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作者 方世勇 《荆楚学刊》 2023年第1期23-28,共6页
孔子与庄子作为儒家与道家的代表人物,其各自的丧葬观对中国社会产生了极大的影响。孔子事于“矩”的丧葬观体现其主张在丧葬中重“礼”与“哀”,庄子事于“心”的丧葬观体现其主张在丧葬中重“简”与“乐”:前者重在维系社会礼制法度... 孔子与庄子作为儒家与道家的代表人物,其各自的丧葬观对中国社会产生了极大的影响。孔子事于“矩”的丧葬观体现其主张在丧葬中重“礼”与“哀”,庄子事于“心”的丧葬观体现其主张在丧葬中重“简”与“乐”:前者重在维系社会礼制法度的稳定,后者重在寻求个人精神层面的解脱。对孔子与庄子丧葬观的探讨与比较,可以更好地审视孔子与庄子的思想主张及他们对后世的影响。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 庄子 于“矩” 于“ 丧葬观 比较
作者 郭卫宏 海佳 《华中建筑》 2007年第8期47-49,共3页
关键词 东莞市清溪镇办 五律协同 可持续发展 设计理念
作者 安宁 《校园心理》 2008年第5期50-51,共2页
朋友禾曾是我们读书时公认的最幸福的公主。母亲是大学教授,父亲是一家公司的老总,当年我们还在读研的时候,她的父亲就出50万在北京给她买了一个小房子。禾是好客的女子,周末时常将我们这一帮朋友召到房子里去,开一个热闹的Party,... 朋友禾曾是我们读书时公认的最幸福的公主。母亲是大学教授,父亲是一家公司的老总,当年我们还在读研的时候,她的父亲就出50万在北京给她买了一个小房子。禾是好客的女子,周末时常将我们这一帮朋友召到房子里去,开一个热闹的Party,那时的禾是舞会上最张扬、最美丽的女王,而我们,则是她前呼后拥的臣子。没有人能够夺去禾闪耀的光华, 展开更多
关键词 中国 当代 小说 作品赏析 《爱情只是两颗 安宁
作者 王者归来 《中等职业教育》 2010年第11期18-18,共1页
人生不如意者,十之八九。无数的失败就像凸起在人生道路上的绊脚石一样,让急于赶路的我们接二连三地摔着跟头。然而,摔跟头并不可怕,可怕的是摔了跟头之后却再也没有站起来的勇气。事情输了不要紧,只要心中依旧充满自信,能够笑着... 人生不如意者,十之八九。无数的失败就像凸起在人生道路上的绊脚石一样,让急于赶路的我们接二连三地摔着跟头。然而,摔跟头并不可怕,可怕的是摔了跟头之后却再也没有站起来的勇气。事情输了不要紧,只要心中依旧充满自信,能够笑着掸去身上的尘土,那么,你就会继续在人生路上昂首阔步。宁可输事,不可输心,拥有不败心态的人,才能获得成功。 展开更多
关键词 中等教育 课外阅读 阅读材料 《宁可输 不可输
作者 东子 《中国自行车》 2012年第7期58-59,共2页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《最初的做永远的——绩溪车友与他们的快乐生活》
中国哲学中的王阳明心学 被引量:3
作者 杨国荣 Hou Jian(译) 《孔学堂》 CSSCI 2022年第2期4-13,107-121,共25页
王阳明的心学涉及“心与物”“心与理”“心与事”“致良知”以及“本体与工夫”等多重方面。在心物关系上,王阳明认为“意之所在便是物”,其含义不在于以人的意识或心体在时空中构造世界,而是通过心体的外化活动(心的意向性活动)来赋... 王阳明的心学涉及“心与物”“心与理”“心与事”“致良知”以及“本体与工夫”等多重方面。在心物关系上,王阳明认为“意之所在便是物”,其含义不在于以人的意识或心体在时空中构造世界,而是通过心体的外化活动(心的意向性活动)来赋予相关对象以意义,并由此形成意义世界。在心与理的关系上,王阳明以“心即理”融合两者,由此,作为普遍法则和规范的理不再表现为独立于个体的外部存在,而个体意识也扬弃了本然的形态,获得了普遍的自觉形态。王阳明所注重的“心”同时又关联着“事”的展开过程。在心学中,“事”构成了理解物、把握道的前提,并在成就人的过程中呈现本源的意义。以事成人关乎以良知为内容的德性,良知本身则既包含理性的规范,又展开为“好善恶恶”的情感认同,并以恒定之志为内容。作为综合性的意识,良知与“本体”具有相通性,“致良知”则与后天的工夫一致。“良知”和“致良知”之辩,在心学中表现为本体与工夫之间的关系。从总体上看,通过沟通“以工夫说本体”与“以本体说工夫”,王阳明肯定了本体和工夫之间的统一。 展开更多
关键词 良知 本体与工夫
阳明心学打造当代心力 被引量:3
作者 王晨光 《企业管理》 2020年第2期121-122,共2页
关键词 力资源 阳明 系统 道德
作者 杨国荣 《哲学分析》 CSSCI 2022年第4期44-61,197,共19页
从总的进路看,合理的哲学研究方式在于兼容感性、知性、理性,以三者互动的形式把握世界与人自身的存在。同时,需要区分体系建构与系统化考察,哲学研究需要系统化,其核心观念也应该系统地展开,现时代虽无需追求体系化的哲学,但系统化的... 从总的进路看,合理的哲学研究方式在于兼容感性、知性、理性,以三者互动的形式把握世界与人自身的存在。同时,需要区分体系建构与系统化考察,哲学研究需要系统化,其核心观念也应该系统地展开,现时代虽无需追求体系化的哲学,但系统化的研究却是严肃的哲学研究所不可或缺的。就哲学与哲学史的关系而言,一方面,真切地理解哲学史,需要以哲学理论为背景,另一方面,哲学理论建构或思考也离不开哲学史。在哲学领域,创造性的研究可以取得多重形式,并不仅仅限定于学术接续或直接承继的模式。从“心”与“事”的关系看,“事”具有综合性的形态,既包括“心”及其活动(观念性的活动),又以“人”为主体,在“人”“心”“事”的相互关联中,事因人而有,人成于事而又以事观之。从哲学的层面考察世界,便不能不注意本然存在与现实世界的区分。同时,哲学以跨越界限的方式理解世界,体现其不同于知识对特定领域、对象的分别的把握,但跨越界限本身又是通过多样的形式实现的,求其通与多样性、个体性,并非相互排斥。 展开更多
关键词 以“”观之 史与思 ”与“ 具体性
“内七篇奥义”之四 《人间世》奥义——因应外境的庄学“处世”论 被引量:1
作者 张远山 《社会科学论坛》 2007年第6期5-35,共31页
本文是“内七篇奥义”系列的第四篇。《养生主》阐明主动而理想的个体“人生”之后,《人间世》阐明互动而实际的群体“处世”:对君主专制正面强攻,与伪道俗见全面交锋,遂成“内七篇”最为危险之篇,庄子的隐晦其旨、支离其言因而臻于极... 本文是“内七篇奥义”系列的第四篇。《养生主》阐明主动而理想的个体“人生”之后,《人间世》阐明互动而实际的群体“处世”:对君主专制正面强攻,与伪道俗见全面交锋,遂成“内七篇”最为危险之篇,庄子的隐晦其旨、支离其言因而臻于极至。旧庄学的谬解曲说,导致义理浅显的《人间世》像义理艰深的《齐物论》一样难懂。本文作者以史实考证为依据,详尽阐明了庄子对孔子的“不然于不然”“然于然”及“不然然”;进而以“内七篇”整体结构为依据,无懈可击地抉发出被旧庄学遮蔽两千年的千古未发之覆——庄学“间世”奥义。 展开更多
关键词 因应外境 逃刑免患 游方之内 游方之外 乘物游 间世保身 与天为徒 与人为徒 十字金言 事心 内热 饮冰 散木 文木 执斧斤 被斧斤 支离其形 支离其德 支离其言 胜物不伤
作者 曹津源 《美文(青春写作)》 2018年第10期59-62,共4页
在文章描述的场面或事件中,所写人物虽然都在作者“我”的视域里活动,但“我”并未介入、参与其中,“我”的叙事身份只是一个“置身事外”的“看客”,但在看似“客观”的记叙中,文章的选材、立意、构思都体现着“我”的感悟和思考。作... 在文章描述的场面或事件中,所写人物虽然都在作者“我”的视域里活动,但“我”并未介入、参与其中,“我”的叙事身份只是一个“置身事外”的“看客”,但在看似“客观”的记叙中,文章的选材、立意、构思都体现着“我”的感悟和思考。作家孙道荣的《吃面》就是一篇运用“身置事外,心入事内”的佳作。 展开更多
关键词 《“看客”也能“看”出好文章——“身置 内”技法浅说》 中国 当代文学 杂文
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation with fragmented QRS complex and J wave in resting electrocardiogram 被引量:10
作者 Jing Wang Min Tang +8 位作者 Ke-Xiu Mao Jian-Min Chu Wei Hua Yu-He Jia Ying-Jie Zhao Wei Wei Xu-Hua Chen Jie-Lin Pu Shu Zhang 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期143-147,共5页
Objective To describe the clinical characteristics of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) with fragmented QRS complex (f-QRS) and J wave in resting electrocardiogram. Methods We reviewed data from 21 case su... Objective To describe the clinical characteristics of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) with fragmented QRS complex (f-QRS) and J wave in resting electrocardiogram. Methods We reviewed data from 21 case subjects in our hospital who were resuscitated after cardiac arrest due to IVF and assessed the prevalence of f-QRS and J wave in resting electrocardiogram (ECG). All the case subjects were classified among three groups based on the electrocardiographic morphology: group I, both f-QRS and J wave were observed (n = 6), group II, only J wave was observed (n = 9), group III, neither f-QRS nor J wave was observed (n = 6). Population characteristics, history of syncope or sudden cardiac arrest, incidence of ventricular fibrillation (VF), and circumstance of VF were evaluated among the three groups. Results The incidence of index events (syncope, survived cardiac arrest and VF episodes recorded in implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) or pacemakers) was 13.4 ~ 5.6 per-year in group I, 10.8 ~ 3.9 per-year in group II, and 9.8 -4- 4.2 per-year in group HI. There were significant differences in incidences among the three groups, the most frequent index events were observed in group I. The hazard ratio for incidence was 3.2 (95%CI, 1.1-7.9; P = 0.01). The history and circumstance of the index events were different among the groups. In group I, all the index events occurred during sleep in early morning. In group II, four subjects suffered VF during strenuous physical activities or agitation state, two during sleep in early morning, three in usual activity. In group III, one subject suffered VF during sleep in early morning, one in agitation state, four in usual activity. Conclusions This study suggests that the IVF patients with the combined appearance of f-QRS and J wave in the resting ECG suffer an increased risk of VF, this subgroup of IVF patients has a unique clinical feature. 展开更多
关键词 Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation ELECTROCARDIOGRAM fragmented QRS J wave
The relationship between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and major cardiovascular events in elderly patients with chronic heart failure
作者 WeiYAN Jian-Zhong LI Kun-Lun HE 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第12期780-780,共1页
We have read with great interest a reader's letter that ad- dresses several important topics.
关键词 Chronic heart failure Major cardiovascular events Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio
Left atrial area index predicts adverse cardiovascular events in patients with unstable angina pectoris 被引量:6
作者 Yi-Fan LI Wei-Hong LI +4 位作者 Zhao-Ping LI Xin-Heng FENG Wei-Xian XU Shao-Min CHEN Wei GAO 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第8期652-657,共6页
Background The left atrial size has been considered as a useful marker of adverse cardiovascular outcomes. However, it is not well known whether left atrial area index (LAAI) has predictive value for prognosis in pa... Background The left atrial size has been considered as a useful marker of adverse cardiovascular outcomes. However, it is not well known whether left atrial area index (LAAI) has predictive value for prognosis in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP). This study was aimed to assess the association between LAAI and outcomes in UAP patients. Methods We enrolled a total of 391 in-hospital patients diag- nosed as UAP. Clinical and echocardiographic data at baseline were collected. The patients were followed for the development of ad- verse cardiovascular (CV) events, including hospital readmission for angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), congestive heart failure (CHF), stroke and all-cause mortality. Results During a mean follow-up time of 26.3±8.6 months, 98 adverse CV events occurred (84 hospital readmission for angina pectoris, four AMI, four CHF, one stroke and five all-cause mortality). In a multivariate Cox model, LAAI [OR: 1.140, 95% CI: 1.01±1.279, P = 0.026], diastolic blood pressure (OR: 0.976, 95% CI: 0.956-0.996, P = 0.020) and pulse pressure (OR 1.020, 95% CI: 1.007-1.034, P = 0.004) were independent predictors for adverse CV events in UAP patients. Conclusions LAAI is a predictor of adverse CV events independent of clinical and other echocardiographic parameters in UAP patients. 展开更多
关键词 Adverse cardiovascular events Left atrial area index Prognostic factor Unstable angina pectoris
Health care exploration work for the military empty nest old cadres
作者 Yang Ping Hu Wei +1 位作者 Liu Ya Wang Xiaohua 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第6期361-367,共7页
In recent years, the retired veteran cadres have grown older and older, and their numbers have also increased year by year. In this case, how to maintain the physical and mental health of empty nest veteran cadre, and... In recent years, the retired veteran cadres have grown older and older, and their numbers have also increased year by year. In this case, how to maintain the physical and mental health of empty nest veteran cadre, and further improve the quality of their life has been a realistic problem many primary health care doctors have to face and solve. 展开更多
关键词 Empty nest veteran cadre Home-based care for the aged Health care Retired sanatorium
Comments to "Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio compared to N-terminal pro- brain natriuretic peptide as a prognostic marker of adverse events in elderly patients with chronic heart failure" 被引量:3
作者 Kahraman Cosansu Cagin Mustafa Ureyen 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第10期657-658,共2页
We have read the article which entitled "Neutrophil-to- lymphocyte ratio compared to N-terminal pro-brain natri- uretic peptide as a prognostic marker of adverse events in elderly patients with chronic heart failure... We have read the article which entitled "Neutrophil-to- lymphocyte ratio compared to N-terminal pro-brain natri- uretic peptide as a prognostic marker of adverse events in elderly patients with chronic heart failure" published in Journal of Geriatric Cardiology with great interest, However, we have some comments regarding this study. 展开更多
关键词 Atrial fibrillation C-reactive protein Major cardiovascular event Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio
The Land Question and Catholic-Anglican Relations in Buha, Western Tanzania: The White Fathers and C.M.S. Experience, 1934-1959
作者 Salvatory Stephen Nyanto 《History Research》 2016年第1期10-22,共13页
Land was important--in the course of spreading and seeking new converts--for both Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) and Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.) in Buha, Western Tanzania. This paper examines the la... Land was important--in the course of spreading and seeking new converts--for both Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) and Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.) in Buha, Western Tanzania. This paper examines the land question as one of the challenges that the White Fathers encountered in their attempt to evangelize communities in Western Tanzania. I argue that the land question remained throughout the late-colonial period one of the unresolved issues, and at some mission stations, impeded the activities of the White Fathers and C.M.S. missionaries. This paper relies on archival documents first, to examine the land question and White Fathers-C.M.S. relations in Buha from 1934 to 1959. Second, I intend to demonstrate the fact that land issues remained at the heart of the missionary enterprise in Buha. Both Catholic and Anglican missionaries were determined to have more mission plots for medical, education and religious purposes. 展开更多
关键词 land question White Fathers C.M.S. Buha
The Roots of Psychological Trauma and Post-TraumaticStress Reaction/Disorders and the Intervention
作者 Jing Zeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期100-102,共3页
Psychological trauma refers to the catastrophic or traumatic events harmful to individuals' inner world. Strong emotional and psychological reaction caused by traumatic factors will form psychological shadows, and th... Psychological trauma refers to the catastrophic or traumatic events harmful to individuals' inner world. Strong emotional and psychological reaction caused by traumatic factors will form psychological shadows, and the improper coping of these events will lead to a post-traumatic stress disorder. In this paper, the author makes an exploration on the roots of psychological trauma and of post-traumatic stress reaction or disorders, which were caused by natural traumatic event, such as floods, snowstorms, earthquakes and other man-made factors such as wars, accidents from a psychological point of view. Finally, some suggestions of intervention are provided for the relevant departments to make relevant rebuilding policies. 展开更多
关键词 Psychological Trauma Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction PTSD INTERVENTION
作者 郝家林 《现代职业安全》 2002年第7期22-23,共2页
"2002中国国际安全生产论坛暨中国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会"将于10月在京举行,这是我国第一次举办如此大规模的安全生产领域的国际盛会,届时将有来自国际权威性组织、各国政府官员、知名学者专家和企业家等莅临此次论坛... "2002中国国际安全生产论坛暨中国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会"将于10月在京举行,这是我国第一次举办如此大规模的安全生产领域的国际盛会,届时将有来自国际权威性组织、各国政府官员、知名学者专家和企业家等莅临此次论坛.本刊记者就此采访了论坛承办单位负责人、国家安全生产监督管理局外事中心主任柏然. 展开更多
关键词 “中国国际安全生产论坛” 国家局外 柏然 展览会
Association between preoperative high sensitive troponin I levels and cardiovascular events after hip fracture surgery in the elderly 被引量:16
作者 Bum Sung Kim Tae-Hoon Kim +5 位作者 Jeong-Hwan Oh Chang Hee Kwon Sung Hea Kim Hyun-Joong Kim Heung Kon Hwang Sang-Man Chung 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期215-221,共7页
Objective Cardiovascular complications contribute to postoperative morbidity and mortality in elderly hip fracture patients. Limited data are available regarding which preoperative risk factors predict cardiovascular ... Objective Cardiovascular complications contribute to postoperative morbidity and mortality in elderly hip fracture patients. Limited data are available regarding which preoperative risk factors predict cardiovascular course following hip fracture surgery (HFS). We used high sensitive troponin I (hs-TnI) assays and clinical parameters to identify preoperative risk factors associated with major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in elderly hip frac^u'e patients. Method From August 2014 to November 2016, 575 patients with hip fracture were enrolled in a retrospective, single-center registry. A total of 262 of these patients underwent HFS and hs-TnI assays. MACE was defined as postoperative all-cause deaths, heart failure (HF), new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF), myocardial infarction (MI) and cardiovascular re-hospitalization that occurred within 90 days postoperative. Results Of 262 HFS patients, MACE developed following HFS in 65 (24.8%). Patients with MACE were older and had higher rates of renal insufficiency, coronary artery disease, prior HF, low left ventricular ejection fraction and use of beta blockers; higher levels of hs-Tnl and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and higher revised cardiac risk index. A preoperative hs-TnI≥ 6.5 ng/L was associated with high risk of postoperative HF, new-onset AF and MACE. In multivariable analysis, pre-operative independent predictors for MACE were age 〉 80 years [adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 1.79, 95% confident interval (CI): 1.03-3.13, P = 0.04], left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 〈 50% (adjusted HR: 3.17, 95% CI: 1.47-5.82, P 〈 0.01) and hs-TnI 〉 6.5 ng/L (adjusted HR: 3.75, 95% CI: 2.09~5.17, P 〈 0.01). Conclusion In elderly patients with hip fracture who undergo HFS, a preoperative assessment of hs-TnI may help the risk refinement of cardiovascular complications. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiovascular complication High sensitive troponin I Hip fracture surgery
Evaluation of Road Accidents in Pristina in the Period 2009-2012
作者 Basri Lenjani Salih Krasniqi +2 位作者 Nehat Baftiu Ilaz Bunjaku Arianit Jakupi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第1期92-95,共4页
Approximately 15,000-17,000 thousand people die worldwide in traffic accidents as a consequence of all types of injuries. This study has a descriptive nature. It is based on data obtained from archives including the t... Approximately 15,000-17,000 thousand people die worldwide in traffic accidents as a consequence of all types of injuries. This study has a descriptive nature. It is based on data obtained from archives including the treatment database of the Emergency Center. The period January 2009 to December 2012 has been considered for this research. The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of fatal road traffic accidents in Pristine, Kosovo, and describe their determinants. The number of injured in traffic accidents who have sought emergency medical assistance in the Emergency Center from January 2009 to December 2012 is increasing significantly. It is concluded that except reasons mentioned above and among others, there also are the following factors: enormous increase of number of persons equipped with driving license, driving speeds above limits which are considered to be the primary cause of the road traffic accidents. These findings can serve as a basis for health care professionals and policymakers to create preventive measures for traffic accidents. 展开更多
关键词 Emergency center ACCIDENT traffic.
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