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作者 黄泽林 张德录 +5 位作者 张孝敏 季勇 刘英林 张杰琼 张鹏 董贵信 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2024年第4期767-773,共7页
动物营养性贫血是一种常见的营养代谢病。通过对16只亚成年太平洋海象(Odobenus rosmarus divergens)4年来的血红蛋白检测和饲料营养分析对比发现:当亚成年太平洋海象蛋白质长期摄入不足时,容易患贫血症;不改善饲料结构,患贫血症的动物... 动物营养性贫血是一种常见的营养代谢病。通过对16只亚成年太平洋海象(Odobenus rosmarus divergens)4年来的血红蛋白检测和饲料营养分析对比发现:当亚成年太平洋海象蛋白质长期摄入不足时,容易患贫血症;不改善饲料结构,患贫血症的动物比例居高不下;通过增加食物中高蛋白质饵料鱼的比例,一年后患贫血症的比例由原来的68.75%降低到12.50%。调整饲料配比明显改善了亚成年太平洋海象的贫血状况,由此提示蛋白质长期摄入不足可能是造成亚成年太平洋海象患贫血症的主要原因。保证亚成年太平洋海象每天每公斤体质量摄入的蛋白质在4.71 g及以上时,有助于改善贫血状况,并有望使其血红蛋白恢复到正常范围。研究结果可为亚成年太平洋海象的营养需求提供理论支持,也为海洋濒危物种的保育提供有价值的参考。 展开更多
关键词 贫血 蛋白质 太平洋海象 亚成年
传统圈养和半自然散放环境亚成年大熊猫的行为差异 被引量:21
作者 田红 魏荣平 +2 位作者 张贵权 孙儒泳 刘定震 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期137-140,共4页
20 0 1年 7月 2 0日至 8月 2 0日 ,在四川卧龙自然保护区中国保护大熊猫研究中心 ,采用连续观察法记录和分析了传统圈养和半自然散放环境下亚成年大熊猫 (分别为 3和 9只 )的几种行为的持续时间和发生次数。传统圈养环境亚成年大熊猫探... 20 0 1年 7月 2 0日至 8月 2 0日 ,在四川卧龙自然保护区中国保护大熊猫研究中心 ,采用连续观察法记录和分析了传统圈养和半自然散放环境下亚成年大熊猫 (分别为 3和 9只 )的几种行为的持续时间和发生次数。传统圈养环境亚成年大熊猫探究行为的持续时间、标记行为的频次显著多于半自然散放环境下的个体 ;刻板行为的持续时间有增加的趋势 ,但无显著差异。刻板行为的持续时间与标记行为的频次和探究行为的持续时间均呈显著正相关。表明圈养环境的改善有助于亚成年大熊猫探究和标记行为的明显减少。 展开更多
关键词 圈养 半自然散放环境 亚成年 大熊猫 刻板行为 标记行为 动物行为学
作者 姚英 何鑫 +4 位作者 何欢柳 潘子赟 徐琴 王海瑞 张万起 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期402-407,共6页
【目的】旨在了解亚成年大熊猫在采食竹子不同部位时的碘营养生理特征,探究适宜的监测指标。【方法】选取19只健康亚成年大熊猫,依次采食竹叶(竹叶采食期)、竹茎(竹茎采食期)和竹笋(竹笋采食期)。并在竹叶采食期、竹茎采食期和竹笋采食... 【目的】旨在了解亚成年大熊猫在采食竹子不同部位时的碘营养生理特征,探究适宜的监测指标。【方法】选取19只健康亚成年大熊猫,依次采食竹叶(竹叶采食期)、竹茎(竹茎采食期)和竹笋(竹笋采食期)。并在竹叶采食期、竹茎采食期和竹笋采食期分别进行3次、1次和2次代谢试验,每次代谢试验间隔28 d,连续3 d采集尿样,测定碘、甲状腺激素和硫氰酸盐水平。各采食期结束时采集血样,测定碘和甲状腺激素含量。各采食期间采集竹子样品,测定碘含量。【结果】竹叶碘含量远高于竹茎和竹笋(P<0.05);采食竹子不同部位对血清碘、fT4和T3含量及尿碘、fT4水平有显著影响(P<0.05);血清碘与血清fT4、尿碘显著正相关(P<0.05);尿fT3与血清fT3显著正相关(P<0.05)。【结论】采食不同竹类食物影响亚成年大熊猫血清和尿碘及fT4含量;血清碘和尿碘可作为亚成年大熊猫碘营养状况的监测指标;血清fT4、fT3和尿fT3可作为亚成年大熊猫甲状腺功能的监测指标,但尿样指标的指示性次于血清指标。 展开更多
关键词 亚成年大熊猫 竹子 硫氰酸盐 甲状腺激素
高海拔地区昆明野生动物园大熊猫春季刻板行为探究 被引量:6
作者 周杰珑 马国强 +4 位作者 李奇生 刘成会 刘丹丹 叶研琳 王雄波 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期342-347,共6页
2011年2月26日~5月2日,在高海拔地区昆明云南野生动物园,采用连续记录法(Continuous recording)和焦点动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)记录与分析了3只亚成年雌性大熊猫昼间刻板行为发生频次和持续时间,并就温度、游客流量与刻板行... 2011年2月26日~5月2日,在高海拔地区昆明云南野生动物园,采用连续记录法(Continuous recording)和焦点动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)记录与分析了3只亚成年雌性大熊猫昼间刻板行为发生频次和持续时间,并就温度、游客流量与刻板行为发生的相关性进行了初步探讨。结果表明,大熊猫刻板行为发生频次(次·h-1)高峰和持续时间(min·h-1)较长的高峰均出现在10∶00~11∶00和16∶00~17∶00,各时段行为表达水平存在极显著差异(χ2=61.183,P<0.01;χ2=56.470,P<0.01)。个体间刻板行为持续时间昼间分布无显著差异(χ2=3.185,P>0.05);个体间发生频次在14∶00~15∶00时段存在显著差异(χ2=7.796,P<0.05),而在其他时段则存在极显著差异(χ2=11.536~20.212,P<0.01)。温度与刻板行为发生频次、持续时间均无显著相关性(rs=-0.067,P>0.05;rs=-0.012,P>0.05);游客流量与持续时间、发生频次有一定的正相关,但不显著(rs=0.187,P>0.05;rs=0.159,P>0.05)。此外,在刻板行为型时间分配格局中,以刻板踱步最高,占56.78%,其次为爬笼、吮掌,而旋转、摇摆及坐着旋转等其他刻板行为表现较少,其总和仅占1.20%。 展开更多
关键词 高海拔 野生动物园 大熊猫 亚成年 春季 刻板行为
春季动物园大熊猫粪便可培养真菌鉴定与分析 被引量:9
作者 周杰珑 刘丽 +1 位作者 王家晶 刘成会 《西南林业大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 2012年第1期74-78,共5页
2011年2—5月,采集云南野生动物园3只亚成年雌性健康大熊猫的昼间新鲜粪便,经稀释、分离、纯化、保存,采用形态学观察、生化试验分析,对粪便可培养微生物进行真菌学鉴定与分析。结果表明,粪样分离得到霉菌和酵母菌2类真菌;霉菌分离鉴定... 2011年2—5月,采集云南野生动物园3只亚成年雌性健康大熊猫的昼间新鲜粪便,经稀释、分离、纯化、保存,采用形态学观察、生化试验分析,对粪便可培养微生物进行真菌学鉴定与分析。结果表明,粪样分离得到霉菌和酵母菌2类真菌;霉菌分离鉴定有青霉属、木霉属、曲霉属和链格孢属;酵母菌分离得到红酵母菌属和德克酵母属;酵母菌检出率为83%,优势菌为红酵母菌属,为(5.31±0.62)×105个/g;粪样中酵母菌总数在早、中、晚各时段差异不显著(χ2=0.933,P=0.627>0.05);在个体间也不存在显著差异(H=1.409,P=0.494>0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 大熊猫 亚成年 粪便 可培养真菌 春季 动物园
Crohn's disease in adults: Observations in a multiracial Asian population 被引量:4
作者 Ida Hilmi YM Tan KL Goh 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第9期1435-1438,共4页
AIM: To determine the demography and clinical presentation of CD and secondly to determine any differences in the prevalence between the different ethnic groups in a multiracial Asian population. METHODS: Patients w... AIM: To determine the demography and clinical presentation of CD and secondly to determine any differences in the prevalence between the different ethnic groups in a multiracial Asian population. METHODS: Patients with CD who were seen in 2001- 2003 in the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) were enrolled in this study. Prevalence of disease was calculated for the group as a whole and by race with hospital admissions per ethnic group as the denominator. RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were diagnosed to have CD. Basic demographic data of patients; male:female 17:17; mean age 29.1 years (±13.5 years); ethnic group: Malays 5 (14.7%), Chinese 12 (35.3%) and Indians 17 (50%). Twenty-six (76.5%) were diagnosed under the age of 40 and 8 (23.5%) were diagnosed over the age of 40. Location of the disease was as follows: ileocolonic 13 (38.2%), terminal ileum only 9 (26.5%), colon only 8 (23.5%), and upper gastrointestinal 4 (11.8%). Sixteen (47.1%) had penetrating disease, 9 (26.5%) had stricturing disease and 9 (26.5%) had nonpenetrating and non-stricturing disease. The hospital admission prevalence of CD was 26.0 overall, Indians 52.6, Chinese 6.9, and Malays 9.3 per 10^5 admissions per ethnic group. The difference between Indians and Malays: [OR 5.67 (1.97, 17.53)P〈 0.001] was statistically significant but not between the Indians and the Chinese [OR 1.95 (0.89, 4.35) P= 0.700]. The difference between the Chinese and the Malays was also not statistically significant. [OR 2.90 (0.95, 9.42)P= 0.063]. CONCLUSION: The clinical presentation of CD is similar to the Western experience. Although the overall prevalence is low, there appears to be a clear racial predominance among the Indians. 展开更多
关键词 Asian Continental Ancestry Group ADOLESCENT Adult Child COLON Crohn Disease Female Gastrointestinal Tract Humans ILEUM Malaysia Male Middle Aged Prevalence Retrospective Studies
Demography and dynamics of mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni in the Bale Mountains National Park,Ethiopia 被引量:1
作者 Yosef MAMO Michelle A.PINARD Afework BEKELE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期660-669,共10页
We studied the population dynamics of endangered mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni between 2003-2005 in the Bale Mountains National Park. Line-transect sampling and total count methods were used to gather data on dem... We studied the population dynamics of endangered mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni between 2003-2005 in the Bale Mountains National Park. Line-transect sampling and total count methods were used to gather data on demographics and movement patterns. The population's age-group composition was 58% adults, 25% sub-adults, 9% juveniles, 5% calves and 3% unidentified with a female-male sex ratio of 2:1. Population density was found to be significantly different between the two sub-populations (Dinsho Sanctuary and Gaysay/Adelay). A significant difference was found for age-group composition across the two sub-populations except adult females, sub-adult males and calves. The Dinsho sub-population was an isolated group. Separation and containment of the mountain nyala population could have negatively affected their ability to search for habitat requirements and mates from distant areas. The population varied between 830-908 individuals (95% CI), a reduction of 45% from earlier reports. However, the mean population density increased due to contraction of the species' habitat range. We observed a population decrease of 2%-5% per year over the course of our study. Many of the assessed demographic parameters did not significantly change over the three years. This suggests that the decrease in nyala population was not due to random variations in reproduction. Anthropogenic factors such as competition with livestock for forage, habitat encroachment and poaching by the local people might have been partly responsible for the depleted population in our study areas [Current Zoology 56 (6): 660q569, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Density DYNAMICS Group size Mountain nyala MOVEMENT Sex ratio
Reproduction and Mortality of Re-introduced Przewalski's Horse Equus przewalskii in Hustai National Park, Mongolia 被引量:1
作者 Usukhjargal Dorj Bandi Namkhai 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第6期623-629,共7页
The reproduction rate of Equus przewalskii in this study increased from year to year showing that the wild horses have already felt comfortable in the new environment and became acclimatized successfully. Of the mares... The reproduction rate of Equus przewalskii in this study increased from year to year showing that the wild horses have already felt comfortable in the new environment and became acclimatized successfully. Of the mares which were born in Hustai National Park and successfully reached reproductive age, 24.7% first gave birth at age 3 and 55.6% of them first gave birth at age 4. The most effective age range within the breeding population was 5 to 15, 25%-89% of them giving birth and an average during 2002-2011 of 72.9%. Of the Przewalski's horses which died, 65% were foals, 9.4% subadult male, 7.7% subadult female, 7.2% adult male and 10.6% were adult females. Causes of mortality differed by age and sex although wolf attacks accounted for the predominant number of deaths among foals and subadults. Stallions usually died of bad condition and injuries but parturition problems were common causes of death among mares. The mortality rate of foals (40% in 1993-2011) is a matter of great concern since foals born in Hustai National Park are the only gain component now after the active reintroduction period came to an end. A total of 109 foals were killed by wolves in 1993-2011 but 52% of them were younger than one month. 展开更多
关键词 Przewalski's horse REPRODUCTION MORTALITY SEASONALITY wolf attack.
作者 苏彦捷 《群言》 2003年第1期42-44,共3页
金丝猴,长着一副向上仰起的翘鼻子,它是旧大陆猴中的疣猴科仰鼻猴属的动物。世上一共生存着四种金丝猴,除了越南仰鼻猴外,其余三种都生活在中国大陆。按照它们分布的区域,分别称为川金丝猴、滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴。在三种中国金丝猴中,川... 金丝猴,长着一副向上仰起的翘鼻子,它是旧大陆猴中的疣猴科仰鼻猴属的动物。世上一共生存着四种金丝猴,除了越南仰鼻猴外,其余三种都生活在中国大陆。按照它们分布的区域,分别称为川金丝猴、滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴。在三种中国金丝猴中,川金丝猴是分布最广。 展开更多
关键词 川金丝猴 滇金丝猴 个体 雄性 雌性 亚成年 黔金丝猴 等级关系 越南仰鼻猴 神农架
《财新周刊》 2021年第22期14-15,共2页
2021年5月28日,从西双版纳出走,一路向北的野象群在玉溪市峨山县境内活动e截至6月3曰16时,象群继续沿昆明市晋宁区双河乡向北偏西迁移9公里,持续在双河乡活动。出走的象群共包括成年公象5头,成年母象3头,亚成年象、小象、幼象各3头。云... 2021年5月28日,从西双版纳出走,一路向北的野象群在玉溪市峨山县境内活动e截至6月3曰16时,象群继续沿昆明市晋宁区双河乡向北偏西迁移9公里,持续在双河乡活动。出走的象群共包括成年公象5头,成年母象3头,亚成年象、小象、幼象各3头。云南大学生态与环境字院教授吴兆录表示,如果大象一直北移,进入人口比较密集的区域,社会需要为之付出高昂的成本。专家分析,随着人类活动的侵入和扩张,亚洲象的栖息地生境遭到破坏,栖息地面积急剧减少。 展开更多
关键词 洲象 栖息地 云南大学 亚成年 双河乡 西双版纳 峨山县 野象
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