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作者 曹国华 程继红 《自动化与仪器仪表》 1998年第3期47-50,共4页
关键词 计数 定时器 可编程 工作方式 事件计数
作者 贾凡 章隆兵 《高技术通讯》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期25-32,共8页
针对现有的2类处理器功耗实时估算方法的不足,本文开发了一种基于功耗计数器的处理器功耗实时估算方法。该方法结合了基于性能事件计数器和基于电路信号方法的优点,利用功耗计数器记录与处理器功耗密切相关的电路信号的变化次数,能够以... 针对现有的2类处理器功耗实时估算方法的不足,本文开发了一种基于功耗计数器的处理器功耗实时估算方法。该方法结合了基于性能事件计数器和基于电路信号方法的优点,利用功耗计数器记录与处理器功耗密切相关的电路信号的变化次数,能够以较小的观测粒度实时估算处理器的功耗,并且具有较低的硬件开销。本文在龙芯GS364处理器上实现并评估了该方法。结果表明,使用16个功耗计数器可以在512个时钟周期的粒度内实现0.83%的估算误差,与此同时,它的硬件开销只占处理器总面积的0.063%。 展开更多
关键词 功耗估算 功耗计数 功耗管理 性能事件计数 LASSO回归
基于性能计数事件的计算机功耗估算模型 被引量:2
作者 王吉军 程华 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期734-738,742,共6页
精准快速获取计算机系统的实时功耗是功耗优化研究的基础,因此提出并建立了一种高精度的计算机功耗估算模型。通过分析统计系统运行时代表性的性能计数事件,应用机器学习理论分析性能事件与功耗的关系,建立多核计算机系统实时功耗估算... 精准快速获取计算机系统的实时功耗是功耗优化研究的基础,因此提出并建立了一种高精度的计算机功耗估算模型。通过分析统计系统运行时代表性的性能计数事件,应用机器学习理论分析性能事件与功耗的关系,建立多核计算机系统实时功耗估算模型。模型构建时使用多元线性回归(multiple linear regression,MLR)方法以及支持向量回归(support vector regression,SVR)方法分析两者关系,并对两种方法建立的功耗估算模型进行了对比分析。实验结果表明,基于性能事件的功耗估算模型可准确估计计算机实时功耗,估算误差不高于3%。与已有模型相比较,该估算模型精度更高、通用性更好。 展开更多
关键词 计算机功耗 功耗估算 性能计数事件 多元线性回归 支持向量回归
8254定时器的计数系统改进研究 被引量:2
作者 张晓剑 王利强 +1 位作者 周丽 张德星 《电子设计工程》 2020年第1期129-133,139,共6页
Intel 8254定时器是一种通用的可编程定时/计数器,内含3个独立的16位计数通道,最高工作频率可达到10 MHz,可用于大规模高速脉冲的计量。由于芯片本身的特性,使之在事件计数时存在无计数脉冲、计数值偏低、通道级联等问题。通过采用八相... Intel 8254定时器是一种通用的可编程定时/计数器,内含3个独立的16位计数通道,最高工作频率可达到10 MHz,可用于大规模高速脉冲的计量。由于芯片本身的特性,使之在事件计数时存在无计数脉冲、计数值偏低、通道级联等问题。通过采用八相三态缓冲器74LS244结合,解决无计数脉冲问题和计数值偏低,采用读回命令解决通道级联计数问题。实验结果表明:本文所采取的研究方法能很好地解决8254定时/计数器所存在的三大计数问题,从而提高了8254定时器的计数精准度,拓宽了8254芯片的应用领域。 展开更多
关键词 8254定时器 事件计数 74LS244 计数脉冲问题
高探测效率低噪声的大面阵热中子敏感微通道板 被引量:5
作者 潘京生 孙建宁 +8 位作者 韩晓明 张蓉 孙赛林 杨祎罡 田阳 金戈 张正君 邵爱飞 苏德坦 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期87-91,共5页
在微通道板玻璃中掺中子灵敏核素,并去除玻璃中的天然放射性同位素成份,可以实现微通道板对热中子的敏感,使探测器具有极低的背景事件率.在微通道板玻璃中掺加3mol%的Gd2O3,同时去除玻璃中的K2O和/或Rb2O,制作成50 mm直径、0.6 mm厚度... 在微通道板玻璃中掺中子灵敏核素,并去除玻璃中的天然放射性同位素成份,可以实现微通道板对热中子的敏感,使探测器具有极低的背景事件率.在微通道板玻璃中掺加3mol%的Gd2O3,同时去除玻璃中的K2O和/或Rb2O,制作成50 mm直径、0.6 mm厚度、10μm孔径的微通道板,实现了对25.3meV热中子33%的探测效率,同时探测器的暗计数率低至0.11events cm-2·s-1.通过计算和分析热中子在微通道板基体中的俘获概率和155,157 Gd(n,γ)156,158 Gd反应所能引发的有效信号,说明了通过微通道板的结构优化,掺3mol%Gd2O3的微通道板可以实现最大50%的热中子探测效率.在此基础上,进一步完成了106mm直径10μm孔径的掺3mol%Gd2O3的优化结构大面阵低噪声中子敏感微通道板的制作. 展开更多
关键词 中子照相 MCP事件计数探测器 大面阵中子敏感MCP 探测效率 计数
小波变换在声发射信号特征参数检测中的应用 被引量:14
作者 李录平 邹新元 唐月清 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期67-68,81,共3页
本文论述了小波变换在声发射信号的事件计数特征参数检测中应用的理论和方法。用小波变换来检测声发射信号的事件计数特征参数 ,其准确率与域值电平的取值大小无关 ,从而可大大提高声发射信号特征参数检测的准确率。该方法可用于旋转机... 本文论述了小波变换在声发射信号的事件计数特征参数检测中应用的理论和方法。用小波变换来检测声发射信号的事件计数特征参数 ,其准确率与域值电平的取值大小无关 ,从而可大大提高声发射信号特征参数检测的准确率。该方法可用于旋转机械 (特别是大型汽轮发电机组 )的碰磨故障和裂纹故障的检测。 展开更多
关键词 小波变换 声发射信号 事件计数 旋转机械 故障诊断 声发射检测 特征参数检测
高精度千赫兹流动激光测距系统中国西部地区实测结果分析 被引量:2
作者 李欣 朱威 +2 位作者 罗青山 邹彤 郭唐永 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期113-121,共9页
为了解决人造卫星激光测距观测站在我国东西部地区分布不均衡的现状,中国地震局地震研究所采用方便运输的载车结构和皮秒级千赫兹半导体激光器,结合自行研制的皮秒级事件计数器和纳秒级距离门,研制了新一代的大口径流动卫星激光测距系统... 为了解决人造卫星激光测距观测站在我国东西部地区分布不均衡的现状,中国地震局地震研究所采用方便运输的载车结构和皮秒级千赫兹半导体激光器,结合自行研制的皮秒级事件计数器和纳秒级距离门,研制了新一代的大口径流动卫星激光测距系统TROS1000.TROS1000具备千赫兹流动激光测距的能力,并且具有机动灵活、架设周期短等特点.2019年9月,TROS1000抵达中国科学院新疆天文台南山观测站,在我国西部地区首次获取千赫兹激光观测数据.经过数据预处理,中低轨卫星的单次精度优于14 mm,高轨卫星的单次精度优于19 mm,与上一代流动激光测距系统相比,其单次精度更高,有效回波信号更多,目标探测能力更强. 展开更多
关键词 卫星激光测距 流动观测 千赫兹激光器 事件计数 距离门
FM3164的原理及在单片机系统中的应用 被引量:1
作者 徐平 屈传堂 《仪器仪表用户》 2004年第2期60-62,共3页
FM3164是一种采用铁电体技术的多功能串行存储器芯片。除了非 易失存储器外,该芯片还具有实时时钟,电源检测,看门狗、事件计数器, 可锁死的64位码存储和比较器等多种功能,十分适合在单片机系统中的应 用。本文介绍了FM31 64的基本功能... FM3164是一种采用铁电体技术的多功能串行存储器芯片。除了非 易失存储器外,该芯片还具有实时时钟,电源检测,看门狗、事件计数器, 可锁死的64位码存储和比较器等多种功能,十分适合在单片机系统中的应 用。本文介绍了FM31 64的基本功能和原理,并结合实例给出了其在单片机 系统中的具体应用方法。 展开更多
关键词 铁电体技术 非易失存储器 事件计数 处理器配套电路 单片机 FM3164
作者 李学哲 《微计算机信息》 北大核心 2006年第06Z期11-13,79,共4页
本文介绍了延迟捕获功能的设计思想和具体电路的实现,并将延迟捕获方法实际应用到血液粘度测试仪器的切变率测量上,经实际应用表明具有软硬件结构简单、使用灵活、精度高、运行可靠等优点,对于一些在嵌入式应用中需要测量转速指标时,可... 本文介绍了延迟捕获功能的设计思想和具体电路的实现,并将延迟捕获方法实际应用到血液粘度测试仪器的切变率测量上,经实际应用表明具有软硬件结构简单、使用灵活、精度高、运行可靠等优点,对于一些在嵌入式应用中需要测量转速指标时,可谓一种良好的方法。 展开更多
关键词 单片机 延迟捕获 事件计数
通用图形处理器功耗估算模型 被引量:2
作者 王吉军 程华 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期92-97,104,共7页
为精准快速地获得GPU功耗数据,提出一种基于硬件性能计数事件的通用图形处理器(GPGPU)功耗估算方法。通过分析GPGPU程序运行时的功耗分布情况,选择一组与应用程序运行功耗密切相关的硬件性能计数事件集合,使用反向传播人工神经网络分析... 为精准快速地获得GPU功耗数据,提出一种基于硬件性能计数事件的通用图形处理器(GPGPU)功耗估算方法。通过分析GPGPU程序运行时的功耗分布情况,选择一组与应用程序运行功耗密切相关的硬件性能计数事件集合,使用反向传播人工神经网络分析硬件性能计数事件与实时功耗间的关系,最终建立GPGPU功耗估算模型。实验结果表明,与多元线性回归的功耗估算模型相比,该模型具有更高的估算准确性和通用性。 展开更多
关键词 通用图形处理器 硬件性能计数事件 反向传播人工神经网络 交叉验证 功耗估算
Rainfall occurrence and its relation to flood damage in China from 2000 to 2015 被引量:6
作者 WEI Li HU Kai-heng HU Xu-dong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2492-2504,共13页
China is highly susceptible to flood disasters and subjected to great damage every year.Furthermore, the flood frequency has exhibited an increasing trend in recent years. Most flood events,including flash floods and ... China is highly susceptible to flood disasters and subjected to great damage every year.Furthermore, the flood frequency has exhibited an increasing trend in recent years. Most flood events,including flash floods and river flood, are induced by rainfall. This study investigates annual variations of rainfall occurrence over China during the period from 2000 to 2015 at the national and regional scale using daily rainfall data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. The Mann-Kendall test is performed for trend detection, and statistical data of flood damage published by China's government,including destroyed crop area, damaged buildings,direct economic loss, percentage of GDP(gross domestic product), and death toll are correlatively analysed with rainfall occurrences. The results show that storm rain events show the greatest variation among three rainfall types(moderate rain, heavy rain and storm rain). The variation coefficients of rainfall over Northeast China, North China, and Northwest China are the highest, whereas that for Southwest China is the smallest. Moderate rain, heavy rain over Central China, and moderate rain over Southwest China exhibits decreasing trends, whereas the remaining exhibit increasing trends. The correlation between the rainfall occurrences and these flood damage indices at the national scale shows that only direct economic loss has a strong positive correlation with rainfall occurrences, and the other indices have weaker correlations. The correlation is strong in three north regions, except for death toll in Northwest China. In contrast, the correlation between flood damage and rainfall is weak in East China, Central China, Southwest China, and South China. Overall,death toll is strongly correlated with the number of damaged buildings, implying that flood fatalities in China are likely associated with building collapse, and are dominated by specific extreme events. This study can provide a scientific reference for flood management in China. 展开更多
关键词 Flood damage Rainfall occurrence Storm rainfall Coefficient of variation
Coastal eutrophication, land use changes and Ceratium furca (Dinophyceae) blooms in Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa 2007-2009 被引量:3
作者 Steve L. MORTON Andrew SHULER +2 位作者 Jeff PATERNOSTER Sharon FANOLUA Don VARGO 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期790-794,共5页
The bloom forming dinoflagellate, Ceratium furca, has been linked with coastal eutrophication worldwide in tropical and subtropical locations. During the summer of 2007, an unusual 6-month long bloom of C. furca was o... The bloom forming dinoflagellate, Ceratium furca, has been linked with coastal eutrophication worldwide in tropical and subtropical locations. During the summer of 2007, an unusual 6-month long bloom of C. furca was observed in Pago Pago Harbor, Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Incidents of dinoflagellate blooms in this area have not been previously reported. The bloom was first reported in May and dissipated in November 2007. In February-March 2009, a similar C. furca bloom was observed. During both blooms, no fish mortality events were reported. Maximum cell counts were observed on September 20, 2007 at 9 200 cell/mL. At this time, total nitrogen was measured at 1.2 mg/L while total phosphate was below detection limits. Changes in land use practices may have been the primary driver of these blooms. Intense fertilization of athletic fields coupled with ineffective management strategies is hypothesized to have a direct link to the increase in nutrients found in the Pago Pago Harbor and may have been the trigger for the initialization of these blooms. During 2008, the fields were not used due to an infestation of the fire ant, Solenopsis geminata. Once controlled, the fields were opened again in 2009 and fertilizers were applied in January, a month before the bloom was observed. 展开更多
关键词 EUTROPHICATION American Samoa Ceratium furca
Observed Climate Changes in Southwest China during 1961-2010 被引量:15
作者 MA Zhen-Feng LIU Jia +2 位作者 ZHANG Shun-Qian CHEN Wen-Xiu YANG Shu-Qun 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2013年第1期30-40,共11页
The present study focused on statistical analysis of interannual, interdecadal variations of climate variables and extreme climate events during the period of 1961-2010 using observational data from 376 meteorological... The present study focused on statistical analysis of interannual, interdecadal variations of climate variables and extreme climate events during the period of 1961-2010 using observational data from 376 meteorological stations uniformly distributed across Southwest China, which includes Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Sichuan and Tibet. It was found that temperatures in most of the region were warming and this was especially evident for areas at high elevation. The warming was mostly attributable to the increase in annual mean minimum temperature. The characteristics of high temperature/heat waves are increase in frequency, prolonged duration, and weakened intensity. Annual precipitation showed a weak decreasing trend and drier in the east and more rainfall in the west. The precipitation amount in flood season was declining markedly in the whole region; rainfall from extreme heavy precipitation did not change much, and the portion of annual precipitation contributed by extreme heavy precipitation had an increasing trend; annual non-rainy days and the longest consecutive non-rainy days were both increasing; the extreme drought had a decreasing trend since the 1990s; the autumn-rain days displayed a downward fluctuation with apparent periodicity and intermittency. The number of southwestern vortices was decreasing whereas the number of moving vortices increased. 展开更多
关键词 climate change Southwest China extreme climate events
Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Two Sided Action of Different Exotic Semirings 被引量:1
作者 Mariana Durcheva 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第1期6-13,共8页
The idempotent semirings Rmax and Rmin play a crucial role in several areas of mathematics and their applications such as discrete mathematics, algebraic geometry, computer science, computer languages, linguistic prob... The idempotent semirings Rmax and Rmin play a crucial role in several areas of mathematics and their applications such as discrete mathematics, algebraic geometry, computer science, computer languages, linguistic problems, optimization theory, discrete event systems, fuzzy logics. In this paper we consider the expansion of the semirings Rmax and Rmin with residuals and describe how to use these expended semirings in public key cryptography. 展开更多
关键词 Public key cryptosystem exotic semirings semiring action residuals.
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