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作者 欧慧琳 林楷祥 么振东 《广东水利水电》 2023年第12期89-92,103,共5页
结合工程案例,对广东省中小河流乡镇区河道中出现的过流能力不足,老旧跨河建筑物雍水明显,内、外源污染及河道原先治理措施单一、生态景观功能较差等情况提出了相应的整治措施。结果表明,河道整治后达到了预期目标,治理后效果较为明显,... 结合工程案例,对广东省中小河流乡镇区河道中出现的过流能力不足,老旧跨河建筑物雍水明显,内、外源污染及河道原先治理措施单一、生态景观功能较差等情况提出了相应的整治措施。结果表明,河道整治后达到了预期目标,治理后效果较为明显,可为类似工程提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 河道 主要问题 整治措施 案例
粒度效应对城—乡过渡区景观格局分析的影响 被引量:18
作者 国庆喜 肖少英 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期49-51,共3页
以TM遥感数据为数据源 ,应用地理信息系统技术 ,对哈尔滨市区至帽儿山天然次生林区之间的过渡区域进行了景观格局分析 ,选取的景观空间格局度量指标包括 :景观边缘密度、平均分维数、景观多样性、均匀性。比较了不同粒度对景观格局指数... 以TM遥感数据为数据源 ,应用地理信息系统技术 ,对哈尔滨市区至帽儿山天然次生林区之间的过渡区域进行了景观格局分析 ,选取的景观空间格局度量指标包括 :景观边缘密度、平均分维数、景观多样性、均匀性。比较了不同粒度对景观格局指数计算结果的影响 ,结果表明 :景观多样性与均匀性对粒度效应反应不敏感 ;景观边缘密度、平均分维数都具有随着空间粒度的增加而明显变小的趋势 ,是对粒度效应比较敏感的参数。但在不同粒度下 ,依靠景观边缘密度、平均分维数计算的城—乡景观格局梯度的变化趋势基本没有改变。 展开更多
关键词 粒度效应 城-过渡 景观格局 地理信息系统 景观生态学 景观多样性 景观均匀性 景观边缘密度 平均分维数
作者 骆敏 《中国集体经济》 2019年第2期56-57,共2页
为进一步强化政府服务力度,尤其是综合实力较弱的乡镇政府的服务,我国提出了"乡财区管"的财务管理理念,弥补乡镇政府财务管理方面的不足,规范乡镇政府的财务行为,真正将政府拨付的资金用到实处。同时,在"乡财区管"... 为进一步强化政府服务力度,尤其是综合实力较弱的乡镇政府的服务,我国提出了"乡财区管"的财务管理理念,弥补乡镇政府财务管理方面的不足,规范乡镇政府的财务行为,真正将政府拨付的资金用到实处。同时,在"乡财区管"实施的过程中镇政府财务、内控管理意识不高,财务管理支出增加,镇、区政府间矛盾突出等问题频发。建立完备的内控机制是解决上述问题的重要途径。文章对"乡财区管"进行简要分析的基础之上,分析镇政府现有的内控运行状况,在此基础上从提高整体内控意识、建立信息对接机制、强化内部监管等角度入手,提出相关的内控对策。 展开更多
关键词 内部控制 镇政府
中西社区报的产生、发展与同异 被引量:4
作者 钟虎妹 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第3期195-199,共5页
作为社会基层自治的产物,西方国家的社区代表着具有紧密相关性的区域生活共同体,在欧美国家主要指各类中小市镇及大都市片区,西方社区报即针对此区域而发行的非大众化报纸,立足于特定区域以满足本地的新闻与生活资讯需求,是西方社区报... 作为社会基层自治的产物,西方国家的社区代表着具有紧密相关性的区域生活共同体,在欧美国家主要指各类中小市镇及大都市片区,西方社区报即针对此区域而发行的非大众化报纸,立足于特定区域以满足本地的新闻与生活资讯需求,是西方社区报也是一切地域细分类报纸的内在规定。我国社区报应以区县报为主,它的出现缘起于市场经济条件下中国的城镇化建设及报业产业化发展,它是20世纪末以来中国社会转型、新闻变革、报业竞争等诸多因素交织作用的结果,随着现代化建设的推进,我国社区报的发展空间将日益广阔。 展开更多
关键词 西方社 中国社 地域细分 县报
乡镇财政资金管理现状及建议 被引量:1
作者 郑庆祥 《中国外资》 2011年第21期6-6,共1页
乡镇是基层政权组织,乡镇财政、财务管理工作的好坏,关系到党的民生政策的贯彻落实,关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,关系到统筹城乡发展。实行"乡财区管乡用",促进了乡镇依法组织收入,确保乡镇基本支出需要,缓解乡镇财政困难,... 乡镇是基层政权组织,乡镇财政、财务管理工作的好坏,关系到党的民生政策的贯彻落实,关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,关系到统筹城乡发展。实行"乡财区管乡用",促进了乡镇依法组织收入,确保乡镇基本支出需要,缓解乡镇财政困难,降低乡镇债务风险,维护农村基层政权和社会政治稳定,促进区镇经济和社会事业健康发展。但是,在实践中还存在一些亟待解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 镇财政 资金管理 财政预算 监督检查
南京大屠杀与南京人口 被引量:5
作者 孙宅巍 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 1990年第3期75-80,共6页
在1937年底至1938年初的侵华日军南京大屠杀事件中,有30万以上的同胞遇难。“30万”,这一数字,不仅被郑重记录在中国审判战犯军事法庭的判决书中,而且已经被赫然镌刻在侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆的墙壁上。它已成为世界人民用来... 在1937年底至1938年初的侵华日军南京大屠杀事件中,有30万以上的同胞遇难。“30万”,这一数字,不仅被郑重记录在中国审判战犯军事法庭的判决书中,而且已经被赫然镌刻在侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆的墙壁上。它已成为世界人民用来声讨侵略战争、捍卫世界和平,以及中国人民用来进行爱国主义教育和维护中日友好关系的生动教材。 但是,近年来,在日本却有极少数人,别有用心地在南京人口问题上大作文章,企图用一个被歪曲了的南京人口数字,来推翻30万同胞惨遭屠杀的血腥事实。日本北海道拓殖大学讲师田中正明,就曾对侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆提出所谓“质问”:“市民二十万,防卫队五万,合起来当时南京人口就是二十五万。 展开更多
关键词 “南京大屠杀” 难民 侵华日军南京大屠杀 南京市政 中国第二历史档案馆 乡区 部队 遇难同胞 人口数 市民
康有为佚文《戒缠足会启》及其评价 被引量:2
作者 董士伟 《历史档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期117-120,共4页
据《康南海先生自编年谱》(以下简称《年谱》),1883年康有为曾与邻乡区谔良共创不裹足会于南海,并撰“不裹足会草例”及“序文”。他声言,此乃中国不缠足会之始。以后学术界论及这个问题时,多引据《年谱》中的叙述而深信不疑,至于“不... 据《康南海先生自编年谱》(以下简称《年谱》),1883年康有为曾与邻乡区谔良共创不裹足会于南海,并撰“不裹足会草例”及“序文”。他声言,此乃中国不缠足会之始。以后学术界论及这个问题时,多引据《年谱》中的叙述而深信不疑,至于“不裹足会草例”及“序文”等原始资料则长期没有被发现和利用。晚近所编《康有为全集》(上海古籍版)、《康南海先生遗著汇刊》(台湾宏业书局版)、《万木草堂遗稿》(台湾成文书局版)、《万木草堂遗稿外编》(台湾成文书局版)均未收录此类文字。笔者赴粤,访得薄薄一册《戒缠足文》,内收《戒缠足会启》和《戒缠足会叙》两文。 展开更多
关键词 康有为 万木草堂 不缠足运动 台湾 康南 学术界 遗稿 厦门 启蒙思想 乡区
关于《诗·卫风·氓》的几个问题 被引量:3
作者 祝中熹 《人文杂志》 1985年第4期87-92,共6页
关键词 《诗·卫风·氓》 余夫 “复关” 乡区 货币 金属布 几个问题 布币 村社 《氓》
鲁迅传——一个伟大的悲剧的灵魂 被引量:1
作者 唐弢 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 1992年第9期41-55,共15页
第九章 《新生》从仙台回到东京,鲁迅住在本乡区汤岛町二丁目的伏见馆。继三年前撰写《中国地质略论》,揭发帝国主义阴谋攫取浙江矿产开采权之后,他愈益觉得唤醒国人注意这个问题的重要,开始着手整理和同学顾琅(原名芮石臣)合编的《中... 第九章 《新生》从仙台回到东京,鲁迅住在本乡区汤岛町二丁目的伏见馆。继三年前撰写《中国地质略论》,揭发帝国主义阴谋攫取浙江矿产开采权之后,他愈益觉得唤醒国人注意这个问题的重要,开始着手整理和同学顾琅(原名芮石臣)合编的《中国矿产志》,这部书列陈全国地质状况和矿产分布情形,由顾琅约请当时正在日本游历的马相伯(良)作序,序文里说到《中国矿产志》的特点是: 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 新生 矿产分布 东京 帝国主义 开采权 周作人 日本 乡区 尼采思想
刻石遗址寻踪——记宜良阿陆笼河崖刻画 被引量:1
作者 杨天佑 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第3期87-88,共2页
迄今,云南省发现的古代崖画共二十三个点,其中沧源、耿马、怒江、文山、弥勒、路南、元江等地的崖画,均是用颜色绘制在岩石上的崖壁画,唯有一九八五年十二月新发现的宜良阿陆笼河崖画系凿刻在岩石上的崖刻画。崖刻画多分布在我国东北的... 迄今,云南省发现的古代崖画共二十三个点,其中沧源、耿马、怒江、文山、弥勒、路南、元江等地的崖画,均是用颜色绘制在岩石上的崖壁画,唯有一九八五年十二月新发现的宜良阿陆笼河崖画系凿刻在岩石上的崖刻画。崖刻画多分布在我国东北的牡丹江、内蒙古的阴山、西北的甘肃黑山,还有江苏的连云港等地,在云南地区崖刻画尚属初见。 一九八五年十二月,宜良县九乡区负责同志在大比者村检查新建文化室工作,偶然发现村内古碾房有六块墙基石上刻有一些图象,立即采取了保护措施,并向县文物管理委员会汇报。 一九八六年一月,由云南省文物工作队、宜良县文物管理委员会组成联合调查组,在九乡区政府协助下。 展开更多
关键词 崖刻 崖画 凿刻 遗址 云南地 牛耕 墙基石 太阳 宜良县 乡区
Research on Beautiful Countryside Planning in Underdeveloped Areas from Perspective of Traditional and Modern Integration——a Case Study of Jiangjia Village, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province 被引量:2
作者 李小云 胡思琦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1468-1470,共3页
In context of building beautiful countryside nationwide, underdeveloped areas are confronted by many problems, such as monotonous industry structure, simi- lar rural landscape and loss of characteristics. With a case ... In context of building beautiful countryside nationwide, underdeveloped areas are confronted by many problems, such as monotonous industry structure, simi- lar rural landscape and loss of characteristics. With a case of Jiangjia Village, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province, the research explored rural pattern, cultural characteristics, building style, development value and potential and analyzed regional cooperation, urban-rural integration, and planning first, from the perspectives of economy, culture and building in order to protect traditional economy and highlight local characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Tradition and modern INTEGRATION Underdeveloped areas Beautiful Countryside
Exploration on Construction Planning of Ecotownship in Underdeveloped Regions with a Case of Luoshi Town, Fengxin County, Jiangxi Province 被引量:1
作者 李小云 易蓉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1820-1823,1827,共5页
Eco-township is of great significance for constructing beautiful countryside and accomplishing regional coordinated development between rural and urban areas to protect and improve environment in towns and villages in... Eco-township is of great significance for constructing beautiful countryside and accomplishing regional coordinated development between rural and urban areas to protect and improve environment in towns and villages in accordance with Envi- ronment Planning and Guidance of Townlets. The research took national eco-town- ship in Luoshi Town, Xinluo County, Jiangxi Province as an example and analyzed major environmental problems and causes by collecting natural, social and environ- ment information, from the perspectives of surveying on pollution source and envi- ronment quality. Finally, the research conducted regionalization of environment func- tion zones, determined environment quality protection objectives, and formulated en- vironment protection countermeasures, providing references for eco-township develop- ment in underdeveloped areas. 展开更多
关键词 Underdeveloped regions Eco-township Planning and strategy
Rural Tourism Format Network Mode Based on Community Participation:A Case Study of Jindatian Village of Zhejiang Province
作者 张琳 邱灿华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2850-2854,2872,共6页
Because of the existing problems, features and demands in China ’s rural tourism development, sustainability in modern rural tourism necessitates the own ca-pability of rural vil ages and the active participation of ... Because of the existing problems, features and demands in China ’s rural tourism development, sustainability in modern rural tourism necessitates the own ca-pability of rural vil ages and the active participation of community residents. The structure of rural community with the impact of rural tourism is analyzed, and the coupling relation between rural tourism development mode and rural community is discussed. With the integration of rural tourism resource and community capability, network of rural tourism formats is organized starting with the possibility and ways of participation of community&#39;s vil agers, and formats of public resource type, plat-form investment type, smal and micro enterprises type, and general investment type are constructed to realize the positive cycle of rural community factors and tourism development. A case study of Jindatian Vil age demonstrates the feasibility of rural tourism network mode based on community development, which can depend on community's capability to realize the sustainable rural tourism, the protection and heritance of rural culture, and the regeneration of rural economy. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism Community participation Rural culture Tourism format
作者 顾存伟 真理 +4 位作者 王云仙 朱云雁 周一烽 叶奕尧 袁恩桢 《上海经济研究》 1986年第4期39-45,共7页
黄道婆再显神威有人说温州农村富裕起来,主要靠做买卖,赚人家的钱。情况到底是不是这样?带着这个问题,我们来到了全国瞩目的再生腈纶纺织基地——苍南县宜山区。在河边,堆满了五颜六色的腈纶废料和棉布边角料;在屋内,摆满了各具样式的... 黄道婆再显神威有人说温州农村富裕起来,主要靠做买卖,赚人家的钱。情况到底是不是这样?带着这个问题,我们来到了全国瞩目的再生腈纶纺织基地——苍南县宜山区。在河边,堆满了五颜六色的腈纶废料和棉布边角料;在屋内,摆满了各具样式的再生腈纶服装。这里既没有高大的厂房,却年加工了再生腈纶衣裤1.5亿件,可供浙江全省每人穿三件。这里没有花国家一分钱的投资,却年织出了再生布达300多万匹,可以绕地球一周半。这个奇迹,是怎么创造出来的呢? 展开更多
关键词 温州市 乡区 信用社 家庭工业 腈纶 再生 苍南县 边角料 黄道婆 兔毛
Innovative Practice of Science and Technology Supported Western Village Public Cultural Services in China
作者 于开锋 金颖若 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2628-2632,共5页
The shortage and inefficiency of public cultural services are common problems in China, especially in the western regions. Baiyun District has made use- ful exploration to the construction of rural public cultural ser... The shortage and inefficiency of public cultural services are common problems in China, especially in the western regions. Baiyun District has made use- ful exploration to the construction of rural public cultural service system, network system, resource system, management system and service system. 展开更多
关键词 Public cultural service Western villages Science and technology Baiyun District
A Study on Theoretical Model and Applied Evaluation of Land Use Performance of High-tech Zone in Urban Fringe: A Case Study in Haidian District, Beijing 被引量:3
作者 Ban Maosheng Fang Chuanglin Liu Xiaoli 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期91-96,共6页
High-tech industrial zone is an important carrier for constructing innovative cities. It also plays an important role in implementing the national independent innovative strategy. How-ever, most of the high-tech indus... High-tech industrial zone is an important carrier for constructing innovative cities. It also plays an important role in implementing the national independent innovative strategy. How-ever, most of the high-tech industrial zones have many problems in their development process, such as efficiency of land use, weakness of oriented function and lack of land intensive. To solve these problems, the authors of this paper introduced the concept of land use performance and established the theoretical model to assess the land use performance of high-tech industrial zones. The model consists of the following three-dimensional parts: land use benefit, land use efficiency and innovative function. Based on this theory model, an index system which was composed of three secondary indictors, eight tertiary indictors and 37 fourth-grade indictors was set up to evaluate the land use performance of high-tech zone. To avoid the defects of plus model and function model, the authors brought out a three-dimensional evaluation model to examine the index of the land use performance of the high-tech industrial parks, which equals to the evaluation indicator system of land use performance of high-tech zone based on the above research. The authors examined the land use performance of five different high-tech industrial parks in Haidian District, Beijing City. The results indicated that the indicator system per-forms better in the aspect of evaluating land use benefit, land use efficiency and function of the high-tech industrial zone compared with other models. 展开更多
关键词 high-tech industry zone innovative ability land use performance theoretical mode
Preliminary Study on Effects of the Model of Community-supported Agriculture(CSA) on Urban-rural Income Gap in China
作者 彭雅琴 扈立家 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期404-406,410,共4页
The urban-rural income gap is widening,which has become a bottleneck restricting China's economic and social development.It is the current outstanding problems in the harmonious development of the society.Community S... The urban-rural income gap is widening,which has become a bottleneck restricting China's economic and social development.It is the current outstanding problems in the harmonious development of the society.Community Supported Agriculture(CSA) is one of the most important forms of sustainable agriculture and it has received the attention in recent years.This paper first introduces the rise and development of CSA in China,and discuss the impact of CSA on urban-rural income gap in China preliminarily in order to provide ideas for improving the farmers' income and narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 Community Supported Agriculture(CSA) The urban-rural income gap The income of the farmers
清代香山县基层建置及其相关问题 被引量:2
作者 刘桂奇 郭声波 《海洋史研究》 2015年第2期250-267,共18页
自明代澳门开埠至晚清国门洞开,香山因其优越的地理位置与香港、广州等地区形成优良的地缘关系,在近代中国的历史作用及时代地位日渐显要。关于此,学界围绕着其城镇形态、区际流动、海外移民、商人社会、留学运动、政商人才等话题均有... 自明代澳门开埠至晚清国门洞开,香山因其优越的地理位置与香港、广州等地区形成优良的地缘关系,在近代中国的历史作用及时代地位日渐显要。关于此,学界围绕着其城镇形态、区际流动、海外移民、商人社会、留学运动、政商人才等话题均有不少精彩论述,不过对历史上香山县基层建置及其区划结构变迁则论述不多。“天下之治,始于里胥,终于天子,其灼然者矣。”历史上县下基层建置及其区划的结构合理、功能有效,直接关系到整个基层社会的正常管理与运转,亦关乎各种社会力量的生长。本文意在对清代香山县基层建置之变迁及其属性加以论述,立足个案,从历史政治地理的视角,考察一般地方政权管控基层社会的区划架构,同时考察沿海地方政权对域内海岛的日常行政管治。一 明清以来的乡都制清代香山县基层区划建制沿袭明制。明嘉靖年间,其基层区划的基本设置为10乡10都1坊,即全县统设为10乡,除其中1乡领1都1坊外,其他9乡各领1都,而每个都(坊)各领若干图、村(街)。此外,为解决番禺、新会、顺德一些大户在香山的寄庄问题,以其寄庄户本籍所在县名为名号,另有侨立番禺都、新会都、顺德都,各领若干图。乡以统都(坊),都(坊)以统图、村(街),构成“乡→都→图、村”的基层区划层级结构(见表1)。 展开更多
关键词 香山 清代 社会力量 结构变迁 地理位置 地缘关系 近代中国 城镇形态
Research on the Development Strategy of China Construction Bank PingXiang Branch Based on SWOT Method
作者 Zilong ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期72-73,共2页
With the rapid development and competition in bank business, Financial innovation appear constantly, private and foreign Banks are becoming the potential entrants. The original management, control and business mode al... With the rapid development and competition in bank business, Financial innovation appear constantly, private and foreign Banks are becoming the potential entrants. The original management, control and business mode already can not adapt to the new situation,it' s necessary to adopt the new development strategy to meet new opportunities and challenges. This article embarked from the analysis of macro environment and based on the pingxiang area characteristic analyzes the current situation of CCB pingxiang branch, puts forward some countermeasures to the implementation of the strategy of CCB pingxiang branch. 展开更多
关键词 Pingxiang China Construction Bank SWOT Method
Security Aspects of Gated Community Housing and the Concept of Safe Townships
作者 Zurinah Binti Tahir Khadijah Binti Hussin 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第2期242-250,共9页
Crime is often associated with urban development as urban areas tend to be at greater risk security-wise as compared with other areas. This is the reality of an increasing population crowding into the cities, and fome... Crime is often associated with urban development as urban areas tend to be at greater risk security-wise as compared with other areas. This is the reality of an increasing population crowding into the cities, and fomenting crime in the process. The physical design of the environment also contributes to the escalating crime rate, resulting in fear and anxiety among the residents. The "Safe Township" concept is an approach to resolving the issue of security in urban areas. It is an agenda within the concept of liveable cities that focuses principally on the problems of urban security. The development of properties within the concept of Gated Community housing is considered a step towards protecting residents in a residential area. The development of fenced Gated Community housing equipped with full-time security facilities is among the strategies in implementing the concept of the Safe Township. This paper discusses the security features in the Gated Community housing development as measures to combat crime in line with the implementation of the Safe Township concept. This study adopts an investigative methodology that combines theory with case studies. The compilation of data was made through literature search, interviews with representatives from the Town Planning Department and data were also collected through observations of Gated Community housing schemes in Johor Bahru. 展开更多
关键词 CRIME gated community safe township concept safety SECURITY
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