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作者 蔡志杰 杨光 《河南消防》 2003年第1期40-40,共1页
关键词 漯河市 消防支队 “百安全无事故 竞赛活动 冬季
作者 谢锐亮 《珠江水运》 2003年第1期23-23,共1页
2002年12月12日,交通部珠江航务管理局给珠江水系跨省(区)水运企业印发了《关于在珠江水系开展百日安全无事故活动的通知》(以下简称《通知》),要求跨省(区)水运企业从2002年12月10日至2003年3月20日开展百日安全无事故活动,以确保今冬... 2002年12月12日,交通部珠江航务管理局给珠江水系跨省(区)水运企业印发了《关于在珠江水系开展百日安全无事故活动的通知》(以下简称《通知》),要求跨省(区)水运企业从2002年12月10日至2003年3月20日开展百日安全无事故活动,以确保今冬明春珠江水上交通安全。《通知》要求: 一、各有关单位要以党的十六大精神为指针。 展开更多
关键词 安全无事故活动 珠江水系 水上交通安全 《安全生产法》 防火防爆工作 危险品运输管理 春运
作者 邵安华 《交通企业管理》 1993年第3期40-40,共1页
“个体车祸猛于虎”,这是近期在江苏境内流传的一句口头禅。在1月15日至2月2日不到20天的时间内,安徽省的个体车辆就在江苏丹阳境内发生了三起特大行车事故.这三起特大行车事故都是车辆带病行驶、严重超载、驾驶员素质低下造成的。1月15... “个体车祸猛于虎”,这是近期在江苏境内流传的一句口头禅。在1月15日至2月2日不到20天的时间内,安徽省的个体车辆就在江苏丹阳境内发生了三起特大行车事故.这三起特大行车事故都是车辆带病行驶、严重超载、驾驶员素质低下造成的。1月15日,安徽肥东县石塘镇个体运输户王贤民驾驶额定26个座位的中型客年,载客51人,从上海返回,途经丹阳境内翻入公路右边的深水塘中,造成30人死亡、21人受伤。1月29日和2月2日,安徽又有2辆个体客车在丹阳境内烧毁和翻车, 展开更多
关键词 行车事故 江苏丹阳 严重超载 三起 运输户 石塘镇 肥东 事故日 管理不严
作者 陶望余 《有色设备》 1989年第3期48-49,47,共3页
关键词 柴油机曲轴 ZD 铜合金 主轴颈 出厂产品 事故日 投入运行 臂距差 穴蚀 主轴承
作者 王基 《创伤外科杂志》 2005年第4期243-243,共1页
(1)万车死亡率,年交通事故死亡人数/年平均机动车辆总数×10000;(2)10万死亡率,年交通事故死亡人数/年平均人口数×100000;(3)亿公里行程死亡率,年交通事故死亡人数/年机动车行驶公里数×100000000;(4)日平均事故... (1)万车死亡率,年交通事故死亡人数/年平均机动车辆总数×10000;(2)10万死亡率,年交通事故死亡人数/年平均人口数×100000;(3)亿公里行程死亡率,年交通事故死亡人数/年机动车行驶公里数×100000000;(4)日平均事故发生率,年交通事故发生率/365日;(5)日平均死亡人数,年交通事故死亡人数/365日。 展开更多
关键词 评估 交通伤 常用指标 万车死亡率 10万死亡率 亿公里行程死亡率 平均事故发生率 平均死亡人
Medical malpractice litigation related to gastrointestinal endoscopy in Japan:A two-decade review of civil court cases 被引量:1
作者 Toru Hiyama Shinji Tanaka +3 位作者 Masaharu Yoshihara Tatsuma Fukuhara Shinichi Mukai Kazuaki Chayama 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第42期6857-6860,共4页
AIM: To examine the allegations in malpractice litigations related to gastrointestinal endoscopy in Japan. METHODS: A retrospective review of cases tried in the civil court system during the 21-year period from 1985 t... AIM: To examine the allegations in malpractice litigations related to gastrointestinal endoscopy in Japan. METHODS: A retrospective review of cases tried in the civil court system during the 21-year period from 1985 to 2005, identified in a computerized legal database, was undertaken. RESULTS: Eighteen malpractice litigations and a total of 30 allegations were identified. Of the 18 (44%) malpractice litigations, 8 (44%) were related to eso- phagogastroduodenoscopy, 4 (22%) to colonoscopy, 4 (22%) to endoscopic sphincterotomy, and 2 (11%) to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Seventeen (94%) cases pertained to complications, and the remaining (6%) case pertained to misdiagnosis. In 10 cases, the patient died of the complications. Allegations were categorized as: (1) performance error during the endoscopic procedure (n = 12, 40%); (2) lack of informed consent (n = 9, 30%); (3) performance error during the treatment after the endoscopic procedure (n = 4, 13%); (4) premedication error (n = 3, 10%); (5) diagnostic error (n = 1, 3%); and (6) indication error for the endoscopic procedure (n = 1, 3%). CONCLUSION: These data may aid in the design of risk prevention strategies to be used by gastrointestinal endoscopists. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal endoscopy MALPRACTICE LITIGATION Risk management
Analysis of the Story-Line Behind Selected Hausa Proverbs
作者 Asabe Kabir Usman 《Sociology Study》 2014年第8期673-680,共8页
Proverbs which are short witty traditional oral expressions handed down from generation to generation as a common heritage is also believed to be true expressions of the Hausa people's philosophy. This philosophy is ... Proverbs which are short witty traditional oral expressions handed down from generation to generation as a common heritage is also believed to be true expressions of the Hausa people's philosophy. This philosophy is clad in different ways by the people as they are continuously at work to give meanings to their creative activities. Proverbs are one of the most relevant expressions of human wisdom and knowledge of nature, psychology, and reality for the Hausa people of Northern Nigeria; however, the images that are presented in the proverbs are culturally defined and they may differ from place to place, as well as from generation to generation. Proverbs are capable of a variety of meanings, according to how and when they are used. These findings have revealed that many popular and interesting Hausa proverbs tell a condensed story; these stories give vivid illustrations which help the hearer understand the proverbs. In this paper, the author attempts a deep intellectual analysis into the story-lines behind the emergence of some selected Hausa proverbs, with a view to comprehending and propagating embedded ideas and cultural principles or philosophies that may be relevant for contemporary social usage. 展开更多
关键词 PROVERBS NARRATION Hausa story-line
Trace Metals in PM_(2.5):A Story beyond Border
作者 SONG Jianlan 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2015年第4期230-234,共5页
In a lab of the CAS Institute of Process Engineering(IPE)in Beijing,Winifred Uduak Anake,a visiting woman scientist from Covenant University.Nigeria was dashing to finish testing the 100 plus samples she collected f... In a lab of the CAS Institute of Process Engineering(IPE)in Beijing,Winifred Uduak Anake,a visiting woman scientist from Covenant University.Nigeria was dashing to finish testing the 100 plus samples she collected from her home country."1 am trying to find out the type and amount of hazardous trace metals bound to the tiny particles trapped on the filters,"she explained:"out of worries about their possible threat to human health."Before concluding her three-month stay she needed to complete examining the morphology of the particles,total trace metals, 展开更多
关键词 beyond examining trapped finish hazardous explained threat visiting trying motivation
《中国劳动》 1953年第9期33-34,共2页
太原北站车辆段在未开展安全生产运动前,领导干部方面,普遍的存在着只重生产不重安全的思想,例如:在领导上向职工传达工作任务的时候,总是说:‘怎样能完成生产任务,或超额完成任务’,对於职工的安全生产问题上很少提到。又如在一九五○... 太原北站车辆段在未开展安全生产运动前,领导干部方面,普遍的存在着只重生产不重安全的思想,例如:在领导上向职工传达工作任务的时候,总是说:‘怎样能完成生产任务,或超额完成任务’,对於职工的安全生产问题上很少提到。又如在一九五○年的时候工人要求买防护用具、眼镜、手套、茶杯等,但领导干部,把这些合理的要求,当成是工人个人利益的额外要求,因而根本不给解决;尤其是基层领导干部,把带病或轻伤的工人仍旧工作当成一种光荣的事例,进行表扬,认为流一点血算不得甚么。因此很容易危害工人身体健康,根据一九五○年起到一九五一年底全段统计,就发生过轻伤事故六件,病假人数更多,平均每月有四十七人。在职工方面因为在旧社会的统治下养成轻视安全生产及卫生的习惯,解放以後对职工的教育又不够,所以在生产过程中不断的发生工伤事故。 展开更多
关键词 太原北站 基层领导干部 生产任务 轻伤事故 生产运动 防护用具 生产过程 事故日 一侗 生庄
作者 袁洪艳 文燕 《现代班组》 2015年第5期44-45,共2页
关键词 重庆大江 缤纷世界 边对称 兴奋感 锈迹斑斑 四十不惑 油漆工 军都 事故日 酉阳县
Households' Risk Perception and Behavioral Responses to Natech Accidents 被引量:5
作者 Junlei Yu Ana Maria Cruz Akihiko Hokugo 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期1-15,共15页
This study analyzes data on households' risk perception and protective behavior following a natural disaster triggered technological accident(Natech accident)that occurred at an industrial park in Sendai during th... This study analyzes data on households' risk perception and protective behavior following a natural disaster triggered technological accident(Natech accident)that occurred at an industrial park in Sendai during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, on 11 March2011. The results indicate that some households carried out multiple evacuations and that households' risk perceptions changed throughout the Natech accident evacuation process. Risk perception differed according to household location and demographic characteristics. We also found differences in the protective measures adopted for households in different locations. Specifically, those living closer to the Natech accident tended to evacuate immediately,whereas those living further away tended to shelter in place. Wind direction is discussed as a factor that influences households' risk perception and evacuation response to a Natech accident. The findings of this study advance knowledge of household behavior in response to a Natech accident and can assist emergency managers in developing strategies for better management of evacuation processes. 展开更多
关键词 Evacuation behavior Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Natech accidents Protective actions Risk perception
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