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国家形象的维度及其互向异构性 被引量:18
作者 文春英 吴莹莹 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期74-80,86,共8页
与本质主义不同,从建构主义出发,国家形象不再是先于传播而存在的客观实在。相反,国家形象存在于主客体双方的互动关系之中,国家形象是一个结构化的、多维度的存在而非个体化的、单一维度的存在。因此,国家形象的认知差异不仅存在于国... 与本质主义不同,从建构主义出发,国家形象不再是先于传播而存在的客观实在。相反,国家形象存在于主客体双方的互动关系之中,国家形象是一个结构化的、多维度的存在而非个体化的、单一维度的存在。因此,国家形象的认知差异不仅存在于国家之间,也存在于同一个国家内部,互向异构是其主要特征,国家形象的认知维度存在优先次序。在国家形象的众多维度中,文化维度在异构性上的表现最为突出。优质的产品、被人喜爱的文化和被尊敬的国民在通向正面国家形象的路径上优于政治、经济、外交等国家话语。这说明国家实力并不必然转化为国家形象,国家形象本质上是一种文化现象,而不是媒体现象或国家实力的外显。 展开更多
关键词 国家形象 国家实力 互向异构性
“互向”类言语行为动词语义认知解释 被引量:11
作者 钟守满 《杭州师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第3期109-112,共4页
动词语义认知结构的分析根据不同的理论可以从不同的角度进行。该研究先就“互向”类言语行为动词与“单向”类言语行为动词具有不同的信息传递认知结构作了简单区分,重点体现了八对英汉“互向”类言语行为动词的信息传递认知结构和语... 动词语义认知结构的分析根据不同的理论可以从不同的角度进行。该研究先就“互向”类言语行为动词与“单向”类言语行为动词具有不同的信息传递认知结构作了简单区分,重点体现了八对英汉“互向”类言语行为动词的信息传递认知结构和语义认知特征以及它们的语用解释。 展开更多
关键词 互向 言语行为动词 语义认知
维吾尔语二价互向动词的句法语义属性研究 被引量:1
作者 尹桂丽 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第2期144-147,共4页
维吾尔语二价互向动词是二价动作动词中比较特殊的一类,从构词形式上可分为三类;从语义角度可分为动作动词和性质动词,动词要求其所联系的两个论元属同一语义类;在句法形式上,二价互向动词的次范畴,在句法平面的投射方式不同。文章从三... 维吾尔语二价互向动词是二价动作动词中比较特殊的一类,从构词形式上可分为三类;从语义角度可分为动作动词和性质动词,动词要求其所联系的两个论元属同一语义类;在句法形式上,二价互向动词的次范畴,在句法平面的投射方式不同。文章从三个角度对维吾尔语二价互向动词进行了全面分析。 展开更多
关键词 维吾尔语 二价互向动词 语义 句法
基于政府互向模式分析网络突发事件及对策研究 被引量:4
作者 张超 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期57-60,共4页
文章通过分析网络突发事件发生原因、过程和危害,总结出网络突发事件包含的特征:公众参与性增高,媒体舆论监督性强,社会理性反思批判性强等,本文通过引入政府互向模式理论,解析当代政府与公众、媒体之间的博弈关系,从而为政府更加有效... 文章通过分析网络突发事件发生原因、过程和危害,总结出网络突发事件包含的特征:公众参与性增高,媒体舆论监督性强,社会理性反思批判性强等,本文通过引入政府互向模式理论,解析当代政府与公众、媒体之间的博弈关系,从而为政府更加有效快速控制网络突发事件提供理论帮助。 展开更多
关键词 网络突发事件 政府 互向模式
论社会公共问题中的互向传播模式——以“躲猫猫”事件为例 被引量:3
作者 杨瑞光 《新闻世界》 2009年第4期66-67,共2页
关键词 “躲猫猫”事件 互向传播模式 意义
基于互向模型的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中风险沟通对策--信任困境与信任重建 被引量:5
作者 郭蕊 苏杭 《医学教育管理》 2020年第2期107-112,共6页
对于突发重大公共卫生事件来说,除了应急处置,有效的风险沟通工作是必不可少的一环。风险沟通是建立在政府、各专业机构、公众和媒体之间理性的合作与对话,对于增强政府威信、疏导公众情绪、维护社会稳定等都起着重要作用。从互向模型... 对于突发重大公共卫生事件来说,除了应急处置,有效的风险沟通工作是必不可少的一环。风险沟通是建立在政府、各专业机构、公众和媒体之间理性的合作与对话,对于增强政府威信、疏导公众情绪、维护社会稳定等都起着重要作用。从互向模型看新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中的风险沟通应对,决策者、各专业机构及专家、公众对于突发公共卫生事件的风险认知是否正确,政府风险信息的传达、专家对风险信息的解读和公众的理解是否一致,是突发公共卫生事件风险沟通工作是否有效的关键所在。在疫情的动态监测和风险研判阶段,坚守科学认知,坚持科学决策。在疫情的应急处置阶段,注重信息披露与风险预警并举,保持非正式信息的冗余度,形成群体间共识的最大公约数。通过良法善治,促进风险沟通在法律的规制和约束范围内。 展开更多
关键词 互向模式 风险沟通 信任困境 信任重建
出土战国文献三价互向动词研究 被引量:2
作者 张玉金 《语文研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期33-41,共9页
文章依据三价互向动词的三个判定标准,从出土战国文献中找出了19个三价互向动词,并把这些三价互向动词分成了两大类,即三价互向动作动词和三价互向状态动词。在此基础上文章分别讨论了这两类三价互向动词的语义选择、句法选择、指称化... 文章依据三价互向动词的三个判定标准,从出土战国文献中找出了19个三价互向动词,并把这些三价互向动词分成了两大类,即三价互向动作动词和三价互向状态动词。在此基础上文章分别讨论了这两类三价互向动词的语义选择、句法选择、指称化和修饰化等问题,并比较了这两类三价互向动词的异同。 展开更多
关键词 出土战国文献 三价互向动词 三价互向动作动词 三价互向状态动词
作者 张静静 《内江师范学院学报》 2018年第7期64-69,共6页
"同N"类二价互向动词以双音节形式为主,"同N"对进入其中的"N"的语义特征有一定的限制:N所指称的事物具有共享性。"Y_1(与)Y_2同N"是二价互向动词"同N"的基本句式,与关系名词"同... "同N"类二价互向动词以双音节形式为主,"同N"对进入其中的"N"的语义特征有一定的限制:N所指称的事物具有共享性。"Y_1(与)Y_2同N"是二价互向动词"同N"的基本句式,与关系名词"同N"的典型句式"Y_1(与)Y_2是同N"具有很大的不同,二式能有效鉴别"同N"的词性。由于N的语义类型不同,"同N"的论元与"N"有不同的语义关系。 展开更多
关键词 二价互向动词 同N 构成特点 句法表现 语义关系
作者 曹正文 《戏剧文学》 北大核心 2009年第4期96-99,共4页
影视故事的结构大体可分为节拍、场景、序列以及幕等四个部分。在叙事的过程中,这四个部分都应呈现出变化的特性。这种变化不仅反映在这四个部分中各自内部的价值发生冲突与逆转,而且四个部分之间的价值也在相互逆向变化,正是这种价值... 影视故事的结构大体可分为节拍、场景、序列以及幕等四个部分。在叙事的过程中,这四个部分都应呈现出变化的特性。这种变化不仅反映在这四个部分中各自内部的价值发生冲突与逆转,而且四个部分之间的价值也在相互逆向变化,正是这种价值的矛盾冲突和对立,强化了影视故事的质量,从而调动观众产生收看的热情,使观众在智力和情感上获得最大限度的满足。 展开更多
关键词 影视故事 互向逆转 故事质量
全球音乐史研究的视野、方法与叙事——ICTMD全球音乐史研究分会的成立背景与面临的挑战 被引量:1
作者 萧梅 凌嘉穗 《黄钟(武汉音乐学院学报)》 北大核心 2024年第1期4-19,167,共17页
全球(音乐)史迄今为止并非一个定义明确的领域,但将全球理解为研究地方、区域或国家与世界关系的视角于当下(民族)音乐学并不陌生。“世界音乐”研究在世界观和历史观的双重转向中重新审视时间与空间的断裂,音乐理论家寻找某种足以“统... 全球(音乐)史迄今为止并非一个定义明确的领域,但将全球理解为研究地方、区域或国家与世界关系的视角于当下(民族)音乐学并不陌生。“世界音乐”研究在世界观和历史观的双重转向中重新审视时间与空间的断裂,音乐理论家寻找某种足以“统摄”全球音乐的分析工具,民族音乐学家重省“比较音乐学”,提出“多线程历史”“全球音乐圈”和“后欧洲思维”的设想。无论是构拟跨文化的共性与对话,还是从人类行动方案和地方术语中探讨人类音乐文化的差异与相互关联,或是以“微观历史”和“路”的流动性探索“全球网络”的音乐史,力图“去中心”的“全球史”都不应止于反霸权的结论或目的。如何通过民族志的专门知识将历史的线索落在实处?如何在史志互向中探索空间、时间、行动者和结构的“联通性”?文章讨论了全球音乐史写作的驱动力与问题,并展望文明互鉴意义上的全球音乐史。 展开更多
关键词 全球音乐史 世界音乐 文化间性 超文化性 史志互向
综论教育交流与中华文化 被引量:6
作者 余子侠 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期11-15,共5页
教育,使人类社会走向文明且日益进步;交流,使教育事业得以创新而不断发展。作为人类一种古老而又弥新的文明,中华文化正是通过教育交流而得以形成、发展、更新和播衍。纵观中华民族自古以来的教育交流,既有将自身现有的最先进文化推向... 教育,使人类社会走向文明且日益进步;交流,使教育事业得以创新而不断发展。作为人类一种古老而又弥新的文明,中华文化正是通过教育交流而得以形成、发展、更新和播衍。纵观中华民族自古以来的教育交流,既有将自身现有的最先进文化推向世界的活动,亦有从其他先进的国家或民族摄取自身亟需的文明因子的行为。在这种传输与求取、播衍与认同人类新知的过程中,中华民族通过种种途径一直未曾停歇教育交流活动,并且借助这种活动来逐步推进人类文明。 展开更多
关键词 教育交流 中华文化 顺向交流 逆向交流 互向交流
作者 周泳全 谭旭 苗苗 《模具工业》 2010年第7期13-16,共4页
关键词 4Ps开发体系 模具项目风险 贝叶斯网络 后验概率 互向参与
作者 杨永加 孙志辉 《马克思主义哲学论丛》 2015年第1期76-83,共8页
本文将马克思哲学思想的发展过程分为三个大的阶段,即《1844年经济学哲学手稿》时期立足黑格尔与费尔巴哈、现实与抽象的双重互向批判阶段,《德意志意识形态》时期立足现实扬弃抽象性的"实践"阶段和《哲学的贫困》之后的历史之真实阶... 本文将马克思哲学思想的发展过程分为三个大的阶段,即《1844年经济学哲学手稿》时期立足黑格尔与费尔巴哈、现实与抽象的双重互向批判阶段,《德意志意识形态》时期立足现实扬弃抽象性的"实践"阶段和《哲学的贫困》之后的历史之真实阶段。通过对这一逻辑嬗变过程的分析,本文指出马克思不是单靠从现实即实践——当下发生的现实——出发而走向科学的,而是依靠从历时的现实即历史出发才走向科学的。 展开更多
关键词 互向批判 扬弃抽象性 历史之真实
New text classification algorithm based on interdependence and equivalent radius
作者 王洪伟 伊磊 王建会 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期63-69,共7页
To improve the traditional classifying methods, such as vector space model (VSM)-based methods with highly complicated computation and poor scalability, a new classifying method ( called IER) is presented based on... To improve the traditional classifying methods, such as vector space model (VSM)-based methods with highly complicated computation and poor scalability, a new classifying method ( called IER) is presented based on two new concepts: interdependence and equivalent radius. In IER, the attribute is selected according to the value of interdependence, and the classifying rule is based on equivalent radius and center of gravity. The algorithm analysis shows that IER is good at classifying a large number of samples with higher scalability and lower computation complexity. After several experiments in classifying Chinese texts, the conclusion is drawn that IER outperforms k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and classifcation based on the center of classes (CCC) methods, so IER can be used online to automatically classify a large number of samples while keeping higher precision and recall. 展开更多
关键词 CLASSIFICATION equivalent radius vector space INTERDEPENDENCE interdependence and equivalent radius
Insight into Capture of Greenhouse Gas (CO2) based on Guanidinium Ionic Liquids
作者 刘和秀 满瑞林 +2 位作者 郑柏树 汪朝旭 易平贵 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期144-148,I0003,共6页
Quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics are used to simulate guanidinium ionic liquids. Results show that the stronger interaction exists between guanidine cation and chlorine anion with interaction energy about 109.... Quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics are used to simulate guanidinium ionic liquids. Results show that the stronger interaction exists between guanidine cation and chlorine anion with interaction energy about 109.216 kcal/mol. There are two types of spatial distribution for the title system: middle and top. Middle mode is a more stable conformation according to energy and geometric distribution. It is also verified by radial distribution function. The continuous increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) does not affect the structure of ionic liquids, but CO2 molecules are always captured by the cavity of ionic liquids. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic liquids Quantum chemical calculation Molecular dynamics simulation Interaction energy Radial distribution
Improved approach to enhanced Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks
作者 沈斌 李波 石冰心 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期16-21,共6页
An improved internetworking approach is proposed to enhance the Internet connectivity which is deteriorated due to unidirectional links and blind rebroadcasting of gateway discovery packets for mobile ad hoc networks.... An improved internetworking approach is proposed to enhance the Internet connectivity which is deteriorated due to unidirectional links and blind rebroadcasting of gateway discovery packets for mobile ad hoc networks. The hybrid gateway discovery scheme that combined the advantages of a proactive and reactive gateway discovery approach is used to achieve high connectivity while keeping overhead costs low. By exchanging ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) hello packet which includes additional fields named symmetric neighbor list and asymmetric neighbor list, unidirectional links are removed from route computation and broadcast storm can also be relieved simultaneously. Performance results using ns-2 simulations, under varying numbers of unidirectional links and node speeds, show that this improved Internet connectivity approach can provide better performance than others. 展开更多
关键词 mobile ad hoc networks Internet connectivity gateway discovery unidirectional link broadcast storm
Interactions between γ-TiAl melt and Y_2O_3 ceramic material during directional solidification process 被引量:1
作者 崔仁杰 张花蕊 +3 位作者 唐晓霞 马立敏 张虎 宫声凯 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期2415-2420,共6页
A γ-TiAl alloy with nominal composition of Ti-47%Al(molar fraction) was directionally solidified in an alumina mould with an Y2O3 protective coating.The effects of processing parameters(melting temperature and int... A γ-TiAl alloy with nominal composition of Ti-47%Al(molar fraction) was directionally solidified in an alumina mould with an Y2O3 protective coating.The effects of processing parameters(melting temperature and interaction time) on the metal-coating interface,microstructure and chemical composition of the alloy were evaluated.The result shows that the Y2O3 protective coating exhibits an effective barrier capability to avoid direct contact between the mould base material and the TiAl melt,although the Y2O3 coating is found to suffer some erosion and be slightly dissolved by the molten TiAl due to the coating-metal interactions.The directionally solidified alloys were contaminated with Y and O,and Y2O3 inclusions were dispersed in the metal matrix.The reason for this metal contamination is the Y2O3 coating dissolution by the TiAl melt.One mode of the interaction between Y2O3 and the TiAl melt is dissolution of yttrium and atomic oxygen in the melt by reaction Y2O3(s)=2Y(in TiAl melt)+3O(in TiAl melt).Both the extent of alloy contamination and the volume fractions of Y2O3 inclusions depend on the melting temperature and the interaction time. 展开更多
关键词 TiAl alloys Y2O3 protective coatings INTERACTIONS directional solidification
Emergent Swarming States in Active Particles System with Opposite Anisotropic Interactions 被引量:1
作者 Yong-liang Gou Hui-jun Jiang Zhong-huai Hou 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期717-726,I0002,共11页
From the organization of animal flocks to the emergence of swarming behaviors in bacterial suspension,populations of motile organisms at all scales display coherent collective motion.Recent studies showed that the ani... From the organization of animal flocks to the emergence of swarming behaviors in bacterial suspension,populations of motile organisms at all scales display coherent collective motion.Recent studies showed that the anisotropic interaction between active particles plays a key role in the phase behaviors.Here we investigate the collective behaviors of based-active Janus particles that experience an anisotropic interaction of which the orientation is opposite to the direction of active force by using Langevin dynamics simulations in two dimensional space.Interestingly,the system shows emergence of collective swarming states upon increasing the total area fraction of particles,which is not observed in systems without anisotropic interaction or activity.The threshold for emergence of swarming states decreases as particle activity or interaction strength increases.We have also performed basic kinetic analysis to reproduce the essential features of the simulation results.Our results demonstrate that anisotropic interactions at the individual level are sufficient to set homogeneous active particles into stable directed motion. 展开更多
关键词 Active particle Anisotropic interaction SWARMING
Investigation of mitigating effect of colon-specific prodrugs of boswellic acid on 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acidinduced colitis in Wistar rats: Design, kinetics and biological evaluation 被引量:1
作者 Ajinkya Sarkate Suneela S Dhaneshwar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第7期1147-1162,共16页
To develop a colon-targeting bioreversible delivery system for β-boswellic acid (BBA) and explore utility of its prodrugs in 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in rats.METHODSSynthesis of 4 co... To develop a colon-targeting bioreversible delivery system for β-boswellic acid (BBA) and explore utility of its prodrugs in 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in rats.METHODSSynthesis of 4 co-drugs of BBA with essential amino acids was achieved by CDI coupling, followed by their spectral characterization. In vitro kinetics were studied by HPLC in aqueous buffers, homogenates of gastrointestinal tract and fecal matter. In vivo kinetic studies were performed in Wistar rat plasma, urine and feces. The prodrugs were screened in TNBS-induced colitis modeled Wistar rats. Statistical significance was assumed at P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.001 when compared with disease controls using one-way and two-way ANOVAs.RESULTSProdrugs were stable in 0.05 mol/L HCl buffer (pH 1.2) and stomach homogenates. Negligible hydrolysis was observed in phosphate buffer and intestinal homogenates. Substantial release (55%-72% and 68%-86%) of BBA was achieved in rat fecal matter and homogenates of colon. In vivo studies of BBA with L-tryptophan (BT) authenticated colon-specific release of BBA. But, surprisingly substantial concentration of BBA was seen to reach the systemic circulation due to probable absorption through colonic mucosa. Site-specifically enhanced bioavailability of BBA could be achieved in colon, which resulted in demonstration of significant mitigating effect on TNBS-induced colitis in rats without inducing any adverse effects on stomach, liver and pancreas. Prodrug of BT was found to be 1.7% (P < 0.001) superior than sulfasalazine in reducing the inflammation to colon among all prodrugs tested.CONCLUSIONThe outcome of this study strongly suggests that these prodrugs might have dual applicability to inflammatory bowel disease and chronotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammatory bowel disease Boswellic acid Complementary and alternative medicine Colon-targeting Mutual prodrugs Amino acids TNBS-induced colitis
An OGC standard-oriented architecture for distributed coal mine map services 被引量:5
作者 SONG Xian-feng RUI Xiao-ping +1 位作者 HOU Wei TAN Hai-qiao 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第3期381-385,共5页
GIS- or CAD-based technology has been widely used for cartographic maps in coal mines, but structural gaps between such maps make it difficult to provide an integrated map service, for any specific purpose, at higher ... GIS- or CAD-based technology has been widely used for cartographic maps in coal mines, but structural gaps between such maps make it difficult to provide an integrated map service, for any specific purpose, at higher levels. There is no uniform platform that can be used to manage all involved maps. The main reason for this is that datasets are submitted by individual coal mines using their individual, diverse software. No consistent model is used within the software for data abstraction and symbolization. This paper first reviews all the essential specifications concerning OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) interoperability. Then an OGC standard-oriented architecture is proposed to provide distributed coal mine map services. Within this new architecture the management of spatial data archives, and the integration of coal mine maps, are achieved through the interfaces of geospatial services. Finally an open source geospatial approach is suggested to implement the proposed scheme. A case study of the Huaibei Coal Group is used to demonstrate the proposal. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine map services service oriented architecture OGC interoperability specifications open source geospatial solution
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