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作者 陈建斌 《经济与社会发展研究》 2023年第26期253-255,共3页
近年来,伴随着国家不断加大对高职教育的支持力度,围绕培养高技能人才,高职院校进行了不断探索,同时在国家有关部门的积极倡导下,产学创一体化成为未来高职教育的教学改革方向。室内设计作为高职院校应用性极强且社会需求量较大的专业,... 近年来,伴随着国家不断加大对高职教育的支持力度,围绕培养高技能人才,高职院校进行了不断探索,同时在国家有关部门的积极倡导下,产学创一体化成为未来高职教育的教学改革方向。室内设计作为高职院校应用性极强且社会需求量较大的专业,在人才培养过程中,需要结合产学创一体化来不断加大与企业的协作力度,构建双师型教学团队,强化对人才的培养。本文结合当前高职室内设计专业人才培养现状展开探析,提出基于产学创一体化的高职室内设计专业人才培养相关策略。 展开更多
关键词 产学创一体化 高职 室内设计 人才培养
经济新常态下高职院校“产学创融合”课程建设模式的实践研究--以药品生物技术专业为例 被引量:4
作者 蒋留生 李清秀 孙科 《职教通讯》 2018年第6期14-18,共5页
药品生物技术专业的人才培养将综合素养、专业能力和双创精神有机统一,并重并行,实现"三个满足"的目标,是适应经济新常态的要求。为此,坚持适应创新驱动,关注企业创新发展,进行"产学创融合"课程建设模式的实践研究... 药品生物技术专业的人才培养将综合素养、专业能力和双创精神有机统一,并重并行,实现"三个满足"的目标,是适应经济新常态的要求。为此,坚持适应创新驱动,关注企业创新发展,进行"产学创融合"课程建设模式的实践研究。"以产定学,以学导创,产学合一,创以提升",形成了专业教学与双创教育两线合股、三阶递进的课程内容体系。从而缓解了以往岗位能力需求、双创教育以及学生学业继续发展愿望在学时上难以兼顾的矛盾,实现了学生专业知识、技能和创新创业能力的同步发展,为其终身发展奠定了坚实基础。经过实践,"产学创融合"的课程建设使人才培养质量逐渐提高,专业影响力不断提升。 展开更多
关键词 高职 药品生技术 课程建设 产学创融合 经济新常态
“产学创融合”药品生物技术专业“双创”人才培养模式的探索——基于三螺旋理论视角 被引量:1
作者 孙科 宋凯 《铜陵职业技术学院学报》 2018年第4期11-13,共3页
三螺旋理论认为高职院--产业--政府三个主体既要保持本身的功能特色又要打破各自组织边界,协同开展创新创业教育,才能取得较好的效果。本文借鉴三螺旋理论进行"产学创融合"药品生物技术专业"双创"人才培养模式的探... 三螺旋理论认为高职院--产业--政府三个主体既要保持本身的功能特色又要打破各自组织边界,协同开展创新创业教育,才能取得较好的效果。本文借鉴三螺旋理论进行"产学创融合"药品生物技术专业"双创"人才培养模式的探索,主要论述了三螺旋视角下药品生物技术专业"双创"型人才培养机制和三螺旋视角下药品生物技术专业"双创"型人才实施途径两个方面进行探索,最终形成"两线并行、四阶递进"的人才培养模式。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 三螺旋理论 药品生物技术专业 产学创融合 人才培养模式
作者 陈金瑞 王怡 《武夷学院学报》 2020年第11期91-94,共4页
武夷学院大学生众创空间为创业学子提供专业共享、实践和展示空间,具备低成本、便利化、开放式等特点。在分析总结武夷学院大学生众创空间发展潜力和存在问题的基础上,提出以产学创深度融合为抓手,从武夷新区高新技术产业园区、专业实... 武夷学院大学生众创空间为创业学子提供专业共享、实践和展示空间,具备低成本、便利化、开放式等特点。在分析总结武夷学院大学生众创空间发展潜力和存在问题的基础上,提出以产学创深度融合为抓手,从武夷新区高新技术产业园区、专业实践、特定群体、文旅融合、精准服务等五个方面积极探索进一步拓展大学生众创空间的新路径,构筑武夷学院创新创业创造教育的新高地。 展开更多
关键词 产学创融合 优势 众创空间 功能拓展
“产学创”融合背景下高职航海类专业“竞赛式”教学法的实践探究 被引量:1
作者 张洁 黄博洲 +2 位作者 于世永 秦黄辉 闫伟 《珠江水运》 2022年第4期110-112,共3页
深入分析高职航海类专业目前遇到的困境,有针对性地提出“竞赛式”教学法的解决方案,并对“竞赛式”教学法进行实践探讨,详细阐述了“竞赛式”教学法在《电子电气员英语听力与会话》课程中的实践研究,经过一个学年的教学实践,发现实验... 深入分析高职航海类专业目前遇到的困境,有针对性地提出“竞赛式”教学法的解决方案,并对“竞赛式”教学法进行实践探讨,详细阐述了“竞赛式”教学法在《电子电气员英语听力与会话》课程中的实践研究,经过一个学年的教学实践,发现实验班学生的专业英语听力与会话水平明显优于对照组的水平。 展开更多
关键词 产学创 航海类专业 “竞赛式”教学法
作者 段平艳 《广西教育》 2022年第12期102-104,120,共4页
本文针对民族地区高职室内设计专业产学创融合度低、人才培养质量与社会市场需求不相适应等问题,提出强化“双师”素质育人主体建设、创建校内外产学创一体化双元育人实践平台、构建“德技兼修”育人模式和多元协同评价机制等策略,阐述... 本文针对民族地区高职室内设计专业产学创融合度低、人才培养质量与社会市场需求不相适应等问题,提出强化“双师”素质育人主体建设、创建校内外产学创一体化双元育人实践平台、构建“德技兼修”育人模式和多元协同评价机制等策略,阐述广西现代职业技术学院实践所取得的教学改革成效。 展开更多
关键词 高职室内设计 校企协同 产学创一体化 人才培养路径创新
作者 程露莹 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2024年第1期172-174,共3页
随着数字经济时代的深入发展,各行业对复合型、创新型、实践型人才的需求日益增长,这对高校人才培养提出了新的要求。针对这一情况,该文明确了数字经济时代基于“产学创研”融合的网络实践教学定位,并根据其现状,设计了以需求为导向的... 随着数字经济时代的深入发展,各行业对复合型、创新型、实践型人才的需求日益增长,这对高校人才培养提出了新的要求。针对这一情况,该文明确了数字经济时代基于“产学创研”融合的网络实践教学定位,并根据其现状,设计了以需求为导向的网络实践教学模块化课程体系,构建了基于项目的“5层”产学融合实践教学体系,提出“产学+研创+学创”融合的网络实践教学提质增速的策略,以期为高校教育转型升级提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 数字经济 产学创研融合 网络实践教学 创新 提质增速 优化策略
“官校企行”四方联动 “产学创用”立体推进--关于高职教育有效运行机制的思考 被引量:54
作者 刘洪一 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期115-120,共6页
政府、高校、企业、行业(官、校、企、行)是中国高职教育运行体系中的四个相关体;四方的科学定位和建立有效联动的机制,是实现高职教育办学目标的关键。生产、教学、创新研发、应用服务(产、学、创、用)是高职教育的重要功能;四项功能... 政府、高校、企业、行业(官、校、企、行)是中国高职教育运行体系中的四个相关体;四方的科学定位和建立有效联动的机制,是实现高职教育办学目标的关键。生产、教学、创新研发、应用服务(产、学、创、用)是高职教育的重要功能;四项功能的有机融合、立体推进,是发挥高职教育最大办学效益的根本途径,也是改变传统高校教学与科研脱节、研究与应用脱节、人才培养与研发实践脱节等两张皮现象的有效举措。建构"官校企行"四方联动、"产学创用"立体推进的运行机制,对实现高职教育新的发展具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 “官校企行” 四方联动 产学创用” 立体推进 运行机制
“产学创”:新工科人才培养工程实践系统的优化机制 被引量:16
作者 梁静鑫 祁明德 +1 位作者 刁衍斌 张育广 《系统科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期105-109,共5页
新工科创新人才是我国社会经济发展的动力引擎。工程实践是培养新工科创新人才的重要环节,探索科学有效的工程实践系统机制是当前迫切任务。通过系统观点对“产学创”作概念阐述,提出“点-线-平台”发展模式圆锥模型。研究认为,传统工... 新工科创新人才是我国社会经济发展的动力引擎。工程实践是培养新工科创新人才的重要环节,探索科学有效的工程实践系统机制是当前迫切任务。通过系统观点对“产学创”作概念阐述,提出“点-线-平台”发展模式圆锥模型。研究认为,传统工程实践存在顶层制度缺乏系统整体性设计、实践条件缺乏系统动态性考量、训练平台缺乏系统开放性构建等系统性缺失问题。构建培育新工科创新人才的工程实践系统的优化机制须用系统思维,采用系统整体性定点策略、系统动态性拉线策略、系统开放性平台策略,重点解决建章立制、课程设计、实践平台等方面问题,突出结合中国特色的育人创新。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 创新人才 产学创 工程实践
Situation and Development of Innovative Research Universities Engineering Science and Technology Talents
作者 Zhi Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期67-69,共3页
Teaching and research universities cultivate innovative talents that should have the following characteristics: a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, strong ability of self-learning and exploration. They shoul... Teaching and research universities cultivate innovative talents that should have the following characteristics: a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, strong ability of self-learning and exploration. They should primarily get engaged in applied basic research, focus on knowledge development and operational needs of the basic technology for logic systems, and acquire subject knowledge and expertise, technological innovation. They should have a good moral training, be able to work or live together with others; have good health and good human qualities, be able to take hard work. For the purposes of teaching and Research University, it is to foster innovative talents, we must adhere to the fundamental status of undergraduate teaching, and gradually promote the study of teaching; we must adhere to the path of industry-university cooperation; students in general education system must be established. 展开更多
关键词 Personnel Training Creative Talents Teaching and Research Universities
Design Towards a Creative Industry for the Latin American Reality
作者 Alej andra Elena Marinaro Romina Alicia Flores 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期242-254,共13页
The duty of educators and politicians is to find new policies and programs that should include creative industries such as designing, together with the teaching of new technologies to make it possible for a greater po... The duty of educators and politicians is to find new policies and programs that should include creative industries such as designing, together with the teaching of new technologies to make it possible for a greater portion of the population to have access to this knowledge, which will enable it to be included in the job market. This type of training also means that the language of the educators will change .We need to develop a new multilinguistic, multimedia, and multidisciplinary conception oriented towards the learning activities of the student. Our goals is to transform multimedia design into an important creative industry in our region, we created "Project Untitled" at Universidad Maimonides. This is an artistic collective undertaking that includes teachers, directors, and students of the School of Multimedia Communication and Design. The goal of this project is to cooperate with learning paradigms in order to reach the quality that a true society of knowledge needs. Education is fundamental for the development of any nation, including the "periphery countries", which can contribute a different point of view, and which, in this sense, can offer wider possibilities, precisely because these countries have the "critical distance" that, probably, core countries are short of. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION interactive installations interactive design EDUCATION digital art CREATIVITY human resources
The theory and practice of Socialist economic
作者 Xianbao Jiang Yongyun Zhang Minggui Shu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期24-26,共3页
The Development of the theory and practice of Chinese socialist economic not only adheres to the some fundamental principles of Marxist economic theory, such as socialism must vigorously develop the productive forces;... The Development of the theory and practice of Chinese socialist economic not only adheres to the some fundamental principles of Marxist economic theory, such as socialism must vigorously develop the productive forces; set the purpose for everyone' s prosperity ;implement public ownership; distribute according to work; reduce and eventually eliminate urban-rural divide, physical brain differences; achieve the freedom and comprehensive development. And from China ' s national conditions, we should combine the Marxism with China ' s economic practice, develop and innovate Marxist economic theory of the founder of scientific socialism, blaze a new road of economic theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Economic theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics established through continuous exploration and development on the basis of summing up success and failure in the socialist economic practice at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 MARKET ECONOMY socialist.
Research on the Packaging and Illustration Design Development Trend from the Psychology and Aesthetics Perspectives
作者 Yixin Wu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期71-73,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the packaging and illustration design development trend from the psychology and aesthetics perspective. Commercial illustration in packaging design which can provide extremely div... In this paper, we conduct research on the packaging and illustration design development trend from the psychology and aesthetics perspective. Commercial illustration in packaging design which can provide extremely diversified forms of style, to convey the brand' s core idea, brand or product difference, and brand personality. Application of illustration in packaging design should use human language, which would make the commodity characteristics. Our methodology combines the principles of psychology and aesthetics to optimize the traditional approaches which will not only enhance the design pattern of the current model and help make innovative products. 展开更多
关键词 Packaging and Illustration Design Psychology and Aesthetics Literature Review.
Chemomics and drug innovation 被引量:1
作者 XU Jun GU Qiong +8 位作者 LIU HaiBo ZHOU JiaJu BU XianZhang HUANG ZhiShu LU Gui LI Ding WEI DongQing WANG Ling GU LianQuan 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期71-85,共15页
Chemomics is an interdisciplinary study using approaches from chemoinformatics,bioinformatics,synthetic chemistry,and other related disciplines.Biological systems make natural products from endogenous small molecules ... Chemomics is an interdisciplinary study using approaches from chemoinformatics,bioinformatics,synthetic chemistry,and other related disciplines.Biological systems make natural products from endogenous small molecules (natural product building blocks) through a sequence of enzyme catalytic reactions.For each reaction,the natural product building blocks may contribute a group of atoms to the target natural product.We describe this group of atoms as a chemoyl.A chemome is the complete set of chemoyls in an organism.Chemomics studies chemomes and the principles of natural product syntheses and evolutions.Driven by survival and reproductive demands,biological systems have developed effective protocols to synthesize natural products in order to respond to environmental changes;this results in biological and chemical diversity.In recent years,it has been realized that one of the bottlenecks in drug discovery is the lack of chemical resources for drug screening.Chemomics may solve this problem by revealing the rules governing the creation of chemical diversity in biological systems,and by developing biomimetic synthesis approaches to make quasi natural product libraries for drug screening.This treatise introduces chemomics and outlines its contents and potential applications in the fields of drug innovation. 展开更多
关键词 chemomics CHEMOINFORMATICS BIOINFORMATICS drug innovation biomimetic synthesis
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