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《当代化工》 CAS 2017年第4期621-621,共1页
上周A股市场出现了震荡中重心下移的趋势,创业板指更是持续急跌,已有破位的倾向,从而使得市场空气迷漫,悲观论调陡起。不过,A股市场的空气迷漫的背后,似乎有股做多走强的能量在聚集。那就是定海神针的大市值品种正在活跃。以银行股为例... 上周A股市场出现了震荡中重心下移的趋势,创业板指更是持续急跌,已有破位的倾向,从而使得市场空气迷漫,悲观论调陡起。不过,A股市场的空气迷漫的背后,似乎有股做多走强的能量在聚集。那就是定海神针的大市值品种正在活跃。以银行股为例,目前银行股的市盈率只有5倍,市净率只有1倍,股息率高达7%以上。如此的数据说明了银行股已具备了极佳的投资价值。不过,有观点认为银行股的低估值,是市场参与各方对中国经济未来不佳预期在证券市场的反应。 展开更多
关键词 定海神针 产业股 悲观论调 证券市场 市盈率 做多 成长 金融 上证指数 成长机会
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》 2012年第2期39-40,共2页
2012年2月16日证监许可[2012]194号长盛基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集长盛电子信息产业股票型证券投资基金的申请报告》(盛字[2011]179号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令... 2012年2月16日证监许可[2012]194号长盛基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集长盛电子信息产业股票型证券投资基金的申请报告》(盛字[2011]179号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第21号)等有关规定,经审核,现批复如下: 展开更多
关键词 票型 产业股 基金募集 证券投资 长盛 基金运作 基金管理人 基金类型 契约型 基金托管人
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》 2011年第4期118-119,共2页
2011年4月27日证监许可[2011]602号鹏华基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集鹏华新兴产业股票型证券投资基金的请示》(鹏发[2010]171号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第21号)等... 2011年4月27日证监许可[2011]602号鹏华基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集鹏华新兴产业股票型证券投资基金的请示》(鹏发[2010]171号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第21号)等有关规定,经审核,现批复如下:一、核准你公司募集鹏华新兴产业股票型证券投资基金,基金类型为契约型开放式。二、核准你公司为基金的基金管理人。 展开更多
关键词 票型 证券投资 产业股 基金募集 基金管理人 基金类型 基金运作 契约型 基金托管人 销售机构
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》 2012年第9期81-82,共2页
2012年9月4日证监许可[2012]1191号景顺长城基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集景顺长城支柱产业股票型证券投资基金的申请报告》(景顺长城字[2012]40号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(... 2012年9月4日证监许可[2012]1191号景顺长城基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集景顺长城支柱产业股票型证券投资基金的申请报告》(景顺长城字[2012]40号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第79号)等有关规定,经审核,现批复如下:一、核准你公司募集景顺长城支柱产业股票型证券投资基金,基金类型为契约型开放式。 展开更多
关键词 景顺长城 票型 产业股 基金募集 证券投资 基金类型 基金运作 契约型 基金管理人 基金托管人
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》 2011年第11期16-16,共1页
2011年11月4日证监许可[2011]1751号大成基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于申请募集大成新锐产业股票型证券投资基金的报告》(成字[2011]119号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第21... 2011年11月4日证监许可[2011]1751号大成基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于申请募集大成新锐产业股票型证券投资基金的报告》(成字[2011]119号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第21号)等有关规定。 展开更多
关键词 票型 证券投资 产业股 基金募集 基金运作 基金管理人 基金类型 契约型 基金托管人 销售机构
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》 2012年第1期44-45,共2页
2012年1月18日证监许可[2012]85号富国基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集富国高新技术产业股票型证券投资基金的请示》(富国基金字[2011]第106号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会... 2012年1月18日证监许可[2012]85号富国基金管理有限公司:你公司报送的《关于募集富国高新技术产业股票型证券投资基金的请示》(富国基金字[2011]第106号)及相关文件收悉。根据《证券投资基金法》、《证券投资基金运作管理办法》(证监会令第21号)等有关规定,经审核,现批复如下:一、核准你公司募集富国高新技术产业股票型证券投资基金,基金类型为契约型开放式。 展开更多
关键词 票型 产业股 基金募集 证券投资 基金类型 基金运作 契约型 基金管理人 中国工商银行 基金托管人
我国体育产业概念股的发展现状与趋势研究 被引量:1
作者 武振海 武传玺 《体育科技文献通报》 2017年第8期125-125,143,共2页
体育产业概念股作为衡量体育产业发展状况的重要指标,其涨幅也决定了投资者对体育产业的关注度,间接体现了我国体育产业的发展状况。利用文献资料法,对我国体育产业概念股的概念、业务范畴及分类进行了阐述,同时对我国体育产业概念股的... 体育产业概念股作为衡量体育产业发展状况的重要指标,其涨幅也决定了投资者对体育产业的关注度,间接体现了我国体育产业的发展状况。利用文献资料法,对我国体育产业概念股的概念、业务范畴及分类进行了阐述,同时对我国体育产业概念股的发展趋势进行了预测,旨在分析体育产业概念股的内涵价值,为体育产业上市公司的战略决策提供理论指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 体育产业 体育产业概念
作者 雷建辉 宋宁 韩志宏 《西部论丛》 2003年第1期17-17,共1页
带B股、H股的A股上市公司 目前,我国共有87家同时发行A、B股的上市公司,还有27家公司同时发行了A股和H股。这些个股由于境外机构投资者较为熟悉,可能成为QFⅡ投资的首选。但是。
关键词 中国 资本市场 QFII制度 票指数 产业股
《股市动态分析》 2014年第43期75-75,共1页
岁末权益类基金发行热度升温。统计数据显示,截至今年10月28日,共有23只基金正处于发行期或者即将进入发行期,从结构上来看,权益类基金产品占比较多,其中,鹏华养老产业基金得到国金证券重点推荐。记者注意到,正在工商银行发售的鹏华养... 岁末权益类基金发行热度升温。统计数据显示,截至今年10月28日,共有23只基金正处于发行期或者即将进入发行期,从结构上来看,权益类基金产品占比较多,其中,鹏华养老产业基金得到国金证券重点推荐。记者注意到,正在工商银行发售的鹏华养老产业股票型基金,是市场上首只权益类养老主题基金,股票仓位80-95%。 展开更多
关键词 鹏华基金 国金证券 产业股 票型 工商银行 产业基金 数据显示 国信证券 基金经理 细分行业
作者 安朋 《现代企业导刊》 北大核心 2000年第12期28-29,共2页
关键词 日本 IT业 IT产业股 多元化经营 联营 兼并
作者 陈胜乔 《财经窗》 2001年第4期56-57,共2页
关键词 信息技术 金融业 风险安全 电脑病毒 信息产业股
作者 薛树东 《股市动态分析》 2013年第19期24-25,共2页
节后外围市场继续高歌猛进,美国股市不断刷新着历史记录,欧美以及亚太股市也受到了鼓舞,相比之下,上证指数近阶段再度熊冠全球,A股投资者的确有点郁闷,不禁要问:都是股市,为什么差距这么大呢?其实真没必要妄自菲薄,如果看看我们的创业... 节后外围市场继续高歌猛进,美国股市不断刷新着历史记录,欧美以及亚太股市也受到了鼓舞,相比之下,上证指数近阶段再度熊冠全球,A股投资者的确有点郁闷,不禁要问:都是股市,为什么差距这么大呢?其实真没必要妄自菲薄,如果看看我们的创业板指数,我们的心情就会好很多,本栏较早前就指出,一浪特征是普涨,三浪的特征是分化,在此情况下, 展开更多
关键词 创业板指数 美国 美利坚合众国 北美洲 巴菲特 产业股 票市场 投资者
猴年猴市 先蓝筹后成长
作者 孔令超 《股市动态分析》 2016年第2期28-28,共1页
经历了呈现"牛市换档期"N型走势的2015年,我们对2016年股市的展望依然趋于正面,但是随着波动幅度将进一步加大,对股票投资的择时选股提出更高挑战。表现特征是:新兴成长股的高估值面临股票供给大增的挑战,去伪存真的选股是关... 经历了呈现"牛市换档期"N型走势的2015年,我们对2016年股市的展望依然趋于正面,但是随着波动幅度将进一步加大,对股票投资的择时选股提出更高挑战。表现特征是:新兴成长股的高估值面临股票供给大增的挑战,去伪存真的选股是关键;传统产业股在去产能的大背景下继续呈现调整常态,而处于历史底部的估值使得股价阶段性地显现一定的投资吸引力;投资者需警惕类似去年8月份的流动性局部危机重演的可能性,而这往往是由汇率波动。 展开更多
关键词 成长 投资吸引力 产业股 大盘蓝筹 资金外流 缓冲垫 行业情况 利好 休闲服务 市中
Daily Patterns in Stock Returns: Evidence From the New Zealand Stock Market 被引量:1
作者 Li Bin Liu Benjamin 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第10期1116-1121,共6页
In this paper, we study day-of-the-week effects in stock retums across different industry sectors in the New Zealand market. Unlike other studies on this market, we examine weekday seasonality using daily stock return... In this paper, we study day-of-the-week effects in stock retums across different industry sectors in the New Zealand market. Unlike other studies on this market, we examine weekday seasonality using daily stock return data of four market indexes and 16 industry sectors for the period from October 1, 1997 to April 16, 2009. We do not find significant Monday anomalies of the market index, large capitalization stock index and all industry sectors except for the property sector. Our finding is inconsistent with the literature on the New Zealand stock market. However, we find that the mid and small capitalization stocks have significant negative returns on Mondays than on other weekdays, which is consistent with the previous studies in some other markets. 展开更多
关键词 New Zealand stock market market efficiency market anomaly day-of-the-week effect
Stock Performance of the Property Sector in Malaysia
作者 Chan Kok Thim Yap Voon Choong Nur Qasrina Binti Asri 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第2期241-246,共6页
Property investment in Malaysia is increasingly popular among local and foreign investors. The strong support by the government through the relaxation and lifting of certain restrictions and regulations on property ow... Property investment in Malaysia is increasingly popular among local and foreign investors. The strong support by the government through the relaxation and lifting of certain restrictions and regulations on property ownerships, have attracted investments in the Malaysian property market. This research studies the factors affecting the performance of 36 property firms listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia from 2003 to 2007. This research employed ordinary least squares (OLS) method to represent all the variables comprising stock performance, return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), debt ratio (DR), net profit margin (NPM), effective tax rate (ETR), earnings per share (EPS), and price earning (PE) ratio. Results show that ROA, ROE, and EPS have strong significant relationships with the property stock performance. Although it is a small sample size, some relevant changes and modifications can be included in future studies to obtain better results. 展开更多
关键词 stock performance property market financial ratios regression
Relationship Between Working Capital Management and Profitability in Turkey Industrial Listed Companies
作者 Necdet Saglam Aziz Kagitci Semih Buyukipekci 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2016年第3期147-155,共9页
The present study investigated the effect of working capital management component on corporate profitability. A sample of 106 firms listed on Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) for the period of 2003-2013 was used... The present study investigated the effect of working capital management component on corporate profitability. A sample of 106 firms listed on Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) for the period of 2003-2013 was used. The secondary data for analysis were taken from Bloomberg's Database. The present study aims to explore the effect of working capital management components on corporate profitability. We observed that there was a negative correlation between gross operating profit and accounts receivables (A/R). We also found that there was a positive correlation between gross operating profit and number of days inventory. But they did not affect the profitability of firms in the study at a significant level. 展开更多
关键词 working capital management PROFITABILITY cash conversion cycle
The Development of a Seed Stock Industry Using Indigenous Livestock from Rural Keepers for Sustainable Production
作者 Michiel Matthys Scholtz 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1270-1276,共7页
The majority of livestock in the rural areas of Africa are indigenous types that are not well defined as breeds as perceived by the developed world. The animals in this important sector have remained largely uncharact... The majority of livestock in the rural areas of Africa are indigenous types that are not well defined as breeds as perceived by the developed world. The animals in this important sector have remained largely uncharacterised and face the risk of genetic dilution due to indiscriminate crossbreeding, breed replacement and neglect. This article uses two examples to describe a system that has been implemented in South Africa that allows indigenous livestock from rural keepers to enter the seed stock industry as recognized breeds. The first example is the indigenous Nguni breed of cattle that has been successfully developed into a seed stock breed, with a society celebrating its 25th anniversary in November 2011. The second example involves the challenges of developing a seed stock industry for some of the unimproved indigenous goat breeds of South Africa. Climate change is expected to have a more extreme effect on southern hemisphere continents than on other continents. Such negative effects will include high ambient temperatures, nutritional stress and altered patterns of animal diseases. With the likelihood of global warming, these adapted genotypes can play a very important role in sustainable livestock production. 展开更多
关键词 Breed societies goats indigenous breeds Nguni cattle.
Bankruptcy Probability and Stock Prices: The Effect of Altman Z-Score Information on Stock Prices Through Panel Data 被引量:1
作者 Nicholas Apergis John Sorros Panagiotis Artikis Vasilios Zisis 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第7期689-696,共8页
There is an extensive branch of literature that examines the success of Altman's Z-score in predicting bankruptcy or financial distress. The goal of this research paper is to investigate the stock price performance o... There is an extensive branch of literature that examines the success of Altman's Z-score in predicting bankruptcy or financial distress. The goal of this research paper is to investigate the stock price performance of firms that exhibit a large probability of bankruptcy according to the model of Airman. Regardless of the validity of Airman's Z-score, we utilize a new empirical design that relates stock price movements to Altman's Z-score. We focus and examine, through the methodology of panel data, whether stocks that have a high probability of bankruptcy underperform stocks with a low probability of bankruptcy or if there are differences in the way the markets react to the financial health of the sample firms. 展开更多
关键词 Airman's Z-score stock prices panel data
Stock Market Reaction to ECFA Announcement in Taiwan Chemicals Listed Stock
作者 Ming-Chin Chin Jing-Jye Tzeng Wei-Ting Yu 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第8期706-718,共13页
Taiwan and China's Mainland signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) on 29th June, 2010. The ECFA is a landmark bilateral trade agreement that can make Taiwan a new gateway to China's Mainl... Taiwan and China's Mainland signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) on 29th June, 2010. The ECFA is a landmark bilateral trade agreement that can make Taiwan a new gateway to China's Mainland. However, the Taiwan Residents petrochemical industry would be very disappointed with the early harvest list as it excluded some critical export items. The purpose of this paper is to amend the understanding of the possible impact on petrochemical market after ECFA is enacted. The authors examine the cumulative daily response of stock prices to five announcements about the ECFA and evaluate the existence of the abnormal return. The authors use daily data from January 2010 to February 2011 to employ an event study approach. The empirical results suggest that the three ECFA announcement dates, as well as the signing date, show significantly negative abnormal return due to the prior positive cumulative response of Taiwan chemicals listed stock prices. This paper can provide the petrochemical industry manufacturer, owners, and investors with further insights into how chemicals stock returns react to a big event like ECFA. 展开更多
关键词 ECFA event study method abnormal return announcement effect
Analysis of the Relationship between Ultimate Controlling Shareholders and Private Enterprises' Business Performance
作者 Zhang Tao Li Yinghui 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期52-55,共4页
In China, major shareholders of private listed enterprise could control its production and operation by virtue of few resources which makes it possible for ultimate controlling shareholders to expropriate minority sha... In China, major shareholders of private listed enterprise could control its production and operation by virtue of few resources which makes it possible for ultimate controlling shareholders to expropriate minority shareholders' rights and interests.In this paper, we studied the relationship between ultimate controlling shareholders and business performance of private enterprises based on the theory of ultimate controlling shareholders and made relevant conclusions and recommendations. 展开更多
关键词 Business Performance Private Enterprises Ultimate Controlling Shareholders
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