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作者 周弋林 《教书育人(校长参考)》 2024年第2期37-41,共5页
广州大学附属中学近十年以来实现了跨越式发展,学校以“做最好的自己”为支撑,以“亮剑精神”为指引,探索符合广州大学附属中学的拔尖创新人才培养模式,形成了“社团选修+学科竞赛”的驱动模式,构建了“课程体系+培养体系”的发展平台,... 广州大学附属中学近十年以来实现了跨越式发展,学校以“做最好的自己”为支撑,以“亮剑精神”为指引,探索符合广州大学附属中学的拔尖创新人才培养模式,形成了“社团选修+学科竞赛”的驱动模式,构建了“课程体系+培养体系”的发展平台,打造了“导师制度+走班制度”双交互模式,以“制度保障+资源互动”为导向,提出了六条基本保障措施,最终形成了基于“双驱动+二二六”模式的拔尖创新人才培养模式。 展开更多
关键词 “双驱动+二二六 拔尖创新人才 培养模式
二二六事件、西安事变和七七事变 被引量:4
作者 金卫星 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期81-86,共6页
七七卢沟桥事变之所以迅速成为远东战争全面爆发的导火索,是因为在事变之前日本和中国的政局均发生了重大变化。1936年发生在日本的二二六事件,形成了以主张全面侵华的军部法西斯为核心的政制、经济和对外战略的“举国一致”;同年发生... 七七卢沟桥事变之所以迅速成为远东战争全面爆发的导火索,是因为在事变之前日本和中国的政局均发生了重大变化。1936年发生在日本的二二六事件,形成了以主张全面侵华的军部法西斯为核心的政制、经济和对外战略的“举国一致”;同年发生在中国的西安事变,也初步形成了各党各派各界团结御侮、联合抗日的民族统一战线,不可能再对日本的侵略退让。日本当局无视中国政局的变化,执意推行既定的侵华方针,是造成七七事变引发远东全面战争的真正原因。 展开更多
关键词 二二六事件 双十二事变 七七事变
作者 曹喜顺 宋丹 《商业文化》 2011年第4X期336-336,共1页
关键词 二二六事件
二二六事变后国民政府的因应及其困境 被引量:1
作者 赵晓红 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期111-121,共11页
皇道派和统制派在内政与外交等方面的矛盾,导致日本1936年二二六事变。该事变不仅导致日本国内的惶恐,也引起了世界各国的格外关注,因为它不仅关乎本国内政,且影响远东局势与世界和平秩序。事变发生后,以蒋介石为首的国民政府视其为危... 皇道派和统制派在内政与外交等方面的矛盾,导致日本1936年二二六事变。该事变不仅导致日本国内的惶恐,也引起了世界各国的格外关注,因为它不仅关乎本国内政,且影响远东局势与世界和平秩序。事变发生后,以蒋介石为首的国民政府视其为危机与机遇并存,不断研究如何利用日本内部及日、苏间的矛盾为中国争得有利形势等问题。一方面,由于蒋介石对日、对苏的态度,未取得任何一方之信任;另一方面,由于苏、日各自基于对国际形势及国家利益之考量,致使蒋介石对日苏战争的空前期待成为泡影,其"联苏制日"、与日结盟抑或中立的企图均告落空。 展开更多
关键词 二二六事变 蒋介石 日本 苏联
论日本“二二六”事件对郭沫若的影响--以考证郭沫若致《宇宙风》五函的写作时间为基础 被引量:1
作者 廖久明 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期38-54,共17页
《宇宙风》乙刊第2期发表的郭沫若五函的写作时间分别为:1935年8月中旬,1936年3月上旬、3月上中旬、3月下旬、6月1日。以前人们对这五函写作时间的认定要么错误,要么没有达到可以达到的精确度。郭沫若在1936年1月18日写作的《论"幽... 《宇宙风》乙刊第2期发表的郭沫若五函的写作时间分别为:1935年8月中旬,1936年3月上旬、3月上中旬、3月下旬、6月1日。以前人们对这五函写作时间的认定要么错误,要么没有达到可以达到的精确度。郭沫若在1936年1月18日写作的《论"幽默"》对幽默小品文进行严厉批评后,却在一两个月后写作的第二、四函中呼吁团结御侮,致使幽默小品文论争没有再次发生,其原因是日本"二二六"事件发生后,郭沫若也"正确地推测到这次叛乱将导致向中国扩张",所以立即改变了自己的态度。 展开更多
关键词 郭沫若 《宇宙风》 二二六”事件
作者 蔡百松 《世界历史评论》 CSSCI 2024年第2期171-186,294,共17页
1936—1940年间,随着日本对外侵略战争在规模上的逐年扩大,军部独裁政治体制也进一步在日本国内趋于完成。亲身经历了这一过程的日本立宪民政党所属众议院议员斋藤隆夫,在结合自身政治经验和人生阅历的基础上,为维护政党政治的原有地位... 1936—1940年间,随着日本对外侵略战争在规模上的逐年扩大,军部独裁政治体制也进一步在日本国内趋于完成。亲身经历了这一过程的日本立宪民政党所属众议院议员斋藤隆夫,在结合自身政治经验和人生阅历的基础上,为维护政党政治的原有地位,曾多次在议会众议院发表演说批判军部干政现象。以斋藤为代表的政党方面为与军部势力争夺政治主导地位,通过发表一系列言论反对将军部主导的侵华战争扩大化。斋藤虽实则为反和平论者,但因其对由军部主导的侵略战争实质给予了一定批评与揭穿,间接起到了鼓舞中国国内抗战士气并迟滞日本政治军国主义化进程的作用,深刻影响了战后日本部分群体对于战争观念的实际认识。 展开更多
关键词 斋藤隆夫 反军演说 肃军演说 日本侵华战争 二二六事件
作者 赵晓红 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期57-64,56,共9页
日本军部内的皇道派与统制派在内政、外交等方面的矛盾,导致了1936年2月26日的空前大政变。二二六事变不仅关乎日本内政,而且对外有着重要影响,中国则首当其冲,因此中国朝野对此事变均分外关心。政变发生后,中国各大媒体即对该事变持续... 日本军部内的皇道派与统制派在内政、外交等方面的矛盾,导致了1936年2月26日的空前大政变。二二六事变不仅关乎日本内政,而且对外有着重要影响,中国则首当其冲,因此中国朝野对此事变均分外关心。政变发生后,中国各大媒体即对该事变持续进行大幅度报道,对其发生背景、原因、影响、政局变动及善后处理情况等进行了分析探讨。在此基础上,中国舆论更关心由该事变而引发的中日关系变化、日苏战争爆发的可能性等问题。以民间舆论为代表的国民外交与政府外交相辅相成,起到了相互配合和促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 二二六事变 中国舆论 少壮派 元老派
作者 张海艳 《大连近代史研究》 2012年第1期69-74,共6页
关键词 天皇裕仁 二二六”事变 皇道派 统制派
作者 邱有源 林海东 《歌海》 2004年第4期54-54,共1页
关键词 二二六 全鱼 民歌 独唱 女声 有源 女皇 厂价 手心
玉柴-潍柴 市场与命运的交错
作者 王东升 刘姜 《汽车观察》 2007年第6期94-98,共5页
过去,我们不拿玉柴和潍柴PK,原因是二者的可比性不大。随着中国汽车柴油机市场的发展,玉柴和潍柴均获得了前所未有的机遇和发展,尤其是脱离重汽后单飞的潍柴的发展势头甚为迅猛,这使得潍柴和玉柴在企业类型、产品结构等方面存在的差异... 过去,我们不拿玉柴和潍柴PK,原因是二者的可比性不大。随着中国汽车柴油机市场的发展,玉柴和潍柴均获得了前所未有的机遇和发展,尤其是脱离重汽后单飞的潍柴的发展势头甚为迅猛,这使得潍柴和玉柴在企业类型、产品结构等方面存在的差异在不断减少…… 展开更多
关键词 大型发动机 汽车柴油机 产业链 市场 企业文化 交错 王建民 证券 高速发展 二二六
日本总理大臣官邸 首相们避之不及的“鬼宅”
作者 李崇寒 《国家人文历史》 2014年第1期66-69,共4页
2013年11月5日,日本众议院国家安全保障特别委员会上,民主党议员近藤洋介对安倍晋三提出质询,认为他长期居住在自己家中,不利于国家安全。一旦遇到大地震等紧急事态,安倍无法迅速抵达官邸实施指挥。对此,内阁官房长官菅义伟回应:"... 2013年11月5日,日本众议院国家安全保障特别委员会上,民主党议员近藤洋介对安倍晋三提出质询,认为他长期居住在自己家中,不利于国家安全。一旦遇到大地震等紧急事态,安倍无法迅速抵达官邸实施指挥。对此,内阁官房长官菅义伟回应:"包括骑坐摩托车在内。 展开更多
关键词 首相 官邸 日本人 二二六事件 摩托车 国家安全 大地震 安全保障 内阁会议 办公室
《国家人文历史》 2015年第22期12-12,共1页
11月November161935年11月侵华日军在辽宁锦西北制造"下五家子惨案"。16日凌晨,日军对缸窑岭下五家子民众进行惨绝人寰的大屠杀,全村被杀害378人,逃生者仅33人。171905年11月日本与韩国在汉城(今首尔)签,订《乙巳条约》。这个不平... 11月November161935年11月侵华日军在辽宁锦西北制造"下五家子惨案"。16日凌晨,日军对缸窑岭下五家子民众进行惨绝人寰的大屠杀,全村被杀害378人,逃生者仅33人。171905年11月日本与韩国在汉城(今首尔)签,订《乙巳条约》。这个不平等条约剥夺了韩国的外交权,日本根据该条约设,置韩国统监府以控制韩国。这意味着韩国实质上成为日本的殖民地。 展开更多
关键词 五家子 缸窑 侵华日军 大屠杀 生者 本庄繁 二二六事件 抗日救国 护国起义 中国近代史
作者 李光 《小学语文》 2002年第23期48-48,共1页
长期以来,教科书一直把1935年德国撕毁凡尔赛和约,实施普遍义务兵役制,当作欧洲战争策源地形成的标志;而亚洲战争策源地的形成则是以“九一八事变”为标志。现行教材改变了原观点,认为1933年希特勒出任德国总理及1936年日本发动“二二... 长期以来,教科书一直把1935年德国撕毁凡尔赛和约,实施普遍义务兵役制,当作欧洲战争策源地形成的标志;而亚洲战争策源地的形成则是以“九一八事变”为标志。现行教材改变了原观点,认为1933年希特勒出任德国总理及1936年日本发动“二二六兵变”,分别标志着欧、亚两洲战争策源地的形成。 展开更多
关键词 战争策源地 九一八事变 凡尔赛和约 希特勒 标志 二二六 义务兵役制 法西斯专政 新观点 德国
Effects of Culture Conditions on Growth and Docosahexaenoic Acid Production from Schizochytrium limacinum 被引量:5
作者 ZHU Luying ZHANG Xuecheng +1 位作者 REN Xueying ZHU Qinghua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期83-88,共6页
The effects of temperature, initial pH, salinity of culture medium, and carbon and nitrogen sources on growth and doco- sahexaenoic acid (C22 : 6 n-3, DHA) production from Schizochytrium limacinum OUC88 were investiga... The effects of temperature, initial pH, salinity of culture medium, and carbon and nitrogen sources on growth and doco- sahexaenoic acid (C22 : 6 n-3, DHA) production from Schizochytrium limacinum OUC88 were investigated in the present study. The results revealed that the optimal temperature, initial pH and salinity level of the medium for DHA production were 23℃, 7.0 and 18, respectively. Glucose was proved the best carbon source for the growth and DHA production from S. limacinum. Among the nitrogen sources tested, soybean cake hydrolysate, a cheap by-product, was found to be effective for the accumulation of DHA in S. lima- cinum cells. In addition, increasing the concentration of carbon sources in the medium caused a significant increase in cell biomass; however, accumulation of DHA in cells was mainly stimulated by the ratio of C/N in the medium. Under the optimal culture condi- tions, the maximum DHA yield achieved in flasks was 4.08 g L-1 after 5 d of cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 culture conditions DHA production Schizochytrium limacinum
Analysis of fatty acid composition of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus using multivariate statistics 被引量:2
作者 徐勤增 高菲 +1 位作者 许强 杨红生 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1314-1319,共6页
Fatty acids(FAs) provide energy and also can be used to trace trophic relationships among organisms.Sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus goes into a state of aestivation during warm summer months.We examined fatty acid... Fatty acids(FAs) provide energy and also can be used to trace trophic relationships among organisms.Sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus goes into a state of aestivation during warm summer months.We examined fatty acid profiles in aestivated and non-aestivated A.japonicus using multivariate analyses(PERMANOVA,MDS,ANOSIM,and SIMPER).The results indicate that the fatty acid profiles of aestivated and non-aestivated sea cucumbers differed significantly.The FAs that were produced by bacteria and brown kelp contributed the most to the differences in the fatty acid composition of aestivated and nonaestivated sea cucumbers.Aestivated sea cucumbers may synthesize FAs from heterotrophic bacteria during early aestivation,and long chain FAs such as eicosapentaenoic(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) that produced from intestinal degradation,are digested during deep aestivation.Specific changes in the fatty acid composition of A.japonicus during aestivation needs more detailed study in the future. 展开更多
关键词 fatty acid (FAs) Apostichopusjaponicus AESTIVATION multivariate analysis
Docosahexaenoic acid suppresses arachidonic acid-induced proliferation of LS-174T human colon carcinoma cells 被引量:2
作者 Piet Habbel Karsten H Weylandt +6 位作者 Katja Lichopoj Johannes Nowak Martin Purschke Jing-Dong Wang Cheng-Wei He Daniel C Baumgart Jing X Kang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第9期1079-1084,共6页
AIM: To investigate the impact of arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and their combination on colon cancer cell growth. METHODS: The LS-174T colon cancer cell line was used to study the role of... AIM: To investigate the impact of arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and their combination on colon cancer cell growth. METHODS: The LS-174T colon cancer cell line was used to study the role of the prostaglandin precursor AA and the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid DHA on cell growth. Cell viability was assessed in XTT assays. For analysis of cell cycle and cell death, flow cytometry and DAPI staining were applied. Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), p21 and bcl-2 in ceils incubated with AA or DHA was examined by real-time RT-PCR. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) generation in the presence of AA and DHA was measured using a PGE2- ELISA. RESULTS: AA increased cell growth, whereas DHA reduced viability of LS 174T cells in a time- and dosedependent manner. Furthermore, DHA down- regulated mRNA of bcl-2 and up-regulated p21. Interestingly, DHA was able to suppress AA-induced cell proliferation and significantly lowered AA-derived PGE2 formation. DHA also down-regulated COX-2 expression. In addition to the effect on PGE2 formation, DHA directly reduced PGE2-induced cell proliferation in a dosedependent manner. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that DHA can inhibit the pro-proliferative effect of abundant AA or PGE2. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal carcinoma Colon cancer Omega-3 Omega-6 Polyunsaturated fatty acids Arachidonic acid Docosahexaenoic acid ProstaglandinE2 CYCLOOXYGENASE-2 Apoptosis
Effect of pollution on DNA damage and essential fatty acid profile in Cirrhinus mrigala from River Chenab 被引量:1
作者 Bilal HUSSAIN Tayyaba SULTANA +2 位作者 Salma SULTANA K.A.AL-GHANIM Shahid MAHBOOB 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期572-579,共8页
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic pollution on DNA damage and the fatty acid profile of the bottom dweller fish (Cirrhinus mr^gala), collected from the River Chenab, in order to... The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic pollution on DNA damage and the fatty acid profile of the bottom dweller fish (Cirrhinus mr^gala), collected from the River Chenab, in order to assess the effect of the toxicants on the quality of the fish meat. The levels ofCd, Hg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cr and Sn and of phenols from this river were significantly higher than the permissible limits set by the USEPA. Comet assays showed DNA damage in Cirrhinus mr^gala collected from three different sampling sites in the polluted area of the river. Significant differences were observed for DNA damage through comet assay in fish collected from polluted compared to control sites. No significant differences were observed for DNA damage between farmed and fish collected from upstream. The micronucleus assay showed similar trends. Fish from the highly polluted sites showed less number of fatty acids and more saturated fatty acids in their meat compared to fish from less polluted areas. Several fatty acids were missing in fish with higher levels of DNA in comet tail and micronucleus induction. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) was found missing in the fish from polluted environment while it was found in considerable amount in farmed fish 7.8±0.4%. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) also showed significant differences as 0.1±0.0 and 7.0±0.1% respectively, in wild polluted and fanned fishes. 展开更多
关键词 HABITAT FISH comet assay micronucleus assay fatty acids
Lipid Oxidation and Fatty Acid Composition in Salt-Dried Yellow Croaker(Pseudosciaena polyactis) During Processing 被引量:5
作者 CAI Qiuxing WU Yanyan +3 位作者 LI Laihao WANG Yueqi YANG Xianqing ZHAO Yongqiang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期855-862,共8页
Lipid oxidation in salt-dried yellow croaker(Pseudosciaena polyactis) was evaluated during processing with commonly used analytical indices, such as the peroxide value(POV), the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances... Lipid oxidation in salt-dried yellow croaker(Pseudosciaena polyactis) was evaluated during processing with commonly used analytical indices, such as the peroxide value(POV), the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS) value, and oxidative-relative lipoxygenase(LOX) activity. Additionally, fatty acids were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Both POV and TBARS increased significantly(P < 0.05) at the rinsing stage. POV reached its peak value of 3.63 meq O_2 per kg sample at the drying stage, whereas TBARS constantly increased from 0.05 to 0.20 mg MDA per kg sample. Processing of salt-dried yellow croaker had an extremely significant(P < 0.01) effect on LOX activity. Twenty-six fatty acids were identified. Combined eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA; C20:5n3) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA; C22:6n3) content varied between(19.20 ±0.37) mg g^(-1) and(23.45 ± 1.05) mg g^(-1). The polyunsaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid(PUFA/SFA) ratio in yellow croaker was 0.73–1.10, and the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio was approximately 0.13–0.20. The contents of most fatty acids varied significantly(P <0.05) during the different processing stages, and these differences were caused by lipid oxidation. C18:0, C16:1n7, C19:0, and C22:6n3 showed clear changes in principle component one of a principle components analysis. These fatty acids are potential markers for evaluating lipid oxidation in fish muscle because there was a significant correlation between these markers and TBARS and LOX activity(P < 0.05) with Pearson's coefficients > 0.931. 展开更多
关键词 Pseudosciaena yellow PUFA Lipid constantly varied saturated dried lipoxygenase extremely
Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Modulate Calcium Signaling in Murine CD36-Positive Taste Buds Cells, via Phospholipase Pathways
作者 Gado Dramane Simon A. Akpona +1 位作者 Philipe Besnard Naim A. Khan 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第6期570-579,共10页
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) induced intracellular calcium increase in taste receptor cells purified from mouse circumvallate papillae. We have demonstrated that DHA and EPA induced c... DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) induced intracellular calcium increase in taste receptor cells purified from mouse circumvallate papillae. We have demonstrated that DHA and EPA induced calcium increase respectively via cPLA2 (cytosolic phospholipase A2) type lVc and calcium independent iPLA2 (phospholipase A2) type VI. Intracellular calcium increases via PLC (phospholipase C) pathway and leads to a calcium effiux and further SOC (stored operated calcium) channels activation. An abundant increase in intracellular calcium will induce exocytosis of neurotransmitters into the extracellular medium. Our results suggest that DHA and EPA induced calcium signaling, and should be implicated in the transmission of lipid gustatory information to afferent nerve fibers, as shown previously with linoleic acid. 展开更多
关键词 Docosahexaenoic eicosapentaenoic CALCIUM PHOSPHOLIPASE taste bud cells.
Effect of Dietary Lipid Levels on Fatty Acids Composition of Cultured Sparusaurata
作者 Zayene Nesrine Gam Haouas Wafa +1 位作者 Guerbej Hamadi Achour Lotfi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第6期312-320,共9页
The aim of this study was to determine the progressive evolution of fish muscle fatty acids composition feeding by different lipid levels of farmed Mediterranean gilthead sea bream (Sparusaurata). During twenty one ... The aim of this study was to determine the progressive evolution of fish muscle fatty acids composition feeding by different lipid levels of farmed Mediterranean gilthead sea bream (Sparusaurata). During twenty one weeks, Sparusaurata were hand-feed two diets with protein and lipid ratios 47/20 (Diet A) and 45/22 (Diet B) respectively. At the end of the feeding period, lipid contents of muscle, as well as fatty acids profiles of different portions of the muscles were studied. Results indicated the effects of fatty acids profiles of diets throughout the liver and white muscle fillet (dorsal, middle and ventral). These were more noticeable when Sparusaurata was fed on the diet Athat decreased the content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in all the muscles during the period of feeding while the saturated fatty acids (SFA) content tended to increase and it was lower than ones in the muscles of Sparusaurata fed on diet B. The highest amount of PUFA and docosahexaenoic acid, (22:6n-3 DHA) were found among the different portions of ventral muscles. In addition, the progressive evolution of different parts of muscle's fatty acid profiles showed significant differences in contents of SFA, PUFA and especially the n-3 PUFA. However, the content of MUFA seems to be alike in different muscles and tended to decrease in dorsal and ventral muscle from Do to Df and inversely when the fish were fed on diet A. 展开更多
关键词 Fatty acids LIVER Muscles cultured fish Sparusaurata.
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