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作者 慈兆庆 封晓健 《全媒体探索》 2023年第4期48-49,共2页
媒体融合视域下,媒体与受众互动量的数量与质量是体现媒体舆论引导力的重要指标,也是当前媒体建设过程中薄弱的一环。要想有效提升互动量,需创新内容创作,把握信息时效,加强技术护航,加大人才培训。本文结合潍坊日报社“潍坊融媒”头条... 媒体融合视域下,媒体与受众互动量的数量与质量是体现媒体舆论引导力的重要指标,也是当前媒体建设过程中薄弱的一环。要想有效提升互动量,需创新内容创作,把握信息时效,加强技术护航,加大人才培训。本文结合潍坊日报社“潍坊融媒”头条号的实际情况,以探讨互动量提升的难点与路径。 展开更多
关键词 媒体融合 互动量 舆论引导
亲子互动量表的信度和效度检验 被引量:1
作者 章青兰 毋文豪 +1 位作者 陈永聪 任为 《中国初级卫生保健》 2022年第2期61-63,共3页
目的:检验亲子互动量表(Parent-ChildInteractionScales,PCI)的信度和效度。方法:于2020年11月—2021年1月在兰州市城区随机抽取814名0~3岁儿童及其家长进行调查,评价PCI中教育量表和喂养量表的信度和效度。结果:教育量表的Cronbach’s... 目的:检验亲子互动量表(Parent-ChildInteractionScales,PCI)的信度和效度。方法:于2020年11月—2021年1月在兰州市城区随机抽取814名0~3岁儿童及其家长进行调查,评价PCI中教育量表和喂养量表的信度和效度。结果:教育量表的Cronbach’sα系数为0.813,评分者信度为0.916,内部一致性信度为0.839,条目水平的内容效度指数(I-CVI)值为0.833~1.000,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI/Ave)值为0.977,验证性因子分析结果显示拟合度良好;喂养量表的Cronbach’sα系数为0.912,评分者信度为0.873,内部一致性信度为0.923,条目水平的内容效度指数(I-CVI)值为0.833~1.000,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI/Ave)值为0.991,验证性因子分析结果显示拟合度良好。结论:PCI量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为我国0~3岁儿童亲子互动质量的评估工具。 展开更多
关键词 亲子互动量 信度 效度 表研究
作者 靳元 张奋飞 +1 位作者 李哲 高景晖 《全国商情》 2012年第9期13-15,共3页
基于美国房地产业近200年来的发展历史和发展趋势的数据分析,其房地产量与房价的互动关系在短期内呈现符合传统经济学的负相关、而长期内则由于其价格决定的多因素性呈现出总体同时上升的趋势。这种趋势与美国整体运行良好的宏观经济对... 基于美国房地产业近200年来的发展历史和发展趋势的数据分析,其房地产量与房价的互动关系在短期内呈现符合传统经济学的负相关、而长期内则由于其价格决定的多因素性呈现出总体同时上升的趋势。这种趋势与美国整体运行良好的宏观经济对房地产业一贯的支持激励政策密不可分。通过立法、创设相关机构、税收优惠等多种措施,美国为房地产业的发展提供了优良的政策、金融、服务环境,并有效利用了国际移民、外来投资、城市化等客观条件进一步推动房地产业的稳定增长。 展开更多
关键词 美国 房地产业 发展规律 多因素性 互动
作者 李明 《清华社会学评论》 2022年第2期326-348,共23页
社会互动距离分析方法从职业群体的互动模式出发确立不同职业之间的社会距离,建构社会分层量表,为社会分层研究提供了一种独特的“关系型”分析视角。剑桥社会互动与分层量表(CAMSIS)是这一研究传统最具代表性的研究成果。保罗·兰... 社会互动距离分析方法从职业群体的互动模式出发确立不同职业之间的社会距离,建构社会分层量表,为社会分层研究提供了一种独特的“关系型”分析视角。剑桥社会互动与分层量表(CAMSIS)是这一研究传统最具代表性的研究成果。保罗·兰伯特和戴夫·格里菲斯合著的《社会不平等与职业分层:社会距离分析的方法与概念》一书系统地介绍了社会互动距离分析方法的发展历史以及CAMSIS的理论传统和建构方法。本文以此书为基础,进一步挖掘该领域的相关文献,对社会分层研究中的社会互动距离分析传统进行梳理,并对CAMSIS的基本原理进行介绍与评议。 展开更多
关键词 社会分层 社会互动距离分析方法 社会互动距离表CAMSIS
运用新媒体矩阵放大主题宣传的传播声量——以厦门广电“厦门经济特区建设40周年”新媒体传播为例 被引量:1
作者 张立峰 《东南传播》 2022年第12期59-61,共3页
如何做好重大主题宣传,一直是各级主流媒体不断探索的中心课题之一。在新传播形势下,主流媒体普遍重视运用全媒体手段扩大传播声量。这其中,新媒体平台以其触达率、覆盖率高、引流效果好等优势格外受到青睐,各地主流媒体也纷纷在微信、... 如何做好重大主题宣传,一直是各级主流媒体不断探索的中心课题之一。在新传播形势下,主流媒体普遍重视运用全媒体手段扩大传播声量。这其中,新媒体平台以其触达率、覆盖率高、引流效果好等优势格外受到青睐,各地主流媒体也纷纷在微信、微博等社交媒体以及各个短视频平台进行布局,构建新媒体宣传矩阵。在承担重大主题宣传任务时,如何“排兵布阵”,使用好新媒体矩阵,各地主流媒体均在积极摸索和实践。2021年10月至12月,厦门广电集团围绕厦门经济特区建设40周年重大宣传主题,进行了一次新媒体矩阵传播实践,本文对此次传播实践进行全方位分析,总结经验,寻找不足,提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 矩阵传播 平台布局 触达率 覆盖率 发布 互动量
法治评估的量与质 被引量:2
作者 王朝霞 《宏观质量研究》 2016年第2期94-101,共8页
如何走出一条合乎我国国情的评估之路是当前法治评估亟需回答的问题。系统认识评估中"量"与"质"的关系是关键。评估学及法治评估的西方源起与本土化的实践,决定了中外在法治评估"量"与"质"的... 如何走出一条合乎我国国情的评估之路是当前法治评估亟需回答的问题。系统认识评估中"量"与"质"的关系是关键。评估学及法治评估的西方源起与本土化的实践,决定了中外在法治评估"量"与"质"的表现及二者关系上存在差异。一方面是西方法治评估表现出的"西方宪政体制的缩影"与我国法治评估所呈现出的"嵌入性"之间的差异,一方面是方法论上的定量定性方法的运用及两者关系的差异。我国当前的法治评估所呈现出在"量"与"质"的关系上是失衡的,可以在强化运用既有理论成果的基础上,尝试以价值性评估进路破解量化法治难题,并在评估方法优化之外,着眼于提高评估过程的民主化程度、增强评估结果的合目的性。由此,可望促进法治评估中"量"与"质"的均衡关系,倡导法治建设的系统论、平衡观。 展开更多
关键词 法治评估 与质的互动 价值性评估进路 系统论
作者 刘丽芬 《动动画世界》 2015年第16期45-45,共1页
语文教育作为基础教育课程教材改革的重要领地.受到整体教育改革的启示。互动教学是新课改倡导的重要学习方式之一,但有时教师只注重了合作学习的形式,导致合作学习缺乏时效性。目前国内大致把合作学习分成四类:师生互动、师师互动... 语文教育作为基础教育课程教材改革的重要领地.受到整体教育改革的启示。互动教学是新课改倡导的重要学习方式之一,但有时教师只注重了合作学习的形式,导致合作学习缺乏时效性。目前国内大致把合作学习分成四类:师生互动、师师互动、生生互动、全员互动。互动教学一般是指根据一定的合作性程序和方法促使学生在异质小组中共同学习,从而利用合作、人际交往促使学生认知、情感的教学策略体系。而在职中语文课堂上运用探究性方式.强调师生互动,从“过程与方法”的角度,调动学生的情感积累,引导学生进行有深度的思考,有利于学生的长远发展。互动教学倡导多向交往,整个教学过程动静交替,有强有弱.在民主和谐的氛围中激励学生自己发现和解决问题,促使学生更多地独立思考和进行创造性活动。 展开更多
关键词 职中语文 互动教学 课堂文化互动的原则
作者 刘炜 林文娟 《医学教育探索》 2010年第7期874-877,共4页
随着系统功能语言学理论的不断发展,语境理论在外语教学中占据越来越重要的地位。在对网络多媒体环境下的语境特色进行分析的基础上,提出在大学英语教学中应充分利用多媒体和网络环境下的语境优势,加大教学互动量,构建有效的学习者自主... 随着系统功能语言学理论的不断发展,语境理论在外语教学中占据越来越重要的地位。在对网络多媒体环境下的语境特色进行分析的基础上,提出在大学英语教学中应充分利用多媒体和网络环境下的语境优势,加大教学互动量,构建有效的学习者自主语言学习环境,同时通过语境因素发挥各种不同外语教学法的长处,发展学生的意义潜势,提高学生的英语语言能力和语用能力。 展开更多
关键词 语境 网络多媒体 互动量 自主学习
作者 夏笑娟 《肇庆学院学报》 2010年第1期84-87,共4页
行动研究是指教师对自己课堂中的教学现象进行反思,探讨并改进教学以提高质量的一种探索性研究。通过为期16周的合作学习的行动研究记录,从中进行论证,表明在外语教学中,合作学习模式有利于外语学习的情感因素,对深化语言知识,提高学生... 行动研究是指教师对自己课堂中的教学现象进行反思,探讨并改进教学以提高质量的一种探索性研究。通过为期16周的合作学习的行动研究记录,从中进行论证,表明在外语教学中,合作学习模式有利于外语学习的情感因素,对深化语言知识,提高学生的语言能力和交际能力有着积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 外语教学 行动研究 合作学习 课堂互动量
A Study on Alien Invasive Plants from the Interactive Mechanism between Species Niche and Material/Energy Flow 被引量:3
作者 陈剑 喻庆国 杨宇明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第1期14-19,共6页
[Objective]This study was to reveal the essence of mechanism about how the alien invasive plants spread.[Method]Species niche and material/energy flow were used as basic research indicators to analyze the intrinsic me... [Objective]This study was to reveal the essence of mechanism about how the alien invasive plants spread.[Method]Species niche and material/energy flow were used as basic research indicators to analyze the intrinsic mechanism of alien plants invasion.[Result]Most of the invasive plants have not been explicitly defined and their effective control methods not brought forward.[Conclusion]Overrun of alien invasive plants depends on whether the niche of a species could be continuously met at spatial level.Based on this we put forward corresponding control measures,proposed an assumption to establish a cylinder-network model and discussed the definition of alien invasive plants. 展开更多
关键词 Species niche Material/energy flow Alien invasive plants Interactive mechanism
移动数字时代的营销之道:Take it easy
作者 罗鹏程 《新营销》 2018年第5期17-19,共3页
随着流量红利消失,贩卖流量的生意已经不好做了,这种情况导致企业获客成本越来越高。对于品牌营销而言,面临的挑战也越来越严峻。虽然营销环境发生了变化,但营销的本质——与人沟通却始终没有变。因此,品牌做营销时必须想清楚这几个问题... 随着流量红利消失,贩卖流量的生意已经不好做了,这种情况导致企业获客成本越来越高。对于品牌营销而言,面临的挑战也越来越严峻。虽然营销环境发生了变化,但营销的本质——与人沟通却始终没有变。因此,品牌做营销时必须想清楚这几个问题:要与什么样的人沟通,要用什么样的方式沟通。 展开更多
关键词 营销之道 有闲阶级 主提升 信息流 浏览器 TAKE IT EASY 营销效果 广告投放 广告主 互动量 数字时代
Fidelity and Mutual Entropy in Mixed States for Fermi-resonance Coupling Vibrations of CS2
作者 彭东平 侯喜文 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期393-396,I0001,共5页
The dynamics of four fidelities is studied for mixed coherent states and mixed squeezed states of Fermi-resonance coupling vibrations in molecule CS2. It is demonstrated that those fidelities are dominant-positively c... The dynamics of four fidelities is studied for mixed coherent states and mixed squeezed states of Fermi-resonance coupling vibrations in molecule CS2. It is demonstrated that those fidelities are dominant-positively correlated with each other, one of which by Wang et al. (Phys. Lett. A 373, 58 (2008)) is the most striking in dominant anti-correlation with quantum mutual entropy. That is useful for molecular quantum computing and quantum information. 展开更多
关键词 FIDELITY Quantum mutual entropy Vibrational analysis
Effects of a flexible net barrier on the dynamic behaviours and interception of debris flows in mountainous areas 被引量:4
作者 HUO Miao ZHOU Jia-wen +1 位作者 YANG Xing-guo ZHOU Hong-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期1903-1918,共16页
Flexible net barriers are a new type of effective mitigation measure against debris flows in valleys and can affect the kinematic energy and mass of debris flows. Here, ten flume tests were performed to study the dyna... Flexible net barriers are a new type of effective mitigation measure against debris flows in valleys and can affect the kinematic energy and mass of debris flows. Here, ten flume tests were performed to study the dynamic behaviours of debris flows with differences in volumes, concentrations(solid volume fraction), and travel distances after interception by a uniform flexible net barrier. A high-speed camera was used to monitor the whole test process, and their dynamic behaviours were recorded. A preliminary computational framework on energy conversion is proposed according to the deposition mechanisms and outflow of debris flow under the effects of the flexible net barrier. The experimental results show that the dynamic interaction process between a debris flow and the flexible net barrier can be divided into two stages:(a) the two-phase impact of the leading edge of the debris flow with the net and(b) collision and friction between the body of the debris flow and intercepted debris material. The approach velocity of a debris flow decreases sharply(a maximum of 63%) after the interception by the net barrier, and the mass ratio of the debris material being intercepted and the kinetic energy ratio of the debris material being absorbed by the net barrier are close due to the limited interception efficiency of the flexible net barrier, which is believed to be related to the flexibility. The energy ratio of outflow is relative small despite the large permeability of the flexible net barrier. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Flexible net barrier Dynamic behaviours Interception efficiency Kinetic energy absorption High speed photography
An Alignment-Based Approach to L2 Learning of Chinese Numeral Classifiers 被引量:4
作者 Chuming WANG Wei HONG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第3期335-350,431,共17页
This study investigated the efficiency of learning the Chinese numeral classifiers by L2 Chinese learners by means of an alignment-oriented task. Participants were a total of 96 intermediate learners of L2 Chinese, wh... This study investigated the efficiency of learning the Chinese numeral classifiers by L2 Chinese learners by means of an alignment-oriented task. Participants were a total of 96 intermediate learners of L2 Chinese, who were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group, with each group consisting of 32 participants. The continuation task used in this study consisted of a picture-based Chinese text depicting a room with an array of objects, which necessitates the use of classifiers. The two experimental groups were both required to first read the text and then write to describe their own rooms in comparison with the one in the text. One group was instructed to use the classifiers from the text as much as possible in their writing, whereas the other was not required to do so. Participants in the control group were first given the picture to look at in the absence of the text and then asked to describe their own rooms. The results showed that the continuation task significantly enhanced participants’ retention of the Chinese numeral classifiers, suggesting that the alignment-based approach is an effective way to learn difficult linguistic categories such as the Chinese classifiers. 展开更多
关键词 ALIGNMENT interaction continuation task learn-together-use-together(LTUT)principle CLASSIFIERS
A Novel Approach for QoS Prediction Based on Bayesian Combinational Model 被引量:3
作者 Pengcheng Zhang Yingtao Sun +2 位作者 Hareton Leung Meijun Xu Wenrui Li 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期269-280,共12页
As an important factor in evaluating service,QoS(Quality of Service) has drawn more and more concerns with the rapid increasing of Web services. However,due to the great volatility of services in Mobile Internet envir... As an important factor in evaluating service,QoS(Quality of Service) has drawn more and more concerns with the rapid increasing of Web services. However,due to the great volatility of services in Mobile Internet environments,such as internet of vehicles,Web services often do not work as announced and thus cause unacceptable problems. QoS prediction can avoid failure before it takes place,which is considered a more effective way to assure quality. However,Current QoS prediction approaches neither consider the highly dynamic of Web services,nor maintain good prediction performance all the time. Consequently we propose a novel Bayesian combinational model to predict QoS by continuously adjusting credit values of the basic models so as to keep good prediction accuracy. QoS attributes such as response time,throughput and reliability are used to validate the proposed model. Experimental results show that the model can provide stable prediction results in Mobile Internet environments. 展开更多
关键词 internet of vehicles web service quality of service bayesian combinational model
Effects of Social Relationships on People's Acceptance of Robots: Using Forms of Language by Robots
作者 Yunkyung Kiml Sonya Sona Kwak Myung-Suk Kim 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第9期724-729,共6页
This study investigated the difference in the levels of people's acceptance of robots by the types of social relationships between humans and robots. In this study, social relationships between a robot and a person w... This study investigated the difference in the levels of people's acceptance of robots by the types of social relationships between humans and robots. In this study, social relationships between a robot and a person were categorized into four types consisted of two in the horizontal of social relationship (intimacy dimension) and two in the vertical of social relationship (status dimension). In dialogue between humans and robots, the types of social relationship were adjusted by forms of language such as calling by name and speech styles. People's acceptance of robots was measured by people's comfortable approach distance to the robot. Participants showed greater acceptance of a robot when the robot called them by their names. In the case of speech style, participants accepted the robot which used honorific speech style without addressing them by their name, while they accepted the robot which used familiar speech style with addressing them by their name. There was an interaction effect between gender and calling by name. 展开更多
关键词 Acceptance of robot robot dialogue human-robot interaction
Regularities in the E. coli promoters composition in connection with the DNA strands interaction and promoter activity
作者 BEREZHNOY Andrey Yu SHCKORBATOV Yuriy G. HISANORI Kiryu 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第12期969-973,共5页
The energy of interaction between DNA strands in promoters is of great functional importance. Visualization of the energy of DNA strands distribution in promoter sequences was achieved. The separation of promoters in ... The energy of interaction between DNA strands in promoters is of great functional importance. Visualization of the energy of DNA strands distribution in promoter sequences was achieved. The separation of promoters in groups by their energetic properties enables evaluation of the dependence of promoter strength on the energetic properties. The analysis of groups (clusters) of promoters distributed by the energy of DNA strands interaction in ?55, ?35, ?10 and +6 sequences indicates their connection with the transcriptional activity. 展开更多
关键词 DNA sequence Promoter strength DNA chains interaction energy DNA sequences classification
Non-integer Quantum Transition, a True Non-perturbation Effect in Laser-Atom Interaction 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Qi-Ren 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期1017-1023,共7页
We show that in the quantum transition of an atom interacting with an intense laser of circular frequency ω, the energy difference between the initial and the final states of the atom is not necessarily an integer mu... We show that in the quantum transition of an atom interacting with an intense laser of circular frequency ω, the energy difference between the initial and the final states of the atom is not necessarily an integer multiple of the quantum energy hω. This kind of non-integer transition is a true non-perturbation effect in laser-atom interaction. 展开更多
关键词 transitions induced by intense lasers non-perturbation effect violation of Bohr condition
Research on Interactive Learning and Teaching based on Computer Network
作者 Miaomiao Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期126-128,共3页
This paper analyzes the basic interactivity connotation of network teaching from the interactive definition, function, types and level etc., and established the interaction quality evaluation index system from the fou... This paper analyzes the basic interactivity connotation of network teaching from the interactive definition, function, types and level etc., and established the interaction quality evaluation index system from the four angles between student and media, the course content, teacher and peer interaction. Similarly, network instruction interaction also needs to carry on the design from the perspective of instructional design, and take full advantage of the Internet, and finally achieved good network interaction effect. Practice shows that, research on network interactive strategy significance. 展开更多
关键词 INTERACTION Interactive network teaching Multi-Media.
Maglev self-excited vibration suppression with a virtual sky-hooked damper 被引量:1
作者 李金辉 李杰 +1 位作者 周丹峰 王连春 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1363-1371,共9页
This work addresses the problem of self-excited vibration,which degrades the stability of the levitation control,decreases the ride comfort,and restricts the construction cost of maglev system.Firstly,a minimum model ... This work addresses the problem of self-excited vibration,which degrades the stability of the levitation control,decreases the ride comfort,and restricts the construction cost of maglev system.Firstly,a minimum model containing a flexible bridge and a single levitation unit is presented.Based on the simplified model,the principle underlying the self-excited vibration is explored.After investigations about the energy transmission between the levitation system and bridge,it is concluded that the increment of modal damping can dissipate the accumulated energy by the bridge and the self-excited vibration may be avoided.To enlarge the equivalent modal damping of bridge,the sky-hooked damper is adopted.Furthermore,to avoid the hardware addition of real sky-hooked damper,considering the fact that the electromagnet itself is an excellent actuator that is capable of providing sufficiently fast and large force acting on the bridge to emulate the influence of the real sky-hooked damper,the technique of the virtual sky-hooked damper is proposed.The principle underlying the virtual sky-hooked damper by electromagnet is explored and the vertical velocity of bridge is estimated.Finally,numerical and experimental results illustrating the stability improvement of the vehicle-bridge interaction system are provided. 展开更多
关键词 MAGLEV vehicle-bridge interaction system self-excited vibration sky-hooked damper
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