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数字经济下产地型农产品市场平台的构建与服务模式研究 被引量:1
作者 朱苗绘 秦开大 《生产力研究》 2024年第1期89-94,共6页
数字经济与农村产业的融合发展,在农产品流通环节发挥重要的作用。农产品产地市场服务于农产品主产区,将农产品由产地传递到销地,是流通渠道的重要环节。文章探索农产品产地市场如何与数字经济深度融合,利用数字技术赋能,构建产地型农... 数字经济与农村产业的融合发展,在农产品流通环节发挥重要的作用。农产品产地市场服务于农产品主产区,将农产品由产地传递到销地,是流通渠道的重要环节。文章探索农产品产地市场如何与数字经济深度融合,利用数字技术赋能,构建产地型农产品市场平台,为农户、合作社、上下游商户等市场主体,提供交易、物流仓储、农产品溯源、供应链金融等综合服务,解决农产品流通中信息不对称、交易成本高、交易效率低、融资难等问题,提升产业效率与效益。首先,分析在数字经济时代,产地型农产品市场平台构建面临的机遇与挑战。其次,界定产地型农产品市场平台内涵,明确平台功能定位,设计平台架构和业务,阐述交易、物流、供应链金融三大服务模式框架,从而为产地型农产品市场平台的构建提供一定的实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 数字经济 产地型市场 服务模式 农产品
作者 张静芳 傅忠宁 杨向飞 《农业科技与信息》 2015年第3期45-48,共4页
兰州高原夏菜是国内西菜东调的主要蔬菜品种之一,远销国外;榆中县建设产地型蔬菜交易中心存在着多种优势条件,对甘肃省区域经济发展具有良好的带动作用;通过榆中县产地型蔬菜交易中心的多种优势分析,证明建设产地型蔬菜交易中心是完善... 兰州高原夏菜是国内西菜东调的主要蔬菜品种之一,远销国外;榆中县建设产地型蔬菜交易中心存在着多种优势条件,对甘肃省区域经济发展具有良好的带动作用;通过榆中县产地型蔬菜交易中心的多种优势分析,证明建设产地型蔬菜交易中心是完善甘肃省蔬菜产业基础设施的重要保证。 展开更多
关键词 蔬菜 产地型 交易中心 高原夏菜
基于产地型冷链物流市场的冷库布局规划 被引量:10
作者 解煌鸣 孙领 刘伟 《保鲜与加工》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第5期120-128,共9页
由于西北地区物流行业滞后,农产品冷链运输设施匮乏,冷链物流制约着农产品产业在该地区的持续发展。以西北地区为例进行具体分析,首先运用灰色预测模型对未来西北地区冷链物流产品产量进行预测,并利用层次分析(AHP)综合评估法确认冷链... 由于西北地区物流行业滞后,农产品冷链运输设施匮乏,冷链物流制约着农产品产业在该地区的持续发展。以西北地区为例进行具体分析,首先运用灰色预测模型对未来西北地区冷链物流产品产量进行预测,并利用层次分析(AHP)综合评估法确认冷链物流中转节点冷库位置;在此基础上构建线性规划模型,并在基于冷库建设成本和运输成本最小化的约束条件下,运用LINGO软件求解,得到西北地区冷库建设布局最优解。最后通过上述分析,提出西北地区未来冷链物流发展方向和建议,即区域发展和依托发展更有益于我国西北地区冷链发展。 展开更多
关键词 西北地区 农产品 产地型冷链物流市场 冷库布局 选址模
产地型商贸物流对地区集群经济效应的作用机理研究 被引量:1
作者 周林林 《商业经济研究》 北大核心 2015年第10期29-30,共2页
"产地型"商贸物流是以产品生产企业为重心而发展起来的商贸物流体系,会对地区集群经济效应产生重要影响,会产生需求集聚效应、信息集聚效应和规模经济集聚效应。同时,地区集群经济还会对"产地型"商贸物流的发展提... "产地型"商贸物流是以产品生产企业为重心而发展起来的商贸物流体系,会对地区集群经济效应产生重要影响,会产生需求集聚效应、信息集聚效应和规模经济集聚效应。同时,地区集群经济还会对"产地型"商贸物流的发展提供产业支撑。文章对"产地型"商贸物流对地区集群经济效应的作用机理进行研究,有助于探讨促使二者之间互动作用产生的有效途径,使二者在相互影响的情况下相互服务,实现稳定发展。 展开更多
关键词 产地型”商贸物流 地区集群经济 作用机理
中国山岳型世界文化遗产地旅游和谐环境构建探析 被引量:8
作者 张薇 王九位 张浩 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期278-282,共5页
解决山岳型世界文化遗产在旅游开发中所造成的自然、文化危机,关键在于建立和谐环境指标体系,如明确自然生态系统的和谐度指标,建立保证人与文化遗产资源和谐度的规范机制,确立利益相关者之间的和谐度指标等。而其具体实施路径主要包括... 解决山岳型世界文化遗产在旅游开发中所造成的自然、文化危机,关键在于建立和谐环境指标体系,如明确自然生态系统的和谐度指标,建立保证人与文化遗产资源和谐度的规范机制,确立利益相关者之间的和谐度指标等。而其具体实施路径主要包括:构筑以生态伦理观为核心的价值体系,创建资源循环利用发展模式,建立对资源环境不和谐因素的监控机制等等。 展开更多
关键词 山岳产地 遗产旅游 和谐环境构建
农民型蔬果主产地农户参与合作意愿及影响因素研究——浙江实证 被引量:4
作者 万国伟 李文杰 安部淳 《农业经济与管理》 2014年第5期23-31,共9页
蔬果主产地农户间合作是增强其产品竞争力的重要手段,为了解农户的参与合作意愿与影响因素,对浙江代表性蔬果主产地农户进行调研分析。研究表明,农户的文化程度、社会职务、种植面积、种植年限、土地租赁、蔬果收入比例、对外部信息认... 蔬果主产地农户间合作是增强其产品竞争力的重要手段,为了解农户的参与合作意愿与影响因素,对浙江代表性蔬果主产地农户进行调研分析。研究表明,农户的文化程度、社会职务、种植面积、种植年限、土地租赁、蔬果收入比例、对外部信息认知程度及市场中介组织服务水平对参与合作意愿有显著影响。与前人研究结论不同的是:文化程度高、蔬果种植面积大、有土地租赁、蔬果收入占家庭收入高、对市场中介组织服务水平满意度高的农户,参与合作意愿反而更低。 展开更多
关键词 农户 合作意愿 影响因素 农民产地 蔬果
村落型遗产地居民旅游感知与态度的空间差异分析 被引量:6
作者 陈慧 李鹏 王纯阳 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期88-94,共7页
以世界文化遗产地"马降龙村落"为案例地,通过因子分析和回归分析深入剖析了同一遗产地内处于不同空间区域的居民旅游感知与态度的差异.研究结果显示,在同一遗产地内部,居民旅游感知与态度也存在着明显的空间差异,具体表现在:... 以世界文化遗产地"马降龙村落"为案例地,通过因子分析和回归分析深入剖析了同一遗产地内处于不同空间区域的居民旅游感知与态度的差异.研究结果显示,在同一遗产地内部,居民旅游感知与态度也存在着明显的空间差异,具体表现在:核心区居民旅游感知与态度的各项公因子综合得分要明显高于缓冲区居民;影响居民旅游感知与态度的最重要因素是体现"空间"差异性的"核心区/缓冲区"变量;旅游业对村庄建设和经济发展的促进是影响居民旅游发展支持态度和社区满意度的主要因子,旅游业参与制度的不公平性和村庄发展的不平衡则是造成马降龙村落遗产地居民旅游感知与态度存在空间差异的主要原因. 展开更多
关键词 村落产地 居民旅游感知与态度 空间差异分析 开平碉楼与村落
国外山岳型遗产地保护发展经验及其对北京市的启示 被引量:2
作者 孙威 毛凌潇 《智库理论与实践》 2017年第6期55-62,共8页
[目的 /意义]中国是世界遗产最多的国家之一,传承保护好这些珍贵的历史文化遗产是中国人民,也是世界人民的共同责任,如何处理好文化遗产保护利用与城乡改造开发的关系是一个重大的现实问题。[方法 /过程]采用实地调研、案例分析、对比... [目的 /意义]中国是世界遗产最多的国家之一,传承保护好这些珍贵的历史文化遗产是中国人民,也是世界人民的共同责任,如何处理好文化遗产保护利用与城乡改造开发的关系是一个重大的现实问题。[方法 /过程]采用实地调研、案例分析、对比研究等方法,分析了美国黑石河峡谷遗产廊道、日本纪伊山脉胜地的基本概况,总结了上述两个案例的成功经验,提出了对北京西山文化带的建设启示。[结果 /结论 ]研究表明,国际上山岳型遗产地保护发展有不少成功经验,可以概括为重视文化遗产保护,自然景观与人文景观相协调;因势利导发展旅游业,促进文化遗产保护与利用相结合;完善规划管理体系,促成政府管理与民众意愿相统一;成立专门机构,促进国家、地方、民众保护相联合。这启示北京应进一步凝练西山文化带的文化特色和内涵、切实保护和利用好自然和文化资源、成立专门机构进行统一管理、加强规划引导和功能定位。 展开更多
关键词 山岳产地 西山文化带 北京 经验启示
平遥实践:人居型世界遗产地保护与活化之路 被引量:11
作者 邵甬 胡力骏 徐刊达 《世界建筑》 2019年第11期50-55,138,共7页
中国的人居型遗产平遥和丽江等因为其在历史、艺术和科学等方面的突出普遍价值而被列入世界遗产名录,入遗以后以"遗产旅游"作为其主导产业,遗产的真实性、完整性,以及城市的可持续发展方面都面临着严峻的挑战。本文试图解析2... 中国的人居型遗产平遥和丽江等因为其在历史、艺术和科学等方面的突出普遍价值而被列入世界遗产名录,入遗以后以"遗产旅游"作为其主导产业,遗产的真实性、完整性,以及城市的可持续发展方面都面临着严峻的挑战。本文试图解析2006年以后平遥古城基于对世界遗产城市的"遗产"与"人居"双重属性和特征的认知,逐步形成"整体性"保护框架,建构"以人为核心"的保护理念和方法,并探讨世界遗产城市的可持续发展路径。 展开更多
关键词 人居世界遗产地 价值 保护 可持续发展 平遥古城
作者 齐新征 《宿州学院学报》 2015年第3期37-41,共5页
以黄山风景区酒店为例,从游客感知的视角及企业管理的微观层面对山岳型遗产地酒店的经营与管理进行了研究。采用扎根理论研究范式,遵循Strauss的分析途径,采用问卷调查,构建译码典范模型。研究结果表明,山岳型遗产地酒店的经营管理必须... 以黄山风景区酒店为例,从游客感知的视角及企业管理的微观层面对山岳型遗产地酒店的经营与管理进行了研究。采用扎根理论研究范式,遵循Strauss的分析途径,采用问卷调查,构建译码典范模型。研究结果表明,山岳型遗产地酒店的经营管理必须顺应遗产地保护要求,正视地理位置的垄断性和地理环境的特殊性所带来的负面影响,淡化硬件,强化软件,在现有条件下依靠提升软件服务质量来提高游客的正面感知。 展开更多
关键词 扎根理论 译码典范模 山岳产地酒店 游客感知 黄山风景区
地方中小企业的类型及特征 被引量:2
作者 刘伟东 陈凤杰 《中国中小企业》 2001年第4期19-20,共2页
关键词 中小企业 特征 地方经济 传统产业 商业街 关联产业 产地型产业
宗教型遗产地旅游商业化的演化过程及机制——以嵩山少林寺为例 被引量:21
作者 刘爱利 涂琼华 +1 位作者 刘敏 刘福承 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1781-1794,共14页
遗产地旅游开发中的商业化现象越来越普遍,成为遗产保护与旅游实践中亟待解决的关键问题。尤其是具有特殊文化意义的宗教型遗产地,其旅游开发的商业化既影响了遗产资源的保护与可持续发展,也对游客的旅游体验产生了消极影响。在对相关... 遗产地旅游开发中的商业化现象越来越普遍,成为遗产保护与旅游实践中亟待解决的关键问题。尤其是具有特殊文化意义的宗教型遗产地,其旅游开发的商业化既影响了遗产资源的保护与可持续发展,也对游客的旅游体验产生了消极影响。在对相关研究进行总结回顾的基础上,选取嵩山少林寺为典型案例,从商业化阶段、产业链形态、旅游景观变迁、旅游世俗化影响等方面,对商业化的演化过程进行刻画与解读;通过利益相关者的视角,对商业化的形成机制进行分析和总结。提出的旅游商业化演化过程和形成机制的研究视角,对客观认知中国宗教型遗产地的商业化开发状态,指导宗教型遗产地的可持续发展,具有重要的现实作用。 展开更多
关键词 宗教产地 旅游商业化 演化过程 形成机制 嵩山少林寺
Cyclical fluctuations of real estate investment across regions in urban China
作者 王延树 成虎 徐鹏富 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期228-233,共6页
Taking the concrete conditions of each region into full consideration, the Chinese real estate market is divided into an eastern market, a central market and a western market. For each market, the autoregressive integ... Taking the concrete conditions of each region into full consideration, the Chinese real estate market is divided into an eastern market, a central market and a western market. For each market, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARMA) model is established and spectral analysis is carded out to better understand the changes in the real estate markets in each region. The results show the investment levels and several kinds of cycles within each market. The level of real estate investment (LREI)in the eastern region is the higiaest, and the short cycle of investment is about 4 to 5 years; the LREI in the central region is in the middle, and the short cycle of investment is about 2 to 3 years; the LREI in the western region has been rapidly increasing in recent years, and the short cycle of investment is about 4 to 5 years. Real estate investment in each area has reached a peak and completed a middle-cycle movement after a period of sustained recession and an upsurge process, which has taken about 9 to 10 years. 展开更多
关键词 real estate investment ARMA model spectral analysis cycle of investment
Origin of the regional stress field along the Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone(LOFZ),Southern Chilean Andes by means of FE Simulation 被引量:2
作者 Md.Rafiqul Islam 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期1-13,共13页
The Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone(LOFZ) of southern Chilean Andes is one of the largest active strike-slip fault zones.There is an ongoing debate regarding the origin of the stress field along the LOFZ due to its complex g... The Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone(LOFZ) of southern Chilean Andes is one of the largest active strike-slip fault zones.There is an ongoing debate regarding the origin of the stress field along the LOFZ due to its complex geometry.This paper represents a study of the origins of the LOFZ regional stress field.Stress fields are calculated by finite element(FE) analysis.The two possible stress origins, i.e., oblique plate convergence and ridge collision/indenter tectonics of Chile ridge against Peru-Chile trench, have been emphasized in the present study.Three types of boundary conditions for the three particular models have been applied to calculate stress fields.Models are assumed to be elastic and plane stress condition.Modeling results are presented in terms of four parameters, i.e., orientation of maximum horizontal stress(σ H max ), displacement vector, s train distribution, and maximum shear stress(τmax ) contour line within the model.The results of the first model with oblique plate convergence show inconsistency between the geometric shape of the LOFZ and the distribution of the four parameters.Although more realistic results are obtained from the second model with normal ridge collision, there are few coincident in the LOFZ geometry and regional stress field.The third model with normal and oblique ridge collision is reasonable in understanding the origin of stress field and geometrical condition in the lithosphere of the LOFZ. 展开更多
关键词 Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone FE analysis Elastic rheology Oblique plate convergence Ridgecollision.
西递宏村旅游开发模式的问题及对策探析 被引量:5
作者 金牛 《四川旅游学院学报》 2018年第5期82-85,共4页
西递宏村作为杰出的村落型世界文化遗产地,其旅游资源的经济价值日益显现。文章结合西递宏村丰富的旅游资源开发现状,对其开发问题分主体展开探析,从而提出优化西递宏村旅游开发模式的措施,为我国其他村落型世界文化遗产地的旅游开发模... 西递宏村作为杰出的村落型世界文化遗产地,其旅游资源的经济价值日益显现。文章结合西递宏村丰富的旅游资源开发现状,对其开发问题分主体展开探析,从而提出优化西递宏村旅游开发模式的措施,为我国其他村落型世界文化遗产地的旅游开发模式研究提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 村落世界文化遗产地 旅游开发 西递宏村
Simulating deforestation of Nepal by area production model
作者 肖映秋 魏丽娟 周荣俊 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期47-50,共5页
Based on the growth rates of population, Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and agriculture productivity, the areas of deforestation were predicted in Jutp ani village, Chitwan district, Nepal by Area Production Model (AP... Based on the growth rates of population, Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and agriculture productivity, the areas of deforestation were predicted in Jutp ani village, Chitwan district, Nepal by Area Production Model (APM). Through the APM simulation in this study, all of forestland will be transferred into agricu ltural land in 2030 at the rate of 24% per year on the current productivity. And if the productivity of subsistence food crop is assumed to increase at the rate of 1%, the productivity of market crop and export crop increase at the rate of 2% annually, deforestation rate will decrease to 17% per year, but only 124 hm2 forest land will be left till 2038. The agriculture productivity is a very impor tant factor for the deforestation, so intensification of agriculture management is more important. 展开更多
关键词 Area Production Model (APM) Simulation deforestation Gross Domestic Products (GDP) Subsistence food crop Market food crop
Relieving a Tropical Vernacular Habitat Typology as a Source for Contemporary Social Housing Designs
作者 Marcelo Adolfo Jiménez Leopoldo Eurico Goncalves Bastos 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第7期493-501,共9页
This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along ... This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along the time a habitat climatic responsive. Nowadays, studies in progress try to show how this vernacular typology can support new low-income house designs. The intent is to guarantee for new projects the socio-cultural image that people, coming from countryside to live in city outskirts, are accostumed. Also, to provide material improvements and functional adequation for a quality and healthiness. Natural ventilation is the main bioclimatic strategy during summer for thermal comfort, which influences the house characteristics. This is proven by calculation, and simulation with the CFX-ANSYS software. Thus, the analysis performed shows the real possibity to reconcile bioclimatism with the symbolic-cultural value represented by this vernacular architecture form. It is hopped that this study can be considered as a methodological contributition for new sustainable projects (materials, technics and services) of low-incoming houses in this Latin American region. 展开更多
关键词 Bioclimatic design sustainable architecture vernacular habitat social housing natural ventilation.
Analysis on the Relationship between Degree of Fragmentation and Production Profits of Arable Landscapes upon Varying Landforms——a Case Study of Xinjian County, Jiangxi Province
作者 程宪波 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1982-1984,共3页
The research selected five indices to measure fragmentation degrees of three landforms with GIS and analyzed the relationship with production profits of arable lands. The results showed that fragmentation degree of ar... The research selected five indices to measure fragmentation degrees of three landforms with GIS and analyzed the relationship with production profits of arable lands. The results showed that fragmentation degree of arable lands tends to be volatile upon landforms, For example, the fragmentation degree of mountainous area reached 0.985, followed by hills of 0.705 and the fragmentation degree of plains was the least at 0.068. Production profits of arable lands were negatively correlated with arable landscape fragmentation. Hence, it is necessary to take measures to reduce landscape fragmentation as per specific local circumstances to imorove production Drofits. 展开更多
关键词 Fragmentation degree of arable landscape Landform type Production profits Analysis on relationship
FIas the "Flying Geese" Paradigm Occurred in China? 被引量:2
作者 Qu Yue Cai Fang Zhang Xiaobo 《China Economist》 2013年第6期18-30,共13页
In economic literature, the term 'flying geese" refers to the movement of capital from developed regions to less developed ones. Using national data from abovescale manufacturing enterprises, this paper investigates... In economic literature, the term 'flying geese" refers to the movement of capital from developed regions to less developed ones. Using national data from abovescale manufacturing enterprises, this paper investigates whether the experience of "flying geese" has transpired in China for manufacturing industries. We find that, driven by the effects of agglomeration, prior to the mid-2000s, there had been an increasing concentration of industrial activities in the coastal regions. However, as labor and land costs increased, the manufacturing sector - especially the labor-intensive industries - began to relocate from the coastal to the interior regions. 展开更多
关键词 manufacturing industries flying geese industrial cluster
Determinants of Food Security in Selected Agro-pastoral Communities of Somali and Oromia Regions, Ethiopia 被引量:1
作者 Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere Daniel Ayalew Mekonnen Elias Zerfu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第9期453-471,共19页
In spite of receiving a significant amount of food aid, achieving food security has been a major problem in Ethiopia. The claim is evidenced from the 2010 Global Hunger Index where the country fared dismally, coming o... In spite of receiving a significant amount of food aid, achieving food security has been a major problem in Ethiopia. The claim is evidenced from the 2010 Global Hunger Index where the country fared dismally, coming only fourth from the bottom. There are several factors attributing to this problem of food insecurity in a country like Ethiopia which depends highly on agriculture and allied activities. Some of the factors can be linked to low food production and productivity thereby leading to pervasive poverty. In order to assess these factors, the study was conducted on some selected members of agro-pastoral communities of Somali and Oromia regions in Ethiopia. Using availability of food in the household for the last one month as a proxy for food security, the estimated results of a logistic regression model indicated that the most significant factors affecting household food security are educational level of the spouse and that of the household head, size of farm land, availability of household assets including livestock, peace and security. The paper suggests some leads to how these amenities and resources can be provided to household members as they endeavor to reduce food insecurity. 展开更多
关键词 Household food security HUNGER food availability agro-pastoral Ethiopia.
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