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《优越生活》 1998年第9期23-23,共1页
【正】 广西壮族自治区劳动厅日前来函就企业在租赁过程中发生伤亡事故如何划分事故单位的问题进行请示。根据《企业职工伤亡事故报告和处理规定》(国务院第75号令)和《企业职工伤亡事故报告统计问题解答》(劳办发[1993]140号),劳动部... 【正】 广西壮族自治区劳动厅日前来函就企业在租赁过程中发生伤亡事故如何划分事故单位的问题进行请示。根据《企业职工伤亡事故报告和处理规定》(国务院第75号令)和《企业职工伤亡事故报告统计问题解答》(劳办发[1993]140号),劳动部办公厅于1997年7月9日以劳办发[1997]62号文答复如下:一、企业在租赁、承包过程中,如果承租方或承包方无经营证照,驻为个人(或合伙)与出租方或发包方签订租赁(或承包)合同,若发生伤亡事故应认定出租方或发包方为事故单位。 展开更多
关键词 伤亡事故 事故单 职工伤亡 事故报告 租赁 广西壮族自治区 企业 出租方 发包方 承包方
化学事故 医学救援
作者 李文煜 《职业卫生与应急救援》 1995年第3期113-115,共3页
化学事故医学救援化学工业部南方化工急性中毒应急救援中心(200041)李文煜医学救援和工程救援是化学事故应急救援中的两大主要任务。其中医学救援在整个化学事故处理过程中具有特殊地位,发挥重要作用,对于降低伤亡,减少事故... 化学事故医学救援化学工业部南方化工急性中毒应急救援中心(200041)李文煜医学救援和工程救援是化学事故应急救援中的两大主要任务。其中医学救援在整个化学事故处理过程中具有特殊地位,发挥重要作用,对于降低伤亡,减少事故危害性意义重大。化学事故医学救援,... 展开更多
关键词 医学救援 化学事故 应急救援 事故单 社会救援 医护人员 事故危害 职业危害 化学危险物品 危害程度
《职业卫生与应急救援》 1994年第3期1-3,共3页
化学事故应急救援管理办法第一章总则第一条为在发生化学事故时能及时、有效地开展事故单位自救与企业间的互救,尽最大可能减少事故的危害和损失,保障化工生产的顺利进行,根据中华人民共和国劳动法和有关法律,制定本办法。第二条化... 化学事故应急救援管理办法第一章总则第一条为在发生化学事故时能及时、有效地开展事故单位自救与企业间的互救,尽最大可能减少事故的危害和损失,保障化工生产的顺利进行,根据中华人民共和国劳动法和有关法律,制定本办法。第二条化学事故应急救援是指发生重大或灾害性... 展开更多
关键词 化学事故 应急救援预案 救援队伍 应急救援工作 事故预防 急性中毒 化工部 事故单 企事业 救援装备
《陕西省人民政府公报》 2005年第18期48-48,共1页
西安市从今年二季度开始实行生产安全事故警示会制度。该制度规定,市级生产安全事故警示会每季度或每半年召开一次,由市政府主要领导、市安委会各成员单位和事故单位主要负责人参加,邀请新闻媒体参加。制度要求对发生的重大生产安全事故... 西安市从今年二季度开始实行生产安全事故警示会制度。该制度规定,市级生产安全事故警示会每季度或每半年召开一次,由市政府主要领导、市安委会各成员单位和事故单位主要负责人参加,邀请新闻媒体参加。制度要求对发生的重大生产安全事故,以及其他影响较大的生产安全事故要公开曝光。同时规定事故单位的法人代表要就事故情况、原因分析、责任追究。 展开更多
关键词 安全事故 事故单 制度要求 大生产 生产状况 原因分析 责任追究 整改措施 主要负责人 新闻媒体
《水利建设与管理》 1999年第2期27-29,共3页
一、总则第一条为加强水利工程质量管理,规范水利工程质量事故处理行为,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》,制定本规定。第二条凡在中华人民共和国境内进行各类水利工程的质量事故处理时,必须遵守本规定。本... 一、总则第一条为加强水利工程质量管理,规范水利工程质量事故处理行为,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》,制定本规定。第二条凡在中华人民共和国境内进行各类水利工程的质量事故处理时,必须遵守本规定。本规定所称工程质量事故是指在水利工程建设过程中。 展开更多
关键词 工程质量事故 水利工程 质量事故处理 中华人民共和国 水行政主管部门 工程寿命 项目法人 流域机构 暂行规定 事故单
作者 孙占学 《兵工安全技术》 CAS CSCD 1999年第4期42-43,共2页
关键词 习惯性违章 氧气瓶 氢气瓶 恶性事故 安全管理人员 钢瓶 安全意识 事故单 发展过程 发生
作者 徐文焕 《新闻知识》 北大核心 1999年第4期40-40,共1页
关键词 错别字 “第一读者” 校对人员 奖罚制度 审读员 团工作 事故单 率控制 12月份 花钱买
作者 徐文焕 《今传媒》 1999年第3期11-11,共1页
今年年初,宝鸡日报社在总结1998年工作时,像往年一样,又公布了一个令局外人颇感吃惊的数字:全年对各类差错罚款13370元。这笔罚款是怎样产生的呢?它是从稿件中出现错别字或组版中出现重稿的记者、编辑,以及因种种原因“... 今年年初,宝鸡日报社在总结1998年工作时,像往年一样,又公布了一个令局外人颇感吃惊的数字:全年对各类差错罚款13370元。这笔罚款是怎样产生的呢?它是从稿件中出现错别字或组版中出现重稿的记者、编辑,以及因种种原因“放行”错别字或重稿的各业务环节把关... 展开更多
关键词 错别字 “第一读者” 《宝鸡日报》 校对人员 上道工序 奖罚制度 责任人 审读员 事故单 业务环节
作者 杜旭红 郑建国 +3 位作者 吴尧 刘凯 路文芳 赵凯杰 《自动化与仪器仪表》 2024年第9期134-139,共6页
采用HAZOP分析法找出了5个LNG储罐工艺偏差,通过分析偏差产生的原因与事故后果,筛选出LNG储罐液位高、压力大、包容物损失(泄漏)3个高风险事故场景,再引入“多IE(初始事件)引发单事故后果的复杂事故场景”LOPA分析法,通过进一步评估初... 采用HAZOP分析法找出了5个LNG储罐工艺偏差,通过分析偏差产生的原因与事故后果,筛选出LNG储罐液位高、压力大、包容物损失(泄漏)3个高风险事故场景,再引入“多IE(初始事件)引发单事故后果的复杂事故场景”LOPA分析法,通过进一步评估初始事件、保护层的有效性、其他安全措施,计算事故发生频率发现:LNG储罐现有安全措施还不够完善、安全仪表功能没有区分明确;对事故发生频率不满足风险等级要求的事件,建议增加相应SIL的安全仪表系统(SIS)减缓事故风险等级,使企业事故风险等级在可接受范围之内,提高工艺安全设计的合理性与可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 LNG储罐 HAZOP LOPA-SIL 多IE引发事故后果 安全对策措施
单吊环事故预防现状与展望 被引量:2
作者 张志军 张桉 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2017年第10期94-95,共2页
单吊环事故是钻井施工中作业人员操作失误所造成的钻井工程事故,轻则造成钻具折断入井,发生井下钻具事故及卡钻等次生事故;重则造成人员伤害及油气井的报废,给钻井公司生产经营和油田开发造成重大经济损失。多年以来,各钻井公司一直没... 单吊环事故是钻井施工中作业人员操作失误所造成的钻井工程事故,轻则造成钻具折断入井,发生井下钻具事故及卡钻等次生事故;重则造成人员伤害及油气井的报废,给钻井公司生产经营和油田开发造成重大经济损失。多年以来,各钻井公司一直没有很好的方案与措施来预防单吊环事故。预防单吊环装置的研发,填补了国内此项事故预防的空白,为石油钻井设备本质安全提供了保证。 展开更多
关键词 吊环事故 预防 现状 展望
Technology Makes it Happen -But it Doesn't Tell the Story by Itself
作者 Constantin Trofin 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第8期405-414,共10页
Technology we used in order to tell visual stories is constantly improving, newer technology superseding the old one at a breathtaking rate. Yet, video technology is a means and does not do the storytelling itself. Ho... Technology we used in order to tell visual stories is constantly improving, newer technology superseding the old one at a breathtaking rate. Yet, video technology is a means and does not do the storytelling itself. However, visual storytellers must keep themselves updated with technology in order to get the best of their work. DSLR cameras are now leading the visual storytelling pack and some respected visual storytellers share conclusions of their experiences. 展开更多
关键词 visual storytelling DSLR camera HD video capture shoulder rig visual storytelling
The Application of CLAN on Shared and Unique Words Between Leveled Storybooks
作者 Chia-Hui Cindy Shen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第11期853-862,共10页
The present study aimed to investigate the application of the CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis) program in the CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System) on shared and unique words between storybooks. Sixty... The present study aimed to investigate the application of the CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis) program in the CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System) on shared and unique words between storybooks. Sixty sixth-grade Chinese-speaking children at an elementary school in Taipei City were recruited. Forty-four three-level of storybooks from Kizclub were collected and analyzed. Fifteen minutes reading instruction was followed by the use of CLAN on storybooks for 25 minutes. Children were given written and spoken vocabulary tests after each cluster of storybook reading period. There were three main findings of the study. First, young EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners' word learning was enhanced through multiple exposures to the shared and unique words from the storybooks. Second, word instruction in isolation prompted written and spoken word learning beyond word instruction in context and repeated reading. Third, the results had pedagogical implications on the value and feasibility of language teaching with storybooks in promoting EFL students' word learning by using CLAN, and the limitations of the study were provided. 展开更多
关键词 CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis) storybook word learning post-reading activities
作者 金力 《新体育》 2001年第12期40-41,共2页
古老的街道,午后温暖的阳光。咖啡店门前摆放着几张桌子,几位老年男子围坐在桌旁不紧不慢地谈论着罗马与拉齐奥的同城大战,谈论着皮耶罗和巴蒂斯图塔。桌上是几份报纸和几杯冒着热气的意大利蒸气咖啡CAPPUCCINO,浓郁的奶香和咖啡香从咖... 古老的街道,午后温暖的阳光。咖啡店门前摆放着几张桌子,几位老年男子围坐在桌旁不紧不慢地谈论着罗马与拉齐奥的同城大战,谈论着皮耶罗和巴蒂斯图塔。桌上是几份报纸和几杯冒着热气的意大利蒸气咖啡CAPPUCCINO,浓郁的奶香和咖啡香从咖啡店门溢出来,飘向街道远处…… 展开更多
关键词 意大利人 足球彩票 足彩 比赛 罗马 奥林匹克 现场直播 咖啡店 老年男子 事故单
作者 余修万 《湖南安全与防灾》 2003年第2期39-39,共1页
2003年元月31日上午,农历除夕新年的前一天。这天,所有的人都沉浸在欢庆羊年的喜庆气氛中。然而,在中石化巴陵分公司,此时正开着一个不同寻常的经理办公会。与会者表情凝重严肃,会场的气氛显然与节日的气氛是不符的,原来他们在研究元月... 2003年元月31日上午,农历除夕新年的前一天。这天,所有的人都沉浸在欢庆羊年的喜庆气氛中。然而,在中石化巴陵分公司,此时正开着一个不同寻常的经理办公会。与会者表情凝重严肃,会场的气氛显然与节日的气氛是不符的,原来他们在研究元月份因为"三违"造成安全事故的责任人的处分。元月份是石化行业的安全月。可是,在短短的十余天时间里,就连续发生了数起安全责任事故。安全警报一次次地鸣响着,它震惊了经理层的每一位领导。眼看就要过新年了,缓一缓行吗?答案显然是否定的。按照事故处理"三不放过"的原则,经理们不得不在此时硬着心肠"挥泪斩马稷"。会议首先由公司安环部主任蒋岳成通报和介绍事故调查情况。根据各事故单位报来的处理意见。 展开更多
关键词 处理意见 经理层 事故处理 分公司 事故单 安全事故 石化行业 气氛 责任事故 中石化
Status of ocular trauma in hospitalized patients in Kashan, 2011: As a sample of industrial city 被引量:1
作者 Mehdi Shaeri Alireza Moravveji +1 位作者 Mohamrnad Reza Fazel Fatemeh Rangraz Jeddi 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第6期326-329,共4页
Purpose: Ocular trauma is the third leading cause of hospitalization in ophthalmology patients, imposing direct and indirect physical and psychological costs on society. This study aims to investigate the status of o... Purpose: Ocular trauma is the third leading cause of hospitalization in ophthalmology patients, imposing direct and indirect physical and psychological costs on society. This study aims to investigate the status of ocular trauma in hospitalized patients in the industrialized city of Kashan in 2011. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive applied study was conducted in 2012 on patients hospitalized for ocular trauma. Data, including age, gender, occupation, education, timing of admission following accident, location of accident, type of injury, damaging instrument, and type of trauma, were collected using a questionnaire designed by a trained nurse, and analyzed using SPSS-lfi software by means of means _+ standard deviation, frequency, and percentage for descriptive data and t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Chi-square and Fisher exact test for analysis at significance level ofp 〈 0.05. Results: In total, 82 patients were hospitalized due to ocular traumas. The majority of patients were male (65 patients, 79.3%). Their mean age was (25.4 ± 21.4) years, with an age range of 20-40 years (30 patients, 36.6%). Hyphema was the most common injury (26 patients, 25.5%), home was the most frequent incident location (32 patients, 39%), and knife or other cutting tools were mostly responsible for injuries (18 patients, 21.9%). Patients were hospitalized for 1-6 days, and the average length of stay in hospital was 2.63 days. Frequency distribution of injuries based on whether or not ruptures differed significantly among different age groups. Conclusion: The majority of ocular trauma occurred in young males. Knife was the principle culprit for eye injuries, followed by vehicles. To reduce such incidents, it is recommended that people be trained to avoid high-risk behaviors when using knives and to better heed driving rules and regulations. 展开更多
关键词 Eye injuries Ophthalmology Eye foreign bodies
Epidemiology of traffic crash mortality in west of Iran in a 9 year period
作者 Behrooz Hamzeh Farid Najafi +3 位作者 Behzad Karamimatin Tuoraj Ahmadijouybari Aresh Salari Mehdi Moradinazar 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第2期70-74,共5页
Purpose: In Iran, the most common cause of injuries and the second leading cause of deaths are traffic accidents, and those problems impose a substantial financial burden on the society. This study aims to determine ... Purpose: In Iran, the most common cause of injuries and the second leading cause of deaths are traffic accidents, and those problems impose a substantial financial burden on the society. This study aims to determine traffic accident mortality trends and their epidemiologic characteristics in the Kermanshah province, west of lran. Methods: In a cross sectional study, road traffic fatality data from 2004 to 2013 were analyzed to determine the epidemiological pattern of traffic accident mortality. Trend assessment was performed to ascertain the decreasing or increasing status. Chi-square and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests, as well as Poisson regression were used to determine the significance of the data in time. Data were analyzed using Excel and statistical package of SPSS version 19. Results: Out of 5110 people that died in traffic accidents, 4024 (78.7%) were males. The state of accidents indicated that 404 (43.8%) female pedestrians died as a result of car crashes, and 1330 (41.4%) males died because of car collisions. 1554 (31.9%) deaths happened to pedestrians and 1556 (32.1%) to vehicle drivers, and the rest belonged to vehicle passengers. Head trauma was the cause of death for as much as 3400 (69.9%) cases. Fatal crashes in which pedestrians were involved mostly occurred between the hours 13:00 to 15:00, while the time for vehicle drivers was between 16:00 to 18:00. 2882 people (59.1%) died before reaching to health care facilities. Traffic crash mortality trend for pedestrians follows a linear pattern with a gentle downward slope, but the trend shows various swings when it comes to vehicle drivers. Conclusion: The number of traffic crash deaths from 2004 to 2013 indicates a decreasing trend in two groups of road users: vehicle drivers and car occupants. This can be due to some interventions such as modification of traffic rules and enhancement of police control which has been implemented in recent years. Moreover, more attention should be paid to promote the optimal health care services to save the lives of the injured from traffic accidents. 展开更多
关键词 Accidents trafficMotor vehiclesMortality[ran
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