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作者 朱芹 《韩国研究论丛》 CSSCI 2016年第1期113-127,共15页
19世纪末至20世纪上半叶,东亚社会历经了区域体系的碰撞、社会制度的变革、政治体制的革命与世界大战的磨难,这一动荡变迁的缩影可以聚焦和浓缩于朝鲜半岛,具体体现在周边四国(中、日、俄、美)在半岛的政治角逐与外交斡旋。近代中、... 19世纪末至20世纪上半叶,东亚社会历经了区域体系的碰撞、社会制度的变革、政治体制的革命与世界大战的磨难,这一动荡变迁的缩影可以聚焦和浓缩于朝鲜半岛,具体体现在周边四国(中、日、俄、美)在半岛的政治角逐与外交斡旋。近代中、日、俄、美的半岛战略各具特色,与半岛的内政、外交相互交织和博弈,对半岛的政局动向起着举足轻重的作用。概括来说,中国为保韩战略,经历了由宗藩自治到平等国家关系的建构,再到扶助韩人独立的蜕变;日本为征韩战略,经历了侵夺到蓄谋已久的侵吞,最终被驱逐出半岛;俄国为争韩战略,呈现出从跟中日角逐到退出半岛、从援助大韩民国临时政府到坐视不救、从托管半岛到扶植朝鲜的沉浮;美国为涉韩战略,经历了从涉足朝鲜半岛到坐视中日血战、日俄火拼,从置临时政府的独立诉求于不顾,到试图托管半岛并坐拥在韩特殊权威与利益的过程。 展开更多
关键词 争韩
A War at Heart: War Memory and the Friendship Between Taiwan and Korea in Hsiao Chin Tui The Doll of Fate
作者 Mal-Soon Choi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第9期1103-1112,共10页
This paper aims to explore Talwanese people's memories of war based on Hsiao Chin Tui's novel The Doll of Fate which describes the later period when Japan colonized Taiwan and the youth of Taiwan serve in the milita... This paper aims to explore Talwanese people's memories of war based on Hsiao Chin Tui's novel The Doll of Fate which describes the later period when Japan colonized Taiwan and the youth of Taiwan serve in the military voluntarily. The voluntary is not only influenced by kominka movement, but also is the effect of Japan's war discourse of protecting Asia from the fight of Western countries. However, no matter in schools or society, discrimination in colony leads youth's anger and forms an invisible power of the discourse of anti-war. Youth in Taiwan gradually doubt of the war idea of Japan, including the fear of death. In this paper, I define the situation as "the war of heart". This paper focuses on the changing of character's mind and spirit. This paper also observes the changing process of the identification of race and mother land. The observation will be a basis to think about the historical meaning of war experience of mobilization and memories of Talwanese people during the colonial period by Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Taiwan Residents literature Hsiao Chin Tui The Doll of Fate Japanese-occupied period
作者 彭慧 《天水师范学院学报》 2021年第6期30-36,共7页
《敦煌变文集》(以下简称《变文集》)所收《韩擒虎话本》叙写了隋朝名将韩擒虎领兵灭陈、与蕃赌射、奉使合蕃以及殁为阎罗的传奇故事。经过一代又一代学者的校勘审订和注释疏通,其中的疑误之处已渐趋消除殆尽。然而,细细研读文本,并参... 《敦煌变文集》(以下简称《变文集》)所收《韩擒虎话本》叙写了隋朝名将韩擒虎领兵灭陈、与蕃赌射、奉使合蕃以及殁为阎罗的传奇故事。经过一代又一代学者的校勘审订和注释疏通,其中的疑误之处已渐趋消除殆尽。然而,细细研读文本,并参照写卷S2144,不难发现,其间文字仍有进一步勘正和疏解的余地。故而文章就"争况合朝大臣""尅日活擒陈王进上"及"拽弓叫圆"等9处文字的形义问题加以补充讨论。 展开更多
关键词 擒虎话本》 校注 尅日 解箭
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