患者女性,68岁,因无意中发现右乳肿块4 d入院。查体示双乳对称,无乳头内陷及歪斜,挤压无溢液,右乳外侧可扪及约2 cm×1.5 cm 质硬肿块,边界欠清,活动一般,无压痛,双侧腋下及锁骨上未扪及明显肿大淋巴结。患者术前行超声检...患者女性,68岁,因无意中发现右乳肿块4 d入院。查体示双乳对称,无乳头内陷及歪斜,挤压无溢液,右乳外侧可扪及约2 cm×1.5 cm 质硬肿块,边界欠清,活动一般,无压痛,双侧腋下及锁骨上未扪及明显肿大淋巴结。患者术前行超声检查,灰阶超声显示左侧乳腺大小为20.9 mm×14.5 mm椭圆形团块,水平位生长,边缘见小分叶,内部呈不均匀低回声,见钙化灶,后方伴回声增强(图1)。彩色多普勒超声显示团块内部稀少点状、条状血流,血管较纤细(图2)。声弹性成像显示团块内部大部分为代表低应变的红色,弹性评分4分(图3)。团块周围乳腺组织无明显结构扭曲,无导管扩张、无水肿,Cooper 韧带无改变。超声提示乳腺影像报告数据系统(breast imaging reporting and data system,BI-RADS)4C类。行右乳肿块扩大切除术治疗,术中显示病灶呈灰红色。术后石蜡病理示肿瘤细胞梭形、短梭形,不规则散在花边样成骨现象,病理诊断乳腺骨肉瘤(图4)。术后行全身骨扫描,未发现骨骼系统的骨肉瘤征象。展开更多
Case Report A 21-year-old female with a breast tumor for over a month came to our hospital. The physical examinations on her breast showed a mammary neoplasm of about 4 cm, with a good range of motion and no abnormali...Case Report A 21-year-old female with a breast tumor for over a month came to our hospital. The physical examinations on her breast showed a mammary neoplasm of about 4 cm, with a good range of motion and no abnormality seen in the skin. The patient remained single, and had no family history of breast cancer or ovarian carcinoma. CT and X-ray examinations on the osseous tissue of the whole body showed that no lesions were found. A glabrous tumor with peplos was seen during the surgery, and was completely excised.展开更多
文摘患者女性,68岁,因无意中发现右乳肿块4 d入院。查体示双乳对称,无乳头内陷及歪斜,挤压无溢液,右乳外侧可扪及约2 cm×1.5 cm 质硬肿块,边界欠清,活动一般,无压痛,双侧腋下及锁骨上未扪及明显肿大淋巴结。患者术前行超声检查,灰阶超声显示左侧乳腺大小为20.9 mm×14.5 mm椭圆形团块,水平位生长,边缘见小分叶,内部呈不均匀低回声,见钙化灶,后方伴回声增强(图1)。彩色多普勒超声显示团块内部稀少点状、条状血流,血管较纤细(图2)。声弹性成像显示团块内部大部分为代表低应变的红色,弹性评分4分(图3)。团块周围乳腺组织无明显结构扭曲,无导管扩张、无水肿,Cooper 韧带无改变。超声提示乳腺影像报告数据系统(breast imaging reporting and data system,BI-RADS)4C类。行右乳肿块扩大切除术治疗,术中显示病灶呈灰红色。术后石蜡病理示肿瘤细胞梭形、短梭形,不规则散在花边样成骨现象,病理诊断乳腺骨肉瘤(图4)。术后行全身骨扫描,未发现骨骼系统的骨肉瘤征象。
文摘Case Report A 21-year-old female with a breast tumor for over a month came to our hospital. The physical examinations on her breast showed a mammary neoplasm of about 4 cm, with a good range of motion and no abnormality seen in the skin. The patient remained single, and had no family history of breast cancer or ovarian carcinoma. CT and X-ray examinations on the osseous tissue of the whole body showed that no lesions were found. A glabrous tumor with peplos was seen during the surgery, and was completely excised.