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作者 潘志强 《中医药文化》 2024年第2期126-134,共9页
以《曾国藩家书》和《曾国藩日记》为蓝本,从医学视角梳理困扰曾国藩一生的主要病证及其养生理念。研究发现,曾国藩素体怕热、易疲倦、不寐、盗汗,其体质倾向于阴虚质或气虚质或气阴两虚质。皮肤疮癣是困扰曾国藩一生的最主要病证;青年... 以《曾国藩家书》和《曾国藩日记》为蓝本,从医学视角梳理困扰曾国藩一生的主要病证及其养生理念。研究发现,曾国藩素体怕热、易疲倦、不寐、盗汗,其体质倾向于阴虚质或气虚质或气阴两虚质。皮肤疮癣是困扰曾国藩一生的最主要病证;青年时期因身心压力诱发了耳鸣;中老年后深受目疾与早衰的影响,突出表现为疲乏、目蒙、尿频、眩晕等肝肾精血亏虚证。养生方面,其主张规律性饮食与作息、调节情绪的自然法道养生观,反对以药补体、以药养生的方式。曾国藩一生的病证与养生观点可为个人健康管理提供启示。 展开更多
关键词 中医药 养生 病证 《曾藩家 《曾藩日记》
作者 吴祺 《现代语文》 2023年第12期55-60,共6页
战国竹书句读方法既要继承传世古书的句读方法,又要充分考虑到战国竹书的特殊性。具体来说,战国竹书句读应充分吸收传世古书的句读方法,如根据上下文文义以定句读、正确把握词义以定句读、辨明通假以定句读、辨析古书文例以定句读、根... 战国竹书句读方法既要继承传世古书的句读方法,又要充分考虑到战国竹书的特殊性。具体来说,战国竹书句读应充分吸收传世古书的句读方法,如根据上下文文义以定句读、正确把握词义以定句读、辨明通假以定句读、辨析古书文例以定句读、根据押韵以定句读、明语法以定句读等。同时,也应把握战国竹书的特殊性,如竹简自身的句读符号、战国竹书文字的考释成果、竹简拼合与编联成果、战国竹书与传世古书的对读等。 展开更多
关键词 句读 训诂
林则徐《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》成文时间与史学价值考释 被引量:1
作者 杨宝康 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期96-98,共3页
通过对林则徐《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》的合理解读与论证,可以得出该信的成文时间是道光三年(1823年)七月。该信是林则徐最早进行禁烟活动的文字记载,对于研究林则徐早期禁烟活动、林则徐的司法实践及林则徐与杨国翰的关系等极... 通过对林则徐《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》的合理解读与论证,可以得出该信的成文时间是道光三年(1823年)七月。该信是林则徐最早进行禁烟活动的文字记载,对于研究林则徐早期禁烟活动、林则徐的司法实践及林则徐与杨国翰的关系等极具史学价值。 展开更多
关键词 林则徐 《答奉化令杨丹山明府 成文时间 史学价值
杨国翰与林则徐的书信往来 被引量:1
作者 杨宝康 《曲靖师范学院学报》 2004年第1期101-103,共3页
云南云州 (今云县 )人杨国翰与林则徐有十四年的师生之谊。两人在交往中虽然只各有一封书信往来 ,即杨国翰的《上江苏林臬台书》和林则徐的《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》 ,但两文不仅反映了各自的政治法律思想和鸦片危害的社会问题 ,而... 云南云州 (今云县 )人杨国翰与林则徐有十四年的师生之谊。两人在交往中虽然只各有一封书信往来 ,即杨国翰的《上江苏林臬台书》和林则徐的《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》 ,但两文不仅反映了各自的政治法律思想和鸦片危害的社会问题 ,而且从彼此的评价中可看出两人相互推崇敬重 ,情意笃厚。 展开更多
关键词 《上江苏林臬台 林则徐 《答奉化令杨丹山明府
家国情怀 英雄赞歌——简评王旭烽的长篇纪实文学《家国书》
作者 於贤德 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2014年第1期25-29,共5页
王旭烽的《家国书》叙写了宁波鄞州马、翁、沙、沈四组家庭背景、文化程度、职业身份和社会影响各不相同人物,生动展现了他们为中华民族伟大复兴的共同信念而奋斗、奉献乃至牺牲的光辉业绩,热情讴歌了他们的英雄气概和高尚情怀。全书充... 王旭烽的《家国书》叙写了宁波鄞州马、翁、沙、沈四组家庭背景、文化程度、职业身份和社会影响各不相同人物,生动展现了他们为中华民族伟大复兴的共同信念而奋斗、奉献乃至牺牲的光辉业绩,热情讴歌了他们的英雄气概和高尚情怀。全书充满着为国家命运而积极献身的爱国主义伟大情操,高扬敢于斗争、敢于牺牲的英雄主义崇高旗帜,洋溢着爱国爱家爱人民的家国情怀和人格魅力,作者把深刻的历史内容、鲜明的思想情感和生动的文学描写加以高度的融合,尤其是艺术上自觉的创新追求,使《家国书》成为当今史传文学中一部的杰作。 展开更多
关键词 王旭烽 《家 情怀 英雄赞歌
作者 赵毅衡 《世界》 2003年第6期12-13,共2页
关键词 大英书国 西方 英文旧 海伊镇 特色旅游业 文学节 出版业
作者 杨宝康 《临沧教育学院学报》 2003年第1期19-22,共4页
通过对林则徐《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》的合理解读与论证,可以得出该信的成文时间是道光三年(1823年)七月。该信是林则徐最早进行禁烟活动的文字记载,对于研究林则徐早期禁烟活动、林則徐的司法实践及林则徐与杨国翰的关系等极具史... 通过对林则徐《答奉化令杨丹山明府国翰书》的合理解读与论证,可以得出该信的成文时间是道光三年(1823年)七月。该信是林则徐最早进行禁烟活动的文字记载,对于研究林则徐早期禁烟活动、林則徐的司法实践及林则徐与杨国翰的关系等极具史料价值。 展开更多
关键词 林则徐 《答奉化令杨丹山明府 成文时间 史料价植 考证
作者 徐新伟 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期73-75,共3页
《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去... 《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去的某些楚文字误释;大量新补字形更充分地显示了战国楚方域内的一些特殊字词对应关系。 展开更多
关键词 楚简 楚文字 《楚文字编》 《上海博物馆藏战楚竹
从《汉书·地理志》体例看郡国沿革 被引量:1
作者 赵志强 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期90-104,共15页
班固撰写《汉书·地理志》,其所据原始资料著录之秦郡数目远不止三十六个,然其泥于三十六之数,于是删减了若干郡目,以自圆其说。司马彪撰写《后汉书·郡国志》,亦知秦郡总数不止三十六,其去南海,进黔中、鄣郡,增秦郡目至三十七... 班固撰写《汉书·地理志》,其所据原始资料著录之秦郡数目远不止三十六个,然其泥于三十六之数,于是删减了若干郡目,以自圆其说。司马彪撰写《后汉书·郡国志》,亦知秦郡总数不止三十六,其去南海,进黔中、鄣郡,增秦郡目至三十七,正反映了司马彪的无奈。 展开更多
关键词 《汉·地理志》 《后汉·郡志》 体例
试释《汉书·地理志》郡国排序 被引量:7
作者 李新峰 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期57-62,共6页
《汉书·地理志》郡国排序貌似杂乱,其实有章可寻。第一,郡国序列各分排序相当的数个大区,各区内部也遵循相似的方位顺序,证明郡国分列方式有全国视野的分区、排序原型。第二,在合并郡国的“原始”排序中,边郡排序反应了武帝以前的... 《汉书·地理志》郡国排序貌似杂乱,其实有章可寻。第一,郡国序列各分排序相当的数个大区,各区内部也遵循相似的方位顺序,证明郡国分列方式有全国视野的分区、排序原型。第二,在合并郡国的“原始”排序中,边郡排序反应了武帝以前的状况,中原的郡国排序则有汉初的痕迹,可知《地理志》所根据的西汉后期册籍,源自众建诸侯、析分支郡之前的册籍。第三,中原地区郡国的特殊排序与秦的征服顺序吻合,汉边郡与秦边郡的排序也有继承关系,可推测汉初册籍直接继承了秦国按边疆方位与征服顺序排列各郡的册籍。总之,《汉书·地理志》的郡国排序,来自秦帝国建立之初的册籍。 展开更多
关键词 秦汉 《汉·地理志》
作者 李泽昊 《历史教学问题》 CSSCI 2018年第6期54-57,136,共5页
著名史学家胡思敬是清末民初保守派代表人物之一,但在其所修的《审国病书》中却尖锐抨击清季时政、吏治,令统治者的丑态曝光于史册。这充分表达了胡思敬将史学看成具有一种独立准则、独立地位的思想。即在传信万世、鉴戒百代的史学宗旨... 著名史学家胡思敬是清末民初保守派代表人物之一,但在其所修的《审国病书》中却尖锐抨击清季时政、吏治,令统治者的丑态曝光于史册。这充分表达了胡思敬将史学看成具有一种独立准则、独立地位的思想。即在传信万世、鉴戒百代的史学宗旨下,历史记载应求直笔,传信史,在大是大非问题上不为君亲隐讳。在传统道德、传统史学理念的指导下,守旧派史家也会如实揭示一些主要的历史真相。因此,不能只鉴于其逆潮流而动的政治思想,便对其所撰史著不加重视,这种因人废言的态度显然是偏颇的。 展开更多
关键词 胡思敬 《审 清末新政
Current Regulatory Status and Development Trend of Drug Inserts in China
作者 高崧 杨学敏 +1 位作者 孙源 史录文 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第1期69-71,共3页
Regulatory status of drug inserts in China is described in terms of its legalsystem, administrative ramifications and existing problems. Lack of government regulatoryenforcement, industry self-control mechanisms and a... Regulatory status of drug inserts in China is described in terms of its legalsystem, administrative ramifications and existing problems. Lack of government regulatoryenforcement, industry self-control mechanisms and academic research are blamed to be the root ofthese problems. The trend of regulatory policies on the issue is outlined and suggestions on severalimportant issues are made. 展开更多
关键词 drug insert drug administration
Robust visual servoing based Chinese calligraphy on a humanoid robot 被引量:2
作者 马哲 Xiang Zhenzhen Su Jianbo 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2016年第1期30-37,共8页
A robust visual servoing system is investigated on a humanoid robot which grasps a brush in Chinese calligraphy task.The system is implemented based on uncalibrated visual servoing controller utilizing Kalman-Bucy fil... A robust visual servoing system is investigated on a humanoid robot which grasps a brush in Chinese calligraphy task.The system is implemented based on uncalibrated visual servoing controller utilizing Kalman-Bucy filter,with the help of an object detector by continuously adaptive MeanShift(CAMShift) algorithm.Under this control scheme,a humanoid robot can satisfactorily grasp a brush without system modeling.The proposed method is shown to be robust and effective through a Chinese calligraphy task on a NAO robot. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese calligraphy robust visual servoing Kalman-Bucy filter continuously adaptive MeanShift (CAMShift) algorithm.
Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy Between Tradition and Innovation 被引量:2
作者 Adriana Iezzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第3期158-179,共22页
Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. A vivid debate on CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) (Zhongguo xiandai shufa) is involving a... Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. A vivid debate on CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) (Zhongguo xiandai shufa) is involving art critics in China nowadays. WANG Dongling and the modernists think that, despite many changes and influences, we can still refer to the traditional calligraphic lexicon to describe the calligraphic production of contemporary Chinese art. They still remain deeply rooted in the signified system of Chinese writing, even if they break with the strict rules of Chinese classical aesthetic (contamination of Western elements and focus on the stylistic exploration). WANG Nanming and the Avant-garde think that "contemporary calligraphy is not calligraphy yet": It is "anti-calligraphy", annihilates Chinese tradition, rejects the use of legible characters, experiments with new languages and new media within the idiom of international contemporary art. The result is the creation of works of art that could be assimilated to Abstract art, Abstract expressionism, Conceptual art, Performance art, Contemporary dance, Multimedia art, and even Street art. This paper aims at showing how still valid and extremely productive are both these two theoretical and creative/practical approaches to Chinese calligraphy in China nowadays. They turned the art of calligraphy into a medium for global comprehension and communication. 展开更多
关键词 CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) MODERNISM AVANT-GARDE WANG Dongling WANG Nanming
Comparative assessment and essential analysis on new international GHG emission reduction proposals 被引量:2
作者 Jiang Dongmei Wang Can +1 位作者 Lv Xuedu Huang Shanfeng 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期2-10,共9页
Since Kyoto Protocol came into force on February 16, 2005, the endeavor by international society to combat the climate change has stepped into a new milestone. The greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement mechanisms in Kyoto ... Since Kyoto Protocol came into force on February 16, 2005, the endeavor by international society to combat the climate change has stepped into a new milestone. The greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement mechanisms in Kyoto Protocol have served a remarkable function but also been questioned during the practices of past three years about its environmental effectiveness. A lot of new international GHG emission reduction proposals are proposed from many new a.spects, some of which especially impose pressure on developing countries. So it is of great importance to research on these new proposals in time for negotiation beyond Kyoto and institution of Chinese relevant climate policies. As this paper focutses on the way of commitment distribution of mechanisms, the mechanisms here are categorized in one of two types: those distribute commitment based on countries and those based on sectors. Some of the typical mechanisms are selected to be analyzed comparatively, especially about their influence on developing countries,E-mail address: jiangdongmei@tsinghua.edu.cn 展开更多
关键词 Kyoto Protocol Emission reduction proposals. Developing countries
Quantitative similarity assessment of non-linear chemical fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine by similarity system theory 被引量:5
作者 周菊峰 方宣启 +4 位作者 张泰铭 赵哲 朱蓉 向凤琴 乔君喜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期343-352,共10页
The similarities of the non-linear chemical (NLC) fingerprints of Radix Glycyrrhizaes from four producing areas and eight other traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) were calculated, using a systemic similarity cal... The similarities of the non-linear chemical (NLC) fingerprints of Radix Glycyrrhizaes from four producing areas and eight other traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) were calculated, using a systemic similarity calculation method proposed and three other main calculation ones (Euclidean distance, correlation coefficient and included angle cosine). All of the correlation coefficient similarities of different TCMs are higher than 0.952, and the included angle cosines are all higher than 0.962. So, both the conelation coefficient and included angle cosine similarities are unable to be used as the criteria for quantitatively evaluating the similarities of NLC fingerprints of TCMs. Although all of the Euclidean distance similarities of Berry Liquorices from four producing areas are less than 73, those of the other eight TCMs are all more than 180. The Euclidean distance cannot reflect the relative magnitudes of the feature differences in the NLC fingerprints very correctly. The systemic similarity method is the best among the four ones. All of the systemic similarities of Berry Liquorices from the four producing areas are higher than 0.962, while those of the other eight TCMs are all lower than 0.805, and the systemic similarity can reflect the differences between samples most faithfully, and can be used as a quantitative one evaluating the similarities of NLC fingerprints of TCMs, by which TCM could be distinguished and evaluated quickly, simply and exactly. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear chemistry fingerprint systemic similarity traditional Chinese medicine
Beauty of Western Abstract Painting and Chinese Cursive Calligraphy A Comparison
作者 YING Yi-wen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第10期951-959,共9页
The Western Abstract Painting has a dynamic, constantly-changing, and non-entity beauty. It focuses on the visual process, artistic feelings, and beauty of form as its creative core. The Chinese Cursive Calligraphy ... The Western Abstract Painting has a dynamic, constantly-changing, and non-entity beauty. It focuses on the visual process, artistic feelings, and beauty of form as its creative core. The Chinese Cursive Calligraphy (草书), on the other hand, aims to create a vibrant beauty resulting from sweeping wrap-around and continuous changes. It also pays attention to the personality stretch, the lyrical and expressive, and the abstract beauty within images. In both arts, there is a rhythmic beauty running through the works, allowing the charm of lines to fully express the artist's creative thoughts and feelings, making them stand out impressively. 展开更多
关键词 abstract form intuitive beauty inner world spiritual pursuits
作者 李维明 《故事作文(低年级版)》 2016年第10期14-17,共4页
在遥远的嘎尔塔星球上有一个嘎尔塔国。 这天,嘎尔塔国的国王突然做出了一个决定:把所有的书付之一炬,一本也不留。
关键词 小学教育 语文 阅读 《嘎尔塔
Present re-recognition of the significance of the aesthetic value of the traditional literati paintings
《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期21-23,共3页
The literati paintings are a special art nourished by the philosophy, religion, poetry and calligraphy and many other cultural forms in ancient China, which can be regarded as the oriental comprehensive symphony. In t... The literati paintings are a special art nourished by the philosophy, religion, poetry and calligraphy and many other cultural forms in ancient China, which can be regarded as the oriental comprehensive symphony. In terms of the depth of the art, it is the tower accumulated by various Chinese cultures, rich solid. It contains the "morality", "elegant banter", "super shape", and "fun" of the literati, which can be regarded as the representative of the high difficulty and deep degree of the Chinese traditional arts, and it is the spirit of the Chinese national paintings. 展开更多
关键词 Literati painting Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism WRITING
广东省林业系统自然保护区治理问题初探 被引量:1
作者 麦晓斐 《山西农经》 2016年第2期55-57,共3页
自然保护区是林业治理体系的一个重要组成部分,积极推进自然保护区治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,是自然保护区的重要任务。通过对广东省林业系统自然保护区存在的治理问题进行探讨,从强化法治意识、重塑林业制度、加强队伍建设、加大... 自然保护区是林业治理体系的一个重要组成部分,积极推进自然保护区治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,是自然保护区的重要任务。通过对广东省林业系统自然保护区存在的治理问题进行探讨,从强化法治意识、重塑林业制度、加强队伍建设、加大外部合作、提高群众认可度等多个方面提出建议与意见。 展开更多
关键词 自然保护区 林业治理 治理体系 治理能力
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