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今文《尚书》言事相兼的对话体叙事结构 被引量:1
作者 郑晓峰 《关东学刊》 2017年第5期43-48,共6页
从表象的分析看,独白体结构在《尚书》中占有较大的比重,而对话体结构则屈指可数,似乎不占主流。但是,若从对独白体的分析看,潜在的受众是存在的,甚至受众者的观点也在施话者的告训中得到反映,从这个意义上看,"对话"是意脉上... 从表象的分析看,独白体结构在《尚书》中占有较大的比重,而对话体结构则屈指可数,似乎不占主流。但是,若从对独白体的分析看,潜在的受众是存在的,甚至受众者的观点也在施话者的告训中得到反映,从这个意义上看,"对话"是意脉上的典型存在。加之,为了保持君主训话意脉的贯通,史官在书写记录时整合或删略了一定的受众者的呼声,也是可能的。从巫史视角详细考察《尚书》对话体叙事结构的显著特征及其深层意蕴,是有价值的。 展开更多
关键词 今文《尚书》 事相 对话体叙事结构
以人相从 以事相从——《论语》体例探秘
作者 唐根希 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第4期15-20,共6页
“以人相从”“以事相从”是《论语》组章为篇的体例,是《论语》各篇划分段落依据的原则。“以人相从”是指:《论语》各篇中,凡孔子应答、言及弟子的章节,该章之下“子曰”“子谓”等不言及一众弟子的各章,都取自所应答、所言及弟子的... “以人相从”“以事相从”是《论语》组章为篇的体例,是《论语》各篇划分段落依据的原则。“以人相从”是指:《论语》各篇中,凡孔子应答、言及弟子的章节,该章之下“子曰”“子谓”等不言及一众弟子的各章,都取自所应答、所言及弟子的“所记”,由此构成独立单元。“以事相从”是指:《论语》各篇中顺接的若干章,不论言语者或问答者是何人,只要是论述一事或一个主题的,即可看作相对独立的单元。“以人相从”“以事相从”的体例,揭示了《论语》的编纂旨趣。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 体例 以人相从 事相
《左传》叙事体式与“礼”之关系考 被引量:3
作者 赵辉 崔显艳 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期223-228,共6页
《左传》第一次将上古原始叙事文体的粗线条记事加以细化,完整地记载一个史实、事件产生发展的全过程,从而开创了"言事相兼"的叙事文体体式。《左传》的这一叙事特征,其内在成因是对"礼"的记载:作者自觉地将"... 《左传》第一次将上古原始叙事文体的粗线条记事加以细化,完整地记载一个史实、事件产生发展的全过程,从而开创了"言事相兼"的叙事文体体式。《左传》的这一叙事特征,其内在成因是对"礼"的记载:作者自觉地将"礼"作为记述历史的中心视点,以事明礼,使《左传》始终参照礼来记事;而"礼"以过程和细节表现其意义,要求记录者对事情的本末和细节特别关注。礼仪的言行相兼及记言明义,使得《左传》的作者在创作过程中采用事必兼言的写作手法,由此形成了言事相兼的全新叙事体式。 展开更多
关键词 左传 叙事体式 事相
原史群体传史方式及史著文体的演变 被引量:2
作者 夏德靠 《河北科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第4期93-96,112,共5页
上古时期,原史群体经历由巫而史的转化,在这一过程中,他们的传史职能不断加强。考察这一时期的传史方式,它经历如下的转变:由口传史向书写历史的转变,由言事分立到言事相兼、由记注到撰述的转变。这些转变促使史著的文体在不同时期呈现... 上古时期,原史群体经历由巫而史的转化,在这一过程中,他们的传史职能不断加强。考察这一时期的传史方式,它经历如下的转变:由口传史向书写历史的转变,由言事分立到言事相兼、由记注到撰述的转变。这些转变促使史著的文体在不同时期呈现不同的体貌特征。 展开更多
关键词 原史群体 传世方式 言事分立 事相 文体
事理相丽 为实至仁——论王夫之的苦乐观
作者 李煌明 李红专 《船山学刊》 2005年第3期10-12,共3页
关键词 王夫之 苦乐观 宋明理学 哲学 “与事相丽” “与理合一” “格物致知” “仁”
作者 向回 《成人教育》 北大核心 2008年第12期89-91,共3页
歌谣与乐府留存方式的不同是进行二者对比研究的一个重要问题。然而,迄今为止,学界尚无人对此做过专门研究。文章通过对《乐府诗集》引书与杂歌谣辞解题、《乐府诗集》已收和未收的杂歌谣辞作品以及宋前一些书目文献的记载等几方面的考... 歌谣与乐府留存方式的不同是进行二者对比研究的一个重要问题。然而,迄今为止,学界尚无人对此做过专门研究。文章通过对《乐府诗集》引书与杂歌谣辞解题、《乐府诗集》已收和未收的杂歌谣辞作品以及宋前一些书目文献的记载等几方面的考查认为,歌谣的留存往往都是因其与某个具体历史事件或某些重大历史人物相关,它们很少被人专门搜集。但乐歌却往往因为音乐的关系,会被人专门收录在一些乐类典籍中。 展开更多
关键词 歌谣 乐府 留存方式 事相
作者 夏德靠 《渭南师范学院学报》 2018年第3期51-59,共9页
刘知几及《史通》对纪传体分析是比较特殊的,这对于把握纪传体的生成来说很有启发意义。他将唐前史传文体分为"六家",并根据先秦史官传史方式经历由言事分立到言事相兼的转化之分析,指出《春秋》《尚书》属于言事分立的产物,... 刘知几及《史通》对纪传体分析是比较特殊的,这对于把握纪传体的生成来说很有启发意义。他将唐前史传文体分为"六家",并根据先秦史官传史方式经历由言事分立到言事相兼的转化之分析,指出《春秋》《尚书》属于言事分立的产物,《左传》则属于言事相兼的产物,因此《左传》具有阐释《春秋》的作用。依据这些认识,他认为本纪相当于《春秋》,即采取编年的形式,通篇只叙述天子的事情,并且只采录大事,至于事件的详细过程则放在列传中叙述。世家叙述的对象是诸侯,由于诸侯的地位低于天子,故采用"世家"这个名称;不过在书写体例上世家与本纪没有明显差异,也采取编年的形式。整体上,本纪体式如《春秋》,列传则叙述大臣的言论行为,其体式如《左传》,列传从而具有解释本纪的功能。 展开更多
关键词 刘知已 《史通》 纪传体 六家说 事相 传以释纪
作者 昌如 《佛学研究》 2006年第1期229-237,共9页
"十重唯识"是法藏大师在其著作《大方广佛华严经探玄记》中,为了解释有关"三界唯心"的问题而提出的。"十重唯识"中,法藏大师从华严宗的角度,借助唯识法相宗相关理论,从而展开"十重唯识"的论述... "十重唯识"是法藏大师在其著作《大方广佛华严经探玄记》中,为了解释有关"三界唯心"的问题而提出的。"十重唯识"中,法藏大师从华严宗的角度,借助唯识法相宗相关理论,从而展开"十重唯识"的论述,以便阐明华严宗唯心之旨。本文将对"十重唯识"文本及相关的思想,进行简略地探讨与剖析。 展开更多
关键词 十重唯识 事相 事相 帝网无碍
Icon memory research under different time pressures and icon quantities based on event-related potential 被引量:5
作者 牛亚峰 薛澄岐 +3 位作者 李雪松 李晶 王海燕 金涛 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期45-50,共6页
In order to obtain related brain electrical components and neural bases of physiology assessment of icon elements in a digital human-computer interface the modified sample-delay matching task experimental paradigm is ... In order to obtain related brain electrical components and neural bases of physiology assessment of icon elements in a digital human-computer interface the modified sample-delay matching task experimental paradigm is used under different time pressures 4 000 and 2 000 ms and different icon quantities three five and ten icons on icon memory based on event-related potential ERP technology.Experimental results demonstrate that P300 has significant volatility changes and the maximum amplitude around the middle line of the parietal area PZ and P200 has obvious volatility changes around the middle line of the frontal and central area FCZ during icon cognition.P300 and P200 amplitudes increase as tasks become more difficult.Thus P300 latency is positively correlated with task difficulty. ERP research on the characteristics of icon memory will be an important reference standard in guiding user neurocognitive behavior and physiology assessment on interface usability. 展开更多
关键词 time pressure icon quantity event-related potential ERP
唐君毅论“气”之义理探析与衡定 被引量:2
作者 邓秀梅 《宜宾学院学报》 2015年第3期8-17,65,共11页
儒家哲学中,"气"是一不可轻忽之元素。以当代新儒家而言,牟宗三先生的哲学思维是道德实践源自本心自立道德法则,这样的思维必然肯定有一超越气、不受气影响且能妙运气之本体,此本体与气构成形而上与形而下两层关系。唐君毅先... 儒家哲学中,"气"是一不可轻忽之元素。以当代新儒家而言,牟宗三先生的哲学思维是道德实践源自本心自立道德法则,这样的思维必然肯定有一超越气、不受气影响且能妙运气之本体,此本体与气构成形而上与形而下两层关系。唐君毅先生则不然。固然他对于心性论十分熟稔,但他也关注"气"之本质特性,因此其论点与他人大异其趣。唐先生在诠释张载的气论时,视气为形上之第一原理;但他在诠释程朱之理学时,气又成了必以理为主导的形而下之气。看似相反的两种见解,实则暗藏一致性的条理:事相之互为隐显即是气之流行之道。这实际是唐先生以通融的姿态解释张、朱二人之学,使这两种体系的理学圆转自如。 展开更多
关键词 唐君毅 气论 形而上之气 事相
汉语“时体”的再认识——以“了”为中心 被引量:13
作者 史有为 《语言科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期126-141,共16页
时体研究可采用"剥离法"确定"时体"的本质功能,并可设置基础语境认识"时体"。对应不同的形式层次,有不同宽度的时体,不能以附着于动词或句子而简单决定"动相"与"事相"。"完句&q... 时体研究可采用"剥离法"确定"时体"的本质功能,并可设置基础语境认识"时体"。对应不同的形式层次,有不同宽度的时体,不能以附着于动词或句子而简单决定"动相"与"事相"。"完句"等因素剥离后,显现"了"的本质功能:"了_1"应是动作的"完成",而非"实现";"了_2"是"说话时为止的新情况实现"。某些"体"中含有主体性关注,应可分离出"样貌"(Posture)因素。 展开更多
关键词 时体 事相 动相 完成体 “剥离法”
韩愈的道论与文论 被引量:3
作者 李瑞卿 《汉语言文学研究》 2019年第1期83-90,共8页
韩愈之道不仅包含道德原则、政治制度、礼乐体系、日常规矩,也体现着对形而上境界的追求,姑且名曰"庶几"之道。在现实中有着无尽超越空间的"庶几"之道,这是儒道精髓所在,也是韩愈有别于佛老的理论建构。韩愈明确地... 韩愈之道不仅包含道德原则、政治制度、礼乐体系、日常规矩,也体现着对形而上境界的追求,姑且名曰"庶几"之道。在现实中有着无尽超越空间的"庶几"之道,这是儒道精髓所在,也是韩愈有别于佛老的理论建构。韩愈明确地提出了仁义为定名、道德为虚位的观念来厘定儒道与佛老的不同,并弘扬以仁义为至高的道德原则,突出其"有为"乃道的实践内涵。韩愈的文学理论深受其道论思想及易学观念的影响,特别是其文道关系论、"不平则鸣"论,以及雄奇自然的形式论。 展开更多
关键词 庶几 先天理性 易道 事相
Dependent mechanism of Chinese prepositions processing in the brain:evidence from event-related potentials
作者 方环海 张荣萍 +3 位作者 方环非 高明阳 郑敏 孙潇羽 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期282-286,共5页
Objective To compare the event-related potentials (ERPs) waves of verbs and prepositions in the brain. Methods We recorded ERPs in the brain while participants judged the legality of the collocation for verbs and "... Objective To compare the event-related potentials (ERPs) waves of verbs and prepositions in the brain. Methods We recorded ERPs in the brain while participants judged the legality of the collocation for verbs and "preposition". Results Both verbs and prepositions elicited a negativity at the frontal site in 230-330 ms and 350-500 ms window. No difference was seen in 230-330 ms and 350-500 ms window; In difference waves, a negativity was elicited in the left and fight hemisphere at about 270-400 ms and 470-600 ms window for both open and closed-class words. Conclusion These may demonstrate that prepositions in modem Chinese are probably not a separate class from verbs and that N280 may be not a specific component for only prepositions (or closed-class words). 展开更多
关键词 CHINESE PREPOSITIONS VERBS event-related potentials difference waves
石头希迁的禅学思想 被引量:1
作者 伍先林 《佛学研究》 2014年第1期174-185,共12页
石头希迁继承了六祖慧能以顿融渐的禅法精神,主张顿渐融通。与同样继承慧能南宗顿悟禅法的马祖道一禅系相比,石头禅系更多地表现出对般若性空学和华严学等传统佛教的一种圆融或融通的精神,这集中地体现在其关于"回互"的学说上... 石头希迁继承了六祖慧能以顿融渐的禅法精神,主张顿渐融通。与同样继承慧能南宗顿悟禅法的马祖道一禅系相比,石头禅系更多地表现出对般若性空学和华严学等传统佛教的一种圆融或融通的精神,这集中地体现在其关于"回互"的学说上,希迁以空性之理来规范自心本体,又以空理来融会自心本源与万物事相。与马祖道一盛倡大机大用,偏向于纵向的实践性("用")禅风相比较,石头希迁强调"回互"特色的禅法更偏向于横向的理论分析。石头与马祖这两系禅法在慧能禅宗发展史上不是相互对立的,而是相互补充的。 展开更多
关键词 融通 回互 空性之理 自心本源 万物事相
An automatic seismic signal detection method based on fourth-order statistics and applications 被引量:2
作者 刘希强 蔡寅 +4 位作者 赵瑞 曲保安 赵银刚 冯志军 李红 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期128-138,252,共12页
Real-time, automatic, and accurate determination of seismic signals is critical for rapid earthquake reporting and early warning. In this study, we present a correction trigger function(CTF) for automatically detect... Real-time, automatic, and accurate determination of seismic signals is critical for rapid earthquake reporting and early warning. In this study, we present a correction trigger function(CTF) for automatically detecting regional seismic events and a fourth-order statistics algorithm with the Akaike information criterion(AIC) for determining the direct wave phase, based on the differences, or changes, in energy, frequency, and amplitude of the direct P- or S-waves signal and noise. Simulations suggest for that the proposed fourth-order statistics result in high resolution even for weak signal and noise variations at different amplitude, frequency, and polarization characteristics. To improve the precision of establishing the S-waves onset, first a specific segment of P-wave seismograms is selected and the polarization characteristics of the data are obtained. Second, the S-wave seismograms that contained the specific segment of P-wave seismograms are analyzed by S-wave polarization filtering. Finally, the S-wave phase onset times are estimated. The proposed algorithm was used to analyze regional earthquake data from the Shandong Seismic Network. The results suggest that compared with conventional methods, the proposed algorithm greatly decreased false and missed earthquake triggers, and improved the detection precision of direct P- and S-wave phases. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic signal P and S-waves automatic detection correction trigger function
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on response preparation in a Go/No Go Task in children with ADHD:An ERP study 被引量:11
作者 Lan-Ya Chuang Yu-Jung Tsai +2 位作者 Yu-Kai Chang Chung-Ju Huang Tsung-Min Hung 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第1期82-88,共7页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of acute exercise on reaction time and response preparation during a Go/No Go Task in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of acute exercise on reaction time and response preparation during a Go/No Go Task in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Nineteen children with ADHD (aged between 8 and 12 years old) undertook a 30-min intervention that consisted of treadmill running or video-watching presented in a counterbalanced order on different days. A Go/No Go Task was administrated after exercise or video-watching. Results: The results indicated a shorter reaction time and smaller contingent negative variation (CNV) 2 amplitude following exercise relative to the video-watching. For event related potential (ERP) analyses, greater CNV l and CNV 2 amplitudes in response to No Go stimuli in com- parison to Go stimuli was observed in the video-watching session only. Conclusion: These findings suggest that acute exercise may benefit children with ADHD by developing appropriate response preparation, particularly in maintaining a stable motor preparatory set prior to performing the given task. 展开更多
关键词 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Attention orienting Contingent negative variation COGNITION Physical activity
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on motor response inhibition:An ERP study using the stop-signal task 被引量:2
作者 Chien-Heng Chu Brandon L.Alderman +1 位作者 Gao-Xia Wei Yu-Kai Chang 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第1期73-81,共9页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of acute exercise on motor response inhibition using both behavioral and electrophysiological approaches. Methods: The P3 and N1 event-related potenti... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of acute exercise on motor response inhibition using both behavioral and electrophysiological approaches. Methods: The P3 and N1 event-related potential (ERP) components were recorded while performing a stop-signal task in 21 college students following a moderately intense acute exercise bout for 30 min and a sedentary control session that involved reading. Results: Acute exercise induced a shorter stop signal response time (SSRT) as compared to control; however, the go response time (Go RT) remained unchanged. In examining the ERP data, acute exercise increased both P3 amplitude and latency but did not affect the N1 component. Conclusion: Acute exercise has a selective and beneficial effect on cognitive function, specifically affecting the motor response inhibition aspect of executive function. Furthermore, acute exercise predominately impacts later stages of information processing during motor response inhibition, which may lead to an increase in attentional resource allocation and confer the ability to successfully withhold a response to achieve motor response inhibition. 展开更多
关键词 COGNITION Executive function Inhibitory control NI P3
Relationship between number of passing events and operating parameters in mixed bicycle traffic 被引量:2
作者 闫星臣 何鹏 +2 位作者 陈峻 叶晓飞 刘擎超 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第3期418-423,共6页
This paper investigates the passing events between electric bicycles and conventional bicycles and explores the relationships between passing events and traffic parameters in bicycle facilities.Three exclusive bicycle... This paper investigates the passing events between electric bicycles and conventional bicycles and explores the relationships between passing events and traffic parameters in bicycle facilities.Three exclusive bicycle paths in Nanjing, China,were observed with cameras.Then,the field data including vehicle number,velocity characteristics and passing event features were analyzed in detail.Data analysis and fitting reveal that the speed difference has little impact on the passing event number,as does the bicycle ratio.The Gaussian function can better describe the relationship between the passing event number and bicycle volume (density).The valid use level of bicycle path width influences the inflexion of the passing events-density fitting curve.The conclusions can be applied for estimating the passing events in mixed bicycle flows and for choosing a suitable width of separate bicycle path. 展开更多
关键词 mixed bicycle traffic passing events traffic operating parameters correlation analysis
A Clinical Investigation on Zhi Ling Tang for Treatment of Senile Dementia 被引量:1
作者 闫乐法 刘百波 +7 位作者 郭文君 李光宗 李义清 高汉义 崔华勤 孙鲁妍 王梅 毛树章 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第2期83-86,共4页
Zhi Ling Tang (ZLT [symbol: see text], a TCM prescription designed for replenishing essence, supplementing marrow, invigorating qi, warming yang, removing blood stasis and phlegm, tonifying the brain, and invigorating... Zhi Ling Tang (ZLT [symbol: see text], a TCM prescription designed for replenishing essence, supplementing marrow, invigorating qi, warming yang, removing blood stasis and phlegm, tonifying the brain, and invigorating mental activity) was used in 32 cases of senile dementia (SD). After treatment, the levels of serum cholesterol (Tch), triglyceride (TG), and plasma lipid peroxides (LPO) were lowered; the content of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in RBC significantly elevated, the cerebral blood flow was increased; latent period of P300 and P3 waves was shortened while the amplitude of P3 elevated; and topographic electroencephalogram, revised Hasegawa dementia scales (HDS) scores (P 展开更多
关键词 Aged Alzheimer Disease Dementia Vascular Diagnosis Differential Drugs Chinese Herbal Event-Related Potentials P300 Female Humans Male Medicine Chinese Traditional Middle Aged Superoxide Dismutase
Dissociated neural potential for processing strategies between decimals and fractions
作者 Lin Pingting Zhu Yanmei +2 位作者 Zhang Li Bai Yi Wang Haixian 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第4期379-387,共9页
The entity and symbolic fraction comparison tasks separating identification and semantic access stages based on event-related potential technology were used to investigate neural differences between fraction and decim... The entity and symbolic fraction comparison tasks separating identification and semantic access stages based on event-related potential technology were used to investigate neural differences between fraction and decimal strategies in magnitude processing of nonsymbolic entities and symbolic numbers.The experimental results show that continuous entities elicit stronger left-lateralized anterior N2 in decimals,while discretized ones elicit more significant right-lateralized posterior N2 in fractions during the identification stage.On the other hand,decimals elicit stronger N2 over the left-lateralized fronto-central sites while fractions elicit the more profound P2 over the right-lateralized fronto-central sites and N2 at biparietal regions during the semantic access stage.Hence,for nonsymbolic entity processing,alignments of decimals and continuous entities activate the phonological network,while alignments of fractions and discretized entities trigger the visuospatial regions.For symbolic numbers processing,exact strategies with rote arithmetic retrieval in verbal format are used in decimal processing,while approximate strategies with complex magnitude processing in a visuospatial format are used in fraction processing. 展开更多
关键词 decimal FRACTION exact strategy approximate strategy event-related potential(ERP) P2 N2
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