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经阴道3D-US绘制“交叉征”预测CSP与胎盘植入分型的相关性 被引量:2
作者 王霞丽 吕国荣 +2 位作者 林婷婷 邓双萍 吴家祥 《现代医用影像学》 2020年第8期1422-1424,1432,共4页
目的:探索经阴道三维超声(3D-US)绘制"交叉征"预测疤痕妊娠(CSP)与病理性胎盘植入(MAP)分型的关系。方法:回顾性分析30例经手术记录、产后记录或组织病理确诊为MAP的孕妇,调取孕妇孕早期(6-8孕周)经阴道3D-US图像,通过绘制A线... 目的:探索经阴道三维超声(3D-US)绘制"交叉征"预测疤痕妊娠(CSP)与病理性胎盘植入(MAP)分型的关系。方法:回顾性分析30例经手术记录、产后记录或组织病理确诊为MAP的孕妇,调取孕妇孕早期(6-8孕周)经阴道3D-US图像,通过绘制A线与B线分析CSP妊娠囊、子宫前壁和剖宫产瘢痕间的关系,并由此定义COS类型,分析不同类型COS与MAP发生的相关性。结果:COS-1发展为穿透性MAP的风险是COS-2的8倍(95%CI:1.1~148.4;P=0.034);COS-2进一步分为COS-2a(18例)和COS-2b(4例),COS-1发展为穿透性MAP的风险明显高于COS-2a和COS-2b,OR值分别约10.4(95%CI:5.2~162.9;P=0.038)和12(95%CI:3.8~151.4;P=0.046);与COS-2a相比,COS-2b发展为胎盘粘连的风险更高(OR=4.71,95%CI,1.3~41.7;P=0.039)。Logistic回归分析发现COS-1是穿透性MAP的独立相关因素[OR=12.05 (95%CI, 2.0~51.0)],而且COS-2b是胎盘粘连的独立相关因素[OR=3.17,(95%CI:1.1~15.0)]。结论:经阴道3D-US绘制COS可作为预测CSP是否进展为MAP严重型的一种有效手段,为CSP的管理提供重要的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 经阴道三维超声 交叉征 疤痕妊娠 胎盘植入
作者 林土胜 杜明辉 徐锦堂 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 2001年第3期397-399,共3页
研究视网膜血管高血压交叉压迫征的量化方法 ,采用局部血管图像增强的匹配滤波进行预处理、数学形态学的闭合运算进行图像平滑、线化无级扩大法确定血管边界 ,实施管径可逆量化自动寻优算法 。
关键词 视网膜血管 匹配滤波 数学形态学 管径可逆量化 高血压 交叉压迫
作者 夏菁 刘晓红 周维智 《中国医药导刊》 2011年第11期1990-1990,1992,共2页
脑干梗死约占所有脑梗死的2 1.9%,其病死率和致残率显著高于颈内动脉供血区卒中。以往认为脑干梗死应该伴有颅神经核损害的交叉性瘫、四肢瘫体征,易于诊断。但随MRI检查普及,目前发现临床上以无交叉体征症状起病的脑干梗死病人不在少数... 脑干梗死约占所有脑梗死的2 1.9%,其病死率和致残率显著高于颈内动脉供血区卒中。以往认为脑干梗死应该伴有颅神经核损害的交叉性瘫、四肢瘫体征,易于诊断。但随MRI检查普及,目前发现临床上以无交叉体征症状起病的脑干梗死病人不在少数,且相当一部分可进展加重,甚至死亡,对诊治带来很大困扰。 展开更多
关键词 交叉 脑干梗死 进展型
作者 梁云云 黄洁玲 解龙昌 《山西中医学院学报》 2011年第2期68-69,78,共3页
目的:临床发现多数脑干梗死缺乏典型交叉性体征,易被误诊为前循环梗死,故分析缺乏交叉性体征的脑干梗死患者的临床症状、体征及影像学特点,有助于提高对脑干梗死的认识,减少误诊率及漏诊率。方法:对70例初次患脑血管病并经MRI证实为脑... 目的:临床发现多数脑干梗死缺乏典型交叉性体征,易被误诊为前循环梗死,故分析缺乏交叉性体征的脑干梗死患者的临床症状、体征及影像学特点,有助于提高对脑干梗死的认识,减少误诊率及漏诊率。方法:对70例初次患脑血管病并经MRI证实为脑干梗死,而临床缺乏交叉性体征的患者进行回顾性分析。结果:该组患者最常见的症状是头晕、眩晕、呕吐,而只有部分患者有眼震、真性球麻痹、共济失调、眼球活动受限等脑干特征性体征。多数患者肌力在3级以上,且发病后1 w内病情不再进展。多数梗死部位位于桥脑腹内侧,而MRA未发现椎基底动脉主干有明显狭窄。结论:脑干梗死常见的症状是头晕、眩晕、呕吐,多数梗死部位位于桥脑腹内侧。 展开更多
关键词 脑干梗死 MRI 交叉性体
儿童外侧盘状半月板损伤失稳的影像学征象:双前交叉韧带征 被引量:4
作者 孙晓新 赵志岩 +4 位作者 刘昊 柴宏伟 宋敬峰 张岩 梁春雨 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期753-758,共6页
目的:明确儿童外侧盘状半月板(DLM)损伤膝关节矢状面核磁共振成像(MRI)中双前交叉韧带征(DACLS)的发生率,并探讨其相关影响因素。方法:回顾性分析具有完整术前MRI影像资料的儿童外侧盘状半月板损伤病例57例。由两名放射学主任医师共同... 目的:明确儿童外侧盘状半月板(DLM)损伤膝关节矢状面核磁共振成像(MRI)中双前交叉韧带征(DACLS)的发生率,并探讨其相关影响因素。方法:回顾性分析具有完整术前MRI影像资料的儿童外侧盘状半月板损伤病例57例。由两名放射学主任医师共同分析所有病例的MRI图像资料并筛选出DACLS阳性的病例。然后,采用卡方检验比较DACLS阳性病例在不同DLM撕裂类型间分布的差异。结果:57例儿童DLM损伤病例中DACLS阳性11例,总的发生率为19.3%。DACLS在伴有弹响、伸直受限以及麦氏征阳性的膝关节中发生率更高,风险评价显示DACLS与膝关节弹响(P=0.029;OR=5.568)、伸直受限(P=0.002;OR=15.556)以及阳性麦氏征(P=0.009;OR=9.300)具有显著相关性。依据DLM损伤MRI分型,11例DACLS征阳性病例均分布于36例移位型病例中(30.6%):其中14个中央移位型病例中阳性4例(28.6%)、6个前中央移位型病例中阳性1例(16.7%)、16个后中央移位型病例中阳性6例(37.5%),21个无移位型病例中无阳性病例,移位型病例中DACLS阳性例数明显高于无移位型(P=0.013),风险评价显示DACLS与DLM移位明显相关(OR=1.440)。依据DLM撕裂关节镜分型,12例边缘裂中DACLS征阳性3例(25.0%)、10例水平裂合并边缘裂中阳性3例(30.0%)、14例后外侧损伤失稳型中阳性5例(35.7%),而21例水平撕裂中无阳性病例。卡方检验显示:DACLS在DLM不同撕裂类型中的分布存在显著性差异(P=0.038)。结论:DACLS见于儿童DLM不稳定撕裂以及移位型损伤病例中,是儿童DLM损伤失稳的影像学征象;DACLS与膝关节弹响、伸直受限以及麦氏征阳性等症状体征显著相关,对于评价儿童DLM损伤具有一定价值。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 外侧盘状半月板 双前交叉韧带 核磁共振成像
双前交叉韧带征:成人外侧盘状半月板损伤失稳的影像学表现 被引量:9
作者 孙晓新 刘昊 +1 位作者 柴宏伟 梁春雨 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第31期5015-5020,共6页
背景:双前交叉韧带征是外侧半月板桶柄撕裂的影像学表现,然而其与外侧盘状半月板撕裂类型的关系仍不明确。目的:探讨双前交叉韧带征对成人外侧盘状半月板损伤失稳的评价作用和价值。方法:回顾95例成人外侧盘状半月板损伤病例的临床及影... 背景:双前交叉韧带征是外侧半月板桶柄撕裂的影像学表现,然而其与外侧盘状半月板撕裂类型的关系仍不明确。目的:探讨双前交叉韧带征对成人外侧盘状半月板损伤失稳的评价作用和价值。方法:回顾95例成人外侧盘状半月板损伤病例的临床及影像资料,由2名影像学主任医师观察并分析入组病例的膝关节MRI图像。统计术前MRI检查中双前交叉韧带征的发生率,分析其与外侧盘状半月板撕裂类型、手术方式以及患者临床症状的关系。结果与结论:(1)95例外侧盘状半月板损伤病例中双前交叉韧带征阳性17例,阳性率为18%;(2)完全型外侧盘状半月板中双前交叉韧带征的发生率为29%,明显高于不完全型的7%(P=0.005);双前交叉韧带征阳性组中纵向撕裂和边缘撕裂的发生率分别为35%和41%,也明显高于阴性组的9%(P=0.013)和14%(P=0.025);(3)双前交叉韧带征阳性组中术前膝关节弹响(P=0.021)、伸膝活动受限的发生率(P=0.003)、术中半月板缝合的概率(P=0.010)以及术前疼痛目测类比评分等(P=0.008)均显著高于阴性组,而术前Lysholm膝关节功能评分明显低于阴性组(P=0.020);(4)提示双前交叉韧带征是成人外侧盘状半月板损伤失稳的影像学征象,其在外侧盘状半月板损伤评价和治疗中具有一定价值。 展开更多
关键词 外侧盘状半月板 成人 双前交叉韧带 MRI成像 骨科植入物 半月板 胫骨 磁共振成像 组织工程
双前交叉韧带征:外侧半月板桶柄状撕裂MR征象 被引量:3
作者 龚静山 陈蓟 +5 位作者 徐坚民 潘晓华 朱进 饶梓彬 杨忠 黄国鑫 《医学影像学杂志》 2008年第7期798-800,共3页
目的:报道外侧半月板桶柄状撕裂的一个MR征象—双"ACL"征。方法:回顾性分析7例经关节镜证实外侧半月板桶柄状撕裂的MR表现。结果:7例患者中,4例MR机检查矢状位T2W图像上观察到ACL后方与ACL平行的条状低信号影,呈现双"ACL... 目的:报道外侧半月板桶柄状撕裂的一个MR征象—双"ACL"征。方法:回顾性分析7例经关节镜证实外侧半月板桶柄状撕裂的MR表现。结果:7例患者中,4例MR机检查矢状位T2W图像上观察到ACL后方与ACL平行的条状低信号影,呈现双"ACL"征。结论:双"ACL"征可以提示ACL桶柄状撕裂可能,其临床价值有待于进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 半月板 桶柄状撕裂 磁共振成像 双前交叉韧带
髋关节撞击综合征的X线特征分析 被引量:1
作者 王晋东 孙海钰 甄俊平 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2015年第12期1734-1735,共2页
髋关节撞击综合征(femoral acetabula impingenlent,FAI)是引起髋部疼痛的一个潜在因素,当股骨和髋臼存在非正常接触的时候,股骨和髋臼就会发生撞击,造成盂唇和软骨损伤,引发髋周疼痛,并影响髋关节的功能,进而发展为髋骨关节炎。1999... 髋关节撞击综合征(femoral acetabula impingenlent,FAI)是引起髋部疼痛的一个潜在因素,当股骨和髋臼存在非正常接触的时候,股骨和髋臼就会发生撞击,造成盂唇和软骨损伤,引发髋周疼痛,并影响髋关节的功能,进而发展为髋骨关节炎。1999年,Myers等[1]首次将钳夹型FAI描述为因为髋臼发育不良行髋臼周围截骨术后的一种并发症。2003年, 展开更多
关键词 髋臼发育不良 软骨损伤 截骨术 X线特 盂唇 髋部疼痛 femoral 骨盆前后位 交叉征 分析
作者 吴宏禧 游志鹏 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2010年第12期2407-2408,共2页
1 病例报告 患者,男,65岁,以"右眼无痛性视力骤降4mo"来诊.患者4mo前无诱因感右眼视力明显下降,否认高血压(130/75mmHg)、糖尿病等病史,既往无任何眼部疾患和眼部外伤及手术史.眼专科检查:视力右眼:0.01(矫正无提高),左眼:1... 1 病例报告 患者,男,65岁,以"右眼无痛性视力骤降4mo"来诊.患者4mo前无诱因感右眼视力明显下降,否认高血压(130/75mmHg)、糖尿病等病史,既往无任何眼部疾患和眼部外伤及手术史.眼专科检查:视力右眼:0.01(矫正无提高),左眼:1.0;非接触眼压:右眼:12.3mmHg,左眼:13.6mmHg;左眼前节未见异常;眼底:且见动静脉交叉压迫征,右眼晶状体密度增高,右眼眼底:视盘色红,界清,A/V=2:3,且见动静脉交叉压迫征,颞上视网膜隐约见斑驳状出血点,后极部可见少许棕黄色渗出(图1). 展开更多
关键词 缺血型视网膜静脉阻塞 激光治疗 FFA 右眼视力 交叉压迫 应用 诊断 晶状体密度
《国际商务财会》 1994年第1期56-56,共1页
据悉,改革后的流转税将由增值税、消费税和营业税三税组成,统一适用于内资企业和外商投资企业。取消对外商投资企业征收工商统一税。根据新的方案,对商品的交易和进口普遍征收增值税,并选择部分消费品交叉征收消费税,在交通运输、金融... 据悉,改革后的流转税将由增值税、消费税和营业税三税组成,统一适用于内资企业和外商投资企业。取消对外商投资企业征收工商统一税。根据新的方案,对商品的交易和进口普遍征收增值税,并选择部分消费品交叉征收消费税,在交通运输、金融保险、建筑安装、文化体育、娱乐业、服务业、无形资产和不动产转让等产业收营业税;适当扩大资源税征收范围,提高部分税目的的税额。与此同时,废止原来的产品税、增值税、营业税、盐税、资源税。 展开更多
关键词 资源税 工商统一税 收范围 动产转让 交通运输 交叉征 建筑安装 专项收入
作者 Michelson G. Groh M. +1 位作者 Groh M.J.M. 张少娟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2005年第9期37-38,共2页
Background: Cerebral and retinal vessels behave similarly under the influence of vascular risk factors. Several groups have shown that retinal microvascular abnormalities represent an independent risk factor with rega... Background: Cerebral and retinal vessels behave similarly under the influence of vascular risk factors. Several groups have shown that retinal microvascular abnormalities represent an independent risk factor with regard to strokes and heart attacks. Aim of the Study: The aim of this study was to perform a prospective screening examinationwith regard to retinalmicrovascular abnormalities as well as an extended vessel diagnosis in a subgroup of patients with lower arteriovenous risk values. Methods: In the course of a prospective cross-sectional study (“Talking Eyes”) between 1.9.2001 and 1.8.2002 a telemedical-supported screening of the retina (study 1) was carried out in 7,163 subjects. The patients were selected without any inclusion or exclusion criteria. The mean age was 48.2±8 years (18-83 years) with a sex distribution of 39.2%females to 60.8%males. Digital fundus photos of the right and left eyes were taken for all patients. The pictures were taken without pupil dilation using a CANON-NM camera. The pictures and case histories were stored in a central server using web-based software (MedStage, Siemens). In a central reading centre, the arteriovenous ratio of both eyes was determined telemedically using the Parr-Hubbard formula and the retinas subjected to a standardised examination by an ophthalmologist. The retinal risk factor was calculated on the basis of the arteriovenous ration, the presence of microvascular abnormalities and the case history. The reproducibility of measurement of the arteriovenous ratio (Kronbach alpha coefficient) was evaluated by double measurements on 1,332 images. In a subgroup of study 1 with arteriovenous ratio values < 0.76 (N=107), an extended vessel diagnosis with measurement of 24-h blood pressure and vessel-relevant blood values (homocysteine, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, CRP, TG, HbA1c) was carried out (study II). Results: Study 1: The Kronbach alpha coefficient as a measure of reproducibility amounted to 0.77. The mean arteriovenous ratio of the retinal vessels was 0.83±0.09 and showed a pronounced age dependence (R=0.9, p< 0.0001). On multivariate testing the arteriovenous ratio correlated significantly (R=0.33, p< 0.001) with the factors age, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and body mass index. Diastolic blood pressure followed by age had the largest influence. The prevalence of microvascular abnormalities in the right (RE) and left (LE)-eyes, respectively were: cotton wool foci RE 0.0015%, LE 0.003%, retinal haemorrhage RE 0.1%, LE 0.1%, focal stenoses RE 3.4%, LE 3.4%, tortuositas vasorumRE 4.1%, LE 4.0%, arteriovenous crossing signs RE 11.2%, LE 11.2%. On multivariate testing the occurrence of microvascular abnormalities correlated significantly (R=0.38, p < 0.001) with the factors high blood pressure known from case history, body mass index, and gender. Arterial hypertension had the strongest influence followed by diastolic blood pressure. The calculated retinal risk factor correlated with the prevalence of angina pectoris. Study 11: 2/3 of the subjects with arteriovenous risk factor values < 0.76 exhibited pathologically high 24-h blood pressure values. For these patients there were significant correlations between the arteriovenous ratio and the low-density lipoprotein concentration as well as the Framingham risk score. Conclusion: In the course of a prospective, telemedical-supported screening examination of the retinal vessels of more than 7,000 subjects the arteriovenous ratio exhibited a strong dependence on age and blood pressure. Among the subjects with lowered arteriovenous ratio values, 2/3 exhibited arterial hypertension in the 24-h blood pressure determination. 展开更多
关键词 视网膜血管 筛查技术 远程医疗 动静脉比 视网膜微血管 视网膜出血 舒张期血压 动静脉交叉征 视网膜检查 血压测定
Effects of behavioral characteristics of taxi drivers on safety and capacity of signalized intersections 被引量:2
作者 徐铖铖 刘攀 +2 位作者 王炜 蒋璇 陈昱光 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第10期4033-4042,共10页
Comparative analyses were conducted to compare the effects of the behavioral characteristics of the drivers of taxis and private cars on the capacity and safety of signalized intersections. Data were collected at sixt... Comparative analyses were conducted to compare the effects of the behavioral characteristics of the drivers of taxis and private cars on the capacity and safety of signalized intersections. Data were collected at sixteen signalized intersections in the Nanjing area in China. The risk-taking behaviors of the drivers of taxis and private cars were compared. The results suggest that 19.9% of taxi drivers have committed at least one of the identified risky behaviors, which is 2.37 times as high as that of the drivers of private cars(8.4%). The traffic conflicts technique was used to estimate the safety effects of taxis and private cars. The overall conflict rate for taxis is 21.4% higher than that for private cars, implying that taxis are more likely to be involved in conflicts. Almost all of the identified traffic conflicts can be attributed to certain levels of risk-taking behaviors committed by either taxi drivers or the drivers of private cars, and taxi drivers are more likely to be at fault in a conflict. Failure to yield to right-of-way and improper lane change is the leading causes of the conflicts in which taxis are at-fault. The research team further studied the effects of taxis on the queue discharge characteristics at signalized intersections. The results show that the presence of taxis significantly reduces both start-up lost time and saturation headways. The effects of taxis on saturation flow rates are dependent on the proportion of taxis in the discharge flow, and the saturation flow rates increase with the increase in the proportion of taxis. The adjustment factors for various proportions of taxis for different turning movements are then calculated to quantitatively evaluate the effects of taxis on the capacity of signalized intersections. 展开更多
关键词 TAXI private car SAFETY capacity signalized intersection
作者 石兴超 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2009年第4期41-42,共2页
目的探讨类似半球梗死的脑干梗死的特点。方法回顾性分析脑干梗死者临床与影像学改变。结果脑干病变时多合并有交叉性体征,CT检查漏诊率较高,行MRI检查阳性率较高。结论病变位置在桥脑面神经核以上时,表现与半球梗死相似,CT正常者... 目的探讨类似半球梗死的脑干梗死的特点。方法回顾性分析脑干梗死者临床与影像学改变。结果脑干病变时多合并有交叉性体征,CT检查漏诊率较高,行MRI检查阳性率较高。结论病变位置在桥脑面神经核以上时,表现与半球梗死相似,CT正常者不能除外脑干病变,MRI是诊断脑干病变的重要手段,仔细的查体可在MRI前做出诊断。 展开更多
关键词 脑干梗死 交叉 脑MRI
Intelligent identification method and application of seismic faults based on a balanced classification network
作者 Yang Jing Ding Ren-Wei +4 位作者 Wang Hui-Yong Lin Nian-Tian Zhao Li-Hong Zhao Shuo Zhang Yu-Jie 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期209-220,307,共13页
This study combined fault identification with a deep learning algorithm and applied a convolutional neural network(CNN)design based on an improved balanced crossentropy(BCE)loss function to address the low accuracy in... This study combined fault identification with a deep learning algorithm and applied a convolutional neural network(CNN)design based on an improved balanced crossentropy(BCE)loss function to address the low accuracy in the intelligent identification of seismic faults and the slow training speed of convolutional neural networks caused by unbalanced training sample sets.The network structure and optimal hyperparameters were determined by extracting feature maps layer by layer and by analyzing the results of seismic feature extraction.The BCE loss function was used to add the parameter which is the ratio of nonfaults to the total sample sets,thereby changing the loss function to find the reference of the minimum weight parameter and adjusting the ratio of fault to nonfault data.The method overcame the unbalanced number of sample sets and improved the iteration speed.After a brief training,the accuracy could reach more than 95%,and gradient descent was evident.The proposed method was applied to fault identification in an oilfield area.The trained model can predict faults clearly,and the prediction results are basically consistent with an actual case,verifying the effectiveness and adaptability of the method. 展开更多
关键词 convolutional neural network seismic fault identification balanced cross-entropy loss function feature map
Darboux Transformation and Soliton Solutions for Inhomogeneous Coupled Nonlinear Schr(o|¨)dinger Equations with Symbolic Computation
作者 XUE Yu-Shan TIAN Bo +4 位作者 ZHANG Hai-Qiang LIU Wen-Jun LI Li-Li QI Feng-Hua ZHAN Yan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期888-896,共9页
With the aid of computation, we consider the variable-coefficient coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with the effects of group-velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation and cross-phase modulation, which have pot... With the aid of computation, we consider the variable-coefficient coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with the effects of group-velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation and cross-phase modulation, which have potential applications in the long-distance communication of two-pulse propagation in inhomogeneous optical fibers. Based on the obtained nonisospectral linear eigenvalue problems (i.e. Lax pair), we construct the Darboux transformation for such a model to derive the optical soliton solutions. In addition, through the one- and two-soliton-like solutions, we graphically discuss the features of picosecond solitons in inhomogeneous optical fibers. 展开更多
关键词 variable-coefficient coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations optical solitons Darboux transformation symbolic computation
两种不同中医证型高血压病患者视网膜血管形态变化比较 被引量:1
作者 张真 林松 +3 位作者 张晨 王彤 徐强 王保和 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期1295-1298,共4页
目的:通过荧光素眼底血管造影,观察肝火亢盛与肝气郁结两种证型的高血压病患者视网膜血管形态的改变。方法:筛选两种证型高血压病患者各20例,进行眼底血管造影,以20名正常人作为对照组,分析静态眼底图像,观察动静脉交叉征、血管渗出、... 目的:通过荧光素眼底血管造影,观察肝火亢盛与肝气郁结两种证型的高血压病患者视网膜血管形态的改变。方法:筛选两种证型高血压病患者各20例,进行眼底血管造影,以20名正常人作为对照组,分析静态眼底图像,观察动静脉交叉征、血管渗出、黄斑区小血管形态、计算动静脉内径比值。结果:肝火亢盛组的血管渗出(75.0%)和动静脉交叉征(80.0%)程度均重于肝气郁结组(分别为30.0%和50.0%)(P<0.01,P<0.05),两组患者动静脉内径比值较对照组均有减小的趋势,总体仍接近正常值。肝气郁结组患者黄斑区小血管形态迂曲发生率(45.0%)显著高于肝火亢盛组(10.0%)(P<0.01)。结论:肝火亢盛组视网膜血管病变较肝气郁结组更重,但肝气郁结组黄斑小血管形态改变更明显,可能与血管收缩和舒张因子的失衡有关。 展开更多
关键词 高血压病 视网膜病变 肝开窍于目 肝火亢盛 肝气郁结 动静脉交叉征
地税 人们理解你
作者 雷青志 《河南税务》 2003年第16期64-64,共1页
记得那天是国税、地税机构分设的头一年冬季的一个星期天,天飘着小雪花,地上滑溜溜的,走路都不敢迈大步。 我家住在芝泉村,附近有三家早晨炸油条的铺子,其中一家炸的油条个大色气好,不少人宁愿排队等,也不愿意到其他两家去买。
关键词 小雪花 国家税务局 地方税务局 资源税 早上好 交叉征 翼瓣 王手 长洲
球后麻醉致黑朦一例 被引量:1
作者 袁海燕 奚丽君 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期694-694,共1页
王×× 女 57岁因右眼视物不清半年,左眼视物不见一年,于2007年12月25日来我院就诊。查:右眼视力0.06,角膜上皮雾状水肿,前房浅,周边虹膜彭隆,瞳孔直径约4mm。对光反应迟钝。晶体轻混,眼底视盘色略淡,边界清,C/D约0... 王×× 女 57岁因右眼视物不清半年,左眼视物不见一年,于2007年12月25日来我院就诊。查:右眼视力0.06,角膜上皮雾状水肿,前房浅,周边虹膜彭隆,瞳孔直径约4mm。对光反应迟钝。晶体轻混,眼底视盘色略淡,边界清,C/D约0.8。动脉稍细,交叉压迫征(-),中心凹光反射存在。眼压:7.5/3=35.76mmHg。左眼视力光感,角膜上皮雾状水肿,前房浅,瞳孔大小约5mm,对光反应(-)。 展开更多
关键词 球后麻醉 黑朦 右眼视力 角膜上皮 交叉压迫 视物不清 周边虹膜 瞳孔直径
Therapeutic observation of manipulation plus exercise therapy in treating upper crossed syndrome postures of primary school students 被引量:2
作者 Jiang Fang Luo Rong +2 位作者 Tang Jing Ye Yong Zhao Yan-ling 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第3期231-237,共7页
Objective:To observe the therapeutic efficacy of sinew-bone balancing manipulation plus exercise therapy in treating postures of primary school students with upper crossed syndrome(UCS).Methods:Sixty pupils with UCS w... Objective:To observe the therapeutic efficacy of sinew-bone balancing manipulation plus exercise therapy in treating postures of primary school students with upper crossed syndrome(UCS).Methods:Sixty pupils with UCS were divided into an exercise group and a combination group using the random number table method,with 30 cases in each group.The combination group received treatments of sinew-bone balancing manipulation plus exercise therapy,while the exercise group received exercise therapy alone.The two groups received interventions once every other day,for a total of 1 month.The sagittal static posture assessment total score,forward head angle(FHA)and forward shoulder angle(FSA)were compared before and after treatment;the sagittal static assessment total score,FHA and FSA were compared between the exercise group and the combination group.Results:Before treatment,there were no significant differences comparing the sagittal static posture assessment total score,FHA and FSA between the two groups(all P>0.05);after treatment,the sagittal static posture assessment total score,FHA and FSA decreased in the two groups,with intra-group statistical significance(all P<0.01),and were lower in the combination group than in the exercise group,with inter-group statistical significance(all P<0.01).Conclusion:Sinew-bone balancing manipulation plus exercise therapy can notably improve the FHA and FSA and reduce the sagittal static posture total score in pupils with UCS,so as to correct the bad postures and adjust UCS physique.It can produce more significant efficacy compared with exercise therapy alone. 展开更多
关键词 Tuina Massage Exercise Therapy Upper Crossed Syndrome Postural Assessment Biomechanics STUDENTS
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