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浅谈在初中数学教学中如何实施探究性学习 被引量:2
作者 赵国强 《河南教育(基教版)(上)》 2014年第10期51-51,共1页
在新课程改革中,探究性学习作为转变学生学习方式的好办法已被越来越多的教师采用。探究性学习的主要特点是,学生以独立和小组合作的方式进行探索性、研究性学习活动,注重学生的主动探索、体验和创新。我认为,在初中数学教学中培养和激... 在新课程改革中,探究性学习作为转变学生学习方式的好办法已被越来越多的教师采用。探究性学习的主要特点是,学生以独立和小组合作的方式进行探索性、研究性学习活动,注重学生的主动探索、体验和创新。我认为,在初中数学教学中培养和激发学生的探究性学习习惯,应从以下几个方面着手。 展开更多
关键词 初中数学教学 研究性学习活动 新课程改革 圆心位置 数学教育家 教学形态 解题思路 探究欲望 习定 直角边
《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1983年第3期30-,共1页
受教育部委托,全国高校体育专业“人体解剖学”讲习班,于7月20日至8月6日在我院举行。参加讲习班的有来自全国24个省市自治区的44位专业教师;北京体育学院、贵阳医学院和遵义医学院有关专家教授特邀前来讲学;教育部体育司也派人前来参... 受教育部委托,全国高校体育专业“人体解剖学”讲习班,于7月20日至8月6日在我院举行。参加讲习班的有来自全国24个省市自治区的44位专业教师;北京体育学院、贵阳医学院和遵义医学院有关专家教授特邀前来讲学;教育部体育司也派人前来参加了会议。会议期间,除听取专家教授讲课外。 展开更多
关键词 高校体育专业 遵义医学院 贵阳医学院 师范院校 日至 习定 验到 院体 教外 问学
作者 李双德 《新闻爱好者》 1990年第9期45-45,共1页
街坊邻居都夸我妻为人贤惠,孝敬父母,生活俭朴。确实,妻不仅俊俏,温柔,而且通情达理,办任何事都要和我商量,从不自作主张。我也尊重她的意见。可是。妻子这次的“擅自”行动,却使我久久难以平静。结婚几年来,由于工资低,我从没给妻子买... 街坊邻居都夸我妻为人贤惠,孝敬父母,生活俭朴。确实,妻不仅俊俏,温柔,而且通情达理,办任何事都要和我商量,从不自作主张。我也尊重她的意见。可是。妻子这次的“擅自”行动,却使我久久难以平静。结婚几年来,由于工资低,我从没给妻子买件像样的东西。妻骑的车是从娘家带来的,带的表是一块“洛阳牡丹”,我曾不只一次许愿,等宽裕了。一定给你买辆新车,买块进口表。 展开更多
关键词 生活俭朴 街坊邻居 洛阳牡丹 孝敬父母 给你 习定 《新华字典》 达理 一本
作者 郭振星 《环渤海经济瞭望》 2016年第6期80-81,共2页
合作学习是一种富有创意和实效的教学理论和策略体系,新课程理念指导下的数学学习方式更多样,形式更丰富,学生的活动性、参与性越来越强,这就带来了学生个体学习与合作学习之间的转轨与转化。传统的课堂教学只关注学生的个体学习,将学... 合作学习是一种富有创意和实效的教学理论和策略体系,新课程理念指导下的数学学习方式更多样,形式更丰富,学生的活动性、参与性越来越强,这就带来了学生个体学习与合作学习之间的转轨与转化。传统的课堂教学只关注学生的个体学习,将学习定位于学生个体对知识的领悟与记忆,忽视了学生之间的合作、互动与交流。 展开更多
关键词 数学学习方式 教学理论 课堂教学 新课程 小组讨论 能参 认知特征 发展水平 习定 程中
作者 彭辰阳 《群众》 北大核心 1994年第7期53-53,共1页
关键词 大城市 社会地位 真灵 隐性收入 习定 十一届三中全会 九等 一个问题 民族自尊心 国将
作者 曲玲芳 《五台山研究》 1986年第2期32-34,共3页
山峦没有到过五台山的人总会以为五台山是高峻而险要的。其实,五台山并没有多少奇峰怪峦,乍看众山,皆如垒土之台,平缓而开阔,俗称“馒头山”。中台就是一座很有代表性的山峦,它虽然山体旷阔、气势雄豪,却没有奇石磷峋,没有怪岩参差,它... 山峦没有到过五台山的人总会以为五台山是高峻而险要的。其实,五台山并没有多少奇峰怪峦,乍看众山,皆如垒土之台,平缓而开阔,俗称“馒头山”。中台就是一座很有代表性的山峦,它虽然山体旷阔、气势雄豪,却没有奇石磷峋,没有怪岩参差,它以自己独特的态势表现出了山的另一种魅力。 展开更多
关键词 中台 清凉山志 馒头山 广清凉传 台顶 舍利塔 古清凉传 文殊师利 文殊菩萨 习定
作者 季祥贞 《大学数学》 1989年第Z1期54-57,共4页
关键词 绝对连续 有限区间 微分形式 级数和 分部积分 当且仅当 多重积分 积分形式 习定 一青
作者 壮惠铃 《数学教学通讯》 1985年第1期2-3,共2页
立体几何中“两条异面直线的距离”这部分教材的主要内容仅包括“两条异而直线的公垂线”和“两条异面直线的距离”这样两个概念的定义。现行六年制重点中学高中数学课本《立体几何》上,这一段内容只占几行字,然而,如何对这部分教材作... 立体几何中“两条异面直线的距离”这部分教材的主要内容仅包括“两条异而直线的公垂线”和“两条异面直线的距离”这样两个概念的定义。现行六年制重点中学高中数学课本《立体几何》上,这一段内容只占几行字,然而,如何对这部分教材作出透彻的分析,从而拟订一个合适的教法方案,却是一个值得研究的问题。一、“两条异面直线的公垂线”的定义课本上从一个实例出发,抽象化得到异而直线的公垂线的定义。从字面上讲,“公垂线”显然是指“公共的垂线”。但“异面直线的公垂线”的定义中含有两个要素,即①垂直,②相交。 展开更多
关键词 异面直线 高中数学课 垂线段 判定定理 重点中学 角形 唯一性定理 最短路径 下底面 习定
作者 秦海中 《南钢科技与管理》 2016年第3期59-59,共1页
学习安全管理的"四不伤害"后,联系当前安全工作的实际,我认为需要避免以下几个误区:1、拿来主义,比如一些外企的安全方法拿到自己单位来,由于生产性质、安全理念、职工素质等条件不一样,依样画瓢,最后使得大家十分反感,而使安全工作... 学习安全管理的"四不伤害"后,联系当前安全工作的实际,我认为需要避免以下几个误区:1、拿来主义,比如一些外企的安全方法拿到自己单位来,由于生产性质、安全理念、职工素质等条件不一样,依样画瓢,最后使得大家十分反感,而使安全工作更加糟糕。例如,南钢安全工作导入了"圣戈班"、"安全标准化"、"复星EHS体系",隔一段时间就要换一个管理模式,使得员工无所适从。 展开更多
关键词 职工素质 圣戈班 生产性质 依样画 南钢 管理模式 习定 不走样 生产岗位 精神奖励
作者 朱恬恬 《学子(理论版)》 2015年第2期28-28,共1页
小班的创造性游戏《小兔乖乖》是在主题《我喜欢》背景下产生的,《小兔乖乖》是孩子们人人爱听的一则童话故事。孩子们在娓娓动听的故事中体验着小兔子的惊险与勇敢,分享着小兔子们的胜利与自豪。我们将游戏目标定为通过游戏了解故事中... 小班的创造性游戏《小兔乖乖》是在主题《我喜欢》背景下产生的,《小兔乖乖》是孩子们人人爱听的一则童话故事。孩子们在娓娓动听的故事中体验着小兔子的惊险与勇敢,分享着小兔子们的胜利与自豪。我们将游戏目标定为通过游戏了解故事中的多重角色,乐意扮演喜爱的角色;体验与同伴共同游戏的乐趣。从游戏的目标来看,它既能使幼儿在游戏中获得丰富的情感体验,又为幼儿提供了多样化的表达与表现的机会,更重要的是使幼儿的综合能力得到了提高。 展开更多
关键词 小兔 游戏活动 主题游戏 创造性游戏 小白兔 外形特征 你喜欢 大灰狼 体育游戏 习定
《少林与太极》 2016年第5期21-22,共2页
一、禅功论 禅分三乘,内功亦分三乘。其上乘者,运化刚柔,调和神气,任意所之,无往不可。刚非纯刚,刚中有柔;柔非纯柔,柔中有刚。其静止也,则浑然一气,潜如无极;其动作也,则灵活敏捷,变化莫测。能运其一口大气,击人于百步之外,且无微不至... 一、禅功论 禅分三乘,内功亦分三乘。其上乘者,运化刚柔,调和神气,任意所之,无往不可。刚非纯刚,刚中有柔;柔非纯柔,柔中有刚。其静止也,则浑然一气,潜如无极;其动作也,则灵活敏捷,变化莫测。能运其一口大气,击人于百步之外,且无微不至,无坚不入。猝然临敌,随机而作,敌虽顽强,亦不能御,且受伤者不知其致伤之由,跌仆者不知其被跌之故,诚如夭矫神龙,游行难测,有见首不见尾之妙,固不必运用手脚,而始能制人也。 展开更多
关键词 少林禅 三乘 受伤者 功论 一念不生 百会朝天 三观 明心见性 习定 坐法
作者 陈传席 《中国书画》 2003年第4期114-114,共1页
昔康有为论书法曰:'书法即佛法,始于戒律,精于定慧,得于心源,妙于了悟。'看来,康老夫子真的懂点书法,也懂点佛法。'戒律'即'法规',有人谓之'清规戒律',即要学佛就不能胡来,如果仍然好色、好淫、杀生等... 昔康有为论书法曰:'书法即佛法,始于戒律,精于定慧,得于心源,妙于了悟。'看来,康老夫子真的懂点书法,也懂点佛法。'戒律'即'法规',有人谓之'清规戒律',即要学佛就不能胡来,如果仍然好色、好淫、杀生等等,当然不能成佛,必须有些戒律。佛教有五戒、八戒、十戒、二百五十戒等等,据宋代高承《事物纪原·道释科教·戒律》云,魏世时天竺昙摩迦罗到洛阳,对魏境内僧人无戒律、很随便,表示感慨,'遂于嘉平中,与昙谛译《四分羯磨》及《僧祇戒心图》,此盖中国戒律之始也'。有了戒律,僧人有规可遵,有法可守,就不同于凡俗,便走入正道。学书法开始时也必须有法可守,否则永远不能入正道。'定慧',定,即禅定,亦即坐弹习定。《景德传灯录》五《慧能大师》云:'京城禅德,皆云欲得念道,必须坐禅习定,若不得禅定而得解脱者。 展开更多
关键词 事物纪原 二百五十戒 习定 景德传灯录 四分羯磨 昙谛 禅定 昙摩 禅德 迦罗
On Improving Students' Listening Proficiency From Correlation Analysis Between English Listening and Other English Skills
作者 ZHAI Yong-li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第4期334-338,共5页
Researches have proved that in human beings' actual languange communication, listening is the most important part. However, in English learning, listening seems always to be a weakness for many Chinese students. Engl... Researches have proved that in human beings' actual languange communication, listening is the most important part. However, in English learning, listening seems always to be a weakness for many Chinese students. English learning is a systematic process, during which, English listening proficience is influeced by many factors. Therefore, from the systematicness and inner relations in English learning and based on qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis between English listening and other English skills in English listening, this paper tries to give the correlation analysis and accordingly give some suggestions to improve listening proficiency for ESL (English as a second language) learners 展开更多
关键词 English listening quantitative analysis qualitative analysis language skills
Factors Influencing on Drinking Water Source Selection in Rural Areas of the Bengal Region
作者 Maiko Sakamoto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第11期664-676,共13页
The arsenic contamination of underground water is a serious problem in rural areas of the Bengal region, where the water pipeline supply is not equipped. Those, who suffer from the contamination are mainly in the poor... The arsenic contamination of underground water is a serious problem in rural areas of the Bengal region, where the water pipeline supply is not equipped. Those, who suffer from the contamination are mainly in the poorest sector. In the region, the selection of drinking water sources is done by women. The local traditional custom of Parda may restrict women's behavior. In this paper, a quantitative way of evaluating women's psychological stress is proposed, and mechanisms of women's water selection are analyzed using behavioral model. Ultimately, the more acceptable ways of installing water facilities to local people in each village are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 South Asia arsenic contamination drinking water GENDER space syntax.
Interaction of antipsychotic drug with novel surfactants: Micellization and binding studies
作者 Naved Azum Malik Abdul Rub Abdullah M.Asiri 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期566-573,共8页
The interaction of cationic gemini surfactants(alkanediyl-α,ω-bis(alkyl dimethylammonium bromide)) with an antipsychotic drug(chlorpromazine hydrochloride(CPZ)) has been investigated. Various micellar and interfacia... The interaction of cationic gemini surfactants(alkanediyl-α,ω-bis(alkyl dimethylammonium bromide)) with an antipsychotic drug(chlorpromazine hydrochloride(CPZ)) has been investigated. Various micellar and interfacial parameters have been deliberated by surface tension measurement to report the nature of interactions between drug and novel surfactant mixtures. The behavior of mixed systems, their compositions and activities of components have been analyzed in the light of Rubingh's theory. The results indicate synergism in the binary mixtures.The binding study between CPZ and surfactants has been done by spectroscopic techniques such as UV–visible and fluorescence. The results are discussed in the light of the use of gemini surfactants as promising drug delivery agents for phenothiazine drugs, and hence, improve their bioavailability. 展开更多
关键词 Gemini surfactants Antipsychotic drug Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Mixed micellization
A Novel Deep Learning Method for Application Identification in Wireless Network 被引量:8
作者 Jie Ren Zulin Wang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期73-83,共11页
In modern wireless communication network, the increased consumer demands for multi-type applications and high quality services have become a prominent trend, and put considerable pressure on the wireless network. In t... In modern wireless communication network, the increased consumer demands for multi-type applications and high quality services have become a prominent trend, and put considerable pressure on the wireless network. In that case, the Quality of Experience(Qo E) has received much attention and has become a key performance measurement for the application and service. In order to meet the users' expectations, the management of the resource is crucial in wireless network, especially the Qo E based resource allocation. One of the effective way for resource allocation management is accurate application identification. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning based method for application identification. We first analyse the requirement of managing Qo E for wireless communication, and review the limitation of the traditional identification methods. After that, a deep learning based method is proposed for automatically extracting the features and identifying the type of application. The proposed method is evaluated by using the practical wireless traffic data, and the experiments verify the effectiveness of our method. 展开更多
关键词 quality of experience application identification protocol identification deeplearning feature extraction
Experimental study on the effects of drying methods on the stabilities of lignite 被引量:4
作者 Yixin Zhang Jixiang Dong +3 位作者 Fanhui Guo Xiaokai Chen Jianjun Wu Zhenyong Miao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期1545-1554,共10页
The drying processes are always applied prior to the transportation or utilization of lignite, and result in notable changes in the stabilities of lignite. In this paper, the study on the effects of nitrogen and MTE d... The drying processes are always applied prior to the transportation or utilization of lignite, and result in notable changes in the stabilities of lignite. In this paper, the study on the effects of nitrogen and MTE drying process on the physico-chemical properties and stabilities of Zhaotung lignite was carried out. The briquettes produced by MTE drying in this study were 150 mm in dimension, and so had a much larger particle size than nitrogen- dried samples. Nitrogen adsorption, mercury intrusion porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy all suggested that drying was accompanied by the transformation of larger pores into smaller ones. Compared to nitrogen drying, the pore structures could be stabilized by the MTE process. The soluble salts were removed during MTE drying which resulted in the decrease in ash and the concentrations of some of the major metals. The removal of water enhanced the hydrophilicity of nitrogen dried samples, but did not affect the hydrophilicity of MTE dried samples. The moisture holding capacity of MTE dried samples reduced faster than nitrogen dried samples with the decrease of residual moisture content. The moisture readsorption processes of MTE dried sam- ples were strongly inhibited due to the much larger particle size of sample produced by MTE drying than nitrogen drying. The susceptibility to spontaneous combustion, indicated by cross point temperature and self-heating tests, of nitrogen and MTE dried samples increased with the decrease of residual moisture content. The MTE dried samples are more liable to spontaneous combustion than nitrogen dried samples with the same residual moisture and particle size. However, the larger particle size of the MTE product made it more stable with respect to spontaneous combustion and also moisture readsorption. 展开更多
关键词 LIGNITE Mechanical thermal expression Stability Hydrophilidty READSORPTION Spontaneous combustion
Study on Unsteady Hydrodynamic Performance of Propeller in Waves 被引量:1
作者 Qingxin Zhao Chunyu Guo +2 位作者 Yumin Su Tian Liu Xiangyin Meng 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2017年第3期305-312,共8页
The speed of a ship sailing in waves always slows down due to the decrease in efficiency of the propeller. So it is necessary and essential to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of propeller in waves. This ... The speed of a ship sailing in waves always slows down due to the decrease in efficiency of the propeller. So it is necessary and essential to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of propeller in waves. This paper is based on the numerical simulation and experimental research of hydrodynamics performance when the propeller is under wave conditions. Open-water propeller performance in calm water is calculated by commercial codes and the results are compared to experimental values to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical simulation method. The first-order Volume of Fluid(VOF) wave method in STAR CCM+ is utilized to simulate the three-dimensional numerical wave. According to the above prerequisite, the numerical calculation of hydrodynamic performance of the propeller under wave conditions is conducted, and the results reveal that both thrust and torque of the propeller under wave conditions reveal intense unsteady behavior. With the periodic variation of waves, ventilation, and even an effluent phenomenon appears on the propeller. Calculation results indicate, when ventilation or effluent appears, the numerical calculation model can capture the dynamic characteristics of the propeller accurately, thus providing a significant theory foundation forfurther studying the hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in waves. 展开更多
关键词 propulsive performance ventilation phenomenon open water test wave condition unsteady characteristics
Study on the performance of the micropile-mechanically stabilized earth wall 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Zhi-chao Ronald Y.S.PAK +1 位作者 CHEN Yu-min LIU Han-long 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期825-844,共20页
The Micropile-Mechanically Stabilized Earth(MSE) wall, specially designed for mountain roads, is proposed to improve the MSE wall local stability, global stability and impact resistance of roadside barriers. Model tes... The Micropile-Mechanically Stabilized Earth(MSE) wall, specially designed for mountain roads, is proposed to improve the MSE wall local stability, global stability and impact resistance of roadside barriers. Model tests and the corresponding numerical modeling were conducted to validate the serviceability of the Micropile-MSE wall and the reliability of the numerical method. Then, a parametric study of the stress and deformation of Micropile-MSE wall based on the backfill strength and interfacial friction angle between backfill and backslope is conducted to evaluate its performance.The test results indicate that the surcharge-induced horizontal earth pressure, base pressure and lateral displacement of the wall panel of Micropile-MSE wall decrease. The corresponding numerical results are nearly equal to the measured values. The basic failure mode of MSE wall in steep terrain is the sliding of backfill along the backslope, while A-frame style micropiles are capable of preventing the sliding trend.The maximum resultant displacement can be decreased by 6.25% to 46.9% based on different interfacial friction angles, and the displacement canbe reduced by 6% ~ 56.1% based on different backfill strengths. Furthermore, the reduction increases when the interfacial friction angle and internal friction angle of backfill decrease. In addition, the lateral displacement of wall panel, the deformation of backfill decrease and the tension strain of geogrid obviously, which guarantees the MSE wall functions and provides good conditions for mountain roads. 展开更多
关键词 Mechanically stabilized earth wall Model test MICROPILE Numerical simulation Stress and deformation behavior
Optimal production lot sizing model in a supply chain with periodically fixed demand considering learning effect 被引量:1
作者 熊中楷 SHEN Tiesong 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2002年第2期86-88,共3页
This paper presents an optimal production model for manufacturer in a supply chain with a fixed demand at a fixed interval with respect to the learning effect on production capacity. An algorithm is employed to find t... This paper presents an optimal production model for manufacturer in a supply chain with a fixed demand at a fixed interval with respect to the learning effect on production capacity. An algorithm is employed to find the optimal delay time for production and production time sequentially. It is found that the optimal delay time for production and the production time are not static, but dynamic and variant with time. It is important for a manufacturer to schedule the production so as to prevent facilities and workers from idling. 展开更多
关键词 learning curve capacity expansion supply chain optimal production policy.
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