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作者 韩建立 《山东图书馆学刊》 2009年第6期101-103,共3页
关键词 类聚 事文合璧 编排体制
作者 王艺雯 王利锁 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2016年第3期28-32,共5页
《奏永宁宫》虽署名司马孚,但非司马孚所作。《奏永宁宫》翔实的历史记录,弥补了《三国志》对曹芳生活事件记述的不足,具有重要的史料文献价值。《奏永宁宫》与汉魏以来的奏议文相比,在写作体式上存在很大差异,名为奏议,实为弹事,是奏... 《奏永宁宫》虽署名司马孚,但非司马孚所作。《奏永宁宫》翔实的历史记录,弥补了《三国志》对曹芳生活事件记述的不足,具有重要的史料文献价值。《奏永宁宫》与汉魏以来的奏议文相比,在写作体式上存在很大差异,名为奏议,实为弹事,是奏议文向弹事文转变的重要环节。其独特的书写体式保存了早期弹事文的写作风格,是考察魏晋南北朝弹事文演变的重要凭借,具有重要的文体史价值和意义。 展开更多
关键词 司马孚 《奏永宁宫》 奏议 事文
作者 高静雅 张平仁 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期18-27,共10页
《文场秀句》是唐五代民间流传的启蒙教材,可惜是书在传世典籍中已散逸,幸赖敦煌文献得以部分保存。从敦煌本《文场秀句》的情况来看,是书虽采用了类书的编撰体例,然尚有其独特之处。《文场秀句》“事文兼采”的体例与《编珠》之间存在... 《文场秀句》是唐五代民间流传的启蒙教材,可惜是书在传世典籍中已散逸,幸赖敦煌文献得以部分保存。从敦煌本《文场秀句》的情况来看,是书虽采用了类书的编撰体例,然尚有其独特之处。《文场秀句》“事文兼采”的体例与《编珠》之间存在较为密切的联系。通过考察敦煌本《文场秀句》的“事文兼采”体例,探讨“事文兼采”体例的来源与发展,从而更好地认识其在类书发展过程中的重要地位,以及其与相关书籍的关系。 展开更多
关键词 场秀句》 事文兼采 编撰
东坡书事文考论——兼谈东坡集中收入小说文字的问题 被引量:2
作者 罗宁 《中国苏轼研究》 2016年第2期105-128,共24页
'书事'文是一种起源于唐、成熟于宋、绵延及于明清的文体,是'题跋'文体之下的二级文体。我最近写有《唐宋书事文述论》一文~①,对唐宋书事文做了较为全面的考察。在研究过程中我发现,苏轼的书事文比较特别,文体性质复杂... '书事'文是一种起源于唐、成熟于宋、绵延及于明清的文体,是'题跋'文体之下的二级文体。我最近写有《唐宋书事文述论》一文~①,对唐宋书事文做了较为全面的考察。在研究过程中我发现,苏轼的书事文比较特别,文体性质复杂,而且其书事文的总数,在各种苏轼集中是一个变化的数字——时间越后的编集所收书事文越多。 展开更多
关键词 东坡 事文 事文 问题 数字
《文选》“弹事”与齐梁奏议文风新变 被引量:1
作者 王玉林 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第6期126-129,共4页
《文选》"弹事文"虽为公诉状类奏议文,除有应用文自身的文体格式之外,其体现的骈俪化、抒情化、口语化文学性特征,表现了齐梁时期奏议文由实用到审美的新变。追根溯源,这与齐梁时期美文学的审美风尚及应用文自身雅俗相合、文... 《文选》"弹事文"虽为公诉状类奏议文,除有应用文自身的文体格式之外,其体现的骈俪化、抒情化、口语化文学性特征,表现了齐梁时期奏议文由实用到审美的新变。追根溯源,这与齐梁时期美文学的审美风尚及应用文自身雅俗相合、文质相融的自生性发展密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 事文 骈俪化 抒情化 口语化 新变
作者 张欣 《中国文字研究》 2023年第1期155-161,共7页
汉译佛经注疏,在浩如烟海的佛经语料之中,属于独特的知识挖掘标注类型。勘正佛经注疏中的讹误,对深化佛典注疏的研究工作有积极意义。该文以唐代汉译佛经注疏《四分律行事钞批》引《说文》的内容为考察对象,利用出土文献和传世文献,考... 汉译佛经注疏,在浩如烟海的佛经语料之中,属于独特的知识挖掘标注类型。勘正佛经注疏中的讹误,对深化佛典注疏的研究工作有积极意义。该文以唐代汉译佛经注疏《四分律行事钞批》引《说文》的内容为考察对象,利用出土文献和传世文献,考证梳理了《四分律行事钞批》中的11处讹误,讨论了其异文形成的可能原因。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 四分律行钞批 汉译佛经注疏
作者 林业明 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第3期44-45,共2页
循事生文实战性写作导练 ,是一种创新性的写作教学艺术。它围绕某项具体活动或具体工作(即所循之“事”) ,根据实际需要 ,注重考虑前后相连的环节和左右相关的因素 ,引导、组织学生进行实战性系列写作活动 ,而形成写作成果 (即“生文”... 循事生文实战性写作导练 ,是一种创新性的写作教学艺术。它围绕某项具体活动或具体工作(即所循之“事”) ,根据实际需要 ,注重考虑前后相连的环节和左右相关的因素 ,引导、组织学生进行实战性系列写作活动 ,而形成写作成果 (即“生文”。)主要训练方式是 :创设实在的而非虚拟的情境 ,实施连动辐射写作训练 ;把握媒介适度楔点 ,实施体式变换写作训练 ;寻找并提供运作通式 。 展开更多
关键词 写作教学 写作训练 实战性写作 情境
协调管理 用心服务 不断提升办文办会办事水平 被引量:1
作者 李小爽 《办公室业务》 2019年第8期5-5,18,共2页
关键词 协调 管理 服务 办会办 水平
作者 庄建勋 《档案与建设》 1985年第1期19-,共1页
一九八一年国务院办公厅颁发了《国家行政机关公文处理暂行办法》,要求各级国家行政机关必须认真做好公文处理工作,为社会主义四化建设服务。严格执行行文制度,对于机关进行正常工作,提高工作效率,有着十分重要的意义。在工作实践中,我... 一九八一年国务院办公厅颁发了《国家行政机关公文处理暂行办法》,要求各级国家行政机关必须认真做好公文处理工作,为社会主义四化建设服务。严格执行行文制度,对于机关进行正常工作,提高工作效率,有着十分重要的意义。在工作实践中,我们发现各地各部门在执行文书处理制度上还存在以下几个问题,心须引起重视。一、收文不认真履行登记手续。有些文件谁都可以拆,甚至拆了就拿走。 展开更多
关键词 处理 国家行政机关 书处理工作 制度 执行 下级机关 书工作 暂行办法 工作效率
历史悠久文化灿烂 中国古代文书之最
作者 黄才庚 《北京档案》 1987年第2期36-37,共2页
十一、唐宋严格规定公文一文一事制度唐宋时规定,群臣奏陈公事,都必须'皆直述事状,若名件不同,应分送所属,而非一宗事者,不得同为一状,即上表事多,表内不可尽谕者,表前画一条折'(《庆元条法事类》卷十六).这是严格要求不同事情... 十一、唐宋严格规定公文一文一事制度唐宋时规定,群臣奏陈公事,都必须'皆直述事状,若名件不同,应分送所属,而非一宗事者,不得同为一状,即上表事多,表内不可尽谕者,表前画一条折'(《庆元条法事类》卷十六).这是严格要求不同事情不得同为一文,公文一文只能直叙一事.一文一事是一种非常好的制度,可以防止行文关系错乱,加快文书运转的速度,提高办事效率. 展开更多
关键词 书工作 制度 庆元条法 直叙 女秘书 照刷 群臣 下级机关 甲骨
作者 钟根深 《秘书之友》 1990年第2期23-24,共2页
在当代两个文明建设日新月异的时期,人们对文章的标题十分讲究,逐渐养成了一种“读书先看皮、读报阅文先看题”的阅读习惯。凡是一篇题目新颖的文章,一份标题精当的文件,一看标题就有“题好一半文”的第一印象,引人爱不释手地阅读,日后... 在当代两个文明建设日新月异的时期,人们对文章的标题十分讲究,逐渐养成了一种“读书先看皮、读报阅文先看题”的阅读习惯。凡是一篇题目新颖的文章,一份标题精当的文件,一看标题就有“题好一半文”的第一印象,引人爱不释手地阅读,日后还能记忆犹新。但是,在机关公文来往中,常看到一些文件的标题不全,只写文种,没有事由,有的标题冗长、呆板、平淡。还有的题文不符,漏洞难补,差误难勘,使人看了乏味,啼笑皆非。出现上述问题的主要原因,还是“演绎化”的通病所致。有的机关在公文制作中存在“重正文、轻标题” 展开更多
关键词 下级机关 五精 两个明建设 机关 秘书人员 使人 第一印象 隶属关系 中共湖南省委
从《论语笔解》看唐儒对汉儒的超越与儒学的革新 被引量:3
作者 向世陵 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期12-16,共5页
汉唐儒学是中国哲学发展史中不可或缺的部分。从汉儒到唐儒,对儒家经典的研究逐步从章句训诂向义理阐释转化。韩愈和李翱的《论语笔解》就是体现这一转折的重要著作。他们利用《论语》文本提供的极大诠释空间,通过对"文章"与&... 汉唐儒学是中国哲学发展史中不可或缺的部分。从汉儒到唐儒,对儒家经典的研究逐步从章句训诂向义理阐释转化。韩愈和李翱的《论语笔解》就是体现这一转折的重要著作。他们利用《论语》文本提供的极大诠释空间,通过对"文章"与"道理"的关系的梳理,阐明了从事相走向心性,以求体悟"不可得而闻"的性与天道是儒学发展的必然。 展开更多
关键词 性与天道 ()以明道 心迹之间
苏天爵与元代史学 被引量:4
作者 屈宁 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期60-67,共8页
苏天爵是元代颇有文史之才的杰出史家,在当代史撰著和历史文献整理与编纂方面成就卓著;在历史编纂理论与思想方面卓有见识。他所纂《国朝名臣事略》和《元文类》两部著述至今仍在中国史学史和历史文献学史上占有重要地位。系统考察其史... 苏天爵是元代颇有文史之才的杰出史家,在当代史撰著和历史文献整理与编纂方面成就卓著;在历史编纂理论与思想方面卓有见识。他所纂《国朝名臣事略》和《元文类》两部著述至今仍在中国史学史和历史文献学史上占有重要地位。系统考察其史学实践与思想,对于探讨元代史学的主要成就和特点,具有极其重要的学术价值。 展开更多
关键词 苏天爵 元代 历史编纂学 《国朝名臣略》 《元类》
《兰亭集序》人教版注译质疑 被引量:2
作者 张华军 王俊鸣 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 2019年第3期65-68,共4页
人教版高中语文教材对《兰亭集序》一文的注释和翻译,值得质疑之处颇多:兰亭,不是"亭子",而是行政区划之名;"万殊"不是"千差万别",而是"绝对不同";"静躁"之"躁"不是"... 人教版高中语文教材对《兰亭集序》一文的注释和翻译,值得质疑之处颇多:兰亭,不是"亭子",而是行政区划之名;"万殊"不是"千差万别",而是"绝对不同";"静躁"之"躁"不是"急躁",而是"放浪形骸之外";"放浪形骸之外"不是"自由自在地生活",而是"放纵"自己的怀抱;"不能喻之于怀"不是"不明白"临文嗟悼的原因,而是"不能释怀";等等。 展开更多
关键词 整体把握 以理解
An unusual cause ofileal perforation:Report of a case and literature review 被引量:2
作者 Sami Akbulut Bahri Cakabay +2 位作者 Cihan Akgul Ozmen Arsenal Sezgin Mahsuni Mert Sevinc 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2672-2674,共3页
An ileal perforation resulting from a migrated biliary stent is a rare complication of endoscopic stent placement for benign or malignant biliary tract disease.We describe the case of a 59-year-old woman with a histor... An ileal perforation resulting from a migrated biliary stent is a rare complication of endoscopic stent placement for benign or malignant biliary tract disease.We describe the case of a 59-year-old woman with a history of abdominal surgery in which a migrated biliary stent resulted in an ileal perforation.Patients with comorbid abdominal pathologies,including colonic diverticuli,parastomal hernia,or abdominal hernia,may be at increased risk of perforation from migrated stents. 展开更多
关键词 ADHESION Biliary stent Ileal perforation Migration CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS
Governing Climate Change Adaptation in the EU and China:An Analysis of Formal Institutions 被引量:6
作者 Marco Gemmer Andreas Wilkes Lucie M.Vaucel 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第1期1-11,共11页
Both the European Union (EU) and China are culturally, economically, climatologically and environmentally diverse polities. The EU is a multi-state grouping of economically developed democratic countries, while Chin... Both the European Union (EU) and China are culturally, economically, climatologically and environmentally diverse polities. The EU is a multi-state grouping of economically developed democratic countries, while China is a unitary sovereign state and a developing economy with a strong government bureaucracy. Our hypothesis is that given their diverse political systems, the EU and China would develop different kinds of systems for the governance of adaptation to climate change. We test this hypothesis through a comparative analysis of policy documents from the two study areas, in which we examine framework policies, programmatic actions and specific actions that have been adopted to date in order to address climate change, with a specific focus on the water sector. We find that climate change adaptation began to be addressed through formal policy on a similar timeline in the two regions. The EU and China are also similar in that they use framework laws and existing sectoral policy, such as for the water sector. We find that the EU has primarily relied on integration of climate change adaptation concerns through legal instruments which set a framework for implementation of adaptation policy. In China, specific actions to be incorporated in socio-economic development plans under the existing legislation on adaptation have been the main mode for integrating adaptation into sectoral actions, though the future trend may be to develop more regulations. 展开更多
关键词 international comparison climate change policy framework adaptation policy European Union China water policy
A Long Lasting and Extensive Drought Event over China in 1876-1878 被引量:2
作者 De'er Zhang Youye Liang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2010年第2期91-99,共9页
Between 1876 and 1878 a large-scale drought occurred in China. This is a major meteorological disaster and an extreme climate event despite the cold climate at the end of the Little Ice Age. In this paper the dynamic ... Between 1876 and 1878 a large-scale drought occurred in China. This is a major meteorological disaster and an extreme climate event despite the cold climate at the end of the Little Ice Age. In this paper the dynamic evolution of the occurrence and development of the drought is reproduced on the basis of historical literature records. These were used to calculate the yearly numbers of drought-hit counties and to determine the spatial distribution in addition with concomitant famine, locust plague and pestilence epidemic for each of the three years. The persistent drought disaster spread over 13 provinces with its center in Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi provinces, where the continuous non-soaking rain period exceeded 340 days. Conclusively, it is more severe than the worst drought (1928-1930) in the 20th century. This drought disaster of 1876-1878 took place in the descending phase of the 11th sunspot activity period and the start of the 12th period. It also happened during a spell of frequent E1 Nino events and corresponds with an extremely strong E1 Nino. 展开更多
关键词 extreme climate event DROUGHT meteorological disaster 1876-1878
A Study of the Large Scale Flooding over Eastern China in 1755 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG De-Er 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第3期128-137,共10页
Following disastrous flooding in several river valleys over eastern China in 1755, serious flooding occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in 1756 and 1757, a rarely seen precipitation pattern of... Following disastrous flooding in several river valleys over eastern China in 1755, serious flooding occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in 1756 and 1757, a rarely seen precipitation pattern of north-flood and south-drought in China for two successive years. This is a serious meteorological disaster and extreme climatic event taking place under the climatic background of a warm phase of the Little Ice Age. In this paper, by means of historical literature records, the rainy and flooding situation and the weather characteristics of these years are reconstructed and the maps depicting areas of prolonged rain, flood and concomitant famine, insect pest, and pestilence are made. The results show that, in 1755, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and the Huaihe River Basin experienced a prolonged rainy season with multiple torrential rain events. The continuous rainy period exceeded 40 days in the Huang-Huai Region. An early Meiyu occurred, and the duration of the Meiyu period in the lower Yangtze River Basin was 43 days, the longest in the 18th century. Particularly in Nanjing the annual rainfall of 1755 was 1,378 mm, the highest record of the 18th century. The year of 1755 is characterized by lower temperature in summer, early frost in autumn, and heavy snowfall and freezing rain in winter. These characteristics are extremely similar to those of 1823 and 1954, two typical years of extreme rainfall. And all these three years with extreme precipitation axe corresponding to the minimum phase of the solar activity cycle. 展开更多
关键词 extreme climatic event FLOOD meteorological disaster 1755 historical climate
The Holocene warm-humid phases in the North China Plain as recorded by multi-proxy records 被引量:1
作者 崔建新 周尚哲 常宏 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期147-161,共15页
The grain size and palinology of sediment and the frequency of ^14C dada provide an integrated reconstruction of the Holocene warm-humid phases of the North China Plain. Two clear intense and long-lasting warm-humid p... The grain size and palinology of sediment and the frequency of ^14C dada provide an integrated reconstruction of the Holocene warm-humid phases of the North China Plain. Two clear intense and long-lasting warm-humid phases were identified by comprehensive research in this region. The first phase was dated back to the early Holocene (9 000-7 000 a BP), and the second was centered at 5 000-3 000 a BP. The warm-humid episode between 9 000 and 7 000 a BP was also recognized at other sites showing global climatic trends rather than local events. Compared with the concern to the warm-humid phase of the early Holocene, the second one was not paid enough attention in the last few decades. The compilation of the Holocene paleoclimate data suggests that perhaps the second warm-humid phase was pervasive in monsoon region of China. In perspective of environmental archaeology, much attention should be devoted to it, because the flourish and adaptation of the Neolithic cultures and the building up of the first state seem to corresponding to the general warm-humid climatic conditions of this period. In addition, a warm-humid interval at 7 20045 500 a BP was recognized by the grain size data from three sites. However, this warm-humid event was not shown in pollen assemblage and temporal distribution of ^14C data. Perhaps, the resolution for climatic reconstruction from pollen and temporal distribution of ^14C data cited here is relatively low and small-amplitude and short-period climatic events cannot be well reflected by the data. Due to the difference in locality and elevation of sampling site, as well as in resolution of proxy records, it is difficult to make precise correlation. Further work is needed in the future. 展开更多
关键词 HOLOCENE grain size POLLEN radiocarbon dating warm-humid phases
The Kelvin Wave Processes in the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006-2008 IOD Events 被引量:4
作者 DU Yan LIU Kai +1 位作者 ZHUANG Wei YU Wei-Dong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第4期324-328,共5页
The present study investigates the role of Kelvin wave propagations along the equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006-2008 Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD).The 2006 IOD lasted for seven months,developing in May and reaching i... The present study investigates the role of Kelvin wave propagations along the equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006-2008 Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD).The 2006 IOD lasted for seven months,developing in May and reaching its peak in December,while the 2007 and 2008 IODs were short-lived events,beginning in early May and ending abruptly in September,with much weaker amplitudes.Associated with the above IODs,the impulses of the sea surface height(SSH) anomalies reflect the forcing from an intraseasonal time scale,which was important to the evolution of IODs in 2007 and 2008.At the thermocline depth,dominated by the propagation of Kelvin waves,the warming/cooling temperature signals could reach the surface at a particular time.When the force is strong and the local thermocline condition is favorable,the incoming Kelvin waves dramatically impact the sea surface temperature(SST) in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean.In July 2007 and late July 2008,the downwelling Kelvin waves,triggered by the Madden-Julian Oscillation(MJO) in the eastern and central equatorial Indian Ocean,suppressed the thermocline in the Sumatra and the Java coast and terminated the IOD,which made those events short-lived and no longer persist into the boreal fall season as the canonical IOD does. 展开更多
关键词 Kelvin wave IOD equatorial Indian Ocean MJO
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