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作者 陈栋 《太阳能》 2024年第8期112-117,共6页
针对光伏组件单二极管模型的非线性隐式超越方程特性,提出了一种改进的曲线拟合算法,通过调整模型中二极管反向饱和电流的求解形式,并应用高斯-牛顿法进行参数迭代,有效提升了模型的仿真精度和计算速度。通过与经典算例的结果对比分析,... 针对光伏组件单二极管模型的非线性隐式超越方程特性,提出了一种改进的曲线拟合算法,通过调整模型中二极管反向饱和电流的求解形式,并应用高斯-牛顿法进行参数迭代,有效提升了模型的仿真精度和计算速度。通过与经典算例的结果对比分析,验证了所提出的算法在提高仿真精度和改善收敛性方面的显著优势,为光伏发电系统设计和性能评估提供了有力的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 光伏组件 二极管模型 曲线拟合算法 二极管反向饱和电流
对半波整流二极管中电流的讨论 被引量:3
作者 麻幼学 《辽东学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第2期133-136,共4页
文章针对有关文献采用以锯齿波电压代替半波整流电容滤波电路输出电压原本波形的方法,分析计算通过半波整流二极管中的电流,文章指出假设的锯齿波违反电路基本定理和能量守恒定律,其计算结果根本不是原电路的真实情况。文章采用另一种... 文章针对有关文献采用以锯齿波电压代替半波整流电容滤波电路输出电压原本波形的方法,分析计算通过半波整流二极管中的电流,文章指出假设的锯齿波违反电路基本定理和能量守恒定律,其计算结果根本不是原电路的真实情况。文章采用另一种近似分析方法,即以指数波代替原来的输出电压波形,推导出了计算半波整流二极管中的电流公式,且经过实际计算结果证明了该公式的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 波整流 二极管电流 分析计算
基于恒电流二极管的LED驱动电路设计 被引量:5
作者 周骅 刘桥 《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第3期87-90,共4页
LED照明是当前照明市场的热点趋势,对于其驱动电路设计方案也层出不穷。本文根据恒电流二极管的特性,针对LED照明中的小功率和大功率LED的不同特性,分别给出了驱动电路设计。保证LED驱动电路性能的同时大大简化了其驱动电路设计,降低了... LED照明是当前照明市场的热点趋势,对于其驱动电路设计方案也层出不穷。本文根据恒电流二极管的特性,针对LED照明中的小功率和大功率LED的不同特性,分别给出了驱动电路设计。保证LED驱动电路性能的同时大大简化了其驱动电路设计,降低了驱动电路的成本。 展开更多
关键词 LED 驱动电路 电流二极管
作者 刘万方 刘庆 许铁华 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第4期31-32,44,共3页
一、前言 彩电国产化,是电子工业发展的一项重要政策,要整机国产化,首先必须元器件国产化,而整机厂对元器件的要求是:一要保证质量,二要按时配套供应。SG25J硅整流二极管就是为彩电配套的高档管之一。该管主要为JVC机型配套管,也可用于... 一、前言 彩电国产化,是电子工业发展的一项重要政策,要整机国产化,首先必须元器件国产化,而整机厂对元器件的要求是:一要保证质量,二要按时配套供应。SG25J硅整流二极管就是为彩电配套的高档管之一。该管主要为JVC机型配套管,也可用于其它彩电,由于参数要求苛刻,目前国内整机厂靠进口管装配,为实现器件国产化,我们通过近一年时间的努力,已试制成功,并先后提供两批给用户使用,初步反应良好。 展开更多
关键词 彩电 高频 电流二极管 SG25J型
作者 袁乐 侯孝涵 +1 位作者 常中科 杨喜军 《变频器世界》 2019年第12期61-67,共7页
对于多级单相有源功率因数校正器(APFC),存在电感电流合成、功率开关电流合成以及反向快恢复二极管(FRD)电流合成问题。单相APFC可以用于多种负载类型,本文主要分析单相APFC--电阻负载时FRD电流合成原理以及对电解电容电流纹波的影响,... 对于多级单相有源功率因数校正器(APFC),存在电感电流合成、功率开关电流合成以及反向快恢复二极管(FRD)电流合成问题。单相APFC可以用于多种负载类型,本文主要分析单相APFC--电阻负载时FRD电流合成原理以及对电解电容电流纹波的影响,所得结果有利于深入理解多级交错单相APFC的工作原理。 展开更多
关键词 功率因数校正 多级交错 电解电容电流 二极管电流
太阳电池工程数学模型精确度对比分析研究 被引量:5
作者 肖文波 胡方雨 +1 位作者 戴锦 谭云 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期703-708,共6页
基于太阳电池相关文献参数,对比研究并分析太阳电池单指数二极管电流输出方程与8种工程数学模型之间的绝对误差及均方根误差。结果表明,8种工程数学模型总体上均能正确重现太阳电池性能,但均存在绝对误差随电压的增大而增大的现象;原因... 基于太阳电池相关文献参数,对比研究并分析太阳电池单指数二极管电流输出方程与8种工程数学模型之间的绝对误差及均方根误差。结果表明,8种工程数学模型总体上均能正确重现太阳电池性能,但均存在绝对误差随电压的增大而增大的现象;原因是工程模型无法描述电池非线性特性随着电压增大而显著增强的现象。此外,发现尽管不同假设条件下8种工程数学模型对各类太阳电池性能的重现存在适用范围,但在帕德逼近下建立的多项式形式模型误差最小,原因在于帕德逼近下的展开最能逼近e指数特征。 展开更多
关键词 太阳电池 单指数二极管电流输出方程 工程数学模型 对比分析
利用法拉第筒测试环形强流电子束束流 被引量:2
作者 朱晓欣 谭维兵 +3 位作者 苏兆峰 宋玮 胡祥刚 李小泽 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 北大核心 2019年第3期536-540,共5页
通过优化设计法拉第筒的响应电阻和分布电感,在“TPG700”平台上对无箔二极管阴极发射的环形电子束束流进行轴向测试。结果表明,无波二极管工作在低磁场(<1 T)条件下,在二极管电压较低时,优化后的法拉第筒测试获得的电子束束流前沿较... 通过优化设计法拉第筒的响应电阻和分布电感,在“TPG700”平台上对无箔二极管阴极发射的环形电子束束流进行轴向测试。结果表明,无波二极管工作在低磁场(<1 T)条件下,在二极管电压较低时,优化后的法拉第筒测试获得的电子束束流前沿较慢,随着二极管电压的升高,电子束束流前沿明显变快;在强磁场(>2 T)条件下,法拉第筒测试结果与罗果夫斯基线圈测试结果一致。该结果表明,相比于罗果夫斯基线圈,法拉第筒更能准确地测试出无箔二极管的前向电子束束流。 展开更多
关键词 束流测量 法拉第筒 二极管电压 二极管电流
作者 金翠云 李一博 +1 位作者 王立坤 靳世久 《国外电子元器件》 2003年第12期12-15,共4页
EL6249C是美国Elantec半导体公司推出的四通道激光二极管电流放大器。文中根据频闪成像原理 ,利用EL6249C设计了一套频闪驱动电路 ,该驱动电路可驱动高亮LED ,以产生MEMS动态测试中所需的频闪光 ,为后续MEMS器件的动态特性提取和分析做... EL6249C是美国Elantec半导体公司推出的四通道激光二极管电流放大器。文中根据频闪成像原理 ,利用EL6249C设计了一套频闪驱动电路 ,该驱动电路可驱动高亮LED ,以产生MEMS动态测试中所需的频闪光 ,为后续MEMS器件的动态特性提取和分析做准备。 展开更多
关键词 EL6249C MEMS 动态测试 四通道激光二极管电流放大器 频闪 微电子机械系统
准Z源逆变器直流链电压跌落的判断和抑制方法 被引量:4
作者 许宇豪 肖海峰 +2 位作者 马昭 高文 贺昱曜 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第14期3688-3700,共13页
准Z源逆变器是一种允许桥臂直通的特殊升压变换器,在新能源电动汽车、光伏和风电等分布式发电系统中具有广泛应用前景。准Z源逆变器直流链电压泵升时存在一个潜在问题,若直流侧电感储能不足会使二极管电流断续,从而导致直流链电压发生跌... 准Z源逆变器是一种允许桥臂直通的特殊升压变换器,在新能源电动汽车、光伏和风电等分布式发电系统中具有广泛应用前景。准Z源逆变器直流链电压泵升时存在一个潜在问题,若直流侧电感储能不足会使二极管电流断续,从而导致直流链电压发生跌落,严重降低了准Z源逆变器的输出性能和安全可靠性。针对该问题,首先,该文定义电压跌落深度的概念来计算和衡量直流链电压升高和降低的幅值。然后,在综合分析造成二极管电流断续因素的基础上,提出直流链电压跌落判断方法,可根据当前系统参数和状态预判直流链电压是否发生跌落。最后,为了防止准Z源逆变器出现非正常状态,基于系统协调控制的思想提出了直流链电压跌落抑制方法。结果表明,所提出的方法能够准确预测直流链电压跌落的条件,并能够有效防止直流链电压跌落。 展开更多
关键词 Z 源逆变器 直流链电压 电压跌落深度 二极管电流断续
Channel Lateral Pocket or Halo Region of NMOSFET Characterized by Interface State R G Current of the Forward Gated Diode
作者 何进 黄爱华 +1 位作者 张兴 黄如 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第7期826-831,共6页
The channel lateral pocket or halo region of NMOSFET characterized by interface state R G current of a forward gated diode has been investigated numerically for the first time.The result of numerical analysis demons... The channel lateral pocket or halo region of NMOSFET characterized by interface state R G current of a forward gated diode has been investigated numerically for the first time.The result of numerical analysis demonstrates that the effective surface doping concentration and the interface state density of the pocket or halo region are interface states R G current peak position dependent and amplitude dependent,respectively.It can be expressed quantitatively according to the device physics knowledge,thus,the direct characterization of the interface state density and the effective surface doping concentration of the pocket or halo becomes very easy. 展开更多
关键词 forward gated diode R G current MOSFET pocket or halo implant region interface states effective surface doping concentration
A DBRTD with a High PVCR and a Peak Current Density at Room Temperature
作者 易里成荣 谢常青 +2 位作者 王从舜 刘明 叶甜春 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期1871-1874,共4页
AlAs/GaAs/In0.1Ga0.9As/GaAs/AlAs double-barrier resonant tunneling diodes (DBRTDs) grown on a semi-insulated GaAs substrate with molecular beam epitaxy is demonstrated. By sandwiching the In0.1 Ga0.9 As layer betwee... AlAs/GaAs/In0.1Ga0.9As/GaAs/AlAs double-barrier resonant tunneling diodes (DBRTDs) grown on a semi-insulated GaAs substrate with molecular beam epitaxy is demonstrated. By sandwiching the In0.1 Ga0.9 As layer between GaAs layers, potential wells beside the two sides of barrier are deepened, resulting in an increase of the peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) and a peak current density. A special shape of collector is designed in order to reduce contact resistance and non-uniformity of the current;as a result the total chrrent density in the device is increased. The use of thin barriers is also helpful for the improvement of the PVCR and the peak current density in DBRTDs. The devices exhibit a maximum PVCR of 13.98 and a peak current density of 89kA/cm^2 at room temperature. 展开更多
关键词 resonant tunneling diode peak-to-valley current ratio peak current density
作者 李昕哲 《家庭电子》 2003年第6期47-47,共1页
电脑光驱使用一两年后,读盘能力普遍下降,严重时甚至无法读取光盘。如何让老光驱发挥余热呢?本文下面介绍一些经验供参考。一、清扫激光头。清扫激光头能提高读盘能力,但清扫工作通常仅限于激光头透镜和激光头外部,这是很不够的。用户... 电脑光驱使用一两年后,读盘能力普遍下降,严重时甚至无法读取光盘。如何让老光驱发挥余热呢?本文下面介绍一些经验供参考。一、清扫激光头。清扫激光头能提高读盘能力,但清扫工作通常仅限于激光头透镜和激光头外部,这是很不够的。用户应对激光束经过的所有部位进行清扫,至少应对透镜的下表面和透镜下面的反射镜进行清扫。清扫方法是:首先小心卸下激光头罩。激光头罩一般用四个卡子卡在激光头上。 展开更多
关键词 电脑光驱 读盘能力 清扫激光头 激光二极管电流 透镜组件偏移
作者 HuangAihua YuShan 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第1期104-107,共4页
Forward gated-diode Recombination-Generation(R-G) current method is applied to an NMOSFET/SOI to measure the stress-induced interface traps in this letter. This easy but accurate experimental method can directly give ... Forward gated-diode Recombination-Generation(R-G) current method is applied to an NMOSFET/SOI to measure the stress-induced interface traps in this letter. This easy but accurate experimental method can directly give stress-induced average interface traps for characterizing the device’s hot carrier characteristics. For the tested device, an expected power law relationship of △Nit-t0.787 between pure stress-induced interface traps and accumulated stressing time is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Hot-carrier effect Interface traps R-G current Gated-diode MOSFET/SOI
Laser diode drive method with narrow-width and high-peak current for multi-line LIDAR 被引量:2
作者 LI Xu DUAN Fa-jie +3 位作者 MA Ling WANG Xian-quan JIANG Jia-jia FU Xiao 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第3期246-253,共8页
Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) based on time of flight (TOF) method is widely used in many fields related to distance measurement. LIDAR generally uses laser diode (LD) to emit the pulsed laser with high peak pow... Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) based on time of flight (TOF) method is widely used in many fields related to distance measurement. LIDAR generally uses laser diode (LD) to emit the pulsed laser with high peak power and short duration to ensure a large distance measurement range and eye safety. To achieve this goal, we propose a pulsed LD drive method producing the drive current with high peak and narrow pulse width. We analyze the key issues and related theories of the drive current generation based on this method and design an LD driver. A model of drive current generation is established and the influence of operating frequency on drive current is discussed. The LD driver is simulated by software and verified by experiments. The working frequency of the driver changes from 20 kHz to 100 kHz and the charging voltage is set at 130 V. The current produced by this driver has a duration of 8.8 ns and a peak of about 35 A, and the peak output optical power of the LD exceeds 75 W. 展开更多
关键词 light detection and ranging(LIDAR) distance measurement laser diode (LD) driver pulsed current
Optimal design of APD biasing circuit
作者 SUN Chun-sheng QIN Shi-qiao +1 位作者 WANG Xing-shu ZHU Dong-hua 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第3期237-240,共4页
This paper proposes a control method for avalanche photodiode(APD) reverse bias with temperature compensation and load resistance compensation. The influence of background light and load resistance on APD detection ci... This paper proposes a control method for avalanche photodiode(APD) reverse bias with temperature compensation and load resistance compensation. The influence of background light and load resistance on APD detection circuit is analyzed in detail. A theoretical model of temperature compensation and load resistance compensation is established,which is used for APD biasing circuit designing. It is predicted that this control method is especially suitable for LD laser range finder used on vehicles. Experimental results confirm that the design proposed in this paper can considerablely improve the performance of range finder. 展开更多
关键词 雪崩二极管 偏流电路 优化设计 温度补偿 负载电阻补偿
功率半导体器件芯片双面多层金属化技术及应用 被引量:2
作者 唐晓颖 叶婵 宫艳娟 《森林工程》 北大核心 2003年第4期36-37,共2页
本文主要阐述了功率半导体器件芯片双面多层金属化技术及正面多层金属的光刻技术 ,并通过对2CK3891、 2CK390 1硅大电流开关二极管的成功应用 ,证明了该技术的科学性、合理性。
关键词 功率半导体器件芯片 双面多层金属化技术 正面多层金属化技术 光刻技术 蒸镀技术 2CK3891 2CK3901 硅大电流开关二极管
New High Efficiency LED Lighting Solution
作者 DING Ke NIU Ping-juan FU Xian-song 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2008年第3期213-216,共4页
As the quality of power LED improves and the cost of power LED reduces, semiconductor lighting will replace incandescent and fluorescent lighting gradually, causing another revolution on the lighting history. And its ... As the quality of power LED improves and the cost of power LED reduces, semiconductor lighting will replace incandescent and fluorescent lighting gradually, causing another revolution on the lighting history. And its driving solution has been greatly accelerated. Based on the white power LED I-V characteristics and the application ambiance, proposed is a new LED lighting solution, suiting indoor and outdoor illumination. According to the test results, the design is optimized, and the electrical efficiency is 95% and the output current deviation is 13.0%. 展开更多
关键词 LED lighting electrical efficiency output current deviation
A new dimmer for alternating-current directly driven light-emitting-diode lamp 被引量:1
作者 KIM Jong-hyun RYU Myung-hyo +1 位作者 YOON Hyok-min SONG Eui-ho 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期374-379,共6页
A new dimmer using a mental-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) for alternating-current (AC) directly driven light-emitting-diode (LED) lamp was presented. The control method of proposed dimmer is pul... A new dimmer using a mental-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) for alternating-current (AC) directly driven light-emitting-diode (LED) lamp was presented. The control method of proposed dimmer is pulse width control (PWM) method. Compared with the conventional phase-controlled dimmer, the proposed PWM dimmer can produce sine wave and did not cause harmonics problem. Furthermore, the proposed control method did not amplify the light flicker due to the independence of input voltage. Therefore, the PWM dimmer can be used as the dimmer of the AC LED lamp instead of the conventional phase-controlled dimmer. The experimental result shows that the proposed PWM dimmer has good performances. 展开更多
关键词 alternating-current directly driven light-emitting-diode pulse width control total harmonic distortion flicker triac
Photodiode Circuit Macro-model for SPICE Si mulation
作者 RAO Cheng YUAN Xiang-hui +3 位作者 ZHANG Si-jie Meng Li-ya Pan yin-song HUANG You-shu 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2006年第1期25-29,共5页
An accurate photodiode circuit macro-model is proposed for SPICE simulation. The definition and implementation of the macro-model is based on carrier stationary continuity equation. In this macro-model, the photodiode... An accurate photodiode circuit macro-model is proposed for SPICE simulation. The definition and implementation of the macro-model is based on carrier stationary continuity equation. In this macro-model, the photodiode is a device of three pins, one for light intensity input and the other two for photocurrent output, which represent the relationship between photocurrent and incident light. The validity of the proposed macro-model is demonstrated with its PSPICE simulation result compared with reported experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 Photodiode model SPICE macro-model NP junction Stationary continuity equation CMOS PHOTOCURRENT Carrier concentration
New dark current component of InGaAs/InP HPDs confirmed by DLTS
作者 WANGKaiyuan XUWeihong 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1995年第1期20-23,共4页
The dark current of In_(0.47) Ga_(0.53) As/InP heterojunction photodiodes (HPDs) was analysed. We found that there exists a new dark current component──deep level-assisted tunnelling current.DLTS was used to measure... The dark current of In_(0.47) Ga_(0.53) As/InP heterojunction photodiodes (HPDs) was analysed. We found that there exists a new dark current component──deep level-assisted tunnelling current.DLTS was used to measure the In_(0.47)Ga_(0.53)As/InP HPDs. An electronic trap which has a thermal activation energy of O.44 eV, level concentration of 3.10×10 ̄(13)cm ̄(-3) and electronic capture cross section of 1.72×10 ̄(12)cm ̄2 has been found.It's existence results in the new tunnelling current. 展开更多
关键词 Photodiodes Characteristic Measurement Dark Current Tunnelling Current
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