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作者 杨金砖 《湖南科技学院学报》 2017年第1期40-42,共3页
卿仁东是潇湘大地上一位耐得住寂寞的作家,他喜好为写作与摄影,常于村舍与山林间穿梭,偶有所感,吟之成文。《云里人家》是他的第一部散文作品集,收录84篇文章,共分六辑。无论是"房前屋后"一辑里的山光水色,或是"左邻右舍... 卿仁东是潇湘大地上一位耐得住寂寞的作家,他喜好为写作与摄影,常于村舍与山林间穿梭,偶有所感,吟之成文。《云里人家》是他的第一部散文作品集,收录84篇文章,共分六辑。无论是"房前屋后"一辑里的山光水色,或是"左邻右舍"一辑里的踽踽孤行,还是"三亲六眷"与"一日三餐"两辑里的身边故事,抑或是"说三道四"与"行走田园"的随感札记,读来如清澈山泉般的甘甜圆润,若日暮渔歌般的悠扬缠绵,给人以美的愉悦和往下阅读的冲动。 展开更多
关键词 卿仁东 云里人家》 潇湘文学 山水散文
作者 秦栋 《艺术探索》 2013年第3期111-114,共4页
河南唢呐曲《云里摸》体现了我国民族音乐创作的"源流思维"。该曲的音乐材料在发展过程中,以主题为"基因"派生发展,以"展头重尾"的展衍方式体现其内在联系,以阶梯式速度推进音乐发展,结构呈现出二分性的... 河南唢呐曲《云里摸》体现了我国民族音乐创作的"源流思维"。该曲的音乐材料在发展过程中,以主题为"基因"派生发展,以"展头重尾"的展衍方式体现其内在联系,以阶梯式速度推进音乐发展,结构呈现出二分性的特征。 展开更多
关键词 云里摸》 源流思维 派生 “基因” 二分性
作者 秦栋 《吉林艺术学院学报》 2014年第6期16-18,共3页
在《中国音乐词典》中关于词条《云里摸》第一段旋律来源的说法是有待商榷的。本文通过对权威专家的求证并结合《云里摸》对应版本的谱例与"河南曲牌《抬花轿》"比较之后,认为《云里摸》第一段旋律是在"河南曲牌《抬花轿... 在《中国音乐词典》中关于词条《云里摸》第一段旋律来源的说法是有待商榷的。本文通过对权威专家的求证并结合《云里摸》对应版本的谱例与"河南曲牌《抬花轿》"比较之后,认为《云里摸》第一段旋律是在"河南曲牌《抬花轿》"的旋律基础上发展而来的,而不是"河南曲剧《抬花轿》",《中国音乐词典》中的释义有一字之误。 展开更多
关键词 中国音乐词典 云里 抬花轿
作者 袁永杰 《杂技与魔术》 2004年第6期43-,共1页
《攀登》是河南省杂技团在继承的基础上创新的节目。原来的《晃梯》,经过二十几年磨练,已经具有一定水平,在国际国内比赛中已得过一些奖,要想进一步提高很不容易。通过集思广益和在实践中反复摸索,在我和第三代演员的共同努力下终于产... 《攀登》是河南省杂技团在继承的基础上创新的节目。原来的《晃梯》,经过二十几年磨练,已经具有一定水平,在国际国内比赛中已得过一些奖,要想进一步提高很不容易。通过集思广益和在实践中反复摸索,在我和第三代演员的共同努力下终于产生了几组新动作,使节目技巧有了较大突破。动作组合一:" 展开更多
关键词 演员 铁架 晃梯 杂技 国际杂技节 梯子 节目 云里
Community participation mode of ecotourism in Tibetan area of Shangri-La County, Yunnan Province 被引量:2
作者 Cheng Zhu 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第3期306-318,共13页
Community participation is one of the focuses of the research on ecotourism. The research on community participative model is of great theoretical and practical significance. Based on the former experts’ studies, thi... Community participation is one of the focuses of the research on ecotourism. The research on community participative model is of great theoretical and practical significance. Based on the former experts’ studies, this paper analyzes ecotourism demonstration areas in Diqing Shangri-La of Yunnan as a case study. It mainly expounds the relationship between ecotourism and community participation and puts forward such a community participative model of ecotourism in Shangri-La. 展开更多
关键词 Community participation MODEL ECOTOURISM Shangri-La Tibetan area
作者 张荣甫 《上海鲁迅研究》 1991年第2期73-75,共3页
我由于内山书店的关系,约在1930年开始认识了鲁迅先生。那时他是住在闸北东横浜路景云里,后来迁居北川公寓,最后又迁居于山阴路大陆新村九号。当时国民党在上海进行'文化围剿',实行白色恐怖的统治,人民一点民主和自由都没有,对... 我由于内山书店的关系,约在1930年开始认识了鲁迅先生。那时他是住在闸北东横浜路景云里,后来迁居北川公寓,最后又迁居于山阴路大陆新村九号。当时国民党在上海进行'文化围剿',实行白色恐怖的统治,人民一点民主和自由都没有,对进步人士、学生爱国运动等进行镇压,用逮捕、暗杀等手段进行迫害。 展开更多
关键词 闸北 云里 新村 横浜 先生 北川 路景
作者 老城 《书法》 2007年第12期39-40,共2页
天下第三行书《寒食诗》——苏轼二〇三七—二〇二飞机在白云机场起飞十分钟,就平稳飞行了,从舷窗往外看,下面的房屋,道路与河流,甚至汽车是停放还是在奔跑,都明了不朦脱,看上去一片清晰。两小时以后,广播里说让系好安全带,马上就要降落... 天下第三行书《寒食诗》——苏轼二〇三七—二〇二飞机在白云机场起飞十分钟,就平稳飞行了,从舷窗往外看,下面的房屋,道路与河流,甚至汽车是停放还是在奔跑,都明了不朦脱,看上去一片清晰。两小时以后,广播里说让系好安全带,马上就要降落了,之后飞机就一头扎进云彩里。我还说呢’今天的云怎么这样浑浊啊,是不是这种云里蕴藏着大量的雨水啊.正这么想着,飞机颠簸,看见跑道了,还有模糊的大地,模糊的房屋,知道刚才不是在云里,是在我们这座城市的上空。 展开更多
关键词 云里 行书 飞机 模糊 房屋
作者 王善常 《辽河》 2019年第4期26-35,共10页
一栋高楼,孤零零地立在远处,四周是空旷的原野,没有一棵树,没有一间房,连半个人影都见不到,只弥漫着淡淡的紫色雾霭。这楼真高,刘敏的脖子都仰酸了,也看不到顶。天空中积满了暗红色的云,翻滚着,像蒙着一群怪兽的帷幕。这楼插到了云里,... 一栋高楼,孤零零地立在远处,四周是空旷的原野,没有一棵树,没有一间房,连半个人影都见不到,只弥漫着淡淡的紫色雾霭。这楼真高,刘敏的脖子都仰酸了,也看不到顶。天空中积满了暗红色的云,翻滚着,像蒙着一群怪兽的帷幕。这楼插到了云里,几十条绳子从云里垂下来,贴着楼面,每条绳子下都吊着一个人。 展开更多
关键词 河底 绳子 云里 暗红色 怪兽 原野 楼面
作者 胡冰颖 陈木小 《中学生天地(初中综合版)(A版)》 2019年第1期27-27,共1页
'再让她睡一会儿吧。''去把她叫起来吧。'这是上初三以来,我经常听到的一段对话。每天清晨,当月亮拖着疲惫的身躯极不情愿地躲进云里时,母亲和父亲便忙碌起来,细心为我准备着这一天的早餐和一个美好的开始。这个双休日... '再让她睡一会儿吧。''去把她叫起来吧。'这是上初三以来,我经常听到的一段对话。每天清晨,当月亮拖着疲惫的身躯极不情愿地躲进云里时,母亲和父亲便忙碌起来,细心为我准备着这一天的早餐和一个美好的开始。这个双休日的早上,我比平时醒得早了些。门外响起了极轻微的奏乐声。 展开更多
关键词 流水声 母亲 切菜 奏乐 柴声 情愿 父亲 身躯 云里
Skarn-type tungsten mineralization associated with the Caledonian(Silurian) Niutangjie granite, northern Guangxi, China 被引量:13
作者 YANG Zhen WANG RuCheng +4 位作者 ZHANG WenLan CHU ZhuYin CHEN Jun ZHU JinChu ZHANG RongQing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1551-1566,共16页
The Niutangjie tungsten deposit is a bedded skarn-type scheelite deposit and is located at the junction between Ziyuan and Xingan counties in the north of Guangxi,China.The deposit is genetically related to a fine-gra... The Niutangjie tungsten deposit is a bedded skarn-type scheelite deposit and is located at the junction between Ziyuan and Xingan counties in the north of Guangxi,China.The deposit is genetically related to a fine-grained two-mica granite within the orefield.Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of the granite yielded a Silurian(Caledonian)age of 421.8±2.4 Ma,which is contemporaneous with the adjacent Yuechengling batholith.Mineralization within the skarn is associated with a quartz,garnet,and diopside gangue,and scheelite is present in a number of different mineral assemblages,such as quartz-scheelite and quartz-sulfide-scheelite;these assemblages correspond to oxide and sulfide stages of mineralization.Sm-Nd isotope analysis of scheelite yielded an isochron age of 421±24 Ma.Although the uncertainty on this date is high,this age suggests that the scheelite mineralization formed during the Late Caledonian,at a similar time to the emplacement of the Niutangjie granite.Zircons within the granite have?Hf(t)values and Hf two-stage model ages of?6.5 to?11.6,and 1.79 to 2.11 Ga,respectively.These data suggest that the magma that formed the granite was derived from Mesoproterozoic crustal materials.Scheelite?Nd(t)values range from?13.06 to?13.26,also indicative of derivation from ancient crustal materials.Recent research has identified Caledonian magmatism in the western Nanling Range,indicating that this magmatism may be the source of contemporaneous tungsten mineralization. 展开更多
关键词 Niutangjie tungsten deposit Caledonian granite Caledonian tungsten mineralization zircon U-Pb dating scheeliteSm-Nd dating
Early dolomitisation of the Lower-Middle Ordovician cyclic carbonates in northern Tarim Basin, NW China 被引量:4
作者 GUO Chuan CHEN DaiZhao +2 位作者 DONG ShaoFeng QIAN YiXiong LIU CunGe 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期1283-1298,共16页
High-frequency metre-scale cycles are present within the Lower-Middle Ordovician carbonate successions in northern Tarim Basin, NW China. These metre-scale cycles were variably dolomitised from top to bottom. Three ty... High-frequency metre-scale cycles are present within the Lower-Middle Ordovician carbonate successions in northern Tarim Basin, NW China. These metre-scale cycles were variably dolomitised from top to bottom. Three types of replacive dolomites were recognised, including dololaminite(very finely to finely crystalline, planar-s to nonplanar-a dolomite;type-1), patterned dolomite(finely crystalline, planar-s dolomite; type-2), and mottled dolomite(finely to medium crystalline,nonplanar-a(s) dolomite; type-3). Petrographic evidence indicate these dolomites were primarily deposited in supratidal to restricted subtidal environments, and formed in near-surface to shallow burial realms. Geochemically, all types of dolomites have similar δ13C and 87Sr/86 Sr ratios comparable to calcite precipitated in equilibrium with the Early-Middle Ordovician seawater. These geochemical attributes indicate that these dolomites were genetically associated and likely formed from connate seawater-derived brines. Of these, type-1 dolomite has δ18O values(.4.97‰ to.4.04‰ VPDB) slightly higher than those of normal seawater dolomite of the Early-Middle Ordovician age. Considering the absence of associated evaporites within type-1 dolomite, its parental fluids were likely represented by slightly evaporated(i.e., mesosaline to penesaline) seawater with salinity below that of gypsum precipitation. More depleted δ18O values(.7.74‰ to.5.20‰ VPDB) of type-2 dolomite and its stratigraphic position below type-1 dolomite indicate the generation of this dolomite from mesosaline to penesaline brines at higher temperatures in near-surface to shallow burial domains. Type-3 dolomite yields the most depleted δ18O values(–9.30‰to –7.28‰ VPDB), pointing to that it was most likely formed from coeval seawater-derived brines at highest temperatures in a shallow burial setting. There is a downward decreasing trend in δ18O values from type-1 through type-2 to type-3 dolomites, and in abundance of dolomites, indicating that the dolomitising fluids probably migrated downward from above and persisted into shallow burial conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Early dolomitisation CYCLICITY CARBONATE Lower-Middle Ordovician Tarim Basin
The porosity origin of dolostone reservoirs in the Tarim, Sichuan and Ordos basins and its implication to reservoir prediction 被引量:26
作者 ZHAO WenZhi SHEN AnJiang +3 位作者 ZHENG JianFeng QIAO ZhanFeng WANG XiaoFang LU JunMing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第10期2498-2511,共14页
Origin of dolostone remained a controversial subject, although numerous dolomitization models had been proposed to date. Because of the dolomitization's potential to be hydrocarbon reservoirs, one debatable issue was... Origin of dolostone remained a controversial subject, although numerous dolomitization models had been proposed to date. Because of the dolomitization's potential to be hydrocarbon reservoirs, one debatable issue was the role of dolomitization in porosity construction or destruction. Based upon case studies of dolostone reservoirs in various geological settings such as evaporative tidal flat (Ordos Basin, NW China), evaporative platform (Sichuan Basin, SW China), and burial and hydrothermal diagenesis (Tarim Basin, NW China), here we systematically discuss the origin of porosity in dolostone reservoirs. Contrary to traditional concepts, which regarded dolomitization as a significant mechanism for porosity creation, we found two dominant factors controlling reservoir development in dolostones, i.e., porosity inherited from precursor carbonates and porosity resulted from post-dolomitization dissolution. Actually, dolomitization rarely had a notable effect on porosity creation but rather in many cases destroyed pre-existing porosity such as saddle dolostone precipitation in vugs and fractures. Porosity in dolostones associated with evaporative tidal flat or evaporative platform was generally created by subaerial dissolution of evaporites and/or undolomitized components. Porosity in burial dolostones was inherited mostly from precursor carbonates, which could be enlarged due to subsequent dissolution. Intercrystalline porosity in hydrothermal dolostones was either formed during dolo- mitization or inherited from precursor carbonates, whereas dissolution-enlarged intercrystalline pores and/or vugs were usually interpreted to be the result of hydrothermai alteration. These understandings on dolostone porosity shed light on reservoir pre- diction. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative tidal flat were laterally distributed as banded or quasi-stratified shapes in evaporite-bearing dolostones, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns on tops of shallowing-upward cycles Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative platform commonly occurred along epiplatforms or beneath evaporite beds, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns in dolostones and/or evaporite-bearing dolostones of reef/shoal facies. Con- strained by primary sedimentary facies, burial dolostone reservoirs were distributed in dolomitized, porous sediments of reef/shoal facies, and occurred vertically as multi-intervai patterns in crystalline dolostones on tops of shallowing-upward cy- cles. Hydrothermal dolomitization was obviously controlled by conduits (e.g., faults, unconformities), along which lenticular reservoirs could develop. 展开更多
关键词 dolostone reservoirs DOLOMITIZATION reservoir distribution rule Tarim Basin Sichuan Basin Ordos Basin
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