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导师与研究生交往共生体的意义建构与路径保障 被引量:13
作者 陈亮 栾培中 《研究生教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期58-64,共7页
维系良好的导学关系,关键在于形成合作共赢的师生交往共生体,释放共建共治共享的研究生教育正义能量。和谐互动、相互承认、共生成长是构建基于"理念、目标、指导、产出"多位一体的导师与研究生交往共生体的内容指向。交往共... 维系良好的导学关系,关键在于形成合作共赢的师生交往共生体,释放共建共治共享的研究生教育正义能量。和谐互动、相互承认、共生成长是构建基于"理念、目标、指导、产出"多位一体的导师与研究生交往共生体的内容指向。交往共生体是导师与研究生交往的载体,双方的交往行为是基于共生发展理念,在共生意义的润养观照中实现双方利益的表达与整合。基于此,建立师生共生的学术交往制度规范,臻善师生共在的学术文化交往生态,形塑师生共意的学术交往场域惯习,将成为全面推进研究生教育场域建立并保障师生交往共生体有序运行的内核。 展开更多
关键词 导师 研究生 交往共生 生活世界
加强幼儿同伴交往 促进幼儿社会化发展 被引量:10
作者 范谦 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2002年第4期42-42,共1页
同伴交往是幼儿社会化的重要途径 幼儿同伴交往是幼儿在与他人共同生活、学习、游戏中所建立起来的和谐的人际关系。它对幼儿心理发展有着特殊作用,对幼儿的社会化交往。
关键词 幼儿 交往 社会化发展 社会角色
论和平函数与和平系数——关于和平程度的计算法 被引量:7
作者 邓曦泽 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期5-12,238,共8页
任何交往体的和平程度都是可计算的。影响交往体和平程度的两个基本参数是规则与执行,即如果交往事件被合理规则(x)限定得越多,或规则执行程度(y)越高,交往体的和平程度就越高,其函数为P=f(x,y)=xy,xy的值就是和平系数,亦即和平值。在... 任何交往体的和平程度都是可计算的。影响交往体和平程度的两个基本参数是规则与执行,即如果交往事件被合理规则(x)限定得越多,或规则执行程度(y)越高,交往体的和平程度就越高,其函数为P=f(x,y)=xy,xy的值就是和平系数,亦即和平值。在运用和平函数时,虽然会因调查、统计的误差而产生初始数据与计算结果的误差,但它适用于一切交往体与交往事件;能反映交往体秩序受哪些条件制约;能为定量计算与预测交往体秩序提供基本公式;能反映交往体的有效组织程度与和平程度;能强化论证法治建设的重要性;还能描述社会转型期与国际政治的和平程度。 展开更多
关键词 和平函数 和平系数 交往体 规则 执行
作者 邓曦泽 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期38-44,共7页
春秋时期,因周朝体系业已形成超越于诸侯国的体系公共利益,并有周王室这一代表公共利益的天下共主,于是形成了体系正义观及消极战争观;古希腊因无体系公共利益,故无法形成体系正义观,只能形成中性战争观。通过比较中希战争观及其产生的... 春秋时期,因周朝体系业已形成超越于诸侯国的体系公共利益,并有周王室这一代表公共利益的天下共主,于是形成了体系正义观及消极战争观;古希腊因无体系公共利益,故无法形成体系正义观,只能形成中性战争观。通过比较中希战争观及其产生的社会环境与条件可知:由多个国家构成的体系,必须具有超越国家的体系公共利益,才能形成超越国家的体系正义观。更普遍地讲,任意交往体要形成公共正义观,当且仅当交往体具有公共利益。这一命题的实践意义在于:如果要通过塑造公共正义观来调节交往体秩序,就需要形成与扩大交往体的公共利益。 展开更多
关键词 交往体 公共利益 公共正义
世界卫生组织推动全球卫生治理创新可及性行动经验与启示 被引量:1
作者 马琳 郑英 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2022年第18期180-184,共5页
《与非国家行为体交往框架》政策是世界卫生组织改革及推动全球卫生治理的重要内容,世界卫生组织合作中心是践行该政策的重要推动力。本文通过简要梳理《与非国家行为体交往框架》政策发展历程,基于政策实施角度归纳世界卫生组织合作中... 《与非国家行为体交往框架》政策是世界卫生组织改革及推动全球卫生治理的重要内容,世界卫生组织合作中心是践行该政策的重要推动力。本文通过简要梳理《与非国家行为体交往框架》政策发展历程,基于政策实施角度归纳世界卫生组织合作中心在推动全球卫生治理的实践,总结了世界卫生组织合作中心参与推动全球卫生治理创新机制方面的经验与启示,为中国的世界卫生组织合作中心发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 全球卫生治理 世界卫生组织 《与非国家行为交往框架》 世界卫生组织合作中心
New Media and the Changes in the Communication Paradigm 被引量:1
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第5期324-330,共7页
With the emergence of the new digital platforms, a diversified number of approaches and providers cannot damage too much a rather crowded info sphere. What may come as a general challenge is the "performance" amateu... With the emergence of the new digital platforms, a diversified number of approaches and providers cannot damage too much a rather crowded info sphere. What may come as a general challenge is the "performance" amateurs who have the devices, the will but not the skills to become reliable communicators. Good training and an expanded concern for the accuracy of messages should distinguish between fact and fiction, and between information and opinion. The smart phone, the iPod, the lap top, or the tablet has expanded the means of communication. They have also diversified the types of messages circulated. The traditional main stream media outlets are facing a mounting competition from the social networks populated with the folk journalists, albeit, and non-professionals. Basic training of all those willing to come into the communication ring and regulations may concern not only the professionals but also the amateurs, and it may be ways to get over what seems to be a deadlock. 展开更多
关键词 produsers^1 COMMUNICATION digital platforms folk journalism
Verbal Abuse Russian View
作者 V. I. Zhelvis 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第10期645-647,共3页
An important part of human communication--verbal abuse--shows signs of specifically national features. So far the Russian language of law is sadly lacking a few terms necessary in legal procedures concerning cases of ... An important part of human communication--verbal abuse--shows signs of specifically national features. So far the Russian language of law is sadly lacking a few terms necessary in legal procedures concerning cases of human rights violation. The "Westernization" of Russian collectivist mentality makes the solution of the problem still more urgent. 展开更多
关键词 verbal abuse hate speech fighting words HARASSMENT offense INSULT obscenity indecency
α-secretase ADAM IO physically interacts with β-secretase BACE1 in neurons and regulates CHL1 proteolysis 被引量:3
作者 Xin Wang Congcong Wang Gang Pei 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期411-422,共12页
α-secretase and β-secretase are known to compete for amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing and thus play a vital role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. A disintegrin and metaUoproteinase 10 (ADAM10) and... α-secretase and β-secretase are known to compete for amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing and thus play a vital role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. A disintegrin and metaUoproteinase 10 (ADAM10) and β-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) mediate the major activities of α-secretase and β-secretase in brain and share various common substrates. However, whether they function separately or together is poorly understood. Here, we show that ADAM10 and BACE1 co-localize in the neurites of mouse primary neurons. Co-immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis revealed that ADAM10 and BACE1 interact with each other under both endogenous and exogenous conditions. In addition, we found that ADAMIO enhances the proteolysis of neural cell adhesion molecule close homolog of L1 (CHL1) by BACE1. Further studies found that ADAM10-BACE1 interaction interfering peptide LT52 attenuates the regulation of ADAM10 on BACEl-mediated cleavage of CHL1. Our data indicate that ADAM10-BACE1 interaction regulates the proteolysis of some specific substrates and may play a potential role in brain function. 展开更多
关键词 SECRETASE Alzheimer's disease ADAM10 BACE1 interact APP CHL1
Arabidopsis PRK6 interacts specifically with AtRopGEF8/12 and induces depolarized growth of pollen tubes when overexpressed 被引量:9
作者 Yuexuan Yu Jiali Song +3 位作者 Xiaohui Tian Haiwen Zhang Legong Li Huifen Zhu 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期100-112,共13页
The pollen receptor kinases (PRK) are critical regulators of pollen tube growth. The Arabidopsis genome encodes eight PRK genes, of which six are highly expressed in pollen tubes. The potential functions of AtPRK1 thr... The pollen receptor kinases (PRK) are critical regulators of pollen tube growth. The Arabidopsis genome encodes eight PRK genes, of which six are highly expressed in pollen tubes. The potential functions of AtPRK1 through AtPRK5, but not of AtPRK6,in pollen growth were analyzed in tobacco. Herein, AtPRK6 was cloned, and its function was identified. AtPRK6 was expressed specifically in pollen tubes. A yeast two-hybrid screen of AtPRK6 against 14 Arabidopsis Rop guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RopGEFs) showed that AtPRK6 interacted with AtRopGEF8 and AtRopGEF12. These interactions were confirmed in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts. The interactions between AtPRK6 and AtRopGEF8/12 were mediated by the C-termini of AtRopGEF8/12 and by the juxtamembrane and kinase domain of AtPRK6, but were not dependent on the kinase activity. In addition, transient overexpression of AtPRK6::GFP in Arabidopsis protoplasts revealed that AtPRK6 was localized to the plasma membrane. Tobacco pollen tubes overexpressing AtPRK6 exhibited shorter tubes with enlarged tips. This depolarized tube growth required the kinase domain of AtPRK6 and was not dependent on kinase activity. Taken together, the results show that AtPRK6,through its juxtamembrane and kinase domains (KD), interacts with AtRopGEF8/12 and plays crucial roles in polarized growth of pollen tubes. 展开更多
关键词 pollen receptor kinase pollen tube polarized growth RopGEF Arabidopsis
Do networks of social interactions reflect patterns of kinship? 被引量:1
作者 Joah R. MADDEN Johanna F. NIELSEN Tim H. CLUTTON-BROCK 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期319-328,共10页
The underlying kin structure of groups of animals may be glimpsed from patterns of spatial position or temporal as- sociation between individuals, and is presumed to facilitate inclusive fitness benefits. Such structu... The underlying kin structure of groups of animals may be glimpsed from patterns of spatial position or temporal as- sociation between individuals, and is presumed to facilitate inclusive fitness benefits. Such structure may be evident at a finer, behavioural, scale with individuals preferentially interacting with kin. We tested whether kin structure within groups of meerkats Suricata suricatta matched three forms of social interaction networks: grooming, dominance or foraging competitions. Networks of dominance interactions were positively related to networks of kinship, with close relatives engaging in dominance interactions with each other. This relationship persisted even after excluding the breeding dominant pair and when we restricted the kinship network to only include links between first order kin, which are most likely to be able to discern kin through simple rules of thumb. Conversely, we found no relationship between kinship networks and either grooming networks or networks of foraging competitions. This is surprising because a positive association between kin in a grooming network, or a negative association be- tween kin in a network of foraging competitions offers opportunities for inclusive fitness benefits. Indeed, the positive association between kin in a network of dominance interactions that we did detect does not offer clear inclusive fitness benefits to group members. We conclude that kin structure in behavioural interactions in meerkats may be driven by factors other than indirect fit- ness benefits, and that networks of cooperative behaviours such as grooming may be driven by direct benefits accruing to indi- viduals perhaps through mutualism or manipulation 展开更多
关键词 Social network KINSHIP Social structure GROOMING DOMINANCE MEERKATS
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