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乳化油液水击谐波破乳技术的机理研究 被引量:8
作者 刘阁 陈彬 +1 位作者 张贤明 黄朗 《石油化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期618-623,共6页
对水击谐波破乳的机理进行了分析,在此基础上建立了分散相液滴的力学平衡方程,并进行了水击谐波破乳实验。分析和讨论了在水击谐波场中分散相液滴由于受到水击谐波强迫振动力而相互聚集的原因和特点,从分散相液滴的聚集、变形、碰撞和... 对水击谐波破乳的机理进行了分析,在此基础上建立了分散相液滴的力学平衡方程,并进行了水击谐波破乳实验。分析和讨论了在水击谐波场中分散相液滴由于受到水击谐波强迫振动力而相互聚集的原因和特点,从分散相液滴的聚集、变形、碰撞和聚结等几个阶段探讨了水击谐波破乳的机理,得到分散相液滴在水击谐波场作用下的运动规律。实验结果表明,在水击谐波场中分散相液滴在一定波长范围相互聚集,水击谐波的频率对分散相液滴聚集有一定的影响;随分散相液滴粒径和密度的增大,分散相液滴聚集能力增强,有利于破乳。 展开更多
关键词 乳化油液 破乳机理 水击谐波
柴油掺水乳化油液粒燃烧模型探讨 被引量:1
作者 夏兴兰 《南昌大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 1995年第2期30-34,共5页
从燃烧过程中的扩散方程、能量守恒方程、质量守恒方程出发,导出了掺水乳化油液粒的燃烧模型,并提出了根据过热极限温度来判断微爆效应的方法。通过以2105柴油机为例进行计算,说明该模型计算所得燃烧过程参数可用来解释发动机性... 从燃烧过程中的扩散方程、能量守恒方程、质量守恒方程出发,导出了掺水乳化油液粒的燃烧模型,并提出了根据过热极限温度来判断微爆效应的方法。通过以2105柴油机为例进行计算,说明该模型计算所得燃烧过程参数可用来解释发动机性能试验所测结果。 展开更多
关键词 乳化油液 燃烧过程 过热极限温度 发动机 柴油 掺水
水击谐波条件下乳化油液滴积聚过程影响因素初探 被引量:1
作者 刘阁 陈彬 沈顺祥 《北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期36-40,共5页
根据乳化油液滴的形成过程和其运动状态的特点,选择和控制适宜的破乳条件促进乳化液滴的积聚,可以实现乳化油液的有效破乳。通过对W/O型乳化油液滴在水击谐波场力作用下的过程进行分析,发现在水击谐波波节的±λ/4范围内,分散相液... 根据乳化油液滴的形成过程和其运动状态的特点,选择和控制适宜的破乳条件促进乳化液滴的积聚,可以实现乳化油液的有效破乳。通过对W/O型乳化油液滴在水击谐波场力作用下的过程进行分析,发现在水击谐波波节的±λ/4范围内,分散相液滴经过一定的时间发生了积聚,但影响分散相液滴相互聚集的因素多且又复杂。通过由理论分析和试验结果初步确定了乳化油液滴积聚过程的主要影响因素,其中随着水击谐波频率、油液速度的增大,积聚过程加快,控制在水击谐波频率为10Hz条件下,液滴积聚效果较佳。而随着连续物相的黏度系数增大,液滴积聚的时间增加,积聚过程反而降低,控制连续相的黏度系数在1.0×10-3Pa·s左右,液滴积聚效果较为理想;同时发现乳化油液滴粒径的大小对积聚过程也产生一定的影响,因此积聚过程不能忽略乳化油液滴惯性力的作用。控制好合适的物性参数可以实现分散相液滴的积聚和聚结,为深入研究乳化油液的水击谐波破乳脱水奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 水击谐波 乳化油液 积聚 破乳
作者 陈盈洁 刘阁 《实验力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期439-444,共6页
为了掌握乳化油液滴在水击谐波流场中的碰撞、破裂、聚集和变形等微观形态的变化规律,采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术对水平方管中乳化油液滴的水击谐波流场进行了测量,分析了在水击谐波流场中,不同激振力作用下乳化油液滴的粒径变化。测量... 为了掌握乳化油液滴在水击谐波流场中的碰撞、破裂、聚集和变形等微观形态的变化规律,采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术对水平方管中乳化油液滴的水击谐波流场进行了测量,分析了在水击谐波流场中,不同激振力作用下乳化油液滴的粒径变化。测量结果表明,在水击谐波流场作用下,乳化油液滴平均粒径的增长率随着激振力的减小而减小,随着作用时间的增大呈增加趋势,直至粒径处于一种动态平衡;乳化液滴随着激振力增大到达波节聚集位置的时间减少,可见增大水击谐波激振力有利于乳化液滴的聚集并合并为大尺度的液滴,从而有效地提高了水击谐波流场作用下的油水分离效果。 展开更多
关键词 乳化油液 水击谐波流场 粒径 激振力 PIV
电场作用下乳化液中乳胶粒子的稳态变形力学模型 被引量:9
作者 龚海峰 涂亚庆 +1 位作者 宋世远 彭烨 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期600-604,共5页
以乳化液中乳胶粒子稳态变形力学的一般模型为基础,利用面元积分法计算外电场对被极化乳胶粒子产生的作用力。根据变形乳胶粒子的受力平衡,推导出电场中乳胶粒子变形力学模型的解析表达式。基于该模型解析表达式分别计算了均匀电场作用... 以乳化液中乳胶粒子稳态变形力学的一般模型为基础,利用面元积分法计算外电场对被极化乳胶粒子产生的作用力。根据变形乳胶粒子的受力平衡,推导出电场中乳胶粒子变形力学模型的解析表达式。基于该模型解析表达式分别计算了均匀电场作用下4种油的乳化液中乳胶粒子的变形拉伸比,得到的变形乳胶粒子在电场中拉伸比的数值解与Eow的实验结果基本吻合,表明建立的稳态变形力学模型表达式可准确地预测电场破乳过程中油液乳胶粒子的变形。 展开更多
关键词 力学模型 乳胶粒子 稳态变形 乳化油液 均匀电场
物理破乳技术在废油处理中的应用 被引量:13
作者 刘阁 陈彬 +2 位作者 张贤明 潘诗浪 张渊博 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 2011年第2期329-334,共6页
针对目前废油资源化处理中油水乳化液的化学成分及乳状结构的复杂性,常规化学破乳方法成本高、针对性强、易腐蚀设备等问题,综述了外加电场、磁场、离心场等物理破乳技术在废油处理中的应用和研究现状,提出了水击谐波破乳的新方法,丰富... 针对目前废油资源化处理中油水乳化液的化学成分及乳状结构的复杂性,常规化学破乳方法成本高、针对性强、易腐蚀设备等问题,综述了外加电场、磁场、离心场等物理破乳技术在废油处理中的应用和研究现状,提出了水击谐波破乳的新方法,丰富了在废油处理中的物理破乳方法。分析了物理破乳方法的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 废油处理 乳化油液 物理破乳 水击谐波
高压电场作用下油中水滴变形动力学模型 被引量:2
作者 龚海峰 涂亚庆 +1 位作者 宋世远 彭烨 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第B09期43-47,52,共6页
为了研究乳化油液中的水滴在电场中的电动力学机理,通过实验观察电场中水滴在油中的变形,利用面元积分的方法计算外电场对极化水滴产生的作用力,并分析油中单个水滴的受力平衡,推导出电场中水滴变形量的关系表达式,建立水滴变形动力学... 为了研究乳化油液中的水滴在电场中的电动力学机理,通过实验观察电场中水滴在油中的变形,利用面元积分的方法计算外电场对极化水滴产生的作用力,并分析油中单个水滴的受力平衡,推导出电场中水滴变形量的关系表达式,建立水滴变形动力学模型。分析讨论了相关参数对水滴变形量的影响,认为电场强度、水滴初始半径和界面张力对水滴变形的影响较明显,电场强度和水滴初始半径与水滴变形成正比,而油-水界面张力与水滴变形成反比,油的介电常数对水滴的变形影响较小。分别对均匀电场作用下4种油中水滴的变形量进行模拟计算,结果表明,运用变形动力学模型得到稳态水滴在电场中变形量的数值解与Eow[4]的实验结果基本吻合。水滴变形动力学模型可以很好地预测稳态水滴在电场中的变形情况。 展开更多
关键词 均匀电场 水滴 乳化油液 变形 动力学模型
Demulsification of Emulsion Liquid Membrane by Wetting Coalescence Materials 被引量:1
作者 孙德智 段晓东 +1 位作者 姜兆华 周定 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第1期38-46,共9页
Demulsification of emulsified water-in-oil droplets was worked out with the employment of wetting coalescence materials. Demulsification is carried out in conventional stirred-column and packed-column. Among the four ... Demulsification of emulsified water-in-oil droplets was worked out with the employment of wetting coalescence materials. Demulsification is carried out in conventional stirred-column and packed-column. Among the four kinds of natural fibers and two kinds of inorganic materials tested, natural fiber A, originated from wood shavings was found to give the best performance of demulsification. The demulsification efficiency can exceed 96.5% when demulsification conditions are optimized. The packed-column showed much better performance both in terms of demulsification efficiency and repeated use of the recovered oil phase for extracting cadmium in simulated wastewater. Operating variables governing the demulsification efficiency were investigated. 展开更多
关键词 DEMULSIFICATION EMULSION wet coalescence cadmium extraction
Kinetic and Phase Behaviors of Catalytic Cracking Dry Gas Hydrate in Water-in-Oil Emulsion 被引量:1
作者 马庆兰 黄强 +3 位作者 陈光进 王秀林 孙长宇 杨兰英 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期295-300,共6页
The systematic experimental studies were performed on the hydrate formation kinetics and gas-hydrate equilibrium for a simulated catalytic cracking gas in the water-in-oil emulsion. The effect of temperature, pressure... The systematic experimental studies were performed on the hydrate formation kinetics and gas-hydrate equilibrium for a simulated catalytic cracking gas in the water-in-oil emulsion. The effect of temperature, pressure and initial gas-liquid ratio on the hydrate formation was studied, respectively. The data were obtained at pressures ranging from 3.5 to 5 MPa and temperatur.es from 274.15 to 277.15 K. The results showed that hydrogen and methane can be separated Irom the (~2+ ti'action by tOrming hydrate at around 273.15 K which is much higher temperature than that of the cryogenic separation method, and the hydrate formation rate can be enhanced in the wa- ter-in-oil emulsion compared to pure water. The experiments provided the basic data for designing the industrial process, and setting the suitable operational conditions. The measured data ot gas-hydrate equilibria were compared with the predictions by using the Chen-Guo hydrate thermodynamic model. 展开更多
关键词 HYDRATE catalytic cracking dry gas SEPARATION EMULSION
Easy removing of phenol from wastewater using vegetable oil-based organic solvent in emulsion liquid membrane process 被引量:4
作者 Norasikin Othman Norul Fatiha Mohamed Noah +4 位作者 Lim Yin Shu Zing-Yi Ooi Norela Jusoh Mariani Idroas Masahiro Goto 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期45-52,共8页
Phenol is considered as pollutant due to its toxicity and carcinogenic effect.Thus,variety of innovative methods for separation and recovery of phenolic compounds is developed in order to remove the unwanted phenol fr... Phenol is considered as pollutant due to its toxicity and carcinogenic effect.Thus,variety of innovative methods for separation and recovery of phenolic compounds is developed in order to remove the unwanted phenol from wastewater and obtain valuable phenolic compound.One of potential method is extraction using green based liquid organic solvent.Therefore,the feasibility of using palm oil was investigated.In this research,palm oil based organic phase was used as diluents to treat a simulated wastewater containing 300×10^(-6) of phenol solution using emulsion liquid membrane process(ELM).The stability of water-in-oil(W/O) emulsion on diluent composition and the parameters affecting the phenol removal efficiency and stability of the emulsion;such as emulsification speed,emulsification time,agitation speed,surfactant concentration,pH of external phase,contact time,stripping agent concentration and treat ratio were carried out.The results of ELM study showed that at ratio7 to 3 of palm oil to kerosene,5 min and 1300 r·min^(-1) of emulsification process the stabile primary emulsion were formed.Also,no carrier is needed to facilitate the phenol extraction.In experimental conditions of500 r·min^(-1) of agitation speed,3%Span 80,pH 8 of external phase,5 min of contact time,0.1 mol·L^(-1) NaOH as stripping agent and 1:10 of treat ratio,the ELM process was very promising for removing the phenol from the wastewater.The extraction performance at about 83%of phenol was removed for simulated wastewater and an enrichment of phenol in recovery phase as phenolate compound was around 11 times. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetable palm oil-based Liquid membrane Phenol removal Wastewater
Kinetics for Describing the Creaming of Protein-Stabilized O/W Emulsions by Multiple Light Scattering
作者 Luis Alberto Panizzolo Luis Eduardo Mussio María Cristina Anon 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2014年第5期236-243,共8页
In the present work, new kinetics to describe the creaming stability of oil-in-water emulsions determined by backscattering measurements (BS) is proposed. The emulsions assayed exhibited a different backscattering p... In the present work, new kinetics to describe the creaming stability of oil-in-water emulsions determined by backscattering measurements (BS) is proposed. The emulsions assayed exhibited a different backscattering profiles regarding creaming destabilization hyperbolic and sigmoid one. Hyperbolic behavior can be described by a second order kinetics, where k_h could be equaled to a rate constant that describes the creaming process and its values would indicate the stability of emulsions. While for the sigmoid BS pattern, kinetics with two terms, is adequate to describe the creaming process in contrast to kinetics previously reported in the literature. The kh value has the same meaning as before, and ks indicates the delaying effect on the creaming rate. 展开更多
关键词 EMULSION PROTEINS CREAMING KINETIC multiple light scattering.
Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization of Gasoline Using Vanadium(V)-substituted Polyoxometalate/H_2O_2/Ionic Liquid Emulsion System 被引量:2
作者 Ge Jianhua Zhou Yuming +1 位作者 Yang Yong Xue Mengwei 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期25-31,共7页
Aiming at deep desulfurization of gasoline,three amphiphilic catalysts [C18H37N(CH3)3]3+x [PMo12-xVxO40](x=1,2,or 3) were prepared and characterized.The amphiphilic vanadium(V)-substituted polyoxometalates were dissol... Aiming at deep desulfurization of gasoline,three amphiphilic catalysts [C18H37N(CH3)3]3+x [PMo12-xVxO40](x=1,2,or 3) were prepared and characterized.The amphiphilic vanadium(V)-substituted polyoxometalates were dissolved in water-immiscible ionic liquid([Bmim]PF6),forming a H2O2-in-[Bmim]PF6 emulsion desulfurization system with 30 m% H2O2 serving as the oxidant.The catalytic oxidation of sulfur-containing model oil has been studied in detail under various reaction conditions using this system.The ionic liquid emulsion system showed high catalytic oxidative activity in the treatment of commodity gasoline.Furthermore,the mechanism of catalytic oxidative desulfurization was also elaborated. 展开更多
关键词 DESULFURIZATION vanadium (V)-substituted polyoxometalates ionic liquid emulsion catalytic oxidation
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