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墨家“交利论”的哲学探析 被引量:1
作者 沈尚武 《兰州学刊》 2006年第12期28-30,共3页
关键词 墨家 交利论” “善少恶多” 主体间性
墨子兼爱交利思想简论 被引量:1
作者 黄忠晶 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2008年第2期11-15,共5页
兼爱、交利思想是墨子社会思想的核心,是他解决社会问题的主要办法。这一思想落到实处就是个人、家族、国家之间不分彼此。赞同这一主张的应该是那些弱势人群、少数民族、贫困人口、地位低下者和相对缺少知识的人。墨子的兼爱,是完全无... 兼爱、交利思想是墨子社会思想的核心,是他解决社会问题的主要办法。这一思想落到实处就是个人、家族、国家之间不分彼此。赞同这一主张的应该是那些弱势人群、少数民族、贫困人口、地位低下者和相对缺少知识的人。墨子的兼爱,是完全无差等的爱;在继续维持一个以血缘关系为基础的家族等级社会的前提下,要求人们做到这一点,墨子学说的空想性质就体现出来了。其后学要实行他的学说,就不得不从根本上更改其思想,从而使得自己处于无法解决的矛盾之中。 展开更多
关键词 墨子 兼爱 交利 矛盾
兼爱交利——墨子的设计伦理思想 被引量:1
作者 韩祥翠 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第4期31-33,67,共4页
在处理人与人之间的关系上,不同于儒家思想的差等性和“重义轻利”,墨子主张“兼相爱,交相利”,彰显出一种建立在“尚义贵利”基础上的平等博爱的人际关怀。从设计伦理来解读,这种人际观蕴藏着为谁设计和设计义利观的问题,对今天的设计... 在处理人与人之间的关系上,不同于儒家思想的差等性和“重义轻利”,墨子主张“兼相爱,交相利”,彰显出一种建立在“尚义贵利”基础上的平等博爱的人际关怀。从设计伦理来解读,这种人际观蕴藏着为谁设计和设计义利观的问题,对今天的设计实践依旧有着深刻的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 兼爱交利 设计伦理 墨子
墨家“兼爱”思想的法权利观阐释 被引量:7
作者 马腾 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期153-159,共7页
墨家的"兼爱"思想,既追求社会的正义,也关注个体的权益。"兼以易别",以"非儒"的方式表达了一种平等思想,衍生出所有权保护意识及权利秩序观念。首先,墨子将天下乱阶之原因归结为"不相爱",深刻... 墨家的"兼爱"思想,既追求社会的正义,也关注个体的权益。"兼以易别",以"非儒"的方式表达了一种平等思想,衍生出所有权保护意识及权利秩序观念。首先,墨子将天下乱阶之原因归结为"不相爱",深刻地揭示了侵权与犯罪的根源,并强调客观结果与主观动机的统一。其次,墨家所讲的"兼相爱,交相利",迥异于"耻言利"的儒家思想,强调"爱利一体",提倡"交利"的平等权意识,包含了尊重人的财产权和生存权之意,又反映了小生产者要求发展生产以增加社会物质财富的愿望。最后,作为"兼爱"的消极言说方式,"非攻"以从个人基本权利到国家主权的论证方式,反对侵犯个人权利和国家主权,并揭示两者的同质性,进而勾勒出"自然法"统摄下的从个人权利到国家主权的权利秩序理论。 展开更多
关键词 墨家 兼爱 非攻 交利 权利
中国传统伦理思想对环境法本土化的启示 被引量:1
作者 屈振辉 《西部法学评论》 2017年第6期1-7,共7页
中国传统伦理思想源远流长、博大而精深,是我国环境法本土化不可或缺的本土资源,又尤以儒道墨法四家的思想最具有启示性。其中儒家的"天人合一"思想强调整体性,不仅是环境法学"主客一体化"理论之源,对环境立法及其... 中国传统伦理思想源远流长、博大而精深,是我国环境法本土化不可或缺的本土资源,又尤以儒道墨法四家的思想最具有启示性。其中儒家的"天人合一"思想强调整体性,不仅是环境法学"主客一体化"理论之源,对环境立法及其价值追求也具有重要启示;道家"道法自然"思想可视为自然法思想,如果将"道"和"法"理解为规律和法律,则它意味人类应按自然规律进行环境立法;墨家"兼爱交利"思想也颇具有生态智慧,前者意味环境法应以爱护自然为情感基础,后者则揭示了蕴藏在这种情感背后的动机;法家思想中也不乏涉及生态环境保护之处,而其"一断于法"思想以及严格执法态度,对改变当前我国环境执法的现状亦有启示。挖掘中国传统伦理思想并从其中获得启示,将改变我国在环境立法上移植西法的现状,以中华生态智慧之光推动世界环境法发展。 展开更多
关键词 传统伦理 环境法 本土化 天人合一 道法自然 兼爱交利 一断于法
作者 陆仲璘 王敏强 +5 位作者 芦志刚 阎萍 贾永红 乔存来 尹满财 潘丽贞 《中国草食动物》 2005年第z2期43-45,共3页
在牦牛育种过程中,应用低代牛横交理论以F1为0世代自繁,采用有计划的近交(近交系数界于0.03125~0.125),不仅能使新群体在体型、外貌、毛色等外观性状方面快速趋于一致,而且横交牛展现了良好的生产性能和生态适应能力.初生重较家牦牛大2... 在牦牛育种过程中,应用低代牛横交理论以F1为0世代自繁,采用有计划的近交(近交系数界于0.03125~0.125),不仅能使新群体在体型、外貌、毛色等外观性状方面快速趋于一致,而且横交牛展现了良好的生产性能和生态适应能力.初生重较家牦牛大2.23 kg,6月龄较家牦牛重14.83 kg,胴体较家牦牛重7.43 kg,越冬保活率较家牦牛高5个百分点. 展开更多
关键词 牦牛育种 交利 屠宰试验
作者 陆仲璘 王敏强 《中国草食动物》 2005年第z2期80-83,共4页
利用野牦牛的优秀基因培育牦牛新品种群已进入了育种实践阶段.由于育种公牛的特定关系,在牦牛育种中有计划地采用了近交技术,经过横交一世代两年的统计,未发现近交衰退和严重分离现象.本文认为:从染色体组型、血清酶及生化组分、生殖细... 利用野牦牛的优秀基因培育牦牛新品种群已进入了育种实践阶段.由于育种公牛的特定关系,在牦牛育种中有计划地采用了近交技术,经过横交一世代两年的统计,未发现近交衰退和严重分离现象.本文认为:从染色体组型、血清酶及生化组分、生殖细胞的超微结构及酶活、生活习性及繁殖特点等方面的研究都证实野、家牦牛基因比较纯合;牦牛代谢反应迟钝,育种原始偏向肉用.因此,在牦牛育种中有计划、有控制地采用近交技术,安全可靠并可加速育种进程,尽快地达到同质化. 展开更多
关键词 牦牛 育种 交利
作者 宋贤卓 陈首哲 《全国商情》 2009年第6期63-65,共3页
关键词 墨子 兼爱 交利 新农村建设
作者 管斌 何似龙 《商场现代化》 2009年第10期64-66,共3页
在春秋战国之际,墨家学派与儒家学派并立为"显学",在当时有广泛的影响,"徒属弟子充满天下",所以韩非说:"世之显学,儒、墨也。"兼爱、非攻、尚贤、尚同、节用、节葬、非乐、非命、尊天、事鬼等十大主张,... 在春秋战国之际,墨家学派与儒家学派并立为"显学",在当时有广泛的影响,"徒属弟子充满天下",所以韩非说:"世之显学,儒、墨也。"兼爱、非攻、尚贤、尚同、节用、节葬、非乐、非命、尊天、事鬼等十大主张,构成了墨家古代管理思想的主要框架。墨家古代管理思想的理论基础是从"以天为法"出发的"兼爱天下之百姓",墨子认为,只要明白了要顺从天意,遵照天意并广泛地推行于天下,那么就能实现"刑政得治,万民和谐,国家富强,财用充足,百姓都能吃饱穿暖,安宁没有忧愁"的理想社会了。 展开更多
关键词 兼爱非攻 兼爱交利 以天为法 天下一家
浅析墨子的管理思想 被引量:2
作者 付进扬 《江西行政学院学报》 2006年第z1期114-115,共2页
关键词 墨子 交利 交相利 兼相爱 墨家学派
Effects of Different Water Stresses on Eco-physiological Characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides Seedlings 被引量:37
作者 郭卫华 李波 +2 位作者 黄永梅 赵海霞 张新时 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1238-1244,共7页
In order to examine the effects of the decrease of future precipitation on the eco-physiological characteristics of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides Linn.) in Huangfuchuan Watershed in Nei Mongol, a water gradient ... In order to examine the effects of the decrease of future precipitation on the eco-physiological characteristics of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides Linn.) in Huangfuchuan Watershed in Nei Mongol, a water gradient experiment was conducted based on the four specially designed water supply levels, including normal precipitation, slight drought, drought and extreme drought. Results of ANOVE showed that different water gradients had a significant effect on (1) microhabitat factors, such as soil water content and soil temperature; (2) gas exchange, such as net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate; (3) resource use efficiency; and (4) leaf water potential. Water use efficiency of H rhamnoides could increase under moderate water stress, i.e. drought condition, while its net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate decreased. All kinds of eco-physiological characteristics proved H. rhamnoides seedlings under all water supplies were affected by water stress more or less and that mechanism of intrinsic physiological regulation in seedlings under the extreme drought conditions had the appearance of turbulence to a certain extent. Therefore, H rhamnoides seedlings in Huangfuchuan Watershed could not acclimate to extreme drought conditions. 展开更多
关键词 water stress Hippophae rhamnoides Huangfuchuan Watershed gas exchange water potential resource use efficiency DROUGHT
Influence of land use characteristics and trip attributes on commuting mode choice: a case of Nanjing 被引量:5
作者 刘志伟 邓卫 季彦婕 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期107-112,共6页
The effects of socio-demographics, land use characteristics and trip attributes on the commute mode choice are studied with a nested logit (NL) model. Based on the random utility maximum theory, the NL model is form... The effects of socio-demographics, land use characteristics and trip attributes on the commute mode choice are studied with a nested logit (NL) model. Based on the random utility maximum theory, the NL model is formulated. The analysis is carried out in the main area of Nanjing. Direct and cross elasticities are calculated to analyze the effects of travel time and travel cost on the selection of travel mode choice. The results reveal that the non-motorized travel modes are more attractive in the areas with higher housing and employment accessibility and car owners are found to be more likely to commute to work by car. The bus and subway choice probabilities are more sensitive to changes in travel times than to changes in travel costs. In conclusion, a comprehensive public transit system and effective integration of land use and transportation policies help to relieve the traffic congestion levels caused by the increasing urban sprawl. 展开更多
关键词 traffic engineering land use travel mode choice nested logit model elasticity analysis
A Preliminary Study on Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Hybrid Rice Combinations Derived from CMS Line Rong 18A
作者 徐敬洪 蔡良俊 +6 位作者 沈超 张帆 王富全 文勇 袁亚章 李志义 杨震 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2070-2073,2089,共5页
In order to investigate characteristics of nitrogen use efficiency of CMS line Rong 18A, four hybrid rice combinations (Rong18 You188, Rong18 You198, Rong18 You662, Rong18 You908) derived from CMS line Rong 18A were... In order to investigate characteristics of nitrogen use efficiency of CMS line Rong 18A, four hybrid rice combinations (Rong18 You188, Rong18 You198, Rong18 You662, Rong18 You908) derived from CMS line Rong 18A were used as experimental materials with Ⅱ You838 and Gangyou725 as controls. A split-plot experimental design was performed with four nitrogen fertilizer application rates to analyze the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer application rates on the yield and yield component factors of rice. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer could significantly increase effective panicle number to improve rice yield. The increment in rice yield per unit nitrogen fertilizer application rate demonstrated a descending trend with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application rate. Under low nitrogen levels, hybrid rice combinations derived from Rong 18A exhibited relatively high nitrogen use efficiency and showed remarkably high nitrogen use efficiency under low nitrogen levels. 展开更多
关键词 Rong 18A Hybrid rice Nitrogen fertilizer Use efficiency
作者 陆仲璘 王敏强 +5 位作者 芦志刚 阎萍 贾永红 乔存来 尹满财 潘丽贞 《中国草食动物》 2005年第z2期99-101,共3页
在牦牛育种过程中,采用有计划的F1近交(近交系数介于0.03125~0.125),不仅能使复壮的牦牛新群体在体型、外貌、毛色等外观性状方面快速趋于一致,而且横交牛展现了良好的生产性能和生态适应能力.初生重较家牦牛大2.23 kg,6月龄较家牦牛重... 在牦牛育种过程中,采用有计划的F1近交(近交系数介于0.03125~0.125),不仅能使复壮的牦牛新群体在体型、外貌、毛色等外观性状方面快速趋于一致,而且横交牛展现了良好的生产性能和生态适应能力.初生重较家牦牛大2.23 kg,6月龄较家牦牛重14.88 kg,胴体较家牦牛重7.43 kg,越冬保活率较家牦牛高5个百分点.瘤胃、瘤胃容积亦较同龄家牦牛分别大0.39 kg、4.98 L. 展开更多
关键词 牦牛育种 交利 屠宰试验
Effects of Potassium Fertilizing Rates on Yield, Fiber Quality and Potassium Use Efficiency of Three Hybrid Cotton Cultivars 被引量:1
作者 冯正锐 刘爱玉 +3 位作者 易九红 李瑞莲 王欣悦 邹茜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期200-204,共5页
The effects of potassium (K) application rates on the yield, fiber quality and K fertilizer use efficiency of three hybrid cotton varieties (Jin102, Xiangzamian8, Siyang328) were studied in field experiment. Ferti... The effects of potassium (K) application rates on the yield, fiber quality and K fertilizer use efficiency of three hybrid cotton varieties (Jin102, Xiangzamian8, Siyang328) were studied in field experiment. Fertilizer rates of K2O 135 and 270 kg/hm2, representing 1x and 2x recommended K rates, were applied, no application of k fertilizer as the CK. The results show that the lint yield increased 39.13%-57.48%with potassium application, highly significantly. Al yield components of the three hy-brid cotton varieties increased with the increase of K application amounts. The bol number per plant, single bol weight and lint percentage were increased by 14.24%-40.29%, 3.59%-15.51% and 0.16%-4.89%, respectively, and the fiber length and specific strength also increased with the increasing K application amounts, showing no significant influence on Micronaire. When the K application amounts increased from 135 to 270 kg/hm2, the partial factor productivity (PFPk) reduced by 45.93%-48.01%, and the agronomic efficiency (AEk) reduced by 37.1%-42.9%. The PFPk and KE (K efficiency coefficients) of S328 were the highest among the three varieties, which also showed the strongest resistance to low potassium stress, and with no potassi-um fertilizer application (K0), the lint yield of S328 was 5.54% and 11.19% higher than that of X8 and J102. The AEk of J102 was the highest, and its reward of K fertilizer was the greatest among the three varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid cotton Amount of Potassium Fertilizer Application YIELD Quality K use efficiency
Effect of conceptual fluency on English oral communication
作者 夏丽云 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期15-20,共6页
Recent research has found that L2 learners of high grammatical proficiency will not necessarily show concomitant pragmatic skills. On the basis of Danesi's Conceptual Fluency theory and actual learners' oral abiliti... Recent research has found that L2 learners of high grammatical proficiency will not necessarily show concomitant pragmatic skills. On the basis of Danesi's Conceptual Fluency theory and actual learners' oral abilities, this research conducted two types of tests: a discourse-completion test and a dialogue-interpretation test. The research has found that L2 learners are often influenced by L1 conceptual system, and speeches are not necessarily appropriate and native-like. 展开更多
关键词 conceptual fluency oral communication APPROPRIATE native-like
Photosynthetic Characteristics of Two Superhigh-yield Hybrid Rice 被引量:13
作者 王强 张其德 +5 位作者 蒋高明 卢从明 匡廷云 吴爽 李成荃 焦德茂 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第12期1285-1288,共4页
The photosynthetic functions and the sensitivity to photoinhibition were compared between two superhigh_yield hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Liangyoupeijiu and X07S/Zihui 100, the newly developed from two parental line... The photosynthetic functions and the sensitivity to photoinhibition were compared between two superhigh_yield hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Liangyoupeijiu and X07S/Zihui 100, the newly developed from two parental lines and traditional hybrid rice Shanyou 63 developed from three parental lines. The results showed that, as compared to Shanyou 63, the net photosynthetic rate of Liangyoupeijiu and X07S/Zihui 100 was 9.1% and 11.9% higher, the transpiration rate was 37.4% and 31.4% lower, and their water use efficiency was 74.2% and 63.5% higher respectively. After strong light (2 000 μmol photons·m -2 ·s -1 ) treatment for 2 h, the photochemical quantum yield and the photochemical quenching increased by 37.0% and 18.0% respectively in Liangyoupeijiu, 28.3% and 46.2% in X07S/Zihui 100, but decreased a little in Shanyou 63. The non_photochemical quenching decreased in Liangyoupeijiu and X07S/Zihui 100 (about 50%) but increased greatly in Shanyou 63 (about 50%). Better photosynthetic functions, higher water use efficiency and stronger resistance to photoinhibition, may be the physiological basis for the super high_yield of the two hybrid rice under study. 展开更多
关键词 superhigh-yield hybrid rice net photosynthetic rate water use efficiency PHOTOINHIBITION fluorescence induction kinetics parameters
A purely data driven method for European option valuation 被引量:1
作者 黄光辉 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2006年第3期175-180,共6页
An alternative option pricing method is proposed based on a random walk market model. The minimal entropy martingale measure which adopts no arbitrage opportunity in the market, is deduced for this market model and is... An alternative option pricing method is proposed based on a random walk market model. The minimal entropy martingale measure which adopts no arbitrage opportunity in the market, is deduced for this market model and is used as the pricing measure to evaluate European call options by a Monte Carlo simulation method. The proposed method is a purely data driven valuation method without any distributional assumption about the price process of underlying asset. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the canonical valuation method and the historical volatility-based Black-Scholes method in an artificial Black-Scholes world. The simulation results show that the proposed method has merits, and is valuable to financial engineering. 展开更多
关键词 derivative security: minimal entropy martingale measure Monte Carlo simulation
Allocation optimization of bicycle-sharing stations at scenic spots 被引量:5
作者 郭唐仪 张平 +1 位作者 邵飞 刘英舜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3396-3403,共8页
Bicycle-sharing system is considered as a green option to provide a better connection between scenic spots and nearby metro/bus stations. Allocating and optimizing the layout of bicycle-sharing system inside the sceni... Bicycle-sharing system is considered as a green option to provide a better connection between scenic spots and nearby metro/bus stations. Allocating and optimizing the layout of bicycle-sharing system inside the scenic spot and around its influencing area are focused on. It is found that the terrain, land use, nearby transport network and scenery point distribution have significant impact on the allocation of bicycle-sharing system. While the candidate bicycle-sharing stations installed at the inner scenic points, entrances/exits and metro stations are fixed, the ones installed at bus-stations and other passenger concentration buildings are adjustable. Aiming at minimizing the total cycling distance and overlapping rate, an optimization model is proposed and solved based on the idea of cluster concept and greedy heuristic. A revealed preference/stated preference (RP/SP) combined survey was conducted at Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing, China, to get an insight into the touring trip characteristics and bicycle-sharing tendency. The results reveal that 39.81% visitors accept a cycling distance of 1-3 km and 62.50% respondents think that the bicycle-sharing system should charge an appropriate fee. The sttrvey indicates that there is high possibility to carry out a bicycle-sharing system at Xuanwu Lake. Optimizing the allocation problem cluster by cluster rather than using an exhaustive search method significantly reduces the computing amount from O(2^43) to O(43 2). The 500 m-radius-coverage rate for the alternative optimized by 500 m-radius-cluster and 800 m-radius-cluster is 89.2% and 68.5%, respectively. The final layout scheme will provide decision makers engineering guidelines and theoretical support. 展开更多
关键词 bicycle-sharing allocation optimization scenic spot CLUSTER
Embedding Sign Representation in Mobile Phones to Assist Disabled 被引量:1
作者 Adhinarayanan VenkataSubramaniam Karthikeswaran Duraisamy +1 位作者 Dinakar Subramaniam Marikkani Chelladurai 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第1期42-47,共6页
Sign Writing, a writing system for sign language, is becoming a useful and convenient communication aid for people who are deaf. Principally, people who are deaf find it difficult to communicate with the hearing commu... Sign Writing, a writing system for sign language, is becoming a useful and convenient communication aid for people who are deaf. Principally, people who are deaf find it difficult to communicate with the hearing community and due to recent technological advancement they communicate amongst themselves and with the hearing community via text messaging on mobile phones. Existing messaging function is limited to writing based on the Roman alphabets or pictographic languages like Mandarin; writing in signs is deemed to be deficient in a mobile context. Hence, the aim of this paper is to examine the feasibility of writing and reading text messages in signs as an alternative communication mean besides Short Messaging Service (SMS). Initial experimental results have significantly exemplified that sign writing gains well acceptance and is preferred among the hearing-impaired community to communicate within or between the hearing communities. 展开更多
关键词 Sign writing MANDARIN alternate communication SMS hearing-impaired.
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