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基于效率的交叉口交通信号感应控制方法 被引量:1
作者 赵敬泽 《物流科技》 2018年第9期67-69,74,共4页
关键词 交叉口 交通信效率 感应控制
作者 邱凡 《当代经济》 2004年第7期20-21,共2页
早在1997年刘胜泰任原武汉市五金交电公司经理时,凭借敏锐的市场嗅觉和战略眼光,创办了武汉地区首家手机专营大卖场武汉华中通信广场。武汉华中通信广场在刘胜泰的带领下,走过了辉煌的七年。其间按照长远的经营目标,公司顺利的完成... 早在1997年刘胜泰任原武汉市五金交电公司经理时,凭借敏锐的市场嗅觉和战略眼光,创办了武汉地区首家手机专营大卖场武汉华中通信广场。武汉华中通信广场在刘胜泰的带领下,走过了辉煌的七年。其间按照长远的经营目标,公司顺利的完成了企业改制,由原来的国有体制改转为由自然人股东和职工持股组成的民营股份制体制——武汉五交通信电子有限责任公司,华中通信广场作为公司主业。 展开更多
关键词 武汉市 交通信电子有限责任公司 刘胜泰 华中通广场 企业体制 手机市场 经营理念 商机
作者 邱凡 蔡凤 《当代经济》 2006年第05S期14-15,共2页
相信大家对刘胜泰在华中通信创造的许多商业神话还记忆犹新,通信行业业内人士更不会陌生。如今华中通信广场不仅建立了国际化的品牌大卖场,还带动了周边市场的繁荣,形成了以“华中通信”为龙头的通信产品交易商圈,成为武汉地区通信... 相信大家对刘胜泰在华中通信创造的许多商业神话还记忆犹新,通信行业业内人士更不会陌生。如今华中通信广场不仅建立了国际化的品牌大卖场,还带动了周边市场的繁荣,形成了以“华中通信”为龙头的通信产品交易商圈,成为武汉地区通信行业名副其实的“领头羊”。 展开更多
关键词 交通信电子有限责任公司 华中通广场 “领头羊” 武汉地区 董事长 总经理 行业 周边市场 产品交易 国际化
武汉五交通信电子有限责任公司 华中通信广场
《当代经济》 2006年第05S期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 交通信电子有限责任公司 武汉地区 华中通广场 专卖 专营
《当代经济》 2004年第7期F002-F002,共1页
关键词 华中通广场 交通信电子有限责任公司 武汉市 手机市场 经营模式 市场体系 品牌战略
区块链技术在交通领域征信的创新趋势研究 被引量:2
作者 薄钧戈 乔亚男 +3 位作者 李成 吴忠宜 靳军 蔡维德 《信息安全研究》 2022年第5期452-459,共8页
征信是包括金融、融资、贸易、交通等诸多领域的必要机制,当前征信领域已步入快车道.将征信用好、用活、用实,使之应用于社会各领域,才能确保社会信用体系建设稳步推进.如今,社会上交通违法行为频发,交通领域数据存储的安全性不易保证,... 征信是包括金融、融资、贸易、交通等诸多领域的必要机制,当前征信领域已步入快车道.将征信用好、用活、用实,使之应用于社会各领域,才能确保社会信用体系建设稳步推进.如今,社会上交通违法行为频发,交通领域数据存储的安全性不易保证,且传统的交通领域缺乏统一的交通信用度量标准,而建立交通领域征信是解决上述问题的可行方案.将科技部重大项目征信组提出的新一代区块链征信模型推广应用到交通征信领域,打造智慧交通征信系统.在科技部重大项目的基础上,着眼于快速落地,赋能实体经济.首次将该技术应用于金融领域之外的领域,持续开拓征信范围.加强技术深度,在此基础上,与互链网、预言机、STRISA(silk-road travel rule information sharing architecture)等符合中国国情的区块链新技术相结合;细化监管粒度,制定新的监管进入交通征信体制;转变传统思维,完善数据实体的组织架构. 展开更多
关键词 区块链 交通 互链网 智能合约 双链 STRISA(基于中国法律框架的旅行规则息共享架构)
浦东新区越江交通排堵保畅信息诱导系统 被引量:1
作者 戴友锋 于勇 吕晓明 《测绘科学技术学报》 北大核心 2007年第5期336-339,共4页
越江通道的拥堵困扰着浦江两岸城市交通管理人员和交通使用人员。从浦东越江通道和交通流的空间分布特征分析出发,提出了建设越江交通排堵保畅信息诱导系统的构想和系统设计原则、总体结构、硬件结构和软件结构,设计了系统实施效果定量... 越江通道的拥堵困扰着浦江两岸城市交通管理人员和交通使用人员。从浦东越江通道和交通流的空间分布特征分析出发,提出了建设越江交通排堵保畅信息诱导系统的构想和系统设计原则、总体结构、硬件结构和软件结构,设计了系统实施效果定量评价的方法。应用表明系统达到预期的交通分流目标。 展开更多
关键词 越江交通 交通 交通诱导 系统 系统设计与实现
《江苏地方志》 2005年第4期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 江苏交通工程有限公司 经营理念 管理体制 企业精神 经济效益
《北京市人民政府公报》 2006年第8期39-50,共12页
各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:经市政府同意,现将市交通委《关于缓解北京市区交通拥堵第三阶段工作方案》印发给你们,请认真组织实施。缓解城市交通拥堵是本市一项重点工作。各地区、各部门和各单位要高度重视,密切... 各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:经市政府同意,现将市交通委《关于缓解北京市区交通拥堵第三阶段工作方案》印发给你们,请认真组织实施。缓解城市交通拥堵是本市一项重点工作。各地区、各部门和各单位要高度重视,密切配合,坚持"标本兼治、建管并举",认真总结前两个阶段治理工作经验,努力缓解交通拥堵状况。 展开更多
关键词 市区交通 交通 交通拥堵状况 城市交通 微循环系统 交通需求管理 玉泉路 事件监测 路建设 交通信
《西宁政报》 2013年第5期15-19,共5页
关键词 交通安全 机动车安全 交通事故 分工负责 公路安全 工作分工 高速公路监控 事故多发路段 交通信
基于DSP的交叉口车辆排队长度图像检测系统 被引量:3
作者 李哲 史忠科 刘勇 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期229-230,235,共3页
关键词 车辆排队长度 图像检测 数字号处理器 城市交通信控制
余数系统在软件无线电中的应用 被引量:1
作者 马上 胡剑浩 凌翔 《电信科学》 北大核心 2009年第2期84-89,共6页
余数系统由于其良好的并行特性,在乘加密集型的数字信号处理系统中得到了广泛关注,而这正是构建软件无线电系统的关键所在。本文在介绍RNS基本理论的基础上,结合已有的研究成果,指出了基于RNS的数字信号处理系统关键单元及研究现状,并... 余数系统由于其良好的并行特性,在乘加密集型的数字信号处理系统中得到了广泛关注,而这正是构建软件无线电系统的关键所在。本文在介绍RNS基本理论的基础上,结合已有的研究成果,指出了基于RNS的数字信号处理系统关键单元及研究现状,并提出了一种基于RNS数值表征系统的DSP系统结构。结合冗余RNS的容错特性和并行性,介绍了一种基于RNS的多路并行正交通信系统,并指出了其在阵列SDR平台和航天级SDR平台设计中的应用。可以预见,在构建未来复杂SDR系统中,RNS将得到广泛应用。 展开更多
关键词 余数系统 软件无线电 数字号处理 并行正交通信 容错
作者 朱金奇 《中国仪器仪表》 2006年第7期52-54,共3页
本文介绍一套用于安钢集团公司7#焦炉的机车联锁控制系统。该系统采用感应无线原理,利用一种特殊设备——编码电缆作为其通信媒介,实现中控室对各机车作业的控制与管理。此外,由于测址采用“车上测址”专利技术,通信采用“正交”技术,... 本文介绍一套用于安钢集团公司7#焦炉的机车联锁控制系统。该系统采用感应无线原理,利用一种特殊设备——编码电缆作为其通信媒介,实现中控室对各机车作业的控制与管理。此外,由于测址采用“车上测址”专利技术,通信采用“正交”技术,使得测址速度、精度和通信连续性、可靠性大大提高。 展开更多
关键词 焦炉 移动机车 感应无线 车上测址 交通信
NSGA-Ⅱ based traffic signal control optimization algorithm for over-saturated intersection group 被引量:8
作者 李岩 过秀成 +1 位作者 陶思然 杨洁 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第2期211-216,共6页
In order to improve the efficiency of traffic signal control for an over-saturated intersection group, a nondominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ) based traffic signal control optimization algorithm is prop... In order to improve the efficiency of traffic signal control for an over-saturated intersection group, a nondominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ) based traffic signal control optimization algorithm is proposed. The throughput maximum and average queue ratio minimum for the critical route of the intersection group are selected as the optimization objectives of the traffic signal control for the over-saturated condition. The consequences of the efficiency between traffic signal timing plans generated by the proposed algorithm and a commonly utilized signal timing optimization software Synchro are compared in a VISSIM signal control application programming interfaces (SCAPI) simulation environment by using real filed observed traffic data. The simulation results indicate that the signal timing plan generated by the proposed algorithm is more efficient in managing oversaturated flows at intersection groups, and, thus, it has the capability of optimizing signal timing under the over-saturated conditions. 展开更多
关键词 traffic signal control optimization algorithm intersection group over-saturated status NSGA-H algorithm
On the critical conditions of traffic jams 被引量:2
作者 祁宏生 王殿海 宋现敏 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期180-184,共5页
Traffic wave theory is used to study the critical conditions for traffic jams according to their features. First, the characteristics of traffic wave propagation is analyzed for the simple signal-controlled lane and t... Traffic wave theory is used to study the critical conditions for traffic jams according to their features. First, the characteristics of traffic wave propagation is analyzed for the simple signal-controlled lane and the critical conditions for oversaturation is established. Then, the basic road is decomposed into a series of one-way links according to its topological characteristics. Based on the decomposition, traffic wave propagation under complex conditions is studied. Three complicated factors are considered to establish the corresponding critical conditions of jam formation, namely, dynamic and insufficient split, channelized section spillover and endogenous traffic flow. The results show that road geometric features, traffic demand structures and signal settings influence the formation and propagation of traffic congestion. These findings can serve as a theoretical basis for future network jam control. 展开更多
关键词 traffic engineering traffic jam traffic signal roadnetwork traffic wave
An ATMS data-driven method for signalized arterial coordination 被引量:2
作者 李鹏飞 过秀成 李岩 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第2期229-235,共7页
In order to minimize the delays and stops caused by the early started coordinated green phase of the vehicle- actuated signal systems, a stochastic offsets calculation method based on the new types of advanced traffic... In order to minimize the delays and stops caused by the early started coordinated green phase of the vehicle- actuated signal systems, a stochastic offsets calculation method based on the new types of advanced traffic management system (ATMS) data is proposed. As the mainline green starts randomly in vehicle-actuated signal systems, the random theory is applied to obtain the distribution of the unused green time at side streets based on the green gap-out mechanism. Then, the green start time of the mainline can be selected at the point with maximum probability to minimize the delays or stops caused by the randomly started mainline green. A case study in Maine, USA, whose traffic conditions are similar to those of the middle-size Chinese cities, proves that the proposed method can significantly reduce the travel time and delays. 展开更多
关键词 traffic signal control random theory traffic simulation advanced traffic management system (ATMS) intelligent transportation system
Travel time function for basic link considering signal control in network traffic model 被引量:2
作者 祁宏生 王殿海 +1 位作者 别一鸣 宋现敏 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第3期305-310,共6页
In order to describe the travel time of signalcontrolled roads, a travel time model for urban basic roads based on the cumulative curve is proposed. First, the traffic wave method is used to analyze the formation and ... In order to describe the travel time of signalcontrolled roads, a travel time model for urban basic roads based on the cumulative curve is proposed. First, the traffic wave method is used to analyze the formation and dispersion of the vehicle queue. Cumulative curves for road entrances and exits are established. Based on the cumulative curves, the travel time of the one-lane road under stable flow input is derived. And then, the multi-lane road is decomposed into a series of single-lane links based on its topological characteristics. Hence, the travel time function for the basic road is obtained. The travel time is a function of road length, flow and control parameters. Numerical analyses show that the travel time depends on the supply-demand condition, and it has high sensitivity during peak hours. 展开更多
关键词 travel time traffic wave queue length signal control
Characteristics and risk of violation behavior of non-motorists at signalized intersections 被引量:6
作者 赵星 任刚 +2 位作者 杜轩 王鹏 王卫杰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第4期423-429,共7页
Aiming at prevalent violations of non-motorists at urban intersections in China, this paper intends to clarify the characteristics and risks of non-motorist violations at signalized intersections through questionnaire... Aiming at prevalent violations of non-motorists at urban intersections in China, this paper intends to clarify the characteristics and risks of non-motorist violations at signalized intersections through questionnaires and video recordings, which may serve as a basis for non-motorized vehicle management. It can help improve the traffic order and enhance the degree of safety at signalized intersections. To obtain the perception information, a questionaire survey on the Internet was conducted and 972 valid questionnaires were returned. It is found that academic degree contributes little to non-motorist violations, while electrical bicyclists have a relatively higher frequency of violations compared with bicyclists. The video data of 18 228 non-motorist behaviors indicate that the violation rate of all non-motorists is 26.5%; the number of conflicts reaches 1 938, among which violation conflicts account for 66.8%. The study shows that the violation rates and the violation behavior at three types of surveyed intersections are markedly different. It is also concluded that the conflict rates and the violation rates are positively correlated. Furthermore, signal violation, traveling in the wrong direction, and overspeeding to cross the intersection are the most dangerous among traffic violation behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 traffic violation behavior traffic safety non- motorist signal intersection
Multi-phase signal setting and capacity of signalized intersection 被引量:1
作者 常玉林 崔益波 张鹏 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期123-127,共5页
A capacity model of multi-phase signalized intersections is derived by a stopping-line method. It is simplified with two normal situations: one situation involves one straight lane and one left-turn lane; the other s... A capacity model of multi-phase signalized intersections is derived by a stopping-line method. It is simplified with two normal situations: one situation involves one straight lane and one left-turn lane; the other situation involves two straight lanes and one left-turn lane. The results show that the capacity is mainly relative to signal cycle length, phase length, intersection layout and following time. With regard to the vehicles arrival rates, the optimal model is derived based on each phase's remaining time balance, and it is solved by Lagrange multipliers. Therefore, the calculation models of the optimal signal cycle length and phase lengths are derived and simplified. Compared to the existing models, the proposed model is more convenient and practical. Finally, a practical intersection is chosen and its signal cycles and phase lengths are calculated by the proposed model. 展开更多
关键词 traffic engineering INTERSECTION multi-phase signal timing Lagrange multipliers OPTIMIZATION
Design and Implementation of Programmable RS Codec Module in Satellite Communication Modem 被引量:3
作者 邹翊 王华 匡镜明 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第4期350-354,共5页
In the study and implementation of a programmable RS codec module in satellite communication modem, FPGA is used as the kernel in the implementation, while some ASICs are used as necessary assistant measures. The modu... In the study and implementation of a programmable RS codec module in satellite communication modem, FPGA is used as the kernel in the implementation, while some ASICs are used as necessary assistant measures. The module includes the RS codec unit, the interleaver and deinterleaver unit, the scrambler and descrambler unit and the frame synchronization unit. The module is realized successfully and it can be programmed on-line to meet the requirements of IESS 308/309/310 including many specifications about different service types and data rates. With the implementation combining FPGA with ASICs, size of the circuit is much reduced, its flexibility dramatically increased, and its stability further strengthened. Furthermore, the module is based on the software radio concept and can be easily integrated into the whole satellite communication modem. 展开更多
关键词 RS codec INTERLEAVER FPGA software radio
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