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建水紫陶产业人才培养和管理之我见 被引量:1
作者 布小继 汪力 张敏 《红河学院学报》 2017年第1期22-24,共3页
建水紫陶产业目前存在着后继人才匮乏、人员断层现象比较严重等诸多问题,对人才培养和管理应着眼于原点——需要什么样的人才、如何培养人才、如何为所培养的人才提供足够的发展空间、如何做好人才培养的储备以及如何在空前激烈的人才... 建水紫陶产业目前存在着后继人才匮乏、人员断层现象比较严重等诸多问题,对人才培养和管理应着眼于原点——需要什么样的人才、如何培养人才、如何为所培养的人才提供足够的发展空间、如何做好人才培养的储备以及如何在空前激烈的人才竞争中进行再培养等。在把所需要的人才按照需求关系、技术层次进行分级的基础上,要先着力做出有前瞻性的人才规划和需求清单,制定出科学可行的人才培养(引进)计划。为相关人才搭建事业平台,各级政府部门需要精心构建人才培养和管理的网络,借助明确的时间表来推进。 展开更多
关键词 水紫陶产业 人才培养和管理 对策
建瓯锥栗产业现状与可持续发展对策 被引量:6
作者 李陈枝 《现代园艺》 2012年第2期6-8,共3页
建瓯市是"中国名特优经济林锥栗之乡"。锥栗在建瓯的栽培历史已有1800年,建瓯锥栗具有品质优良,营养丰富,文化内涵丰厚,其种植面积、产量和优良品种均为全国之最。全市现有锥栗园面积28000hm2,年产锥栗30300t。本文通过分析... 建瓯市是"中国名特优经济林锥栗之乡"。锥栗在建瓯的栽培历史已有1800年,建瓯锥栗具有品质优良,营养丰富,文化内涵丰厚,其种植面积、产量和优良品种均为全国之最。全市现有锥栗园面积28000hm2,年产锥栗30300t。本文通过分析地理标志保护产品建瓯锥栗的现状和存在问题,提出了加强地理标志产品的无公害生产、流通、加工和营销等措施,以促进建瓯锥栗产业可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 瓯锥栗产业 现状 可持续 发展对策
作者 张先佶 《韶关学院学报》 2012年第11期106-109,共4页
关键词 生态经济 北苑贡茶 瓯茶产业 复兴
国内特色小镇建设的经验与启示 被引量:7
作者 张晓欢 《中国市场》 2020年第8期1-4,共4页
近年来,基于不断变化的城市和区域环境,我国各个地区均在大力推进特色小镇建设。其共同目的是培育经济社会发展新动能,提升城镇化发展质量,促进当地经济、社会转型,如期全面建成小康社会,并更好地服务国家中长期发展战略。从发展情况看... 近年来,基于不断变化的城市和区域环境,我国各个地区均在大力推进特色小镇建设。其共同目的是培育经济社会发展新动能,提升城镇化发展质量,促进当地经济、社会转型,如期全面建成小康社会,并更好地服务国家中长期发展战略。从发展情况看,特色小镇已经成为各种政策的有机结合体,充分展现了我国历史经典产业和新兴产业的发展活力,也彰显了我国不同地区的文化、旅游魅力。然而,受资源、环境、人口和市场等因素制约,不同地区特色小镇建设路径和效果差异较大。文章通过分析我国不同地区特色小镇发展路径、效果和动因,借鉴相关经验和教训,对于我国继续有效推进特色小镇建设具有重要积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 特色小镇 产业建 国内经验
作者 梁弘敏 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2019年第2期248-249,共2页
2010年中国残障人士信息无障碍发展情况报告表明:我国的各类残障人士总数达到8296万,他们在日常生活尤其是信息获取方面存在较大的困难和障碍。推动我国的信息无障碍产业的发展,对解决被网络化、数字化、信息化社会逐渐边缘化的残障人... 2010年中国残障人士信息无障碍发展情况报告表明:我国的各类残障人士总数达到8296万,他们在日常生活尤其是信息获取方面存在较大的困难和障碍。推动我国的信息无障碍产业的发展,对解决被网络化、数字化、信息化社会逐渐边缘化的残障人士问题;改善残障人士的社会生存情况;帮助残障人士融入信息技术高速发展的当今社会等方面有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 信息无障碍产业 信息无障碍产业的总体思路 信息无障碍产业法律法规议与对策 信息无障碍产业技术发展
新时代中国特色小镇建设的成就和挑战 被引量:3
作者 张晓欢 《中国市场》 2019年第26期1-3,共3页
特色小镇是不同于行政建制镇和产业园区的新型创新创业平台。随着国家政策不断完善,新时代特色小镇进入了规范发展阶段。近年来,特色小镇已经成为改革开放以来的第四种经济地理形态,为新时代产城融合、城镇化和就业拓展提供了新动能,成... 特色小镇是不同于行政建制镇和产业园区的新型创新创业平台。随着国家政策不断完善,新时代特色小镇进入了规范发展阶段。近年来,特色小镇已经成为改革开放以来的第四种经济地理形态,为新时代产城融合、城镇化和就业拓展提供了新动能,成为新时代国家战略实施新载体。特色小镇为新时代经济社会发展做出了巨大贡献,但也出现了认识不清、冒进、房地产化和增加政府债务风险等问题,亟待在发展模式、供给侧改革、需求侧管理和监督考核机制上进行创新。未来,一批已经入选国家名单的特色小镇将会由于严格评测被淘汰出局,一批在建特色小镇将会因市场竞争和发展环境变化而出现一波烂尾高峰,必须引起高度重视。 展开更多
关键词 特色小镇 模式创新 产业建
作者 韦小黎 《中国工程咨询》 2004年第7期53-53,共1页
关键词 陕西诚水处理产业发展中心 岗位培训 项目管理 技术交流
作者 张晓欢 《中国市场》 2020年第4期1-4,共4页
近年来,基于不断变化的城市和区域环境,我国各个地区均在大力推进特色小镇建设。其共同目的是培育经济社会发展新动能,提升城镇化发展质量,促进当地经济、社会转型,如期全面建成小康社会,并更好地服务国家中长期发展战略。从发展情况看... 近年来,基于不断变化的城市和区域环境,我国各个地区均在大力推进特色小镇建设。其共同目的是培育经济社会发展新动能,提升城镇化发展质量,促进当地经济、社会转型,如期全面建成小康社会,并更好地服务国家中长期发展战略。从发展情况看,特色小镇已经成为各种政策的有机结合体,充分展现了我国历史经典产业和新兴产业的发展活力,也彰显了我国不同地区的文化、旅游魅力。然而,受资源、环境、人口和市场等因素制约,不同地区特色小镇建设路径和效果差异较大。分析我国不同地区特色小镇发展路径、效果和动因,借鉴相关经验和教训,对于我国继续有效推进特色小镇建设具有重要积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 特色小镇 产业建 国内经验
欧盟精明专业化政策对特色小镇建设的启示 被引量:7
作者 陈奕嘉 《小城镇建设》 2018年第5期25-31,90,共8页
特色小镇是新常态下推进经济转型升级和新型城镇化建设的重要抓手。目前特色小镇建设已经取得初步进展,但对因地制宜、产业建镇和市场主导等原则的把握仍然不足。本文选择同样承担区域经济转型任务的欧盟精明专业化政策作为切入点,从目... 特色小镇是新常态下推进经济转型升级和新型城镇化建设的重要抓手。目前特色小镇建设已经取得初步进展,但对因地制宜、产业建镇和市场主导等原则的把握仍然不足。本文选择同样承担区域经济转型任务的欧盟精明专业化政策作为切入点,从目标、特征、理论基础和操作模式等层面对特色小镇与精明专业化的内涵进行比较分析,总结精明专业化政策在理论和实践上对特色小镇解决当前主要问题的启示。 展开更多
关键词 精明专业化 特色小镇 创业式探索过程 因地制宜 产业建 市场主导
Adaptive-Reuse of Historic Industrial Buildings and Sites in China 被引量:1
作者 王建国 戎俊强 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第4期289-296,共8页
The paper analyzes the definite place of industrial building in the history of urban development. Due to the development of urban economy and the transition of the traditional industrial structure, many historic citie... The paper analyzes the definite place of industrial building in the history of urban development. Due to the development of urban economy and the transition of the traditional industrial structure, many historic cities and towns both at home and abroad have witnessed a large scale "demolition" and abandonment of industrial buildings in urban renewal during last 30 years. Consequently, it has been leading to the discontinuity of urban cultural and historic context. The paper discusses and expounds the clas... 展开更多
关键词 historic industrial building HERITAGE adaptive reuse urban redevelopment
作者 赵文波 《卫星应用》 2024年第9期6-13,共8页
为满足新时代国家战略需求和新质生产力以及航天强国建设要求,在《国家民用空间基础设施中长期发展规划(2015—2025年)》和高分辨率对地观测系统国家科技重大专项(2010—2020年)创新实践基础上,研究论证新一代国家民用空间基础设施体系... 为满足新时代国家战略需求和新质生产力以及航天强国建设要求,在《国家民用空间基础设施中长期发展规划(2015—2025年)》和高分辨率对地观测系统国家科技重大专项(2010—2020年)创新实践基础上,研究论证新一代国家民用空间基础设施体系方案,构建体系效能型的遥感卫星应用工程顶层“四梁八柱”结构性设计与布局。延承“高分模式”,强化天地用一体化、科技产业一体化、技术政策一体化、遥通导一体化;在有效载荷功能性能指标基础上增加效能指标;强化数据安全开放共享和应用标准及技术成果和制度成果,在高分专项已圆满实现总目标“形成空间信息产业链”基础上,为实现“建强空间信息产业链”总目标,塑造新一代体系效能型遥感工程重大专项。 展开更多
关键词 新一代空间基础设施体系 体系效能型 遥感工程 “四梁八柱”总体结构设计 强空间信息产业
Development Mode and Countermeasures of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr Industrialization 被引量:2
作者 白晔 齐天真 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2212-2215,共4页
The research introduced Paeonia suffruticosa industry from market demand, value and adaptability and its characteristics, providing references for Paeonia suffruticosa industrialization from product aspect. Finally, i... The research introduced Paeonia suffruticosa industry from market demand, value and adaptability and its characteristics, providing references for Paeonia suffruticosa industrialization from product aspect. Finally, its development models were proposed, as well as countermeasures, providing suggestions and countermeasures for Paeonia suffruticosa industry. 展开更多
关键词 Paeonia suffruticosa Andr Industrial mode Countermeasures and suggestions
作者 ZHANG Hui-min JIANG Hui-ming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期281-287,共7页
With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, thi... With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, this paper presented the four characteristics of the demand of agricultural information in China, includingregionality, seasonality, great potential demand and variation in kind and level. The factors infuencing the demand of agricultural information were analyzed by the Optimized Less Square (OLS) method. The result shows that, of all factors influcing agricultural information demand, the most important one is economy, the second is facility of information pass, and knowledge and education of user, credit of agricultural information service system and production situation follow. Taking Jilin Province as an example, this article also elaborated the agricultural information demand status, and deduced the regression model of agricultural information demand and verified it by the survey in rural Jilin. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural information demand agricultural information service system Jilin Province
Review of the Development of China's Mobile Broadband Networks 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Weiwei WANG Yanlong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期164-173,共10页
The year of 2014 saw the beginning of China's LTE,which marks that China has become one of the major engines for the global LTE development.China dazzled in the construction of LTE networks,subscribers,and industr... The year of 2014 saw the beginning of China's LTE,which marks that China has become one of the major engines for the global LTE development.China dazzled in the construction of LTE networks,subscribers,and industry chain.However,the policy formulated around TD-LTE also put China in predicament and brought it many challenges.With this article,we are going to put China's market for mobile broadband networks into perspective,focusing on the development of China's LTE market,challenges that encountered,and the research in this area in the years to come.Besides,in regards to the problems that already appeared,we will,from policy-making,industry-level,and technological points of view,offer our suggestions on how China should do to make this market robust. 展开更多
关键词 mobile broadband networks LTE 5G CHALLENGE policy environment.
Tourism as an Industry in Heritage Site-A Case Study on World Heritage Site of Fujian Tulou 被引量:1
作者 Xiaomei Zhao 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第4期499-508,共10页
Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial struc... Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial structure. The sustainability of economic development by tourism is also questioned. Fujian Tulou is a world heritage site in China, inscribed in 2008. The nomination has brought great changes to the sites, especially the flourishing tourism industries by the local communities as well as the tourism companies. The latter also take part in the management of the heritage site and get most of the income. The data in economic areas is analyzed in this study and explains the cultural tourism as a positive drive for the local economy, which contributes little to the life of locals. With the analysis of the changes and benefits from the tourism, we have found that tourism, as a dominant industry, might be a potential negative element for heritage conservation. According to the different situations of sites in Fujian Tulou, a proper planning of management is in need to integrate the tourism, conservation and development. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM INDUSTRY cultural heritage conservation Fujian Tulou.
Study on the standard system of housing and real-estate industry information in China
作者 尚春明 王要武 刘洪玉 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期313-317,共5页
Basic standards of information are for all construction work. The formulation for a standard system for housing and real-estate industry information is of great significance to the promotion of the sound development o... Basic standards of information are for all construction work. The formulation for a standard system for housing and real-estate industry information is of great significance to the promotion of the sound development of uniform construction and the transformation of production operations and management mode. This article gives an introduction to the application of information in the housing and real-estate industry, putting forward the consideration and framework for establishing the standard system of housing and the real-estate industry information to meet the needs of actual demands in China. 展开更多
关键词 housing and real-estate INFORMATIZATION standard system
实施五大工程 推进精准扶贫
作者 李新华 《政策》 2015年第10期29-30,共2页
近年来,荆州市委、市政府认真贯彻落实中央、省委关于扶贫开发的系列决策部署,大力实施老区、贫困地区发展与攻坚规划,坚持做好实施"壮腰工程"与扶贫开发的结合文章,在谋发展中真扶贫、齐扶贫,促进贫困地区早脱贫、快脱贫。... 近年来,荆州市委、市政府认真贯彻落实中央、省委关于扶贫开发的系列决策部署,大力实施老区、贫困地区发展与攻坚规划,坚持做好实施"壮腰工程"与扶贫开发的结合文章,在谋发展中真扶贫、齐扶贫,促进贫困地区早脱贫、快脱贫。市委四届十次全会作出了关于实施精准扶贫,加快推进"三年扶贫攻坚行动"的决议,提出着力实施" 展开更多
关键词 壮腰 扶贫对象 扶贫资金 农业经营主体 乡村旅游业 产业扶贫 特色支柱产业 务工经商人员 产业体系
《云南林业》 2003年第3期4-4,共1页
在今年召开的全省林业局长会议上,孔垂柱副省长就我省林业发展问题发表了题为《与时俱进把握重点推动云南林业快速全面发展》的重要讲话。他在讲话中,从5个方面阐述了加快云南林业发展的重要性(见本期第2页),并提出了云南林业要跳出惯... 在今年召开的全省林业局长会议上,孔垂柱副省长就我省林业发展问题发表了题为《与时俱进把握重点推动云南林业快速全面发展》的重要讲话。他在讲话中,从5个方面阐述了加快云南林业发展的重要性(见本期第2页),并提出了云南林业要跳出惯性创新路的发展思路。现将孔副省长对今后云南林业工作的论述摘登于下。 展开更多
关键词 云南 林业 创新 发展 产业
The Planning of Rural Public Space Influenced by the Cultural Tourism Industry
作者 YAN Chen FAN Zijun LAN Siren 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期45-47,共3页
With Peitian Village in Fujian Province as the research object, existing problems in architectufe, in&astfucture, population, industty, and culture were analyzed, and a solution to the combination of cultural touris... With Peitian Village in Fujian Province as the research object, existing problems in architectufe, in&astfucture, population, industty, and culture were analyzed, and a solution to the combination of cultural tourism industry and. public space planning was proposed. Space planning methods were illustrated to achieve a sustainable cultural tourism industry chain and ecological agricultiiral production model, and landscape design means were discussed to increase economic income while optimizing the living environment. 展开更多
关键词 Heritage preservation Culturallandscapej Rurallandscapej Rural culture Public space
Agricultural Heritage Systems Tourism: definition,characteristics and development framework 被引量:7
作者 TIAN Mi MIN Qing-wen +6 位作者 JIAO Wen-jun YUAN Zheng Anthony M.FULLER YANG Lun ZHANG Yong-xun ZHOU Jie CHENG Bing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期440-454,共15页
Architectural heritage comprises one o the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and i... Architectural heritage comprises one o the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and identity of each mountain region. Yet, controversy regarding funding for its preservation often arises. In this paper, we used two Contingent Valuation surveys to estimate the socia benefit deriving from protecting the traditiona architecture in the mountainous village of Sirako and through it, to examine perceptions and attitudes o local residents and visitors. Research findings revealed a strong social will in favor of the good's protection followed by high percentages of positive willingness to pay(WTP). However, WTP is significantly higher among residents. Cultura heritage value, of the good, appears to prevail, along with the environmental one. However, both residents and visitors pointed out that local heritage, if wellpreserved, will boost tourism development. Residents appeared to better recognize the true level o architectural decay, expressed higher apprehension for its protection and were willing to pay higher amount of money. Tourists, on the other side expressed high satisfaction for their visit, appreciated the beauty and serenity emerging from local built and natural environment and spent several days visiting the surrounding area. The longer they stayed and gotfamiliar with the village, the more willing they were to contribute to local heritage's protection. Percentages reflecting indifference for protecting architecture were extremely low. Yet, they were higher among tourists. Traditional architecture is considered as public good; an opinion resulting in an important percentage of visitors stating that national government should provide the necessary funding. In addition, the architecture appears to hold a high level of topicality. Those descending from Sirako or emotionally connected to it, of both social groups,turned out to be more concerned about the good and with a stronger sense of responsibility for it. Usevalue of the good holds high economic value, as well,while higher percentages of zero WTP appeared among non-users. Research findings revealed social attitudes and perceptions on what constitutes architectural heritage, in its cultural and economic frame. If taken under consideration, they may form useful drivers for local, heritage-based, sustainable 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural Heritage Systems Tourism Tourism perceptions Tourism characteristics Development framework Artisan farmers
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