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作者 郭勇 张建 +1 位作者 王兴功 杨甲祥 《军事医学科学院院刊》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期225-237,共13页
研制了两种用于手表红宝石事故剂量计测量的特殊热释光剂量读出装置;对国内、外 10种不同种类、型号的手表红宝石热释光剂量特性进行了实验研究,结果表明:在热释发光 曲线、灵敏度、重复使用性、衰退性、光敏性、能量响应、剂量响... 研制了两种用于手表红宝石事故剂量计测量的特殊热释光剂量读出装置;对国内、外 10种不同种类、型号的手表红宝石热释光剂量特性进行了实验研究,结果表明:在热释发光 曲线、灵敏度、重复使用性、衰退性、光敏性、能量响应、剂量响应等性能满足事故个人剂量测量的要求,手表红宝石是目前人体佩戴物中方便易得的实用个人事故剂量计;在几起辐射事 故中得到了成功的应用,其中列举了一起有代表性的60Co源事故受照者的剂量测量和计算。 展开更多
关键词 手表红宝石 事故剂量计 辐射剂量
辐射事故剂量范围照射后塑料假牙材料的顺磁共振特性 被引量:2
作者 吴可 丛建波 孙存普 《辐射研究与辐射工艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期46-49,共4页
用电子顺磁共振(ESR)技术对两种常用假牙材料(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯和拜耳树脂)的剂量学特性研究结果如下:在0~20Gy60Coγ射线照后,两种材料中均被诱发出新的信号,其g值范围为1.9942~2.0144。聚甲基丙烯... 用电子顺磁共振(ESR)技术对两种常用假牙材料(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯和拜耳树脂)的剂量学特性研究结果如下:在0~20Gy60Coγ射线照后,两种材料中均被诱发出新的信号,其g值范围为1.9942~2.0144。聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯在上述剂量范围内信号强度对照射剂量呈线性响应(r=0.97),且信号线宽也随剂量有明显变化。而拜耳树脂在8Gy以下响应呈正相关,而后响应出现饱和。如照后即刻测量,两种材料可测量下限均不大于2Gy。在人体体温37℃下,信号24h后平均衰减40%,而后的一周内衰减较慢,约10%。如照后低温(-25℃)保存,衰减速度可大大减低,一周内总衰减约25%-30%。上述结果表明,如能在事故后及早测量或低温保存样品,两种常用假牙材料都具有充当辐射事故剂量ESR检测材料的可能性。其中拜耳假牙难以用于8Gy以上剂量范围。 展开更多
关键词 电子顺磁共振 假牙 事故剂量计 辐射事故剂量
The Role of Countermeasures in Mitigating the Radiological Consequences of Nuclear Power Plant Accidents 被引量:1
作者 F.S. Tawfik M.M. Abdel-Aal 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期920-924,共5页
The countermeasures are the actions that should be taken, after the occurrence of a nuclear accident to protect the public against the associated risks. These actions may be represented by sheltering, evacuation, dist... The countermeasures are the actions that should be taken, after the occurrence of a nuclear accident to protect the public against the associated risks. These actions may be represented by sheltering, evacuation, distribution of stable iodine tablets and/or relocation. This study represents a comprehensive probabilistic study to investigate the role of the adoption of the countermeasures in case of a hypothetical accident of type LOCA for nuclear power plant of PWR (1000 Mw). The effective doses in different organs, short and long health effects, and the associated risks are calculated with and without countermeasures. In addition, the overall costs of the accident and the costs of countermeasures are estimated which represent our first trials to know how much the proposed accident cost. The results showed that, the area around the site requires early and late countermeasures action after the accident especially in the downwind sectors. For late countermeasures, the duration time of relocation ranged from about two to 10 years. The adoption of the countermeasures increases the costs of emergency plan by 40% but reduces the risk associated the accident. 展开更多
关键词 LOCA accident probabilistic risk assessments emergency plan in nuclear power plants.
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