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作者 陈琪乐 周华 《有色金属设计》 2018年第1期28-29,49,共3页
以新疆境内南天山地区野云沟区域为矿区勘测和研究的对象,了解该区域在地质特征的基础上可能存在的成矿带。在研究过程中,采用的方式是以该区域的地质背景作为基础,进而了解区域内的地层分布、地质褶皱以及岩层断裂等情况。同时分析该... 以新疆境内南天山地区野云沟区域为矿区勘测和研究的对象,了解该区域在地质特征的基础上可能存在的成矿带。在研究过程中,采用的方式是以该区域的地质背景作为基础,进而了解区域内的地层分布、地质褶皱以及岩层断裂等情况。同时分析该区域是否存在变质作用以及变质岩,通过这些显著性的特征分析了解该区域可能存在的成矿的因素以及矿带的位置和所处区域,最终推测该区域是否存在潜在的矿藏资源以及成矿远景。 展开更多
关键词 天山野云沟 地质特征 成矿远景
过冷层状云AgI播云效应区的NOAA卫星反演分析与数值模拟 被引量:3
作者 余兴 徐小红 戴进 《自然科学进展》 北大核心 2007年第2期225-232,共8页
2000年3月14日14时15分至15时49分,在陕西省境内实施了1次AgI飞机人工增雨作业,15时35分NOAA-14卫星接收到播云后的云图资料显示:在云顶形成了1条长301 km、平均宽9 km、最大宽度14 km的云迹线.卫星资料分析表明播云云迹为冰晶化的云沟... 2000年3月14日14时15分至15时49分,在陕西省境内实施了1次AgI飞机人工增雨作业,15时35分NOAA-14卫星接收到播云后的云图资料显示:在云顶形成了1条长301 km、平均宽9 km、最大宽度14 km的云迹线.卫星资料分析表明播云云迹为冰晶化的云沟,云沟内暖外冷,有增温效应,是播云所致.通过催化剂输送扩散的数值模拟证实了每段云沟都与每段催化剂的输送扩散一一对应,是播云效应在云顶的直观反映,云沟区为播云效应区.虽然卫星能够提供小时尺度、百公里范围播云效应的状况,但只能给出云顶这一个剖面的状况,文中利用数值模拟再现了播云效应区的时空分布及演变,分析播云效应区特征.数值模拟显示:120 min内,播云效应区的面积、体积、宽度、厚度随时间为先增后减的单峰型,90 min达到极大,极大值分别为3639 km2,3413.4 km2,9.19 km,0.94 km,120 min内的平均值分别为2303 km2,1973.0 km3, 6.87 km,0.78 km;考虑到NOAA资料的局限性和云及其微物理过程的复杂性,真正的播云效应区的面体也许更大、宽度更宽、厚度更厚、存在时间更长. 展开更多
关键词 过冷层状 AgI播效应区 云沟 NOAA卫星 催化剂输送扩散 数值模拟
贵州册亨达秧中三叠统浊积岩中大型滑移变形层理的发现及其意义 被引量:2
作者 程国繁 何英 +2 位作者 周金伟 杨再科 杨华 《沉积与特提斯地质》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期42-49,共8页
作者在野外调查中于贵州省册亨县达秧乡洛秧村云上沟发现一组"图纹石",具有精美的花纹图案,沿北东向的云上沟溪谷断续分布,长度大于2km。经初步研究,其为中三叠统许满组第四段下亚段中上部的细砂粉砂岩,岩石上的奇特花纹图案... 作者在野外调查中于贵州省册亨县达秧乡洛秧村云上沟发现一组"图纹石",具有精美的花纹图案,沿北东向的云上沟溪谷断续分布,长度大于2km。经初步研究,其为中三叠统许满组第四段下亚段中上部的细砂粉砂岩,岩石上的奇特花纹图案属于大型滑移变形层理,是一种特殊的软沉积变形构造,可分为4种基本类型。研究区滑移变形层理保存之完好,形态图案之精美,层系规模之宏大,为国内外同期地层中所罕见,是一种不可再生的珍稀地质遗迹资源。它的发现,不但为进一步研究我国右江三叠纪周缘前陆盆地的沉积特征、演化历程提供了新的地质资料和场所,亦对丰富和发展沉积学理论具有非常重要的科学意义。而且研究区可作为一种地质旅游资源加以保护与开发利用,对促进偏远少数民族地区的经济发展具有重要现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 三叠系 浊积岩 滑移变形层理 地质遗迹 册亨
Debris Flow Warning Threshold Based on Antecedent Rainfall:a Case Study in Jiangjia Ravine,Yunnan,China 被引量:12
作者 GUO Xiao-jun CUI Peng LI Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期305-314,共10页
Debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine in Yunnan province, China are not only triggered by intense storms but also by short-duration and low-intensity rainfalls. This reflects the significance of antecedent rainfall. This pa... Debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine in Yunnan province, China are not only triggered by intense storms but also by short-duration and low-intensity rainfalls. This reflects the significance of antecedent rainfall. This paper tries to find the debris flow- triggering threshold by considering antecedent rainfall through a case study in Jiangjia Ravine. From 23 debris flow events, the I-D (Intensity-Duration) threshold was found, which is very dose to the line of 95th percentile regression line of rainfall events, representing that 95% of rainfalls can potentially induce debris flows and reflects the limitation of I-D threshold application in this area. Taking into account the effect of antecedent rainfall, the debris flowtriggering threshold for rainfall quantity and intensity is statistically and empirically derived. The relationships can be used in debris flow warning system as key thresholds. Coupling with the rainfall characteristics in this area, new thresholds are proposed as triggering and warning thresholds. 展开更多
关键词 I-D threshold debris flow warningsystem antecedent rainfall Jiangjia Ravine
Two-dimensional Numerical Model for Debris Flows in the Jiangjia Gully,Yunnan Province 被引量:3
作者 PENG Hong ZHAO Yanxin +3 位作者 CUI Peng ZHANG Wanshun CHEN Xuejiao CHEN Xiaoqing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期757-766,共10页
Debris flows are recurrent natural hazards in many mountainous regions.This paper presents a numerical study on the propagation of debris flows in natural erodible open channels,in which the bed erosion and sedimentat... Debris flows are recurrent natural hazards in many mountainous regions.This paper presents a numerical study on the propagation of debris flows in natural erodible open channels,in which the bed erosion and sedimentation processes are important.Based on the Bingham fluid theory,a mathematical model of the two-dimensional non-constant debris flow is developed.The governing equations include the continuity and momentum conservation equations of debris flow,the sediment convection-diffusion equation,the bed erosion-deposition equation and the bed-sediment size gradation adjustment equation.The yield stress and shear stress components are included to describe the dynamic rheological properties.The upwind control-volume Finite Volume Method (FVM) is applied to discretize the convection terms.The improved SIMPLE algorithm with velocity-free-surface coupled correction is developed to solve the equations on non-orthogonal,quadrilateral grids.The model is applied to simulate a debris flow event in Jiangjia Gully,Yunnan Province and to predict the flow pattern and bed erosion-deposition processes.The results show the effectiveness of the proposed numercial model in debris flow simulation and potential hazard analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Numerical simulation SIMPLE algorithm Finite Volume Method Hazardanalysis Jiangjia Gully
Experimental Analysis of Shear Strength of Undisturbed Soil in Leucaena Forest in Jiangjia Ravine,Yunnan,China 被引量:5
作者 JIAO Zhen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期386-395,共10页
Five leucaena trees of similar age were chosen in Jiangjia Ravine of Dongchuan,Yunnan Province,China,near which the soil samples were collected by digging profiles 2m in depth and 1m in width.In each section,soil samp... Five leucaena trees of similar age were chosen in Jiangjia Ravine of Dongchuan,Yunnan Province,China,near which the soil samples were collected by digging profiles 2m in depth and 1m in width.In each section,soil samples at different depths were taken for direct shear experiments to determine the root amount and mechanical composition.It is found that the cohesion and internal friction angle of the undisturbed soil are related to the root amount,depth,clay content and breccias content.Cohesion correlates negatively with root content,a finding that differs from that of other researchers.In addition,internal friction angle correlates positively with all these factors. 展开更多
关键词 Jiangjia Ravine LEUCAENA Undisturbedsoil Shear strength Impact factors
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