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作者 曹芷萱 宁雯峰 +2 位作者 尚可 周嘉仪 朱鹏霖 《可持续发展》 2024年第5期1099-1109,共11页
本研究论文主要探讨了基于文本挖掘和二元logistics回归的生物医药行业上市公司财务预警研究。通过分析生物医药行业上市公司的财务数据和管理层讨论与分析(MD&A)文本,利用二元logistics回归模型和文本挖掘技术,研究构建了一套财务... 本研究论文主要探讨了基于文本挖掘和二元logistics回归的生物医药行业上市公司财务预警研究。通过分析生物医药行业上市公司的财务数据和管理层讨论与分析(MD&A)文本,利用二元logistics回归模型和文本挖掘技术,研究构建了一套财务预警模型,以预测企业是否可能发生财务危机。研究选取了现金比率、现金流量负债比率、资产负债率、净资产收益率、营业毛利率、息税前营业利润率、总资产增长率、营业收入增长率、资本保值增率、每股经营活动产生的净流量增长率等财务指标,以及基于MD&A文本信息构建的语调指标作为模型的关键预警指标。这些指标涵盖了企业的多个财务维度,旨在全面评估公司的财务健康状况。模型在非ST公司的判断准确率达到了87.50%,在ST公司的判断准确率为80.00%,整体准确率为85.29%,显示了该模型对于早期识别财务风险具有一定的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 生物医药上市公司 财务预警 文本挖掘 logistIC回归
作者 徐喜春 刘思鹏 《新余学院学报》 2024年第1期110-118,共9页
通过对32所高校调研分析发现,大学生“慢就业”现象呈现上升态势。研究表明:个人最高学历、职业规划清晰程度、就业主动性、父母对于子女选择“慢就业”的态度、是否为独生子女、家庭人均年收入、学校层次、学校就业指导服务质量等因素... 通过对32所高校调研分析发现,大学生“慢就业”现象呈现上升态势。研究表明:个人最高学历、职业规划清晰程度、就业主动性、父母对于子女选择“慢就业”的态度、是否为独生子女、家庭人均年收入、学校层次、学校就业指导服务质量等因素均显著影响大学生对于“慢就业”行为的认知与选择。为此,必须结合大学生“慢就业”行为选择的影响因素,开展“广谱式”的职业生涯规划教育、构建家校联合的就业指导机制、形成具有强针对性的就业指导体系。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 “慢就业” 二元logistIC回归 就业引导
作者 郭倩 徐佳 +1 位作者 綦春蕾 王运萍 《机器人外科学杂志(中英文)》 2024年第3期432-438,共7页
目的:探索基于二元Logistics回归模型分析机器人辅助子宫内膜癌患者术后并发症的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2021年5月—2022年5月在空军军医大学第一附属医院收治的96例子宫内膜癌患者的临床资料,根据手术方式不同将所有患者分为常规组(... 目的:探索基于二元Logistics回归模型分析机器人辅助子宫内膜癌患者术后并发症的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2021年5月—2022年5月在空军军医大学第一附属医院收治的96例子宫内膜癌患者的临床资料,根据手术方式不同将所有患者分为常规组(n=47)和机器人组(n=49),并比较两组患者并发症发生率。同时,经二元Logistic回归模型分析影响术后并发症的危险因素。结果:机器人组术后并发症发生率低于常规组(6.12%Vs 31.91%,P<0.05)。经二元Logistic回归模型分析,年龄>60岁、BMI>24 kg/m^(2)、术中出血量>200 ml、有贫血史、常规手术是影响患者术后出现并发症的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。利用Bootstrap法内验证,预测模型AUC为0.818,特异性71.8%,灵敏性77.8%,95%CI 0.720~0.917。结论:影响机器人辅助子宫内膜癌术后并发症的主要因素为贫血史、手术时间、BMI、年龄、手术方式,针对合并此类危险因素的患者需采用相应的干预措施,从而降低患者术后并发症,改善预后。 展开更多
关键词 二元logistics回归模型 机器人辅助手术 子宫内膜癌 并发症 危险因素
作者 伍嘉嘉 莫良玉 +1 位作者 张友泓 范稚莲 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第8期266-269,279,共5页
基于2022年广西基层农技推广体系人员培训班的调查问卷数据,利用二元Logistic回归模型分析了个体基本特征、培养因素、其他影响因素等对基层农技人才培养意愿的影响。结果表明:年龄、单位政策支持、对农业生产的帮助等对培养意愿有显著... 基于2022年广西基层农技推广体系人员培训班的调查问卷数据,利用二元Logistic回归模型分析了个体基本特征、培养因素、其他影响因素等对基层农技人才培养意愿的影响。结果表明:年龄、单位政策支持、对农业生产的帮助等对培养意愿有显著的影响。提出实施精准培养、加强政策支持、优化培养内容等建议,旨在增强基层农技人员培养意愿和参与积极性,实现农业和农村发展的高质量和可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 基层农技人才 培养意愿 影响因素 二元logistic
作者 孙雨柔 高溪鸿 +1 位作者 李宇航 黄潇莹 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第7期0097-0100,共4页
党的二十大报告强调:“全面推进乡村振兴,坚持农业农村优先发展。”在乡村振兴的大背景下,茶产业的可持续发展是有效脱贫的途径之一,从供需两端深入打通乡村振兴茶产业链,深耕茶叶产业赋能乡村振兴。本文以峨眉雪芽品牌为例,通过设计问... 党的二十大报告强调:“全面推进乡村振兴,坚持农业农村优先发展。”在乡村振兴的大背景下,茶产业的可持续发展是有效脱贫的途径之一,从供需两端深入打通乡村振兴茶产业链,深耕茶叶产业赋能乡村振兴。本文以峨眉雪芽品牌为例,通过设计问卷对成都市消费者进行实地调查,观察其购买行为特征,挖掘影响消费的主要因素,通过二元Logistic模型分析后得到相应结论,为峨眉雪芽可持续发展提出可行性建议。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉雪芽 二元logistIC模型 影响因素 消费者
作者 纪洪源 杨奉广 《吉林水利》 2024年第4期1-6,46,共7页
山洪泥石流作为一种常见的自然灾害,其突发性和破坏性给人类社会的生产生活带来了巨大的威胁。在全球气候变暖的背景下,山洪泥石流的发生频率和破坏力呈现增加趋势。通过采用有序logistics回归模型,对四川省北川羌族自治县地区山洪泥石... 山洪泥石流作为一种常见的自然灾害,其突发性和破坏性给人类社会的生产生活带来了巨大的威胁。在全球气候变暖的背景下,山洪泥石流的发生频率和破坏力呈现增加趋势。通过采用有序logistics回归模型,对四川省北川羌族自治县地区山洪泥石流危险性进行了定量化评估,选取流域切割密度、流域相对高差、主沟长度、50年一遇泥石流规模等多个关键因素,构建了logistics回归模型进行危险性评估。根据模型结果发现,主沟长度和50年一遇规模的影响最为显著。本文不仅对山洪泥石流风险进行了较为精确的定量化评估,同时也为防治措施的制定提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 山洪泥石流 有序logistics回归 危险性评估
作者 吴良锋 《广东蚕业》 2024年第2期128-131,135,共5页
在乡村振兴背景下,乡村旅游作为乡村经济发展新路径,在改善农村基础设施建设、提高农户收入方面具有显著作用。农户作为乡村旅游开发主体,其参与意愿对于乡村旅游开发具有关键作用。文章选取贵州省榕江县乐里镇作为研究对象,采用二元Log... 在乡村振兴背景下,乡村旅游作为乡村经济发展新路径,在改善农村基础设施建设、提高农户收入方面具有显著作用。农户作为乡村旅游开发主体,其参与意愿对于乡村旅游开发具有关键作用。文章选取贵州省榕江县乐里镇作为研究对象,采用二元Logistic回归模型对当地农户参与乡村旅游开发意愿的影响因素进行分析。研究发现,当地农户参与意愿受4个因素影响,分别是教育程度,政府对当地乡村旅游开发政策宣传解读,政府在资金、专业技能等方面的支持,当地乡村旅游企业提供工作岗位。根据研究结果,针对性提出提升农户参与乡村旅游开发意愿的对策建议,以期助力乐里镇乡村旅游的开发。 展开更多
关键词 二元logistic回归模型 乡村旅游 参与意愿
作者 吴艳民 《中国教育技术装备》 2024年第15期35-40,共6页
从多媒体技术运用视角出发,基于265名农村小学生的调查数据,运用二元Logistic回归模型,分析小学生学业成绩的影响因素。结果表明,多媒体技术的运用是提高小学生成绩的重要因素;此外,小学生学业成绩还受到学生个体特征、家庭社会资本特... 从多媒体技术运用视角出发,基于265名农村小学生的调查数据,运用二元Logistic回归模型,分析小学生学业成绩的影响因素。结果表明,多媒体技术的运用是提高小学生成绩的重要因素;此外,小学生学业成绩还受到学生个体特征、家庭社会资本特征、社会环境特征等多重因素的影响。建议通过开设多媒体课程,增加课堂多媒体技术应用时长,推广学校、家庭、社会统一教育模式等途径以提升小学生的学业成绩。 展开更多
关键词 多媒体技术 小学生 二元logistic回归模型
作者 方丹 施静婧 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2024年第1期98-102,108,共6页
目的探讨普外科术中低体温发生的风险因素,构建并验证术中低体温发生的风险预测模型。方法选取2020年12月至2022年12月在本院接受普外科手术的117例患者作为观察对象。收集患者临床资料,根据患者术中是否发生低体温将其分为发生低体温... 目的探讨普外科术中低体温发生的风险因素,构建并验证术中低体温发生的风险预测模型。方法选取2020年12月至2022年12月在本院接受普外科手术的117例患者作为观察对象。收集患者临床资料,根据患者术中是否发生低体温将其分为发生低体温组(A组)和未发生低体温组(B组)。Logistic回归分析影响患者普外科术中发生低体温的危险因素,并建立风险预测模型,受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)检测该模型的预测效能。结果117例患者中发生低体温31例(26.49%),未发生低体温86例(73.50%)。两组患者在年龄、体重指数、手术方式、ASA分级、术中输液量、手术室温、手术时间等方面比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥65岁、术中输液量≥1000 mL、麻醉时间≥4 h、手术室温<23℃是普外科术中发生低体温的危险因素(P<0.05)。独立危险因素纳入Logistic回归分析并建立预测模型,模型预测概率P=1/[1+e(-1.020+0.874)×(年龄)+1.114×(术中输液量)+1.556×(手术室温)+1.453×(麻醉时间)]。ROC曲线检验该模型预测效能,结果显示ROC曲线下面积(AUC)=0.754(P<0.05);Hosmer-Lemeshow拟合优度检验显示,χ^(2)=1.001,P=0.998。结论患者年龄、术中输液量、麻醉时间、手术室温是普外科患者术中发生低体温的独立危险因素,Logistic风险预测模型拟合效度好,具有较高预测价值。 展开更多
关键词 外科手术 低体温 logistics回归分析 预测模型构建
作者 银小兰 周路军 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第2期0193-0196,共4页
为探讨财经素养对大学生消费行为的影响,本研究对广西某高校大学生进行问卷调查,结果发现:(1)47.7%的大学生每个月生活费为1000-1500元,92.6%的大学生生活费来自家庭供给,79.2%的大学生会把剩余的月生活费储存下来。(2)大学生中有87%对... 为探讨财经素养对大学生消费行为的影响,本研究对广西某高校大学生进行问卷调查,结果发现:(1)47.7%的大学生每个月生活费为1000-1500元,92.6%的大学生生活费来自家庭供给,79.2%的大学生会把剩余的月生活费储存下来。(2)大学生中有87%对财经素养有兴趣,29%从来不主动学习财经类知识或技能,72.9%希望通过学校开设相关课程系统学习。(3)大学生消费行为的二元Logistic回归分析显示,户籍、财经素养兴趣和攒钱习惯对大学生电商节消费行为影响显著。实证分析结果表明,大学生财经素养水平还有很大的上升空间,财经素养对大学生消费行为有重要影响,加强大学生财经素养教育,有利于大学生形成科学合理的消费行为习惯。 展开更多
关键词 财经素养 大学生消费行为 二元logistic回归模型
作者 戴玉微 王凯丽 +3 位作者 朱建平 肖宇 唐子涵 向茗 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1370-1376,共7页
目的基于中医状态学宏、中、微观健康状态表征参数体系探讨冠心病血瘀证前证发展过程中的相关保护/危险因素。方法收集湖南中医药大学各附属医院就诊于心内科门诊及住院部冠心病待查对象253例,按照宏观、中观、微观3个维度制定调查问卷... 目的基于中医状态学宏、中、微观健康状态表征参数体系探讨冠心病血瘀证前证发展过程中的相关保护/危险因素。方法收集湖南中医药大学各附属医院就诊于心内科门诊及住院部冠心病待查对象253例,按照宏观、中观、微观3个维度制定调查问卷,对采集的参数用Python软件进行分类整理,将患者诊断为冠心病血瘀证前证(150例)和冠心病血瘀证(100例),用频次分析、χ^(2)检验及Logistic回归等方法进行统计分析。结果(1)单因素分析结果显示:年龄、BMI、吸烟史、饮酒史、高血压史、糖尿病史、月平均高温、空气质量、季节、职业类型、社会环境、冠脉造影狭窄、舒张压、收缩压、肌酐、尿酸、总胆固醇等指标在冠心病血瘀证前证和冠心病血瘀证之间存在差异,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)二元Logistic回归分析显示:年龄、BMI、饮酒史、职业类型、冠脉造影狭窄、舒张压、肌酐、暗红舌是其独立危险因素。建立预测模型:P=1/[1+exp(16.522-1.427×年龄-0.975×BMI-3.55×饮酒史+1.982×月平均高温+0.709×季节-1.827×职业类型-1.1×冠脉造影狭窄-0.072×舒张压-0.076×肌酐+2.398×头晕-4.108×暗红舌+4.169×脉涩)],模型预测率为90.5%。结论冠心病血瘀证logistic回归模型与临床诊断良好,为冠心病已病与未病之间的状态探索奠定基础,为亚健康理论提供重要的基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 前证 logistIC回归模型 危险因素
Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Location Problem of Drone Logistics Hub
作者 Li Zheng Gang Xu Wenbin Chen 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期935-957,共23页
Drone logistics is a novel method of distribution that will become prevalent.The advantageous location of the logistics hub enables quicker customer deliveries and lower fuel consumption,resulting in cost savings for ... Drone logistics is a novel method of distribution that will become prevalent.The advantageous location of the logistics hub enables quicker customer deliveries and lower fuel consumption,resulting in cost savings for the company’s transportation operations.Logistics firms must discern the ideal location for establishing a logistics hub,which is challenging due to the simplicity of existing models and the intricate delivery factors.To simulate the drone logistics environment,this study presents a new mathematical model.The model not only retains the aspects of the current models,but also considers the degree of transportation difficulty from the logistics hub to the village,the capacity of drones for transportation,and the distribution of logistics hub locations.Moreover,this paper proposes an improved particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm which is a diversity-based hybrid PSO(DHPSO)algorithm to solve this model.In DHPSO,the Gaussian random walk can enhance global search in the model space,while the bubble-net attacking strategy can speed convergence.Besides,Archimedes spiral strategy is employed to overcome the local optima trap in the model and improve the exploitation of the algorithm.DHPSO maintains a balance between exploration and exploitation while better defining the distribution of logistics hub locations Numerical experiments show that the newly proposed model always achieves better locations than the current model.Comparing DHPSO with other state-of-the-art intelligent algorithms,the efficiency of the scheme can be improved by 42.58%.This means that logistics companies can reduce distribution costs and consumers can enjoy a more enjoyable shopping experience by using DHPSO’s location selection.All the results show the location of the drone logistics hub is solved by DHPSO effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Drone logistics location problem mathematical model DIVERSITY particle swarm optimization
A Proposed Feature Selection Particle Swarm Optimization Adaptation for Intelligent Logistics--A Supply Chain Backlog Elimination Framework
作者 Yasser Hachaichi Ayman E.Khedr Amira M.Idrees 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期4081-4105,共25页
The diversity of data sources resulted in seeking effective manipulation and dissemination.The challenge that arises from the increasing dimensionality has a negative effect on the computation performance,efficiency,a... The diversity of data sources resulted in seeking effective manipulation and dissemination.The challenge that arises from the increasing dimensionality has a negative effect on the computation performance,efficiency,and stability of computing.One of the most successful optimization algorithms is Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)which has proved its effectiveness in exploring the highest influencing features in the search space based on its fast convergence and the ability to utilize a small set of parameters in the search task.This research proposes an effective enhancement of PSO that tackles the challenge of randomness search which directly enhances PSO performance.On the other hand,this research proposes a generic intelligent framework for early prediction of orders delay and eliminate orders backlogs which could be considered as an efficient potential solution for raising the supply chain performance.The proposed adapted algorithm has been applied to a supply chain dataset which minimized the features set from twenty-one features to ten significant features.To confirm the proposed algorithm results,the updated data has been examined by eight of the well-known classification algorithms which reached a minimum accuracy percentage equal to 94.3%for random forest and a maximum of 99.0 for Naïve Bayes.Moreover,the proposed algorithm adaptation has been compared with other proposed adaptations of PSO from the literature over different datasets.The proposed PSO adaptation reached a higher accuracy compared with the literature ranging from 97.8 to 99.36 which also proved the advancement of the current research. 展开更多
关键词 Optimization particle swarm optimization algorithm feature selection logistics supply chain management backlogs
Potential of Applying Artificial Intelligence to Hot Metal Logistics Management
作者 Maria Gabriela Garcia CAMPOS Paul van BEURDEN 《China's Refractories》 CAS 2024年第3期37-41,共5页
The steel industry,known for its complexity and the need to reduce CO_(2)emissions,is adopting advanced digitalization tools to move towards a more sustainable,integrated,and agile operating model.Digital twins with a... The steel industry,known for its complexity and the need to reduce CO_(2)emissions,is adopting advanced digitalization tools to move towards a more sustainable,integrated,and agile operating model.Digital twins with artificial intelligence-based optimization and scheduling models can improve decision-making in logistics,refractory maintenance,and energy efficiency.By incorporating advanced AI algorithms into this decision support system,the hot metal route scenarios can be evaluated,resulting in minimized hot metal temperature losses and increased scrap utilization.This paper integrated digital twins with reinforcement learning algorithms to investigate the logistics of torpedoes and hot metal ladles.It considered important input parameters such as the ladles and torpedoes'thermal state and location,refractory thickness,hot metal volume and temperature,and crane availability.By incorporating advanced AI algorithms into this decision support system,energy-efficient scenarios can be evaluated,increasing scrap utilization and resulting in a possible reduction of 15°C in hot metal temperature losses. 展开更多
关键词 hot metal logistics energy efficiency artificial intelligence
ISO/TC 344 on innovative logistics set up in Qingdao
《China Standardization》 2024年第4期15-15,共1页
The 2024 International Standardization Conference on Logistics,the first of its kind in China,was held by China Federation of Logistics&Purchasing(CFLP)on May 29 in Qingdao,Shandong province,where ISO/TC 344,Innov... The 2024 International Standardization Conference on Logistics,the first of its kind in China,was held by China Federation of Logistics&Purchasing(CFLP)on May 29 in Qingdao,Shandong province,where ISO/TC 344,Innovative logistics,was officially set up.ISO President Sung Hwan Cho sent a congratulatory message via video.He Liming,Chair of CFLP,Zhao Shengcun,Deputy Mayor of Qingdao,officers from Standards Innovative Management Department of SAMR,and relevant leaders attended and addressed the meeting.Over 400 attendees participated in the conference,including representatives from the ISO Central Secretariat,members of ISO/TC 344,members of Asia-Pacific Logistics Federation(APLF),and representatives from national departments,industrial associations,research institutions,and logistics enterprises.ISO/TC 344 is responsible for the standardization of services,technological application,and management in the field of logistics.Its secretariat is held by China,the domestic counterpart of which is CFLP. 展开更多
关键词 ISO/TC Qingdao logistics
The heterogeneous impact of China-Europe railway express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities
作者 Yanliang Niu Jin Liu +1 位作者 Xining Yang Chuan Wang 《Railway Sciences》 2024年第3期279-294,共16页
Purpose-The spatiotemporal compression effect of China-Europe Railway Express(CR-Express)can reduce the filow costs of resources between China's node cities.Additionally,it can break through the limitations of low... Purpose-The spatiotemporal compression effect of China-Europe Railway Express(CR-Express)can reduce the filow costs of resources between China's node cities.Additionally,it can break through the limitations of low-added-value marine products,significantly impacting the logistics industry efficiency.However,there are few literature verifying and analyzing its heterogeneity.This study explores the impact of CR-Express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities and analyzes the heterogeneity.Design/methodology/approach-First,this study uses panel data to measure the efficiency of node city logistics industry.Secondiy,this study discusses the impact of the opening of CR-Express on the efficiency of logistics industry in node cities based on the multi-period differential model.Finally,according to the node city difference,the sample city experimental group is grouped for heterogeneity analysis.Findings-The results show that CR-Express can promote the urban logistics industry efficiency,with an average effect of 4.55%.According to the urban characteristics classification,the heterogeneity analysis shows that the efficiency improvement effect of logistics industry in inland cities is more obvious.The improvement effect of node cities and central cities in central and western China is stronger,especially in the sample of megacities and type I big cities.Compared with non-value chain industrial products,the CR-Express has significant promotion effects on the logistics efficiency of the cities where main goods are value chain products.Originality/value-Under the background of double cycle development,this paper can provide a scientific basis for the investment benefit evaluation of CR-Express construction and the follow-up route planning. 展开更多
关键词 logistics industry efficiency China-Europe railway express Difference-in-difference model HETEROGENEITY Transportation infrastructure Paper type Research paper
Research on Smart Logistics Development Based on Blockchain Technology
作者 Xinsheng Zhang Jing Hu 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第3期53-58,共6页
Blockchain technology has been incorporated into the field of next-generation information infrastructure in China and is experiencing rapid development.Utilizing blockchain and other emerging technologies to develop i... Blockchain technology has been incorporated into the field of next-generation information infrastructure in China and is experiencing rapid development.Utilizing blockchain and other emerging technologies to develop intelligent logistics is essential for logistics enterprises to reduce costs,enhance efficiency,and improve quality.By analyzing and summarizing the issues within the development of China’s logistics industry,this paper discusses its growth from three perspectives:policy,technology,and industry. 展开更多
关键词 Blockchain Development of smart logistics SIGNIFICANCE COUNTERMEASURES
Automobile Transportation Logistics Supply Chain Management Strategy
作者 Liting Yu 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第1期56-61,共6页
To enhance the management level and quality of the automobile transportation logistics supply chain and promote innovation and development in automobile transportation logistics enterprises,it is essential to strength... To enhance the management level and quality of the automobile transportation logistics supply chain and promote innovation and development in automobile transportation logistics enterprises,it is essential to strengthen the construction of the automobile transportation logistics supply chain management model.This can be achieved through the gradual improvement of the automobile transportation logistics management process,ensuring that the management of the automobile transportation logistics supply chain proceeds in an orderly manner.The aim is to improve automobile transportation and logistics service levels while meeting the changing market supply needs.This will enable automobile transportation and logistics enterprises to maintain steady economic benefits and enhance their core competitiveness in the market.Therefore,this paper has conducted a comprehensive exploration and research on managing the automobile transportation logistics supply chain.Corresponding management strategies are proposed as a starting point to achieve the aforementioned goals. 展开更多
关键词 Automobile transportation logistics supply chain Management strategies
Suggestions on the Good Development of Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics in China
作者 Wang Mingzheng Wang Shuling 《Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy》 2024年第3期263-271,共9页
Objective To study the characteristics and problems of the development of cold chain logistics in pharmaceutical industry,and to provide a reference for the development of China’s drug logistics.Methods Literature an... Objective To study the characteristics and problems of the development of cold chain logistics in pharmaceutical industry,and to provide a reference for the development of China’s drug logistics.Methods Literature analysis was used to investigate the development of drug cold chain logistics,relevant laws and regulations,and policies in China.Then,the problems of industry development were summarized and some suggestions were put forward by referring to the mature concept of international drug cold chain logistics system.Results and Conclusion China’s cold chain logistics in pharmaceutical field is growing,but it is still in the development stage.By increasing government support,scientific research investment and professional training,the comprehensive strength of drug cold chain logistics can be improved to a certain extent,and the safety of drugs can be guaranteed for the people. 展开更多
关键词 cold chain drug cold chain logistics industry development
作者 谢佳佳 《现代营销(下)》 2024年第9期92-94,共3页
人口老龄化是我国今后较长一个时期的基本国情。为探究安徽省某市城镇居民参加社区互助养老服务的意愿影响因素,本文从个人、家庭、社会三个层面出发,构建互助养老服务意愿判别模型。结果显示,性别、婚姻状况、子女融洽程度、社区邻里... 人口老龄化是我国今后较长一个时期的基本国情。为探究安徽省某市城镇居民参加社区互助养老服务的意愿影响因素,本文从个人、家庭、社会三个层面出发,构建互助养老服务意愿判别模型。结果显示,性别、婚姻状况、子女融洽程度、社区邻里关系等因素通过卡方检验。由二元logistics回归模型可知,家庭因素和社会支持因素影响居民参加互助养老意愿。因此,本文提出要加强互助养老服务的宣传,形成社会、社区和家庭的三合一互助养老体系。 展开更多
关键词 互助养老意愿 影响因素 卡方检验 logistics回归模型
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