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大麻哈鱼繁殖特征及呼玛河原始产卵场生境功能验证 被引量:5
作者 李培伦 刘伟 +2 位作者 王继隆 崔康成 高文燕 《水产学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第6期11-17,共7页
本文在研究大麻哈鱼Oncorhynchus keta卵繁殖特征同时,对呼玛河大麻哈鱼原始产卵场生境功能进行验证。2017年10月下旬,在黑龙江抚远江段采捕繁殖洄游大麻哈鱼80尾(雌、雄鱼各40尾),运至呼玛河支流—韩辉套子开展相关实验,依水深、流速... 本文在研究大麻哈鱼Oncorhynchus keta卵繁殖特征同时,对呼玛河大麻哈鱼原始产卵场生境功能进行验证。2017年10月下旬,在黑龙江抚远江段采捕繁殖洄游大麻哈鱼80尾(雌、雄鱼各40尾),运至呼玛河支流—韩辉套子开展相关实验,依水深、流速、底质、泉眼数量、水草和绿藻密布等地理特征,用拦网将实验河段分为A、B、C、D 4个实验区。同年10月28日—11月9日大麻哈鱼繁殖期间,每日上午在实验区观察记录大麻哈鱼鱼巢位置、形状、规格、区域等指标,用大疆精灵Phantom 4航拍机、GoPro hero 5水下摄像机拍摄大麻哈鱼筑巢行为,回收繁殖后死亡亲鱼并测定实验水域水化学指标。2018年4月13—15日,挖掘部分浅水水域鱼巢,水下摄像观察大麻哈鱼受精卵发育情况,测定各区域水体理化因子。结果表明:大麻哈鱼在进入实验水域后约1周完成繁殖活动,其后逐渐死亡。期间共发现大麻哈鱼巢24处,主要分布于C区;大麻哈鱼由雌鱼筑巢、掩埋巢穴并守护鱼巢,鱼巢多为圆形和椭圆形,筑在流速较小、水深0.2~0.8m、河床底质为卵石、石砾的水域。统计回收亲鱼发现,参与产卵繁殖的雌性个体约占90%,受精卵经过5个月左右孵化进入卵黄囊仔鱼期,能够完成整个胚胎发育过程。推测呼玛河大麻哈鱼原始产卵场生境功能尚存。 展开更多
关键词 呼玛河 大麻哈鱼 产卵繁殖 鱼巢
室内人工饲养4代花绒寄甲的繁殖生物学 被引量:3
作者 姜嫄 张翌楠 李志强 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期143-147,共5页
为了解决人工大量繁育花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides)的技术问题,选用麻天牛(Thyestilla gebleri)作为花绒寄甲1龄幼虫的替代寄主,利用人工饲料饲喂成虫,在实验室中连续饲养4代花绒寄甲,统计分析每一代花绒寄甲成虫产卵量、产卵前... 为了解决人工大量繁育花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides)的技术问题,选用麻天牛(Thyestilla gebleri)作为花绒寄甲1龄幼虫的替代寄主,利用人工饲料饲喂成虫,在实验室中连续饲养4代花绒寄甲,统计分析每一代花绒寄甲成虫产卵量、产卵前期、雌雄性比、体长、体宽、体质量、卵的孵化率以及下一代幼虫寄生率等指标,分析人工饲料和替代寄主对室内多代饲养花绒寄甲的影响。结果表明:花绒寄甲成虫的体长、体宽、体质量随着室内饲养代数的增加而减小;花绒寄甲成虫的产卵前期也随着饲养代数的增加而延长;随着室内饲养代数增加和时间的延长,平均每头雌虫的产卵量增加;使用替代寄主繁殖4代后出现成虫雌雄性比不符合1∶1的情况;室内饲养4代对花绒寄甲卵的孵化率和初孵幼虫的室内寄生率几乎没有影响。通过各个繁殖生物学特性指标的比较发现,人工合成饲料A的产卵前期明显延长,以麻天牛为替代寄主时,繁育出的后代雄虫数量明显多于雌虫。综上可见,室内饲养多代后对花绒寄甲的繁殖生物学特性有影响,虽然能完成室内人工大量繁育花绒寄甲的需求,但会出现一些体征下降的趋势,平均产卵量会升高。 展开更多
关键词 花绒寄甲 替代寄主 体态特征 繁殖产卵
青海省玛柯河川陕哲罗鲑数量变动及原因分析 被引量:7
作者 申志新 唐文家 李柯懋 《水利渔业》 北大核心 2006年第1期71-73,共3页
玛柯河是长江流域岷江水系一级最大支流大渡河干流在青海省河段的名称,为大渡河的正源。玛柯河是岷江上游川陕哲罗鲑的主要产卵繁殖水域。青海省渔业环境监测站自1998起通过数年对玛柯河实地考察,分析了川陕哲罗鲑在玛柯河分布数量锐减... 玛柯河是长江流域岷江水系一级最大支流大渡河干流在青海省河段的名称,为大渡河的正源。玛柯河是岷江上游川陕哲罗鲑的主要产卵繁殖水域。青海省渔业环境监测站自1998起通过数年对玛柯河实地考察,分析了川陕哲罗鲑在玛柯河分布数量锐减的原因,并就保护川陕哲罗鲑提出具体措施。 展开更多
关键词 罗鲑 数量变动 原因分析 产卵繁殖水域 青海 玛柯河
家禽红螨的研究动态 被引量:1
作者 王培坤 韦平 《广西畜牧兽医》 2013年第4期255-256,共2页
1红螨可以携带其它家禽病原体 鸡皮刺螨,也称为红螨,是家禽和鸟类的一种体外寄生虫。在夜间鸟类休息时,螨虫通过吸食其血液为生。之后,它们藏匿于鸟类羽毛缝隙中,并在那里躲避阳光,同时也在那里产卵繁殖后代。它是一种给生产带... 1红螨可以携带其它家禽病原体 鸡皮刺螨,也称为红螨,是家禽和鸟类的一种体外寄生虫。在夜间鸟类休息时,螨虫通过吸食其血液为生。之后,它们藏匿于鸟类羽毛缝隙中,并在那里躲避阳光,同时也在那里产卵繁殖后代。它是一种给生产带来重大经济损失的新型寄生虫。 展开更多
关键词 红螨 家禽 体外寄生虫 产卵繁殖 经济损失 病原体 皮刺螨 鸟类
作者 王秋萍 《果树实用技术与信息》 2013年第6期35-36,共2页
梨黄粉蚜在山西省临汾市1年发生8—10代,以卵在果台、树皮缝隙、翘皮下和枝干上的残附物下越冬。梨树花期越冬卵孵化,于越冬处刺吸嫩皮为害,繁殖1—2代后,于夏季向果实转移。成虫黄色,身体倒卵圆形,体长0.8毫米,以孤雌卵生。卵... 梨黄粉蚜在山西省临汾市1年发生8—10代,以卵在果台、树皮缝隙、翘皮下和枝干上的残附物下越冬。梨树花期越冬卵孵化,于越冬处刺吸嫩皮为害,繁殖1—2代后,于夏季向果实转移。成虫黄色,身体倒卵圆形,体长0.8毫米,以孤雌卵生。卵椭圆形,黄色,0.3毫米大小。当梨黄粉蚜成虫转移到袋口处时,如遇袋口松弛便钻入袋中为害,如袋口紧密则钻不进去,便在果梗上产卵繁殖。初孵幼虫个体很小, 展开更多
关键词 梨黄粉蚜 临汾市 山西省 发生与防治 产卵繁殖 初孵幼虫 椭圆形 越冬
黄腹角雉的笼养生态学研究 被引量:2
作者 李立 朱开明 +1 位作者 姜卫星 段文武 《湖南林业科技》 2001年第2期78-81,32,共5页
笼养黄腹角雉行为的节律性较强 ,不同类型的行为节律性不尽相同。活动 :全天可分 5个高峰期 ,晨昏为甚 ;觅食与活动交错 ,全天有四个高峰期 ;求偶炫耀 ,全天有两个高峰期 ,以上午 9∶0 0~ 11∶0 0为甚 ,约占所有求偶炫耀的 75%。黄腹... 笼养黄腹角雉行为的节律性较强 ,不同类型的行为节律性不尽相同。活动 :全天可分 5个高峰期 ,晨昏为甚 ;觅食与活动交错 ,全天有四个高峰期 ;求偶炫耀 ,全天有两个高峰期 ,以上午 9∶0 0~ 11∶0 0为甚 ,约占所有求偶炫耀的 75%。黄腹角雉卵于 3月中旬产卵 ,平均卵重 52 0 2 g ,最大可达59 3g ,平均大小 54 35× 4 2 10mm ,比重 1 0 59g/cm3。黄腹角雉卵的重量、体积与营养水平相关 ,也与个体遗传差异相关。与其它雉类有所不同 ,黄腹角雉对外界刺激敏感 ,同时又易于对重复出现的现象产生“麻痹” ,因此在养殖中容易接受规律性的饲养操作程序 。 展开更多
关键词 黄腹角雉 人工养殖 笼养生态学 物种保护 日活动规律 应激性 产卵繁殖规律
作者 陈道泽 《蜜蜂杂志》 2020年第9期23-24,共2页
关键词 群势 蜂王 经济效益 养蜂 产卵繁殖
《农家之友》 2018年第4期60-61,共2页
柑桔木虱是柑桔类新梢期主要害虫,也是柑桔黄龙病的传播媒介。成虫多在寄主嫩梢产卵,孵化出若虫后吸取嫩梢汁液,直至成虫羽化。受害的寄主嫩梢可出现凋萎、新梢畸变等。木虱还会分泌的白色蜜露并粘附于枝叶上,能引起煤烟病的发生。更为... 柑桔木虱是柑桔类新梢期主要害虫,也是柑桔黄龙病的传播媒介。成虫多在寄主嫩梢产卵,孵化出若虫后吸取嫩梢汁液,直至成虫羽化。受害的寄主嫩梢可出现凋萎、新梢畸变等。木虱还会分泌的白色蜜露并粘附于枝叶上,能引起煤烟病的发生。更为糟糕的是,木虱在柑桔黄龙病病株上取食、产卵繁殖,可产生大量的带菌成虫,成虫可通过转移为害新植株而传播黄龙病。防治方法:①冬季及时清除枯枝落叶和杂草,减少越冬虫数;夏季修剪果树,保证通风透气,摘除新梢顶部五六片叶,及时处理。 展开更多
关键词 柑桔黄龙病 成虫羽化 虫害 橘树 柑桔木虱 传播媒介 产卵繁殖 枯枝落叶
作者 李虹娇 于立娟 《黑龙江水产》 2019年第6期16-17,共2页
嫩江水域主要是冷水性鱼类产卵的繁殖场。卧都河和多布库尔河是嫩江上游的支流,监测嫩江水域环境质量、生物量与环境的关系,掌握各项监测指标的变化,有利于治理江河,保护和改善鱼类的生长及生态环境。本文就嫩江水域环境的变化,阐述了... 嫩江水域主要是冷水性鱼类产卵的繁殖场。卧都河和多布库尔河是嫩江上游的支流,监测嫩江水域环境质量、生物量与环境的关系,掌握各项监测指标的变化,有利于治理江河,保护和改善鱼类的生长及生态环境。本文就嫩江水域环境的变化,阐述了水域生态环境对鱼类的影响关系。 展开更多
关键词 卧都河 多布库尔河 鱼类产卵繁殖 环境监测
Breeding and mass scale rearing of clownfish Amphiprion percula: feeding and rearing in brackishwater 被引量:1
作者 DHANEESH Kottila Veettil AJITH KUMAR Thipramalai Thankappan +1 位作者 SWAGAT Ghosh BALASUBRAMANIAN Thangavel 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期528-534,共7页
Breeding and mass scale larval rearing of clownfish Amphiprion percula is very limited in brackishwater. We designed an indoor program of A. percula culture in brackishwater with a salinity of 24±1, during which ... Breeding and mass scale larval rearing of clownfish Amphiprion percula is very limited in brackishwater. We designed an indoor program of A. percula culture in brackishwater with a salinity of 24±1, during which the impacts of feed type, water temperature, and light intensity, on the efficiency of its reproduction, were revealed. The fish were accommodated along with sea anemones in fibre glass tanks to determine the influence of brooder diet on breeding efficiency. Higher reproductive efficiency [number of eggs laid (276±22.3 eggs)] was observed when fish were fed live Acetes sp. rather than clam (204±16.4 eggs), trash fish (155±12 eggs) and formulated feed (110±10 eggs). The spawning rate was increased during September and October (water temperature, 28.74±0.55℃) on average of 2.4 spawning per month; and low spawning rate was in January (water temperature, 24.55±0.45℃) on average of I spawning per month. Among three light intensities (100, 500, and 900 1x) set to evaluate larval survival rate, larvae showed the highest survival rate (65.5%) at 900 lx. The breeding method specifically in brackishwater developed in the present study is a new approach, will help the people from the regions of estuary and backwater to enhance their livelihood and it will lead to reduce the exploitation from the wild habitat. 展开更多
关键词 Amphiprion percula brackishwater FEED larval rearing light intensity
Reproductive biology of bream Abramis brama (L.) in the lower reaches of the Irtysh River, China
作者 张志明 刘成杰 +4 位作者 丁慧萍 谢鹏 马徐发 郭焱 谢从新 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1471-1481,共11页
The reproductive biology of bream Ahramis brama (L.) was studied from 546 fish collected from the lower reaches of the Irtysh River in Xinjiang, north-west China, from March to November 2013. The overall sex ratio ... The reproductive biology of bream Ahramis brama (L.) was studied from 546 fish collected from the lower reaches of the Irtysh River in Xinjiang, north-west China, from March to November 2013. The overall sex ratio (M/F) was 1.06:1, and was not significantly different from the theoretical 1:1 ratio (P〉0.5). However, there was a dominance of males during the pre-spawning season ( 1.33 in March and 1.56 in April, P〈0.5), while females were dominant during the peak spawning season (0.88 in June, P〈0.5). The monthly variation in gonadosomatic index (GSI) and proportion of gonads at each macroscopic maturity stage, indicated that A. brama spawned once a year with peak spawning occurring from late May to June. The unimodal distribution of oocyte diameter each month indicated that A. brama is a single spawner, with a high degree of spawning synchronicity. The standard lengths (SLs0) and ages (As0) at first maturity for males and females, were 178 and 204 mm, and 5.6 and 6.8 years, respectively. The mean absolute fecundity (AF) was 77 311 eggs per fish, and mean relative fecundity (RF) was 162 eggs per gram of body weight (BW). The AF ofA. brama increased linearly with increasing of gonad weight (GW), eviscerated weight (EW) and standard length (SL), but was not significantly correlated with age. As, A. brama in the lower reaches of the Irtysh River reaches reproductive maturity relatively late in their life span, is mature for a short period and spawns in aggregations, this fish is vulnerable to overexploitation. 展开更多
关键词 reproductive biology sex ratio MATURITY spawning period FECUNDITY Abramis brama
作者 高本刚 《农村养殖技术》 2003年第14期16-16,共1页
(一)金鱼的雌雄鉴别 金鱼为雌雄异体,行体外受精。雌雄金鱼鉴别方法很多,在非繁殖季节,雌鱼体型较短粗,腹部略下垂,胸鳍较软,呈椭圆形;雄鱼体型较瘦长,胸鳍较硬,呈菱形,狭长,腹部上收,肛门棱形。在繁殖季节一般检查其生殖孔,凡生殖孔向... (一)金鱼的雌雄鉴别 金鱼为雌雄异体,行体外受精。雌雄金鱼鉴别方法很多,在非繁殖季节,雌鱼体型较短粗,腹部略下垂,胸鳍较软,呈椭圆形;雄鱼体型较瘦长,胸鳍较硬,呈菱形,狭长,腹部上收,肛门棱形。在繁殖季节一般检查其生殖孔,凡生殖孔向外凸出呈圆形的是雌鱼;向内凹呈长椭圆形的是雄鱼。鉴别时将金鱼轻握手中,用另一只手轻挤腹鳍到肛门鳞片,如果是雄鱼则有白色精液从生殖孔排出。 展开更多
关键词 金鱼 养殖技术 人工繁殖 雌雄鉴别 繁殖产卵 人工孵化技术
第二篇:传统钓法 定点钓法
作者 马春远(文/图) 《中国钓鱼》 2023年第12期8-9,共2页
关键词 黑鱼 繁殖 定点 传统钓法 产卵繁殖
科学家发现独特乌贼溺爱儿女 不吃不喝携卵孵化
《走近科学》 2006年第1期79-79,共1页
关键词 科学家 乌贼 卵孵化 产卵繁殖
A Middle Triassic stem-neopterygian fish from China shows remarkable secondary sexual characteristics 被引量:4
作者 Guang-Hui Xu Li-Jun Zhao 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期338-344,共7页
Secondary sexual characteristics are features that appear at sexual maturity and distinguish the two sexes of a species. They are readily observed and studied in living animals, but the phenomenon is rather more diffi... Secondary sexual characteristics are features that appear at sexual maturity and distinguish the two sexes of a species. They are readily observed and studied in living animals, but the phenomenon is rather more difficult to identify in fossil taxa. Here we report a new sexually dimorphic stem-neopterygian fish, Venusichthys comptus gen. et sp. nov., based on 30 exceptionally well-preserved specimens from the Middle Triassic (Pelsonian, Anisian) Luoping Lagerst^itte of eastern Yunnan, China. The discovery represents the oldest known secondary sexual characteristics in Neopterygii. These characteristics, including pointed tubercles on cranial bones, scales and fins, and hook-like contact organ anterior to the anal fin, have three inferred primary functions: maintenance of body contact between the sexes during prespawning behavior or spawning; stimulation of the females during breeding; and defense of nests and territories. Lacking a specialized anal fin in the presumed males, Venusichthys would likely have a different reproductive strategy from peltopleurids and other potentially viviparous stem-neopterygians. Moreover, Venusichthys shows a unique character combination distinguished from any other stem-neopterygian families and consequently represents a new family of this clade. Assuch, the new finding provides an important addition for understanding the behavior, reproduction, and early diversification of Neopterygii. 展开更多
关键词 Sexual dimorphism Breeding tuberclesVenusichthyidae Neopterygii ACTINOPTERYGII
Male-like testosterone levels inhibit oviposition in a female parrot: A breeding experiment in budgerigars
作者 Stefanie E. R LAHAYE Marcel EENS +1 位作者 Veerle M. DARRAS Rianne PINXTEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期586-595,共10页
Studies in several songbird species have shown that treating females with the androgenic steroid hormone testoste- rone (T) can negatively affect female reproductive behaviors and breeding success. As the effects of... Studies in several songbird species have shown that treating females with the androgenic steroid hormone testoste- rone (T) can negatively affect female reproductive behaviors and breeding success. As the effects of T on females appear to be species-specific, it is not clear if similar effects of high T occur in non-songbird species. Here, we studied the effects of T supplementation on female reproductive behavior and oviposition in the budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus, a small monogamous parrot species with distinct sex differences in parental behavior. We experimentally increased T concentrations to male-like levels in T-treated females compared to controls and we allowed females to breed. We found no significant effects of treatment on the latency to enter the nestbox but T treatment significantly interfered with oviposition. Our results show that T-treated females were seven times less likely to produce a clutch than control females. As we found that T treatment had a strong inhibitory effect on oviposition, our results indicate that female budgerigars suffer fitness costs from male-like plasma T levels. Therefore, it may be possible that, also in non-songbird species, selection for higher T levels in males is constrained by a correlated response to selection which imposes fitness costs on females in terms of reproduction. Evaluating whether or not this is indeed the case requires further work combining different approaches to the study of the evolution of male and female testosterone levels [Current Zoology 61 (4): 586-595, 2015]. 展开更多
关键词 Female testosterone Reproductive behavior Melopsittacus undulatus Breeding success Intralocus sexual conflict Antagonistic selection
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