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中国震旦亚界的迭层石组合及其生物地层学意义 被引量:1
作者 梁玉左 杜汝霖 王树洗 《石家庄经济学院学报》 1981年第2期1-13,118-119,共15页
震旦亚界在我国分布广泛,发育齐全,层序清楚,并含丰富的矿产资源和各种类型的化石层位;其时限约在815±20百万年到1950±50百万年之间。现据生物地层、岩石地层和放射性年龄等方面资料,可由下而上分成长城、蓟县、青白口和震旦... 震旦亚界在我国分布广泛,发育齐全,层序清楚,并含丰富的矿产资源和各种类型的化石层位;其时限约在815±20百万年到1950±50百万年之间。现据生物地层、岩石地层和放射性年龄等方面资料,可由下而上分成长城、蓟县、青白口和震旦四个系(详见表1)。 展开更多
关键词 迭层石 亚界 长城系 微构造 地层划分 层位 岩石地层 蓟县系 碎屑岩相 不整合接触
冀西北怀来震旦亚界青白口系长龙山组 CHUARIA 等多种藻类化石的发现及其意义 被引量:3
作者 杜汝霖 郑学信 李培菊 《石家庄经济学院学报》 1980年第1期19-27,82-85,共13页
在华北震旦亚界中能否找到肉眼清晰可见的藻类化石,一直是地质界和古生物界长期关注的问题。最近蓟县井儿峪组 Chuaria 的发现和笔者等在怀来长龙山组 Chuaria 等多种藻类实体化石的发现,都为这一问题的解决提供了新的资料。怀来发现的... 在华北震旦亚界中能否找到肉眼清晰可见的藻类化石,一直是地质界和古生物界长期关注的问题。最近蓟县井儿峪组 Chuaria 的发现和笔者等在怀来长龙山组 Chuaria 等多种藻类实体化石的发现,都为这一问题的解决提供了新的资料。怀来发现的化石的是目前所知我国时代最老、层位低、个体最大、种类较多、演化较快、而且保存完好,产最较丰富的藻类化石,有着重要的生物演化和地层意义。现仅就初步成果作一报告。 展开更多
关键词 藻类化石 亚界 CHUARIA 实体化石 青白口系 怀来 生物群 边缘带 固着器 地质
燕山地区震旦亚界及其矿产 被引量:11
作者 杜汝霖 《石家庄经济学院学报》 1978年第2期5-15,共11页
本文拟在前人工作基础上对燕山地区震旦亚界与矿产研究的主要成果和问题,尝试的做一全面的、历史的、系统的小结。由于作者水平和资料的局限,文中肯定有不足和错误之处,望读者批评指正。燕山地区的地理范围大致为东经115°到120... 本文拟在前人工作基础上对燕山地区震旦亚界与矿产研究的主要成果和问题,尝试的做一全面的、历史的、系统的小结。由于作者水平和资料的局限,文中肯定有不足和错误之处,望读者批评指正。燕山地区的地理范围大致为东经115°到120°;北纬39°40'到41°21'。大部属河北省北部,部分属北京市、天津市和辽西地区。(见燕山地区震旦亚界分布图) 这一地区是中国震旦亚界长城系、蓟县系和青白口系的典型发育地区。它出露广泛,约占全区五分之二以上面积。在大部分出露区层序比较完整,沉积巨厚,上下限清楚,迭层石和微古植物丰富,是一套未变质或轻变质,由海相碎屑岩。 展开更多
关键词 燕山地区 迭层石 亚界 蓟县系 长城系 碎屑岩 青白口系 下马岭组 震旦系 雾迷山组
燕山西段震旦亚界 被引量:9
作者 杜汝霖 李培菊 吴振山 《石家庄经济学院学报》 1979年第4期1-17,87,共18页
<正> 根据国家地质总局1977地科191号文下达的任务及蓟县会议协调工作的安排,河北地质学院与有关单位共同承担“中国天津蓟县及邻区震旦亚界研究”的重点科研项目,并分工承担了燕山西段震旦亚界辅助层型剖面的测制和研究任务。燕... <正> 根据国家地质总局1977地科191号文下达的任务及蓟县会议协调工作的安排,河北地质学院与有关单位共同承担“中国天津蓟县及邻区震旦亚界研究”的重点科研项目,并分工承担了燕山西段震旦亚界辅助层型剖面的测制和研究任务。燕山西段指北京以西到河北张家口地区的西部边缘地区。地理范围大致在东经114°~116~;北纬40°~40°50′。包括了张家口地区中南部(坝下地区)大部分地区。这一地区震旦亚界发育,出露广泛,约占全区面积1/3以上,层序基本完整,沉积较厚,上下限清楚,迭层石微古植物及藻类化石丰富,是一套未变质或轻变质、由海相碎屑岩。 展开更多
关键词 白云岩 迭层石 蓟县系 亚界 下马岭组 碳酸盐岩 碎屑岩 二段 雾迷山组 洪水庄组
作者 相炜 《中学地理教学参考》 北大核心 1998年第Z2期27-27,共1页
中学地理教材中明确指出:欧洲和亚洲之间的分界线是乌拉尔山、乌拉尔河和高加索山脉。但是,欧洲和亚洲是不是从来就这样划分的呢?不是。在2500年以前,古希腊有一位被称为西方“史学之父”的历史学家希罗多德(约公元前484年... 中学地理教材中明确指出:欧洲和亚洲之间的分界线是乌拉尔山、乌拉尔河和高加索山脉。但是,欧洲和亚洲是不是从来就这样划分的呢?不是。在2500年以前,古希腊有一位被称为西方“史学之父”的历史学家希罗多德(约公元前484年—425年),他在其史学巨著《希腊... 展开更多
关键词 乌拉尔山脉 线 萨克斯坦 乌拉尔河 亚界 地理学家 “史学之父” 博斯普鲁斯海峡 历史学家 鄂毕河
新建亚临界机组洗硅时的水质控制 被引量:1
作者 刘红兴 《江苏电力技术》 2001年第1期42-44,共3页
关键词 机组 洗硅 水质控制 炉水 锅炉
作者 张毅 《中国电力》 CSCD 1993年第2期42-45,共4页
目前,大型亚临界压力机组的控制设备均采用集散控制系统.集散控制系统的各控制子回路采用多功能控制器.多功能控制器以微处理为核心,并具有极强的硬件和软件功能.因此采用集散控制系统的自动调节系统可以设计得更加完善.根据国内采用集... 目前,大型亚临界压力机组的控制设备均采用集散控制系统.集散控制系统的各控制子回路采用多功能控制器.多功能控制器以微处理为核心,并具有极强的硬件和软件功能.因此采用集散控制系统的自动调节系统可以设计得更加完善.根据国内采用集散控制系统的亚临界压力机组的自动调节系统设计方案与在现场调试的经验看,为了充分发挥集散系统的优点,在自动调节系统中可采用一些新的控制对策.下面就汽温控制系统进行简单分析.大型亚临界压力火电机组过热汽温的调节一般分2级或3级喷水调节.再热汽温采用摆动火嘴调节和喷水调节相结合. 展开更多
关键词 压力 火电机组 汽温控制系统
作者 何德孚 王晶滢 《焊管》 2018年第7期1-5,共5页
475℃脆化限定了铁素体不锈钢管及双相不锈钢管只能在280℃以下温度服役,富Cr的α′铁素体析出并最终造成贫Cr的α″铁素体强度和硬度增加,但耐蚀性劣化是公认的事实。然而近期研究揭示,280~500℃短时时效并不损害双相不锈钢铁素体区的... 475℃脆化限定了铁素体不锈钢管及双相不锈钢管只能在280℃以下温度服役,富Cr的α′铁素体析出并最终造成贫Cr的α″铁素体强度和硬度增加,但耐蚀性劣化是公认的事实。然而近期研究揭示,280~500℃短时时效并不损害双相不锈钢铁素体区的耐蚀性,这种称为亚稳界分解热处理的工艺可能成为既达到强化又优化耐蚀性的附加热处理方法。简要介绍了高Cr铁素体不锈钢的475℃脆化以及析出分解和亚稳界分解的本质区别,同时讨论了双相不锈钢亚稳界分解热处理的原理及其作为一种新型合金制造方法的应用。 展开更多
关键词 双相不锈钢 高Cr铁素体 475℃脆化 析出(分解) 分解 耐蚀性 冷加工
作者 何德孚 王晶滢 《焊管》 2018年第8期1-13,共13页
475℃脆化限定了铁素体不锈钢钢管及双相不锈钢钢管只能在280℃以下温度服役,富Cr的α′铁素体析出并最终造成贫Cr的α″铁素体强度和硬度增加,但耐蚀性劣化是公认的事实。然而近期研究揭示,280~500℃短时时效并不损害双相不锈钢铁素体... 475℃脆化限定了铁素体不锈钢钢管及双相不锈钢钢管只能在280℃以下温度服役,富Cr的α′铁素体析出并最终造成贫Cr的α″铁素体强度和硬度增加,但耐蚀性劣化是公认的事实。然而近期研究揭示,280~500℃短时时效并不损害双相不锈钢铁素体区的耐蚀性,这种称为亚稳界分解热处理的工艺可能成为既达到强化又优化耐蚀性的附加热处理方法。简要介绍了高Cr铁素体不锈钢的475℃脆化以及析出分解和亚稳界分解的本质区别,同时讨论了双相不锈钢亚稳界分解热处理的原理及其作为一种新型合金制造方法的应用。 展开更多
关键词 双相不锈钢管 高Cr铁素体 475℃脆化 析出(分解) 分解 耐蚀性 冷加工
作者 谢开德 《世界农业》 1986年第1期64-64,共1页
关键词 农业 统计资料 收获面积 粮农组织 估计数 中美洲 资料来源 总产量 F口 亚界
寒武纪大爆发与动物树的成型 被引量:7
作者 舒德干 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 2009年第2期111-134,共24页
由"真动物"构成的动物界(不包括海绵)通常被划分为双胚层动物、原口动物和后口动物3个亚界。寒武纪大爆发经历了爆发的前奏—序幕—主幕3个阶段,其中后两个阶段处于早寒武世初期(依次以小壳化石的首次辐射和澄江动物群爆发为... 由"真动物"构成的动物界(不包括海绵)通常被划分为双胚层动物、原口动物和后口动物3个亚界。寒武纪大爆发经历了爆发的前奏—序幕—主幕3个阶段,其中后两个阶段处于早寒武世初期(依次以小壳化石的首次辐射和澄江动物群爆发为代表),另一个则发生在"寒武前夜"(即前寒武纪末期),以伊迪卡拉生物群为代表。这次独特的三幕式大爆发分步完成了动物形态演化谱系树(简写为TOA)的成型。已有化石证据显示,动物树的3大主体或3个亚界的起源及其早期辐射分别发生于寒武纪大爆发这3个主要阶段。澄江化石库中发现的早期后口动物亚界涵盖了该亚界中所有6大分支(棘皮类、半索类、头索类、尾索类、脊椎类和绝灭了的古虫类)的原始类群,澄江动物群时代标志着寒武纪大爆发的顶峰,完成了动物树框架的成型,从而宣告了寒武纪大爆发的基本终结。其学术重要性超越了中寒武世的布尔吉斯页岩,因为前者位于动物树形成的"源头",而后者仅代表此后的"一段流程"。在动物演化历史上4个最具转折意义的重大创新事件(即多细胞动物起源、两侧对称动物起源、后口动物起源和脊椎动物起源)中,第一个发生在伊迪卡拉纪甚至更早的时期,其余3个则可通过梅树村化石群和澄江化石群观察到其完成的主体过程。已灭绝的古虫动物门,是初具鳃裂构造的原始分节动物,作为由原口动物向后口动物过渡的一个珍稀"缺环",很可能代表着后口动物亚界的一个根。古囊类兼有两侧对称的古虫类和一些原始棘皮动物的镶嵌体征,最可能代表棘皮动物的一个根。在早寒武世动物演化谱系中,后口动物的"顶端类群"的代表是被誉为"第一鱼"的昆明鱼目,目前已知包括昆明鱼、海口鱼和钟健鱼,它们具对眼、脊索与串珠状脊椎软骨共存的原始脊椎,代表了真正的脊椎类或有头类始祖。相反,包括云南虫属和海口虫属的云南虫类,既没有成对的眼睛也没有可信的脊椎软骨,而且其背神经索也未扩大成脑,甚至不具备低等脊索动物的肌节,因此与真正的有头类或脊椎动物无关。其实,这类奇特动物与古虫类共享相似的躯体构形,应该代表着低等后口动物中的一个侧枝。自达尔文以来,进化生物学一直在动物世界的悠长演化历程中,努力追寻"人类远古由来"的一些重大形态学创新事件的证据,无疑,古虫动物门原始鳃裂构造的出现以及第一鱼之头颅和原始脊椎软骨的形成,应是这条历史长河中人们期待已久的两大里程碑。 展开更多
关键词 寒武纪大爆发 动物树 澄江化石库 后口动物亚界 古虫动物门 脊椎动物起源
作者 高正霄 罗姝 齐治 《中国科学:数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期593-616,共24页
关键词 L函数 Besselδ方法
作者 王钊 钱爱东 +1 位作者 周井祥 刘艳辉 《科学养鱼》 2015年第10期54-56,共3页
碘泡虫是一类严重危害淡水渔业养殖的寄生虫。从经典分类学上看,碘泡虫(Myxobolus)属于原生动物亚界、黏体门、黏孢子纲、碘泡虫属,但因其拥有多细胞起源的特点,所以在分类上亦属于后生生物,并且人们找到了该种属于后生生物的分子生... 碘泡虫是一类严重危害淡水渔业养殖的寄生虫。从经典分类学上看,碘泡虫(Myxobolus)属于原生动物亚界、黏体门、黏孢子纲、碘泡虫属,但因其拥有多细胞起源的特点,所以在分类上亦属于后生生物,并且人们找到了该种属于后生生物的分子生物学证据。在黏孢子虫种类的研究方面,在1991年,Landsberg与Lom首次报道了444种碘泡虫. 展开更多
关键词 碘泡虫病 黏孢子 碘泡虫属 生物学证据 原生动物亚界 经典分类 营养体时期 淡水渔业 晶体敌百虫 细胞起源
Vegetation-Climate Relationship and Its Application in the Division of Vegetation Zone in China 被引量:38
作者 方精云 宋永昌 +1 位作者 刘鸿雁 朴世龙 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第9期1105-1122,共18页
Distribution of vegetation is closely coupled with climate; the climate controls distribution of vegetation and the vegetation type reflects regional climates. To reveal vegetation_climate relationships is the foundat... Distribution of vegetation is closely coupled with climate; the climate controls distribution of vegetation and the vegetation type reflects regional climates. To reveal vegetation_climate relationships is the foundation for understanding the vegetation distribution and theoretically serving vegetation regionalization. Vegetation regionalization is a theoretical integration of vegetation studies and provides a base for physiogeographical regionalization as well as agriculture and forestry regionalization. Based on a brief historical overview on studies of vegetation_climate relationships and vegetation regionalization conducted in China, we review the principles, bases and major schemes of previous vegetation regionalization and discuss on several contentious boundaries of vegetation zones in the present paper. We proposed that, under the circumstances that the primary vegetation has been destroyed in most parts of China, the division of vegetation zones/regions should be based on the distribution of primary and its secondary vegetation types and climatic indices that delimit distribution of the vegetation types. This not only reveals the closed relationship between vegetation and climate, but also is feasible practically. Although there still are divergence of views on the name and their boundaries of the several vegetation zones, it is commonly accepted that there are eight major vegetation regions in China, i.e. cold temperate needleleaf forest region, temperate needleleaf and broadleaf mixed forest region, warm temperate deciduous broadleaf forest region, subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest region, tropical monsoon forest and rain forest region, temperate steppe region, temperate desert region, and Qinghai_Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau high_cold vegetation region. Analyzing characteristics of vegetation and climate of major vegetation boundaries, we suggested that: 1) Qinling Mountain_Huaihe River line is an important arid/humid climatic, but not a thermal climatic boundary, and thus can not also be regarded as the northern limit of the subtropical vegetation zone; 2) the northern limit of subtropical vegetation zone in China is along the northern coast of the Yangtze River, from Hangzhou Bay, via Taihu Lake, Xuancheng and Tongling in Anhui Province, through by southern slope of the Dabie Mountains, to Wuhan and its west, coinciding with a warmth index ( WI ) value of 130-140 ℃·month; 3) the tropical region is limited in a very small area in southeastern Hainan Island and southern edge of Taiwan Island; and 4) considering a significant difference in climates between the southern and northern parts of the warm temperate zone, we suggested that the warm temperate zone in China is divided into two vegetation regions, deciduous broadleaf woodland region and deciduous and evergreen broadleaf mixed forest region, the Qinling Mountain_Huaihe River line being as their boundary. We also claimed that the zonal vegetation in North China is deciduous broadleaf woodland. Finally, we emphasized the importance of dynamic vegetation regionalization linked to climate changes. 展开更多
关键词 China dynamic vegetation regionalization arid/humid climate northern limit of subtropical zone Qinling Mountain_Huaihe River line thermal climate vegetation_climate relationship vegetation regionalization vegetation zone
《办公室业务》 2016年第3期2-,共1页
学习专业知识交流工作经验传播业界信息探索发展规律《河南秘书》杂志是在河南省委、省人大、省政府、省政协及其四大办公厅负责同志的关心重视下,于2009年创办的高层次、高规格、多角度、多方位的核心资讯。她以"三服务"为己... 学习专业知识交流工作经验传播业界信息探索发展规律《河南秘书》杂志是在河南省委、省人大、省政府、省政协及其四大办公厅负责同志的关心重视下,于2009年创办的高层次、高规格、多角度、多方位的核心资讯。她以"三服务"为己任,集权威性、指导性、互动实用性和趣味性于一体,为广大秘书工作者搭建了一个学习秘书知识、交流秘书工作经验、传播秘书业界信息、探索秘书工作发展规律的平台。 展开更多
关键词 信息 专业知识 交流工作 准印证 电子信箱 珍藏版 花园路 亚界
Proposed Models for Subcritical Water Extraction of Essential Oils 被引量:9
作者 M.Khajenoori A.Haghighi Asl F.Hormozi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期359-365,共7页
Mechanisms that control the extraction rate of essential oil from Zataria multiflora Boiss. (Z. multiflora) with subcritical water (SW) were studied. The extraction curves at different solvent flow rates were used to ... Mechanisms that control the extraction rate of essential oil from Zataria multiflora Boiss. (Z. multiflora) with subcritical water (SW) were studied. The extraction curves at different solvent flow rates were used to deter-mine whether the extractions were limited primarily by the near equilibrium partitioning of the analyte between the matrix and solvent (i.e. partitioning thermodynamics) or by the rates of analyte desorption from the matrix (i.e. ki-netics). Four simple models have been applied to describe the extraction profiles obtained with SW: (1) a model based solely on the thermodynamic distribution coefficient KD, which assumes that analyte desorption from the ma-trix is rapid compared to elution; (2) one-site kinetic model, which assumes that the extraction rate is limited by the analyte desorption rate from the matrix, and is not limited by the thermodynamic (KD) partitioning that occurs dur-ing elution; (3) two-site kinetic model and (4) external mass transfer resistance model. For SW extraction, the thermodynamic elution of analytes from the matrix was the prevailing mechanism as evidenced by the fact that ex-traction rates increased proportionally with the SW flow rate. This was also confirmed by the fact that simple re-moval calculations based on determined KD (for major essential oil compounds) gave good fits to experimental data for flow rates from 1 to 4 ml·min-1. The results suggested that the overall extraction mechanism was influenced by solute partitioning equilibrium with external mass transfer through liquid film. 展开更多
关键词 essential oils Zataria multiflora Boiss. subcrltlcal water extraction mechanisn
Numerical simulation on effect of heterogeneity on modeΙfracture characteristics of rock 被引量:5
作者 WANG Jin-tao ZUO Jian-ping 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期3063-3077,共15页
Rock is more sensitive to tensile loading than compressive loading,since the tensile strength of rock is much lower than compressive strength.The fracture characteristics of rock in the tensile state are of great sign... Rock is more sensitive to tensile loading than compressive loading,since the tensile strength of rock is much lower than compressive strength.The fracture characteristics of rock in the tensile state are of great significance to the understanding of rock failure mechanisms.To this end,we have conducted numerical simulation researches on modeⅠcracking process of rock with varying homogeneity,using the Realistic Failure Process Analysis program.With the increase of homogeneity,cracks are concentrating to the ligament area with a decreasing number of crack bifurcations,and the main crack path is becoming smooth.Crack behaviors and mechanical properties are influenced significantly when the homogeneity index is in the range of 1.5 to 5.When the homogeneity index is greater than 30,they are not affected by rock homogeneity and the rock can be considered as essentially homogeneous.It is considered that the global and local strengths are affected by the distribution of rock mechanical properties at mesoscale,which influence the crack behaviors and mechanical characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 rock heterogeneity crack evolution subcritical crack growth fracture mechanism
Testing study of subcritical crack growth velocity and fracture toughness of marble 被引量:5
作者 李江腾 曹平 袁海平 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第1期23-25,共3页
Subcritical crack growth of double torsion specimens made of marble was studied using Instron1342 type electro hydraulic servo test machine. The relations of the mode-I stress intensity factor KI versus the subcritica... Subcritical crack growth of double torsion specimens made of marble was studied using Instron1342 type electro hydraulic servo test machine. The relations of the mode-I stress intensity factor KI versus the subcritical crack growth velocity V and the fracture toughness KIC were obtained by the double torsion constant displacement load relaxation method. The behavior of subcritical crack growth was analyzed. The results show that lgKI-lgV relations of marble measured by this method accord with linear rule, i.e. the relations between subcritical crack growth velocity V and stress intensity factor KI have a power law, which is in good agreement with Charles theory. The testing results provide a basis for time-dependency of rock engineering stability. 展开更多
关键词 MARBLE double-torsion specimens fracture toughness subcritical crack growth
Extraction of Astaxanthin from Euphausia pacific Using Subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane 被引量:5
作者 HAN Yuqian MA Qinchuan +1 位作者 WANG Lan XUE Changhu 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期562-568,共7页
Euphausia pacific is an important source of natural astaxanthin. Studies were carried out to assess the extractability of astaxanthin from E. pacific using subcritical 1, 1, 1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a). To examine... Euphausia pacific is an important source of natural astaxanthin. Studies were carried out to assess the extractability of astaxanthin from E. pacific using subcritical 1, 1, 1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a). To examine the effects of multiple process variables on the extraction yield, astaxanthin was extracted under various conditions of pressure (30-150bar), temperature (303-343 K), time (10-50rain), flow rate (2-10gmin-1), moisture content (5.5%-63.61%), and particle size (0.25-0.109mm). The results showed that the extraction yield increased with temperature, pressure, time and flow rate, but decreased with moisture content and particle size. A maximum yield of 87.74% was obtained under conditions of 100bar, 333K, and 30min with a flow rate of 6gmin-1 and a moisture content of 5.5%. The substantial astaxanthin yield obtained under low-pressure conditions demonstrates that subcritical R134a is a good alternative to CO2 for extraction of astaxanthin from E. pacific. 展开更多
关键词 subcritical R134a astaxanthin extraction Euphausia pacific
Test of subcritical crack growth and fracture toughness under water-rock interaction in three types of rocks 被引量:6
作者 郝瑞卿 李江腾 +2 位作者 曹平 刘博 廖峻 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期662-668,共7页
The subcritical crack growth and fracture toughness in peridotite, lherzolite and amphibolite were investigated with double torsion test. The results show that water-rock interaction has a significant influence on sub... The subcritical crack growth and fracture toughness in peridotite, lherzolite and amphibolite were investigated with double torsion test. The results show that water-rock interaction has a significant influence on subcritical crack growth. With water-rock interaction, the crack velocity increases, while the stress intensity factor declines, which illustrates that water-rock interaction can decrease the strength of rocks and accelerate the subcritical crack growth. Based on Charlse theory and Hilling & Charlse theory, the test data were analyzed by regression and the correlation coefficients were all higher than 0.7, which shows the correlation is significant. This illustrates that both theories can explain the results of tests very well. Therefore, it is believed that the subcritical crack growth attributes to the breaking of chemical bond, which is caused by the combined effect of the tensile stress and the chemical reaction between the material at crack tip and the corrosive agent. Meanwhile, water-rock interaction has a vital effect on fracture toughness. The fracture toughness of samples under atmospheric environment is higher than that of samples immersed in water. And water-rock interaction has larger influence on fracture toughness in amphibolite than that in peridotite and lherzolite. 展开更多
关键词 subcritical crack growth fracture toughness double torsion test water-rock interaction PERIDOTITE LHERZOLITE AMPHIBOLITE
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