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热水介质+脱附破乳组剂处理高凝固点油泥的条件研究 被引量:3
作者 李新盛 王树权 +1 位作者 王文杰 袁琪文 《油气田环境保护》 CAS 2011年第2期14-15,17,共3页
通过热水介质添加脱附破乳组剂的方法,研究了辽河油田公司沈阳采油厂油泥分离的相关条件。通过油泥的组分分析、热水介质温度实验、处理时间实验、脱附破乳组剂浓度实验,确定了热水介质添加脱附破乳组剂实现油泥分离的条件:脱附破乳组... 通过热水介质添加脱附破乳组剂的方法,研究了辽河油田公司沈阳采油厂油泥分离的相关条件。通过油泥的组分分析、热水介质温度实验、处理时间实验、脱附破乳组剂浓度实验,确定了热水介质添加脱附破乳组剂实现油泥分离的条件:脱附破乳组剂浓度为15.0 g/L、洗涤温度50℃、洗涤时间大于5 min。 展开更多
关键词 油泥处理 高凝固点 附破组剂 温度 浓度 时间
作者 和丽 郭楚雅 +3 位作者 王雪峰 普岳红 范江平 黄艾祥 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第21期50-56,共7页
以鲜牛乳和香辛料为主要原料,利用凝乳酶进行脱乳清处理,结合直投式菌种发酵剂进行低温长时发酵,开发出一种风味调料乳。在单因素试验的基础上,通过响应面分析法确定脱乳清风味调料乳最佳的生产工艺参数为香辛料质量比6∶5∶4∶2∶1(花... 以鲜牛乳和香辛料为主要原料,利用凝乳酶进行脱乳清处理,结合直投式菌种发酵剂进行低温长时发酵,开发出一种风味调料乳。在单因素试验的基础上,通过响应面分析法确定脱乳清风味调料乳最佳的生产工艺参数为香辛料质量比6∶5∶4∶2∶1(花椒油12 g、辣椒油10 g、海盐8 g、黑胡椒粉4 g、生姜粉2 g)、凝乳酶添加量0.4%、白砂糖添加量4%、发酵时间14 h、乳清蛋白粉添加量0.6%。该条件下制成的脱乳清风味调料乳质地均匀、香辛料风味较佳,产品蛋白质含量为7.79%、脂肪含量为5.16%、酸度为90°T、黏度为7300 mPa·s、活菌数为3.8×107 CFU/mL,是一款口味独特、食用方式多样性的新型发酵乳制品。 展开更多
关键词 发酵 风味调料 香辛料 响应面分析法
2012年光伏产业将进入脱乳期——全球光伏产业发展趋势展望 被引量:12
作者 夏爱民 李华 马胜红 《中国建设动态(阳光能源)》 2008年第4期45-48,共4页
全球扶持光伏发电的国家有40多个,并且每年在增加。光伏产业的成本在过去30年下降了2个数量级,光伏产业保持每年40%-50%的增长,世界光伏发电市场也将呈现10倍速的增长,这正如5年前的每年100-200MW的市场到现在的2000-3000MW。但还是火... 全球扶持光伏发电的国家有40多个,并且每年在增加。光伏产业的成本在过去30年下降了2个数量级,光伏产业保持每年40%-50%的增长,世界光伏发电市场也将呈现10倍速的增长,这正如5年前的每年100-200MW的市场到现在的2000-3000MW。但还是火电发电电价的8-10倍。一方面在世界各国光伏激励政策的扶持下,光伏产业加速应用,技术进步和规模化生产,进入良性循环;另一方面,光伏发电补贴每年下降5%以上,并且德国等开始每年下降7%-8%。光伏发电成本下降的幅度必须大于补贴下降的幅度,这也是政府扶持光伏的初衷,希望由此扶持而又驱使光伏快速进步,成本下降。光伏发电作为分布式小电源相当于自备电厂,目前只可以与电网零售电价相比。一旦光伏发电成本达到电网零售电价的门槛,则光伏将从哺乳期进入脱乳期,仔细分析光伏产业链,晶体硅太阳电池的生产成本和各个环节,考虑到硅料紧缺问题,我们预测2012年全球光伏将进入脱乳期,其标志是光伏发电成本0.15-0.25美元/kWh,与发达国家电网零售电价持平。 展开更多
关键词 光伏产业 补贴下降
炼厂焦化含硫污水脱油破乳的研究 被引量:10
作者 丁勇 《安徽化工》 CAS 2002年第6期27-29,共3页
着重介绍了炼厂焦化含硫污水因硫、酚等化合物的存在,使得乳化液的性质较稳定,长时间自由沉降分离不能使水中油含量达到<200μg/g。在选用化学破乳时,必须加入阳离子破乳剂才能奏效,当焦化含硫污水油含量在1%左右和2%以上,离子破乳... 着重介绍了炼厂焦化含硫污水因硫、酚等化合物的存在,使得乳化液的性质较稳定,长时间自由沉降分离不能使水中油含量达到<200μg/g。在选用化学破乳时,必须加入阳离子破乳剂才能奏效,当焦化含硫污水油含量在1%左右和2%以上,离子破乳的投入量为50μg/g时,破乳后的水中油含量都<200μg/g,达到目标值。 展开更多
关键词 焦化 含硫污水 油破 研究 炼油厂
作者 付小庆 《酿酒科技》 北大核心 2005年第12期38-40,共3页
关键词 白酒 次级白酒 复馏 硫降
作者 宋敏 杜娟 +2 位作者 刘龙女 李金婵 马晓亮 《产业与科技论坛》 2019年第24期66-68,共3页
关键词 清酸奶 生产工艺 发酵工艺
除癖消溢散(颗粒)联合药物灌注治疗乳头溢液型导管扩张随机平行对照研究 被引量:4
作者 徐金华 王甫 +1 位作者 李志峰 陈建新 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第10期70-73,共4页
[目的]观察除癖消溢散(颗粒)联合药物灌注治疗乳头溢液型导管扩张疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将83例门诊患者随机分为两组。对照组41例单纯乳管镜下庆大霉素灌注冲洗:患者仰卧,75%乙醇常规消毒、铺巾,精准定位溢液导管后,插入1/... [目的]观察除癖消溢散(颗粒)联合药物灌注治疗乳头溢液型导管扩张疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将83例门诊患者随机分为两组。对照组41例单纯乳管镜下庆大霉素灌注冲洗:患者仰卧,75%乙醇常规消毒、铺巾,精准定位溢液导管后,插入1/4号平头针,病变导管内注入0.5%利多卡因0.2m L浸润麻醉,4~10号Bowman泪囊探针依次扩张松弛的溢液导管,扩张满意后,插入乳管镜,明确导管扩张并记录典型病变图像,标记病变位置,然后1m L庆大霉素冲洗灌注病变乳管,保留药液3min,退出乳管镜,尽量挤净残留药液,乳头乳晕再次消毒后,涂抹红霉素眼膏,禁浴24h,1次/周。治疗组42例除癖消溢散方(颗粒):紫丹参20g,赤芍、白芍、丹皮、当归各10g,春柴胡6g,皂角刺、广郁金各10g,路路通12g,莪术10g,薏苡仁30g,甘草6g,仙鹤草20g,茜草10g,沸水冲泡400m L,200m L/次,早晚分服。药物灌注治疗同对照组。连续治疗4周为1疗程。观测临床症状、乳头溢液、乳腺导管(乳管镜)、不良反应。治疗1疗程(4周),判定疗效。[结果]乳头溢液治疗组治愈22例,有效26例,无效5例,总有效率88.09%;对照组治愈6例,有效21例,无效14例,总有效率65.83%;治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。乳腺导管(乳管镜)治疗组治愈12例,显效26例,无效4例,总有效率90.48%;对照组治愈6例,显效20例,无效15例,总有效率63.41%;治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]除癖消溢散(颗粒)联合药物灌注治疗乳头溢液型导管扩张,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 头溢液型导管扩张 湿火 乳脱 药物灌注 除癖消溢散 庆大霉素 腺导管 管镜 中药颗粒 中西医结合治疗 随机平行对照研究
希腊酸奶工艺及乳清利用研究进展 被引量:3
作者 郑玮丽 屈小玄 +1 位作者 孙金威 康红彦 《食品与发酵科技》 CAS 2018年第5期75-79,共5页
随着消费升级的驱动,消费者对优质天然营养食品的摄取日益重视,这也为酸奶市场带来新一轮契机。希腊酸奶由于其丰富的营养和细腻浓密的口感进入了大家的视线。本文将从希腊酸奶的发展现状、生产工艺、副产品乳清的利用等方面进行阐述,... 随着消费升级的驱动,消费者对优质天然营养食品的摄取日益重视,这也为酸奶市场带来新一轮契机。希腊酸奶由于其丰富的营养和细腻浓密的口感进入了大家的视线。本文将从希腊酸奶的发展现状、生产工艺、副产品乳清的利用等方面进行阐述,以期对希腊酸奶的研制开发提供一定的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 希腊酸奶 高蛋白
作者 李桂华 《燕山油化》 1993年第2期101-104,81,共5页
1 前言燕化公司化纤地毯厂5000t/a丁苯胶乳装置已建成并开始试产,其中废水经一级处理后,化学耗氧量COD_(cr)要求达到200ml/l以下。开车考核时,采用重铬酸钾法测定,但由于时间长未能及时指导生产,为此,我们采用了HH—1型化学耗氧量测定... 1 前言燕化公司化纤地毯厂5000t/a丁苯胶乳装置已建成并开始试产,其中废水经一级处理后,化学耗氧量COD_(cr)要求达到200ml/l以下。开车考核时,采用重铬酸钾法测定,但由于时间长未能及时指导生产,为此,我们采用了HH—1型化学耗氧量测定仪测定COD_(cr)。 展开更多
关键词 废水 水质分析 化学耗氧量
油泥(砂)处理技术研究 被引量:11
作者 朱虹 杨跃兰 +1 位作者 汪九新 王冬平 《油气田环境保护》 CAS 2010年第3期27-31,共5页
对油泥(砂)进行处理实验,确定采用破乳脱稳—离心分离—固化处理工艺。分离出的原油可以回用;处理后的水质达到了SY/T5329-94《碎屑岩油藏注水水质推荐指标及分析方法》回注要求;固化物浸出液的分析结果符合国家GB5085.3-2007《危险废... 对油泥(砂)进行处理实验,确定采用破乳脱稳—离心分离—固化处理工艺。分离出的原油可以回用;处理后的水质达到了SY/T5329-94《碎屑岩油藏注水水质推荐指标及分析方法》回注要求;固化物浸出液的分析结果符合国家GB5085.3-2007《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》、GB5085.1-2007《危险废物鉴别标准腐蚀性鉴别》和GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一级标准。实验结果表明:该工艺在处理油田油泥(砂)方面具有可行性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 油泥(砂) 乳脱 离心分离 固化
Construction and Application of Plasmid pUC19-CM-D
作者 卢福芝 孙靓 +2 位作者 黄靖华 黄艳燕 黄日波 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期31-33,共3页
[Objective] The aims were to construct a new suicide plasmid of Lactobacillus and gene deletion engineering bacteria of Lactobacillus with pUC19 vector. [Methods] pUC19-CM was constructed by inserting a chloramphenico... [Objective] The aims were to construct a new suicide plasmid of Lactobacillus and gene deletion engineering bacteria of Lactobacillus with pUC19 vector. [Methods] pUC19-CM was constructed by inserting a chloramphenicol resistant gene into the multi-cloning site of pUC19,and then two homologous fragments were cloned into each side of the pUC19-CM to construct suicide plasmid pUC19-CM-D. [Results] A replacement mutant strain,whose target gene was replaced by resistant gene,could be obtained by transforming the suicide plasmid pUC19-CM-D into Lactobacillus for resistance screening. [Conclusion] The construction and application of pUC19-CM-D provided a fast and efficient means of construction of gene deletion engineering bacteria of Lactobacillus,and laid a foundation for study of gene function of Lactobacillus. 展开更多
关键词 Suicide plasmid Lactobacillus Gene knock out
Alkali-metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites for improvement of catalytic dehydration of lactic acid to acrylic acid 被引量:8
作者 袁川 刘华彦 +3 位作者 张泽凯 卢晗锋 朱秋莲 陈银飞 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1861-1866,共6页
Various ZSM-5 zeolites modified with alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) were prepared using ion exchange. The catalysts were used to enhance the catalytic dehydration of lactic acid (LA) to acrylic acid (AA).... Various ZSM-5 zeolites modified with alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) were prepared using ion exchange. The catalysts were used to enhance the catalytic dehydration of lactic acid (LA) to acrylic acid (AA). The effects of cationic species on the structures and surface acid-base distributions of the ZSM-5 zeolites were investigated. The important factors that affect the catalytic performance were also identified. The modified ZSM-5 catalysts were characterized using X-ray diffraction, tempera- ture-programmed desorptions of NH3 and CO2, pyridine adsorption spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption to determine the crystal phase structures, surface acidities and basicities, nature of acid sites, specific surface areas, and pore volumes. The results show that the acid-base sites that are adjusted by alkali-metal species, particularly weak acid-base sites, are mainly responsible for the formation of AA. The KZSM-5 catalyst, in particular, significantly improved LA conversion and AA selectivity because of the synergistic effect of weak acid-base sites. The reaction was conducted at different reaction temperatures and liquid hourly space velocities (LHSVs) to understand the catalyst selectivity for AA and trends in byproduct formation. Approximately 98% LA conversion and 77% AA selectivity were achieved using the KZSM-5 catalyst under the optimum conditions (40 wt% LA aqueous solution, 365 ℃, and LHSV 2 h-1). 展开更多
关键词 ZSM-5 zeolite Alkali metal Lactic acid Acrylic acid Dehydration
Analysis of LDH activities and its isoenzyme patterns in colorectal cancer tissues
作者 赵春华 姜春英 +4 位作者 张虞毅 刘贤锡 罗道春 张孝亭 林毓琴 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第1期40+44-45,44-45,共3页
AIM To investigate the relationship between lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity or LDH isoenzyme pattern and the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer.
关键词 Colonic neoplasms Rectal neoplasms Lactate dehydrogenase Lactate dchydrogenase isoenzymes
Midkine secretion protects Hep3B cells from cadmium induced cellular damage 被引量:2
作者 Nuray Yazihan Haluk Ataoglu +3 位作者 Ethem Akcil Burcu Yener Bulent Salman Cengiz Aydin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期76-80,共5页
AIM: To evaluate role Cadmium (Cd) exposure line Hep3B cells. of midkine secretion during in the human hepatocyte cell METHODS: Different dosages of Cd (0.5-1-5-10 μg/mL) were applied to Hep3B cells and their e... AIM: To evaluate role Cadmium (Cd) exposure line Hep3B cells. of midkine secretion during in the human hepatocyte cell METHODS: Different dosages of Cd (0.5-1-5-10 μg/mL) were applied to Hep3B cells and their effects to apoptosis, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage and midkine secretion were evaluated as time dependent manner. Same experiments were repeated with exogenously applied midkine (250-5000 pg/mL) and/or 5 t^g/mL Cd. RESULTS: Cd exposure induced prominent apoptosis and LDH leakage beginning from lower dosages at the 48^th. Cd induced midkine secretion with higher dosages (P 〈 0.001), (control, Cd 0.5-1-5-10μg/mL respectively: 1123 ± 73, 1157 ± 63, 1242 ± 90, 1886 ± 175, 1712 ± 166 pg/mL). Exogenous 500-5000 pg/mL midkine application during 5 μg/mL Cd toxicity prevented caspase-3 activation (control, Cd toxicity, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 pg/mL midkine+ Cd toxicity, respectively: 374 ± 64, 1786 ± 156, 1545 ± 179, 1203 ± 113, 974 ± 116, 646 ± 56, 556 ± 63 cfu) LDH leakage and cell death in Hep3B cells (P 〈 0.001). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that midkine secretion from Hep3B cells during Cd exposure protects liver cells from Cd induced cellular damage. Midkine has anti-apoptotic and cytoprotective role during Cd toxicity. Further studies are needed to explain the mechanism of midkine secretion and cytoprotective role of midkine during Cd exposure. Midkine may be a promising theurapatic agent in different toxic hepatic diseases. 展开更多
关键词 CADMIUM MIDKINE HEPATOCYTE Apoptosis CASPASE-3 Lactate dehydrogenase
Low temperature stress on the hematological parameters and HSP gene expression in the turbot Scophthalmus maximus 被引量:5
作者 纪利芹 蒋克勇 +4 位作者 刘梅 王宝杰 韩龙江 张明明 王雷 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期430-440,共11页
To study the effect of low temperature stress on hematological parameters and HSP gene expression in the turbot (Seophthalmus maximus), water temperature was lowered rapidly from 18 to 1℃. During the cooling proces... To study the effect of low temperature stress on hematological parameters and HSP gene expression in the turbot (Seophthalmus maximus), water temperature was lowered rapidly from 18 to 1℃. During the cooling process, three individuals were removed from culture tanks at 18, 13, 8, 5, 3, and 1℃. Blood samples and tissues were taken from each individual, hematological indices and HSP gene expression in tissues were measured. The red blood cell count, white blood cell count, and hemoglobin concentration decreased significantly (P〈0.05) as temperature decreased. Enzyme activities of plasma alanine transaminase and creatine kinase increased as temperature decreased, whereas aspartic transaminase and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activities displayed no obvious changes above 1℃ and lactate dehydrogenase activity increased first and then decreased. Blood urea nitrogen and uric acid levels were highest at 8℃, and creatinine concentration was highest at 3℃. The concentrations of plasma cortisol, cholesterol, and triglyceride all increased significantly (P〈0.05) as temperature decreased. The serum glucose concentration increased first and then decreased to the initial level. The HSP70 mRNA expression showed various patterns in different tissues, whereas HSP90 mRNA expression showed the same tendency in all tissues. Overall, these results indicate that temperature decreases in the range of 8 to 5℃ may induce a stress response in S. maximus and that temperature should be kept above 8℃ in the aquaculture setting to avoid damage to the fish. 展开更多
关键词 HEMATOLOGY HSP70 HSP90 mRNA expression low temperature stress fish
Evaluation of Catalysts and Optimization of Reaction Conditions for the Dehydration of Methyl Lactate to Acrylates 被引量:8
作者 张金锋 林建平 +1 位作者 许晓波 岑沛霖 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期263-269,共7页
The production of acrylates from biomass-originated lactic acid is of extraordinary importance, to overcome the increasing worldwide shortage of petroleum. In this study, the catalytic dehydration of methyl lactate ov... The production of acrylates from biomass-originated lactic acid is of extraordinary importance, to overcome the increasing worldwide shortage of petroleum. In this study, the catalytic dehydration of methyl lactate over a calcium sulfate catalyst, with various promoters, has been carried out to identify potential catalyst/promoter combinations for acrylate production. The best catalyst for methyl acrylate formation in this study has been calcium sulfate, with cupric sulfate and phosphates as promoters. The optimal mass ratio of m(CaSOa) : m(CuSOa) : m(Na2HPO4) : m(KH2PO4) is 150.0 : 13.8 : 2.5 : 1.2. Effects of carrier gas, reaction temperature, feed concentration as well as contact time on the dehydration of methyl lactate have been investigated. With nitrogen as a carrier gas, a combined yield of acrylic acid and methyl acrylate is 63.9% from 60% (by mass) methyl lactate at 400℃ with 7.7 seconds contact time. 展开更多
关键词 ACRYLATE contact time cupric sulfate DEHYDRATION promoters
Oridonin induces apoptosis in gastric cancer through Apaf-1,cytochrome c and caspase-3 signaling pathway 被引量:25
作者 Ke-Wang Sun Ying-Yu Ma +7 位作者 Tian-Pei Guan Ying-Jie Xia Chang-Ming Shao Le-Gao Chen Ya-Jun Ren Hai-Bo Yao Qiong Yang Xu-Jun He 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第48期7166-7174,共9页
AIM:To investigate the effect and mechanism of oridonin on the gastric cancer cell line HGC-27 in vitro.METHODS:The inhibitory effect of oridonin on HGC-27 cells was detected using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol2-yl)-2,5-... AIM:To investigate the effect and mechanism of oridonin on the gastric cancer cell line HGC-27 in vitro.METHODS:The inhibitory effect of oridonin on HGC-27 cells was detected using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay.After treatment with 10 μg/mL oridonin for 24 h and 48 h,the cells were stained with acridine orange/ethidium bromide.The morphologic changes were observed under an inverted fluorescence microscope.DNA fragmen-tation(a hallmark of apoptosis) and lactate dehydrogenase activity were examined using DNA ladder assay and lactate dehydrogenase-release assay.After treated with oridonin(0,1.25,2.5,5 and 10 μg/mL),HGC-27 cells were collected for anexin V-phycoerythrin and 7-amino-actinomycin D double staining and tested by flow cytometric analysis,and oridonin-induced apoptosis in HGC-27 cells was detected.After treatment with oridonin for 24 h,the effects of oridonin on expression of Apaf-1,Bcl-2,Bax,caspase-3 and cytochrome c were also analyzed using reverse-transcript polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) and Western blotting.RESULTS:Oridonin significantly inhibited the proliferation of HGC-27 cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner.The inhibition rates of HGC-27 treated with four different concentrations of oridonin for 24 h(1.25,2.5,5 and 10 μg/mL) were 1.78% ± 0.36%,4.96% ± 1.59%,10.35% ± 2.76% and 41.6% ± 4.29%,respectively,which showed a significant difference(P < 0.05).The inhibition rates of HGC-27 treated with oridonin at the four concentrations for 48 h were 14.77% ± 4.21%,21.57% ± 3.75%,30.31% ± 4.91% and 61.19% ± 5.81%,with a significant difference(P < 0.05).The inhibition rates of HGC-27 treated with oridonin for 72 h at the four concentrations were 25.77% ± 4.85%,31.86% ± 3.86%,48.30% ± 4.16% and 81.80% ± 6.72%,with a significant difference(P < 0.05).Cells treated with oridonin showed typical apoptotic features with acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining.After treatment with oridonin,the cells became round,shrank,and developed small buds around the nuclear membrane while forming apoptotic bodies.Lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) release assay showed that after treated with 1.25 μg/mL and 20 μg/mL oridonin for 24 h,LDH release of HGC-27 caused by apoptosis increased from 22.94% ± 3.8% to 52.68% ± 2.4%(P < 0.001).However,the change in the release of LDH caused by necrosis was insignificant,suggesting thatthe major cause of oridonin-induced HGC-27 cell death was apoptosis.Flow cytometric analysis also revealed that oridonin induced significant apoptosis compared with the controls(P < 0.05).And the apoptosis rates of HGC-27 induced by the four different concentrations of oridonin were 5.3% ± 1.02%,12.8% ± 2.53%,28.5% ± 4.23% and 49.6% ± 3.76%,which were in a dose-dependent manner(P < 0.05).After treatment for 24 h,DNA ladder showed that oridonin induced a significant increase in DNA fragmentation in a dosedependent manner.RT-PCR revealed that mRNA expression levels were up-regulated compared with the controls in caspase-3(0.917 ± 0.103 vs 0.357 ± 0.019,P < 0.05),cytochrome c(1.429 ± 0.111 vs 1.002 ± 0.014,P < 0.05),Apaf-1(0.688 ± 0.101 vs 0.242 ± 0.037,P < 0.05) and Bax(0.856 ± 0.101 vs 0.278 ± 0.027,P < 0.05)(P < 0.05),whereas down-regulated in Bcl-2(0.085 ± 0.012 vs 0.175 ± 0.030,P < 0.05).Western blotting analysis also confirmed this result.CONCLUSION:Apoptosis of HGC-27 induced by oridonin may be associated with differential expression of Apaf-1,caspase-3 and cytochrome c,which are highly dependent upon the mitochondrial pathway. 展开更多
关键词 Oridonin Gastric cancer Proliferation Apoptosis Apaf-1/caspase-3/cytochrome C
Purification and Characterization of Glutamate Decarboxylase of Lactobacillus brevis CGMCC 1306 Isolated from Fresh Milk 被引量:19
作者 黄俊 梅乐和 +2 位作者 盛清 姚善泾 林东强 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期157-161,共5页
A Lactobacillus brevis CGMCC 1306 isolated from fresh milk without pasteurization was found to have higher glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity. An effective isolation and purification procedure of GAD from a cell... A Lactobacillus brevis CGMCC 1306 isolated from fresh milk without pasteurization was found to have higher glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity. An effective isolation and purification procedure of GAD from a cell-free extract of Lactobacillus brevis was developed, and the procedure included four steps: 30%-90% saturation (NH4)2SO4 fractional precipitation, Q sepharose FF anion-exchange chromatography, sephacryl S-200 gel filtration, and resource Q anion-exchange chromatography. Using this protocol, the purified GAD was demonstrated to possess electrophoretic homogeneity via SDS-PAGE. The purification fold and activity recovery of GAD were 43.78 and 16.95%, respectively. The molecular weight of the purified GAD was estimated to be approximately 62 kDa via SDS-PAGE. The optimum pH and temperature of the purified GAD were 4.4 and 37℃, respectively. The purified GAD had a half-life of 50rain at 45℃ and the Km value of the enzyme from Lineweaver-Burk plot was found to be 8.22.5'-pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) had little effect on the regulation of its activity. 展开更多
关键词 Lactobacillus brevis glutamate decarboxylase PURIFICATION anion-exchange chromatography CHARACTERIZATION
高频脉冲油水分离技术 被引量:3
作者 黄继庆 邹祥城 +1 位作者 陈德 张雁京 《设备管理与维修》 2020年第3期122-123,共2页
关键词 电磁辐射降粘 脉冲 高频聚结
作者 郭华荣 张士璀 +2 位作者 李红岩 童裳亮 相建海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期226-231,共6页
Three continuous marine fish cell lines of FG (i.e., Flounder Gill) from flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus) gill, SPH (i.e., Sea Perch Heart) from sea perch ( Lateolabrax japonicus ) heart and RSBF (i.e., Red Sea... Three continuous marine fish cell lines of FG (i.e., Flounder Gill) from flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus) gill, SPH (i.e., Sea Perch Heart) from sea perch ( Lateolabrax japonicus ) heart and RSBF (i.e., Red Sea Bream Fin) from red sea bream ( Pagrosomus major ) fin, were characterized by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozyme and morphological analysis. The LDH isozyme patterns of these three cell lines and their corresponding tissues of origin were investigated and compared. The results showed: (1) No difference was found in the LDH isozyme patterns of FG and flounder gill tissue. However, the LDH isozyme patterns of SPH and RSBF were significantly different from their corresponding tissues of origin; (2) LDH isozyme patterns of FG, SPH and RSBF were markedly different from each other and could serve as genetic markers for species identification and detection of cross contamination. Morphological change analysis of these three cell lines in comparison to their original tissues indicated that FG cells still appeared epithelioid without morphological transformation. However, morphological changes were found in SPH and RSBF compared to their original tissues. Therefore, the cellular morphology was still plastic in the relatively stable culture conditions, and it was possible that change of LDH patterns was related to morphological changes of fish cells in vitro . 展开更多
关键词 cell line lactate dehydrogenase cellular morphology FLOUNDER sea perch red sea bream
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