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消弭博士生学用落差:台湾地区产学研发菁英培育计划的启示 被引量:1
作者 管弦 卢勃 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期100-107,共8页
2014年我国台湾地区提出产学研发菁英培育计划,旨在为产业界培养"学用合一"的高层次研发型人才,该计划突破传统教学框架,整合官产学三种资源,跨领域培养博士生,毕业条件轻论文重研发,每一培养阶段都有严格的质量考核与淘汰程... 2014年我国台湾地区提出产学研发菁英培育计划,旨在为产业界培养"学用合一"的高层次研发型人才,该计划突破传统教学框架,整合官产学三种资源,跨领域培养博士生,毕业条件轻论文重研发,每一培养阶段都有严格的质量考核与淘汰程序,有助于高等教育系统良性循环。虽然有一些争议,但仍可以作为大陆高校博士生培养的镜鉴。大陆高校要降低博士生学用落差,需要改进官产学耦合机制,提升联合培养的协同效应;整合校院系所资源,培养跨学科领域的综合素质;完善全程考核制度,重点考察学与用的一致性等。 展开更多
关键词 产学研发 博士生 学用落差 学用合一
基于真实项目的高校创新工作室建设研究——以南宁职业技术学院“建筑设计与建筑动漫创新工作室”为例 被引量:1
作者 钟继敏 《南宁职业技术学院学报》 2015年第4期62-65,共4页
社会经济的发展对创新型人才需求逐年增大。高校创新工作室的教学与传统教学有本质区别:创新工作室的教学载体是真实项目,教学目标是形成有应用价值的产品,教学重点在于产学研一体化。南宁职业技术学院首批立项建设的"建筑设计与... 社会经济的发展对创新型人才需求逐年增大。高校创新工作室的教学与传统教学有本质区别:创新工作室的教学载体是真实项目,教学目标是形成有应用价值的产品,教学重点在于产学研一体化。南宁职业技术学院首批立项建设的"建筑设计与建筑动漫创新工作室"经过一年的建设,明确建设的指导思想,制定可行的建设规划,将真实项目引入创新工作室,进行产、学、研、发衔接的探索,促进科研创新成果初步显现。但也存在企业对创新工作室的管理参与度不够高等问题,需要进一步改进。 展开更多
关键词 创新 真实项目 产学研发 区域经济
市场环境对高校基础研究向企业应用研究转化的影响力研究 被引量:7
作者 金杰 赵旭 赵子健 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期33-44,共12页
随着我国技术和经济的快速发展,企业拥有和研发的技术正在逼近西方发达国家企业的技术水平,放弃模仿、自主创新,升级产业结构,必定成为我国发展的新动能。依靠基础研究的重大突破带动企业应用研发创新,构建产学联动的良好市场环境成为... 随着我国技术和经济的快速发展,企业拥有和研发的技术正在逼近西方发达国家企业的技术水平,放弃模仿、自主创新,升级产业结构,必定成为我国发展的新动能。依靠基础研究的重大突破带动企业应用研发创新,构建产学联动的良好市场环境成为当务之急。文章以我国大中型工业企业与高等院校之间的研发联动关系为切入点,重点考察市场环境的完善对产学联动效应的保障和推动作用。结论显示,高校基础研究对企业应用研发的投入强度和效率具有显著促进作用,而良好的市场环境对产学研发联动效应起到了显著的推动和保障作用。 展开更多
关键词 基础研究 市场环境 产学研发联动
An Entire View on Research Trends in the Technology Evolution of Mobile Telecommunications
作者 Chen-Ju Lin Chih-Peng Chu Tsung-Chih Lih 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期112-133,共22页
"Without an appropriate research setting, a study cannot be qualified as a reasonable piece", this notion is manifested in the methodological polices. In this research, we attempt to examine previous studies within ... "Without an appropriate research setting, a study cannot be qualified as a reasonable piece", this notion is manifested in the methodological polices. In this research, we attempt to examine previous studies within the scope of technology evolution and market perception in telecommunication industry through extracting research structures, methodologies, corresponding variables, and processing methods. A general process of social scientific research is adopted to analyze eighty-four selected papers; and simultaneously, the framework for doing this analysis is established, as well. In this manner, we inspect the subjects and the issues in these papers according to product types, academic domains, and divisions of technological evolution (from 1G to 4G). Then, their research designs are anatomized into the key dimensions of general research conventions. This research eventually provides an entire picture of a research scenario for mobile telecommunication industry; and apparently, this framewbrk can help scholars to establish specific tendencies for academic scenarios in future research plans. Also, we propose the main streams and emerging issues can be expected to engage in the future within both theacademic and the operational fields. 展开更多
关键词 mobile telecommunications technology development research scenario market evolutiong
Social Work as a Research-Based Profession: Opportunities, Prerequisites and Restrictions 被引量:2
作者 Juha Hamalainen 《Sociology Study》 2011年第7期473-483,共11页
The concept of research-based social work is introduced and discussed from the point of view of preconditions for its realization. Attention is paid both to the academic research of social work and to opportunities fo... The concept of research-based social work is introduced and discussed from the point of view of preconditions for its realization. Attention is paid both to the academic research of social work and to opportunities for developing a knowledge-producing social work practice. Both of these are seen as essential elements of a research-based profession. On the one hand, the academic research is necessary for development of social work as a research-based professional system, and on the other hand, a knowledge-producing practice, conducted by research-oriented practitioners, can only be realized within such a system. Historically, social work has been partly developed as a knowledge-applying instead of a knowledge-producing profession, although the central founding pioneers emphasized the importance of an own-knowledge basis and theory formation, as well as the idea of knowledge-producing practice based on a corresponding professional identity. The future of social work as a professional system in modern society may depend decisively on how it develops a research-based professional identity, not only in the sense of academic research but also through practitioners with research orientation. These are practitioners who would be capable of research-based working in terms of creative knowledge production, thus of developing social work as a credible research-based profession. This can be created only through education in which the development of necessary professional skills is linked to advanced academic meta-skills. There are good reasons to suspect that a three-year education is too short for this. 展开更多
关键词 Social work profession research-based social work education of social work social work practice
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