in the IX-X centuries) and Temurids (in the XIV-XV centuries), particular, its developed literature, culture, architecture, and music art; especially, as being the capital of dynasty Mangits (at the beginning of the century XVIII-XX), served as the groundwork of forming Shashmakom samples in groups. This time among a number of poets and artists, lived Akhmad Danish--the most mature scientist, philosopher, poet, calligrapher, and painter, Abdurauf Fitrat--poet and writer, theoretician, musician and political activist. 展开更多
关键词 alace Ancient Bukhara archeological monuments architectural monuments CULTURE era of Temurids fine art music art Shashmakom
作者 苏豪 《中国科教创新导刊》 2007年第18期132-133,共2页
关键词 素质教育寓竞争法实践活动
Art Information
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第10期46-49,共4页
关键词 艺术动态 2006年 画展 中国 演出活动
Clinical observation of cerebral palsy treated with Chinese massage for promoting the Governor Vessel, benefiting the kidney and strengthening the spleen combined with music therapy 被引量:4
作者 刘振寰 赵勇 +2 位作者 罗冠君 李诺 招文健 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2009年第2期22-29,共8页
Objective To observe the effects on the range of motion (ROM) of ankle joint and muscular spasm of the lower limbs treated with Chinese massage for promoting the Governor Vessel, benefiting the kidney and strengthen... Objective To observe the effects on the range of motion (ROM) of ankle joint and muscular spasm of the lower limbs treated with Chinese massage for promoting the Governor Vessel, benefiting the kidney and strengthening the spleen combined with music therapy in infantile cerebral palsy (CP). Methods In 286 cases of spasmodic CP, 7 kinds of Chinese massage were adopted, named massage on acupoints to promote circulation of the Governor Vessel, massage for strengthening the spleen and benefiting qi, spine-pinching therapy, segmental massage, foot massage, massage for promoting the recovery of muscle strength and massage for promoting ROM of joints. Chinese massage was applied in musical background. Buddha music and five-element music of Chinese medicine (music of the Heart, Liver and Kidney Meridians) were optioned. The treatment was given once or twice a day and 30 days made one course. The angles of femoral adductor and dorsal flexion of foot as well as the score of composite spasticity scale (CSS) were observed before and after treatment so that the therapeutic effect was assessed. Results In 30 days of treatment, 106 cases (37. 1%) were effective markedly, 172 cases (60. 1%) effective and 8 cases (2.8%) failed. The angle of dorsal flexion of foot was (105.64± 12.66)° and (76.58± 9.89)° before and after treatment respectively; the angle of femoral adductor was (119.89±25.47)° and (158.99± 18.66)° before and after treatment respectively; the score of CSS was (12.39±2.56) and (7. 069 ± 2.97) before and after treatment respectivel, there was significant difference before and after treatment (all P〈0.01). Conclusion Chinese massage for promoting the Governor Vessel, benefiting the kidney and strengthening the spleen combined with music therapy brings the extremely active effect into play on the recovery of sitting, kneeling, standing and walking for children with CP. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral Palsy (CP) Promoting the Governor Vessel and Benefiting the Kidney Range of Motion (ROM) Music Therapy Composite Spasticity Scale (CSS)
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