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中国近海玉螺科研究Ⅲ.乳玉螺亚科 被引量:3
作者 张素萍 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期101-110,T005,T006,共12页
对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来采集的标本进行了整理、鉴定。继玉螺亚科Naticinae、窦螺亚科Sininae后又研究完成一个亚科 ,即乳玉螺亚科Polinicinae ,共 2 0种、隶属于 3属 ,其中有
关键词 软体动物门 腹足纲 螺科 乳玉螺亚科
黄菖蒲变异品种乳玉 被引量:1
作者 沈燕 赵勋 +1 位作者 付彦荣 苏燕 《浙江农业科学》 2018年第3期486-487,共2页
鸢尾乳玉是黄菖蒲的自然变异,经过人工选育而成的品种,较耐干旱,喜光,喜温热也极耐寒,株高93 cm,花有轻微清香,花色乳白色,花径6.3 cm,花期4月中旬至5月中旬。具适应性强,抗逆性好,病虫害少等优点。并对其在园林应用进行阐述。
关键词 鸢尾 黄菖蒲 乳玉
壳聚糖-海藻酸钠靛玉红自微乳缓释微囊制备、评价及体外释放的研究 被引量:8
作者 蒋瑶 王云红 +2 位作者 裴太蓉 冉继春 刘楠 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期1171-1176,共6页
以靛玉红自微乳为囊心物,壳聚糖和海藻酸钠为囊材,采用复凝聚法制备壳聚糖-海藻酸钠靛玉红自乳化缓释微囊,通过正交实验和单因素考察确定壳聚糖-海藻酸钠靛玉红缓释微囊的最佳制备工艺。并以载药量、包封率为评价指标对其进行质量评价,... 以靛玉红自微乳为囊心物,壳聚糖和海藻酸钠为囊材,采用复凝聚法制备壳聚糖-海藻酸钠靛玉红自乳化缓释微囊,通过正交实验和单因素考察确定壳聚糖-海藻酸钠靛玉红缓释微囊的最佳制备工艺。并以载药量、包封率为评价指标对其进行质量评价,同时以体外释放度评价其释药性能。壳聚糖-海藻酸钠靛玉红缓释微囊的最佳工艺是海藻酸钠的浓度为1.5%,靛玉红自微乳体积、海藻酸钠体积、壳聚糖质量三者比例为1∶1∶0.5,氯化钙浓度的最佳浓度为2.0%。采用该工艺制备的微囊载药量为0.0416%、包封率为79.2%,体外释放24 h累积释放率为(97.1±2.68)%。该微囊的释放符合Higuchi方程和一级释药模型,具有较好的缓释作用。 展开更多
关键词 红自微 缓释微囊 海藻酸钠 壳聚糖
飞来峰宋代僧伽大师像考述——兼论飞来峰玉乳洞北宋造像的题材配置 被引量:8
作者 赖天兵 《杭州文博》 2012年第2期19-25,176-178,共8页
本文以现场勘查为基础,通过图像学与宗教艺术史的分析,考证了宋代飞来峰玉乳洞僧伽大师(泗州大圣)像,考察了青林洞宋代小罗汉像群中育可能为僧伽大师的小型坐像,并对玉乳洞宋代石窟造像的题材及其配置作了考察,题材配置为佛教信仰中国... 本文以现场勘查为基础,通过图像学与宗教艺术史的分析,考证了宋代飞来峰玉乳洞僧伽大师(泗州大圣)像,考察了青林洞宋代小罗汉像群中育可能为僧伽大师的小型坐像,并对玉乳洞宋代石窟造像的题材及其配置作了考察,题材配置为佛教信仰中国化与世俗化的反映。 展开更多
关键词 飞来峰 僧伽大师(泗州大圣)像 宋代 造像题材
作者 董妍哲 唐卫萍 《美育学刊》 2018年第4期94-107,共14页
在飞来峰玉乳洞的现存造像中,除去位于玉乳洞东侧、一般并无争议的第27龛明代阿弥陀佛坐像和第28龛宋代六祖像外,还有20尊主要造像(不包含胁侍和衬饰浮雕)。由于洞形结构的不规则性,这些罗汉像也并未呈明显的十六罗汉或者十八罗汉样式分... 在飞来峰玉乳洞的现存造像中,除去位于玉乳洞东侧、一般并无争议的第27龛明代阿弥陀佛坐像和第28龛宋代六祖像外,还有20尊主要造像(不包含胁侍和衬饰浮雕)。由于洞形结构的不规则性,这些罗汉像也并未呈明显的十六罗汉或者十八罗汉样式分布,所以学界对玉乳洞罗汉组像存在着是"十六罗汉"还是"十八罗汉"的争议。经实地考察,并结合历史文献记载和相关的图像分析及民间佛教观念分析,可以初步判断:由于玉乳洞第25龛为僧伽大师像,第26龛及第24龛18号像亦不在十六罗汉组像之列,而第24龛10、11号像则由于其题材内容的高度同一性而很可能是辩经说法罗汉迦诺迦伐蹉尊者"一尊两身"的创造性发挥,那么,玉乳洞罗汉组像,总体上与肇自《淳佑临安志》的"就洞两畔凿住世罗汉十六尊"说法是相吻合的,所以应为"十六罗汉"组合。 展开更多
关键词 龙泓洞 十六罗汉 十八罗汉 飞来峰
自拟安癖汤合玉乳散治疗乳腺增生223例临床观察 被引量:4
作者 丁喜贵 《山西中医》 1993年第5期19-19,共1页
关键词 腺增生 安癖汤
作者 童明金 刘忠民 +3 位作者 朱洪明 冷艺学 宋长文 陈大伟 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第1期17-18,共2页
玉米是一种含有多种营养成分的主要粮食。含有35~7.0%的淀粉、4.3%的脂肪、8.4%的蛋白质,含有维生素A、B_1、B_6、C、D、E及胡罗卜素等,含有大量含硫氨基酸,是人体所不可缺少的。如果将玉米与大豆、奶粉等混合食用,可起到食品的强... 玉米是一种含有多种营养成分的主要粮食。含有35~7.0%的淀粉、4.3%的脂肪、8.4%的蛋白质,含有维生素A、B_1、B_6、C、D、E及胡罗卜素等,含有大量含硫氨基酸,是人体所不可缺少的。如果将玉米与大豆、奶粉等混合食用,可起到食品的强化营养作用。对人体保健、降低胆固醇、抑制和降低高血压、防止心血管硬化等都十分有利。因此,我们经精心的选料、先进的工艺、科学的配料研制出玉乳羹生产工艺,为玉米系列产品的开发创出一条新路。 展开更多
关键词 工艺 配方 米食品
作者 陈越 《美术大观》 北大核心 2020年第2期57-61,共5页
关键词 飞来峰 洞第26龛 罗汉像 持笔 张僧繇 北宋工匠
作者 密为强 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2021年第9期135-135,共1页
紫砂艺术是紫砂艺人抒发个人情感的载体,通过艺人们融入紫砂技艺和其他中国传统艺术题材,让紫砂艺术变成了一门博大精深的艺术形式。紫砂艺术是集中国传统书画、诗词歌赋、金石篆刻等等于一体的艺术,在历史文化的长河之中,一件自杀壶的... 紫砂艺术是紫砂艺人抒发个人情感的载体,通过艺人们融入紫砂技艺和其他中国传统艺术题材,让紫砂艺术变成了一门博大精深的艺术形式。紫砂艺术是集中国传统书画、诗词歌赋、金石篆刻等等于一体的艺术,在历史文化的长河之中,一件自杀壶的诞生是离不开紫砂艺人的创作和情感表达的同时还需要一人拥有渊博的文化素养,通过紫砂作品传达出来的思想和情感简直就是妙不可言,其中的意境只有赏壶人才拥有的独一份。这件紫砂"玉乳壶"是一件传统的紫砂器型,是清朝艺人初期创作并流行的形制之一,器型圆润端庄,稳重大气,壶钮与壶身上下呼应就像是人体最美的一部分所以取名为"玉乳"。玉乳壶简洁丰腴极富有艺术张力,今天这篇文章就来谈谈这件作品的艺术风格和造型给我们带来的意境之美。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 艺术风格 造型意境
作者 魏梁 《山东陶瓷》 CAS 2021年第3期39-39,共1页
紫砂艺术富有灵动的生命韵律和丰富的文化内涵,是宜兴紫砂艺人世代传承的安身立命之本。"浑方玉乳壶"最为关键的浑方形态融合了方圆相寓、刚柔相济的艺术特点,受到了广大壶友的关注。浑方在紫砂造型之中是最难制作的一种器型... 紫砂艺术富有灵动的生命韵律和丰富的文化内涵,是宜兴紫砂艺人世代传承的安身立命之本。"浑方玉乳壶"最为关键的浑方形态融合了方圆相寓、刚柔相济的艺术特点,受到了广大壶友的关注。浑方在紫砂造型之中是最难制作的一种器型,从工艺技巧的层面来看,这件作品也是非常的具有前瞻性、创新性和挑战性。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 浑方 工艺技巧 简约之美
作者 方荣芬 《佛山陶瓷》 2013年第9期54-54,59,共2页
关键词 传统 去粗取精
3种经济螺体内4种重金属元素含量及评价 被引量:7
作者 陈道海 宋绍珠 《台湾海峡》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期65-70,共6页
以样品湿法消解消化法和火焰原子吸收光谱仪测定大口乳玉螺扁玉螺、亮螺的肌肉、肝脏、性腺3种器官组织中的As、Pb、Cd、Zn等4种金属元素的含量.分析不同种类的螺各器官重金属含量和重金属污染指数,评价各种螺的重金属污染反映其受污染... 以样品湿法消解消化法和火焰原子吸收光谱仪测定大口乳玉螺扁玉螺、亮螺的肌肉、肝脏、性腺3种器官组织中的As、Pb、Cd、Zn等4种金属元素的含量.分析不同种类的螺各器官重金属含量和重金属污染指数,评价各种螺的重金属污染反映其受污染程度和食用价值.结果表明:重金属在不同种类水产品不同组织器官中的分布不同;3种螺都受到了不同程度的重金属污染;3种螺的As都超过了"海洋生物污染评价标准"和"人体消费卫生标准",其他的3种重金属含量也都不同程度地超过"两个标准". 展开更多
关键词 重金属元素 污染 大口乳玉 亮螺
Research on Laws of Starch Accumulation in Micro-endosperm Maize Kernel 被引量:8
作者 甘凤琼 张亚平 +1 位作者 杨庆锋 吴子恺 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第3期84-87,共4页
[Objective] The experiment aimed to study laws of accumulation of starch in micro-endosperm maize kernel. [Method] The laws of accumulation of starch in maize embryo and OSK(the other section of a kernel except embryo... [Objective] The experiment aimed to study laws of accumulation of starch in micro-endosperm maize kernel. [Method] The laws of accumulation of starch in maize embryo and OSK(the other section of a kernel except embryo) of MEM(micro-endosperm maize) were studied in this experiment by taking Gaoyou 115 maize as control. [Result] The starch accumulation speed of MEM embryo was slightly lower than that of Gaoyou115 and the starch accumulation speed of MEM OSK was far lower than that of Gaoyou 115, so the starch content of the whole kernel of Gaoyou 115 was 3.4 to 4.5 times as high as that of MEM during harvesting. The embryo starch weight ration of Gaoyou 115 maize during harvesting was only 3% to 4% while that of MEM was 16% to 22%. Moreover, starch accumulation speeds of different MEM materials were different and there were significant differences in starch content during harvesting among different MEM materials. [Conclusion] The starch accumulation in MEM was slow, and MEM has widely variation on starch accumulation. 展开更多
关键词 MEM (micro-endosperm maize) STARCH ACCUMULATION
Study on FTIR Spectra of Corn Germs and Endosperms of Three Different Colors Combining with Cluster Analysis
作者 郝建明 刘刚 +1 位作者 欧全宏 周湘萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期1088-1092,1097,共6页
[Objective] This research aimed to study the FTIR spectra of corn germs and endosperms so as to provide a scientific way for identifying corn of different types. [Method] The corn germs and endosperms of three types w... [Objective] This research aimed to study the FTIR spectra of corn germs and endosperms so as to provide a scientific way for identifying corn of different types. [Method] The corn germs and endosperms of three types were studied by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) technology, combined with cluster analysis. [Result] The overall characteristics of original FTIR spectra were basically similar within the range of 700-1 800 cm^-1. The FTIR spectra were mainly composed by the absorption peaks of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Within the wavelength range of 700-1 800 cm^-1, there were only tiny differences in original FTIR spectra among the corn germs and endosperms of three different types. The spectra were then processed by using first derivative and second derivative. The second derivative spectra were used for hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA). The results showed that with the wavelength range of 700-1 800 cm^-1, the second derivative spectra of the 52 samples could be better clustered according to the tree types and corn germ and corn endosperm. The clustering correct rate reached 96.1%.[Conclusion] FTIR technology, combined with cluster analysis, can be used to identify different types of corn germs and endosperms, and it is characterized by convenience and rapidness. 展开更多
关键词 Second derivative Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Hierarchical cluster analysis Corn germ and endosperm
作者 陈媚 林清凉 《美育学刊》 2018年第4期78-93,共16页
飞来峰第24龛17号罗汉像左侧的蝙蝠翅人形浮雕,几乎历来公认是雷公浮雕或雷公捧桃浮雕。然而,结合相关的图像与文献,可以判断该浮雕的主角其实并非雷公,而是来自敦煌画《行道天王图》的迦楼罗形象。依据隋代翻译过来的《莲华面经》等经... 飞来峰第24龛17号罗汉像左侧的蝙蝠翅人形浮雕,几乎历来公认是雷公浮雕或雷公捧桃浮雕。然而,结合相关的图像与文献,可以判断该浮雕的主角其实并非雷公,而是来自敦煌画《行道天王图》的迦楼罗形象。依据隋代翻译过来的《莲华面经》等经典,并详细考察一些相关的图像案例,大致可以认定,玉乳洞蝙蝠翅人形浮雕极有可能是"迦楼罗奉佛钵舍利"图像。 展开更多
关键词 飞来峰 罗汉 雷公 行道天王图 金翅鸟 迦楼罗 莲华面经
气韵天然 丰满圆润
作者 唐建林 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2018年第9期111-111,共1页
关键词 造型 壶韵
Effect of Palm Oil By-pass Fat on Milk Composition of Early Lactation Holstein Cows Fed Whole Plant Corn Silage during Dry Season
作者 Y. Han R Paengkoum D. F. Wang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1144-1149,共6页
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Palm Oil By-pass Fat (POBF) on milk composition of early lactation Holstein during dry season, 24 postpartum Holstein (1 d-14 d) were selected and align... The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Palm Oil By-pass Fat (POBF) on milk composition of early lactation Holstein during dry season, 24 postpartum Holstein (1 d-14 d) were selected and align to two groups according to CRD experimental design; each group included 12 Holstein cows. The control received by-pass fat 0 g/h.d, the experimental group received by-pass fat 300 g/h.d. The results shown, DMI and yield of milk did not be affected with supplementation of by-pass fat, however, milk protein increased by 6.71%, milk fat increased by 8.16%, lactose increased by 0.22%, SNF increased by 1.98%, TS increased 4.08%; digestibility of diet protein decreased by 6.62%, digestibility of EE decreased by 7.96%, digestibility of NDF and ADL decreased by 1.36%, 8.97% respectively, digestibility of DM and OM decreased by 4.42, 3.07 percentage units; amount of C4-C17 milk fatty acids showed a decreased tendency, that of CIs-C22 showed an increased tendency, the milk CLA increased significantly (P 〈 0.01). To sum up, supplementation of by-pass fat for early lactation Holstein is an important measure to balance energy and sustain milk yield and quality. 展开更多
关键词 By-pass fat milk yield milk fat milk protein milk composition.
Relationship of Milk Line Position with Grain Weight and Mechanized Harvest of Summer Corn
作者 Yan MENG Xiyun SUN +2 位作者 Fanyu MENG Guangyuan LU Qianqian HOU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1841-1844,1851,共5页
To investigate the relationship of milk line position with grain weight and mechanized harvest of summer corn in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, 8 varieties (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) with large planting areas were selected to... To investigate the relationship of milk line position with grain weight and mechanized harvest of summer corn in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, 8 varieties (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) with large planting areas were selected to measure the grain filling rate, 100-grain weight, water content and milk line position, and the correlation was analyzed. Results showed that when the milk line position was 90%, the grain filling of all the 8 varieties finished and 100-grain weight reached the highest value, which was 43.02 g. The grain filling time was in positive correlation with 100-grain weight. However, when the milk line position completely disappeared, the 100-grain weight was reduced by 8.66% at most. There was no significant difference during the periods of grain weight rising, but in the periods of grain weight falling, the traits of D, E, H were significantly different with the other varieties, and water loss rate of C and A showed significant difference with the other six varieties. The water content of grain was negatively correlated with milk line position. When the milk line percentage was 90% , the grain water content was less than 30% . The key factor influencing the mechanized harvest of summer corn is harvesting time, rather than the varieties. Moreover, milk-line position of 90% is the best time for harvest; if the harvest is too late, the yield will be reduced with varying degrees. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE Grain filling rate 100-grain weight Milk line position Mechanized harvest
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