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塞罕坝亚高山木本野生观赏植物引种试验 被引量:1
作者 刘延文 杨丽 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2016年第30期154-155,182,共3页
以塞罕坝的15种亚高山木本野生观赏植物作为研究对象,以引种栽培的试验方式对其进行了观察,在成活率、开花、结果、生长分析的基础上讨论了其对新环境的适应性,并进行保存结果等级划分。结果表明:太平花、迎红杜鹃、库页悬钩子、接骨木... 以塞罕坝的15种亚高山木本野生观赏植物作为研究对象,以引种栽培的试验方式对其进行了观察,在成活率、开花、结果、生长分析的基础上讨论了其对新环境的适应性,并进行保存结果等级划分。结果表明:太平花、迎红杜鹃、库页悬钩子、接骨木、天目琼花、蓝靛果忍冬可列为Ⅰ级;刺五加、日本绣线菊、暴马丁香、藏花忍冬、金银忍冬、蒙古荚蒾、鼠李、山刺玫有正常开花现象,因此列为Ⅱ级;大叶小檗生长不良,被列为Ⅲ级。 展开更多
关键词 亚高山野生植物 引种 塞罕坝
祁连山东段高寒草甸植物总酚和黄酮含量及抗氧化活性研究 被引量:13
作者 廉美娜 朱玉环 +2 位作者 徐长林 尚占环 龙瑞军 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期2492-2497,共6页
采用Folin-Ciocalteu法和铝盐显色法对祁连山东段12种高寒植物(灌木嫩枝和草本植物叶片)进行总酚、黄酮含量的测定,并用FRAP法和ABTS法测定其总抗氧化能力。结果表明:(1)金露梅、山生柳、高山绣线菊、西藏沙棘、珠芽蓼的总酚和总黄酮含... 采用Folin-Ciocalteu法和铝盐显色法对祁连山东段12种高寒植物(灌木嫩枝和草本植物叶片)进行总酚、黄酮含量的测定,并用FRAP法和ABTS法测定其总抗氧化能力。结果表明:(1)金露梅、山生柳、高山绣线菊、西藏沙棘、珠芽蓼的总酚和总黄酮含量较高且总抗氧化能力较强,其中山生柳的总酚含量最高为19.58%,高山绣线菊的黄酮含量最高为13.23%。(2)采用FRAP法测得西藏沙棘的抗氧化能力最强为49.58mmol/L,而用ABTS法测得金露梅的抗氧化能力最强为32.46mmol/L。(3)总酚、总黄酮与总抗氧化能力(FRAP法)具有极显著的相关性(相关系数分别为0.887 1和0.915 7)。分析认为,12种高寒植物的植株体内总酚和总黄酮含量越高,其抗氧化能力越强。 展开更多
关键词 祁连山 亚高山植物 总酚 黄酮 抗氧化活性
Vascular plants distribution in relation to topography and environmental variables in alpine zone of Kedarnath Wild Life Sanctuary,West Himalaya
作者 CHANDRA Sudeep SINGH Ankit +2 位作者 SINGH C.P. NAUTIYAL M.C. RAWAT L.S. 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期1936-1949,共14页
The present study was carried out in Tungnath alpine meadows of Kedarnath Wild Life Sanctuary, Western Himalaya from subalpine to upper alpine zone. A total of four summits were selected along an altitudinal gradient ... The present study was carried out in Tungnath alpine meadows of Kedarnath Wild Life Sanctuary, Western Himalaya from subalpine to upper alpine zone. A total of four summits were selected along an altitudinal gradient and sampled for detailed vegetation analysis using multi summit approach as per Global observation research initiative in alpine environments(GLORIA). Species richness, diversity, and evenness among four summits as well as the interaction between environmental variables with plant communities were assessed. Monthly mean soil temperature was calculated using data retrieved from geo-precision temperature logger in order to identify the trend of soil temperature among different season and altitudinal gradient and its implications to plant communities. Soil samples were analyzed fromeach summit by collecting randomized composite soil samples. The indirect non-metric multidimensional scaling(NMDS) and direct canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) tools of ordination techniques to determine the linkage between plant species from various sample summits and biotic/abiotic environmental gradients were used in the present study. The results of the study demonstrated increase in species richness as soil temperature increases, the ecotone representing summits were found most warm summits followed by highest species richness. Annual soil temperature increased by 1.43°C at timberline ecotone. Whereas, at upper alpine zone the soil temperature increased by 0.810 C from year 2015 to 2016. S?rensen's similarity index was found to be increased between subalpine and upper alpine zone with increase in the presence of subalpine plant species at upper alpine zone. Both the ordination tools separate the subalpine summit and their respective vegetation from summits representingtimberline ecotone and upper alpine zone. Soil p H, altitude, soil cation exchange capacity were found as the key abiotic drivers for distribution of plant species. 展开更多
关键词 GLORIA Non-metric multidimensionalscaling (NMDS) Canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) ECOTONE West Himalaya
Alpine Taxa Exhibit Differing Responses to Climate Warming in the Snowy Mountains of Australia
作者 K.GREEN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期167-175,共9页
The phenologies of plants and animals in snow-covered landscapes are expected to accelerate with global warming.However,there are few studies that have examined a range of unrelated taxa in alpine environments to dete... The phenologies of plants and animals in snow-covered landscapes are expected to accelerate with global warming.However,there are few studies that have examined a range of unrelated taxa in alpine environments to determine whether there is commonality in the proximate causes,synchrony in timing,or the direction of any changes.Records for five alpine animal species and two alpine plant species,chosen primarily for their visibility,were examined to determine their temporal response to regional climate warming.Over the 30-year period studied,they showed an array of different phenological responses.Plant flowering appeared linked to date of snow melt,whereas animal responses varied.Although having accelerated phenologies,two migratory bird species exhibited contrary changes;one to low-altitude warming regardless of snow conditions in the alpine zone (flame robin) and the other to state of the snowpack regardless of low-altitude temperatures (Richard's pipit).By contrast,the migratory bogong moth arrived significantly later over the years with no apparent explanatory climatic cause.Although bogong moths are not responding to earlier snow melt,insectivorous predators on the ground are.This could lead to a serious mismatch in timing at different trophic levels,putting pressure on endangered vertebrates.Emergence of locally wintering insect species,March flies and Macleay's swallowtails,were not significantly related to measured climatic parameters over the study period.A consequence of the disparate responses to climate warming recorded here is the questionable value of 'indicator species' to examine the impact of climate warming on alpine ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Bogong moth Climate change Migration Mismatch PHENOLOGY
作者 韩成发 《中国林业》 2008年第11期50-50,共1页
传说成吉思汗西征时,有一支蒙古军队由天山深处向伊犁进发,时值春日,山中却是风雪弥漫,饥饿和寒冷使这支军队疲乏不堪,不想翻过山岭,眼前却是一片繁花织锦的莽莽草原,泉眼密布,流水淙淙,犹如进入了另一个世界,这时云开日出,... 传说成吉思汗西征时,有一支蒙古军队由天山深处向伊犁进发,时值春日,山中却是风雪弥漫,饥饿和寒冷使这支军队疲乏不堪,不想翻过山岭,眼前却是一片繁花织锦的莽莽草原,泉眼密布,流水淙淙,犹如进入了另一个世界,这时云开日出,夕阳如血,人们不由大叫“那拉提(有太阳)”“那拉提”,于是留下了这个地名。 展开更多
关键词 那拉提草原 成吉思汗 亚高山草甸植物 哈萨克人
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