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争国本:君臣博弈的政治解读 被引量:1
作者 尹选波 《阅江学刊》 2012年第2期9-17,共9页
万历年间册立太子之争被称为"争国本",围绕册立皇长子朱常洛还是皇三子朱常洵,明神宗万历与廷臣进行了旷日持久的博弈。整个事件由廷臣温和的建议开始,经过长期而激烈的斗争,以至于谣言四起,最后借助太后的力量得以解决,按祖... 万历年间册立太子之争被称为"争国本",围绕册立皇长子朱常洛还是皇三子朱常洵,明神宗万历与廷臣进行了旷日持久的博弈。整个事件由廷臣温和的建议开始,经过长期而激烈的斗争,以至于谣言四起,最后借助太后的力量得以解决,按祖制皇长子朱常洵被册立为太子,皇三子朱常洛受封福王。争国本是认识明朝政治运作的典型样本,折射了专制王朝政治运作的内在逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 争国本 明神宗万历 朱常洛 朱常洵 郑贵妃
明代“争国本”事件新探 被引量:1
作者 马佳佳 侯虎虎 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2014年第1期113-117,共5页
关键词 明代 争国本 嫡长子继承制
李太后与“国本之争” 被引量:2
作者 林延清 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期118-121,共4页
关键词 明代 李太后 国本
阁臣、宦官与万历朝国本之争——以京师《东岳庙碑记》为中心 被引量:1
作者 齐畅 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期116-120,共5页
万历国本之争是影响晚明政局的大事,北京朝阳门外东岳庙内一通万历二十年三月的《东岳庙碑记》透露出以往未曾关注的郑贵妃一派更多的信息。立碑之时国本未定,而碑文中却出现了"皇三太子"的称号,撰者为当时与国本争端大有干... 万历国本之争是影响晚明政局的大事,北京朝阳门外东岳庙内一通万历二十年三月的《东岳庙碑记》透露出以往未曾关注的郑贵妃一派更多的信息。立碑之时国本未定,而碑文中却出现了"皇三太子"的称号,撰者为当时与国本争端大有干系的礼部尚书、大学士王锡爵,与万历二十一年正月王锡爵"惧失上指"而"奉诏拟谕旨",欲行"三王并封"之礼相联系,不难看出王锡爵提出"三王并封"并非如通常所认为的是一时糊涂或是中了郑贵妃一方的暗算,他本有支持万历帝立幼之意,但"三王并封"之议一出,招致满朝批判,王锡爵为明哲保身,毅然退出继而又在群臣的压力下上疏支持立长以挽回声望。而郑氏的亲信宦官们却继续活动,在极尽人谋的同时,亦乞求神明的庇佑,相应地"皇三太子"说法又出现于泰山三阳观太监所修的醮记碑文中,寺庙成为展现明朝宫廷内外国本之争的另一场所。而阁臣与宦官在国本之争中的表现亦成为明代阁臣与宦官参与政治权力运转及政治斗争的一个鲜活个案。 展开更多
关键词 东岳庙碑记 国本 王锡爵 宦官
君臣冲突与晚明士大夫政治——以万历朝“国本之争”为中心 被引量:5
作者 李佳 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期143-148,共6页
在万历朝"国本之争"中,士大夫群体始终反对神宗将个人意愿凌驾于礼法之上,主张大臣持守原则以及君臣公议天下事,并以这种政治价值观主导了舆论的走势。神宗采取多种严厉措施打压士大夫之谏诤,然在国本之争中,士气不弱反强,对... 在万历朝"国本之争"中,士大夫群体始终反对神宗将个人意愿凌驾于礼法之上,主张大臣持守原则以及君臣公议天下事,并以这种政治价值观主导了舆论的走势。神宗采取多种严厉措施打压士大夫之谏诤,然在国本之争中,士气不弱反强,对皇权构成持续性的政治约束。以万历朝"国本之争"为视角,可以体察晚明士大夫政治之张扬气象,士大夫从争国本,已然走到了诉求限制君权一节。但君臣争之激烈,又事实上引发了诸多问题。究其本质,"国本之争"反映了帝制框架内士大夫政治与皇权专制极端化的冲突,也构成晚明士大夫政治演进过程中的一个重要节点。 展开更多
关键词 君臣冲突 国本 士大夫政治 晚明
作者 宫健男 《宁波开放大学学报》 2024年第1期122-128,共7页
河南虞城的杨东明是万历时期的士大夫,也是阳明学的第四代弟子。仕宦时期,他选择就国本等重要问题直言上疏,为明神宗所不喜,并卷入到党争当中。致仕后他在乡里积极地从事实践活动,捐助灾民,修建学校。他组织的同善会是明代最早的民间慈... 河南虞城的杨东明是万历时期的士大夫,也是阳明学的第四代弟子。仕宦时期,他选择就国本等重要问题直言上疏,为明神宗所不喜,并卷入到党争当中。致仕后他在乡里积极地从事实践活动,捐助灾民,修建学校。他组织的同善会是明代最早的民间慈善组织,其组织形式相较于官方救济组织和后世的民间慈善组织都尚显松散,但为后世慈善组织提供了先例。他致力于重振河南地区的讲学活动,但也受到了当时学者的批评。他创办的兴学会在时间与地域上有力填补了晚明河南讲学的空白,后因政治原因而停办。他在“得君行道”失败后转向“助民”“觉士”的路线,在救助百姓与维系地方秩序方面取得了成效,但无力阻止晚明河南土地兼并日益严重的问题,最终地方上趋于失序。 展开更多
关键词 杨东明 北方王门 讲学会 同善会 争国本 阳明后学
作者 赵映林 《文史杂志》 2019年第4期78-85,共8页
经历200余年后,明王朝进入了明神宗万历时期。比较一致的观点是,明亡始于这一阶段。这一时期整个社会可谓千疮百孔,官场腐败充斥,基层暴政肆行,内忧外患,突出反映在:一是财政危机,一是皇帝怠朝,一是政治危机,一是辽东战事。而在万历、... 经历200余年后,明王朝进入了明神宗万历时期。比较一致的观点是,明亡始于这一阶段。这一时期整个社会可谓千疮百孔,官场腐败充斥,基层暴政肆行,内忧外患,突出反映在:一是财政危机,一是皇帝怠朝,一是政治危机,一是辽东战事。而在万历、天启两朝为相的叶向高面对如此困境,周旋于各派力量之间,明知不可为而为之,竭尽一己之力扶持这个摇摇欲坠的王朝,直至心力憔悴。 展开更多
关键词 晚明困境 叶向高 万历怠政 争国本 矿监税使 群体事件
作者 赵映林 《唯实》 2019年第9期85-88,共4页
经历了200余年的明王朝到神宗(1573—1620年在位,年号'万历')时已经是风雨飘摇,在困局中苦苦挣扎。支撑这一困局的一位重要人物就是本文的主人公叶向高。叶向高(1559—1627),字进卿,号台山,福建福清人。万历十一年(1583年)进士... 经历了200余年的明王朝到神宗(1573—1620年在位,年号'万历')时已经是风雨飘摇,在困局中苦苦挣扎。支撑这一困局的一位重要人物就是本文的主人公叶向高。叶向高(1559—1627),字进卿,号台山,福建福清人。万历十一年(1583年)进士,选翰林院庶吉士。 展开更多
关键词 叶向高 矿监税使 朱常洛 争国本
明代首辅王锡爵与“三王并封” 被引量:1
作者 范敬如 陈尚胜 《临沂大学学报》 2016年第2期107-112,共6页
"国本之争"是万历皇帝在位时期君臣争论的重要问题。万历二十一年,时任首辅的王锡爵顺从了万历皇帝提出的"三王并封",使朝中众多大臣质疑其谀君。而明朝当时正值大举出兵救援朝鲜之时,王锡爵顺从"三王并封&qu... "国本之争"是万历皇帝在位时期君臣争论的重要问题。万历二十一年,时任首辅的王锡爵顺从了万历皇帝提出的"三王并封",使朝中众多大臣质疑其谀君。而明朝当时正值大举出兵救援朝鲜之时,王锡爵顺从"三王并封"之提议有益于缓和君臣矛盾,为得到万历皇帝信任、赢得援朝战争并继续劝立太子打下基础,是因时之策。 展开更多
关键词 王锡爵 万历皇帝 国本 三王并封
作者 冷东 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期46-55,共10页
“东林党魁”叶向高之说尚有商榷之必要。万历年间,叶向高在国本之争上确与东林党人保持了一致。但这也是当时大多数官僚士子的意见,不能以此而确定时向高是东林党人,尚需考察两者在其他政务上观点之异同。事实上,入阁前之叶氏与东... “东林党魁”叶向高之说尚有商榷之必要。万历年间,叶向高在国本之争上确与东林党人保持了一致。但这也是当时大多数官僚士子的意见,不能以此而确定时向高是东林党人,尚需考察两者在其他政务上观点之异同。事实上,入阁前之叶氏与东林党人的政治观点尚多一致,但人周后,随着政治地位的变化,其与东林党人的分歧日趋明显。尤其天启年间,就宦官专权与辽东军事问题,叶向高却极力斡旋于包括东林党在内的各种政治势力之间,成为中庸调和派的代表。虽然在某些问题上他同情东林党人,但就实质而言,他并非一位东林党人,更不是“东林党魁”了。 展开更多
关键词 叶向高 东林党 国本 经抚之
Does Environmental Regulation Weaken Industrial Competitiveness?Inspirations from China’s Iron and Steel Sector 被引量:3
作者 邓泳红 张其仔 陈晓东 《China Economist》 2015年第4期72-96,共25页
China's economic growth is heavily influenced by exports, while reconciling environmental regulation and economic growth requires handling the relationship between environmental regulation and industrial competitiven... China's economic growth is heavily influenced by exports, while reconciling environmental regulation and economic growth requires handling the relationship between environmental regulation and industrial competitiveness well. The effects of environmental regulation on industrial competitiveness are largely subject to the institutional design of environmental regulation. Despite numerous studies on the relationship between environmental regulation and industrial competitiveness, a consensus has yet to be reached. Aside from differences in research methodology, these studies failed to give sufficient consideration to the impact of environmental regulation on industrial competitiveness. Such effects can be negative or positive depending on the design of environmental regulatory policy. This paper has investigated the relationship between environmental regulation and the competitiveness of China's iron and steel industry and discovered that tighter environmental regulation does not diminish the competitiveness of the iron and steel industry since the policy design of environmental regulation accommodates the tolerance of advanced production capacity and includes a reasonable cost sharing mechanism. This discovery is of important reference for China to develop rational policy design to balance the relationship between environmental regulation and industrial competitiveness. 展开更多
关键词 environmental regulation industrial competitiveness iron and steel industry ADF aneed produetion capacity cost sharing mechanism
作者 朱建安 《董事会》 2015年第12期106-108,共3页
将多个潜在继任者放在重要的岗位上试一试,田忌赛马,能力高低不久就能鉴定出来。但人品的甄别要难得多。如果实行明确的接班计划,对于甄别这个继任者的人品不但没有帮助,反而加剧了其对自己真实人品的掩饰从秦始皇统一六国到辛亥革命推... 将多个潜在继任者放在重要的岗位上试一试,田忌赛马,能力高低不久就能鉴定出来。但人品的甄别要难得多。如果实行明确的接班计划,对于甄别这个继任者的人品不但没有帮助,反而加剧了其对自己真实人品的掩饰从秦始皇统一六国到辛亥革命推翻清朝的两千一百余年间,各王朝就像走马灯,其兴也骤,其亡也速。比方说南朝时期,短短169年先后经历了宋、齐、梁、陈四个朝代和24位帝王, 展开更多
关键词 继任者 田忌赛马 南朝时期 家族企业 陈四 皇长子 国本 朱翊钧 南北朝时期 弘历
作者 眭达明 《秘书之友》 2017年第1期38-42,共5页
公文是一种时效性极强的文体,必须及时办理,容不得半点拖拉,否则不仅会错失时机,而且会造成被动和混乱。古代这方面的教训就有不少。一明神宗朱翊钧做皇帝的万历中后期,不批复臣僚的题本文书成了常事。当时,明神宗既不上朝理政,也不对... 公文是一种时效性极强的文体,必须及时办理,容不得半点拖拉,否则不仅会错失时机,而且会造成被动和混乱。古代这方面的教训就有不少。一明神宗朱翊钧做皇帝的万历中后期,不批复臣僚的题本文书成了常事。当时,明神宗既不上朝理政,也不对臣僚的奏疏表示意见。臣僚们的奏疏尽管不断送来,但他都懒得批阅, 展开更多
关键词 朱翊钧 司户 行人司 公文写作 票拟 公文处理 州判司 陈宏谋 野获编 国本
The U.S. Men's Shaving Cream Market: A Competitive Profile 被引量:2
作者 Y. Datta 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第1期44-64,共21页
Porter identifies high market share with cost leadership strategy which is based on the idea of competing on a price lower than that of the competition. However, in most consumer markets a business should serve the mi... Porter identifies high market share with cost leadership strategy which is based on the idea of competing on a price lower than that of the competition. However, in most consumer markets a business should serve the middle class by competing in the mid-price segment, offering quality better than that of the competition at a somewhat higher price. It is this path that can lead to market share leadership: a strategy that can be both profitable and sustainable. The U.S. men's shaving cream market consists of two major product-market segments: gel and foam. We test the hypothesis that the best-selling brand is very likely to be a member of the mid-price segment with a price tag that is higher than that of the nearest competition. This study is based on annual U.S. sales data for 2008 and 2007 from discount retail stores, food stores, and drug stores. We performed two separate analyses for 2008 and 2007, using cluster analysis as the main analytic tool. The results were remarkably consistent between the two years. In the gel segment--by far the most important--the price-quality segmentation analysis supported our hypothesis. An interesting finding is that, for both the gel and foam segments, we found the rank order correlation of brand unit price between 2007 and 2008 as highly significant. This means that in this market management considers the price of a brand as a strategic rather than a tactical variable. Although, technically the results for the foam segment were negative, this does not necessarily contradict our hypothesis. Finally, we discovered six strategic groups in the industry and have tried to articulate what their competitive strategy is. 展开更多
关键词 an integrated approach to market segmentation price-quality segmentation market share leadership strategic group theory operationalizing competitive strategy price a strategic variable
作者 艾珊歌 宋沛哲 《故宫学刊》 2018年第1期114-121,共8页
关键词 明代 国本 徽派风格 版画 养正图解 传播
Discussion and Research on Enterprise Supply Chain Management under the New Economic Background
作者 Yuan Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期23-25,共3页
The market environment and the competition characteristics between the enterprises is different from the traditional competition, the competition between individual enterprise is displaced by the comprehensive strengt... The market environment and the competition characteristics between the enterprises is different from the traditional competition, the competition between individual enterprise is displaced by the comprehensive strength of alliance supply chain which formed by upstream and downstream suppliers and customers whose main body is core enterprise, whether production enterprise or retail business are inevitably to form as chain so that to obtain the relative cost advantage and quick reaction advantage in the fierce market competition. Combining the theory and practice comparison of enterprise supply chain management at home and abroad, we can find that the theory and practice of Chinese enterprises supply chain management are falling behind developed countries In the new economic background, research and discussion of China' s enterprise supply chain management theory and practice, is helpful to promote the enterprise comprehensive competition ability and improve the economic benefit of enterprise. 展开更多
关键词 new economy enterprise supply chain management
Long Run Relationships, Vertical Integration and International Competition: Can They Contribute to Explaining Regional Construction Cost Differences?
作者 Abukar Warsame 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第3期378-387,共10页
The existence of opportunistic behavior by contractors or sub-contractors in the bidding process encouraged by the governance structure of construction companies as well as the kind of relationship that exist between ... The existence of opportunistic behavior by contractors or sub-contractors in the bidding process encouraged by the governance structure of construction companies as well as the kind of relationship that exist between contractors and clients is thought to have some bearing on the rising construction cost observed in some regions of Sweden. Three hypotheses that are intended to test the impact that long run relationship between contractors and developers, vertically integrated firms, and the increase of international competition could have on the construction cost increase levels were tested on a predetermined number of projects from six cities in different regions. The semi-structured survey produces inconclusive results. Long run and collaborative relationship was prevalent in small region though respondents in this region did not draw strong connection between construction cost increase levels and the kind of observed relationship. In Stockholm region, short-term relationship was mostly prevalent. Vertical integration and foreign competition impacts on construction costs were not significant in either region. 展开更多
关键词 Construction costs COMPETITION long-term relationship vertical integration.
Should State Capital Withdraw from Competitive Sectors?——An Analysis Based on the Efficiency of SOEs in the Wholesale Sector
作者 谢莉娟 王诗桪 《China Economist》 2016年第5期58-70,共13页
That SOEs are inefficient is still a consensus in most economic literature. However, in recent studies, more and more arguments are made in favor of the efficiency of SOEs, yet existing empirical studies are mostly ba... That SOEs are inefficient is still a consensus in most economic literature. However, in recent studies, more and more arguments are made in favor of the efficiency of SOEs, yet existing empirical studies are mostly based on production industry data as samples. On the basis of adopting distribution samples and conducting a cross-sector comparison between the production industry and the distribution sector, this paper offers a multi-perspective empirical assessment on the efficiency of SOEs. Through the analysis of major JTnancial indicators and adopting the Data Envelopment Analysis-Malmquist index for total factor productivity comparison, we find that SOEs generally do not have any disadvantage in efficiency and their superior efficiency is particularly pronounced in the distribution sector as compared with production industry. Moreover, the high share and high efficiency of state capital in the wholesale sector needs particular attention. This paper employs case studies to reveal the positive correlation between the assets-heavy operation of state-owned wholesale firms and their profitability. The implications are as follows: policymakers must deliberate prudently before deciding to withdraw or increase state capital in various sectors; in the wholesale sector where state capital is more efficient, the functions of state capital can be bolstered by increasing its presence in the sector," the notion that state capital must be withdrawn from competitive sectors cannot be adopted likely, nor should the benefits of asset-light operation be exaggerated. 展开更多
关键词 state-owned wholesale sector TFP efficiency mechanism DEA-Malmquist index multi-case study analysis
一幅不起眼的册页山水隐藏着一次私密之旅——兼论董其昌的“干冬景”风格 被引量:4
作者 王洪伟 《中国美术研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期63-71,共9页
万历辛卯(1591)秋,座师许国在"争国本"事件中被迫致仕,董其昌就这次政治变故的态度究竟如何,目前缺乏明确的记载。《纪游图册》第十九开的《西兴暮雪》一作值得重视,不仅寥寥数语的跋文隐藏着重要的历史信息,而且荒寒的雪景意象对... 万历辛卯(1591)秋,座师许国在"争国本"事件中被迫致仕,董其昌就这次政治变故的态度究竟如何,目前缺乏明确的记载。《纪游图册》第十九开的《西兴暮雪》一作值得重视,不仅寥寥数语的跋文隐藏着重要的历史信息,而且荒寒的雪景意象对现实政治境遇带有很强的隐喻性。董其昌翰林院期间的"干冬景"风格,亦蕴含着一份"得君行道"的政治诉求。 展开更多
关键词 董其昌 《西兴暮雪》 跋文 许国 争国本 “干冬景”
述石印明万历刻本《观世音感应灵课》 被引量:2
作者 辛德勇 《中国典籍与文化》 2004年第3期106-111,共6页
明朝万历帝王皇后在万历二十年刊刻的《观世音感应灵课》,附有王皇后的一篇刊刻题记。《观世音感应灵课》的万历原刻本,今未见著录,或者已经佚失不传,亦未可知。本文使用民国徐乃昌影印本,通过分析相关历史事实,指出这篇题记反映了在“... 明朝万历帝王皇后在万历二十年刊刻的《观世音感应灵课》,附有王皇后的一篇刊刻题记。《观世音感应灵课》的万历原刻本,今未见著录,或者已经佚失不传,亦未可知。本文使用民国徐乃昌影印本,通过分析相关历史事实,指出这篇题记反映了在“争国本”事件中,王皇后所处的危险境地及其心态,是研究“争国本”事件一份难得的资料。 展开更多
关键词 《观世音感应灵课》 明朝 争国本”事件 万历时期 常洛
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